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Department of Civil Engineering \ Transportation

Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment

The National University of Malaysia
Semester I - Session 2015/2016

Task 8/ Environmental Impact

Sustainable Urban Design

Name Student
Ameer Abdul Adheem Hussein


Task 8:
Identify a big project in your home town. Assess the environmental
impact of the project.

Solution \\

Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) is the term used for the
assessment of the environmental consequences (positive and negative) of a
plan, policy, program, or project prior to the decision to move forward with the
proposed action. In this context, the term 'environmental impact assessment'
(EIA) is usually used when applied to concrete projects and the term 'strategic
environmental assessment' applies to policies, plans and programmers.
Environmental assessments may be governed by rules of administrative
procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making,
and may be subject to judicial review.
The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the
environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project.
The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) defines an
environmental impact assessment as "the process of identifying, predicting,
evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of
development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments
made." (EIAs) are unique in that they do not require adherence to a
predetermined environmental outcome, but rather they require decision makers
to account for environmental values in their decisions and to justify those
decisions in light of detailed environmental studies and public comments on the
potential environmental impacts. Engineering and consulting companies work
hand in hand as contractors for mining, energy, oil & gas companies executing
(Daura) \\ is oil refinery located in the south-eastern suburbs of Baghdad near
the Tigris River and an area of nearly 250 hectares. And the site of the beholder
surprised at the sight of palm trees and its fronds of the colors of dark green
and along the side of Tigris River from the direction and refinery and from the
opposite side. The refinery of the oldest large refineries in Iraq represents the
real start to the advancement of the modern oil industry in this oil-rich country.
Is designed the refinery for aim get Interest the maximum of crude oil to support
the growing economy of the country's interest, has contained a number of units

that range from distillation units easy to units complex fat production, The refinery
began work and continues to evolve and grow.

Map site (Daura Refinery) in


Photo (Daura Refinery) in

(a) Soil and erosion:Baghdad

Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low
organic matter, loss soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinization, and soil
acidity problems. These other forms of soil degradation, serious in themselves,
usually contribute to accelerated soil erosion.
Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process on all land. And the distribution of
soil levels differs along Refinery Project in keeping with changing topography and
position on the slope. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues
relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing serious loss of
topsoil. The loss of soil from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop
production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage
Soil stabilization protects soil from erosion, waterlogging and salinization.
Amenity Vegetation beautifies or enhances the character of an area heritage may
be of historical importance or protected by legislation.
There are some streams in the project that are crossed by one or more of the
build alternatives and thus, would be soil affected because Refinery Project, also
because of vibration devices refinery plants may cause moving soil.

(b) Water (Change in hydrological characteristics):

Contamination river water by throwing industrial waste (in river) which is strongly
characterized by containing toxic hazardous materials is difficult to dispose them,
as cyanide and phenol or chemical compounds.
Due to Refinery Project and the vibration of heavy equipment, machinery and soil
compaction; it will impact for ground water and water quality, and it will also
contaminate the groundwater because damaged drainage networks.
Some of the rain water usually seeps into the ground, but when they fall on the
ground is a window such as buildings, it begins to flow in a slope, and this sketch
set forth below to illustrate the percentages and the change in hydrological
characteristics (change in the groundwater level, and change in water quality).

(c) Flora:

The refinery project (Daura) was reason removal of a lot of palm groves and
citrus trees, which lies on the side of the Tigris River.
May be urban street trees or remnant native vegetation; Vegetation has a range
of benefits including biodiversity contains a diverse range of plants and provides,
habitat for animals and insects, remnant native vegetation or naturally occurring
local native plants include trees, small ground covers, native grasses, wetland
plants and marine plants, these plants been located in natural scrub or in isolated
plants in a modified setting.
The pollution with particles is suspension (smoke) may generate negative effects,
should be for the protection of flora the refinery alignment and does not cross the
palm groves and citrus areas.

(d) Fauna:
Construction sites may encroach on native animal habitat and it is important to
make sure that no native animals are harmed or killed during construction
operations. If animals, including lizards and snakes, are found on site and are
likely to be damaged by earthmoving equipment, they should be relocated to an
area away from the project. Native vegetation provides habitat for native animals,
reptiles and insects including shelter, food, protection from predators and
breeding areas. The Environmental Management Implementation Plan identifies
any special requirements for protecting native fauna on your site.
Ensure that no runoff of materials, fuels or other substances is allowed to enter
storm water drains, watercourses and the marine environment to avoid damage
to aquatic and marine animals and fish. Usually in certain parts of Refinery
Project perennial or semi-perennial streams and small wetlands occur.
Affects the flora and fauna in areas proposed new plant for (Refinery Project)
should be adequately assessed, to ensure that no protected or threatened
species are lost:
- Appropriate fencing should be erected to prevent animals and livestock from
gaining access to the proposed project.
- The presence of threatened bird species should be established and disruption
of these species during the breeding season avoided.
- Existing wetlands should be conserved.
- Impacts on wells and the Stream of rivers on various farms along (Refinery
Project) should be addressed.

