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Dyslex ic Read er
Vol. 23

Davis Dyslexia Association International

Issue 1 2001

Davis Dyslexia Correction Program - Outcomes

By Wayman E. (wes) Sole The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program originated with research done by Ron Davis in 1980-1981 leading to the opening of his first center in California, in 1982. In 1995, the Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI) was established. By January 2001, the organization has grown to more than 200 Facilitators throughout the world. The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program is a three-part program beginning with an assessment and consultation to determine if the Davis Methods are suitable to help the potential student. Important factors for success with the Davis program are awareness of problems with learning, and motivation to solve them. The assessment and consultation will help determine if

The Shifting Sands of Dyslexia Science

by Abigail Marshall

Continued on page 5

Every few months I see a new press report, announcing that scientists have discovered a new "cause" or "cure" for dyslexia. Each story seemingly appears in a vacuum, as if each team of research scientists or clinicians had never met the others, nor heard of their research. So each new report also heralds a new theory of dyslexia. This week it is the "left inferior parietal" and it has something to do with the way the mind processes visual input, a while back it was the "angular gyrus" and it had

something to do with the way the brain handled the sounds of language. A favorite approach of brain researchers is to take pictures of brain function of a small group of dyslexic individuals, and then compare the brain function with non-dyslexic individuals. They compare one set to another and then remark upon the difference. Upon finding differences in the way the brain functions in the "dyslexic" vs. "non-dyslexic" group, they remark upon how they have discovered the biological roots of dyslexia.
Continued on page 18

In This Issue
News & Feature Articles:
DDC Program Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . .1 Shifting Sands of Dyslexia Science . . . .1 Global Happenings in 2000 . . . . . . . . . .3 Humor Makes Coping More Fun . . . . . .4 A Wondrous Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Personal Experience Essay . . . . . . . . . .7 What Happens Next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Regular Features:
Alex PDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 In the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 New Facilitators & Specialists . . . . . . .8 Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Davis Providers (U.S. & Canada) . . . . .19



Dear Mr. Davis, My daughter attended a one week session with Kellie Brown this summer in Fort Worth, Texas. I went there a little skeptical but was very happy with the results of the last week. My Katie was in a dyslexic program at her school last year and had little success. At the beginning of this, her fourth grade year, a reading test was administered. She took a similar test at the end of her third grade year. She improved over three grade levels. More important is her self-esteem. She went from feeling she was stupid (her words) to knowing she can learn anything. Last year was mostly miserable but this year has been great. She still has some work to do with her handwriting. That is where we are spending our follow-up time. Last year no one could read anything Katie wrote, this year it still isn't beautiful handwriting, but you can read it. Last week the school sent home a note saying Katie would be reading from the Bible at the school's morning religious service. We knew what she was to read and practiced all weekend. Right before she was to read she was told the verses she was to read had been changed. Without ever seeing it before she read it and it was flawless. The look of joy on her face when she finished reading brought tears to my eyes and to the eyes of her second and third grade teachers who struggled with her so much in the previous years. On my way out of the school her principal asked me again about your program and commented on the remarkable improvement in Katie. This was the first year she got grades and she had A's across the board, except for a B+

in Science. I cringed when I found out she had the hardest teacher in the school this year, but it has been a breeze so far. I can't thank you enough for helping provide her with the tools necessary to succeed in school and in life. We are eternally grateful to you and your program. Katie and I have a goal of being able to help dyslexics whose parents can't afford to have them attend a Davis Program. I am currently exploring grants in order to get the training I need to help these kids have the same transformation Katie has experienced. She tells everyone who will listen about your program. There are children from her school who are scheduled for Davis sessions. Considering the closest provider is in Dallas, TX which is over seven hours away, this is remarkable. There are many more who are waiting to schedule. They want to make sure it works for the other students before they commit. I will and they will. Thanks again. Wendy Gilled
More In the Mail on page 4


What happened to Issue 4, 2000? We are making up for it with this "double" issue. Although our intentions are good, we periodically need to adjust the publication dates. Thanks for your patience. Enjoy! --The Editors


See Alexs other adventures at:

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed. - Michael Pritchard

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 245, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA +1(650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all peoples abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Alice Davis, Abigail Marshall, Michele Plevin, Maria Fagioli and Dee Weldon. DESIGN: Julia Gaskill. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACKISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS AND LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1(650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: INTERNET: The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis Dyslexia Correction, Davis Symbol Mastery, Davis Orientation Counseling are registered trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright 1999 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.



Global Happenings in 2000

by Dee Weldon White As we reflect on 2000, we continue to be amazed at the rapid global expansion of the Davis Dyslexia Correction method. Ron presented workshops and lectures in 14 countries and nine U.S. States, while continuing his ongoing research and writing. As always, Alice continued to manage and coordinate this international organization with grace and good humor. We are excited to have certified 43 new International Facilitators in the following countries: Canada(2), France(4), Germany(7), Ireland(1), Mexico(9), Netherlands(4), Republic of Singapore(1), Republic of South Africa(1), Spain (3), Switzerland(7) and the United Kingdom(4). We welcomed 25 new U.S. Facilitators in the following states: Alabama(1), Arizona(1), California(3), Colorado(1), Kansas(1), Missouri(1), Montana(1), Nebraska(1), Nevada(1), New Jersey(1), New York(1), Pennsylvania(1), Texas(2), Washington(7), West Virginia(1), and Wisconsin(1). Our newly licensed and certified Specialists and Trainers are: Cyndi Deneson as a Specialist and Trainer in the United States, Sonja Heinrich as a Specialist in Germany, Lin Seward as a Specialist in England, Hector Linares as a Trainer in Mexico presenting workshops in Spanish and English, and Jurg Peter as a Trainer in Switzerland presenting workshops in German and English. DDAI expanded its operations in February, 2000 with the opening of its Davis Training Center in the same office building as its Burlingame headquarters. The space is approximately 1800 square feet (200 square meters) and provides space for workshops, Practice Meetings,

An Advanced Supervised Practice Meeting being led by Davis Specialist, Dorothy Owen, in the new Davis Training Center.

DDAI Managers & Administrators. Above (l. to r.): Gina Haysbert, Maria Fagioli (Training and Licensing Manager), Colleen Masini, Michele Plevin (Office Manager). Right: Jacqueline Ward (Finance Manager).

Training Pod Weeks, and conferences. In order to accommodate our worldwide growth, especially catalog sales, DDAI increased its staff to include Gina Haysbert and Colleen Masini. These two ladies will gladly assist you with your orders. Welcome aboard Gina & Colleen! Three new territories began offering Davis Facilitator Training in 2000: Canada, Israel, and Singapore. The Gift of Dyslexia (Revised Edition) as a 4 CD Set in English became available this year, and new translations of the book were published in Hebrew, Greek, and Swedish. You can now read The Gift

of Dyslexia in 10 languages, and the Polish edition is due out in 2001. Teacher Kits for Grades K-1 & 2-3 incorporating Davis Learning Strategies began development and are due for release in early 2001. Finally, our top-rated website, continues to provide information to thousands of interested visitors thanks to our astute Webmaster, Abigail Marshall. Although 2000 is behind us, we continue to fondly remember your contributions, and thank you for your support, as we learned and laughed together. We look forward to the fun of new challenges in 2001!



In the Mail
continued from page 2

Dear Mr. Davis, I have just started reading your very informative book "The Gift of Dyslexia." I sat and read the preface while I sat in the library, which brought a tear to my eye, that child's prayer was my life at school. I have had to stop reading on more than one occasion as my eyes have filled with tears as they are now. Can I recommend that you warn people to read with a handkerchief nearby. I have never read a book so enlightening and which has hit the preverbal nail so squarely and hard on the head! I have finally built up the courage to find something out about dyslexia, as my job at present, is office based and involves a lot of writing, which I detest. Basically, I have pushed past

my dyslexia to try and fit into the normal world and not be bothered by making mistakes and just shrugged it off. I must have a very wide pair of shoulders as I have just realized what I have been doing. I wish these tears could stop! I have contacted the local dyslexia Institute in Leeds and I am going for an assessment towards the end of November. I just hope they work in a similar way to yourself, and not like those teachers who thought they knew why I couldn't learn to read very well, and how to help us to see the world as others do, not as I assumed, like I do. ( I hope that makes sense). I would be ecstatic to receive any further information from your institute as I am sure you will have updated your information since 1995. Incidentally, you may like to know that I am 35 years old and both my parents were teachers who for many years at school did pull their hair out!

