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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Kim Smith

N.C. A&T State University
Room 110 Crosby Hall, Greensboro, NC 27411
Home: (704-953-3290) Work: (336) 334-7900 ext. 3010
Career Summary
Kim Smith, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at
North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, N.C. He has more than 15 years of teaching
experience, including more than 10 years as an online instructor. Smith teaches courses in mass
communication research, news writing, broadcast writing, multimedia, and developed a universityapproved course exploring theories and concepts that shed light on the impact of new media on young
people. Awarded for his teaching efforts, Smith has been applauded by students, faculty and the
University for incorporating experiential learning and critical thinking skills in the classroom.
Smiths research interests revolve around new media and health communications. He has accumulated
$32,250 in internal and external grant and research funding since 2009. His research has been published
in a number of peer-reviewed journals. He is a freelance reporter/multimedia producer for the Charlotte
Observer and has written columns for the Greensboro News & Record.

Ph.D. Mass Communications: University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 29208, Dec, 2008.
First African-American male to receive a Ph.D. in mass communications program:
Dissertation: A Grounded Theory Analysis of How College Students Search for Health
Information on the Internet: A Case of HIV/AIDS
MMC in Communications: University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 29208 Aug. 1989
B.A. Broadcast Journalism, Howard University, Washington, DC, 20059, Dec. 1981

Teaching Experience


Associate Professor: 2015-present
Assistant Professor: 2007-2015


Graduate and research assistant


Journalism Instructor (Part Time), 2003-2005


Journalism Instructor, 2002-2003


Introduction to Multimedia (309-001 and 002)
Minorities in the media (302)
Social Media (203) New course I developed and approved by the university in spring 2013
Additional Courses:

Newswriting 220
Introduction to Convergence:
Broadcast newswriting (425)
Advanced TV Reporting and Producing
Feature writing
Mass Media Law and Ethics
New Communications Technology

Academic Advising
Present: Advised 52 students on courses they should take, career options and other related duties
Peer-reviewed publications

Campbell, K., & Smith, K. (2015). Cybermourning Frames and Collective Memory:
Remembering Comedian Robin Williams on Retrieved from:
Smith, K. (2012). Charting the Future of Multimedia Journalism at HBCUs: Finding a Place for
Convergence in the Curricula. Smith, K.C. 2012. Journal of Electronic Communication. Retrieved
Sept. 29, 2014 from
Cunningham, V.E., Guffey, G.C., & Smith, K. (2010). Sexual Content in Media Across Cultures and
the Influence of Technology: A Comparative Study. Journal of International Association for
Intercultural Communication Studies. Retrieved from
Smith, K. (2011). Anxiety, Knowledge and Help: A Model for How Black and White College
Students Search for HIV/AIDS Information on the Internet." The Qualitative Report, Retrieved from

Current Research

Co-PI in a $15,000 Innovations grant to produce scholarly and secular publications related to the 100 th
anniversary of the A&T Register newspaper, one of the oldest newspapers at an HBCU that is still
Smith, K., Newman-Davis, B., Cunningham-Engram, V., & Gray, A. (2013). Social Media, Social
Good: HBCU College Students' Use of Social Media During Superstorm Sandy

Undergraduate Research

Gray, A., Smith, K., & Perry, A. (2012). In Search of Media Richness and Social-SupportFunctions on
the Home Pages of University Websites: A Content Analysis. (I mentored Gray in this study, which
won the 2012 Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. See poster.
Smith, K., Newman-Davis, B., Cunningham-Engram, V., & Gray, A. (2014). Social Media, Social
Good: HBCU College Students' Use of Social Media During Superstorm Sandy. (Gray presented this
paper at the Ron McNair Symposium, Greensboro, NC, Jan. 26.

Selected Refereed Presentations

Smith, K., Newman-Davis, B.,Cunningham-Engram, V., & Gray, A. (2014). Social Media,
Social Good: Exploring Social Media use Among HBCU Students during Superstorm Sandy,
Paper accepted for presentation at the National Association of African-American Studies, Feb.
13, 2014, Baton Rouge, LA. Paper included in organizations monograph
Smith, K. (2011). Charting the Future of Multimedia Journalism at HBCUs: Finding a Place for
Convergence in the Curriculum. Paper accepted for presentation at AEJMC national convention,
St. Louis, M.O., Aug., 2011.
Smith, K. (2011). Charting the Future of Multimedia Journalism at HBCUs: Finding a Place for
Convergence in the Curriculum. Paper presented at the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, in
Columbia, S.C., March 2011.
Course/Faculty Development
Awarded AEJMCs Baskett Mosse Faculty Development award, 2015
Accepted into UNCs Certificate in Communications and Technology program, 2015
Awarded $2,000 grant to attend multimedia bootcamp at UNC-Chapel Hill, 2015
Awarded $1,500 grant by NATPE Education Foundation to spend three weeks learning multimedia at a TV
station, 2012
Awarded a $2,000 grant from the Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies to conduct multimedia
journalism workshops for faculty, spring , 2011
Awarded a $4,500 grant from the N.C. A&T Center for Distance Learning to develop an online course
focusing on new media and society, spring 2010
Awarded a $3,500 summer faculty research grant to conduct a census of journalism departments at
HBCUs to see how theyre coping with the challenges of using convergence in their journalism curricula,
summer 2010.
Awarded $3,500 summer faculty research grant, summer 2008
Teaching Awards/Mentoring
Cited by the Universitys Quality Enhancement Program for incorporating critical thinking and
experiential learning in the classroom, 2013
Student wins Region 2 Mark of Excellence SPJ award, March, 2011
Recipient of Excellence in Teaching award from the College of Arts and Sciences, 2010

Professional Service

Journal article reviewer for Journal of African-American studies, 2014

Served as judge for national Sigma Delta Chi professional journalism award competitions, 2013-2014
Work as a freelance journalism and multimedia producer for the Charlotte Observer Newspaper, 20132014
Journal article reviewer for Mass Communication and Society, 2012
Journal article reviewer for Journal of Applied Communication Research,2011
Journal article reviewer for Science Communication, 2010
Journal article review for Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2010
Participated in a national panel at the Poynter Institute that is examining how to incorporate multimedia in
the journalism curricula at HBCUs, 2010.
Journalism and Mass Communication Committees and University Service
Coordinated student coverage of DNC in Charlotte, fall 2012
Coordinated student coverage of Keeping Memories Alive Alzheimers project gala, fall, 2012
Coordinator of electronic media sequence, one of the largest sequences in the department, present
Member of Awards and Citations Committee, 2012
Member of College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Committee, 2012
Represented department at meeting at NBC News in New York City on internship/job recruiting
efforts, spring 2011
Student wins Region 2 Mark of Excellence SPJ award, one of the highest awards achieved by a
journalism student in 15 years
Coordinated the multimedia portion of a high school multimedia workshop, June, 2011
Represented N.C. A&T at meeting at NBC News in New York City on internship/job recruiting effort
for students Feb., 2011
Conducted multimedia workshop for the 18th annual High School Media Day Workshop at N.C. A&T,
Sept. 2010

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