(e) Noise:

Excessive noise can be a considerable nuisance to neighbors. It is important to

minimize noise emissions, particularly outside normal operating hours and in
areas of sensitive land use.
Vibration excessive may cause property damage and be a nuisance to
neighbors. Vibration may be due to blasting, piling, truck movements and
compacting operations.
Existing sources noise of Refinery Project would include machines.
Stakeholders are concerned about the potential noise from Refinery Project and
its visual impact on the environment.
Key issues raised are:
- Refinery Project will be visible from houses, buildings and be unsightly.
- The noise (machines and large vehicles) and air pollution (smoke) that will be
generated during operation, will be disturbing.
The design engineers will be advised sites so that they can incorporate noisereducing surfaces at these points.

(f) Air quality:

Gaseous emissions as a result of crude oil during manufacturing, and turn it into
oil products may affect the air quality. Other air emissions are related to the
exhaust fumes of equipment. These emissions are generally controlled by
ensuring that equipment is well maintained. However, the main component of air
pollution derived from construction activities is fugitive dust. Fugitive dust is the
generation of sufficient particulate matter that some portion of the material
escapes beyond the construction boundary. Fugitive dust emissions can be
created by many construction related activities. Reasonable precautions are
typically sufficient to control fugitive dust emissions during construction. Dust can
cause a nuisance to neighbors and impact on the environment by contaminating
plants and watercourses.
Atmospheric air can become contaminated as a result of the oil business,
specifically crude oil during manufacturing, and turn it into oil products such as
what is happening in the refining and manufacture of associated gas in oil fields
and ports industry.

It can therefore be rating air pollution as follows:

Atmospheric air pollution and excess heat resulting from the combustion
gases exchange.
Atmospheric air pollution gases and vapors toxic and harmful during
manufacturing processes or fuel exchange.
Air Pollution Haze and smoke.
Atmospheric air pollution in some gaseous material and which have a
certain degree of saturation.
Petroleum and petrochemical pollutants to air:

Sulfur dioxide gas.

Hydrogen sulfide gas.
Nitrogen oxides gases.
Carbon monoxide gas.
Particles (grains) solid volatile.
Hydrocarbon vapors.

Photo gaseous emissions as a result of crude oil

during manufacturing in (Daura Refinery) in

(g) Society life and economical activity:

Interest by stakeholders in becoming involved in aspects of the project that would

boost the local economy. Stakeholders asked if local expertise and resources
could be used whenever possible. Key issues rose included:
- The effect of air pollution on people's lives because near site (Daura Refinery) of
homes, shops and government departments in Baghdad.
- Quality of life for adjacent residents will be affected because Refinery Project.
- Local labor should be utilized of the project, and created new job opportunities.
- If possible, local haulage companies should be used to transport materials.
- Informal settlements should be addressed in accordance with the responsibilities
of the various spheres of government.

(h) Land use:

(Daura Refinery) located in near the Tigris River and an area of nearly 250
hectares, it finds near of them the town homes, groves palm trees in Baghdad.
Numbers of stakeholders have expressed concern of the value and viability of
their farms could be negatively impacted of Daura Refinery. The principal issues
of concern are that:
- The value of houses will be lowered.
- The value of farmland will be lowered.
- The economic viability of farms would be negatively impacted upon.
- Existing agricultural infrastructure such as crop sprayers, boreholes, pipelines,
points of access to farms or portions of farms would be affected.
- Current farming practices on certain portions of farms may no longer be

(i) Cultural heritage:

Definition of material and cultural resources that it includes any movable or
immovable objects, sites, structures, groups of structures, natural monuments
and landscapes of archaeological, historical, archaeological, religious and
aesthetic and cultural significance, and others. The physical cultural resources

may be located in urban or rural areas, and can be above or below ground or
under water. These cultural resources may be of interest at the local level and
at the provincial level or the national level, or within the international community,
and in the case of accidents lead to results or raised on the physical and
cultural resources that may occur during the implementation of sub-projects, the
contractor must inform the municipality immediately, and this means that:
- Contractor is responsible for identifying the following "measures to find the
assets" in the event of detection of culturally valuable materials during
- Stop working immediately after the discovery of any material doubted that
have historical value of the archaeological excavation, or other cultural;
announce the results to the project manager, and should be reported to the
appropriate authorities.
- Protect the artifacts as well as the possible use of plastic sheeting, and
implement measures to achieve stability in the region, if necessary, for the
protection of archaeological pieces correctly.
- Prevent and punish any unauthorized access to the artifacts.
- Restart construction work after obtaining permission from the relevant
- Control access to the site.

show the Daura Refinery near Baghdad
Refinery Project will be visibleUniversity
from houses, buildings and be unsightly. The most
obvious effects on landscape beautiful of those relating to the proposed projects
directly, and can it is associated with the event that causes them.