My mother knew that I wasn't stupid, and a friend of the family once said that "I hadn't woken up yet". This is the second letter I have wrote in my life. The first was when I was under ten years old to a large chocolate factory asking them why they didn't make different fruit flavored chocolate and I received a very nice letter back. So around a year or so after that letter they brought out a lemon filled chocolate. I have often wondered if I had some influence on them. I'm not sure why I have just told you that, but it must be something to do with writing and been scared to make mistakes and be laughed at. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. P.S. You do not know what you mean to me. Yours Sincerely, C.M. Downe London, England

Humor Makes Coping More Fun

I thought all of you could appreciate this...... I was reading a book on dyslexia last night (seems that is all I read about anymore) and there was a list of famous dyslexics listed. Tom Cruise (who has someone read his scripts aloud to him), Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney (who began drawing pictures to communicate with other people), Bruce Jenner, Greg Lougannis, Whoopi Goldberg, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, etc. etc. As Molly (my 8 year old dyslexic daughter) walked through the living room where I was reading, I began telling her about all of these gifted, talented people that she knew of that are dyslexic. She stopped, grinned from ear to ear and then lifted her arms in the air with fists clenched, feet spread apart and firmly planted on the ground and shouted, "THESE ARE MY PEOPLE!" Later she heard me telling her dad about all of the dyslexic famous people I had read about and again she commented (much more quietly this time,) "Yeah, those are *my* people." This is the same child who began singing, "Free at last, thank God almighty, I am free at last" after she read her first Dr. Seuss story. So despite the struggles, life is always filled with good humor and joy too. Annette Contributed by Annette Marshall to the DyslexiaSupport egroup at DyslexiaSupport. Reprinted here with permission.



reading and comprehension when he first set of data was collected prior to or she participates in the Davis the commencement of the program, continued from cover Dyslexia Correction Program. A usually during client assessment and consultation. The second set of data these factors are present. The second method of evaluating attendee progress was co-authored by Myrna was collected on the fifth day of the part of the Davis program is an program. The data are sorted by age intensive five-day program conducted Burkholder, and myself, under the patient and persistent guidance of within gender. On the graphs, the one-on-one with the student and dark markers represent the grade Licensed Facilitator. The program is Sharon Pfeiffer of DDAI. The evaluation instrument used is a subset level at the beginning of the program tailored, as needed, to the specific of the Ekwall/Shanker Reading and the bars, either up or down, needs of the student. Major tools Inventory - Third Edition. represent the changes that were used during this week are Davis Although the Ekwall/Shanker measured. Where no change was Orientation Counseling , Davis indicated, there is no associated Symbol Mastery , and Steps to Easier Reading Inventory contains an extensive battery of tests, only a change bar. When a grade level nine Reading. Also included in the subset of three tests is used: the San is indicated, the actual performance program is support training for the Diego Quick Assessment or Graded often exceeded the ninth grade; person who will be continuing to Word List, the Oral Reading and however, the ninth grade is the help the student at home. The third Comprehension Tests, and the highest-grade level provided by the part of the Davis program is an atListening Comprehension Tests. Oral Ekwall/Shanker material. home segment where the student reading is when the child reads the continues the work begun during the passage out loud and then answers Results Overview program week. A kit of resource questions about the passage content. Most children fully embrace the materials is also provided to support Listening is when the child listens to Davis Methods as they are taught the at-home program. during the program. However a few More information about The Davis the facilitator read the passage then answers questions about the passage children may take several weeks or Dyslexia Correction Program can be content. The three reading levels months before fully embracing them. found in the book, The Gift of measured by these tests are: In these cases the individuals may Dyslexia, by Ronald D. Davis; and, Independent Reading Level, need to develop a comfort level with the Davis Dyslexia Association Instructional Reading Level, and the Davis Methods within themselves International web site at: Frustration Reading level. Only the before showing visible or measurable http://www/ Instructional Reading Level was used changes. If you are like most people I've for this presentation because it is the The following chart summarizes talked to, you wonder if the Davis level most closely related to the results from twenty-one students Dyslexia Correction Program will schoolwork. The Instructional participating in this study. Each help your child. I, along with other Reading Level is the level at which a individual participated in two sets of Facilitators, have many success child, when working with new three tests from the Ekwall/Shanker stories, some more amazing than others. But what can you reasonably material, should be able to accurately battery of tests. The first set was decode at least ninety-five percent of administered during assessment and expect for your child? Each the second set was administered on individual that comes to the program the words and should comprehend at least sixty percent of the content. day five of the Five-Day intensive brings a unique self, and both short The grade levels Pre-Primary through program. The Ekwall/Shanker tests and long-term changes can vary that were used are: the Graded Word widely. For most, the initial changes Grade nine are provided within the Ekwall/Shanker tests. List, the Oral Reading Test, and the will be immediately evident. The data were gathered in two Listening Test. The Grade Level However, some students may prefer results for each of the Test Segments to think about what they have learned steps, from a sample of twenty-one clients, at Dyslexia Help for Children were divided into three categories, and how they want to apply this new and Adults in London, Ontario, Drop In Grade Level, No Change In knowledge to their day-to-day Grade Level, and Increased One Or activities. For these individuals little during the years 1999-2000. The change may be evident during the Table 1 program week, but will be noticeable NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS AND PERCENT OF SAMPLE BY CATEGORY over the following weeks and Test Segment CATEGORIES months. Drop in No Change in Increased One or One question often asked, Grade Level Grade Level More Grade Levels particularly by teachers, is what outcomes can be expected when a Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent child participates in the Davis Graded Word List 1 5 8 38 12 57 Dyslexia Correction Program. During my training at DDAI, much Oral Reading 1 5 5 24 15 71 discussion focused on how we could Listening 4 19 7 33 10 48 clearly illustrate changes in a child's

Davis Program Outcomes

Continued on page 12



by Alice J. Pratt Davis Facilitator

A Wondrous Child
Little curly head boy with a mild mannered, tumbling, teaming, voracious IMAGINATION Constant wonder and creation a-chatter... forming, dancing, moving swiftly in your head. Marveling at the marvelous. Exclaiming the simplest. Stories unfolding, growing, twisting, turning, suprising, giggling, and concluding. You, a story teller... weaving the strands of life into a tapestry of realness that all of the "realist" miss...dismiss...and belittle. Oh! In your naivete, you are so wise! And in your innocence you are such love and gentleness! And those who would only see you as a defective, empty page waiting to have their way carved into your being... are all the while missing the divine mystery residing in your magic... They miss that glimpse into your soul that you so freely share. One that holds the treasure map you speak of... the treasure map that would show them the way to their own souls, if they would only dare to look! Oh, you know the treasure map I speak of little boy! The one you showed me and that made Little Squirrel and his family "so rich." Thank you, Little Squirrel for making me so rich, too!!!

The other day, I was speaking to someone interested in my work as a Davis Facilitator, and I exclaimed, "There is not one week that goes by in my work that I am not moved by my client and the results of this method! And how many people can say that about their work?" Recently, I had the honor of working with a very bright 8 year old named Jack. Jack touched my heart. Jack's imagination and vocabulary were exceptional. He has a whole world that he has created about a character named Little Squirrel and his family. The squirrel family is rich because of the treasure the squirrels are always discovering by following a treasure map. In working with Jack and his family it became clear that indeed Little Squirrel and his family were "rich" with love, acceptance, and a vast openness to learn new things! Throughout the whole week of the program, Jack allowed me the privilege of entering his world through his imaginative play. It did not require my training in play therapy to help me know that Jack was using his wonderful gift of imaginative play to synthesize his discoveries of the week. His stories were full of unexpected twists and surprises, and would come to some amazing conclusions. Jack integrated his new learnings from the Davis Program like they were his old friends. In fact, Jack began using his orientation point to correct disorientation immediately. He was able to experience reading on grade level (3rd grade), rather than beginning first grade level, by the second day. It did not take Jack long to understand the importance of doing the "trigger words." He even calls them the "Tigger Words" (Tigger is the bouncing tiger in Winnie the Pooh) because they cause his mind's eye to jump off his orientation point! Little Squirrel had really found that the Davis program was a "treasure map" for discovering "riches."

