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New formation
A. Basic from the top.
Warriors + Mages + a few Clerics (= "Medics")
R - Razie + Evade 3
C - "Guard"
C - "Guard"
C - "Anchor"
B. Defensive from the top.
C - "Anchor"
C - "Guard"
C - "Guard"
R - Razie + Evade 3
Warriors + Mages + a few Clerics (= "Medics")
R - Razie + Evade 3
C - "Guard"
C - "Guard"
C - "Anchor"
2. How Does the Formation Works?
Let's call 3 clerics from the bottom "shields." Barb and I have tested this formation
for these months, and we got proofs to survive longer than usual. For example, in
the battle against DN, we could survive around 1.5 hours and I could bounce
lvl+4000s of them even with sundered. It is necessary to control how to use tokens.
"Guard" should be tough ones.
As soon as the battle started, Guards spend all tokens to beef up their def with DF.
For example, my raw def is around 9000, and if I equip Azzy to build my DF4, it will
be +125% = 20250. During the battle, Guards focus on building up their DF until
the last phase of the battle.
For example, with 200% DF.
$heik{DIE}Nasty of Die-Nasty $heik{DIE}Nasty performs Whirlwind on Dynamis for 0
damage because Dynamis is guarded! $heik{DIE}Nasty took 172 damage in return
because of Dynamis 's leadership.
Opponents warriors must hit 2nd guard first in order to take down our shield like
Sheik did as above, or would start with 3rd guards, but our def will be higher enough
to bounce their attack and, thus, guards can protect our anchor. Once my DF4
reached at 250%, I could bounce Sheik without removed sunder off.
"Anchor" should be the toughest in the gate.
As soon as the battle started, anchors drop 4-6 tokens to build up their def, then
hold. Anchor's DF is a strategic trap at this moment, but of course, it will work. Who
wants to try Asker or Uli with DF?

"Shields" should spend their tokens with temporal difference. 30 mins later, guards
will get 5 tokens, while anchors is full. Then guards stay hold or spend only 2 to
build up their DF. Of course, it depends on whom we draw as opponent. At 30 mins
mark, anchors drop 4-6 tokens again to build up DF.
Basically, shields focus on building up their DF in first four. And according to using
tokens with temporal difference, we can always have extra tokens to revive the gate
even we are in danger.
For the last moment, shields should start hold 40-45 mins before the end. And they
will do final rescue at 2 or 1.5 mins mark.
Some should wonder if Intimidate remove our DF. No worry on that point. Rogues
are still sub-force in almost all the guilds. It will cost them at least 6 tokens to
remove DF from formation A, 12 against formation B. CA wiki says "Intimidate 5
appears to give a 60% chance of removing Divine Favor and Enrage and a 20%
chance of removing a Token."
In my calculation, only ODK n DA can break our shield system. ODK had tons of
mages to kill shields without touching them (no worry at all, they don't exist any
more). DA has a rogue gate, which means they can remove our shield's DF very
3. Importance of Warrior and Mage
A. Warrior
Warriors were once shining stars of Warriors of Bloooooooood. Warrior has advantage in
dealing DMG and in simply multiplying our activity 3 times more. And Warrior has sentinel to
protect others, which means we can use warrior like medic. Clerical revive is still mainstream of
giving HP to others, but it works actually in negative way, only when we are being pressed. In
short, revive is the final line of our defense.
If warriors spend a token for sentinel for giving extra HP for shields, it must turn positive.
Sentinel can prevent from losing shield' HP before they are dying.
And their WW, as you know well, can deal huge dmg on next ones of the main target.
B. Mage
New class power, enrage and fire ball, made mage's importance much more higher than before.
They should not be our sweepers any more, but be one of our main force. Mage has much
advantage in the battle.
a. Enrage
As you know, it beefs up our raw attack power. I saw some beefed up their atk with
this and killed Marian without any difficulty during my stay at AW2. Enrage can't be
removed off except for Intimidate, but will any rogues try to do that, before they do
against shields??? The answer is never. And it sticks to mage even they are
stunned. So the longer the battle is, the stronger mages will be. For our low lvl or
mid lvl players, it should be must item to play and to get more BAP, they can eat up
much higher lvl players. And I will repeat this point that no rogues will remove
enrage first. It makes our mages easier to hit and to put poly n confuse against
higher lvl players.

b. Fire ball
It should be used as counter of mass heal, nothing else, coz mage spend 2 tokens,
but less return than WW. But it should be very useful to prevent from opponent's
trying reviving the gate by mass healing.
c. Poly and Confuse
We need to rethink ourselves with these powers. Who said using these is unfair???
Spending a token, we can stop opponent' move and we can reach at much higher
lvl. And imagine mage with lvl 1000 can reach at lvl3000s with enrage. Our
opponents who caught by poly/fuse need clerical help to remove off, which we have
known well, coz we have been done n killed in that way. Now, it's our turn. I'm so
sure we can stop even Asker with these powers. The weaker can piss off the strong,
why not use these skills?
d. conclusion on mage
We should rethink and estimate mages as our main force. They are not cleaner any more, but
they can play very active role in the battle. Enrage and poly/fuse makes our mages unstoppable.
If our shields survive 10 mins longer, mage can be stronger 20-25%. And no rogue tries to
remove enrage. In short, the harder and longer our shields defend, the more helpful our mages
will be. We MUST sweep away our underestimation of mages ASAP.
C. Rogue

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