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Dyslex ic Read er
Vol. 32

Davis Dyslexia Association International

Issue 3 2003

Much Too Early

by David Elkind, Professor of Child Development at Tufts University and the author of Reinventing Childhood and The Hurried Child

Children must master the language of things before they master the language of words. Friedrich Froebel, Pedagogics of the Kindergarten, 1895 In one sentence, Froebel, father of the kindergarten, expressed the essence of early childhood education. Children are not born knowing the difference between red and green, sweet and sour, rough and smooth, cold and hot, or any of the other myriad of physical sensations. The natural world is the infant's and young child's first

curriculum, and it can only be learned by direct interaction with things. There is no way a young child can learn the difference between sweet and sour, rough and

smooth, hot and cold without tasting, touching or feeling something. Learning about the world of things, and all their various properties is a time consuming process that cannot be hurried. This view of early childhood education has been echoed by all of the giants of early childhood development: Froebel, Montessori, Steiner, Piaget and Vygotsky. It is supported by developmental theory which demonstrates that the logical structure of reading and math require syllogistic reasoning abilities on the part of the child. Given that most young children do not attain this form of reasoning until the age of five or six, it makes little sense to introduce
continued on page 4

The Giants of Early Childhood Development

by David Elkind

In This Issue
News & Feature Articles:

The educators who established early childhood as a legitimate age for guided learning, were also

quite explicit as to the nature of early instruction. They all emphasized the importance of manipulative experiences for infants and young children, and the dangers of their too early introduction to the world of symbols. Frederich Froebel, Maria Montessori and Rudoph Steiner all created rich, hands-on materials for children to explore and conceptualize. Each of them acknowledged, in his or her own way, that the capacity to discriminate precedes the capacity to label, and that the understanding of quality precedes that of quantity. For example, children
continued on page 4

Regular Features:

Maria Montessori



Congratulations to Alan and his happy Mom!
(posted by Robin at

I AM AMAZED! We have been a "Davis" household for two months now. Slowly the homework battle is going away. It has gotten so good lately. I have even been able to let Alan do his homework after supper some nights. YEA!!!

Last night I went upstairs and caught Alan with his bedroom light on. I expected him to be playing his Gameboy or playing Legos. HE WAS READING! He had read 20 pages of the book we were reading before bed all by himself. Today he took it to school. He came off the bus with it in his hands and was reading it as he walked up the drive way. I NEVER thought I would see this day!!!!

A mother was showing her son how to zip up his coat. "The secret," she said, "is to get the left part of the zipper to fit in the other side before you try to zip it up." The boy looked at her quizzically:

"Why does it have to be a secret?"

Copyright 1996 Randy Glasbergen.

is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 245, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA +1(650) 692-7141. are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all peoples abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. Alice Davis, Abigail Marshall, Maria Fagioli and Dee White. Julia Gaskill. one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. send $8.00 to DDAI. We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. +1(650) 692-7075 The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis Dyslexia Correction, Davis Symbol Mastery , Davis Orientation Counseling, and Davis Learning Strategies are registered trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright 1999 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.



Announcing The Gift of Learning Ron Davis new book addresses the
other faces of Dyslexia
When it was released in 1994, The Gift of Dyslexia spawned a grassroots movement that has spread around the world. It has been translated into every major Western language, plus others like Croatian, Swedish, Hebrew and Japanese. Nearly 300 certified Davis Facilitators now offer Davis Programs in 27 countries in 18 languages. The sequel to The Gift of Dyslexia is scheduled to appear in USA and Canadian bookstores around August 5, 2003. The new book expands the Davis Methods with theories and correction procedures that address the three basic areas of learning disability other than reading. The Gift of Learning is authored by Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M. Braun, and published in the United States and Canada by Penguin Putnam under its Perigee Books imprint. The other two Rs and the A The Gift of Dyslexia covered the Davis Correction Procedures for Reading in detail, but only touched on Rithmetic, Riting and Attention problems. The Gift of Learning focuses on proven methods for correcting the other three basic learning difficulties children and adults experience. Disorientation in one form or another is still seen as a major factor that prevents students from learning efficiently. Orientation for Everybody The Orientation Counseling Procedure from The Gift of Dyslexia is repeated pretty much verbatim in the new book. An alternate procedure called Alignment is added for use by students who learn better kinesthetically, or who are younger than seven or eight. Its the same as the Focusing exercise used for K-3 students in classrooms as part of the Davis Learning Strategies program. Motivation & Responsibility The main prerequisite for success with the Davis Methods is a willingness to participate. The student must want a meaningful improvement in life skills. In the new book, Ron discusses how to uncover an individuals own perception of the problem and offer the carrot of a potential solution that will instill motivation. Solving ADD and ADHD The Davis Methods have The Gift of Learning produced dramatic by Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M. Braun improvements in attention span, behavior, and study Perigee Books / $14.95 / ISBN: 0-399-52809-1 skills without the use of drugs. of them once the student is able to Ron discusses how disorientation achieve orientation easily. Besides affects both the hyper and daydreamer varieties of ADD. The pencil and paper, the exercises use Energy Dial exercise is presented as clay models, giant writing on poster paper with a marker, and a way students can adjust their tracing paper to copy handwriting energy levels to different situations. models. Math: Numbers vs. Numerals This difference is explained as a link Parents and teachers who have been working with students using the between reading dyslexia and math techniques from The Gift of Dyslexia problems (dyscalculia). A student will find that this new book provides can easily see that there are four of additional exercises they can use to something (a number), but doesnt improve basic learning skills other automatically make the connection with the symbol 4 (a single numeral). than reading. The new book presents twenty Special offer on pre-publication exercises, mostly done with clay models, that allow a student to learn orders: DDAI has ordered 1,000 copies of math in real world terms. Then The Gift of Learning for sale by our numerical symbols and arithmetic bookstore. If you pre-order before functions are introduced one at a time until the student learns to work August 1, 2003, a 10% discount will be applied. The cost of the new book out problems symbolically using is the same as the first one: pencil and paper. US$14.95. Membership discounts and standard quantity discounts for Legible Handwriting: Dysgraphia Facilitators also apply. To order, call Ron discusses various possible 1-888-999-3324 or visit the causes for illegible handwriting and bookstore. presents procedures to correct most

PAGE 4 International Davis Dyslexia Correction Providers

The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is now available from more than 300 Facilitators around the world. For updates, call: (888) 805-7216 [Toll Free] or (650) 692-7141 or visit


MuchToo Early. . .
continued from page 1

Australia Brenda Gayle Baird Brisbane +61 (07) 3341 3471 Sally Beulke Victoria +61 (03) 5727 3517 Catherine Churton DDA-Australia Director Supervisor-Specialist Sydney +61 (0421) 252 518 Jan Gorman Eastwood/Sydney +61 (02) 9874 7498 Naren Hooson Sydney +61 (02) 9801 1917 Linda Houben Sydney +61 (02) 9948 4307 John Reilly Berala/Sydney +61 (02) 9649 4299 Austria Annette Dietrich Wien +43 (01) 888 90 25 Gabriele Klug Baden +43 (2252) 214 56 Christa Salcher Wien +43 (01) 888 61 44 Bahrain Sameera Sadiq Al Baharna Manama +973 555 201 Bolivia Maria Ormachea La Paz +591 (02) 792 945 Brazil Ana Lima Rio De Janeiro +55 (021) 2295-1505

engaging in these age-appropriate activities. In the end, there is no solid research formal instruction in reading and math demonstrating that early academic training until then. This theory is given weight by is superior to (or worse than) the more a number of longitudinal studies which traditional, hands-on model of early show that children who have been enrolled education. Why take the risky step of in early academic programs eventually engaging in formal academic training of lose whatever gains they made in the young when we already know what comparison to control groups. works? Yet, in the United States, there is a Why, in the face of our knowledge growing call for early-childhood educators about what is good education for young to engage in the academic training of children, do we persist in miseducating young children. This began with the fears children, in putting them at risk for no and space race sparked by the Soviet purpose? The short answer is that early Union's launching of Sputnik in 1957. The childhood education is not about young civil rights movement and the growing children. It is about parents anxious to public awareness of our educational give their children an edge in what they system's inequality led to the creation of regard as an increasingly competitive and Head Start, a program aimed at preparing global economy. It is about the motivation young disadvantaged children for school. draining poverty that keeps so many Although Head Start is an important and children from learning in a socially valuable program, it gave rise to the foreign, middle-class, environment. It is pernicious belief that education is a raceabout politicians who advocate the earlier you start, the earlier you finish. accountability, standards and testing to This encouraged educators like Carl win votes as much or more than to Bereiter, Siegfried Engelmann, and, more improve the schools. And it is about the recently, E. D. Hirsch miserable salaries and to introduce early Head Start gave rise to consequent high turnover academic programs that is the rule among the pernicious belief that early childhood workers. based on the learning theories of E. L. education is a raceand While bypassing what Thorndike and B. F. we know is good that the earlier you start, Skinner. These writers pedagogy for children is the earlier you finish. deplorable at any step in assume that learning follows the same the educational ladder, it principles at all age levels. They ignore is particularly pernicious at the early both children's developing mental abilities childhood level. It is during the early and the fact that academic skills vary in years, ages four to seven, when children's their logical complexity and difficulty. basic attitudes towards themselves, Concerns over our educational system, towards learning and towards school are fueled by our students' poor performance established. Children who leave these in international comparisons of formative years feeling badly about achievement, have reinvigorated the call themselves as a learner, with an aversion for early academic instruction as a remedy to learning and a dislike of school, will for inadequate teaching later on. All too never fully realize their latent abilities and many kindergarten teachers are under talents. In contrast, children who come pressure to teach their children numbers through this period feeling good about and letters and to administer standardized themselves, enjoying learning and liking tests. In some kindergartens, children are school, will have a lasting appetite for the even given homework in addition to the acquisition of skills and knowledge. work sheets they must fill out during class If we want all of our children to be the time. In a developmentally appropriate best that they can be, we have to recognize classroom, children are busy taking care of that education is about them, not about us. plants and animals, experimenting with When we do that, we will give young sand and water, drawing and painting, children and their parents the listening to songs and stories, and developmentally appropriate, quality, engaging in dramatic play. It is hard to affordable and accessible early childhood believe that these young children learn education they both need and deserve. more from work sheets than they do from



The Giants . . .
continued from page 1

learn to discriminate among different colors before they can distinguish different shades of the same color. It would be wrong, however, to suggest that founders of age-appropriate practice were of one mind. They disagreed on such matters as the teacher's role in guiding young children's learning and the comparative benefits of individual versus collaborative learning. Froebel believed that introducing children to different manipulative materials (which he called "gifts"), such as a wooden ball, a square, and a diamond, would teach young children not only geometric shapes but also abstract concepts of unity and harmony. Montessori, by contrast, doubted whether children would learn abstract concepts by using manipulative materials. She did argue that Frederich Froebel there were critical periods in development during which children had to exercise their sensory-motor abilities if they were to fully realize them. Montessori regarded children's exercise of their sensory abilities, and indeed of all their activities, as preparation for adult life. Froebel saw play as a valuable mode of learning for young children; to Montessori it was frivolous and should be the child's work. For example, she wrote that children would be better served if they used their imaginations to fantasize about real foreign countries rather than fairytale kingdoms. Steiner, founder of the Waldorf schools, believed that education should be holistic. In Waldorf schools, handicrafts, the arts, and music are integral parts of the curriculum. Children are asked to write and illustrate their own textbooks in science, history, and social studies. Whereas Froebel and Montessori focused on having children learn from their own individual activity, Steiner's activities were more social and collaborative. Jean Piaget, while not supporting any

particular early-education program, argued that children learn primarily from their own spontaneous exploration of things and a subsequent reflective abstraction from those activities. This is an indirect argument for the importance of manipulative materials in early-childhood education. Lev Vygotsky, while also believing that much of intellectual growth was spontaneous, nonetheless proposed that children could not fully realize their abilities without the help of adults. He argued that there was a zone of proximate development that could be attained only with guidance and modeling by adults. Vygotsky emphasized the teacher's role much more than other writers, who entrusted much of young children's learning to the children themselves. Contemporary early childhood educators also disagree on the teacher's role in the learning process and continue to debate what constitutes the Rudoph Steiner most effective curriculum for young children. What unites them, and sets them apart from those who would make earlychildhood education a one-size-smaller first or second grade, is their commitment to building early-childhood practice on their observations of young children. Put a bit differently, the giants of early childhood development and their followers agree that early education must start with the child, not with the subject matter to be taught. The guiding principle of early-childhood education is the matching of curriculum and instruction to the child's developing abilities, needs, and interests. This principle is broadly accepted and advocated by most early-childhood educators. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has issued a policy statement entitled "Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early-Childhood Programs." The NAEYC now evaluates and certifies early-childhood programs that meet its criteria for developmental appropriateness.

