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Pdagogik introduktion til pdagogens grundfaglighed

13.3 Model for planning, evaluation and

implementation of educational courses
A didactic model can be a great help to work systematically and method consciously
didactic main questions: What is the project's purpose, content, methodology and
Here we build on the didactic model, which is described in Sign is something we
decide by Frode Boye Andersen, also called SMTTE model.

SMTTE model
SMTTE-model has been prepared by Pedagogisk Senter, Kristiansand, Norway.

SMTTE model consists of five categories which are interrelated and should be seen as
a compass that can guide the planning of an educational process.
Sammenhng Coherence refers to the context in which the project is placed, for
example, worked with the educational curriculum or a themed program in primary
school. Coherence also refers to pedagogical theory that justifies the educational
gradient theoretical compounds, such interaction between the artistic and craft
processes combined with the personal and social development. Consistency also
addresses the very real physical and procedural framework that enables and limits the
process. Are the necessary facilities and equipment available?

Pdagogik introduktion til pdagogens grundfaglighed

Ml Target/aim deals with the objectives educator sets the user group formulated
realistic, relevant and understandable and consists of few but clear goals that are
attainable in the course of the period. In addition, work with visionary goal dealing
with the educational vision for the group in the long term. What knowledge and
experience is relevant and why?
Tiltag Actions cover specific initiatives, activities and actions that lead to the goal, and
concerns beyond educator and user group other partners and relatives. What action
takes educator in the specific sequence? Which of work involved and how they will fold
Tegn Sign is the sense impressions the teacher imagines could mean that the actions
are leading to the goal. The chosen "signs of learning" is specifically formulated and
maintained through observations.
Evaluering Evaluation can take place during the process and at finish. Along the way,
you can see the commitment and motivation. Signs of learning is important to involve
both during and at the completion of the project. Signs of learning can also be
included in the documentation, for example when work is communicated to relatives
or partners. Along the way, you can decide whether the signs are useful and relevant?
SMTTE model is intended as a dynamic tool - where educators ongoing review eg
goals, actions,signs.

25.7 SMTTE - a dynamic model for planning,

implementation, evaluation and reflection
The internship can be defined as a special learning environment that provides the
framework for both the student's actions and the study of practice. Competency,
knowledge aims and skills for the internship, however the students perceived as being
broad and diffuse, and it can be difficult to get knowledge aims l and skills specified in
relation to their own teaching practices.
To make knowledge objectives and skill objectives as concrete and measurable as
possible, it is appropriate to develop individual knowledge and skill in relation to the
previously mentioned three didactic questions (see. Section on didactics basic
What is the goal, what is it that the students want to learn about or learn?
Why will the students learn or develop just that? That is a reason for learning
How will the student achieve his goals, plan and organize the educational practice the
methods the students will use to acquire knowledge and develop skills and
It may, in day care be that the students give consideration to:

Pdagogik introduktion til pdagogens grundfaglighed

What is important to bring into the lives of children?

How does it relate to day-care law?
How can choices be justified? And how can the students organize activities so the
spent time in the getting together / relationship is important?
Answers to the questions will support students worked with knowledge and skill, so
that he or she can find and maintain his motivation, prepare the required
documentation of knowledge and skills gained during the placement and evaluate
their own learning processes in the internship.
The didactic process is not a linear process where the teacher once and for all define
the objectives, methods and process. It is to be understood as a process oscillating
between the planning, operation, evaluation and reflection. SMTTE model (Andersen,
2005) contains this dynamic and consists of five elements: Context, Objectives, Signs,
Action and Evaluation. The five elements are interconnected, and the model is
dynamic because it always gives the students the opportunity to regulate and adjust
the individual elements in an effort to get closer to the goal of the educational activity.
Consistency is about the background and the child, the youth or the user's
circumstances, for example: What is the reason for wanting to work with the process?
What will the students do something about? What conditions child, young person or
the user? What is the framework for the educational activity?
Target, which targets the student for the educational activity? What will the students
get through the goal? What relevance has the goal of both educational profession,
staff group and for the child, the young or the user participating in the activity? Is it a
realistic time frame and a realistic goal?
Measure how the student will achieve the goal and what methods should be used?
What content, students must focus on to move closer to the goal? How organized
educational activity, child, young person or user to achieve the learning that activity
invites? How should the initiatives organized, and what framework is there for the
activity, the time horizon is there and who does what?
Characters have a description and thus a documentation of the visible changes that
the students want to see along the way as a result of the educational activity. Signs
used when assessing whether the chosen methods and activities achieve the target.
The evaluation, which takes place both during and after the process through
documentation of and reflection on whether actions or goals if necessary or to be
The peculiarity of this didactic model is the concept of signals where the student
specific objectives set by considering the types of signs that may indicate whether the
educational activity is on track towards the goal. Characters can help the student to
see if you are on track or whether there is a need for adjustment of the educational
activity of different elements. The characters thus becomes both an aid in the didactic
planning and during the process, and signs can clarify the degree of fulfillment.

25.8 Example of application of the model SMTTE

Pdagogik introduktion til pdagogens grundfaglighed

Below is SMTTE model exemplified through an educator student specific planning a

language activity with three children in a kindergarten in the first internship, where
she focuses on language development, which is a performance targets in day-care law.
The student draws in its didactic reflections on both Rousseau themes in the
relationship between children's perspective and societal perspective and Bourdieu's
theory of habitus in order to understand the practical sense.
Context: I have selected SMTTE model in relation to my knowledge aims and skills to
target, organize, implement and evaluate an activity or short courses. I have decided
that it must act to develop and support children's language.
Language is fundamental to be able to express themselves and communicate with
others and is an important factor when interaction between children occurs. Language
is important for the child's development of understanding of themselves in relation to
the environment and increases the child's ability to understand others and be
understood by others. The child's language development is the focus of 3-6 years, and
in the daily educational work with language stimulation, including to stimulate the
child's vocabulary and understanding of concepts and rules.
I selected a small group of kindergarten children, I have noticed that three of the
children have special linguistic challenges in terms of vocabulary, understanding of
concepts and pronunciation.
I will have time to implement my program every Tuesday for three weeks.

Objective: To develop the three children's language skills, and by that I mean to
strengthen children's vocabulary in order to develop a nuanced language and
conceptual world, and that the three children have built a linguistic self-confidence,
develop their understanding of different words and have expressed itself. Target is also
to support children's curiosity for rhymes so that the children will be strengthened in
the text, rhymes and jingles.
Action: Play with words, puns, songs with gestures, singing games, rhymes and jingles.
Characters: That the children would like the language activities, such as voluntarily
seeking initiation of language activities as rhymes, rhymes, puns and listen play. The
kids sing along to songs.
Evaluation: Children's yield measured by the children say more words and their
pronunciation clearer That the children through play makes rhymes, both known and
self-invented. That they exhibit turn-taking.

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