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Little Phoenix is Not an Immortal by Shu Ke

Body sea cock

The vast oceans, Islands, hibiscus tree on the island.
Wave the smoke still, silent.
Suddenly, a cock up on the island, cut through the sky, loud
and clear, sonorous, throughout six States.
White Oriental autumn dawn.
Hibiscus tree, a group of chicken majestic standing in the
branches above shining red Crown, covered with colorful
feathers, colorful, not where the chicken can, from the Supreme
Leader that began every chicken turns, one after another,
driving room cock.
Moment, a red Sun rose out of the sea, xiaguang.
Day chickens were encouraged, heads held high, triumphant,
more powerfully, but the corner has a small size chicken neck,
sitting wearily in the branches.
And unlike other chicken, this little chicken was not too goodlooking, young said, even feathers are grayish-brown, bleak,
being around a bunch of colorful large chickens set off, very
Yes, the protagonist of the story is it.
This clown day chicken body, living a special soul, that's our
heroine, Tian Zhen.
They say crowd, we count what?
Tian Zhen claws scratching his head in silence.
So, would like to make on the cross not too gentle thoughts, but

only chickens on the island, is the Group of real chickens, have

souls, but without too much spirituality, it is difficult to
communicate, even if someone, estimates could not
understand what she said.
Tian Zhen grief, not chickens, and spent a night time to accept
the fact.
Well, chicken, chicken, chicken is at least gods, don't have to
worry about being cut neck.
Trouble soon arrived.
Next to feel the chickens are not satisfied with the look of the
day, Tian Zhen tears, I know you assume then that the six
major tasks, however, you can't just tell me is a hen? Then this
job is I do?!
Tian Zhen looked down to see feathers.
A little bit ugly is ugly, but I also have sex!
Back pain suddenly, Tian Zhen quickly twisted face, saw all day
Chicken stood around their necks, very unfriendly stares,
suddenly the scalp tingle.
Broken, don't think I'm lazy too!
Her inactivity, next day chickens then gave her a Peck, a
feather under this time Peck.
People off the sea is chicken ass, Tian Zhen was hurt and
frustration, know that the chicken is not as conscious, mostly
livestock nature, can not explain, given the continued to hold
13 gang fights are likely to be, she quickly stretched his neck
learn to be called twice.
The vast sky, suddenly fell silent.
Fantastic song, loud and sharp, sweet, with clear Ethereal
sound, xiangexingyun, enough to make all things lost.

All day chicken is frozen.

This is ... ... My voice? Tian Zhen did not believe, and then
called out.
Chicken intoxicated, rising sun, stop.
In heaven, hen crowing rooster fiercer? Tian Zhen finally
discover their strengths, are complacent, above all of a sudden
there was another voice-"Phoenix?
Sounds very appealing, clear? Tactfully? Elegant? These words
are insufficient to describe soft and Yang, just right, something
with a singular appeal, compared with just sound lame for a few
Tian Zhen is trying to adapt to the new identity, suddenly heard
the language but not used, in a daze.
Through yesterday, and haven't seen this little island people,
"I said that sounds like, sure enough here," the celestial voice
sighed, vaguely hid a smile.
Determining what is, Tian Zhen exultation, looked up.
A huge fire Phoenix stop in midair, eyes clear, full of pride,
opened wings of two feet, brilliant silk, long tail, Golden, and for
a time, those colorful day on the tree became the Ravens.
The difference between upstart and innate nobility! Tian Zhen
eyes nor blinked, looked at the Phoenix ... ... Above the men
Phnom Penh, white, gold belt, hair hanging, gentle drowned
dead in the water hyacinth, as for his age, says young, solemn
but implied authority, saying that the old, look at's unmatched

face guilt.
Whole body surrounded by light light, beautiful and peaceful.
The Holy Father? Tian Zhen mind immediately jumped out this
White man sit on Phoenix's back, smile warm, and warm, as the
rising sun: "Phoenix, or do you want to stay here?
Phoenix? He rides a Phoenix come to Phoenix? Tian Zhen
subliminal mess around and see, before she found the Phoenix,
a long, powerful hands and stretched, to carry her into the arms
of white.
Arms wide, blessed with nostrils, Tian Zhen's life and for the
first time unique beauty male intimacy, blood pressure surge,
eyes wandering.
"Birds of our God Phoenix, how reduced into chickens," he
lovingly, gently her feathers, with three playful tone, "crowed?
Huang Feng? Phoenix?
Tian Zhen and see chicken Fusang trees that crowd, suddenly a
"yangtiandaxiao go" impulse--who says that only the ugly
duckling becomes a Swan, I'm ugly chick could one day
become a Phoenix!
White men smile: "Phoenix can stay chickens, I take you to
places to go, OK?
Tian Zhen nod more than.
Sees white men to speak, suddenly stopped, turned to see the
other side.
Sea days, many sprinkled with black spot from far and near,
neatly moves this way, stop outside the baizhang, it seems that
many birds.
Blink, a shadow to the eyes.

That is a mighty big Eagle, instantly took wing, turned into a
personal, but it is a 40-something and the General people, he
slowly landed, respectfully toward the white man: "North Sea
nine days down days rate kunpeng, see chaohuajun.
Chaohuajun? Tian Zhen secretly write down the name.
Chaohuajun shower, affectionately called him "great PengWang", and asked: "your Majesty points?
Peng Wang hang day replied: "Yes, Lord made heaven, Decree
of his Majesty, vertical adjustment coming back to the North
Sea, Wen Hua passed by the East China Sea, is here waiting for
Chaohuajun: "recommend you, you observing these years, and
I am pleased that, God's birds in proud of you.
Down day: "down days are expected to do everything, your
Majesty, my Wang Xiao Ming.
Chaohuajun nodded: "back.
Down days to go back upstairs.
Chaohuajun reminds you of a thing, called out to him: "there
are only small Phoenix ashes, I think she was a fluke for the
robbery, escape from life, but hurt color primaries, so losing
nature into chickens, you come, bring her back to Phoenix in
the North Sea.
Vertical heaven was "Yes", came to Tian Zhen.
Tian Zhen looked that sharp triangular eyes, and with a Chin
beard, then looked toward the huajunjunmei face, turned
decisively neck hair, Dr EAM wings, two front claws clinging at
Embassy suite on.
Chaohuajun couldn't help but laugh: "you don't want to go to

the North Sea?

Tian Zhen nodded.
Original is listening to this family people learn chicken called,
through sound and to, see she confused reduced into chicken
group, is heart with she go, but small Phoenix no half fix for
also so pass spiritual, towards Embassy Suite more more has
two points love, reaches supporting up she of Chin: "good cute
of small Huang son, both unwilling to to, that will with I back
feather Mo Temple cultivation's.
O God! That smile too bright, Tian Zhen dizzy, feel this through
the gentle words removed.
When the bird well ... ...
Chaohuajun in charge of the God's birds of tens of thousands of
years, a heart of love people, know that Phoenix soul living in
another, he waved Peng Wang to retreat, take the train to
Phoenix rising.
Light chicken wings fan, 8,000 in the moment, straight to
TMSC, wild is vast, which the cloud fog around, there is a
mountain, mountain famous Shiva, towering, unseen, rocks and
ferocious, very steep.
Night cold wind disease sweep.
Foot of the mountain, water sparkling, lifted a corner of the
curtain of night.
Previous delays, missed the trip, wild no Inn, travel
inconvenience during the night, Embassy Suite Fire Phoenix
landed in this great mountain, literally overnight.
Fire Phoenix flight is tired all day, sitting on the rocks, close
their eyes to rest.

Pearl light blue purple, exquisitely beautiful, but Tian Zhen

always felt less than a lamp, that lack of temperature, only
shows that the four-week cold.
Chaohuajun held her on the ground, handsome face in shimmer
shine a bit bleak, he watched silently in front of Lord Shiva,
appears to be a trance.
Internal hunger, Tian Zhen impatience.
Leadership would raise birds? Bird to eat!
Aware of her anxiety, Hua Hui, stroked her feathers: "Huang?
Tian Zhen weakly groan, thinking about how to express the
"Hungry yet? "Hua smile, let her go," to get it to eat it.
Tian Zhen said, his arms and jumped down, walking up and
down a few steps, start of nuts, which nowhere what we can
find, no ... ... Looking at earth worms reptile, Tian Zhen
shivering and finally got back to front of Embassy suite,
watching him shaking his head I don't eat worms, I'd like to
eat ... ...
Chaohuajun has long been seen to laugh: "Fortunately do not
eat bugs, or chicken all day.
Chickens eat, Tian Zhen low hum.
Chaohuajun thought for a moment, a glistening mushroom out
of the sleeve: "me no practice real, you don't want to look, here
are the day before yesterday he sent jade Ganoderma lucidum,
please eat, okay?
"Will" to eat? See celestial bird treatment, Tian Zhen tears.
Ganoderma lucidum broken pretty hands, with palms holding
onto her lips.