Create projects; may cause loss humid lands, deforestation, uprooting palm
groves and the transfer of houses and housing, and the associated noise and
nuisance and concern for the population in the region.
Visual pollution phenomenon has become one of the most important problems
that we face in this Era and is linked to the loss of a sense of beauty and the
collapse of considerations, aesthetic, satisfaction, and acceptance for images
unsightly and spread until it became the visual scale of the eyes of the norm and
the law exists and is even more dangerous whenever the eye accustomed to it,
so take it this is in place and are difficult to repair.
And pollution optic is feeling alienated soon see the views or manifestations of
non-aesthetic or repulsive in the built environment elements or structural voids or
ways inconsistent and incompatible with both the environment natural, climatic,
and functional or values religious, and moral or cultural or values aesthetic or


Impact on

a Soil and erosion

Effects on soils due to refinery

During operation
There are some streams in the

project and the movement of heavy

equipment, machinery and sand.
Including: sand and soil
compaction and causing loss of

b Water

Some of the rain water usually

seeps into the ground, but when
they fall on the ground is a
window such as buildings, it
begins to flow in a slope.

c Flora

The refinery project (Daura) was

reason removal of a lot of palm
groves and citrus trees, which lies
on the side of the Tigris River.

d Fauna

Construction sites may encroach

on native animal habitat. If
animals, including lizards and
snakes, are found on site and are
likely to be damaged by
earthmoving equipment, they
should be relocated to an area
away from the project.

e Noise

Vibration excessive may cause

property damage and be a nuisance
to neighbors. Vibration may be due
to blasting, piling, truck
movements and compacting
The main component of air
pollution derived from
construction activities is fugitive
dust. Fugitive dust is the
generation of sufficient particulate
matter that some portion of the
material escapes beyond the
construction boundary. Dust can
cause a nuisance to neighbors and
impact on the environment by
contaminating plants and

(Change in

Air quality

project that are crossed by one or

more of the build alternatives and
thus, would be soil affected because
Refinery Project, also because of
vibration devices refinery plants may
cause moving soil.
Contamination river water by
throwing industrial waste (in river)
which is strongly characterized by
containing toxic hazardous materials
is difficult to dispose them, as
cyanide and phenol or chemical
The pollution with particles is
suspension (smoke) may generate
negative effects, should be for the
protection of flora the refinery
alignment and does not cross the
palm groves and citrus areas.
Ensure that no runoff of materials,
fuels or other substances is allowed
to enter storm water drains,
watercourses and the marine
environment to avoid damage to
.aquatic and marine animals and fish
Appropriate fencing should be
erected to prevent animals and
livestock from gaining access to the
proposed project.
The noise (machines and large
vehicles) and air pollution (smoke)
that will be generated during
operation, will be disturbing.

Gaseous emissions as a result of

crude oil during manufacturing, and
turn it into oil products may affect
the air quality.
It can therefore be rating air
pollution as follows:
Atmospheric air pollution and
excess heat resulting from the
combustion gases exchange.
Atmospheric air pollution gases
and vapors toxic and harmful during
manufacturing processes or fuel
Air Pollution Haze and smoke.
Atmospheric air pollution in some
gaseous material and which have a
certain degree of saturation.

g Society life and


Local labor should be utilized of

the project, and created new job
opportunities. If possible, local
haulage companies should be used
to transport materials. Informal
settlements should be addressed in
accordance with the
responsibilities of the various
spheres of government.

h Land use

Numbers of stakeholders have

expressed concern of the value and
viability of their farms could be
negatively impacted of Daura
Refinery. The principal issues
before operation of concern are
- The value of houses will be
- The value of farmland will be
- The economic viability of farms
would be negatively impacted



Cultural heritage

(Compatibility with the
plans of nature frame)

Some areas or buildings; are

threatened by too much pressure
and other, suffer from neglect or
destruction; it is important to save
these and it is important factor in
creating desirable cities or areas
and tourist attraction. These areas
should be looked at as assets, not
as just things that must be
Create projects; may cause loss
humid lands, deforestation,
uprooting palm groves and the
transfer of houses and housing,
and the associated noise and
nuisance and concern for the
population in the region.

Interest by stakeholders that would

boost the local economy.
Stakeholders asked if local expertise
and resources could be used
whenever possible. The effect of air
pollution on people's lives because
near site (Daura Refinery) of homes,
shops and government departments
in Baghdad. Quality of life for
adjacent residents will be affected
because Refinery Project.
Effects on marginalized
neighborhoods and residential
complexes on both sides of the
project. Informal settlements should
be addressed in accordance with the
responsibilities of the various
spheres of government. Numbers of
stakeholders have expressed concern
of the value and viability of their
farms could be negatively impacted
of Daura Refinery. The principal
issues before operation of concern
are that:
- Existing agricultural infrastructure
such as crop sprayers, boreholes,
pipelines, points of access to farms
or portions of farms would be
- Current farming practices on
certain portions of farms may no
longer be viable.
Effect on some areas Cultural
heritage that may occur during and
after the implementation the project.
As well as influence on University of
Baghdad, this lies next to refinery,
especially due to air pollution.

Refinery Project will be visible from

houses, buildings and be unsightly.

Daura refinery located on Tigris

River in Baghdad

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