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case #295772-2018 STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT “COUNTY OF Dallas BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personaly appeared the undersigned afiant wo, afer being ‘uly swvom by me, on cath stated: My name is SADDavid and I am a peace officer of the City of Dallas Dallas County, Texas. 1, the affant, have good reason and do believe that on or about the 20 day of December, 2015, one (Game of suspect) Jimenez, Marcos Andres LIM 2/1998 did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, ‘Texas commit the offense of Capital Murder, a violation of Section 19,03 ofthe Texas Penal Code, « Capital Es ‘Affiant’s belies based upon the following facts and information which Affi! received frm: 6) Attian's personal investigation ofthis allege offense, 8 fellow peace officer ofthe City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, who personally participated ia the investigation ofthis alleged offense, providing this information to Affiam, and whose information Affan: believes tobe credible, On 12/20/18 at approximately 9:24 p.m, complainant Unknown Unknown was discovered decessed inside his residence located at 9914 Hurley Way, Dallas, Dallas County Texas. The complainact appeared to have been Sabbed mutiple times causing death, Due to the decomposed state ofthe body he could not be positively ieatined at this time 0 120065 SRNR 5:72: Moros Anis mene (eqAMNWD. 10 the emergeney room in Carlton, TX fora deep laceration to hs right pinky finger that he claimed he lon a fence, Witnesses sisted that when suspect Jimenez came back fom the emergency foom he tld them that elle someone and that if thy old anyone he woul il hem but then std tint he was joking Al this tine witnesses MIMI in’ ake hin seriously. On 12/18/15 these sim witnesses slong wath wins Mv ere at witness AMIN house along with suspect Jimenez. Suspect Jimenez was asking Weird questions of ‘her, He asked them how long would it take fora person to bleed out if they were stabbed inthe neck with Blade? Suspet Simence then showed UMMM «blue bag that contained numerous presrption bots of| ifferent medications with the nae CAMAMIND ancl the addres of 914 Hurley Way on the medication totes. There was also jewelry and other items in the bag. WitneMMRTook photographs of the peserption totes and the other items with cell phone. On 12/20/15 witness —_ (MBB eed to check the adress that was on the prescription bots to vey suspeet Tnenezs sony, When they aived at 9914 Hurley Way tey noticed the mail had been stacked up onthe el porch and on the mal was the same name that as onthe prescription bots, AM They walked around to the back door where they found it standing open. They could see lt of ood in the then sree and livingroom, along wth butcher ifs onthe dining room table and a small sw on the kitchen counter, They observed the complainant lying face down, nude, in the hallway outside the bedroom. They. immediately Ie the house and contacted their paren and called 91, The complainant had what appeared tobe mulipesisb wounds to his body and neck ares and had been deceased for sometime. Thee was also a butcher fe with» 3 blade tht was discovered under rg where the offense occured, Ae 0D gro Ai a forthe above aceusedwdividal a ascordane with a. AGRIANT SUBSCRIBED AND SHDRNTO BEFORE ME.on te Te. ZL aver, 20S te “agit or is, nd Baas Coun, Tena eee een WAGITRAT ‘ATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE onitistie ZL aay or_Dee 20! ‘hey aire Thav nine oa and tave deternined tha probubl cause exis forth suance of ‘anes warn or the indvdulscused herein, _ gis or Inger and Vor Dales Conny, Tear WARKAN I UF ARREST AND DETENTION Dallas COUNTY, TEXAS [bates Tee EE ray ay ID#: Arest O Misdemeanor ‘Warrant Number ‘fase — | Capa ard Sess [ see, Nara ARO Ti Anam az Tate nm of he Ste of Teas to any Shai och Peace Mice fe Wale Of Te Greetings ‘You are here by commanded to take the body of: (Jimenez, Mareos Andres LIM 2/1998 hetenafier called the accused, and him sfely keep so that he may be dest with according to law, and to hold he accused to answer to the Sate of Texas foran offense apains the laws ofthe sad Sat, namely. (6) Capital Murder 19.03, Capital Felony of which felony offense he is accused by written complain, made underoath that hasbeen presented 0 me and that is by this reference incorporated herein fr all purposes, Witnes ny signature this 2-{ day of_se mis. al gug ee Dallas County, Texas ADNINISTRATIVEDATA ALL BLANKS MUST BE COMPLETED OR INDICATE “UNKNOWN” [WSucorTexasa: | Jimener, Marcos Andres UM 2058 Toyama Sus [arta orsce LL TansecM andon [ouwem fase [— Tawa] [asia | Tage] (Ur) Residene Address] (G0) Business Address: | [ai Basiess Name] (G2) Conpininant: | Untaore Ga Deo Oeme [Taman Artest Warrant asad ie: | DPDIDSO. (i Devers Leese [asa] FEES a s4.00 $2.00 $2.00 APPROVE BOND- $6.00 s s 5 RETURNGS (CAME TO HAND THE day of +AD.20 sandexeeutedthe day of AD. by ameitng and Weaning above named and sccused and BY: Sut of Liniations Date is: None

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