Canada Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel North Vancouver 1 (604) 988-7680 Rocky Point Academy Stacey Borger-Smith Lawrence Smith, Jr. Calgary 1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free) 1 (403) 685-0067 Darlene Brown Smithers/Prince Rupert 1 (250) 847-3463 Paddy Carson Edmonton/Alberta (780) 489-6225 Sher Goerzen British Columbia +1 (604) 290-5063 Gerry Grant Supervisor-Specialist Fundamentals Workshop Presenter Waterloo/Toronto 1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free) 1 (519) 221-8484 Sue Hall West Vancouver 1 (604) 921-1084 D'vorah Hoffman Toronto 1 (416) 398-6779 Jeri McLeod Calgary 1 (403) 503-0108 Catherine Smith Oakville/Toronto 1 (905) 844-4144 Wayman E. (Wes) Sole London/Toronto/Detroit 1 (519) 472-1255 Kim J. Willson-Rymer Oakville/Toronto 1 (905) 825-3153 China Carrie Cheung Hong Kong +852 90 111 736 France Dominique Blaess Le Pecq/Paris +33 (01) 39 76 12 61 Jennifer Delrieu Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris +33 (01) 30 44 19 91 Valentine Galliot-Appia Aubergenville/Paris +33 (01) 30 99 53 59 Carol Nelson-Pollard Paris +33 (01) 46 51 72 63 Odile Puget Gex/Geneva +33 (0450) 41 82 67

Germany/Deutschland Liesbeth Berger-Laming Stuttgart-Vaihingen +49 (0711) 782 3115 Andrea Fleckenstein Witzenhausen +49 (05542) 91 16 07 Cornelia Garbe Berlin +49 030 61 65 91 25 Margit Geuss Wessobrunn/Mnchen +49 (08809) 163034 Matthias Gradenwitz Frankfurt am Main +49 (069) 94 94 58 85 Astrid Grosse-Mnch Buxtehude +49 (04161) 702 90 70 Wibke Hachmann Freiburg +49 (0761) 13 78 288 Das Legasthenie Institut Sonja Heinrich Supervisor-Specialist DLS Workshop Presenter DDA-Deutschland Director Ioannis Tzivanakis Specialist Trainer Workshop Presenter DDA-Deutschland Director Wilfried Bhr Hamburg +49 (040) 25 17 86 23 Christine Jacob Lrrach +49 (07621) 134 60 Wiebke Janssen Bad Nauheim +49 (06032) 817 01 Doris Karl-Akova Bremen +49 (0421) 713 30 Rainer Knobloch Leinburg/Ortsteil Diepersdorf +49 (09120) 18 14 84 Inge Koch-Gassmann Buggingen +49 (07631) 23 29 Angelika Kohn Steinheim-Kleinbottwar +49 (07148) 66 08 Marianne Kranzer Knigsfeld +49 (07725) 72 26 Gundula Patzlaff Stuttgart +49 (0711) 23 64 86 0 Barbel Preuss Munchen +49 (089) 69 38 03 92


The Logical Structure of Learning Reading & Math

by David Elkind

Those who advocate early academic instruction, appear to make a fundamental error. They fail to recognize that there are different levels of math and reading attainment. Learning to name numbers and letters is far different from learning to perform mathematical operations and to read with understanding. This is easy to demonstrate. We have had Sesame Street on TV for more than thirty years. Children today know their numbers and letters earlier than ever before. Many know them by age two. Yet children today are not learning math or reading any earlier or any better than children did before there was Sesame Street. Learning the names of numbers and letters is only the first step in the attainment of true numerical understanding and reading comprehension. Take the concept of numbers. There are three levels of numerical understanding, nominal, ordinal and interval. Nominal understanding is the use of a number as a name, such as those on a football or baseball uniform. Children by the age of two or three can use numbers in the nominal sense. By the age of four or five, children can begin to use ordinal numbers (firstsecond, smallest-biggest, shortest-tallest); they can order things according to quantitative differences. At this age children can arrange a series of size-graded blocks, or sticks, from the smallest to the largest. Once the arrangement is complete, however, they are not able to insert a new, intermediate sized element, into the perceptual array. It is only at six or seven, when children have attained what Piaget calls concrete operations, that children can construct a concept of a unit, the basis for the understanding of interval numbers. Mathematical operations can only be performed on numbers that represent equal intervals, or units. The interval concept of numbers is an intellectual construction. It builds upon the childs experiences of both classifying and seriating concrete materials. Classification helps the child to understand quantitative sameness, while seriation helps him or her appreciate quantitative difference. At a certain point, with the aid of concrete operations, the child is able to bring these two concepts, of quantitative

sameness and difference, together into the higher order concept of a unit. Learning the names of numbers, and rote counting, is less important in this attainment than is practice in classifying and seriating many different materials. A similar analysis can be made with respect to reading even though it is in some respects a more complex process that involves auditory and visual discrimination as well as cognitive construction. Nonetheless, the principle is the same. The earliest level of reading is the recognition of sight words. A two or threeyear-old child may learn stop and go in part by the perceptual configuration of the symbols and in part by the colors associated with these words. Sight words are like nominal numbers, they reflect a very early level of reading achievement. A second level of reading is phonetic and corresponds roughly to ordinal numbers. Children at four or five can learn the sounds for single letters and are able to read words like hat, cat sat and so on. The very same child who can read phonetically, however, may not be able to read phonemically. To read phonemically the child must be able to recognize that one and the same letter can be pronounced differently depending upon the context. A child who can read; hat, cat, sat, may still have trouble with ate, gate, and late. Likewise a child who may know pin may have trouble with spin because it involves a blend of consonants. Here again, concrete operations are required for this highest level of reading. The problem, then, of most early childhood academic instruction is the failure to appreciate that math and reading are complex skills that are acquired in stages related to age. Equally important is the appreciation that young childrens intellectual abilities mature at different rates and that chronological age is not a good measure of cognitive ability. It is important, therefore, not to confuse early stages of math and reading, knowing number and letter names, with the later stages which require logical abilities. Children will acquire these skills more easily and more soundly, if they are taught in accordance with the developmental sequence that parallels their cognitive development.


Germany/Deutschland (cont.) Ursula Rackur-Bastian Idstein/Rheingau-TaunusKreis/Wiesbaden +49 (06126) 565 01 Colette Reimann Landshut +49 (0871) 770 994 Ursula Rittler Stuttgart +49 (0711) 47 18 50 Petra Saeger Storkow / Berlin +49 (03987) 15 21 06 Gabriela Scholter Supervisor-Specialist Stuttgart +49 (0711) 578 28 33 Marietta Tieben Haren +49 (05934) 70 47 37 Magdalena Vogel-Eichert Bonn +49 (0228) 689 69 70 Ulrike von KutzlebenHausen Deisslingen +49 (07420) 33 46 Gisela Wedemeyer Hameln/Hannover +49 (05151) 647 85 Dr. Angelika Weidemann Ulm +49 (0731) 931 46 46 Susanne Wild Paar +49 (08205) 959 08 28 Christine Wusch Wuppertal +49 (0202) 80 230 Anna Henia Zawidowski Feldgeding bei Mnchen +49 (08131) 853 03 Angelika Zeller Bichl +49 (08857) 91 68 Ireland Sister Antoinette Keelan Dublin +353 (01) 884 4996 Indonesia Elizabeth Martin Jakarta +62 21 769 4845 Israel Etya Chesler Kochav-Yair +972 (53) 561 155 Goldie Gilad Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv +972 (09) 765 1185

Early Childhood Education Research: Developmental or Academic

at-risk children, High Scope Educational Research Foundation scholar Lawrence J. At the outset, it must be admitted that Schweinhart and his colleagues found that hard data on the efficacy of one or children who attended preschool another type of early childhood education performed significantly better program is hard to come by. The intellectually, at least during the program difficulty stems from the fact that and shortly thereafter. In some, but not all education is a chaotic process. Every time of the studies, significantly fewer children a class meets the children and teacher are who attended preschool were classified as different, thanks to the intervening disabled and placed in special-education experiences each one has had. Put classes. Likewise, in some but not all of differently, every classroom meeting is a the studies, children who attended non-replicable experiment. Our research preschool had higher rates of high-school tools, however, are borrowed from the completion. physical sciences where These early regularity, rather than intervention studies give Every classroom clear evidence that early chaos, reigns. In physics meeting is a and chemistry it is childhood education, in possible to control most, non-replicable most cases of the if not all of the variables developmentally in play. In education, this appropriate kind, had experiment. is almost impossible. lasting effects upon the Comparisons between lives of the children who classrooms following different participated. It is not clear, however, educational philosophies will vary in whether similar results would be attained many other ways as well. The teachers had advantaged children been the may vary in skill and experience as well subjects. Consider an analogy. If you take as in personality. In addition, it is almost children who are significantly below the impossible to match two groups of norm and feed them a full calorie children. A reliable match would require nutritious diet, they will make remarkable comparable families, a condition which is progress until they reach the norm. On difficult, if not impossible, to satisfy. The the other hand, if you put well nourished instruments used for assessment, whether children on a similar regime, there will be observations or tests, are less reliable and few if any effects. It is a base rate issue. valid at the early childhood levels than at If you start at a low base rate, you have later ages. This does not mean that more room for improvement than if you meaningful research cannot, or has not start at the norm. been done. It just means that we may Studies of non-poverty children in have to be more innovative in designing different types of preschool are simply educational studies than we have been. not definitive, but suggestive. One study The physical science paradigm, that by Hirsh-Pasek and Cone compared presupposes regularity and replicability, is children who had attended an academic simply not appropriate to the study of preschool with those who had attended a classrooms. developmentally appropriate program. Despite the difficulties, longitudinal Although there were no academic studies of educational outcomes provide differences between the groups, the some of our most meaningful evidence of children attending the academic program educational effects. If consistent effects were more anxious and had lower self are found over long periods of time, and esteem. These results diminished after the despite all the variables in play, this children began to attend public school. suggest a hardy outcome. An older study, was carried out by In an analysis of ten independently Carelton Washburn, the famed Evanston conducted, and variously sponsored, Illinois educator. He introduced different longitudinal studies of the effects of classes of children to reading at different early-childhood education for poor and grade levels from kindergarten to second
by David Elkind

