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The P.L.U.G.E.
W A S H I N G T O N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y M A R C H 2 0 1 0

 Inside the
Lines travels
to L.A. to
tape the PAC
Cable 8 tapes live ASWSU debate
10 Tourna-
By: Danielle Gilbertson ASWSU president and sion and plans for the
Cable 8 Productions Spe- vice president. future of WSU.
 Cable 8 tapes cial Projects team com- Following the live Studio 41 brought stu-
live, final pleted their live taping of dent representatives of
ASWSU the final ASWSU debate each candidate to voice
presidential on March 3rd. Cable 8’s their opinions of the de-
debate. live taping reached the bates and furthermore
entire population of Pull- influence the student
 Cable 8 man and Moscow. Stu- population to vote for the
alumna Katie dents who were unable to candidate they were rep-
attend the debate hosted President and vice president resenting.
in the Communication candidates voice their last
shares her
Addition building had the thoughts and plans at the
experience final ASWSU debate.
opportunity to watch the
working with
debate live on channel 8.
Cable 8.
This taping allowed can- taped ASWSU debate,
didates to voice their final Studio 41 did a follow up
viewpoints and qualifica- of the debate to re-cap
tions for the position of the candidate’s discus- See “Debate” Page 3

Inside the Lines shoots at L.A. hoops

By: Tim Dowling offering audiences a The focus on WSU’s
chance to catch the latest sports makes this show
While Cougar basketball news with Cougar athlet- unique and is the only
may be over, one show on ics in an entertaining fash- place to receive an in
Cable 8 will continue to ion. Following the Cougar depth re-cap and feed-
keep the student popula- sports highlights is a seg- back of games for Cou-
tion informed with up- ment called “Face Off” gar fans. ITL recently
dated highlights covering where two analysts will covered the Pac-10
all Cougar sports and debate over a current Tournament in Los An-
other college athletics as sports event around the geles, where it docu-
well. Inside the Lines nation. mented the
(ITL) is Cable 8’s version
of ESPN’s Sports Center, See “ ITL” Page 3

Senior Spotlight: Devon Bowman

Imagine being in other shows, before but best unique experi-
front of all the action landing his current posi- ences Bowman has
for every field goal, tion of director for In- had. Other experiences
slam dunk basket, and side the Lines. are meeting former
home run made in and current athletes
cougar athletics. As Director, Bowman around campus and
Devon Bowman lives has a weekly array of meeting Mike Holm-
out this reality every- jobs that keep him busy. gren at the Apple Cup.
day. A typical week for Bow-
man consists of shooting Working with Cable
Bowman is the direc- student interviews, 8 has really helped
tor for Inside the shooting live on Bowman in his com-
Lines which high- Wednesdays, filming munication classes and
lights WSU athletics various sporting events, given him the skills to
and sports. His dream and editing all of the be successful in those
of directing and pro- clips. classes.
ducing film started
early in high school “Being director can be “The classes, espe-
“The classes, when he took a film very time consuming, cially for broadcast
especially for and literature class. but is constantly differ- majors, were a lot eas-
ent material,” Bowman ier for me because I
broadcast majors, “Before this class I said. have had hands on ex-
were a lot easier never looked at film perience working with
or television to be as One unique experience Cable 8,” Bowman
for me because I complicated as it is. I Bowman got to have said.
have had hands on had never seen it as an was going to Los Angels
art.” for the Pac-10 tourna- Bowman recom-
experience ment. mends to new mem-
working with Bowman got in- bers of Cable 8 and
volved with Cable 8 “I applied for passes on others who are inter-
Cable 8,” Bowman a whim thinking I
by auditioning as a ested to, “work hard
said. talent for Cable 8 wouldn’t get them. and show up. Take
shows but did not re- When we got them I was every job seriously,
ceive any parts. In- shocked! It has been one even if it is just work-
stead Bowman took a of my favorite experi- ing as a crew member.
job working as a crew ences getting to go film The more you put into
member for the show the tournament and be in it the more you will
Get Hooked Up. After the center of the action,” get out of it,” Bowman
his first semester as a Bowman said. said.
crew worker he con-
tinued to work as a Going to the Staples
crew member for four Center is one of the few,

T HE P .L.U.G.E.