Tian Zhen was too hungry, and pecked down piece by piece,
and gave, kissed numerous times by the way led by the hand.
Chaohuajun to see her finish and remove only a small pot from
the sleeves and a Gold Cup: "this is the Sycamore Springs
house wine sauce and bamboo leaves, for when spring water
Tian Zhen had two, and only fragrance infinite, so satisfied, he
nodded his thanks.
Birds to see Lord of the air, all bow, and this Phoenix is not
afraid, Hua smile lifted her, softly: "to sleep, tomorrow, also on
his way.
Indulge in the gentle man, Tian Zhen to doze off.
Awakened by the wind, it was midnight.
Water still exudes a faint cold light, Fire Phoenix on the rock not
far from sleeping, neither side, but empty, missing people.
Shiney through the darkness in the distance, sent to chill it.
Tian Zhen stood up and looked around, still no chaohuajun, ran
to Peck at the Fire Phoenix, Phoenix fire wake up, displeased,
owners, a wings fan her somersault.
Do not know Phoenix communications, Tian Zhen helpless and
afraid to mess with it, had no choice but to try to Pat wings, due
to feather damage, although barely able to fly, but it is very
Bird care, let your job search!
Shiva is very large, Hill has both Woods and stones, wind storm,
shaking the trees such as ghosting.
Mouth water, for fear of getting lost, Tian Zhen according to
fixed routes, being careful around the foot looking for Lord

Shiva, quivering, already starting to regret--when Dapeng down

Wang's superior, Hua was not low, is there anything, maybe
just go out to walk too.
Find the reasons for stopping, Tian Zhen courage immediately
collapsed and decided to turn back, and at that moment,
suddenly a Flash of red light flashed overhead.
What thing! Tian Zhen jump and nearly fell from the sky.
Blink red, and old trunk sitting in front of a small figure.
It was a teenage child, small red robe at night particularly eyecatching, white shoulder and belt with red patterns, small feet
are a pair of Brown boots, chubby face, fine eyes and full head
of red hair loose shoulder chest, wearing a amount of fine silver
inlay gemstone jewelry and hair ornaments, expensive gas, and
Whose child is so beautiful! Tian Zhen was dumbfounded.
Kids look at her sweet smile: "Oh, Phoenix!
His innocent appearance, Tian Zhen maternity big time, can't
help but nod, Hi, too!
"Phoenix's nice! "The children applauded.
Praise from a child, is the most enjoyable, Tian Zhen look
feathered, uh, seem less ugly, it was kind of Nice ... ...
Kids crooked head, and hand in my arms: "come here, I'll give
you good eating bamboo and fruit?
I don't eat bamboo fruit, but I don't mind too small is beautiful a
hug, Tian Zhen really fly settled on his shoulders, took wing
"touch" that cute little face.
Children smiled and hugged her, I do not know where to touch
cold shiny dagger: "birds of God Phoenix blood, healing
panacea, finally met.

Fuck, this is what to do! Tian Zhen Jing.

Innocent smile becomes evil, child unceremoniously carries
over her neck, daggers, blood shed immediately, drop in small
bottles of ready, a series of actions is clean and neat.
Tian Zhen pain rolled his eyes flutter.
Dead is dead! Abdominal heixiaozhengtai, vicious, terrible!
"Such an ugly Phoenix, poor man," the boy sighed, caught her
by the wings with sympathy, to stop her struggling, "don't
worry, I just want your blood.
Tian Zhen almost dizzy.
Brats, mouth full of rhetoric and dare to put my blood!
Child seriously took half a bottle of blood, lit it and wound for
her, touch her head: "you're going to die, I find you next time.
Tian Zhen had dizziness, have heard of "next time", a
trembling, almost crying.
Little devil, I do not provoke you into?
"Road damage, what are you doing!
Hear that sound, Tian Zhen exultation, feebly wings for help.
Lu Xiaocan, immediately left her: "Uncle good!
Chaohuajun long sleeve Tian Zhen access my arms, a closer
look, we understand what's happening, half reluctantly and half
of anger: "both know me, and hurt my kind!
Lu Xiaocan jumped down, got down on one knee for the
ceremony: "small residual for the Phoenix blood, has not had
time to tell Uncle, uncle and an apology.

Chaohuajun in thy longsuffering: "what?

"I tell Uncle father, don't let the bird come to die," small
residual stands up, patted his knee on the dirt, "this is my
father personally, saying uncle on the surface, doesn't want to
kill people of God plume.
Serious, Embassy suite a sigh: "his Majesty you say personally,
at his mercy.
Lu Xiaocan smile: "ask Uncle gave me this ugly Phoenix.
To keep our blood? Tian Zhen is stimulated, immediately looked
toward the Embassy suite.
Chaohuajun frown.
"Calculate, uncle is cheapest, don't! "Small residual
jianshibumiao, immediately turned into red light to escape.
Take into account the identity, Hua really bad and he cares,
bow their heads and called: "Huang?
Tian Zhen hung his head in silence.
Chaohuajun lifted face looked before the mountains, blame
softly: "how to run! The steep precipice mountain was Lord
Shiva, many immortal demon here ... ... Something's gone
That you selected in the night? Tian Zhen secretly surprised,
after all, too much blood, sleeping in the past.
--------------Thanks procrastinator students long review:)
Really busy lately, we can't, just out of the half, or application
the next day more

Wen Tianting secrets

Voice melody, to shine the light of God, with the magnificent
Palace, looked down from the air, a huge palace complex do not
look to the side, countless towers high-rise, monochromatic
tiled roofs, beautiful, spectacular.
Outside the palace walls sparkle Tianhe, broad river, about two
miles wide, flying over a white bridge River, directly opposite
the gate, such as horizontal wave Rainbow momentum strong.
Avenue on both sides have put gold practice rifles guard every
ten steps, majestic.
Fire Phoenix landed firmly on the bridge platform, as early as
two waiters waiting on the platform, saw hua, came forward
bowing ritual.
Chaohuajun held under Tian Zhen Feng back, smiling: "guanjiu
wait two days.
Capacity is slightly higher that the waiter laughed: "his Majesty
was informed that chaohuajun today, make God wait, Embassy
Suite do not have to go to the main hall, now stars of his
While speaking, another waiter came up to lead the Fire
Phoenix, and the waiter then chaohuajun go ahead, next to a
half step behind to accompany yourself in, lead the way at the
right time.
Along the road into the Palace, two people shutting a large bird
in the palace complex.
This man into a bird, and everything is automatically enlarged
several times in the eye, tall stairs, tall column of Beaulieu, the
broad Plaza, land is clearly not your heaven, light house built
hundreds of magnificent and dignified.
I do not know how many bridges, turned the cloister, from
second-last gate and went out.
River day, high clouds.

"To play well," Hua Tian Zhen down and softly say, "do not go
Can't let him take the bird to the Emperor of "his Majesty", Tian
Zhen frustration, pacing the small child in circles, nodded in
Next to the waiter sees exclaimed: "this little Crow good cute!
Crow? Tian Zhen furring, Phoenix! I am the Phoenix!
Chaohuajun couldn't help but smile: "that's little Phoenix, Rob
born was an accident, breaking color primaries.
Waiter was embarrassed, was excited: "God said crows have
expensive gas, turned out to be of Royal lineage.
Expensive gas? Tian Zhen turned to look at his grey hairs.
Chaohuajun looked at her pursed lip compression, turn down
stone steps up.
The father smiled, radiance radiant, Tian Zhen stood aftertaste,
feel sad for myself, at that moment, the ear all of a sudden
there was a loud sound of hooves.
Horses from far and near, deafening, a closer look and saw dust
on the road across the River, numerous armed neatly lined up
and marched proudly up the drive, or walk, or ride a horse,
carries a flag, with the sword, bow ... ... See end for a long time.
Tian Zhen was prospering under, quickly ran to the other side,
jumping on bridge railings and watch.
"Actually, you fought it?
"Words can't say that if Makai to women, he was not be.