Israel (cont.) Eve Resnik Kfar Saba / Tel Aviv +972 (09) 766 2140 Edith Rotenberg Oranit +972 (3) 936 9268 or (52) 569 923 Judith Schwarcz DDA - Israel Director Ra'anana / Tel Aviv +972 (09) 772 9888 Italy Elisa De Felice Roma +39 (06) 507 3570 Dr. Raffaella Zingerle Corvara In Badia +39 (0471) 83 68 71 Japan Helen Brittle-Matsuki Tokyo +81 (03) 3795 5997 Rita Von Bon Okinawa +81 98-936-9144 Lebanon Samar Riad Saab Beirut +961 3 700 206 Malaysia Hilary Craig Kuala Lumpur +603 2096 1342 Mexico Sandra Cecilia Gorozpe Barbara Quertaro +52 (01442) 220 52 48 Las Palmas Counseling Ctr Silvia Arana Garcia Cathy Caldern de la Barca Sofa Flores Gabriela Melndez Zagaceta Oscar Modesto Ramrez Roco Palma Contreras Katia Villafuerte Cardona Mxico D.F. +52 (55) 5202 7913 La Puerta de las Letras Mara Silvia Flores Salinas Supervisor-Specialist DLS Workshop Presenter Alejandra Garcia Medina DLS Workshop Presenter Graciela Trevino Gonzalez Olga Zambrano de Carrillo DDA - Mexico Director Garza Garca, Monterrey +52 (81) 8335 9435 Laura Lammoglia Tampico, Tamaulipas +52 (833) 213 4126


Developmental or Academic. . .
continued from page 7

grade. The children who were introduced to reading at these three levels were then retested when they were in junior high school. They were assessed by raters who did not know at what grade level reading instruction had commenced. What Washburn found was there was little difference between the level of reading achievement among the groups. The children who had been introduced to reading late, however, were more motivated and spontaneous readers than those who had begun early. Similar findings were reported in the Plowden Report in England which compared children from the informal schools of rural areas with children who attended the more formal schools of urban centers. Studies of early readers who are able to read phonemically on entering kindergarten, give similar results. In the United States and Canada, only about 3 to 5 percent of children read early. In our studies of such children we found that most of them had IQ's of 120 or better and were at Piaget's stage of concrete

operations. In addition, almost all of them had a parent or relative who took a special interest in them. These adults read to them, took them to the library and talked about books with them. In order to learn to read early in life, children need the requisite mental abilities, but they also benefit from the motivation that develops from rich exposure to language and books, and the special attention of a warm and caring adult. Evidence attesting to the importance of developmentally appropriate education in the early years also comes from cross cultural studies. Jerome Bruner reports that in French-speaking parts of Switzerland, where reading instruction is begun at the preschool level, there is a large percentage of children with reading problems. In German-speaking parts of Switzerland, where reading is not taught until ages six or seven, there are few reading problems. In Denmark, where reading is taught late there is almost no illiteracy. Likewise in Russia, where the literacy rate is high, reading is not taught until the age of six or seven. The benefits of early academic instruction is thus not supported by cross cultural data.

Dyslexia is.....
SwIrLiNg ToRnAdOeS oN tHe PaGe A dIzZyInG cArOuSeL oF wOrDs. NoNsEnSe AnD MaYhEm CrEaTiNg A dAgGeR iN mY hEaD. A tOrMeNtInG sToRm In My StOmAcH, ThE rEsUlT oF mAn'S cHaOtIc AtTeMpTs At CoMmUnIcAtIoN. JeLlO rUlEs Of PhOnIcS, RiGiD fLoWiNg WaTeR. NiGhTmArE dAyS iN sChOlAsTiC pRiSoN. A cOnSpIrAcY aGaInSt AlL wHo MaRcH tO tHe BeAt Of A dIfFeReNt DrUm.
by Katie Gilley, age 12


Mexico (cont.) Lucero Palafox Veracruz +52 (022) 99 351302 Susana Palafox Naucalpan, Edo. de Mexico +52 (55) 5251-3037 Sociedad de Consultatoria Organizacional Maria Eugenia Gutierrez Maria Lourdes Gutierrez Mexico D.F. +52 (55) 5595 8442 Netherlands Kees Blankendaal Wijk bij Duutstede +31 (06) 1460 6863 Ineke Blom Dorpstraat +31 20 436-1484 Lot Blom Utrecht +31 (030) 271 0005 Hester Brouwer Groningen +31 (050) 52 61 146

Perseverance is the key!!!

by Linda Johannes, New Hope Learning Centers Administrative Assistant

How many times have you heard phrases like, Anything worth doing is worth doing right, or If at first you dont succeed, try, try again? Meant as words of encouragement, they are often interpreted as empty clichs used to frustrate people. But whether heard as encouragements or clichs, they are principles that apply all too well to individuals who have completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. Perseverance IS the key. This is not something people normally like to hear. I know I would prefer to eat donuts and ice cream and never have to step foot into a gym again, but then reality must set in or a bulging tummy will. The choice is mine. With this in mind, let me share some of the New Hope Learning Centers client stories of success and perseverance. I hope they will warm your heart and encourage your spirit.

not qualify for the program. Kirsten is also the best reader in that program and has the option to modify her homework, but has chosen not to do that. She is enjoying school and reading more, too. Kirsten has been making some great choices that positively affect her life both today and for the future. Great job, Kirsten!

Kirsten Completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program in November of 2001 at the age of 11. Mom says they use the clay all the time for her homework. It really helps Kirsten get it, especially when she is working on science and chemistry. They have completed half of the trigger words, even though it is sometimes difficult with all the homework Kirsten gets. When Kirsten seems confused about something Mom checks to make sure she is on point and using her tools. At school, she is still in the special education class, but the school told Mom if she were a new student, Kirsten would

Max Completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program in August 2001 at the age of 9. As a homeschooler, Max had the advantage of making the follow-up work part of his everyday routine. However, that didnt mean he didnt have to work hard. Max and Mom went right to it and completed half of his trigger words within 6 months. He began to enjoy reading and was handling chapter books with ease. Mom now uses the clay to help Max master anything he is trying to learn and she says that it makes all the difference in the world. Max had struggled in the past with reading the childrens menu at restaurants, but its not a problem for Max anymore. Mom is always amazed that when she works with Max how much difference the Davis methods make in his learning. No matter how hard some days have been, Mom wouldnt trade all the time theyve spent for the anything in the world! Kirsten and Max: Each is tempered by their own academic and life experiences and in spite of individual adversity reveal to all of us the many faces of perseverance. New Hope Learning Centers and the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program may be bringing new hope to the dyslexic learner, but these persevering dyslexics are bringing new hope to everyone they encounter.

Lieneke Charpentier Nieuwegein +31 (030) 60 41 539 Monique Commandeur Uithoorn +31 (0297) 56 88 50 Mine de Ranitz Driebergen +31 (0343) 521 348 Leonardus D'Hoore Sluis +31 (0117) 56 29 40 Jan Gubbels Maastricht Judith Holzapfel Utrecht +31 (030) 271 2814 Will Huntjens Horn +31 (0475) 589 238 Helen Kaptein Middleburg +31 118 64 37 73 Carry Kuling Heemstede +31 (0235) 287 782 Drs. Marianne Kuster Alkmaar +31 (072) 51 24 301 Edith Kweekel-Gldi Soest +31 (035) 601 0611 Imelda Lamaker Hilversum +31 (035) 621 7309

Improve Children's Reading Skills and Creative Talents

with Kits

Designed Especially for K-3 Teachers and Parents of Children Ages 5-8
Each Kit includes: Sturdy Nylon Briefcase Reusable Modeling Clay (2 lbs.) Kindergarten & Grade One Manual or Grades Two & Three Manual Webster's Children's Dictionary (Hardcover) Checking Your Grammar (Softcover) Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet Two Koosh Balls Letter Recognition Cards Laminated Alphabet Strip (upper & lower case) Stop Signs for Reading Chart What is different in each Kit is the Manual. These include suggested curriculum, lesson plans, and activities appropriate for each grade level and age. Teachers or home-schooling parents who teach multiple grade level students may purchase a combination kit, containing both Manuals for $149.90. Previous purchasers of the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit may purchase either Manual separately for $29.95 each.

Kit price: $119.95

Recommended materials for classroom implementation:

One Kit per teacher or aide Four Koosh Balls per Classroom Six Letter Recognition Card sets per classroom One Alphabet Strip per student Six Punctuation & Styles Booklets per Classroom Six Dictionaries per Classroom One Pound of modeling clay per student

ORDER FORM Qty Item Price in US Dollars Davis Learning Strategies Teacher Kit __ K-1 __ Grades 2-3 (Check one) $119.95 Davis Learning Strategies Teacher Kit with both Manuals $149.90 Davis Learning Strategies K-1 Teacher Kit Manual (sold separately only to previous purchasers of a full Teacher Kit or Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) $29.95 Davis Learning Strategies Grades 2-3 Teacher Kit Manual (sold separately only to previous purchasers of a full Teacher Kit or Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) $29.95 Alphabet Strip $7.95 Punctuation & Styles Booklet $9.95 Letter Recognition Cards $9.95 Pronunciation Key Cards $12.95 Symbol Mastery Procedure Chart $1.95 Stop Signs for Reading Chart $1.95 Koosh Balls (2) $11.00 Clay - 2 pounds $8.00 Websters Childrens Dictionary (Hardcover) $16.95 Checking Your Grammar (Softcover) $6.95 DDAI Membership $50/year US$60/year non-US (not including shipping charges)

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Gebruik van de Davis Leer Methode

gedaan. De een was Adam geweest, de andere Eva. Ik antwoord dat we dat de volgende dag gingen doen. Zo gezegd zo gedaan. De hele klas speelt het spel. Daarna komt de opdracht om van het dier wat ze gemaakt hebben, eerst in hun schrift,ook voor Eva te spelen en allerlei zinnetjes te schrijven. Als voorbeeld : een liggend paard, een dom konijn, een wit konijn een schattig konijn enz. Vervolgens moest er n uitgezocht worden (dom, wit, schattig etc) en het paard dat ze al hadden gekleid moest de toevoeging krijgen, net zolang tot het paard het ook echt was. H, nu ontstonden er problemen. Hoe deed je dat? Hoe kon je nu een boze worm maken of een speelse schilpad, en dat schattige paard? Hoe deed je dat? Er ontstond een gesprek, suggestisch kwamen uit alle hoeken. Een jongen die de speelse schilpad had, wilde hem eerst op zijn rug leggen. Oh, zei ik dan is het een omgerolde schilpad. Nee, dat klopte niet. Dan laat ik hem met zijn pootjes bewegen, h, dat kan ook niet. Je moet er wat bij maken, raadde iemand hem aan. Ja, een balletje. En zo gebeurde het. Dit proces en het gesprek dat volgde is met heel veel kinderen zo ongeveer gegaan. De volgende dag vroeg ik wat ze nu precies gedaan hadden of ze dat niet ergens aan deed denken. Ze kwamen ermee dat het boetseren net zo was als Godvader had gedaan, daarna waren ze een beetje Adam geweest en Eva. Dat was een heerlijke herkenning. Ik vertelde dat de namen die
continued on page 14

Twee liggende paarden. Paard is het zelfstandige naamwoord en liggend het bijvoegelijke naamwoord. (Two sleeping horses. Horses is the noun and sleeping is the adjective.)

