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BSP Weekly Sales Report

TJI/SOF - To display the current week's BSP Report for Your Office

TJD/SOF – To Display the current Daily Sales Report .

TJS/SOF - To display the current Summary Sales Period Report .

TJQ - To display your Query Report for the current day .

Transaction Report
A Transaction Report shows details of an item listed on a Query Report. You use the
sequence number in the Query Report to display the Transaction Report. For example:

Summary Sales Period Report

Entry Explanation

TJS Current sales period, your agent sign

TJS/SAS-0801CM Specific agent (0801CM) in your office

TJS/SAN All agents sharing the same IATA number

TJS/SOF All agents within your office ID

TJS/SOF- All agents in a branch or remote office

YTO1A2100 (YTO1A2100)

TJS/H-2 Second most recently closed sales period

Weekly Sales Report

Entry Explanation

TJI Current sales period, your agent sign

TJI/SAS-0801CM Specific agent (0801CM) in your office

TJI/SOF All agents within your office

TJI/SOF- All agents for a branch or remote office
YTO1A2100 (YTO1A2100)

TJI/SAN All agents sharing the same IATA number

TJI/H-2 Second most recently closed sales period

Daily Report

Entry Explanation

TJD Current date, your agent sign

TJD/SAS-0801CM Current date, another agent (0801CM) in

your office

TJD/SAN Current date, all agents sharing the same

IATA number

TJD/SOF Current date, all agents within your office

TJD/SOF- Current date, all agents in a branch or remote

YTO1A2100 office

TJD/D-13FEB Specific date within the current sales period,

your agent sign

Query Report

Entry Explanation

TJQ Current date, your agent sign

TJQ/ALL Entire report when it exceeds 420 lines

TJQ/SAS- Current date, other agent (0801CM) in your

0801CM office

TJQ/SAN Current date, all agents sharing the same

IATA number

TJQ/SOF Current date, all agents within your office

TJQ/SOF- Current date all agents in a branch or remote

YTO1A2100 office

TJQ/D-13FEB Specific date up to 30 days in the past, your

agent sign

TJQ/V- All voided documents for a date range up to

19FEB25FEB 30 days in the past

TJQ/QTX-REFD Group of transaction types, your agent sign

TJQ/QTC-TKTB Specific transaction type, your agent sign

TJQ/QSI-DOM All domestic (DOM) or international (INT)

sales, your agent sign

TJQ/QFP-CA Specific form of payment, your agent sign

Printing Reports

Entry Explanation

TJP Displayed report

WRA/TJQ Without a displayed report

WRA P Without a displayed report, specific

67161A06/TJI printer

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