Listing The Different Strategies in The Organization Are

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Question 1. List and describe the different strategies in the Organization.

Answer :

Listing the different strategies in the Organization are :

Corporate strategy

Business strategy

Functional strategy

Corporate Strategy
If you are a company like TATA or BIRLA, you will have several businesses under you and a corporate
headquarters which controls these. Each of these businesses may be run by an independent company
much like Tata Motors runs the vehicle business and Tata Consultancy Service runs the IT business (they
both are different companies). The corporate headquarters will have grand plans on how each business
should operate. For example, it might say that that Tata Motors should design, develop, and manufacture
an indigenous small car Nano or that TCS should expand business to China.
This grand plan created by the corporate headquarters is called Corporate Strategy. It lays down the
grand plan to be followed by each business under a corporate headquarters. If you are small like Raju, you
will not have a corporate strategy; however, will still have a strategy for your business. Though you can call
it the corporate strategy of Raju on the argument that Raju is a corporate, it is perhaps inappropriate. Since

Question 2. What do you mean by Decision Making? Explain Decision making under certainty,
uncertainty and risk. Describe the steps in Creative Decision making.
Answer :

Decision Making
Decision making can be defined as the way of choosing from the alternatives. Since no action can be taken
without a decision, planning will not go any further without a decision and hence, decision making is an
integral part of planning even if it is done quickly or with little thought. The process leading to decision can
be thought of as
1) Premising (or make a premise on what is right or wrong and acting on it),
2) identifying alternatives,
3) evaluating alternatives in relation to the goal sought, and

Question 3. What is meant by span of control? Differentiate between narrow span of control
and wide span of control. What are the factors that influence the span of control?
Answer :

Definition of Span of Control

The term span of control indicates the number of employees or managers who work under one head. When
a very few people report to a head and a chain is made that way upward, then it is called narrow span.

Thus in a narrow span, a department may have three or four sections, under each section head, there
could be another two or three sub section and under each sub section there could be nine or ten
employees. In a wide span there may be 20, 30, or more subordinates under one head.

Question 4. Define Organizational behavior. What are the various approaches to Organizational

Question 5. Perception is the way we see and interpret things. Explain the importance of such
perception. What are the factors affecting perception?

Question 6. Give the definition and importance of Motivation. Describe Maslows hierarchy of
needs theory.

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