Several riding was with the laughing, taunting one soldier, the
soldier did not hear, bowed in silence.
Heaven also has this kind of thing, Tian Zhen sympathy.
Pegasus low hiss, followed by "PLoP" sound, that soldier's horse
suddenly frightened, took him into the milky way, the team got
into a mess.
Fortunately, was with a little Mana, little strain quickly, toe
water flying up and fall back to the shore.
"This boy on horseback rode into the river!
"A pair of women, fight!

Because were close, the whole thing after Tian Zhen see
clearly, is clearly next to those people makes him.
Scattered finds, before a general hit immediately, barked
shouted: "who make so much noise!
Previously laughed at a few great company stopped, no one
dared to say.
Thanks to Bank the river is only flooded to the saddle, and that
horse cross, still struggling, little hands tightly holding the reins
in case it got away from, but in any case do not come back nor
let go, had to awkwardly replied: "rhino accidentally frightened,
fell into the river.
"It was you, shit! "Generals head to give him a whip," worse
than successes!
Rhino does not differentiate.
"Give me right! "The generals ordered out loud again order
formation, then turned toward him scold," useless things, also
does not give me back, army immediately started, missed the

aircraft, you denounce!

Under the rhino Nono, lanama.
Things development and imagine in the different, unexpected
he so can endure, Tian Zhen heart those mercy change into has
tribute, watch see he two eye, front a bright--this life have very
beauty, jade surface Zhu lip, double eyebrow oblique fly into
Temple, more rare of is, is was countered, was all mocked, is
and no half points resentment of meaning, brow between
always a indifferent peace of temperament.
See force going far, that Pegasus in the water does not come
back, Tian Zhen was also worried for him, and expanded its
wings and flew next to the Pegasus, to lend him a helping hand.
Rhino accidents: "Phoenix?
Finally as taking my Crow, handsome guy, I will help you out!
Tian Zhen to the Pegasus wings harder, driving to the shore.
Suddenly, the Pegasus with a bad hum, disappears, but strong
students starting from the water from the unit, fell back to the
Tian Zhen looked up, puzzled.
Notes on leisurely pulled the reins, looking at her with a smile.
This little great company was a master at hiding! Tian Zhen
shocked, clearly have the skill, but such humiliation, people
laugh at insults, there must be a secret ... ...
Eyes, unfathomable, Rhino later to her God, don't know what I
thought, a long time laughs in a low voice: "thank you, Phoenix.

A small residual blood lessons, Tian Zhen will first of all

consider its own security for everything, this guy when I was, if
I know anything will kill birds kill? So she told this gratitude did
not respond, Dr EAM wings into the bridgehead.

See that she's not in the least to fix for, but ordinary Spirit Bird,
rhinoceros was unguarded, rolled over on the horse army to
Tian Zhen and watched as he disappeared, to jump off the
bridge railing, stroll around a few laps in the vicinity, who
harvest is not small, such as a God and a goddess of love, a
God in charge of the Treasury pocketed a number of gifts, even
some gold to harm another pregnant wife ... ...
Celestial peace, only birds can find many secrets! Tian Zhen
took the claw hold amount.
In life, I'd like to do a not talkative bird.
"It's settled, I will Decree.
Really walk back along the bridge, suddenly hear people speak,
glancing toward the Embassy suite and a man standing under
the stars, the man gold robe belt, tall, because the back side,
see the appearance and several waiters stood respectfully
behind him.
Hidden, voice and gracious Majesty, is young, full of gas, he
claims to be "open", identity is no longer necessary to guess.
Chaohuajun: "your Majesty think twice.
"Cousin Afar, earlier put the rest tomorrow," Emperor to
interrupt him, patting his shoulder and laughed, "now in
addition to cousin, which wastes no one can help me to share,
can no longer evade, siblings come to you at a later time.
With that, he decided to take a few waiters into the Palace,
leaving only the Embassy suite and the previous way the
The waiter smiled: "his Majesty's idea has been set, Embassy

Chaohuajun resignation letter called "little Phoenix!

Hear the call of tender, really loud, hurried past.
Look at her two little legs on the ground ran toward the
Embassy Suite laughing and picked her up: "to let you stay in
chickens, and even how to forget.
We are more used to walking, and really don't care.
The waiter led two men into the Palace, walking: "Hua Dong
won yinshan Supreme, solutions will certainly be able to sire of
Chaohuajun: "guarded by God himself, his Majesty does not
need worry, but when I went to look at the situation, reassure
the armed forces.
The waiter smiled: "magic power of God, surely, God can only
be set to trap him, is going to win the war, Hua was to come
Chaohuajun frown: "it is the unknown lies.
Waiter: "pacified, confusion, these two words have come true,
he went to the underworld was doomed, this shall be done in
God's birds, several times before the Embassy suite and not
Chaohuajun smile.
People come to your site and killed tens of thousands of armed,
and emerge unscathed retreat back, did you win?
Lord chaos? Tian Zhen heard about.
God, it must be magic, or what it was with the help leveling!
Heaven has a dedicated reception God of gardens, several
maids already at the door, have short, China Grand room,

waiters to accompany said a few words, then returned.

Maid taking practice real, Hua Tian Zhen put it on the table and
motioned for her to eat, Tian Zhen and see small bamboo rice,
no appetite, head-wings.
Chaohuajun: "How does not eating?
Feel concern, Tian Zhen to stick his head out, jumping two says
She previously ate jade Ganoderma lucidum, Embassy suite will
no longer talk, at that moment, two Maggie came as Li, Jiao
track: "bamboo leaf springs are ready, please chaohuajun to
Chaohuajun told Tian Zhen "in the play room, do not run.
Bath? Field for the word, and suddenly hear a low laugh, but
two hands on each other each other, Maggie ambiguous, then
look out for a look, and two women wearing thin can ignore the
light shirt, Tian Zhen was clear-the sisters, dressed like this,
obviously you want to bathe, pull a beautiful male escort bath!
Their volts, and China June innocent you don't care!
Of course, maybe this person will be happy to ... ...
Tian Zhen students promise themselves not interested in MUabsolute beauty leadership and heart just suddenly arises a
strong sense of Justice and should research the life style of
So she jumped down, skipping slipped out the door.
There are vast bamboo forest park, with white smoke rises in
the forest, several tall plain screens out of the four weeks, have
two Maggie holds things like clean clothes of Cap ply in her
hand, smiled, and went in.

"Let it go.
"His Majesty commanded, undecided waited on chaohuajun
Tian Zhen wing over his mouth.
Wow, this "sire" really considerate lower, before the war, knew
to send beautiful comfort, also arranged for two, flying!
Later, inside the Embassy suite's voice: "no, all of you.
Two Maggie, the face of disappointment.
Well, turns out that our leadership is being "God" gentleman,
Tian Zhen with respect.
God the King of the birds, good temper, doesn't mean you can
in front of his unbridled, two women if there are not, and don't
have the guts to break cover, bow, reluctantly took a few steps,
suddenly catch a grey foot slipped from.
"These ugly Phoenix went out! "A woman low.
Another woman saw two eyes, stolen smiles: "I was chicken all
Embassy suite and beautiful princess who, originally also had
an ugly!
Ugly, ugly, we are the Phoenix! Tian Zhen comfort, it doesn't
show, our leadership is incredibly big Phoenix! And so on, NI
Princess? Just listen to the corner outside, had a concubine to
harm another pregnant concubine, the pregnant concubine like
what NI Princess, we are the Phoenix, or to tell the chaohuajun
to save her ... ...
"Don't let it run towards the Embassy Suite inside it. "A woman
to come and catch her, next to busy to stop and gestures, and
two women took the hint, don't say anything.
Let me in, good excuse you are looking for birds, male beauty
bath way to accompany bath now! Tian Zhen found, walking up
and down the road to close your eyes, mother, out of no.

See its NAP, two maids had to go.

Screens in the faint sound of water, really itchy, eyes open
looking at the screen for a moment, turned back Amy's tofu
with disgruntled, form is empty, I want to be a pure and noble
bird ... ...
A young woman holding a woman walked, followed by a few
The young woman eyebrow updo, Hairpin loop frontlet
sparkling dress very luxurious, wearing gold embroidered Cape
moire Chardonnay, seven beauty, three dignity. She took violet
woman young, too pretty, face blushing eyes quietly looked this
Tian Zhen alarm loud straight at attention, before wolves after
Tiger leader you are the pieces of flesh!
Young woman smiled to push the purple woman motioned, then
led the maid away.
No one around, female took the shy purple, suffused with a hint
of subtle lips smiling, she looked down his body to check it
again to ensure that the current in the most beautiful state, just
look innocently walking towards screen.
Professional beauty you act? Tian Zhen began to imagine the
back of the plot.
A gasp, beautiful woman covered her face, twisted little waist,
stamp your feet, ran out and called everyone knows, and then
first lady immediately jumped out, AI Jia for you Lord ... ...
Conspiracy conspiracy! Perfect gentleman and girls well Alex,
the problem is us that Phoenix leaders finish business, is to
feed the birds, bath, did not plan to visit you, so may not like
you, so the design is not too unfair to him?
Tian Zhen into the screen.
Leadership has sacrificed birds.

