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1 | P a g e Report on Survey of 16 Days Orange week VAW : Shreedeep Rayamajhi / Sajina Karki

Survey Report on 16 Days Orange Week of Nepal

Violence Against Women (VAW) is a global problem in terms of women empowerment that is linked as a
basic hindrance for Gender Equality. Whether its a developed country, developing country or a least
developed, VAW exist in various forms where its severity is not just mapped with visible indicators but is
encountered in various forms of psychological, sexual, emotional, and verbal form. It is estimated that
one in every three girl suffers VAW in her life time. The major reasons for VAW are patriarchal mindset,
illiteracy, poverty, lack of awareness, women subordination to men etc. In whichever form or where it is,
VAW has been an issue to be talked and discussed which needs a more proactive solution of selfawareness and self-reliance. Its social problem that is culturally deep rooted in our society that directly
affects women empowerment and leadership.
Every year the 16 days orange the world is celebrated from 25th November, the International Day for
Elimination of all forms of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day marking the
activism against Gender-Based Violence to end violence against women and girls around the world. The
international campaign originated from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute coordinated by
the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.
The year 2015 marks the 20-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the
most progressive road map to gender equality. World leaders met in March at the United Nations 59th
Commission on the Status of Women and in September at the 70th General Assembly to take stock of
the progress made and commit to take action to close the gaps that are holding women and girls back.
This year a new Sustainable Development agenda, which for the first time includes specific targets and
indicators on ending violence against women, also replaced the Millennium Development Goals.
Research Objectives:
The basic objective of this research is to segregate the common knowledge and practice of VAW among
the normal public. Though there are various campaigns that are running around but there has been very
less work done in terms of understanding the knowledge and acceptability of VAW and its cognitive
process. This research deals with the basic objective of understanding the capacity of normal public in
terms of their knowledge and action against VAW. The objective can be listed in following given points:

Finding the basic knowledge about VAW

Effectiveness of information flow
Local action mechanism and repercussions
Local assumption and practices regarding VAW
Problems and issues of VAW
General trend in understanding the behavior against VAW
Social indicators for VAW
New perspective and ideologies
Social media trend
Youth concepts and practices

2 | P a g e Report on Survey of 16 Days Orange week VAW : Shreedeep Rayamajhi / Sajina Karki

Basic Information of Nepal:

Source: Index Mundi

Total Population of Nepal
Age structure

Sex ratio

30,986,975 (July 2014 est.)

0-14 years: 31.6% (male 4,989,268/female
15-24 years: 22.6% (male 3,521,421/female
25-54 years: 35.7% (male 5,273,079/female
55-64 years: 5.6% (male 847,431/female 886,760)
65 years and over: 4.5% (male 648,917/female
755,111) (2014 est.)
Birth: 1.04 male(s)/female
0-14 years: 1.04 male(s)/female
15-24 years: 1.01 male(s)/female
25-54 years: 0.91 male(s)/female
55-64 years: 0.97 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.87 male(s)/female
Total population: 0.96 male(s)/female (2014 est.)

Current statistics
According to the data collected by WOREC from January to December 2014, there were 2225 cases of
violence against women. Out of this, the cases of domestic violence accounts to 67.6 percent (1503), social
violence 12 percent (267), rape 8.9 percent (199), attempt to rape 2.6 percent (58), sexual violence 3.4
percent (76), murder 1.8 percent (40), attempt to murder 1.2 percent (26).Last year, 14 women became the
victims of trafficking and 4 of attempt to trafficking. Likewise, the suicide rate of women is on the rise and
the data shows this year 1.2 percent (27) committed suicide. Similarly, 11 women were made to disappear
for different reasons. These are only the cases documented by WOREC and many such instances of violence
against women are confined to individual households only and they never come out in open. This data
express the bitter reality of the status of women in Nepali society.
Source : WOREC