I reflect on my experience with Jack. I believe that of all the factors that enabled him to be so successful with the Davis program, foremost was the way his parents prepared him and supported him. Jack's parents "gave room" for Jack's gift of imaginative play. Jack was not preoccupied with commercial toys and video game images. His parents had protected him from over exposure to the pervasive corporate merchandising to children of our culture. They respected his imagination and play as he spends time turning discards into "inventions." Also, they had talked to him about his gift and the program, so he came ready to embrace this work with open arms. Now Jack and his family are happily integrating Symbol Mastery of the "Tigger words" into their lives. Little Squirrel stories are being dictated everyday. Recently received an e-mail from Jack's mom that brought tears to my eyes. She had been working with Jack on some school work, and went to tend to her other child. Suddenly, she heard coming from Jack's room someone reading. It was Jack! On his own! It was a book he had never been able to even consider reading before. And, he was reading smoothly and fluently! Jack and his family said that it would be fine if I share a poem I wrote about my experience with Jack and the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program.



Personal Experience Essay

by Peter Henry

For me a life-changing event encompasses a life lesson and a character transformation. If not, then it's truly an event that has changed a life. The even that changed the course of my life happened over several years. What set me on a new course was the day I was told I had dyslexia. My whole life I've been under the impression that I was not as smart as everyone else. I was a B or C student and I thought that I would be that for the rest of my academic years. I knew I was smart, but the grades never reflected it. Only my family supported me through my ups and downs . For twelve years, I was an average student. However, my parents kept encouraging me everyday. Perhaps one of the most vivid moments in my life was the day that

A Davis Program in August Post Script What a wonderful week this was for me. Pleasant, creative, and intelligent company, Beautiful weather. The garden in full bloom, and The knowledge that, in this world, I am making a difference
by client of Rebecca Luera Davis Facilitator

the doctor told me I was dyslexic with ADD. I was confused and yet ashamed at the same time. I slowly crawled up to my room, not sure what to think. The rest of the day I spent crying, for what I'm not sure. What did it mean to have dyslexia and to be soon on medication? All I wanted at that point was to be normal. As time progressed, I felt that the medicine was changing me. I was no longer the kid that was always upbeat and happy. I was different, and I hated it. In the classroom, it was the same. I no longer was a participant in class. I just paid attention and my grades were mediocre. I wanted more than anything to be off the medicine. My life made a turnaround, when my mother found an institution to help "cure" dyslexia. For the first time I really understood dyslexia for what it was. This program revealed the positive attributes of being dyslexic and how to use that in my education. One of these attributes is that I am an extremely visual learner, and the words that gave me trouble were the words that I could not picture in my head. I was given a list of two hundred common words that were hard to visualize. Over the next year and a half, I made a visual representation out of clay for every word on the list. For example, I would create clay models for words such as "the" or "and". My life began to change slowly, and over that year and a half my reading comprehension grew and so did my confidence. I was off medication and back to the old Peter Henry. However, the one thing that disappointed me was that I had run out of time to prove myself as well as to colleges that I was smarter than my grades reflected. So this led me to perhaps make the best decision of my life, to postpone college and do a post-graduate year. I wanted to do this to show that I could be a great

student and also to show everyone who had doubted me in the past that I was just as smart as any of them. Just today was the beginning of something great for me. As my grades were handed to me, my body began to tingle. I knew what my grades would be, for I had worked hard for them. Nevertheless, I had never seen my grades at such a high level. The grades on paper solidified everything for which I'd worked so hard. I read my first term grades, and I began to cry. For the first time ever in my life, I received straight "A"s. I was crying for all of my pain and all of my disappointment in the past. I was finally there, on top. I was as smart as anyone, and no one could touch that. But, I did not do it for colleges or for my parents, I did it for myself. The pain of the last twelve years was gone. Finally, the pieces I had lacked for so long began to fill in and complete me. My mother has seen how much this program changed my life. She now teaches other kids the program. I really have to thank my parents for showing me that what I have is a gift and not something negative. She always told me that I was here to change the world, and now that is what I plan on doing. Without my parents, I would not be where I am right now. However, I have only had a taste of success and now I want more.



Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators and Specialists

Congratulations and Welcome to our growing international family of Davis Program providers! We especially welcome the very first Davis providers in Austria, Singapore and Bolivia -- and the new Facilitators from France, Australia, and Spain.
Lidia Gloria Vargas Salinas has a degree in education, as well as seven years experience working with children in school. La Puerta de Las Letras - Monterrey. Privada Fuentes #110, Colonia Santa Engracia, Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 66220. +52 (8) 335 94 35. Dominique Blaess is a certified language teacher and interpreter. She has spent most of her professional life in the field of education. "I taught high school for 12 years, then adults for 5 years. I now find great pleasure in helping dyslexics solve their learning difficulties and find a new way to look at things and learning. I will work as an independent peripatetic facilitator for families who do not live in or near Paris. 33 Boulevard Bernadotte, F 78230 Le Pecq / Seine, France. + 33 (139) 76 12 61. Valentine Galliot-Appia is a musical education instructor; she has always been passionate about teaching. Upon her certification, Valentine plans to open a private practice in Paris. "Too many adults, including teachers, do not know enough about dyslexia. They mostly think that their kids should just try harder. The world needs to learn about these creative kids. If we give them the chance to integrate, I am convinced that they will be the ones in the future to bring about new perspectives on society's problems. Don't leave them on the bylines!" Domaine de Montgrad, Ch. Rural N7, 78410 Aubergenville, France. + 30 95 64 03. Sharon Polster lives in the Seattle, Washington area where she formerly was a member of the faculty at University of Washington School of Dental Hygiene. For the past 2 years she has been a volunteer tutor for people with learning disabilities. Sharon is hopeful that she will motivate her clients to correct their dyslexia and reach their full potential by recognizing the gift of dyslexia. Her special interest will be working with teens through adults. Sharon is willing to travel abroad as well as in the U.S. to deliver the Davis Program. Dyslexia Tutoring Services, 755 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110. 206-780-8199, Lawrence Smith, Sr. was drawn to the many strengths dyslexics have after witnessing the effects of the Davis Correction Program on his three children. "My wife became a licensed Facilitator in July, 1999 and after seeing the results her clients experienced I became eager to becoming a facilitator. It became apparent during early training that I was too dyslexic to continue until I was corrected. The correction program has given me a deeper and clearer understanding that the root cause of dyslexia is really a gift. I now speak from personal experience about the power of the Davis program. I look forward to "rescuing" children from the ignorance, inappropriate labeling, and the frustration of being misunderstood by educators and parents." MeadowBrook Educational Services, 11011 South Cedar Road, Spokane, WA 99224-9623. 509-443-1737 or 800-3716028. Astrid Zanen-van der Bl worked as a social worker for 5 years before she married. Her 16 year old son had a Davis programme in 1997. Through this she was inspired to do the training herself as a Davis Counselor. She especially enjoys working with students with Math problems. Astrid will be working in Ardenhout offering the Davis Counseling program in her private practice. Zwarteweg 6, 211AZ. Ardenhout, Netherlands. +31 (235) 25 34 85. Carry Kuling is a teacher and mother of 5 children. "I worked with young adults who had problems at school. Now I am happy to have discovered the Davis Method, because it filled in the missing parts. I am also very fond of working with adults." Postlaan 11, 2101 VG Heamstede, Netherlands. + 31 (235) 28 77 82. Wendy Ritchie became interested in the Davis Program in 1999 when two of her children were diagnosed with dyslexia. She is looking forward to facilitating adults and children. "Far too often, we spend most of our time pulling weeds in the garden of our children's lives, instead of fertilizing the flowers". Positive Perception Ltd., 1025 Peck Road, Hilton, NY 14468. 716-233-4364, Shawn Carlson has a Masters Degree in education and has been a certified childbirth educator for seven years. She became involved with the Davis program after her son experienced success at the Reading Research Council. In addition to providing Davis programs, Shawn along with her husband, homeschool their two sons. Educational Insights, 6101 South 32nd Court, Lincoln, NE 68516, 402-420-1025. Peter Schttenberg currently works for Davis Legasthenie Institut. Convenstrasse 14, D-22089, Hamburg, Germany. +49 40 25 17 86 22. Jane Bailey, DFW Dyslexia Correction Center 2905 Brown Trail, Suite C, Bedford, TX 75021. 817-498-8871,