Nelleke Remerie heeft in April 2002 de workshop Davis Leer Methoden gevolgd. Ze werkt op een Vrije School in Zutphen. In het kader van een opleiding voor Remedial Teacher, moest Nelleke een scriptie schrijven. Ze is dat gaan doen over het toepassen van de Davis Leer Methode in haar eigen 3-4 klas. Hieronder volgen twee hoofdstukken uit deze scriptie. Genteresseerden kunnen Nelleke schrijven per e-mail: Nelleke Remerie attended the Davis Learning Strategies Workshop in April 2002. She works at a school in Zutphen, Holland, and is studying to become a Remedial Teacher. When she had to write a report for her studies, she decided to write about the use of Davis Learning Strategies in her own classroom of children 68years-old). For the publication in The Dyslexic Reader she has chosen a chapter about nouns and adjectives and a second chapter about I or the self-image. Those interested can write to her at:

Werken aan zelfstandige - en bijvoeglijke naamwoorden

(Work on Understanding Nouns and Adjectives)

Ik heb in mijn 3-4 klas gewerkt aan dit onderwerp. Vooral omdat ik uit vorige rondjes heb ervaren dat het zelfstandig naamwoord nog wel aankomt. Maar met het bijvoeglijk naamwoord hebben de meeste kinderen heel veel problemen. Ik begon met de scheppingsverhalen en was tot Adam gekomen. Ik vertelde dat Adam alles een naam gaf. Vervolgens gaf ik de klas de opdracht zoveel mogelijk dieren te verzinnen, die je kan scheppen. Dat was heerlijk voor ze om te doen. Een kind had er zelf 187 gevonden, geweldig! Daarna moest er een dier uitgezocht worden om die vervolgens te boetseren in de witte klei. Er verschenen hondjes, konijnen, dolfijnen enz. De volgende dagen ging het verhaal verder en kwam Eva, die alles wat Adam aanwees voorzag van een eigenschap. De lange slang, de dikke kikker enz. Ik speelde dit uit. Direct na het verhaal zegt een van de 4e klassers dat ze hier een spel mee hadden

Netherlands (cont.) Tineke Leijh Zutphen +32 (0575) 543 211 ZeiZei Lerninstitut Drs. Siegerdina Mandema Specialist Trainer Advanced Workshop Presenter DLS Workshop Presenter DDA - Nederland Director Robin Temple Specialist Trainer Workshop Presenter Maria Hoop +31 (0475) 302 203 Karin Meij Amsterdam +31 (020) 679 9152 Sjan Melsen Arnhem +31 264 42 69 98 Petra Moolhuizen Middelaar +31 (024) 696 3530 Marianne Oosterbaan Zeist +31 (030) 691 7309 Ineke Pijp Groningen +31 (050) 542 0817 Petra Pouw-Legne Beek +31 (046) 437 4907 Lydia Rogowski Helmond +31 (0492) 513 169 Hanneke Schoemaker Wageningen +31 (0317) 412 437 Sue Hillier-Smith Breukelen +31 (0346) 265 059 Tonny Stor Heerhugowaard +31 (072) 571 6562 Karima P.A. Turkatte Maria Hoop/Roermond +31 (0475) 302 554 Monique Ubachs Zutphen +31 (0575) 541 625 Rieja van der Valk Almelo +31 (0546) 067 537 Annemarie van Hof Utrecht +31 (030) 252 3069 Drs. Marian J.A. van Leeuwen Woudenberg +31 (033) 206 3506 Gerard van Poppel Gouda +31 (0182) 535 265


Werken aan zelfstandige

continued from page 11


Adam aan de dingen gaf zelfstandige naamwoorden werden genoemd en dat de Eva woorden bijvoeglijke naamwoorden waren. Eva voegt iets toe. Dat deden jullie ook. En stuk voor stuk kon ik de klas langs gaan om te vragen wat ze moeste toevoegen, moesten veranderen aan hun dier om als Eva te zijn. Terugblik: Het waren goede, gemotiveerde en zeer verhelderende lessen. Kinderen hebben hun eigen beeld gemaakt, hun eigen zelfstandigheid en het vervolgens verrijkt met. Iets bijgevoegd aan dit beeld. Ik denk dat de kinderen er meer aan hebben dan alleen het verhaal, het uitspelen en het benoemen, zoals ik meestal gewend was te doen. Ook ben ik heel benieuwd wat er gaat gebeuren als we het over de lidwoorden krijgen. Ook dit zie ik al voor me. Maar ook met voorzetsels en persoonlijk voornaamwoorden is dit alles heel goed mogelijk. Als afsluiting heb ik nog een woordsoortenboek gemaakt. Zie bijlage III. Het werkte voor de kinderen als een soort naslagwerk. English Summary: Nellekes experience is that children have difficulties with understanding the meaning of the adjective. The clay modeling helps this understanding process. First the children made a figure of the noun (horse, rabbit, etc.) and later on they added or enriched this figure with the adjective. For instance, the sleeping horses, the gay rabbit. Nellekes opinion is that the understanding is now on a deeper level, than when the children only talk about it or make an impersonation. Het begrip ik, of je zelfbeeld (Self, I, or self-image) In de lessen die ikzelf van het voorjaar gevolgd heb, moest ik ook een keer mijn ik boetseren. Dit was heel apart, want je bent tegelijk eens goed aan het kijken hoe de verhoudingen van je lichaam zijn. Wat er verder opvalt aan je of wat heel kenmerkend is voor je. Deze oefening wordt door de Davis therapeuten ook wel gedaan. Ik heb hem in mijn klas gebruikt voor een sociaal emotioneel proces. Ik heb ze allemaal hun ikken laten boetseren. Dat was niet voor iedereen

even makkelijk. Maar als je de eerste voorbeelden laat zien en bijvoorbeeld iets over de bedachte uitvoeringen voor het haar wat zegt dan komen er steeds meer opgang. Op het laatst staat dan zon hele tafel vol. En onder het naar huis gaan wordt er nog even wat aan gefrutseld. Hier en daar komt er een poesje bij, of een dode cavia met de hond die het dood beet.

Drie kinderen hebben hun eigen ik uitgebeeld in klei. (Three children made a clay figure of self.)

De volgende dag loopt iedereen even naar de tafel is er even mee bezig, ieder zegt even zijn ik goede dag. Vervolgens heb ik ze gebruikt voor het benoemen in de kring van iets waar je bij jezelf tevreden over bent. Dat is heel bijzonder om dan te horen wat er uit de groep komt. Ik ben heel blij met dat ik zo mooi kan dansen, ik heb dan iets in mijn hoofd en dat wordt altijd mooi. Ik ben tevreden over mijn ogen. Dingen worden herkend en op een goede manier ontvangen. Na een week kwam de volgende vraag. Waar ben je nu niet zo tevreden over? Ook hier weer hele onroerende zaken als: driftig worden, een vader, dochter verhouding waar nooit ruzie was en waarvan het meisje zegt eigenlijk toch last van te hebben. Weer een ander meisje zit te denken, ze weet het eigenlijk niet. Naast mij zit een meisje en die zegt:Ik weet het wel. Ja, ik ook, zeg ik. Maar uiteindelijk komt het meisje ermee dat ze zich niet mooi vindt. Hoe kan dat nu, zegt er een Ik vind jou heel mooi. En het meisje naast mij zegt:Ik dacht dat je je astma zou noemen. Waarop het bewuste meisje zegt:Nee, daar heb ik niet aan gedacht, dat hoort zo bij mij. Mooi h zulke gesprekjes, net pareltjes. Het is voor de klas heerlijk zo
continued on page 13



Werken aan zelfstandige

continued from page 12


met elkaar in gesprek te komen. Natuurlijk kan dat zonder boetseren, maar dit medium zorgt nog voor een andere diepgang. Je moet naar jezelf kijken. Je gaat vormen en verhouding leren zien. Dat het nog lang niet volmaakt is maakt eigenlijk niet uit. Ze worden er wakkerder voor en zijn uiteindelijk ook meer gericht op de klas. Nadat ze met zichzelf klaar zijn. Als ik de oefening zou maken naar de persoonlijke voornaamwoorden kunnen ze nog een keer een ik maken. En kunnen die kinderen die het toch nog wat lastig

vonden het nog eens oefenen. En kan je bijvoorbeeld met de Jij een van de vriendjes laten boetseren. Dan moeten ze nog eens goed naar elkaar kijken en komen ze in een andere verhouding met elkaar te staan. English Summary: Nelleke used the modeling of self mainly for the socialemotional process. Making figures in clay encouraged the process of watching oneself carefully bodily, but also about ones own talents and capabilities. Likes and dislikes were discussed. After the exercise, children helped each other more. There were intense discussions and on a deeper level than Nelleke was used to.

Netherlands (cont.) Willem Van Ulsen Groningen +31 (050) 542 3941 Christa Wiersma Den Haag +31 (070) 355 3388 Koos Wijnen Asten +31 (0493) 69 81 21 Gerda Witte-Kuijs Heerhugowaard +31 (072) 571 3163 Karin Van Wulfen Breda +31 076 514 4889 Astrid Zanen-vander Blij Aerdenhout +31 (023) 524 3485 New Zealand Raewyn Matheson Inglewood +64 (027) 411 8350 Oman Patricia Lynne Hodge Muscat +968 698 596 Republic of Singapore Phaik Sue Chin Singapore +65 6773 4070 Ann Chua Singapore +65 9843 1726 Constance Chua Singapore +65 6873 3873 South Africa Sara Louise Kramer Capetown +27 (021) 794 5778 Spain Conquista del Lenguage Mara Campo Martnez Murgua, lava +34 (0945) 46 25 85 La Llave del Don Silvia Mara Sabats Rodrigo Madrid +34 (091) 378 2331 Switzerland/CH Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher Veronika Beeler St. Gallen 41 (071) 222 07 79 Monika Amrein Zurich +41 (01) 341 8264

Buchstaben und Bilder? (Letters and Pictures?)

von Magdalena Vogel-Eichert, Bonn

Buchstaben sind Symbole fr Laute, aber nicht fr Bilder. Erst wenn Buchstaben zu Wrtern zusammengefgt sind und einen Sinn, eine Bedeutung haben, ist damit auch ein Bild verbunden*. Das heit, Wrter reprsentieren Bilder und Bedeutungen, Buchstaben reprsentieren die einzelnen Laute oder Lautverbindungen jedenfalls im Prinzip. Denn natrlich gibt es Abweichungen durch oder im Zusammenhang mit Rechtschreibregeln. Wir haben es bei Buchstaben also zu tun mit 1. dem Klang, dem Laut, der Aussprache (im Wort); Wahrnehmung ber das Ohr, das Hren (auditiv), 2. dem Buchstaben selbst, dem Aussehen, der Form; Wahrnehmung ber das Auge, das Sehen (visuell), 3. dem Namen des Buchstaben, der geht ber das Ohr und erzeugt sogleich das Aussehen des Buchstaben vor dem geistigen Auge**. Bei der Symbolbeherrschung der Buchstaben fehlt folgerichtig das Bild. Die Bedeutung des Buchstaben ist praktisch der Laut bzw. die Lautverbindung. Des fteren tauchte bei den Eltern die Frage auf, ob nicht als Gedchtnissttze fr die Zuordnung der Laute und Buchstaben die Buchstaben in Bildform gestaltet werden sollen (z.B. das R als wanderndes Mnnchen mit Rucksack), wie man es auch in bungsheften zum spielerischen