Warm atmosphere surrounded by the flood, is a white stone in

front of the pool, water evaporation, is one person in the pool,
high nose bridge, seen from the side lines more beautiful,
chicken closed, looked serene, hair wet against my face and
back, spring only flooded to chest, tight chest ... ...
Discovered, he raised his face.
Hot nose, Tian Zhen immediately look up to heaven, no more
save points, I managed to patch up the blood ... ...
"Small Phoenix? "Surprise.
Tian Zhen was called God, think of something, quickly screen
out shaking.
God the King of the birds, Hua was familiar with a variety of
songs to see what people have to say, unfortunately, Tian Zhen
is counterfeit Phoenix, didn't know anything about birds, but
Phoenix reborn is eons, something unexpected could happen
toward the Embassy Suite No one suspected.
Avian viewed her as an unusual spirit, Embassy Suite ignored
they were bathing, softly: "don't worry, what do you want to
Get up! Wake you up! Tian Zhen don't know how to express,
simply roll over lay down on the ground, then got up and
repeated signal.
Chaohuajun frown: "unstable, Murphy was ill?
He got up from the water, to hold their checks really hyped up,
quickly looked at the day, Amy's tofu, I certainly didn't mean to,
is you have to let me see, I still have to bird ... ...
"Young Phoenix, how?
I haven't been, is what you want, never in the water, girls will
see exciting pictures! Very quick-witted, Tian Zhen to pick out
the clothes before he lost, and then fly to the top screen,

happened to the purple woman was about to come in and want

to spread your wings don't want to dive down again.
Shadows over the purple woman suddenly was startled, turn
pale, screamed back.
To this effect, I'm a bird, birds do, is normal, beautiful sorry Ah!
Tian Zhen completed difficult maneuvers, fall back to the top of
the screen with satisfaction crouching, did not continue to play
a trick on her, heaven, after all, everyone has a Mana, small
birds is not a problem.
Sure enough, Hua clothes neatly has come from the screen,
looked unhappy: "do not call you back!
He was still dressed in white robes with Phnom Penh, just head
for the narrow Golden Gao Guanshu, looks more elegant and
expensive gas.
Tian Zhen look up close.
Leadership is leadership, dressing speed is more than I can.
Good birds destroyed purple woman was calm and quickly
cover an awkward color, a look of surprise: "Hua?
Chaohuajun recognized her: "constant Moon Goddess?
Purple bow women Ying ying: "constant Tsukihime see
Chaohuajun boy with a gentle some: "How do you here?
"Just come with the Tin Hau," constant months Ji Xiao amorous,
infinite tenderness, looking at screens of Tian Zhen, "was
walking casually, see this little Phoenix was cute, I really like,
fear lest it get lost, so follow this, but Embassy suite.
Love bird of beauty! Tian Zhen died almost vomiting blood.

Chaohuajun letters, blaming Tian Zhen: "told you to stay in the

room, how running out, surprised the goddess!
Nosy retaining others peach, music, deserves to be! Tian Zhen
took the wings violently himself in the face, added jumping to
the ground, bow their heads and made amends.
Constant Tsukihime bent over, touching her head, smiling as
Notre Dame: "one false step, toward the Embassy Suite don't
scold it.
Yes, Yes, I admit that I too, girls don't break my head! Tian Zhen
looked sharp, long fingernails, hairs stand up and straight back
to hide.
Chaohuajun leaning the upper body as a sign: "Huang.
Hear the call, Tian Zhen right wings flapping his arms.
Chaohuajun Pat her on the back and ask: "Queen of what?
Heng Yue Ji Mangdao: "waiting on the Empress Hall chaohuajun.

His Majesty the Emperor Wen Tian

Queen of heaven was sitting on the Office, Chao Hua Jungang
door had a chance, she quickly stood up, came thanks to a
bow: "cousin, never meet, faux pas.
Chaohuajun Tian Zhen, gift: "just snubs, Empress forgiveness.
"Yes, ugly little Phoenix! "Queen of surprise.
Tian Zhen tears silently and walked to the corner.
God, not that heart is the most important.
Chaohuajun accident of her ashes under the Western Ontario
explains, diva, diva has repeatedly let him sit, was willing to go,
laugh at the constant Tsukihime: "sister have constant month to
go, somehow a coincidence, he came back with the cousin?

Heng Yue Ji Xiao is not too natural: "having met Hua in the
bamboo forest.
See chaohuajun look as usual, days later secretly surprised,
knowing that had an accident, and remove the subject,
concerns: "cousin to deyinlong female message?
Chaohuajun shook his head.
See Phoenix's dismal color, corner field really surprised,
deyinlong woman who is it?
"His Majesty has been sent in the high mountains around
looking for Lord Shiva," Queen of sighing, murmured, "missing
since deyin sister, all in the past 20 years, cousin cannot always
be so.
Chaohuajun obviously does not wish to continue this topic: "NI
Princess Empress is pregnant?
Hear the word NI Fei, Tian Zhen immediately concentrate.
"To tell my cousin about happy events," Queen of eye
movement, with a perfect smile still on her face, her hand
commanded all the maids, "out of it.
Heng Yue Ji Yu maids went out Diva smiles quickly cools, croon:
"Dutch Princess now very anxious, bianzhefaer please your
Majesty, your Majesty recently went to her side, this temple is
only worried about her days NI Princess can serve, and to
health and accident in front of his Majesty to......"
Chaohuajun gentle still, interrupts her: "Prince diligence and
promising God's birds are expected to fully support, sire aware,
Empress worried too much.
"Chao hua, is indeed the worry," Diva and sure enough to
crack, is around to this sentence, paired him with constant
month Ji Ye want to deepen the relationship, referring to her
son, her tone quite a bit complacent, "Feng ancestry, not base
load, we can, and now highly valued by his Majesty Prince,

often came to this temple here.

Stopped, and she was excited: "Port-au-Prince was to
chaohuajun, his Majesty was temporarily called to.
Chaohuajun: "Goddess born God of birds, look in the eyes of his
Majesty, though never revealed what, but Empress as initiative
of suspicion, less current is wonderful.
"The House will understand," the Diva nodded, "this time to
see, there is a task, now NI Princess got pregnant, all played on
hearing the news, scrambled to send people, Embassy Suite
Chaohuajun did not answer, stood up and paced a few steps,
suddenly: "NI Princess got pregnant, certainly wary, however
she is the Phoenix clan people and neon the General's
daughter, I had sent her to heaven, and if anything, I am afraid
that people feel.
"Towards Embassy Suite assured, I eat not came these vinegar,
now also only Port-au-Prince this a expect," days helpless to
laugh has laugh, "not she, is others, since people how many is
a arm, but she on this Palace and Port-au-Prince also is faithful,
times in Majesty before for Port-au-Prince Chair, as long as she
anshoubenfen, this Palace certainly nursing they mother
comprehensive, or also has who will for the we do.
Chaohuajun nodded: "the Empress for the sake of the overall
situation is good.
Something about NI Princess may have been killed, Tian Zhen
was disturbing, don't know if I should tell him, but hearing this
dialog, a big hit and also when listening to a corner from the
scoop, he would have to think of it, was so gentle, uproar was a
real piece of belly black! The God of all fine than a monkey,
which I worry about small birds such as white!
"New job......"
"My own arrangements.