T HE DYSLEXIC READER Constance Cecilia Geok Lay Chua has been a teacher before and was involved in social services for more than 26 years. She was Administrator of a Children's Home for 7 years, then Head of a Residential Home for the Physically Disabled for 16 years. Her last position was Director of a Family Service Center. Now she just wants to be a Davis Facilitator. 307 Clementi Ave. 4 #05387, Singapore, 120307. + 65 98 71 23 91, Nancy Kress intends to serve clients with big dreams and the motivation to achieve them. Dyslexia Corrector, her homebased center, will make it possible for her to continue home educating her two sons and begin facilitating clients. Youngest son Timothy was taught five different methods of reading before Nancy determined he was dyslexic and she found the Davis Dyslexia Correction described on the Internet. "After I attended the Fundamentals Workshop, I saw the results my meager attempts produced in dyslexics around me. I knew then Ron's dream would be a part of my life." Dyslexia Corrector, 5004 West Seldon Lane, Glendale, AZ 85302. 623-842-0455, Catherine Churton is the mother of two who saw the power of the Davis program when her 12 year old son was facilitated in March of 2000. "Finally here was the answer to Tim's style of learningin his own words...the Davis program is one that worked." It not only changed her son's life but her own. Catherine's intentions are to open her own center in February and to bring Facilitator training to Australia in 2001. 18 Bullecourt Avenue, South Mosman, Sydney, Australia NSW 2088. +64 2 99 68 23 24. Marietta Tieben is a mother of 4 children. She lives and works with her husband at their farm. Besides German, Marietta also speaks English and Afrikaans. Barenfleer 1, 49733 Haren, Germany. +49 59 34 73 40. Lawrence Smith, Jr. "The Davis method gives us a completely different outlook on the dyslexic. The dyslexic mind is brilliant, creative, intuitive and innovative. Now we have a way which enables the dyslexic to allow these talents to work for us. We can turn off the learning struggles and at the same time allow the gift to express itself. Larry travels to the Island of Maui every year and is able to provide the program while there as well. Rocky Point Academy, 128 Partridge Court, RR12, Calgary, AB Canada T3E 6W3. 403-685-0067. Christine East is a qualified teacher with a background of Drama Specialization. "Having trained to teach children and young people with dyslexia, I discovered the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program and am now fully trained as a Facilitator." 57 Embankment Road, Kingsbrigde, Devon, TQ7 1LA. +15 4 8 85 60 45. Anna Mead "My background has included a broad range of life experiences; counseling, 10 years teaching (to young students with moderate learning disabilities), and an interest in dance, art and personal exploration/development. Inspired by a talk given in London by Robin Temple on the Gift of Dyslexia, I began to incorporate the methods of learning into my teaching, and was excited by the students personal and skills growth and development. Towards the completion of my training I was given the opportunity to work with Lin Seward at Centre Dyslexia in Winchester, and will be working there on a regular basis." 22 Bexhill Road, Brockley, London SE4 1SL. Ray Davis co-founded Reading Research Council Northwest in December, 2000 with his father, Ron Davis. Ray is trained as an Avionics technician and engineer. He did the Davis Program in his early 20's before

PAGE 9 completing his duty with the US Marine Corps. He initially trained in the Davis methods to help his youngest son, and then fell in love with being a Facilitator. 2828 Colby Avenue #400, Everett, WA 98201. 425-257-9716. Meliesa Hawley grew up in a family of educators. She was inspired by her mother, Kathy Hawley, also a Davis Facilitator, to do the Davis training. She works together with Ray Davis at Reading Research Council Northwest just north of Seattle. 2828 Colby Avenue, #400, Everett, WA 98201. 425-257-9716. Jo Del Jensen is the mother of 8 children, several of whom have had learning problems. "I have held responsible positions in church and volunteer organizations. I am excited about the Davis Program and enthusiastic about sharing it." Learning Tools Northwest, 509 East Meadowview Lane, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. 360-679-9390. Lynne Smith has found the Davis Methods invaluable in her work at Abingdon College in Oxfordshire where, for many years, she has offered assessment, advice and support to people with dyslexia in further education and in the workplace. She is also able to work with clients as part of an alternative therapy centre in West Sussex. Lynne has a degree in education and has worked in Primary, Secondary and further education in London, Sussex and Oxfordshire. Her interest in dyslexia has developed through personal experience in her own family and an appreciation of the talents of dyslexic people. 37 Edward Street, Abingdon, OX14 1DJ, United Kingdom. +44 (1235) 52 12 44. Margot Sampayo is a certified Montessori Teacher. She completed her training through DDA-Mexico and speaks English, Spanish and Italian. 305 Calle Amistosa #73, Brownsville, TX 78520. 956-544-6360. Ruth Polnau Lindenstrasse 9, D-79238 Ehrenkirchen, Germany. +49 76 64 77 22.

PAGE 10 Barbara Timmins first became interested in the Davis Methods when her own daughter was struggling at school. "After she attended a correction programme, I knew I had to become a Facilitator, to help all those other children out there who feel they are failing. I have 16 years experience as a Primary school teacher and have been using the methods in school. The results are impressive. I have a practice based in Solihull near Birmingham." 21 Besbury Close Dorridge, Solihull, B93 8NT, United Kingdom. +44 15 64 77 26 57 Christine Wusch has a background in Pedagogical and Logo-pedagogical education. She currently works a Logo-pedogogue in her own practice. Humboldstrasse 13, D-42283 Wuppertal, Germany. +49 20 28 02 30 Kathleen Hawley is a retired teacher with over 20 years of experience in education. She spent many years in Title I programs for Kindergarten through High School. Cascade Dyslexia Correction, P.O. Box 452/5666 Dinkleman Canyon Road, Entiat, WA 98822. 509-784-1927. Linda Houben "As a mother of a son with dyslexia and discovering I, too had this 'talent', I put myself through the Davis programme and my son. The rest is history, they say. So here I am having taken one small step for me -THEN- one huge step for mankind. I work out of my home in Sydney but am presently looking to set up a center also in Sydney." 81 Seaforth Cres, Seaforth, Sydney, NSW, Australia. +61 2 99 48 43 07 Maria Danielle Ormachea completed her training through DDA-Mexico and plans to open Totalmente, in Bolivia. Maria Danielle will be the first Davis Dyslexia Correction Program Facilitator in South America. "Totalmente is a center interested in the well being of the pupils that come to us. Helping them know the best way of learning and giving them tools that will be used to promote their learning abilities." Totalmente, San Miguel Bloque N.#17, La Paz, Bolivia. South America. +59 12 79 29 45. Colette Reimann is the mother of two dyslexic children who made great progress since doing the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. So she was encouraged to become a Facilitator. Colette works from her home in Landshut, a town near Munich. Lega-Beratung, Dr.-Gerlich-Str. 9, D84032 Landshut, Germany. +49 (871) 77 09 94. Renate Lffel wanted to achieve certification in order to work with children and adults in groups or individually. "I like that creativity is an important part of the methodology. I would like to work in Bassersdorf and the surrounding area." Gutrain 8A, CH-8303 Bassersdorf, +41 836 96 59. Regula Drr, mother of three children (14, 11, and 8 years old), is a Kindergarten teacher. Several years ago Regula attended a workshop which Ron was holding. She was both touched and convinced of the method. Right then and there she decided to pursue the training, as she felt curious as to how this new model could be applied in her work and life. She made the right decision: it has been a discovery journey all the way. LIB Lerninstitut, Munsterberg 1, CH4001 Basel, Switzerland. +41 61 272 24 00. Bianca Grob is a student at Basler University and is majoring in Psychology and is currently on staff at Lerninstitut in Basel. LIB Lerninstitut, Mnsterberg 1, CH4001, Basel, Switzerland. +41 61 272 24 00.

T HE DYSLEXIC READER Regine Roth is a Psychologist and Special Needs teacher. She has been working in the schools with children between the ages of 8 to 16. Igelweg 2, CH4313 Mhlin, Switzerland. +41 61 851 26 85. Tony Stor "As a dyslexic mother and wife, with both a daughter and husband who excel in language, I followed the Davis program myself in 1997 and can say that I can now stand up for myself in our family! I became so enthusiastic about the tools, I had received during my Davis program. I have now completed my training as a Facilitator and am able to help others use the Davis tools to help themselves." Weidemolen 45, NL 1703, TC Heerhugowaard, Nederland. +31 (072) 571 6562. Marianne Kranzer Albert - Schweitzer Weg 10, D-78126 Knigsfeld, Germany. +49 77 25 72 26 Christa Salcher Taglieberstrasse 49, Wien, Osterreich, A-1230. +43 1 888 6144.

