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Saptarishis Predictive Nakshatra Facebook

Research -1
Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1
Copy Editor: Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria
Software Courtesy: Jagannatha HoraVer 7.6

Ashwini Nakshatra: The Ashwini Kumaras (Deity Associated with this Asterism) were
the celestial gardeners. They grew herbs and were called as the Physician of the Gods
Dicta: If Ashwini Nakshatra is associated with 4th Lord (4L) or 4th House (4H) without any
influence of natural malefics then
the Mother of the native may be interested in Gardening or
May be interested in a Profession related to Holistic Healing Therapies (Ayurveda,
Let us illustrate the above dicta by taking a few charts those were posted on the Facebook
Research page of Saptarishis Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Webinar Course Batch 1.
Chart 1: Reference Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria
DOB: 01-Dec-1973; TOB: 11:23:16 Hrs (+2.00 east); POB: 27E28, 42N30.

a. Mars is in the 4L posited in Ashwini Nakshatra and it is in its Vargottamsa (Same

Sign in Rashi and Navamsa Chart)
b. This person's mother loves planting and growing flowers and is really into all types of
holistic healing, herbs, etc
c. Additionally, as 4H represents the home where you live and Ashwini Kumars were
twins, so something double, here is an interesting fact: This person has bought two
absolutely identical flats on the same floor of the same block of flats, next door apartments
because after 6 years of living in one small flat the person decided to enlarge the home.
Chart 2: Reference Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka
DOB: 05-Mar-1980; TOB: 15:07:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 72E37, 23N02.

a. 4L of Mother is Venus is posited in Ashwini Nakshatra. Ketu which is the Nakshatra

dispositor Lord of Ashwini is in 8H (Transformational Healing and Longevity) with
2L Sun (Family) and 12L Mercury Retrograde. Mars is the sign dispositor of Venus is
with 6L (illness and diseases) Jupiter and Rahu.
b. The mother of the native [Male] of this chart has been very much interested in gardening and
also she came from a family connected with Ayurvedic Medicine and was involved herself in
helping the sick, though she was not professionally a doctor.
Chart 3: Reference Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria
DOB: 04-Apr-1962; TOB: 12:08:45 Hrs (+2.00 east); POB: 2E413, 42N24.

a. This is the chart of a female native. The mother of the native has been dealing with gardening
all her life, both professionally and for her own needs. She lives in a village, grows everything
like flowers, vegetables and knows a lot about Gardening!
b. 4L Venus in Ashwini Nakshatra, with no malefic influence. About holistic healing the
native herself is a doctor Endocrine glands doctor, note that the 10H of the native is
in Ashwini Nakshatra, but she also is a holistic healer - she studies homeopathy, Bach
remedies and has deep interest in Ayurveda, so her mother is kind of aware of all this
because of her daughter.
Chart 4: Reference Renu Prematillake, Sri Lanka
DOB: 24-Apr-1990; TOB: 08:30:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 79E56, 06N47.

a. 4L Sun is in Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd pada near its highest exaltation point.
b. The mother nurtures a garden of vegetables.She is not involved in holistic medicine. She is a
teacher [the 4HL Sun conjunct with Mercury the planet of communication disposited by Jupiter
the Guru but this girl and her sister are MBBS doctors and their father a Vet Surgeon. Though
this native's mom is not directly related to a medical profession all her [mother's] family
members are in it.
Chart 5: Reference Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria
DOB: 22-Jun-1975; TOB: 09:26:00 Hrs (+2.00 east); POB: 26E59, 42N39.

a. Male chart, 4L Mars in Ashwini the mother (of the native) is really interested in planting
flowers and making herb teas
b. As Ashwini Nakshatra falls in the 9H of Father Father drives really fast and has had a
vehicle accident
c. The native has a twin brother - Mars (Karaka of Siblings) in Ashwini Nakshatra.
Chart 6: Reference Utpal Pathak, India
DOB: 05-Jun-1982; TOB: 23:05:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 72E09, 21N46.

a. Venus as a benefic is in 4H in Ashwini Nakshatra.

b. The mother of this native had big garden to look after which is till today well maintained and
full of variety of plants.
Chart 7: Reference Ekaterina Dimitrova, Bulgaria
DOB: 04-Jun-1966; TOB: 08:24:21 Hrs (+2.00 east); POB: 24E46, 41N33.

a. This is a chart of a Male native. Venus is the 4L and is in Ashwini Nakshatra, there is
no malefic aspect but Venus is hemmed between Saturn and Mars.
b. The persons mother was a teacher of children. She is fond of flowers, has many plants and
also is interested in herbs and dries them at home and makes herbal teas.
Chart 8: Reference Rajeev Gupta, USA
DOB: 05-Oct-1982; TOB: 03:38:23 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: 78E56, 25N44.

a. Moon is lord of 12H in 9H in Ashwini Nakshatra. His father had a step mother. 12th is
4th from 9th house so mother of father.
b. 12H is 4th House of Mother from 9H of Father, and it is sitting in Ashwini Nakshatra
(dual results), which has given his Father a Foster/ Step Mother (Like Ashwini

Kumaras had Chaaya). Moon is also the Karaka for Mother, and for the Native it is
his Grandmother (12H).
Readers are advised to rigorously test this technique with an open mind before accepting it
and post their comments to us at

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