He said, days after their heart, and let the maids in: "when not
earlier, this temple is back.
Chaohuajun: "escort the Empress.
Diva was excited: "cousin too much ceremony, from it.
Heng Yue Ji Yan said: "his Majesty said that chaohuajun went to
Dong won yinshan under in the morning, look to be careful.
Chaohuajun thanks.
Maids on the meal in the evening, a rich table, colorful.
Corner block of fist Pearl, ripples disappear, the gods deserted
the night, Hua independent window, not moist in the Pearl face,
back revealing a lonely barren.
For a long time, he turned around.
Shadow on the table, but Tian Zhen silently stood there
"Xiao Huang is familiar with poor, sad," Hua smiled, sighed
softly, "excellent woman missing, I've been looking for so many
years, but without any message she ... ... Out of what?
Thanks to Phoenix is the hair on your face, or he will be able to
see Tian Zhen a blush.
I'm not sad, in fact we are just waiting for you to eat, Tian Zhen
mouth, heavenly foods like grains, no foul air, fragrant.
Conscience smitten, she rushed toward the Embassy suite with
a nod.
Well, leading sad, I'm willing to accompany the sad, it's no
wonder his nights in the mountain will say that Lord Shiva, who
included his girlfriend in an accident deyinlong woman is
pathetic, sad enough for some time.

In fact, from small to large "sad" for Tian Zhen is two characters
fart, let go, so she subconsciously appreciate others, sad and
eating are two different things, heart pain, stomach, it would
have been even less worthwhile, so you almost too sad to eat,
or I will eat first, and then continue to hurt?
"I should have thought of her feisty temper, anger, would
certainly have had an accident," Hua picked her, "for 20 years,
20 years, Xiao Huang said, I give up, maybe she had......"
Dark eyes, like the color of the sky.
Really moving, quickly closed my eyes.
TV shows and magazines tell women, instead of trying to
comfort a wounded man, otherwise the flashing glow of
motherhood you will fall in love with him.
Looking for a woman for 20 years, compared to the kind of Ma
Tiandi, you have a big kind, feel the hand rigid, Tian Zhen really
guilty, then closed his eyes, stretched out right wing in his face
and slapped at random I have pretty boy tofu ... ...
She comforted, Embassy Suite half amazing half is like, and
burst out laughing: "can you hear me?
I know more than you think, Tian Zhen nodded.
Sad most of digestion, Hua reached the temptation of solid feed
Leaders cannot make special, you eat a meal, I eat this thing?
Tian Zhen turned, struggled to jump out from his arms, meals
on the table around.
Thinking she was going to eat? Under chaohuajun Leng,
temptation, I simply pushed their meals in front of her.
Permitted, Tian Zhen joy picks up.
Phoenix family practice are renowned for their solid food, meet

the exception, Hua quietly surprising, reached out and stroked

her feathers, smiling: "Xiao Huang is eating.
If not meet good temper, he let chickens and muddled on the
day, Tian Zhen was the gentle look at a giddy, quickly took the
claw to push a dish in front of him, and then go back to the
other side he continues to eat.
Chaohuajun understood as shy and wanted to for many years
no one to accompany dinner today opposite the Phoenix was
not only the person, don't laughed: "so smart, can practice in
the future, it will certainly be able to mend the human form.
Tian Zhen ignore this sentence.
When people are too long is very rich, and when the bird man
hold, the gossip, what's wrong?
God wills that night reached, Hua Dong won yinshan Supreme,
the next morning before dawn, the Tian Zhen Hua took up the
mist of sleep, with 5,000 troops escorted by General months
When the bird well, not have to work a natural sleep wake up,
Tian Zhen hold wings rolling in my dreams, hundreds of happy
Hooves crushing, body rocking ... ... Like in the car?
"Do you carry Crow? "A clear voice.
Why do these people see that my first words were not
something new! Tian Zhen motivated woke up, good attitude
and deflated by the barrage of combat, rapid eye, source to
find the voice of anger, Crow, is a Phoenix! I am a Phoenix!
Sitting opposite a young official, ordinary guards dressed up,
but the attitude of leaning against the wall, clearly is Deputy
leader, and again looks, unusual appearance imposing, long
nose full of momentum, thin lips smiling, eyes hidden sharp,

places a gold belt ornaments revealed more expensive gas.

"Only hurt small Phoenix color primaries. "Smile at Embassy
suite, quietly hand, Tian Zhen erect hairs on the neck heal.
The bodyguard was noticed, "Gee", and noted with interest
looked at her: "it was mad!
"General spirituality, what you know, not to mention his Majesty
before, how dare it troubles," Hua Tian Zhen bow, trying not to
laugh to comfort, "there is no color primaries are unimportant,
Xiao Huang is small Phoenix, there is to much in the future.
Your Majesty? Tian Zhen will soon be erected again Mao Fang,
out there.
His Majesty the Emperor disguised his close bodyguards, went
to visit the work of subordinates, it's no wonder that was
flooded with gas of the tortoise, those lazy below carefully.
"Cousin aiminruzi. "The Emperor under the mouth, is just right.
"Birds of God people, are also subjects of his Majesty and
Ministers is obeyed.
"So," Emperor of straightening up, since he had Tian Zhen in
her arms, "I love love people.
Were surrounded by great God breath, Tian Zhen began to
Man holding is good, but God is absolutely not, the key is that
he is a crush I, Embassy suite will certainly not revenge.
"It is fear," Heaven eyes flashing in the light of risk, light way,
"said did not understand, and I think it knows a lot are just
annoyed me, at Embassy suite?
Tian Zhen tears.
Where do I annoyed, his Majesty said I am a Crow, I is the Crow.

Chaohuajun laugh: "even the humanoid is not repaired, but

more Reiki, your Majesty, why should it frighten it.
Found the body stiff and God laughed: "fun! Interesting!
Indeed novels being poor, the Emperor of all not a good crop,
Tian Zhen head-wings, funny ass, fun, don't let go!
The emperor was Emperor, penny wasted energy is not easily,
get her back to Hua's arms, tone is a bit cold: "Makai decline,
who would have thought of today's climate, last time to her
River, which is East of the original yin, I am afraid that day he
was going to heaven.
Chaohuajun: "God of war he had been trapped, relieved of his
"Where God reactive trapped him, but he was happy to stop!
"Emperor sneer, half are helpless," he is the ancient gods
forces trapped in nine days killed God too photogenic,
reincarnation of God, were it not for that year four revolted and
heaven in an emergency, the late Emperor is going to leave
him, has become a great evil.
Chaohuajun: "does not seal the way he did?
God does not answer.
Chaohuajun muses: "perhaps United celestial Majesty can......"
"I would like to, but Guan Heyue is a waste, usurper in recent
years, everyone takes the celestial, the verge," Emperor of
croon, speed suddenly slow down, "I hear old Port-au-Prince of
guanhe slightly went to the world, old courtiers in the dark to
find the celestial, I do not know he has our God......"
Chaohuajun understanding: "I will send people secretly find out.

The Emperor nodded.

Celestial old Port-au-Prince shut River months micro-when quite

Yin name, real for shut River months Wu mother family forces
too big, eventually usurper, shut River months micro-forced fled
out, now old Minister are is heart support, helpless Guan Heyue
Wu sent heavily guarded celestial of door, shut River months
micro-body fairy Emperor power and was seal has ten of **, to
return, if found have he reached agreement, help he back
celestial seizure, to Shi two territories teamed up against Magic
territories, or can contain.
In God territories, dinner is not must, Pegasus endurance
extraordinary horse can than, team line to noon, ahead has
message came, yesterday stone General ordered to East
original yinshan support, army passing green Maple Ling Shi
met small unit magic army attacks, although casualties is
unlikely to, but magic army flagrant in God territories
provocation of behavior, greatly angered has Emperor, life
towards Embassy Suite Herald down, tonight on in green Maple
Ling camp.
More details about the contents, Tian Zhen did not catch or a
half interest, so that the Emperor his Majesty's whim to kill
birds kill. After getting off, Embassy suite will let her go, let her
play, Tian Zhen also know they want to discuss things, then
paced around.
Sky month, night.
Phoenix instinct, Tian Zhen wings to fly, just felt extremely
Green Maple Ridge area was desolate, surrounded by low hills,
vegetation is sparse, unguarded General stone, who never
imagined this place an ambush and, of course, in each other's
territory, the demon army is not stupid to come second.
People are getting the bird, with good eyesight, small foot
under a dwarf tree, like there is light.
The places in its people? It is strange that silent land.

