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Shadow Badminton

This is to practice the correct movement and technique without actually hitting a shuttle. Get a
partner to help direct you to the areas of the court, making sure that you cover the backcourt,
midcourt, and the frontcourt with both your forehand and backhand.
Commit fully during this practice as you would in any competition. Imagine that you are playing
against a world class player. It will definitely improve your movement on court and fitness.

Wall Rally Drill

Take an old shuttle and hit it against the wall. Hit the shuttle with your forehand and backhand,
straight or diagonal. It can be used for practicing almost every stroke. It is a good way to
improve footwork, strengthen the arm and wrist muscles used in badminton.
The wall should be at least 20 feet high to accommodate clears. The practice will be more
effective if you can show the height of the net with a chalk line or a string, 5 feet above the
As the shuttle rebounds so fast from the wall, your wrist will naturally come into play. You will
learn how to switch grips at an instance as well. You will be amazed on your improved reflexes
the next time you step on court.
Hitting a shuttle against a wall is an effective practice at all levels of plays.

Multiple Shuttles - Overhead Strokes

The more shuttles you have, the better for this routine. The feeder plays the shuttles into different

areas of your backcourt. You will then use your forehand, backhand or around the head to play
the clears, drop shots or smashes. Return to your base position after each shot.
This badminton drill is meant to improve your speed and accuracy in executing overhead strokes.
You have to remember that merely reaching the shuttles is not enough. You have to play quality
shots to the other side.

Multiple shuttles - Net Play

Again, you will need a lot of shuttles for this routine. The feeder throws the shuttles to your net
area. You will then decide whether to play a net shot, a net kill or a net lift with your forehand or
backhand. Return to your base position after each shot.
This badminton drill is meant to improve your net play and your movement on court. The quality
of your return is important. Pay attention to it or this practice will not be effective.

Half Court Singles

Playing half court singles can improve footwork and increase stamina. It will train you to play

more accurate shots with all strokes as well. It is fun to play and effective in improving your

King of the Court

This game is useful when you are with a lot of players. It is enjoyable and can improve your
overall game. It is played with the normal rules and regulation. You can set the winning
condition, normally whoever reaches 3 points first wins.
The winner will stay in the court as king while another player will take him on. The king will
stay on until he looses. The eventual winner of that duel will then switch to the other side of the
court becoming king.

2 Versus 1
If you want to improve your singles play, this is a badminton drill that you can't do without. It is

played on a singles court and is great for improving fitness, speed around the court, footwork and
shot accuracy.
The two players on one side of the court must assume a front back position and play as they
would in a singles match. You will then be able to play in a very tough and pressured condition,
enabling you to raise your game.

World class players put in a lot of effort during their Badminton Training. If you aspire to be one,
you should do that too. Practice in the above Badminton Drills and I am sure you will come off a
better player









(The badminton net is not to scale)

Drill 1.0 (Clearing)

Stand at where the Doubles Service Line intersects with either the centre service line orthe side singles
line(clearing partner opposite side of the court in same position)(Ie Position a and aa). Clear to your
partner back and forth without moving outside of an imaginary box around your feet of X distance(ie 2 feet
around you). This drill is good for accuracy to maintain a straight line.
Drill 1.1 (Clearing Corner to Corner)
Start with Drill 1. Player 1(position a) hits to Player 2(position aa). Player 1 immediately moves to position
c before Player 2 gets the bird. Player 2 hits the bird to position c, and then immediately moves to position
cc. Player 1 after getting to position c will hit the bird to position cc. Player 2 arrives to cc in time to hit the
bird back to Player 1 at position c. Players continue to hit back and forth between c and cc, then continute
the routine back to a and aa. This drill is good for speed between corners while doing clears and cross
court clears.
Drill 1.1.1 (Clearing Corner to Corner-no rest)
In continuation with Drill 1.1, players go from corner to corner with their clears and cross court clears with
very little time between staying at the respective corners. The players hit to the opposite corner that the
bird came to them. IE, If Player 1 had the bird hit to them at corner a from corner aa, then they will hit the
bird to corner cc. Player 2 will then run over to corner cc and hit the bird to corner c. The bird then will be
hit to corner aa, then to a, then to cc then to c. Players can then reverse the drill so that the bird comes
from opposite rotation.
Drill 2.0 (Hover Drill)
Player 1 starts at the baseline (position a), while Player 2 starts at the net (position dd). Player 1
continuely drops to Player 2 while Player 2 lift returns to the baseline. Player 2 can lift along the baseline
anywhere (across to position c) if space permits, and Player 1 always drops to Player 2 at the same spot
(position dd)
Drill 2.1 (Up and back with Hover)
Player 1 now moves between the baseline and net (positions a and d) dropping the bird to Player 2 in
position dd. Sequence: Player 2 needs to lift to the baseline, Player 1 drops to position dd, Player 2 does
a net drop to position d, Player 1 moves into the net to position d and drop returns back to Player 2,
Player 2 then lifts again to the baseline.
Drill 2.1.1 (Lift-Drop-Drop)
Player 1 and Player 2 now both move between the net and the baseline. Sequence: Player 1 at baseline
drops to Player 2 at net, Player 2 drop returns, Player 1 comes into the net and lifts the bird to the
baseline (then stays at the net and hovers) forcing Player 2 to go back to baseline, Player 2 drops from
the baseline to Player 1 at the net, Player 1 drop returns and then heads back to the baseline while Player
2 comes back into the net to lift.
Drill 3.0 (Net Drives)

