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Chapter 11-12 Quiz

Question 1

Denial may serve a protective function p333


before the patient seeks medical treatment.

in the acute phase of the illness.
when patients must play an active role in the treatment regimen.
during the rehabilitative phase of the illness.
if the illness is chronic.
Question 2 According to a study of cancer patients conducted by DunkelSchetter and her colleagues (1988), the most frequently cited stressor was
fear and uncertainty about the future.
limitations in physical abilities.
pain management.
altered physical appearance and lifestyle.
financial worries.
Question 3

Creative non-adherence to treatment regimens


among people with chronic illness p347

is rare.
occurs because they are not tuned
into their internal feedback.
is recommended by doctors when
there are no traditional methods
left to try.
may occur because they know their
disease extremely well.
is not an issue that health
psychologists are concerned with.
Question 4

Most caregiving for the chronically ill is provided by



formal services such as home health nurses or nursing homes.

family members.

Question 5 In the first year of life, the main causes of death are
congenital abnormalities and SIDS.
acute illness.
accidents and congenital abnormalities.
cancer, especially leukemia, and SIDS.
external factors.
Question 6

Suicide between the ages of 15 to 24 is the


____________ cause of death while __________ is/are the fourth leading cause of
first leading; cancer
second leading; homicide
second leading; cancer
first leading; external causes
third leading; homicide

Question 7

The main cause of premature death in adulthood is


sudden death due to

stroke or heart attack.

Question 8 Death in the elderly is
more likely to be sudden.
less likely to be caused by degenerative diseases
usually accompanied by a shorter terminal phase.
usually protracted because there is often more than one biological
competitor for death.
All of these answers are correct.

Question 9 The correct order of Kbler-Ross's stages of adjustment to dying

depression, anger, bargaining, denial, acceptance.
denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance, depression.
denial, bargaining, anger, depression, acceptance.
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
depression, denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance.
Question 10 According to critics, Kbler-Ross's theory has limitations
it fails to recognize death as a complex and individual process, subject
to no rules and few regularities.
it does not fully acknowledge the importance of anxiety.
there is little if any empirical evidence to support the proposition that
patients go through five stages in a predetermined order.
there is little if any empirical evidence to support the proposition that
patients go through five stages
All of these answers are limitations of her theory.

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