A small Pearl of a weak light, reflecting the old trees and the
injured man, that one day soldiers dressed up, and half-open,
chest bloodied and injured does not, at the moment he is head
down, reluctantly for wound irrigation, next to the ground and,
with a knife.
It feels ... ... A bit familiar ... ...
Real efforts to search in memory, suddenly the soldiers
suddenly lifted her face, straight to her, gone cold flashes in the
eye, and then to surprise; "little Phoenix?
Beautiful face slightly pale, clean-shaven indifferent
temperament has changed.
It's him! After Tian Zhen Jing, he bullied by patience, and hiding
ability, became wary of--although the men are not as bad, but
tell me, doesn't know what still continues to be a bird safe.
So she stood on the stone, cocked his head to see him, said
See is not in the least to fix for only Phoenix, rhinoceros was
surrender, feebly against the trunk, eyes closed.
Follows army to the East in the original yinshan mountain, Qing
Feng Ling encounters the demon world who pass by this little
King of ambush, and they also saw an unexpected person, must
avoid it, alone, was badly injured at the hands of Heartthrob,
just listen to noisy over there and there was this little Phoenix,
Embassy suite would be birds of God dynasty emperor under
the, passed through here.
For a long time, his open eyes, Chong Tian Zhen smiled:
"Phoenix, you and I met twice, really means.
Destined fate, Tian Zhen fan wings.
"Said Phoenix to bring good luck in the world, what kind of luck
you are for me? "Rhinoceros stared at her for a long time,
whispered," so, you come over to my side.

Tian Zhen secretly sigh, when in distress, God would have blind
faith, I was through bird, don't even know what they have luck.
For many years insisted on, and finally from wounds little
depression, say Rhinoceros react, could not help but grin a little
fix for the Phoenix knows what, so he moved slowly away, face
looking sky.
In that case, to the wounded spirit is a must, Tian Zhen decided
to do a good thing, flew to his side down.
Rhino head JABs.
Deep eyes gradually suffused with light and bright, to finally
become streamer overflowing, besides surprise, joy, incredible,
strong, vaguely there ... ... Big head?
Tian Zhen Leng.
Moments of change, while waiting for her return to God as you
look, that vision again mildly indifferent, seems to be just what
you see, is an illusion.
Actually reached out and hugged her, eyes: "you ... ... If you
understand me?
That's bad! Handsome face suddenly magnified, Tian Zhen first
Halo, nose hot, don't whine.
I did not meet Deru lustful also confirmed that Confucius
sayings, Wu Tian Zhen eventually contributes to the literature,
they are nosebleeds, blood I come is nose and mouth at the
same time!
"Phoenix you......" handsome face steep is now happy, like I
can't believe it.
Tian Zhen inexplicable, looked down, suddenly shocked daze by
front sight-Phoenix blood in his chest, hideous wounds
squirmed, new breeds of meat wound gradually co-opted and
heal ... ...

Short pause, shallow scars, and it looks good.

Birds of God Phoenix leg is healing Elixir, rhino is not surprising,
slowly up robes, stood up, holding her smile: "well a little
Phoenix, I will treat you in the future.
I ... ... I just donate blood, shed hundreds of CC? Tian Zhen,
quickly looked at the day bleeding, well, more blood and
medicine have become in the future, my anemia.
At that moment, suddenly someone behind him: "Hey, there is
a soldier did not die!
Rhino smells the complexion changed, holding Tian Zhen, into
the fields breathe sweet, the camp of the Hua DUN, obviously
not very high but his Mana, just faded out not far away, torn
down by the red.
Hear the peals of laughter, Tian Zhen stood up,!
The body of King brothers
Red small sleeves, red hair drooping, silver frontlet Ruby Pearl
shine on glistening, Lu Xiaocan high in the treetops waving
towards Tian Zhen: "Hello again, do you know me, Phoenix!
So concerned is not a good thing, really wanted to cry, I don't
know who you are.
"You're the one that escaped from the my soldier? "Lu Xiaocan
recognized the rhinos, big eyes filled with surprise," meet me at
ten, didn't die?
He quickly relieved, smiling to see Tian Zhen: "Phoenix, you
cure him?
Tian Zhen heart twitch.
Secretive Rhino was injured in his hand, and ten tips! Little
devil really badly to what extent? Today we have no sure

Lu Xiaocan without mercy under the rhino commands: "you, do
Rhino has returned to calm, smiling: "I also have no so stupid.
Let go of me, I would commit suicide, Tian Zhen struggled to
come out from his arms, what are stupid, let this sick little devil
himself, that's stupid.
Lu Xiaocan hands behind, swept in the treetop walk two steps:
"don't try to play tricks, you can't run away.
Without warning, your branch a sink, he suddenly jumped to
jump, the two men came quick and sensitive, like taken off the
cage rabbit, little hand spot light flashing, Palm Thunder
straight rhinoceros.
Rhino has taken precaution, looked at Tian Zhen back sharply,
but the small residual ability far field is really unexpected, he
chuckled, turning into Red lightning road over two, blocking
Escape it escaped, not they are destined for hell lose here?
Rhino secretly smile really is an act of God, can do nothing
about it.
He simply put the Tian Zhen: "Phoenix, thank you today, to go!

Just by my wings, how far you can get out? Left and right are
the result of a rather than saving, Tian Zhen sigh, bite the
bullet and reversed course, rushed to a small remnant,
ruthlessly going to Peck at his head.
"Phoenix! "Rhino surprised, soon realized that she intended
under hesitated and eventually turn into the fields breathe
sweet escape.
Lu Xiaocan was seized Tian Zhen, no longer chasing rhinos,
released a small armed are no big deal, after all, he had Tian

Zhen fell on a large stone, "Gee", and picked up her wings: "it
doesn't show you what big daring.
Little rabbit sperm? Tian Zhen stared round red eyes, head to
Peck, Peck ... ...
Of course, confined to imagination.
My nerve is very small ... ...
Lu Xiaocan grin gave way, pulling the hairs on her neck: "dare
to Peck me?
Children are the pure devil, Tian Zhen cringe.
She was afraid, small residual joy road, stopped his hand with
satisfaction, wink: "kill you, Uncle Wah would be angry, father
feather people said they would not kill God.
I know, so dare who sacrificed their lives, and Tian Zhen said.
Lu Xiaocan cocked his head thinking, "Although you are ugly,
but I was kind of like, why don't you come back to the demon
world with me!
Devil, Devil boy! Tian Zhen roll, no wonder young age so
insidious belly black, you are like me, or like my blood?
Indeed immediately Lu Xiaocan said: "because of your blood
will be very helpful!
I went to your fork fork! Child, Tian Zhen first impulse to call
foul language, the most painful is that a bird called out that the
other cannot understand.
It is clear that Lu Xiaocan not going to consider her feelings,
with the idea of bird, he began to envision a series of problems
that you may encounter, face showed fear a troubled look.
"Take you back, my father would blame it.
Lu Xiaocan troubles, Tian Zhen proud.

"I said that Uncle Wah was sent to me.

Lu Xiaocan proud, Tian Zhen troubles.
"But he won't buy it......"
Yes Yes!
"That I did not let him know!

A few words, Tian Zhen heart was ravaged several times up

and down, but Lu Xiaocan n ways to feel wrong, ultimately
helpless children's mercy: "calculate, I will not raise birds,
taking you back to a lot of trouble and chaohua Uncle well.
Many good little too! Tian Zhen tears.
"Phoenix of pure blood is too rare, left a little more to me. "Lu
Xiaocan for their own pride, took out a knife, pulled her neck
Really take his aging mother when blood banks make? Your
mother's blood!
Tian Zhen tears.
In fact, when birds are less well, at least not when Phoenix, if
again, I went to when the Crow ... ...
Day, night, day, night ... ...
Jolt, the warm embrace of the fragrance is faint, a hand gently
on the back, preening for her from time to time, Tian Zhen
hung his head motionless, Japanese Rhinoceros back news,
Chao hua came to find her, Lu Xiaocan has left, and she was

confused feet to the sky lying on the stone.

