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This special problem, which is a very crucial step towards the much awaited
graduation for most students like us, will not be possible if it werent for the help
and support of some people. With that, I would like to grab this opportunity to
express my warmest gratitude for the contributions, may it seem so little, of the
First of all, to my SP partner, Molly Ann Rose Bonzon, thank you for showing me
much patience and for bearing having a partner for the SP given that both of us
originally intended to go solo flight with this. This proved to me that it is not always
bad to have someone to work with.
My orgmates from UPLB Mathematical Sciences Society, thank you for allowing me
to have the times that I needed in order to successfully accomplish this study. I will
forever remember and embody everything that the organization and its astounding
members taught me.
Dr. Chrislyn Margus N. Pinol, thank you for not rejecting our queries regarding this
research and for sharing your expertise to us. I highly appreciate you sparing time
from your very hectic schedule just to attend to these questions. With that, I am
very grateful.
Dr. Editha C. Jose, thank you for your unwavering support and guidance despite the
numerous disappointing moments that we have brought you and the shortcomings
that we often have. We would not have finished our SP within one semester if it
werent for the consistent reminders and motivations that we got from you. Most of
all, thank you for believing in our ability to handle this particular problem and for
not giving up on us.
Susan C. Infante, who works hard every day to be able to let me have these
wonderful experiences, thank you for never shutting down my ideas on what I
intend to pursue in any aspect in life and for understanding that studying math in
the University of the Philippines is not exactly a piece of cake which most parents
do not always understand. I am truly grateful and proud for having a mom like you.
Sefora Doreen R. Galos, thank you for staying with me through all the ups and
downs that I faced in achieving this special problem and in everything else that
crossed my path this semester. You have become everything and anything that I
needed- from the absorber of all my snobbishness that radiates from all the stress
and pressure to being my always-present-number-one fan starting from the proposal
all the way to the presentation. Thank you for giving me the boost I needed
whenever I am in the verge of breaking down and giving up and for sharing even
your littlest reserve of patience when mine was running out. I will always remember

and be grateful of how greatly you have given me during this important part of
college life.

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