The Davis Facilitator training program requires approximately 400 hours of course work. The Davis Specialist program requires extensive experience providing Davis programs and an additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject to annual relicensing based upon case review and adherence to the DDAI Standards of Practice. For information about training or a full directory of Davis providers, see, or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or toll-free in the US at 1-888-805-7216.



Newly Licensed Facilitators in Spain:

Naiara Alvarez Berdejo was born in San Sebastian and now lives in Murgia, Alava, Spain. She majored and received a degree in Primary Education and has been working as a Primary Education Teacher for the past 3 years. I'm interested, above all, in teacher education for visual teaching strategies. Naiara speaks English, French and Euskera*. Jose Maria Ramos is currently finishing his Ph.D. in Gifted Education. Jose Maria enjoys to cook and go shopping with his wife. I am interested, above all, in mathematically gifted children. Jose M. speaks Castellian, English and Catalan. Maria Campo Martinez studied Pedagogy at the University. I have worked as a volunteer with young people at the Red Cross. I like music and play the Guitar. I'm interested in learning strategies and study skills. Maria speaks English, Castellian and French. Monika Fernandez Arrazuria studied Psychology. I am also studying the relation between dyslexia and hyperactivity. I like Basketball and Ecology. Monika's first language is Euskera* but she also speaks Spanish and English. Carmen Pilar Prez Lozano studied Psicopedagogia. I like working with young children and am currently studying Psychology. I am interested in the subject of Left Hemisphere Dominance. Carmen speaks Castellian, French and English. *Euskera is the Basque language

BOOK REVIEW by Brian Grimes

This is an inspiring approach to learning using the simplicity and creativity of mental imagery as a vehicle. The author has artfully and skillfully conveyed a holistic approach to learning through imagery. The various approaches are well supported throughout with vignettes (descriptive scenes as from a movie), which serve to highlight the brilliance, and the simplicity of the imagery methods used. Situations ranging from difficulties with reading and writing; inability to speak; behavioral manifestations; social interaction; classroom situations, and many more are each addressed. Each vignette or situation presented has with it a solution making it possible for the recipient to be so empowered as to grow, and to learn. These techniques lend students to reclaim self-confidence and self-esteem. Ms. Gifford has brought to bear a

Watch Learning Problems Disappear The Power of Imagery

by Mildred Odess Gifford GiffOdess Books ISBN 0966116208 Price:$14.95 Softcover, 189 pages

method involving mental imagery that takes learning a leap beyond what traditional academia embraces as methods for teaching the written and spoken language. For those whom have had trouble with learning, these eidetic imagery techniques give good reason for hope.

BOOK REVIEW by Abigail Marshall

This book has the wrong title instead of telling how to get your kids to do homework, it tells how to let your kids do their homework. So for parents who feel trapped in an endless battle, caught between the intransigence of their children and the demands of teachers who simply expect too much - this book is a breath of fresh air. The aim of this book is to encourage parents to provide an environment where the kids will be able to take responsibility themselves. This involves a lot less in the way of parental pressure, and more in the way of support - but, cautions the author, the support should never be in the form of the parent doing the homework for the child. Rather, the parent should keep a reasonable perspective about grades, and focus on whether their child is learning rather than the

99 Ways to Get Your Kids To Do Their Homework (And Not Hate It)
by Mary Leonhardt Three Rivers Press, 2000 ISBN: 0-609-80638-6 Price: $9.95 Softcover, 304 pages

Nuevas Claves Educativas La Conquista Avellanal 10, Murguia Alava, Spain - 01130 +34 (945) 46 25 85

number of worksheets completed. I think that parents will find this book a welcome relief. A few teachers could benefit from reading it, too, as the author (an experienced teacher herself) clearly understands how too much homework can stifle children's creativity and joy of learning.



Graded Word List Oral Comprehension Listening Comprehension PrePrePrePgm Pgm Pgm Marker Marker Grade Level Grade Level Grade Level Marker Gender Age Pre-Pgm Post-Pgm Pre-Pgm Post-Pgm Pre-Pgm Post-Pgm F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 8 9 14 27 39 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 14 4 1 6 8 9 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 5 2 3 4 4 0 2 5 3 3 2 9 8 9 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 5 3 4 5 5 0.5 3 6 4 4 1 6 8 9 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 5 2 3 4 4 0 2 5 3 2 3 6 3 7 1 4 3 4 1 6 2 5 3 5 4 7 2 4 6 5 4 3 8 6 8 2 5 4 4 2 7 2 8 3 8 7 6 2 7 8 6 2 3 6 3 7 1 4 3 4 1 6 2 5 3 5 4 7 2 4 6 5 4 4 8 5 7 2 9 7 6 7 8 4 7 4 8 5 7 4 9 9 4 7 7 9 9 9 2 7 6 8 6 9 4 7 4 7 7 9 4 9 9 5 4 4 8 5 7 2 9 7 6 7 8 4 7 4 8 5 7 4 9 9 4

Davis Program Outcomes

continued from page 5

More Grade Levels. The Count of the individuals included in each category and the Percent Of Total are shown in Table 1 (on page 5). Results Details The numerical data gathered during this study are summarized in the Detail Data Table (Table 2). The Pre-Pgm - data were collected during assessment and the Post-Pgm - data were collected on Day-Five of the intensive Five-Day program. The Pre-Pgm Marker is used to mark the initial test results on the Detail Data Table in the Graded Word List, Oral Comprehension, and Listening Comprehension categories. Graded Word List The Graded Word List, a quick test of a child's sight vocabulary consists of a series of ten words at each grade level from pre-primary through grade-level nine. The same Graded Word List is used for both the pre and post-program testing. The Graded Word List is used to quickly establish the child's sight vocabulary level. Although the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program does not specifically include the introduction of new vocabulary during the oneweek program, the Steps to Easier Reading, used during the program, does help build sight vocabulary. Data Interpretation Individuals with significant perceptual difficulties can experience multiple grade level changes in the Graded Word List. The three-year grade level shift shown for the 14year-old girl is an example of a change that can happen when significant perceptual difficulties are corrected during the Orientation phase of the one-week program. In some instances, no change in grade level was observed between the pre and post-program testing. A drop in the observed grade level may be attributable to the child's fatigue at the end of the program. It is very unusual to find a large change in Sight Vocabulary during the one-week program.



female 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


8 9 14 27 39 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 14 CLIENT AGE

Oral Reading Assessment (vocabulary and comprehension) The Oral Reading Assessment tests the child's sight vocabulary and reading comprehension. Vocabulary errors are tracked as the student reads the passage and a series of questions relating to passage content is asked

following the reading. Different passages are used for the pre and post-program testing. Data Interpretation (Table 3) Improvements in Oral Reading can vary. The two and three year gradelevel improvements are remarkable
Continued on next page



Davis Program Outcomes

continued from previous page

and indicate that these individuals had significant perceptual difficulties that were corrected during the Orientation phase of the program. For some children the ending Oral Reading Assessment may indicate no change at all. Sight vocabulary, story content, fatigue, etc. may be contributing factors. When the Oral Reading grade level drops, fatigue is usually the main cause but simple lack of interest in story content or confusion involving some concept in the story may also affect the result. In most cases when no change or a drop in the Oral Reading grade level is found it is in conflict with expectations as demonstrated by the child's progress during the week. Some children exhibit a high level of comprehension even though they struggle with the vocabulary in the reading passage. This is particularly evident in the pre-program assessment. For other children sightvocabulary is the limiting factor. Occasionally there will be a child whose connection to expressive language is tenuous. Reading for these children is very difficult and progress usually takes much longer than the one-week program.
Table 4