"The Fung family is indeed the origin, how's it going?
"His Majesty asked Hong Fu, without anything.
Emperor praised her bravery, hand to so indicate.
Chaohuajun: "this time it hurt ... ..."
Yes, I lost so much blood, dizziness heart trouble, can not stand
you joked tossing, Tian Zhen hidden the body, claws hold DPRK
Embassy Suite skirt.
The Emperor raised his eyebrows: "I want her to see if her
injury, cousin seems to be not happy?
Yesterday, also affectionately called "I", the prototype Barb
opening today is "I", and Tian Zhen close eyes not to hear, was
cursed, is not the highest status people, you cow farts! Don't
know your wife Dou Huan, the loyal cousin and actually secretly
plan to Badger you.
"His Majesty God birds people ought to serve, how dare to seek
the prize," smiled at Embassy suite, Tian Zhen sent out, "I was
worried that it was injured, faux pas in front of his Majesty.
The Emperor suddenly laughed, raised: "just, business matters,
back toward the Embassy Suite I appreciate she is.
Chaohuajun agreed, and pull back the curtain, Tian Zhen
handed immediately next to the rhino, and discuss business
with the Emperor on his own return.
The 5th Road, gradually flat terrain ahead, far known long
contour of the mountains, mist hides murderous cupola, are not
far off the East original yinshan war.
XI asked with a smile: "Phoenix today better?
Saving, these days he is no less care Tian Zhen, become more
familiar with each other, Tian Zhen smells, indicated low

Rhinoceros eyes blinking: "you understand, right?
Tian Zhen silence.
This person is not simple, their interactions with chaohuajun
where to hide from him.
"But my business, you don't tell chaohuajun them, right? "Rhino
patted her on the back," why do you want to help me?
I never thought I would help you, Tian Zhen steal a glance.
Rhino low laugh, and not ask: "you lazy Phoenix, except for
sleeping and eating, and when can have human form.
Tian Zhen.
From birds to a man what's the big deal, I from birds to people,
this is the worst!
At that moment, a dozen armor man riding a horse in the
distance flying, stopped in front of the team, dismount the
previous months generals ceremony, said a few words,
generals will lead the people to the front.
"The end of thin, served the God of life, come to meet
Moment, Chao Hua opened the curtain, smiling: "war ahead?
Thin respectfully replied: "Lord temporarily trapped inside the
matrix, there is no movement, just before underworld King led
troops arrived, with Ares to on, now the outcome is unknown.
Chaohuajun glances at the car and said, "so, you and I went to
a view.
Under thin should go.
Team again moved, Tian Zhen excited.

The two armies, populous II, I went to see was with the leveling!
Mountains rise and fall, back like molong, unseen inside, sparse
vegetation, mostly rock black, occasionally with some Maple
leaves are black in the cold land, seem to be losing more.
Flags flying, mountain is densely packed with countless great
company, licensed gun sword ready, under the banner of one
day will be particularly noticeable, aged about 30, for a straight
nose, brow head, looks mighty, majestic figure, armor to the
magnificent, waist heaven sword, halberd holding Tony Fang
Teams stopped in mid-air, all the soldiers have looked.
Official horse and shouted: "Hua for granted, to come to the
Curtain door open, China June walked out, white gold band
Gold headed God does not meet, only air hand clasping,
luncheon: "military salute the inconvenience, you not blame
toward China.
"God of war any more," Hua falling rate team arriving, smile
and say a few words to the Emperor praises that kind of thing,
and then asked, "battle?
Ares yaozhi opposite: "General string against the underworld
Fighting was too fierce, Tian Zhen have started to pay attention
to get off from the opposite magic clouds billowing, clouds,
arranged neatly with countless demon soldiers, lined a spear
tip, tied up the two people in the front, stops shining air
collisions, dust, sometimes accompanied by the deafening
sound of explosion.

See who is that Makai Heartthrob, Tian Zhen began to feel

dizzy, in spite of reduced neck.
Chaohuajun concentration, and gradually frowned, also did not
say anything, a long time will gaze over to the other side.
Not far from the Hill, stay a black whirlwind.
Large funnel-shaped tornado, tall almost connected to day, it
can be said it is moving because it is rotating at an extremely
rapid rate; can also be said that it is static, stagnant because it
is always standing, not dissipate, one being enveloped by it,
couldn't see what there is.
Chaohuajun: "earth wind fire v God, wind, trapped him?
"Yes," Ares lowered his voice and a wry smile, "a matter of
Embassy suite, this array at best stuck his little little grasp God
Chaohuajun suddenly said: "General string back.
Ares Leng Leng, and soon went down face, especially ZhengMing.
Really surprising head with a low voice explains: "fighting, No
20 General string losing, recalled him at the moment, but in
order to keep your celestial face.
Look up, actually looked at her with a smile.
This person will read your mind? Tian Zhenmo, looking back to
the battlefield.
Zheng sound, lightning break free, General string was returned.
Lu Xiaocan there is no Chase, charge, hand laughs: "as my
father said, heaven is a waste, var God, you did no one?
Ares reactive to endure the wrath of God: "huangkouxiaoer, so

"The end of May to, lessons of the demon World Juniors! "A will
to plead.
Tian Zhen in the next cool look, found this person is very
familiar to me, without much spirit wanted it--it's not oceans
met Peng Wang down day!
God of war is difficult, several defeats at the hands of Lu
Xiaocan heaven, humiliated, the other is a junior, cannot take
the God personally, could volunteer in contention down days,
suddenly exultation: "this general war is required to go can only
He fought ji ordered: "da-Peng Wang down days, you, against
Lu Xiaocan!
Down under day, flying to the road opposite the small residual.
Lu Xiaocan see him, eyes alert, mouth grinning: "bird, my
father determined to forgive you, Uncle Wah to let you die?
Down day "cursed the devil junior, inexperienced and dare to
Lu Xiaocan "Hey": "look at my anger Poseidon killed.
Voice down, hands flat launch set off the blue glitter like tide,
wave after wave coming towards opposite to, apparent lack of
diligence, offensive there is fierce, he is young, experience is
rich enough, this is clearly a pre-emptive, and test each other's
Sneer down days, suddenly give birth to a very large Eagle
wings behind.
Leung Wing-light fan, set off a hurricane.
Across the ocean blocked, tall and erect, the end was pressed
back, back down the mountain.
Lu Xiaocan have already moved to change the shadow to avoid
back, again and again, without the opponent's weak case, had

to grab.
Two dozens of you come to me to come round, silhouette Flash
like the magicians on TV, and lighting effects, Tian Zhen
dizziness, where tell, however, turned down the side of the
chaohuajun, found he was business as usual, not snigger,
abdomen black, victory or defeat will be installed.
"Phoenix wants to hear it? "Rhinoceros touched her head," I tell
Tian Zhen busy nodding.
Shields was speaking in a low voice: "small remnant will be
Tian Zhen without questioning his judgment, too excited to
neck hairs stand up, staring at Lu Xiaocan eyes shine,
Schadenfreude, my blood not flow in vain, bird, on behalf of my
God birds pick up the little devil! Or even bleeding?
Both the Vietnam war became more heated on the Palm, the
moment, the three hills were leveled.
Lu Xiaocan back several feet whichever hold, her lips seem to
have blood coming from, he is not afraid, small hand casually in
his mouth a touch, hands-in-chest, made a big blue ball, hit
down days.
Yo, young to be brave! Tian Zhen in silence, he was bleeding,
instead of fear--look how smart people celestial God, seeing his
defeat as soon as orders to retreat, this little child was injured,
his parents would not hurt?
Worry, you bleeding less? Tian Zhen cursed himself.
Facing strong offensives, vertical, would not snub, shout, left
hand is lifted up, an instant change in the world situation, flow
rapidly to the Quartet on the move in his Palm.
Take wind power, launched before the slowly towards his right

A white light projected, as thin as a sword, instantly penetrating

light blue ball, ball exploding white light still does not stop,
opposite the small residual hit the road.
Lu Xiaocan spraying blood, managed to turn away.
To see him hurt, Tian Zhen finally motherhood made well, my
Virgin, little asses, but can't run it? Yes, he was trapped in the
matrix, and pity the poor, why didn't his mother out to save
Peng Wang down days, adults chasing children, you are not
afraid of losing face?
Look at chaohuajun, I was calm.
Others give you men, now you see men son hurt others but do
not stop, it would be terribly unkind ... ... Tian Zhen sighed, but
also understands, his Majesty the Emperor of physically here,
now who dares and Makai friendly relations in front of him?

"Small residues were not so easy to die," rhino patted her head
and motioned for her to feel at ease, "you see he is small, but
do not know how many people he has a headache.
Tian Zhen smells let out a sigh.
Also, seemingly too small is pretty harmless, abdomen black,
fine than a rabbit.
Opponents defeated, vertical day exultation, mercilessly hunted
down, but after the more than more than 10, suddenly felt a
harsh white light, sight blocked out of nowhere, suddenly
shocked him back again and again, fortunately, his battlehardened, experienced heads did not react, hands has received
subconsciously, condensed gas, before the road rounded
screen trying to defense.
Lu Xiaocan giggled: "stupid bird!
Shoulder pain, blood spatter, and know down days are counted,
Fury both hands empty fist, do not know where to change out a
fire-red long knives, followed the sound down the road a small
nail stump!
Oh dear! Tian Zhen exclaimed.
Clear FENGMING rings on the battlefield, hear all stupefied, Hua
shook his head to look at her, like night's funny, and blame.
Tian Zhen took wings, cover your mouth, but she did not intend
to call.
Lu Xiaocan is not dead, lying safe in one's arms.
Be a Blu-ray drive down a long knife, turn, crash burst in midair,
pieces disappear into thin air the moment, turned by the wind,
turned into the breath of fire.
Tian Zhen looked surprised that people have to say, Phoenix
Eagle's eyesight is better, even if separated by Zhang,
everything can also be clearly seen.

