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The Rose Reporter

December 21st, 2015

Edition 34
Lead Story my visit to Hasbro and toys, toys,

toys, toys!!!

Last week I went to the toy capital of the world! Hasbro Headquarters in Pawtucket Rhode Island. Not only
did I get a tour of the whole building and see how the toys are made and see how they make all their awesome
commercials, I got to sit down and talk with the
head of the whole company, Mr. Brian Goldner!
The coolest part is they dont just make toys, they
make some AWESOME movies and tv shows
about the toys, like Tranformers, GI Joe, My Little
Pony and Jem and the Holograms!! In addition to
all of those products Hasbro also makes Nerf, Play
Doh and all the coolest board games and even all
the toys for the Star Wars movies!!
When I spoke with Mr. Goldner the first thing I
asked him was what was his proudest moment. His
answer really summed up what Hasbro is all about.
He said he is proud everyday he gets to come to
work and see all the talented people that work
there. It was funny because that is how it felt with
everyone I met and even when my parents and I
were talking to them on the phone before we went
down in person. Everyone seems so proud and
takes such pride in working for Hasbro! The lesson
I learned from this is that to make such great toys it
takes a lot of talented people who take a lot of
pride in their work! I also learned the key to
making really fun games is to have a lot of fun
making them! As far as Mr. Goldners role in all
this, he explained being a CEO in football terms.
He said sometimes it is like being a head coach like
Bill Belicheck because he calls the plays. Other
times he said it is like being a Quarterback like Tom Brady because he has to actually run the play! I noticed
his job involved a lot of what we learn in school. His favorite thing is to be very creative and take an idea and
turn it into a movie or a tv show or a game. But he cant just be creative, he explained to me a lot of what he
has to do with investors and how they give Hasbro money and then he has to give them back MORE money
there seems to be a lot of math involved! There is also a lot of strategy involved of thinking about things both
long term and short term.

As far as the future of Hasbro lets just say if you like Play-Doh now youll LOVE it in 2016. Also 2016 is
obviously going to be a BIG year for Star Wars toys which should make all the boys very happy! As for the
movies, Mr. Goldner told me they actually have a My Little Pony movie coming out and another
Transformers movie for 2017! They also will continue their wonderful charity work including a tradition
called Hasbro Global Day of Joy which is a day that every Hasbro employee and hopefully everyone else
that knows about it gives back to the community and donates toys and whatever else they can to people in
need. Its a wonderful tradition.
I also learned something really neat about sports from Brian. He plays tennis and likes yoga. He said he likes
sports because in order to play a sport well you have to completely concentrate on the sport your playing. So it
becomes a great way to not think about other things like school or work and it helps you unwind and relieve
stress from your regular life. I thought that was a great tip and it is something to tell our parents when they
want us to stop playing a game or sport!
As for food, I think I really impressed Mr. Goldner when I told him about my white chocolate chip pancakes!
I bet he has actually made them since our interview! He liked blueberry pancakes the best at the time of our
interview! He also loves pizza but says he doesnt eat it too much because he tries to be healthy!
The bottom line from my day at Hasbro is this, not only is Hasbro probably the coolest place to work but I
think they have a pretty great boss to work for too. The good news is Hasbro has been around for a long time
and should still be making toys and movies and tv shows bigger and better than ever by the time us third
graders are ready to enter the work force!
I would like to extend a big thank you to
Sarah Cunningham and Julie Duffy as well
as Brian Goldner for being such wonderful
hosts on my day at Hasbro. They could not
have been nicer to me and my parents. I
highly recommend you go to the Rose
Reporter on facebook to watch my full
interview with Mr. Goldner.

Fun Facts about Hasbro

1) The name Hasbro is short for

Hassenfeld Brothers, two brothers that
started the company
2) Hasbro started in the 1920s as a pencil
company but started making toys in the
3) The first hugely succesful toy Hasbro
created was Mr. Potato Head!
4) Every Febuary in New York City there is
a huge Toy Fair, over 1500 toy companies
attend and show all the new toys they are
making, Hasbro is one of the biggest
companies at the fair!
5) All the action figures and dolls we play
with start out as a liquid! The liquid is
shaped into the action figure and when it
drys it hardens into the toys we play with!

Rose Reporter Quote of the Week

Also in the News

We asked the Woodward 3rd graders the following questions, and hear are some of the answers we got:
What is your favorite board game?
If you could design a toy what would it be?
What time do you wake up Christmas morning to open all your presnets?
Lila Shields favorite game is Candy Land but if she could make her own game it would be a time machine!
She is also letting her paretns sleep in a little on Christmas and not opening her presents until 7:45!
Maya Regan favorite board game is Monopoly! Her idea for a toy is really cool, she would invent a machine
that brings toys to life like in Toy Story! Shell be up opening presents at 7:00 on Christmas!
Anya Jandus favorite board game is one of my favorites too Who Took My Stuff ?!? Anya doesnt have
much sleep in her plans as she is going to wake up at midnight Christmas morning!
Ciara Berger favorite game is Apples to Apples but if she could make any toy it would be a full functioning
robot dog!!! Shell be up before the sun on Christmas at 6:00AM!
Leyton Jacksons favorite game is Ticket to Ride! She would make a robot as her own toy. She wakes up at a
different time each year on Christmas.
Sasha Nandyala likes to play Snakes and Ladders! Her ideal toy would be a doll of herself ! Shell wake up
between 6-6:30 on Christmas morning!
Emmi Hamel has two favorite games and they are Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders! She wants a toy that
will do anything she wants and if she had that toy it would wake her up at 7:00 on Christmas morning!
Grace Chiota really enjoys Sorry! Her own toy would be a Cookie Machine! Shell sleep until about 7:30ish
on Christmas morning!

Rose Reporter Joke of the Week

Question: What does a snowman eat for breakfast?

Answer: Frosted Flakes

Woodward Gymnastics Club

There is a great club at Woodward I have been covering that I think everyone should know about! The
Woodward Gymnastics Club headed by Katie McCoy! The featured dance in this group is the Cheer Dance!
In the routine you lift people, do high kicks and lots of jumps and claps! They look like some top notch
Cheerleaders! When I asked Katie what she likes best about the club she said you can really express yourself.
Amelia Sinclair agreed saying she could really show feelings. Brooke Melo and Addy Tomaimo are also
members and both agree its lots of fun. Gabriella Lomutl likes doing cartwheels and handstands the most! I
particularly liked Sasha Nandyalas comment when I asked her about joining the club she said she likes that it
is a way to connect with friends!

Rose Reporter Book Review

Who Was Marie Antoinette?
by Dana Meachen Rau

Im still very interested in biographies and in particular the Who Was

series. This week was actually one of my favorites in Who Was Marie
Antoinette. Marie Antoinetta was a princess from Austria who later
became the queen of France. She was not a very well liked queen and had
several issues with her people including being convicted of treason and
even being falsely accused of stealing diamonds in what was known as the
Diamond Necklace Affair. She lived over 200 years ago and I found this
book did a great job explaining what life was like back then in Europe. The
castles and the customs and even the hair styles are all described in a way
that I feel like I understood what it was like. It also does a good job
explaining about the roles of Kings and Queens and what they call the
This book is illustrated nicely but it is in black and white.

Editor in Chief: Shayna Anne Rose

Key Contributors: Anya Jandu and Brooke Melo
Please LIKE us on facebook to watch the full Hasbro Interview
If you would like to contribute anything to the Rose Reporter please

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