Players 1 and 2 face each other mid-court and drive the bird back and forth with little foot movement.
Focus on finger power/wrist action, control, and flat hits.
Drill 3.1 (Net Drives with 3)
Player 1 in the center of the court at one side; Players' 2 and 3 on the other side taking side by side
formation. Player 1 drives with both Players' 2 and 3 in random order. Focus on readiness, control, and
flat shots.







(badminton net is not to scale)

Drill 1.0
Start at position aa and pradtice shadow clearing in one spot with proper footwork
Drill 1.1
Start with Drill 1.0 and then move up to position dd and either shadow lunge or shadow drop. Move back
to position aa and start again
Drill 1.1.1
Start with Drill 1.1, but then change as follows: approach the net, shadow net kill/drop, then take a step
back as to pretend to move back to the baseline(keeping racquet up), and then lunge in for a net
kill(called hovering). Proceed back to the baseline and start again.
Drill 2.0

Begin in the center of the court, and shadow lunge to each corner of court, and then back to center.
Concentrate on proper footwork(landing on the racquet foot last with toe pointing in the direction of the
lunge). Keep the racquet face up just before, and just after the lunge. After focusing on the four corners,
then concentrate on the 8 possible directions.
Drill 2.1
Same as dril 2.0, but have another player on the other side of the net point to which corner should be
lunged at. Move in random corners focusing on technique, then speed. Do this at 30 second or 1 minute


Court 1

Court 2

Court 3

Game 1.0 (Knockout)

Players line up at position M, and one player at each A, B,C, and D. Full doubles lines
on court are used. Individual game, no partners. The player just coming onto court
serves first, and can serve to either side. Each player owns their own half court, and do
not have to hit any birds on the players' court beside them. Rally ensues, and the player
that misses their shot goes off to the end of line. The new player takes the vacant spot
wherever that may be.
Game 1.1 (Knockout with 2 mistakes)
Players get two lives. Once a player gets two mistakes, they go to the end of the line.

Game 1.2 (Knockout with Refresh)

Remaining players can refresh their lives back to zero when a player gets knocked out.
All players therefore start equal when a new player takes the vacant spot.
Game 1.3 (Knockout Kings court)
Entry spot is always C; rotation is from C to D to B to A. C always serves, and can serve
to either side. If B is knocked out, then D fills B spot, C fills D spot, and the new player
from M goes to C. All players work towards getting to A.
Game 1.4 (Knockout with No Kill)
It is possible for a player on one side to purposely lift a bird up for the opposing side to
smash the bird down and take someone out. (ie Player B lifts a nice lob to Player D to
smash and take out Player A in the Kings spot.) The No Kill rule takes this possibility
out. All finishing smashes(ie front court, that are not coming back) must be conducted
on the player who set up/lifted the shot initially. This eliminates cheap shots. The penalty
for doing such a shot is that the player who does the finishing shot on the wrong person
is knocked out, instead of the intended receiver or the player who lifted the initial shot.
Game 1.5 (Knockout Kings Court - 3 court rotation)
Start all 3 courts with their individual respective Knockout Kings Court games. Positions
A, E, and I are the Kings Spot, with respective rotations: (Court 1: C to D to B to A),
(Court 2: G to H to F to E), (Court 3: K to L to J to I). Court 1 itself, is the most desirable
court(King Court), then Court 2, and Court 3 is the least desirable court to play on. Time
about 2-3 minutes (or time randomly), and call SWITCH. Players upon hearing this will
still finish off their rally. Once this is called, then players will switch as follows. Players A
and B stay on Court 1 as is. Player C switches with E, D with F, G with I, H with J.
Players in spots K and L stay as is. Players moving downward from court 1 to 2 or from
2 to 3 are getting demoted, while players going in the reverse direction are getting
promoted. If more than 12 players, then use spots M, N, and O as the lineup spots for
each respective court, and demote the bottom players on each court. Players in spots
D, H, and L would therefore also stay in their respective squares if a SWITCH was
called (ie M switches with E, and F switches with C, and A, B, and D stay as is).
Game 2.0 (Half-court singles)
Each player takes a half-court and plays half-court singles with opposing player. When
coach yells SWITCH, then players can move up or down depending on direction
determined by the coach. (ie If court 1 is the highest, and court 3 is the lowest, then
winning players move left and losers move to the right direction(side does not matter). If
more than 12 players, can use M,N, and O as sub areas)
Game 3.0 (English Doubles)

Three or four players each take a half-court. Service can be to either side, and palyers
takes ownership for only their side. When a mistake is made, then that player takes a
point. First player to acquire seven points loses. The player who took the point, then
serves the next rally. This is also good 2 on 1 for 3 players(can use full court for the lone
player on one side).

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