Debate aired on Cable 8

Continued from Page 1 pia. continue working with
The live Cable 8 taping The live taping contrib- ASWSU debates and
of the presidential and vice uted by Special Projects of events by contributing
presidential debate took Cable 8 was a successful their talents and time to
place at the Communica- way to promote each can- promote and disseminate
tion Addition in Studio A. didate and Special Projects information for the new
will continue to tape future president and vice presi-
The candidates discussed dent of ASWSU.
plans to help aid higher debates for ASWSU.
education and new ways to The live taping reached a
voice student opinions and large amount of people in
increase the presence and the community and the
communication in Olym- student body. Cable 8 will

ITL tapes PAC 10 tournament

Continued from Page 1 “I applied for passes on a sonal perspective. ITL brought
Cougar’s trip. Although whim thinking I wouldn’t get cougar spirit and the cougar fans
the Cougar’s failed to them. When we got them I was presence through the live taping
qualify for the tournament, shocked! It has been one of my of the tournament.
the trip and live taping of- favorite experiences getting to
fered a valuable experi- go film the tournament and be “Going live is fun and adds an
ence to both the team and in the center of the action,” di- adrenaline rush to the process,”
the ITL’s staff. Taping the rector Devon Bowman said. director Devon Bowman said.
live PAC-10 Tournament
A special segment will be in- To stay up to date with all your
is a tradition that ITL
cluded in ITL, giving viewers a Cougar sports, be sure to watch
would like to continue.
chance to see the tournament Inside the Lines on channel 8.
from a closer and more per-

Alumni Outreach
By: Danielle Gilbertson this transition to her career “The equipment pro-
Moving from the calm- with Hells Kitchen in L.A. vided through the Mur-
ness of Pullman to the hus- was a lot less stressful row College when I at-
tle and bustle of L.A. was with the background tended was my biggest
a huge transition for for- equipment, knowledge and advantage when moving to
mer staff and crew mem- experience she gained with L.A.,” Vaughan said.
ber of Cable 8, Katie her years at WSU working See “Alumni Page 4
Vaughan. Vaughan says with Cable 8.
HEAR FROM YOU! Send entries of
your experience working with Cable
Cable 8 Productions
8 to Danielle Gilbertson
Danielle Gilbertson
Edward R. Murrow College of
Cable 8 productions is a student-run tele-
Washington State University
vision station where team members write,
Pullman, WA 99164-2520 produce, and direct original programming.
It was founded in 1986 to equip Washing-
Phone: (509) 335-5219 ton State University broadcasting students
Fax: (509) 335-1555 with practical television experience on a
E-mail: local cable station serving the Pullman
and Moscow communities.

Cable 8 2010

Alumni receives valuable experience from Cable 8

Continued from Page 3 ducer for Wake up Wazzu, Vaughan says the most im-
geles,” Vaughan said. Vaughan came up with portant experience she
“Cable 8 provides so ideas for show segments, gained from Cable 8 was
much hands-on experience booked guests on the shows, learning how to work with
and knowledge that once and helped make the show others in a television pro-
you are on a real set you al- run smoothly. She also got duction setting.
ready have an understanding herself involved with other
of what is going on and the Cable 8 shows when she “Cable 8 taught me how to
basic ideas for what it takes had free time. interact with other students,
to make a show. teachers, and members of
“Cable 8 is diversified the Pullman community so
While working with Cable enough so as a student you when I graduated I was able
8, Vaughan upheld many are able to learn every posi- to work in a real world set-
positions. She was one of tion needed to make a tele- ting in a professional way,”
the producers for the morn- vision show on set and in Vaughan said.
ing show Wake up Wazzu, the field, and it allows crea-
and also directed a few seg- tivity in putting together a
ments for the first year of variety of show ideas,”
Special Projects. As pro- Vaughan said.

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