Listening Assessment (comprehension) The Listening Assessment, tests the child's listening vocabulary and comprehension. A series of questions relating to passage content is asked following the reading. Different passages are used for the pre and post-program testing. Data Interpretation (Table 4) During the program, improvements in Listening Grade Level can vary. The two, three and four year grade-level improvements are remarkable and indicate that these individuals had significant perceptual difficulties that were corrected during the Orientation phase of the oneweek program. For some children general vocabulary is a limiting factor. When this is the case, there may be little or no change from the pre-program to post-program assessment. A Listening Assessment can drop if the individual is tired, not interested in the story, or if some concept early in the story has caused confusion and a portion of the story is missed. Some children do not always get proper rest during the program week. Being away from home and familiar surroundings can have a profound effect on some

individuals. When this happens, it has been observed that their ending assessment is at a lower level than expected, based on their progress during the week. It has also been observed that by the end of the week, some children have worked hard enough and may be unwilling to put forth extra effort for the ending assessment. The At-Home Program Two important things happen during the At-Home segment. First, all the tools introduced during the one-on-one sessions are practiced so they easily become a part of the student's day-to-day life. Second, the student completes Symbol Mastery of the Trigger Words. Trigger words are the common connector words (if, and, the, but, where, etc.) present in all reading material. There are 217 common trigger words. Because these words do not naturally have mental images associated with them, they are a source of confusion that in turn triggers disorientation in the dyslexic individual. The Symbol Mastery process enables the student to stop the confusion by developing a picture for the trigger word along with a clear understanding of the meaning of that word. The Symbol Mastery process can also be used to develop an in-depth understanding of other words and concepts. About the author: Wayman E. (wes) Sole, has been a licensed Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator, since January 24, 1998, and is located in London, Ontario, Canada, Telephone: (519) 472-1255 Web site:http:/ e-mail:



female 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - Aldous Huxley

8 9 14 27 39 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 14 CLIENT AGE



Davis Learning Strategies Basic Teacher Workshop

To enhance and integrate into your current Primary classroom and reading curriculum

Workshop Focus
This workshop gives Kindergarten and primary school classroom teachers unique strategies for providing more effective reading instruction and for giving their students life long skills in "how to learn." The Davis Learning Strategies can be easily applied to supplement existing reading programs. The workshop emphasizes hands-on learning through demonstrations, practice sessions, and group discussion. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training. Through Davis Symbol Mastery, students can master the alphabet, punctuation marks and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill exercises.

Benefits to Students and Teachers

The Davis Learning Strategies Program is an effective and efficient way to develop the beginning reader into an accomplished reader by the end of the third grade. Davis Learning Strategies benefit all students no matter what their learning styles or reading level. Teachers have found that strong readers become stronger in language and grammar skills and weaker readers begin to read effortlessly.

Davis Reading Exercises provide a fun and cooperative method for increasing word recognition and reading comprehension skills. This reading method can be used alone or as a supplement to your current reading program.

This workshop represents six years of piloting Davis Learning Strategies in grades K-3 elementary classrooms. Research and development was supervised and conducted by Sharon Pfeiffer who has over twenty years experience in classroom teaching, curriculum development, and teacher mentoring. The students consistently demonstrated positive measurable results using the Davis Learning Strategies created by Ronald D. Davis, author of The Gift of Dyslexia. These methods are currently being used by teachers throughout the U.S., U.K., Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and Mexico.

Davis Learning Strategies

The program begins with students learning the Davis Focusing Skills. These skills provide students with the self directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning task at hand.

With these Davis Learning Strategies, the student becomes well prepared for a successful first four years of schooling and for a lifetime of learning!


May 29-June 1,2001 Winchester, England July 9-12, 2001 Jacksonville, Florida July 23-26, 2001 Burlingame, California August 6-9, 2001 Bellingham, Washington August 13-16, 2001 Bellingham, Washington August 27-30, 2001 Vancouver, BC, Canada



"The creative process and the learning process, if not the same thing, are so closely associated, we will never be able to separate them." Ronald D. Davis
Course Includes Manual covering procedures, teaching plans, and assessment instructions Classroom Kit with teacher materials needed to proceed with confidence ($75 value) Technical support via phone, fax, or e-mail Verification of Attendance letter Course Schedule Day One: 8:30-4:30 Days Two-Four: 9:00-4:30 Lunch break from 12:00-1:30 Fees and Discounts (US Dollars) $875 per person $825 per person for DDAI members $800 with full payment 45 days in advance

Who Should Attend Teachers Reading Specialists Resource Specialists Group Discounts Educational Psychologists Curriculum $825 per person for group of 2-3 Consultants Special Education Teachers Tutors $750 per person for group of 4-7 Home School Teachers $675 per person for group of 8 or more Advance registration and $200 deposit required. Balance due 30 days prior to attendance. Major credit cards accepted Purchase orders from School Districts must be for the full amount Accommodations and meals are not included in the Course Locations price of the workshop Maps and accommodations information will be sent to registered students within 30 days of the workshop. Cancellation and Refund Policy All payments are fully transferable to alternate workAcademic Units Available shop dates. A $65 administrative fee is deducted 3 post-baccalaureate quarter units are available from from refund requests made earlier than 60 days prior California State University-Hayward. Cost: $96 to CSUH Extension Division + $35 administrative fee to to a workshop date. Deposits are non-refundable for Davis Dyslexia Association. [Course # TED 7297-HC] cancellations made within 60 days prior to a workshop. Instructors TO REGISTER BY PHONE, CALL: Sharon Pfeiffer, developer of the Davis Learning 1-888-805-7216 - California Strategies for Schools Program 1-360-714-9619 - Washington 1-904-389-9251 - Florida Marlene Easley, Davis Facilitator, Teacher Trainer
1-604-921-1084 - Canada (Prices and discounts may vary in Canada)



What Happens Next?

by Abigail Marshall

In November, 2000, a parent wrote to me concerned about her son's likely progress with the Davis program. Claire Girard explained that her son was scheduled to do the Davis program with a Canadian facilitator in December, but that she was confused by reading an article on our web site discussing classroom accommodations for dyslexic children. She wondered what measures would still be needed after the Davis program. The following are excerpts from our email correspondence: Claire: My son Alex is 10 years old and he will be doing the Davis program in 4 weeks. (Believe me, it cannot be soon enough!!!) I am cautiously optimistic that this will help him tremendously in his writing, reading comprehension and fluency. He is very bright and he is very keen to do the Davis. Our meeting with our Davis facilitator was an amazing success. Alex connected with her so well as they seem to speak in the same language. Anyway, this is my concern: I read the article on your website, "Helping Dyslexic Students in the Regular Classroom" classroom.htm The way I look at it is that this is what you need to do to help a child in a classroom if he has not taken the Davis Program. What about after the Davis program.... don't any of these recommendations change? Abigail: The recommendations for classroom teachers would change as your child overcame problems. You can reasonably expect significant gains during the one-week program, but your son will still have work to do after the program to catch up, and

completing the Symbol Mastery words usually takes from about 8-16 months. Your son will also still have a primarily "dyslexic" or visual-spatial learning style. That is, he will probably always prefer study aids that appeal to his strengths rather than his weaknesses.

Does the poor auditory short term memory ever get any better so that my son can actually follow a short list of instructions? As your son completes the trigger words, he will better understand the words commonly used when giving directions - words such as "to", "next", "then". So his ability to follow a list if instructions will improve -- but it is crucial that he MASTERS the trigger words on the list if you want this to happen.

program and it will take time until ultimate goals are reached. Let's say for example he now reads at a level that is 3 years behind his peers. Let's also say that with the Davis program, he gains a full reading level year in the one week. That's great progress in only 5 days. But he still would be 2 years behind the other kids in his class - he's doing better than he did before the Davis program, but the teacher is still going to have to give him support and encouragement.