Erlernen des Alphabets findet. Es ist mglich, dass die Kinder dadurch eher desorientiert werden, als dass es ihnen hilft, oder dass es die Form einer alten Lsung annimmt, hnlich wie das ABCLied. Es reicht vllig aus, alle Unklarheiten und Auslser zu beseitigen und in orientiertem Zustand die drei Elemente einander zuzuordnen. Das geschieht bei der Davis-Methode immer mit allen Sinnen. Eine Untersttzung kann es aber sein, wenn die Kinder sich jeweils ein Wort suchen, in dem der betreffende Laut vorkommt, sodass sie ihn auch noch einmal im Wort sprechen und somit hren. Es sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass es 1) ein positives Wort ist, zu dem es 2) auch ein eindeutiges Bild gibt, dass es also kein Auslsewort ist. ___________________________________ * Ausnahmen sind die bildlosen Wrter (bzw. individuell die Auslsewrter). ** Das gilt, wenn die Zuordnung in orientiertem Zustand erfolgt ist und keine Auslser mehr vorhanden sind. English Summary: Associating letters with pictures is supposed to help dyslexics learn and remember their letters. Sometime, this method can lead to old solutions and confusions about the real meaning of letters. Davis Symbol Mastery opens the memory to record the sound of the letter, which is the true meaning of a letter. This article explains why the quite common way to anchor letters through pictures is not the real solution.

Switzerland/CH (cont.) Lerninstitut Basel Gerda Barakos-Jeger Bonny Beuret Specialist Trainer Adv. Workshop Presenter DLS Workshop Presenter DDA - CH Director Denise Gabriel Sandra Moschtaghi Jrg Peter Supervisor-Specialist Workshop Presenter Margrit Zahnd Basel +41 (061) 272 24 00 Mieke Blommers-Friederichs Basel +41 (061) 378 9060 Vicki Brignoli Lumino +41 (091) 829 05 36 Beatrice Conti Wolfisberg +41 (062) 636 2146 Ursula Fischbacher Orpund +41 (032) 355 23 26 Edith Forster Ettenhausen +41 (052) 365 45 54 Heidi Gander-Belz Monchaltorf +41 (01) 948 1410 Katharina Grenacher Bern +41 (031) 382 00 29 Ursula Herrli Au/Wdenswil +41 (01) 781 13 35 Ursula Hirzel Egler Stfa +41 (01) 926 2895 Christa Jaeger Riehen +41 (061) 641 4667 Susanne Jeker Olten +41 (062) 296 45 30 Kthi Kamm Wettswil a/A +41 (01) 700 16 33 Consuelo Lang Lumino +41 (091) 829 05 36 Claudia Lendi St. Gallen +41 (071) 288 41 85 Renate Lffel Basserdorf +41 (01) 836 96 59 Margrit Niederhauser Liestal / Basel +41 (061) 921 47 12


Desorientierungsmuster bei Buchstaben

(Disorientation Examples with Letters)
von Magdalena Vogel-Eichert, Bonn Man kann im Wesentlichen fnf Ursachen fr Desorientierung unterscheiden, wenn es um Buchstaben geht: die visuelle, die visuellauditive, die auditive, die schreibpraktische und die emotionale. Diese Desorientierungsmuster sind in der Reihenfolge der (vermuteten) Hufigkeit aufgefhrt. Im Einzelnen: 4. Dieses Desorientierungsmuster kann man das schreibpraktische nennen. Hierbei wird Desorientierung meist durch bestimmte Bewegungen beim Schreiben ausgelst, z.B. durch Bgen oder diagonale Linien. In diesem Fall handelt es sich nicht um einzelne Buchstaben, sondern um alle, fr deren Schreibung diese Bewegung gebraucht wird.

5. Unter dem emotionalen Desorientierungsmuster sind vor allem negative 1. Das rein visuelle Desorientierungsmuster Gefhlsverbindungen zu den Buchstaben zu besteht darin, dass eine Unklarheit oder verstehen. So kommt es vor, dass Klienten Verwechslung ber das Auge, den Sehsinn, durch das b desorientiert werden, weil es ein auftritt. Symbol fr das Wort bse und dieses Beispiel: Der Klient verwechselt das E wiederum ein Symbol fr das Bse und das F oder das g und die 9, weil die geworden ist, was dem Klienten angetan jeweiligen Symbole hnlich aussehen, eine wurde. Oder das U erinnert an das Wort hnliche Form haben. Unfall, bei dem eine geliebte Person Auch knnen die Buchstaben beinahe gestorben wre. Assoziationen wecken zu Dingen, die hnlich Nach meinen Erfahrungen tritt das aussehen, z.B. erinnert das r manche visuelle Desorientierungsmuster am Klienten an Garderobenhaken. hufigsten auf, das emotionale am seltensten. Im Prinzip sind alle Desorientierungsmuster 2. Das visuell-auditive Muster liegt vor, bei jedem Klienten mglich, doch lassen sich wenn der Klient nicht wei, wie ein manche Klienten mehr visuell, andere lieber Buchstabe oder eine Buchstabenkombination auditiv oder in Kombination desorientieren. ausgesprochen wird (z.B. das c, ch, st, q/qu), oder umgekehrt, wie ein Laut oder eine Whrend das emotionale Lautkombination geschrieben werden muss: Desorientierungsmuster eher selten erscheint, z.B. gibt es fr den Laut [f] drei verschiedene tritt das schreibpraktische bei recht vielen Schreibungen, nmlich f, v und ph. In Klienten auf, ist jedoch zunchst nachrangig diesem Bereich sind viele der gegenber den visuell-auditiven Ursachen fr Rechtschreibprobleme anzusiedeln, wie auch Desorientierung. (Achtung: Nicht jede die Frage, ob man ein Wort mit h oder ohne Unsicherheit in Bezug auf die schreibt. Oder ob er bog mit k oder g Rechtschreibung ist auch eine geschrieben wird. Desorientierung!) Hier geht es also um die Beziehung Es ist sinnvoll, die ersten drei Muster zwischen dem Laut (dem Klang), das heit wegen der Hufigkeit auf jeden Fall als dem auditiven Bereich, und dem visuellen Mglichkeit abzufragen, zumal manchmal Symbol dafr. zwei oder gar alle drei gleichzeitig an der Desorientierung beteiligt sind. Auerdem 3. Beim auditiven Desorientierungsmuster sind diese Arten der Desorientierung fr das verwechselt der Klient Laute wie z.B. [o:] Lesen und das Schreiben von Bedeutung. und [u:] oder [g] und [k]. Das heit, die Erst wenn dann ein Buchstabe immer Desorientierung erfolgt hier ber das Ohr, noch nicht mit stabiler Orientierung den Hrsinn. gesprochen oder geschrieben werden kann, Hierzu gehrt auch das nominelle kommen auch die vierte und / oder fnfte Desorientierungsmuster: der Name des Mglichkeit in Frage und sollten behandelt Buchstaben oder des Symbols lst werden. Desorientierung aus. Zum Beispiel klingen die Buchstabennamen c und z recht English Summary: In which ways can letters hnlich [tse:] und [ts t]. trigger disorientation? The five most Oder der Name des Buchstaben g kann common causes: visual, visual-auditory, Assoziationen hervorrufen zu dem Wort auditory, in the area of mechanics of writing, geh!. Oder q zu Kuh. and emotional, are described, with examples the author has encountered while helping Davis Program clients master the German alphabet.


Switzerland/CH (cont.) Elisabeth Raberger Baden +41 (056) 209 17 76 Hilary Rhodes Chesieres-Villars +41 (024) 495 38 20 Doris Rubli-Osterwalder St. Gallen +41 (071) 245 56 90 Benita Ruckli Sigigen +41 495 2538 Elisabeth Rudolf von Rohr Olten +41 (062) 293 46 66 Lotti Salivisberg Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44 Sonja Sartor Winterthur +41 (052) 242 4015 Anne-Marie Schaffltzel Wdenswil-Au / Zurich + 41 (01) 781 19 93 Maya Semle-Muraro Stfa +41 (079) 704 03 07 Helena Strohbach Rti +41 (055) 240 21 67 Claudia Taverna Sent +41 (081) 864 9115 Andreas Villain Zrich +41 (076) 371 84 32 Catherine Warner Geneva +41 (022) 321 70 42 Iris Webber Bretswil/Zrich +41 (01) 939 2633 Esther Wieland Sils i.D./Pratval +41 (081) 651 30 22 United Kingdom Catherine E. Armstrong Thame, Oxon +44 (01844) 212 419 Nicky Bennett-Baggs Gt. Gaddesden, Hertfordshire +44 (01442) 252 517 Laurie Challoner Winchester, Hampshire +44 (07763) 759 500 Susan Duguid London +44 (020) 8878 9652

Talking with Clay

by Hilary Farmer, Davis Facilitator in Oxford, UK

The inspiration for this came from Robin Temple. I remember him once saying to someone: Why are you talking when theres clay here? This simple question made me think. I spent many years as a teacher, so when I became a Facilitator, I had to learn to shut up. I also had to learn to communicate effectively using a different style. My students are creative, imaginative and three-dimensional thinkers. They dont relate well to words and more words. So I learnt to talk with the clay. I suppose I had not realised how much I use the clay until talking to Nichola Farnum, a fellow Facilitator, about modelling the story of compulsive solutions. She suggested I write it up, so here it is, along with other ways to communicate with clay. When facilitating a programme, it is important that students understand about compulsive solutions and that dyslexia correction is more than mastering the symbols that cause disorientation: it is letting go of old solutions. Towards the end of the programme, in order to demonstrate this, I often make a clay model of a person and give it a name. I show, in clay how Charlie, a dyslexic student is in school and he makes mistakes. He doesnt know why, he just seems to get things wrong. This is threatening to him. To survive, he has to find a way of dealing with it. He tries something; he bursts into tears. The teacher, feeling guilty, backs off. That worked. He does it next time and now it is an entrenched behaviour. No matter how hard he tries, he always cries when hes under pressure, the original reason long since forgotten. When Im telling this story, I move clay models around to show what is happening. Then I change the model a bit and invent another character whose compulsive solution is bad behaviour: better to be thought naughty than stupid! I have this character turning over the table etc. In this way, I run through about six of the most common solutions, making sure I include my students most obvious ones. Very often my student will be laughing and shouting: Thats me! or My friend Ben does that! So then, with the clay we show how to deal with these compulsive solutions. Sometimes, at this point, I make a model of someone with a crutch. Then I

