Wins For The Week 18th December 2015

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ISSUE 76 Friday 18th December 2015

Champion Effort!
Well thats the last of em!

This project has been completed to plan and within

budget as well as delivering

Joel Bear Einam summed this project up perfectly.

Project/Engineering $ Savings

All Champion Compressors are changed out with the

last one completed this week (PTA 6). Great effort by
all. Some of you may have rekindled memories of
cracked filter bowls or showers (Lee Crick?) with the
departure of the Champion Compressors.. A Great
Project to be a part of with a Great Team

Fast Fit installation process

New Compressor Reliability and Serviceability
Predictable Stable Equipment

The team is now asking Whats next on the list to

make these PTAs bulletproof?

This project began in late November of 2014 with an

initial plan to replace 7 compressors before Christmas
grew to a project to remove all Champions from our
fleet and upgrade to an Atlas GA45.
This was a vitally important project for LMO; the
champions were at times unreliable in air delivery and
quite often led to tapping losses due to the operational capability of the champion compressor.
In total 18 compressors have been replaced across
the fleet comprising 17 champions and 1 Atlas GA55
(unplanned and unexpected!)
With expert planning, initially from Mick Jackson and
then by Peter Petryk (when he finally returned from
leave), technical expertise provided by Daniel King,
Shayne Humphreys, Andrew Pilarski (dumped and
run) and finally Trevor Beverley, we were set in motion.
With the replacement strategy developed in-house by
the PTA team, the team set about the replacement of
the compressors. From the initial compressor which
took 4 days and some extra hours to complete, the
team had that down to just over 2 days for removal,
installation, and commissioning before handing back,
(it was only 3 cables, a hose and a couple of bolts
right guys?).

Congratulations and a big thank you to

everyone involved, including Bill Frith from Atlas
Copco and John Manning from Veolia Fabrication.

The team, above and below a GA45+ Atlas Compressor

Facilitating Creativity Amongst us!

Paste + Bake + Rodding = Idea Generation Workshop!
On Friday 4th December, some members from all areas across the Carbon Department met for a 2 hour workshop. This included one operator and one
maintainer from each crew in each area across Paste, Bake and Rodding as
well as some of our support staff. They all came together to work on the current list of value added initiatives and to brainstorm some more ideas.
Value added ideas are about reducing wastes and developing more cost efficient ways by possibly having some modifications completed to existing equipment, or buying new equipment. Examples this year included the purchase of
the road sweeper and a packing coke truck. A total of 50 extra ideas have
been generated, which is great, well done everyone involved.
The next steps are to evaluate the list of ideas and get them started. The operators and maintainers will share the ideas with other teams to encourage more brainstorming. Minimising waste and identifying opportunities have kicked off well moving forward.

Great Blue Bus Mindset!

$10k BankedBillet Saw Cables

CPO Billet Saw uses ultrasonic technology to detect cracks in every billet cut. One of
the cables connecting the ultrasonic probe to the unit had failed and required replacement. A second cable was in poor condition. We had no spares and replacements from the supplier were quoted at $6,600 with a 12 week delivery period.

Scott Bubb from Casthouse Maintenance believed a much less costly solution was
available and on the same day purchased sufficient materials and tools, locally to
make up replacements (including 4
spares) for a total of $156. The Ultrasonic unit was up and running the
same day!
Quick and decisive action by Scott
meant a total cost saving of $9834
and a 3 month reduced delivery
timeGreat outcome, outstanding
effort Scott!

At the Height of Compliance!

There has been some fantastic effort and work happening recently
with the height compliance of the packing coke across all Bake Ovens.
We have beaten target achieving 95% compliance. The good height of
the packing coke on top stops air getting in and burning the coke. The
outcomes are already visible in the gas consumption and packing coke
Further to that,
the top of the furnace is safer with
less chance of
slip/trip hazards
and a reduction in
the top oven temperature thanks to the extra insulation layer of coke.
Awesome feedback from the crews about how we can best manage that
task, well done! There has also been some great feedback from our contractors about our good housekeeping in the Bake Ovens.

A Better Battery
VDC1 UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) Safety Improvement
Cast Products Maintenance Electrical Team have resolved a long standing safety concern when replacing batteries
for the VDC1 UPS.
Originally, the heavy batteries were on sliding shelves located in a metal locker. The weight of 3 batteries on each
shelf was excessive and a substantial effort was required to pull the shelf out to access the batteries. Some of
these shelves were also at height creating a greater risk.
The solution was to replace the locker and batteries with a much simpler system using an open steel rack with
batteries placed individually. The original batteries were at end of life and needed replacing, so upgrading the system at this time required very little additional cost.
All the work was done by the CPM Electrical Team with additional muscle from Production when it came to moving
the batteries. GREAT INITIATIVE!



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