I guess the part of the article that confuses me the most is: "If visual memory is poor, copying must be kept to a minimum.". Am I getting this all wrong, but isn't Davis saying that they don't have a visual memory problem, they just don't see letters the same way. Once they get their orientation, go through all the trigger words, etc.... this should not be a problem anymore???? Am I dreaming if I hope that my child will actually be able to copy from the blackboard without so much struggle? Your son should improve and not have the struggle he is having now. But you are not going to see these changes overnight; nor are you going to walk out at the end of one week and have all problems gone. Your son will have to incorporate the tools he learns in the Davis

I'm starting to panic a little because maybe the Davis program will not help my son nearly as much as everybody seems to say it will. You have to understand that this program is my last hope, because our school experts and psychologists have diagnosed my son as ADD (inattentive type) with visual and auditory memory problems. My son is a true dyslexic. He thinks in pictures, his IQ test showed gifted scores in spatial and math concepts, with an overall above average IQ. He is inquisitive, curious and an amazing builder (i.e. with Lego and K'nex type toys). He always has millions of questions to ask.... he is a bright child. When I read The Gift of Dyslexia, I was absolutely amazed that somebody was finally able to explain to me what my son sees everyday..... but please reassure me that there is a very good chance this will help..... That is exactly the way my son is. For fun, we sometimes do quizzes and games that test visual-spatial skills as against verbal skills. My son always does best on the visual-spatial tests, I always do better with the verbal games. The point is: this is not a problem anymore, it is just a difference. My son is proficient BOTH verbally and in visual-spatial skills, just a lot



faster than most with the visualspatial skills. The dyslexia didn't go away, but the DISABILITY went away. I hope I am not confusing you more - please understand that what I am trying to say is that after your son completes the FULL program (the one-week plus the followup work with Symbol Mastery) - he should be able to function in a regular classroom without much of a problem - but he will do BETTER with a classroom environment conducive to his learning style. You will find that the advice for gifted visual-spatial learners is very similar to the advice for dyslexic children in the classroom, such as in this article: Effective Techniques for Teaching Highly Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners Articles/EffectiveTechniques.html

and self-esteem - and this tends to make a difference in their attitude toward school work. However, not everyone is an academic at heart. So if Alex has other interests, he will not necessarily turn into a top student -but he should be able to get passing grades with an ordinary amount of effort. That's the key - it used to be that my son would struggle to barely get by, and with the Davis program, for the first time he had the choice of taking a relaxed approach to schoolwork, or working hard for the top grades.

Presently, Alex is not expected to read... I've really backed off since I discovered he is dyslexic. It is pointless to make his suffer trying to read.... oh, he can read at little bit, but he doesn't understand what he is reading. His teacher has agreed to me reading a book in order for him to complete his book report. When I guess what I'm also worried he needs to study for a test, I read the about is that Alex has very little notes to him and quiz him orally.... interest in certain school subjects the teacher does the same and marks such as Language Arts, Social him accordingly. Sciences and French. The big Right now, I am reading the Harry question is: Is this due to the fact that Potter series to him. Alex absolutely he is disoriented.... or does he loves them. He envies all his friends actually have very little interest in the that can pick up the books and read subject and that will never change. them on their own.... Can I be hopeful that he will pick up a book, Well, I don't know Alex, but I can read it, understand it and enjoy it? tell you this: by the time my son was in 5th grade, he hated school, he Yes - if Alex likes books, then his hated to read, and the ONLY thing in motivation will lead him to read on the world that piqued his interest was his own. This is what happened with playing video games, endlessly. I my son - he wanted to read the books began working with him from the his friends were reading. book right before he started 6th grade - he IMMEDIATELY became interested in reading, so much so that within a year I was worried that he was reading too much. (He would After our November correspondence, spend hours alone in his room I did not hear from Claire for awhile. reading books). Then, in February, she wrote me with People almost uniformly report this great news: that the Davis program gives their I really wanted to let you know children a big boost in confidence how my son is doing.

The Davis program has changed his life.... it has changed our lives. Alex can now read on his own. He understands everything he reads. It is absolutely amazing and it is getting better every day.... every single day. Doing homework is really no longer a struggle. He can now focus on his school work for a much longer period of time. Even his handwriting has improved tremendously. I could always tell when he was at his dyslexic worse because his handwriting was basically illegible. I don't think a day goes by that we don't say "Thank you Mr. Davis, thank you for your wonderful program!!!!". I still don't really understand what happened during that week and I don't know if I ever will....but all I can say is that this was probably the most important week of his life. hank you again.

Alphabet Confusion
by Nancy Cimprich Davis Facilitator

If "a starts with a, be starts with b, and tea starts with t, then why doesn't why start with y, sea with c you with u, and eye with i. Can u tell me y? R u able to c y this can b? O y, o y? My i can try, but doesn't c!
Inspired by asking my young dyslexic students about their letter confusions.



Shifting Sands of Dyslexia...

continued from page 1

I guess they figure that the brain differences are inborn (hence "biological") since they assume that brain use patterns don't change much over time. That is, if your "left inferior parietal" doesn't fire off many neurons, that must be a permanent, distinguishing characteristic of your brain. There is one problem, though: outside the field of dyslexia research, other brain researchers have discovered something rather remarkable: brains change. That is, people who use their brains in a certain way also tend to remap or restructure their own brain wiring. For example, the part of the brain that is good at navigation is called the hippocampus. London taxi cab drivers have more highly developed hippocampi than people who don't drive taxis. Now either some people are born to drive taxis, or else sustained efforts at negotiating the streets of London tend to enhance a person's mental compass. Back to the dyslexia studies: The researchers have added a "phase two" to their brain study program. After taking the initial brain scans, they put their subjects through some sort of tutoring program, and then take scans after the program. Since they don't want their study to go on too long, they tend to deal with short-term programs. University of Washington researchers gave 6 dyslexic boys a 3week science program, in which they talked about science and Ninja turtles and also snuck in a little phonics along the way. They didn't have any other dyslexic kids to study, so they waited about a year, rescanned the brains, and compared the new scans with earlier scans of the same kids. A Georgetown University Medical Center team gave 10 adult dyslexics an 8-week intensive phonics training program, and then compared their brain scans with 10 dyslexic adults who didn't get the phonics training. And here is the amazing finding of the two research teams: After their subjects learned to read better, their

brain use patterns changed Hallelujah! Incredibly, on their first attempt, these scientists discovered the part that was broken, and they also found a way to fix it, all in the short period of their study! Except: School teachers have been doing this for years. They change the way people think, just by teaching, or guiding, or sometimes just by opening the door. They change the way 6-year-olds think, and they change the way 12year-olds think, and there are even University professors out there who do a darn good job of changing the way 20-year-olds think. It's called "education" and it works like this: If a person is taught a new skill, then their brain changes the way it processes information related to this skill. The persons mind starts to work more and more efficiently, so that pretty soon the youngster who didn't know a word of French last term can actually carry on a 10minute conversation in the language. But the teachers don't have brain scan machines to prove to anyone that anything has changed inside their students' heads. There is one other, slightly baffling, part to this scientific research: AFTER the scientists look at the brains of older children and/or adults who are dyslexic; and AFTER they run their subjects through their brainchanging tutoring program; they often report that their brain imaging study will provide a wonderful new diagnostic tool to find out which preschoolers are dyslexic. For example, Dr. Guenevere Eden, who studied the adults at Georgetown, says that the brain scans can be performed with "children as young as four or five." What remarkable conceit! These neuroscientists think that their three weeks of lectures about Ninja turtles or eight weeks of phonics drill has changed the brain; yet somehow the cumulative effect of years of growth, development, and schooling meant nothing. Well, I have news for the scientists: Whenever you pick "dyslexic" people for your study, you probably

choose people who have a hard time reading. You are comparing the brains of people who struggle with reading with the brains of people who read a lot. Their brains work differently. Especially the parts of the brain that are in charge of reading. If you ever take your expensive brain imaging equipment and point it at the heads of the 4 year olds you want to diagnose, you will discover that there are a lot more "dyslexics" than you ever thought. Perhaps then you will have to release a sage announcement reporting 80% of the population is at risk for dyslexia. Because you will discover, to your dismay, that most 4 year olds can't read. And not only will you find that 4 year olds can't read, you will find that the parts of their brains that are in charge of reading aren't working very well. Kind of like the parts of their fingers that are in charge of tying shoes. So, please: go ahead and take as many brain scans as you want, but stop speculating in the name of science. If your three week or eight week program changed the brain patterns of your subjects, you can be pretty sure that a year in the classroom of a gifted teacher has a little bit of brain-altering impact, too. If you do a brain study that compares dyslexics to non-dyslexics while they are doing something that your dyslexic subjects are good at, or better yet, something that has nothing to do with dyslexia, you will find a whole new set of differences. Are the brains of dyslexic people different? Definitely. But the difference is a lot more complex than your brain scans will ever be able to tell us. And it is a "difference" in the same way that the London taxi drivers have different brains, and in the same way that the brains of artists or musicians probably differ from those who lack artistic talent. It is not a mistake or a problem or a glitch or a broken connection or an immutable inborn trait. It is a difference that is like the way snowflakes look different under a microscope. Just natural human diversity. No two brains are alike.