make another character who tells him to throw it away, he doesnt need it. I may say to the student: Hes used this crutch for years, would you throw it away just like that? The student either says No or Maybe. So then I ask the student whether he can ever throw the crutch away. The student will usually say that he will when hes sure he wont fall over. This of course is a metaphor for a compulsive solution. Also towards the end of the programme, you need to be sure that the student realises he does have to work on eliminating triggers after the end of the programme or he/she will lose the ability to orientate. I do that with clay too, unless the student has fully grasped this already. I make a clay model of a person. I make a symbol. I show the person looking at the symbol and getting disorientated and re-orientating. I show another symbol on top of the previous one and the same thing. Eventually the pile is high and the student is overwhelmed with confusion hes failed to deal with. Hes flat on his back and unable to reorientate. At the beginning of a programme, some students arent ready to launch straight into orientation. The clay is a safe and enjoyable starting place. I sometimes get the student to model where they see themselves now in relation to their main goal and where they want to be. That gets us right into change and into motivation: the energy involved in making the change, without using words. It sets the whole programme onto the right track: change and learning (the two are inseparable) The model can stay in the room all week and provide the focus and something to refer to. I can refer back to it and ask What else do you need to achieve this? Also at the beginning of a programme, I get the student to model his/her head
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United Kingdom (cont.) Dyslexia Correction Centre Georgina Dunlop Jane E.M. Heywood Ascot, Berkshire +44 (01344) 622 115 Christine East Kingsbridge, Devon +44 (01548) 856 045 Hilary Farmer Oxford, Oxon 44 (01865) 326 464 Nichola Farnum London +44 (0208) 977 6699 Carol Forster Gloucester +44 (01452) 331 573 Axel Gudmundsson London +44 (020) 8341-7703 Anna Mead Winchester, Hampshire +44 (07951) 642 759 Keryn Middleton Barking, Essex, +44 (0208) 507 9164 Fionna Pilgrim Keighley, West Yorkshire +44 (01535) 609 797 Elenica Nina Pitoska London +44 (020) 8451 4025 Pauline Royle Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs +44 (01253) 899 875 Janice Scholes Liversedge, West Yorkshire +44 (01274) 874 712 Lin Seward Supervisor - Specialist Winchester, Hampshire +44 (01962) 859 999 Judith Shaw Stourbridge, West Midlands +44 (01384) 440 980 Laura Shone Ilford, Essex +44 (020) 8924 5755 Lynne Smith Brighton, East Sussex +44 (07986) 546 468 Barbara Timmins Solihull +44 (015) 6477 2657 Drs. Rene van der Vloodt Reigate, Surrey +44 (01737) 240 116 Richard Whitehead Cranbrook, Kent +44 (01580) 713 094


Talking with clay . . .

continued from page 15

looking at the cake or the pizza. Then we model a finger with something representing the minds eye. We move the finger and the minds eye around the cake and talk about how we did this the first time we met. This has two advantages: it connects with a previous experience, giving me something to build on and reminds the student of a pleasurable discovery. (They always remember it.) Next I talk about how the minds eye moves around (relating this to the students particular problems, reading, spelling, etc.) and then we can discuss how it would be good to get the minds eye to stay still for certain activities. So, using the clay, the idea of orientation and why it is helpful has been discussed. Next I show the student the process with the clay, inviting them to put the lines in place, stage by stage as we go through the process. It is then effortless to actually do the orientation procedure because they have seen and modelled the process. Now the student has a model of orientation and this model can be used for talking about holding, and about triggering etc.

For some students, its helpful for them to model how they are feeling about something. The emotional barriers to learning can be huge and they might need to communicate how hopeless they feel about writing, for instance. I have also used the clay to communicate bullying issues and explore possible alternative strategies. Some students, with help can really take off with the clay. I have started students off with subjects as diverse as modelling French verbs, understanding Advanced Level Chemistry, Physics and Sociology. I remember the Sociology student. He wanted to model the secularisation of society. He knew more about this than I did, but with his college notes, he put together clay models of each of the issues. At the end, he was high with the excitement of it and said This is fantastic. Its a three-dimensional mind map. I wont forget this! This is talking with clay and it is an articulate medium. Whatever the student presents, whatever are the students questions, you can explore and communicate with the clay. Clay can communicate beyond words because a picture speaks a thousand words.

Famous Dyslexics Remember

I never read in school. I got really bad grades--D's and F's and C's in some classes, and A's and B's in other classes. In the second week of the 11th grade, I just quit. When I was in school, it was really difficult. Almost everything I learned, I had to learn by listening. My report cards always said that I was not living up to my potential. Cher My teachers say I'm addled . . . my father thought I was stupid, and I almost decided I must be a dunce. Thomas Edison

I just barely got through school. The problem was a learning disability, at a time when there was nowhere to get help. Bruce Jenner, Olympic gold medalist I, myself, was always recognized . . . as the "slow one" in the family. It was quite true, and I knew it and accepted it. Writing and spelling were always terribly difficult for me. My letters were without originality. I was . . . an extraordinarily bad speller and have remained so until this day. Agatha Christie

He told me that his teachers reported that . . . he was mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in his foolish dreams. Hans Albert Einstein, on his father, Albert Einstein


United Kingdom (cont.) Rachel Williamson Hassocks, West Sussex +44 (01444) 245 260 United States

Jessikas New Self

by Vickie Kozuki-Ah You Davis Facilitator in Hawaii

Jessika Lidfeldt's creation of "self" is about mastering the alphabet. Jessika is a 34-year-old Swedish native, who moved to Brazil at age 15 and has lived in Hawaii for 14 years. English is her third spoken language. For the first time in her life she finally feels that she can conquer words when reading. She now has control of the alphabet. Jessika used to dislike the lower case letters. She models those letters on herself; the alphabet has become a part of her joyful self! She used to describe her dyslexia as very severe, saying it was "like being blind at times." She would get stressed when reading and suffer from constant eye squinting. After the third day of the Davis Program, the eye squinting nearly disappeared. Jessika also had several nights of restful sleep, which was unusual because she routinely woke-up about five times in the night. For most of her adult life, she rarely felt refreshed from a good night's sleep that's all changed for her. Jessika almost didn't tell me about this miraculous change, explaining that she didn't want to jinx it since sleep is so

Alabama Paula Morehead Birmingham 1 (205) 408-4420 Arizona Dr. Edith Fritz Phoenix 1 (602) 274-7738 Nancy Kress Glendale/Phoenix 1 (623) 203-1890 John F. Mertz, Jr. Tucson 1 (877) 219-0613 (Toll Free) 1 (520) 219-0613 Tamera P. Richardson Mesa/Phoenix 1 (480) 664-9274 California Reading Research Council Dyslexia Correction Center Dr. Fatima Ali, Founder Alice Davis, DDAI Director, Ray Davis Ronald D. Davis, Founder Sharon Pfeiffer, Specialist Trainer DLS Workshop Presenter Dee Weldon White Lexie White Strain Burlingame/San Francisco 1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free) 1 (650) 692-8990 Janalee Beals Orange 1 (877) 439-7539 (Toll Free) 1 (714) 547-4287 Janet Confer Rancho Santa Margarita/San Clemente 1 (949) 589-6394 Richard A. Harmel Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles 1 (310) 823-8900 Jeannette Myers Fallbrook/San Diego 1 (760) 723-2989 Dwight Underhill El Cerrito/Berkeley 1 (510) 559-7869 Colorado Kathy Bacon Loveland/Boulder 1 (970) 669-0170 Terry DeMeo Littleton/Denver 1 (303) 850-7668 Crystal Punch Englewood/Denver 1 (303) 850-0581

precious to her. Well, she has not been jinxed! How wonderful that the Davis Program provided her comfort when reading, in addition to a feeling of peace and well being.

Humor Corner

Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.

Voltaire (1694-1778)

This picture shows that I am definitely allowing my clients to be creative!

Charlotte Foster, Davis Specialist in New Jersey

United States / Colorado (cont.) Carol Stromberg Collbran/Grand Junction 1 (800) 290-7605 (Toll Free) 1 (970) 487-0228 Florida Random (Randee) Garretson Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg 1 (813) 956-0502 Dyslexia Plus Alice J. Pratt DLS Workshop Presenter Gwin Pratt Jacksonville 1 (904) 389-9251 Georgia Bill Allen Marietta/Atlanta 1 (770) 594-1770 Scott Timm Woodstock/Atlanta 1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free) Hawaii Vickie Kozuki-Ah You Ewa Beach / Honolulu 1 (808) 685-1122 Scott Shedko Honolulu 1 (808) 377-3177 Illinois Kim Ainis Chicago 1 (312) 360-0805 Indiana Jodi R. Baugh Cloverdale/Terre Haute 1 (765) 526-2121 Myrna Burkholder Goshen/South Bend 1 (574) 533-7455 Iowa Mary Kay Frasier Des Moines 1 (515) 270-0280 Kansas Carole Coulter Overland Park/Kansas City 1 (913) 831-0388 Louisiana Wendy Ware Gilley Baton Rouge 1 (225) 751-8741 Michigan Ann Minkel Six Lakes/Grand Rapids 1 (866) 330-3671 (Toll-Free) 1 (989) 365-3176 Dean Schalow Manistee 1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free) Minnesota Cindy Bauer Plymouth/Minneapolis 1 (612) 483-3460


by Abigail Marshall, DDAI Information Services Director

After the Davis program, should you continue with phonics instruction, as this will probably be taught in school? Learning phonics and phonetic decoding skills is a primary level reading or prereading skill. A child over the age of 8 or 9 should not need more instruction in phonics after the Davis program; emphasis on phonics may cause the child to regress or become confused, and in any event will tend to slow down reading. Children from ages 5-7 should probably be exposed to both phonetic sounding-out strategies, and to the visual methods taught with Davis Learning Strategies. The teacher or parent should explain that these are different tools to help learn to read, and through observation, help guide the child to use the combination of strategies that work best for him. Can teaching phonics intensively harm a dyslexic child? Most dyslexic children have difficulty with phonetic decoding, for a variety of reasons. Some tend to have poor sequencing skills, so it is hard for them to retain the concept of sounding out letters in sequence, and then transitioning from each letter having a unique sound to blending consonants. On the other hand, many have strong logic skills, and the transition from the simple rules of phonics to phonemic awareness and learning the myriad of exceptions to basic phonics can be confusing. They tend to be global or wholeto-part learners, and have difficulty understanding a step-by-step process that requires them to work with parts or segments of words rather than looking at the whole word. They tend to think in pictures rather than words, so translating letters to the sounds of words creates an additional step in the process of word recognition and understanding. Brain scans of dyslexic children have shown repeatedly that they tend to process the sounds of words differently than nondyslexic children. Because of this, it can be anticipated that learning to read by a phonetic approach will be slow and

laborious for most dyslexic children. It is somewhat similar to trying to force a lefthanded child to write with the right hand. In the case of dyslexia, teaching phonics often amounts to forcing a visual thinker to learn to read with his ears rather than his eyes; an odd approach to dealing with a visual medium like print. Generally, if attempts are made to force or pressure a child to read using strategies that are unnatural, it will create dyslexia in an at-risk or potentially dyslexic child, and will worsen the symptoms of dyslexia in a child who is already struggling. The child will become increasingly confused and disoriented. Added repetition or practice would tend to reinforce the confusion, frustration and sense of failure, as well as the disorientation, rather than to help the child actually learn to read. Once this pattern is set, the confusion becomes overwhelming, and the child can disorient even before attempting to read, perhaps as soon as seeing the teacher bring out the book. At that point, reading instruction would be impossible until the child is taught strategies to deal with the disorientation. How can you know whether or not to discontinue phonics instruction with a dyslexic child? The most significant sign that phonics instruction is not working is frustration. If the child regularly shows sign of frustration with any method such as anger, tears, or unwillingness to proceed the attempts to teach by that approach should cease, and another approach should be tried. The biggest mistake is to pursue a course relying on repetition and drill with an unwilling child. Most dyslexic children are very quick to grasp concepts that they easily understand; if a child is slow to learn prereading or reading skills, it is a sure sign that the approach is not working. Intensifying the instruction will not help. Some dyslexic children find it easy to learn to work with phonics and enjoy word puzzles and games involving phonics. If the child is relaxed and enjoying the activity, then it will not do any harm and the child is probably learning. However, a common
continued on page 19