Statistics of VAW in 2015

As many as 400 cases of violence against women were registered during April 25 earthquake, according to
the Women Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC Nepal).
Most of the victimised women were learnt to be those residing in the temporary shelters following the
quake, reveals the organisation working against violence against women (VAW).
Source: The Himalayan Times
3 | P a g e Report on Survey of 16 Days Orange week VAW : Shreedeep Rayamajhi / Sajina Karki

Information about the Research

Date of Research

24/11/2015 to 08/12/2015

Social Media Platform Used

Facebook /Google Plus /Twitter/LinkedIn

Survey form

Google docs


Target Group

Internet users and Professionals

Survey type


Participation number

102 Participants

The survey was done using google doc application sending invitation to the more than 300 participants.
Various links were set up on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn for
inviting people for the participation.
During this survey the participants were asked various questions in terms of VAW, their encounters and
action against VAW, womens rights, social media trend, social indicator and user behavior.
The selection of participants has been random including invitations sent and shared. Participants from
various fields and sectors have contributed in voicing the current problems and suggestion of what they
have faced and what should be done.

Daily Participation Map

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9 | P a g e Report on Survey of 16 Days Orange week VAW : Shreedeep Rayamajhi / Sajina Karki

Survey Conclusions:
VAW has been one of the very core issues in terms of women independence. No matter how developed
or how civilized our societies are but with the statistics showing 1 out of every 3 woman or a girl facing
VAW shows the intensity and lack of action mechanism against the issue. The survey reflect the prospect
of VAW mostly occurring at teenage specially in and around their own proximity where there seems to
be awareness about the definition but regarding action and laws there seems to be a gap of
understanding. Many of the participants have focused and highlighted the prospect of use of
technology, right of education, property rights, women independence, strict government rules and
regulation where on the other hand there were participants who mostly focused on the role of mother
and specific awareness campaigns for men to stand up against VAW.
Many ideas and thought of schools have been poured in but an interesting aspect of the survey was the
ideology of women being against various aspect of the socio cultural practice. Likewise, it also highlights
the contemporary practice of male dominated society which needs to settle down with effective women
position strategy and leadership opportunities. The survey also highlights the prime cause of VAW to be
limited ideologies of men seeing women within the household and managing homes. Similarly, there
were other voices of women highlighting the right knowledge of sex education in terms of gender
equality as well.
The survey hugely focused more towards the trend of women evolution in terms of breaking the barriers
of orthodox culture and dowry system.
The survey results clearly shows the dynamic of various aspect of socio cultural indicators that are more
enthusiastic and very strong in terms of identifying the problems. The limited resources and awareness
programs that are running can be an eye opener but for solution more aggressive and action oriented
campaigns needs to be designed and focused. It needs a more dynamic approach in terms of
communication and media strategy that needs to further researched and explored. The other side of the
VAW is people are more culturally traumatized about the issues that most of them fail to report the
cases where a great need of awareness is needed.
A more radical approach of the survey is the concern of online VAW cases that are more vulnerable and
proactive in terms of the damage where there are limited laws and regulations.
Currently, it is estimated that from Nepal there are more than 3.4 million internet users who are online
every day in search of information or data. If only 1 % of the internet user encounter online VAW thats
a great number in-terms of thousands. A relative concerns has to be raised in terms of online VAW and
designing effective policy and mechanism.
A wide range of participation was seen from various Sectors from technical field to leaders to lawyers to
IT professional to doctors to students to homemakers with varying a wide sense of prospect and issues
of action.
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Source of data :

The recommendation are listed below

Further aggressive awareness campaigns are needed in terms of VAW

Counselling call center must be opened
No tolerance in terms of policy and action mechanism is needed
Women are unaware of their basic rights so more focus needed in that segment
Effective policing and immediate action mechanism should be set-up
Social media intervention is highly recommended
Special awareness packages for Men is needed
Online research and surveys are required
Cyber policy in terms of online VAW needed
Proper sex education with gender equality knowledge

Information about the Researcher

Shreedeep Rayamajhi
Adv. Sajina Karki

[Disclaimer: The suggestions and remarks in this research paper are based on personal
research experience. Research practices and approaches vary. Exercise your own judgment
regarding the suitability of the content.]

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