Davis Dyslexia Correction Providers

The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is now available from more than 200 Facilitators around the world. For updates, call: (888) 805-7216 [Toll Free] or (650) 692-7141 or visit

United States
Alabama Paula Morehead, Dyslexia Center of the South Phone : (205) 822-9050 (Hoover) Arizona Edie Fritz, New Solutions Dyslexia Correction Phone : (602) 274-7738 (Phoenix) Nancy Kress, Dyslexia Corrector Phone : (623) 842-0455 (Glendale) John Mertz, Arizona Dyslexia Correction Center Phone : (877) 219-0613 (Tucson) California Ron Davis Alice Davis Dr. Fatima Ali, Ph.D. Brian Grimes Sharon Pfeiffer Dee Weldon White, MA Scott Shedko, MA Lexie White Strain Reading Research Council Dyslexia Correction Phone : (800) 729-8990/(650) 692-8990 (Burlingame) Janalee E. Beals, M.S. Ed., The Dyslexia Mentor Phone: (877) 439-7539 (Palm Springs) Richard A. Harmel, Solutions for Dyslexia Phone: (310) 823-8900 (Los Angeles) Dwight E. Underhill Phone: (510) 559-7869 (El Cerrito) Colorado Kathy Bacon, Creative Learning Center Phone: (970) 669-0170 (Loveland) Terry Demeo Phone: (303) 850-7668 (Littleton) Carol Faye Stromberg, 6 Rs Correction Phone: (800) 290-7605/(970) 487-0228 (Colbran) Florida Alice J. Pratt, Dyslexia Plus Phone: (904) 389-9251 (Jacksonville) Georgia Bill Allen,THE Dyslexia Coach Phone: (770) 594-1770 (Atlanta) Indiana Myrna Burkholder, Michiana Dyslexia Correction Center Phone: (219) 533-7455 (Goshen) Iowa Mary Kay Frasier, Innovative Learning Professionals Phone: (515) 270-0280 (Des Moines) Kansas Carole Coulter, Dylsexia Correction of Johnson County Phone: (913) 831-0388 (Kansas City) Michigan Ann Minkel, Michigan Dyslexia Resources Tollfree: (866) 330-3671 Phone: (877) 347-9467 (Six Lakes) Dean Schalow , Tri-Point Phone: (800) 794-3060/(231) 899-5954 (Manistee) Missouri Patricia Henry, Dyslexia Correction of KC Phone: (816) 361-6563 (Kansas City) Montana Nancy Sitton, Dyslexia Deciphered Phone: (406) 863-9844 (Whitefish) Nebraska Shawn Carlson, Education Insights Phone: (402) 420-1025 (Lincoln) Nevada Barbara Clark, New Foundations for Dyslexics Phone: (775) 265-1188 (Gardnerville) New Jersey Charlotte Foster, Multivariant Learning Systems Phone: (908) 766-5399 (Basking Ridge) Nancy Cimprich, Creative Learning Systems Phone: (856) 358-3102 (Elmer) New Mexico Annie Johnson-Goodwin, Dyslexia Resource Phone: (505) 982-9843 (Santa Fe) New York Carla Niessen, Dyslexia Changed Services Phone: (845 or 914) 883-5766 (Clintondale) Wendy Ritchie, Positive Perception Ltd. Phone: (716) 233-4364 (Hilton) Pennsylvania Marcia Maust, Laurel Highlands Dyslexia Correction Center Phone: (814) 267-6694 (Berlin) Texas Jane Bailey & Dorothy Owen, DFW Dyslexia Correction Phone: (888) 331-4902/(817) 498-8871 (Bedford) Kellie Brown, Texas Dyslexia Services Toll Free: (877) 230-2622 Phone: (817) 989-0783 (Ft. Worth) Julia Garcia, Hidden Genius Learning Solutions Phone: (877) 678-8773 (The Colony) Maile Marie Kampfhenkel, Dyslexia Solutions of Texas Toll Free: (866-311-2854 Phone: (817) 268-0544 (Ft. Worth) Laura Warren, Dyslexia Correction Center Phone: (806) 771-7292 (Lubbock) Virginia Elizabeth Davis, VA Center for Dyslexia Phone: (804) 358-6153 (Richmond) Washington Marilyn Anderson & Aleta Clark, Dyslexia Correction Center of Washington Phone: (253) 854-9377 (Kent) Ray Davis & Meliesa Hawley, Reading Research Council Northwest Phone: (866) 677-7726 (Everett) Marlene Easley, Dyslexia Unlearned Phone: (360) 714-9619 (Bellingham) Kathy Hawley, Cascade Dyslexia Correction Phone: (509) 784-1927 (Entiat) Carol Hern & Ethel Kellogg, Dyslexia Mastery Phone: (509) 363-1771 (Spokane) Jo Del Jensen, Learning Tools Northwest Phone: (360) 679-9390 (Oak Harbor) Rebecca Luera, Dyslexia Mastery Phone: (800) 818-9056 (Fall City) Sharon Polster, Dyslexia Tutoring Services Phone: (206) 780-8199 (Bainbridge Island) Lawrence & Renie Smith, Meadowbrook Education Services Phone: (800) 371-6028/(509) 443-1737 (Spokane) Ruth Ann Youngberg, Dyslexia Mastered Phone: (360) 671-9858 (Bellingham) West Virginia Gale Long, New Horizons Dyslexia Correction Center Phone: (888) 517-7830/ (304) 965-7400 (Elkview) Wisconsin Cyndi Deneson & Darlene Bishop, New Hope Learning Centers, Inc. Phone: (888) 890-5380 /(414) 774-4586 (Milwaukee) Canada: Sue Hall, Positive Dyslexia Phone: (604) 921-1084 (West Vancouver) Dvorah Hoffman, Living Hands Learning Centre Phone: (416) 398-6779 (Toronto, Ontario) Gerry Grant, Dyslexia Solutions Canada, Ltd. Phone: (800) 981-6433 (Princeton, Ontario) Wayman E. (Wes) Sole, Dyslexia Help Phone: (519) 472-1255 (London, Ontario) Lawrence Smith, Jr., Rocky Point Academy Phone: (403) 685-0067 (Calgary, Alberta)

Names of other licensed Davis Program providers in Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, can be obtained from the DDA offices listed on the back cover or on the Internet at


~ Dyslex ic Read er

1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 245 Burlingame, CA 94010 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED



Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and answer sessions. This is the first step in the eleven-step Davis Facilitator Training Program. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training. Participants will learn: How the Davis procedures were developed. How to assess for the gift of dyslexia and establish a symptoms profile. How to help dyslexics eliminate perceptual disorientation and focus their attention. Special techniques (not in the book) for working with ADD (attention deficit disorder) symptoms How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a classroom, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting.
DDA-CH Freie Strasse 81 CH 4001 Basel, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 (061) 273 81 85 Fax: +41 (061) 272 42 41 e-mail: DDA-Deutschland Conventstrasse 14 D-22089 Hamburg GERMANY Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Fax: +49 (040) 25 17 86 24 E-mail: DDA- Mxico Privada Fuentes #110, esq. con Ricardo Margan Colonia Santa Engracia Garza Garca - Monterrey, 66220 Nuevo Len MXICO Tel/Fax: +52 (08) 335 9435 or +52 (08) 356-8389 E-mail: DDA-Nederland Kerkweg 38a 6105 CG Maria Hoop NEDERLAND Tel: +31 (0475) 302 203 Fax: +31 (0475) 301 381 E-mail: DDA-UK P.O. Box 40 Winchester S022 6ZH ENGLAND +44 (01962) 820 005 Fax: +44 (01962) 820 006 E-mail: DDAI-US 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 245 Burlingame California 94010 Tel: 1-888-805-7216 Fax: +1 (650) 692-7075 E:mail:

2001 International Schedule

Switzerland England US Asia US Switzerland Basel Winchester San Francisco Singapore Minnesota Basel April 28 - May 1 June 18 - 21 July 9 - 12 July 19 - 22 August 7 - 10 September 6 - 9

U.S. Course Schedule

8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day) 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (Lunch break 12:00-1:30)

U.S. Fees and Discounts

$975 per person plus $95 materials fee $925 for DDAI members or groups of two or more plus $95 materials fee $975 if paid in full 60 days in advance incl. materials Advance registration and $200 deposit required Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership, verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit Academic units available

For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet. For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.

Enrollment Limited u Classes Fill Early u Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141 For updated workshop schedules visit

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