Q&A.. .
continued from page 19

pattern seen in these types of children is that they will seem to do well in early primary years, but will get stuck and not be able to transition from decoding of words to reading fluency. At this point, these children do not need more phonics, but rather they need to learn the visual whole word recognition skills that will bridge the gap between sounding-out words and recognizing and comprehending words by sight. Children like this often make extremely rapid progress with Davis methods, as they already have good foundational skills for reading, and the Davis tools provide the missing link they need to become strong and competent readers. Should the child use phonics to decode words while using the Davis Sweep-SweepSpell reading exercise? The purpose of Sweep-Sweep-Spell is to build up letter-sequencing, letter recognition, and whole word recognition skills; and to learn to rely more on visual recognition of words than sounding-out strategies. Phonics should NOT be used during Sweep-Sweep-Spell, because this undermines the skill-building purpose of the exercise. If the parent or tutor observes the child resorting to phonetic strategies, the student should be gently reminded to spell out the word, rather than sounding-out. A young child can simply be reminded that he is learning different tools for reading, and Sweep-Sweep-Spell is the time to practice reading with his eyes without thinking about the sounds of the letters. Outside of formal instruction, if the child is reading on his own, the child simply should be encouraged to do what comes naturally for him. There is no one best method for reading, but each child has a individual style and will become a good reader when encouraged to develop that. It may ultimately be a combination of both strategies, and may vary depending on the sort of material the child is trying to read. . Is it possible to use the Davis Learning Strategies Teacher Kit with students as young as age four? Davis Learning Strategies methods were piloted and developed beginning with

Kindergarten level children, age five. Some of the strategies, such as release, focusing, dial-setting, and clay modeling of shapes, may be developmentally appropriate for a four-year-old, but only if the four-year-old is cognitively ready and has strong expressive and receptive oral language skills. As a guideline for developmentally appropriate education in language arts, I recommend following the advice in the article by Davis Elkind at: .html, and his book, "The Hurried Child." If a child has been through the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program and reading has improved, and she has strong listening comprehension skills, is it still necessary to tackle the trigger words in clay? She does not seem to have a problem with oral comprehension, its just the decoding of some of the trigger words. The Symbol Mastery is going slowly and Im wondering if it is really necessary? Yes, it is necessary to do all the trigger words in clay in order to get the full benefits of the Davis Program. You mentioned that the child has difficulty decoding some trigger wordsthe child should not be decoding these words at all, but should recognize them immediately when encountered in print. The aim is knowledge, or mastery, not decoding. If the child is reluctant to do the modeling, you can prioritize modeling those words that you have observed the child to have difficulty withor allow the child to have a role in identifying which words she needs to model. As long as the child still has a problem with reading, it is crucial that the clay modeling of trigger words continue. The fact that the child has good listening comprehension skills does not tell you whether she has mastered the trigger words or is thinking with them. She just might have a greater tendency to trigger on words encountered in print, and be more comfortable relying on other cues, such as body language, to fill in the gaps in her understanding of trigger words during oral communications. If the words are still not mastered in print, they are still triggers while reading.

United States / Minnesota (cont.) Virginia Bushman Cold Spring/St. Cloud 1 (320)-685-7977 Cyndi Deneson Supervisor-Specialist Advanced Workshop Presenter Bloomington/Minneapolis 1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free) 1 (952) 820-4673 Mississippi Mississippi Dyslexia Center M. Elizabeth Cook Nancy F. McClain Vicksburg/Jackson 1 (866) 632-2900 (Toll Free) 1 (601) 636-2900 Missouri Patricia Henry Kansas City 1 (816) 361 6563 Montana Elsie Johnson Kalispell, MT (406) 257-8556 Linda Jo Price Bozeman 1(406) 586-8218 Nancy Sitton Whitefish 1 (406) 863-9844 Nebraska Shawn Carlson Lincoln 1 (402) 420-1025 Nevada Barbara Clark Gardnerville/Carson City 1 (775) 265-1188 New Hampshire Michele Siegmann Mason/Manchester/Boston 1 (603) 878-6006 New Jersey Nancy Cimprich Elmer/Philadelphia 1 (856) 358-3102 Charlotte Foster Supervisor-Specialist Bernardsville/Newark 1 (908) 766-5399 New York Carla C. Niessen Clintondale/Poughkeepsie 1 (845) 883-5766 Wendy Ritchie Hilton/Rochester 1 (585) 233-4364 North Carolina Gerri W. Cox Shallotte/Wilmington 1 (910) 754-9559 Erin Pratt Asheville 1 (828) 231-2400

United States / North Carolina (cont.) Elizabeth Ratliff Cary/Raleigh 1 (919) 461-3948 North Dakota Karen Nelson Bismarck 1 (701) 222-0326 Ohio Lisa Thatcher Mount Vernon/Columbus 1 (740) 397-7060 Oklahoma Christina Martin Tulsa 1 (866) 492-0700 (Toll Free) 1 (918) 492-0700 Pennsylvania Marcia Maust Berlin/Pittsburgh 1 (814) 267-6694 South Dakota Kim Carson Redfield/Aberdeen 1 (605) 472-0522 Texas Success Learning Center Rhonda Clemons Colleen Millslagle Tyler/Dallas 1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free) 1 (903) 531-2446 Kellie Brown Ft. Worth 1 (877) 230-2622 (Toll Free) 1 (817) 989-0783 Susan Dickens Leander/Austin 1 (512) 515-5591 Shannon Liverman Sonora/San Antonio 1 (915) 277-0895 Dorothy Owen Supervisor - Specialist Dallas 1 (817) 919-6200 Laura Warren Lubbock 1 (806) 771-7292 Virginia Donna Kouri Rockville (804) 749-8791 Angela Odom Midlothian/Richmond 1 (800) 652-8476 PIN#3586 (Toll-Free) 1 (804) 833-8858 Washington Dyslexia Correction Center of Washington Marilyn Anderson Aleta Clark Auburn/Tacoma 1 (253) 854-9377


Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators, Specialists and Workshop Presenters

Congratulations and welcome to our growing international family of Davis providers!
Petra Moolhuizen is a new facilitator who trained with DDA-Nederland. As an experienced international speed skater, she is convinced the Davis methods can help young athletes to reach higher goals. Leren Met Klei (Dutch for Learn With Clay), A van Heumenstraat 12. 6587 BD, Middelaar, Nederland. +31 (024) 696 3530. Linda Jo Price After 25 years in the classroom, I feel very fortunate to have discovered the Davis Program. Working from my home, I am delighted to be using and sharing this lifechanging program with others. I also enjoy my grandchildren, golfing, skiing, reading, and needle-crafting. Dyslexia Addressed, 32 Sir Arthur Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718, USA. 1(406) 586-8218. Goldie Gilad has a B.S.W in Social Work and extensive training in Family Therapy. I have worked in Mental Health both in inpatient and outpatient settings. Although I enjoyed my work, I wanted to stay home and raise my children, which I did for 13 years and enjoyed immensely. An opportunity to integrate my previous professional skills combined with the pleasure I derive from working with people and see them discover their potential, led me to Davis with its holistic and applicable approach. It has also been a privilege for me to be part of the first group Facilitators in Israel. 6 Mishol Hakela Street, Kfar Saba, 44535, Israel. +972-9-7651185. Edith Rotenberg has a Behavioral Science and Education BA. She has been an Art Special Education teacher since 1986. She worked with retarded teenagers in Elwyns workshop in Jerusalem and as a Reiki therapist. She speaks English, Hebrew, Spanish and French. I was looking for an alternate way to help my ADHD son without the use of medication. I attended Ron Davis lecture in Raanana September 2000, then read the book, The Gift of Dyslexia. At the end of the lecture I felt intuitively that this method would open the doors. Now some 2 years later, I am sure this is the perfect method, which will enhance students to reach their true potential. As a Davis Facilitator I now have the opportunity to enable children with Dyslexia and ADHD the opportunity to integrate into mainstream education. 46, Haalon Street, Oranit, 44813, Israel. +972-3-936 9268 or 52-569 923. Sally Beulke After teaching teenagers for 10 years, I completed another degree specializing in Adult Literacy. While researching solutions for my dyslexic daughter, I found the Davis program in 1999 and sent my daughter to the US. The changes in her were so profound that I became determined to do the Facilitator training so others would not have to travel so far. During my training I finally had to acknowledge and correct my own dyslexia. It is a great joy for me to be working with this powerful program and helping people who think the same way as I do. Victorian Dyslexia Correction Centre, PO Box 676, Wangaratta, Victoria, 3676, Australia. +61 (03) 5727 3517. Rita Von Bon has 30+ years experience as an Educator and Reading Improvement Specialist. Like many educators, I was always looking for something else to reach the people who did not respond to the usual methods. When I read The Gift of Dyslexia, I knew the search was over. After studying the book and completing certification for providing the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, as well as taking the Basic Teacher Workshop, I am convinced this is the most profound, significant breakthrough in education in 30 years! Ron Davis work doesnt just help with reading, writing, and arithmetic, ADD tendencies, etc.- it changes livesthe clients, the familys lives, and yes, the Facilitators life too! I am proud to join this group of people who are able to offer people with the Gift real solutions and success without stress. This summer when I return to the United States from Okinawa, I will be offering these life-changing programs on Pensacola Beach, better know as Paradise. What better place to work on genuine solutions to your problems or difficulties than on the beach? And when people find real answers for their lives, they can then focus on their Gifts, not their difficulties. Isnt that true Paradise? That is why our company is called Paradise Learning

