Creative Executive Summary

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Creative Executive Summary

1st paragraph
Two years has passed and the havoc created Super Typhoon Yolanda(Haiyan)
has not just left physical injuries, economic upheaval in the lives of a little
more than 73,000 population of Palo but has also left behind traces of
trauma in us which we gradually able to manage and move on. Almost 800
precious lives were lost not to include the missing constituents and
thousands others injured. Millions of pesos were lost of agricultural produce
which compounded our chalenges in malnutrition which has quite gone up to
19% and beside the threat posed by diarrheal diseases We were caught of
guard, our preparations were overwhelmed.
2nd paragraph
Hence, the urgent need of preparedness and mitigation over quick response
for any emergency or disaster is of utmost importance and this Health
Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery Plan the product of
evidenced based planning as part and parcel of the municipal disaster risk
reduction management has come into being. The Local Government Unit of
Palo has crafted it according to the sturdy building blocks of our health
system with their corresponding feasible and doable strategies. They are as
Leadership and Governance exemplified of having these strategies like
signing of agreements among local pharmacies, food establishments like
bakeries, groceries and rice dealers to supply medicines, food and other
necessary services. The necessity linkages with internal and external human
resources strengthen the Service Delivery Network. Establishment of a
permanent structure that will serve as the Emergency Operation Center has
been planned out.Building Competency thru WaSH in Emergency training (for
MWTF). Part of this building block is the establishment MHPS Support team in
the workplace and regular annual team-building activities for all LGU officials
and employees to forge stronger working relationship and cooperation.
Backed up by policies - Palo Protecting the Protectors Program (4Ps) to
incentivize disaster response team and other LGU employees who
consistently volunteers for quick response. It would be monetarily and nonmonetarily. Training of Municipal Nutrition Action Officer and other volunteers
on Nutrition in Emergency as a capacity building, too.
Health Workforce
Inventory of barangay DRR advocates and ambassadors and organize them
into support teams per cluster i.e. community-based health service delivery,
WaSH, Nutrition and MHPSS will be the prime movers of culture of resiliency
in the communities and the eventual household emergency preparedness.
Basic Life Support and First Aid Training among municipal and barangay

volunteers toward enhancement of Health Emergency management system

(HEMS) and the Service delivery Network of the Local Government Unit of
Information and Research
Conduct descriptive / analytical research on Health emergency. preparedness
response and recovery in LGU setting together with our partner health
academe, and other research institutions . Establishment of resilient data
banking thru full implementation of eHealth, iClinicsys and the like.
Medicines and Technology
Efficient stockpiling before any calamity. Utilization of Bio-Sand Filter
Technology in evacuation centers or areas with challenges to water safety
and potability and discover its livelihood-generating potentials.
Health Financing
Amendment of LGUs users fee ordinance to increase revenue. Work for
PhilHealth re-accreditation (renewal) and DOH accreditation of 3 in one plus
package. LGU sponsorship to increase PhilHealth membership even after the
lifting of its all availment policy.
Health Service delivery
Health facility enhancement program (building, upgrade and equipment.
Establishment/Strengthen SDN and ILHZ / International partnership,
Functional service delivery network especially during emergencies from the
EOC to afected areas. Training for and revival of Botika ng barangay(BNB)
for easy access and afordability of essential meds (DOH program).
The Culture of Community Resilience
Livelihood Program on Manageable, Afordable, Tasty, use of Indigenous
materials Nutritious compact meal which could be stockpiled before any
emergency and livelihood potential. Regular quarterly conduct of barangayand school- based multi-hazard drills (e.g. fire, earthquake, tsunami etc.)
cascading the proper knowledge, skills and attitude on preparedness to all
households and their individual members.
It is our belief the preparedness to manage any emergency and
mitigate its aftermath is of utmost importance since it is almost impossible to
determine the onslaught of any calamity. Hence, a strong cornerstone of
being prepared rest on community resilience where our people are
connected with one another with orchestrated efort in order for them to
work for and sustain vital systems, even under pressure. Being able to adapt
to changes in the physical, psycho-social or economic environments and
could stand on their own even if outside resources became scarce and
limited and learn from experience to improve for the better over time. This

awareness is important so that the Local Government must be able to

mitigate the physical, economic, and psycho-social impact of calamities on
its general constituency.

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