THE D YSLEXIC R EADER Unlimited Services or (PLUS). See you in Paradise! PSC 80 Box 16496, APO, AP 963670067. +81-98-936-9144. Etya Chesler As a big believer in giving students of all ages the feeling of certainty and in defining things in a simple and clear way, I found the Davis Methods suitable to my holistic approach. My educational experience includes teaching and being Headmistress of Kibbutz Yizreel School, parents training (PET), and managing enrichment centers for children and adults. I am a certified Healer and EMF therapist. I was asked to help organize Rons lecture tour to Israel in 2000. I got hooked and since then I have translated all the Davis Manuals and Workshop into Hebrew, and helped at the DDAIsrael. My vision is to introduce the K-3 program into the Israeli educational system. 6, Dor Street (PO Box 1053), Kochav-Yair, 44864, Israel. +972 (53) 561 155. Vickie Kozuki-Ah You is a stepmother of four young adults and two grandchildren. For two decades she has worked in the advertising industry as an Art Director. Although Vickie enjoyed her career in advertising, she found what truly fulfilled her was the process of leading others to glowing success. She feels fortunate to have found an outlet that allows her to help people who have a variety of learning styles, challenges and talents. The Davis technique enables her to refine her professional skills and knowledge from her advertising background and apply them to this new life-enriching occupation. The Davis tools empower individuals to embrace life opportunities never thought possible - physically, mentally and spiritually. I still marvel at the transformation and selfconfidence I have seen from clients aged 8 to 52. The Davis Program is an enlightening resource that unlocks the barriers to learning. Dyslexia Unlocked, 91-1164 Keaalii Place, Ewa Beach, Hawaii, USA 96706. (808) 685-1122. Lucero Palafox studied Special Education at Universidad de las America, A.C. where she specialized in Auditory and Speech Therapy. Lucero plans to provide the Davis program from her private practice in Veracruz. Ave. Martin A. Pinzn #457, Fracc. Reforma, Ver, Veracruz, 91919, Mxico. +52 (022) 99 351302. Liesbeth Berger-Laming is the mother of four children, three of whom are gifted with dyslexia. For many years she worked in Holland as exercise and puppet play therapist. She is fluent in Dutch and German. She provides Davis Programs from her home office. Indigo Beratung, Seerosenstr. 15, D70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany. +49 (711) 782 3115. Sandra Gorozpe Brbara has been working for four years as a therapist. She has worked with children with attention problems and hyperactivity, and provided family and individual psychological therapy. Her center also offers parenting courses. Centro de Investigacin Psicoterapeutica, Av. Constituyentes #29, Ote. Col. Observatoria, Quertaro, Mexico. +52 (01442) 220 52 48. New Davis Specialist: Catherine Churton, DDAAustralia Director is pictured here with fellow DDAAustralia Director, Milt Barlow and New Zealand Facilitator, Raewyn Matheson. Catherine traveled many times to DDAI in California during 2002 and 2003 to complete her Specialist training. She looks forward to training many more Facilitators in Australia and New Zealand. DDA-Australia, 18 Bullecourt Ave., South Mosman, Sydney NSW 2088 Australia. +61 (02) 9968 2678.
The Davis Facilitator training program requires approximately 400 hours of course work. The Davis Specialist program requires extensive experience providing Davis programs and an additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject to annual re-licensing based upon case review and adherence to the DDAI Standards of Practice. Davis Learning Strategies School Mentors and Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers and trainers who have had twothree years of specialized training and experience mentoring classroom teachers of children ages 5 - 9 years old. For information about training or a full directory of Davis providers, see, or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or toll-free in the US at 1-888-805-7216.

United States / Washington (cont.) Meadowbrook Educational Services Dorothy Bennett Jackie Black Renie Royce Smith Spokane & Everett 1 (800) 371-6028 (Toll-Free) 1 (509) 443-1737 or (425) 252-8488 Marlene E. Easley Bellingham 1 (360) 714-9619 Dyslexia Mastery Center Carol Hern DLS Workshop Presenter Mary Ethel Kellogg DLS Workshop Presenter Spokane 1 (509) 363-1771 Jo Del Jensen Oak Harbor/Anacortes/ Seattle 1 (360) 679-9390 Rebecca Luera Fall City/Seattle 1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free) 1 (425) 222-4163 Sharon Polster Bainbridge Island/Seattle 1 (206) 780-8199 Ruth Ann Youngberg Bellingham 1 (360) 671-9858 West Virginia Gale Long Elkview/Charleston 1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free) 1 (304) 965-7400 Wisconsin New Hope Learning Centers, Inc. Darlene Bishop Margaret Hayes Milwaukee 1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free) 1 (414) 774-4586 This Directory is current as of April 30, 2003. It is subject to change. Between newsletter issues, new Facilitators are added, and occasionally, some become inactive. However the Davis Providers list at is always up to date.

Improve Your Primary Classroom Reading & Classroom Management Skills

With the Davis Learning Strategies Basic Teacher Workshop Davis Learning Strategies give K-3 teachers immediately usable and effective tools that:
Tap the creative learning process in all children. Significantly improve language arts skills without paper/pencil and worksheets. Efficiently and effectively teach reading and prereading skills to multiple learning styles. Quickly and easily give children self-management skills for paying attention and staying on task. Make classroom and behavior management easy and positive. Children find fun, engaging, and motivating. Can be flexibly applied in a variety of school and learning activities. Research Based
The workshop represents the results of six years of research and development in several K-3 elementary classrooms by an experienced teacher, Sharon Pfeiffer. In August, 2001, a research paper detailing the effects of these strategies on first grade word recognition and gifted education placement was published in Reading Improvement, a peer-reviewed journal. Davis Learning Strategies are based on methods developed by Ronald D. Davis.

Feedback from Teachers

"In the forefront of what I liked most was how easily the Davis strategies fit into many areas of Kindergarten curriculum. It relieved me of a paper-pencil approach and gave me a hands-on, kinesthetic approach. It also helped develop the little finger muscles for being able to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities. Assigning each child a storage box for creating the alphabet over time also fit and accomplished the development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies." LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose Elementary School, Fremont, California "It has helped me become more aware and sensitive to the needs of my students. My students are very receptive and amaze me how quickly they pick it up. I have many children who are ADD and ADHD. This system helps me reconnect with them. I have small groups for short periods of time and this helps us to get down to business quickly." DG, Elementary Spec. Ed. Resource, Sequoia Charter School, Mesa, Arizona "There has been a remarkable improvement in reading, writing, spelling and math progress with my students. Growth in self-confidence is tremendous. These students have been given practical skills that equal success." DD, Elementary Teacher, Greater Vancouver Distance Education School, Canada

Davis Learning Strategies

With Davis Focusing Skills, a series of exercises which use imagination and coordination, children can easily develop the self directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning task at hand. Through Davis Symbol Mastery, children master the alphabet, punctuation marks, and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill exercises. Davis Reading Exercises provide a fun and cooperative method for increasing word recognition and reading comprehension skills. This reading method can be used alone or as a supplement to a current reading program. With these Davis Learning Strategies, children become well prepared for a successful first four years of schooling and for a lifetime of learning!


June 23-26, 2003 July 14-17, 2003 July 21-24 August 18-21, 2003 San Francisco, California Madison, Wisconsin Redfield, South Dakota Toronto, Canada

Visit the newly designed

Call 1-888-805-7216 for US Registration Call 1 (905) 844-4144 for Canada Registration Call 1 (888) 890-5380 for Wisconsin Registration Call 1 (605) 472-0522 for So. Dakota Registration

website at:

Three Academic Units Available - US only

Come Learn and EXPERIENCE the Davis Dyslexia Correction procedures!

Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis Workshop Outline
DAY ONE Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Correction Procedures Research and discovery. The gifts of dyslexia. Anatomy and developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction. Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for dyslexic learning styles) Demonstration and Practice Session Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, strengths & weaknesses; set goals; and establish motivation) Demonstration and Practice Session DAY TWO Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) What is Orientation? Demonstration and Practice Session Release Procedure (method for alleviating stress and headaches) Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling) What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling ADD symptoms) DAY THREE Orientation Review Procedure (a method for checking orientation skills) Demonstration & Practice Session Davis Symbol Mastery (the key to correcting dyslexia) What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay? Mastering Basic Language Symbols Demonstrations and Group Exercises Reading Improvement Exercises Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation DAY FOUR Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation using balance) Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words Demonstrations, Group Exercises and Practice Sessions Implementing the Davis Procedures

To register for US workshops call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)


8-11 July 2003 Presenter: Cyndi Deneson Language: English Location: Burlingame, California Contact: Phone: +1 (888) 805-7216 13-16 August 2003 Presenter: Cyndi Deneson Language: English with translation Location: Iceland Contact: Phone: +44 (020) 8341-7703 5 Sept 2003 - 8 Sept 2003 Presenter: Bonny Beuret Language: English Location: Sydney, Australia Contact: Phone: +61 (02) 9968 2678 10-13 September 2003 Presenter: Cyndi Deneson Language: English with translation Location: Iceland Contact: Phone: +44 (020) 8341-7703 13-16 September 2003 Presenter: Bonny Beuret Language: German Location: Basel, Switzerland Contact: Phone: +41 (061) 273 81 85 1-4 October 2003 Presenter: Robin Temple & Siegerdina Mandema Language: English Location: Addington, Kent, UK Contact: Phone: +44 (08700) 132 945 2-5 October 2003 Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis Langauge: German Location: Kassel, Germany Contact: Phone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 8-11 December 2003 Presenter: Gerry Grant Language: English Location: Kichener, Ontario, Canada Contact: Phone: +1 (800) 981-6433 TollFree or (519) 746-8422 12-15 Jan 2004 Presenter: Cyndi Deneson Language: English Location: Burlingame, California Contact: Phone: +1 (888) 805-7216 31 Jan - 3 Feb 2004 Presenter: Bonny Beuret Language: English/French Location: Geneva, Switzerland Contact: Phone: +41 (061) 273 81 85 7-10 Feb 2004 Presenter: Robin Temple & Siegerdina Mandema Language: English Location: Addington, Kent, UK Contact: Phone: +44 (08700) 132 945 22-25 April 2004 Presenter: Bonny Beuret Language: German Location: Basel, Switzerland Contact: Phone: +41 (061) 273 81 85

For updated workshop schedules visit


~ Dyslexic Read er

1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 245 Burlingame, CA 94010 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


Based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training. Who Should Attend: Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the age of eight. Participants will learn: How the Davis procedures were developed. How to assess for the gift of dyslexia. How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention. The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading. How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. See page 23 for more workshop details.
DDA-Australia 18 Bullecourt Ave. South Mosman Sydney NSW 2088 AUSTRALIA Tel: + 61 2 9968 2678 Fax: +61 2 9968 2059 E-mail: DDA-CH Freie Strasse 81 CH 4001 Basel, SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 (061) 273 81 85 Fax: +41 (061) 272 42 41 e-mail: DDA-Deutschland Conventstrasse 14 D-22089 Hamburg GERMANY Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Fax: +49 (040) 25 17 86 24 E-mail: DDA-Israel 20 Hashahafim St. Raanana 43724 ISRAEL Tel: +972 (053) 693 384 Fax: +972 (09) 772-9889 E-mail:

2003 - 2004 International Schedule

California Sydney Basel Kent Kassel Ontario California Geneva Kent Basel United States Iceland Australia Iceland Switzerland UK Germany Canada United States Switzerland UK Switzerland July 8-11, 2003 Aug 13-16, 2003 Sept 5-8, 2003 Sept 10-13, 2003 Sept 13-16, 2003 Oct 1-4, 2003 Oct 2-5, 2003 Dec 8-11, 2003 Jan 12-15, 2004 Jan 31-Feb 3, 2004 Feb 7-10, 2004 Apr 22-25, 2004

U.S. Course Schedule

8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day) 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (Lunch break 12:00-1:30)

U.S. Fees and Discounts

$975 per person plus $95 materials fee $925 for DDAI members or groups of two or more plus $95 materials fee $975 if paid in full 60 days in advance incl. materials Advance registration and $200 deposit required Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership, verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit Academic units available

DDA- Mxico Privada Fuentes #110, esq. con Ricardo Margan Colonia Santa Engracia Garza Garca - Monterrey, 66220 Nuevo Len MXICO Tel/Fax: +52 (81) 8335-9435 or +52 (81) 8356-8389 E-mail: DDA-Nederland Kerkweg 38a 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Tel: +31 (0475) 302 203 Fax: +31 (0475) 301 381 E-mail:

DDAI-US 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 245 Burlingame, CA 94010 Tel: 1-888-805-7216 Fax: +1 (650) 692-7075 E:mail:

For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

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