Save the small remnants of the road was a young war, purple
shirt, silver hair flying in the wind, purple frontlet, face
Chiseled, high nose, deep purple eyes glowing with a cold light.
Silver with red hair, the underworld are artists, or loves to play
non-mainstream? Tian Zhen emotion.
Young purple road under the war damage, cold to hum: "birds
of God?
Lu Xiaocan stand, respectfully called the "elder brother".
"Kings Road ice," God smile, was about to recall days down,
suddenly the complexion changed, turned to see the other side,
"is not good!
"My son, to withdraw. "A man's voice.
Deep, with a little twang, haughty, Majesty, it is in the heavens
and the long echo, faintly revealing the murderous, the
presence of all the great company of inexplicable fear, give
birth to a feeling of depression.
Sound not far from the black whirlwind.
Body of heaven Qi
Hear the sound, and ignoring what, JI ordered that loud as
Thunder: "listen, speed back!
Actually he ordered, great company, who had retreated.
Rhinos are clearly aware of how dangerous things, holding the
field really carried away.
Seems to be a huge force to shake, black Tower began shaking
violently, reminding us of the imminent collapse of the building,
is no longer in the rules from the funnel-shaped, become fuzzy.
God of war after all reluctant to give up, at this juncture to
make clouds, from the sky, take wind power protection.

Wind back together, Act calm.

Ares is relieved, then suddenly change color.
Static cyclones, like black glass goblet, gradually showing
cracks on the surface, one, two, three ... ...
Vertical and horizontal cracks, full of light!
No time to patch, God of great surprise, predicted the
upcoming things, had no time to turn around, so straight it
returned under the banner.
Chaohuajun still stood firm Hill, did not retreat, seeing this,
knowing he failed to repair, do not sigh, left hand, right hand
arc his volley, led light with wide sleeves, modest, even more
elegant look. Moment, a fire surrounded by a red ball of light
over his body, then gradually expanded to the surrounding,
eventually forming a strong giant ward.
Meanwhile, next to Ares and wave painting halberd, sky, sky
and lightning, as led by JI pointed white sparks dazzling,
generates blue-and-white barriers.
Birds God, God of heaven, best life, Mana, build a double
barrier fighting against the evil powers of God.
Explosion is deafening, cyclones, law breaking, the blue God of
light, cold, harsh, air burst its banks and flood, carrying smoke
and flying rocks, tumbling, overwhelming.
Loud sound, two circle pieces.
Everything but the blink thing.
Expected that this result, Chao Hua and Ares is no accident,
without injury, while back to Dodge, he men have greater
power to protect, was with the dead, thousands of avoiding all
the ashes back slower.
Witnessed the unimaginable horrors of the trickster God, the
rest of the great company of their complexion, all white, legs.

Thanks to Rhino Flash faster, shaking Tian Zhen.

Wind and persistent, with whirling sand, dust, lost sight of all of
the previous pressure more and more clear, more and more
heavy, almost suffocating.
In the blue light, shows a figure gradually.
Tian Zhen quickly shake neck, dirt and shake hard to see.
A suspected 20 30 real man did not know thousands of tens of
thousands of years, is significantly longer than ' ordinary '
people to tall many, black robe, loose sleeve block Phnom
Penh, wind blowing up, black hair flying gangfeng, streaks of
forehead down and lined with gold for jewelry and hair
accessories, noble and dazzling.
Gods of the East, or Western gods?
Imaginary demons, kill God of rebirth, just stood there
motionless, covered with murderous look was born, and dared
not look.
One eye, one eye is enough.
Face line surprised material of soft, high straight of nose, thin of
lip, lip angle micro-Yang, like laugh half, double eyebrow show
narrow, oblique fly into Temple, if asked magic Kamui strict, do
in narrow Phoenix accounts, long lids Xia of eyes, with said is
confidence, than said is contempt and arrogance, that is a
above six territories self-centered of momentum, regardless of
people, also is God, in he before had are is so humble, so small.
This image ... ... This image is so familiar it does it!
Tian Zhen to shut his eyes, heart beating wildly.
"That is the legendary Monster God Lucifer," the rhinoceros
voice sighed, "Strongbow.

I'm sorry? Tian Zhen open eyes, with black line.

He he he ... ... Lucifer! Lucifer adult?
Too late to wait for her confirmation, the evil God's eyes
narrowed, a low brow, Xiu flick, sudden outbreak of the
supernatural power of the whole body, and thousands of armed
gloriously into land at the foot of the fertilizer.
Tian Zhenmo.
Well, auditioned successfully, if the six wings, he played Lucifer
adult ... ...
Rhino look at the chaohuajun and not far from the Ares, with
sound and she explained: "he is the first brother of Emperor
heaven, one of the most famous King, unwilling to live in under
the Emperor, under the anti-heaven, the demon Emperor.
"Shake days territories late Emperor has seven child, eldest son
killing transit is days by out, is Dang today Emperor, later ten
years, days produced Xia seventh child, St unknown overnight
into Palace surface see late Emperor, said he is ' has mess
pacified, no mess health mess, killed God reincarnation, not
Minister and go ', can at God territories four Department for
anti-, heaven situation critical, late Emperor insisted on left he,
gave name killing midstream.
"Is said to have he original is ancient all God Heli trapped in too
photogenic in of killed God, God Yuan reincarnation, sex good
killed, not out a years Binh Dinh four Department of mess,
since this no dare made God territories, later late Emperor
degrees Rob died, killing transit ascended the, he will refuses
to, anti-to magic territories do has magic Emperor, abandoned
called without, since name Road West method, just should has
St unknown words.
Opposite the Lord made after tens of thousands of cannon
fodder, and finally came to a stop.
"Your Majesty. "Army of demons Qi Qi fell to his knees to

Lu Lu Xiaocan and the front of the ice age, got down on one
knee: "father.
Hear these two words, Tian Zhen was choking, shaking, hair
stand on end--the Road King are you sure? It really, really is
your father, not your brother?
Rhino without visible under the corners of the paper, said: "the
trickster God is arrogant by nature, until the moment before
coming out, will was the God words stress, that he was willing
to remain within the array.
Sure enough, the devil face, hair blowing in the wind blows on
the Chin, deep voice reveals a contempt: "var God, I'll stay 15th
in the array, you cannot hit me, go half a step, what to say?
God of war without a sign of weakness: "it has been done, what
a load of rubbish.
Is clearly indirect defeat, Lord was pleased with "en", and not
his stubborn: "kill transit, why hide?
Word gets out, God of complexion changes, hurried look.
"See me, is it time to call a brother? "The previous wagon, one
lift the curtain slowly came out, all beautiful, smiling, tone
Leadership and change clothes so fast? Tian Zhen admire
complete prostration.
Ares nearly lost his soul: "your Majesty!
Chaohuajun rate.
Black wide cuff, Trickster god hand: "incompetent, not rescued.

This not only are welcome, it is extremely arrogant, so light,

and God won't bear any more anger, as cold tone and eyes:
"kill stream, you don't bully me too much heaven!
"Well, then use your power, I surrender.
Dark eyes narrowed, thousands of great company has become
cannon fodder.
Rhino was expected results back far, Tian Zhen huddled in his
arms, sigh, your Majesty, Majesty, now there was a man you
cannot play it, but your great company ... ...
Look around the remaining armed, Lord adult eyes, don't want
to die you Flash, found no law?
Look at chaohuajun, is not wrong, in fact, we see Lord leveling?
Final look rhino, which is a dangerous man, I hid away again?
The Emperor stood on the Hill, watching everything that
happened before, handsome face cold enough to freeze, hardly
hold the sleeve end of fists up, but the opponents were too
strong, there is no seizure of the capital, because right now
even with the chaohuajun God of War III people working
together, not sure I could win him, aroused his kill, heaven
more cumbersome.
Chaohuajun secretly sigh came up: "cousin, why do you, God,
who has been for many years has committed no devil, even
disappear, what benefits do you have? Apart from God, there is
sin, monsters, ghosts and human, so, not simply benefit them?

Tian Zhen could be heard laughing.

Leadership you will engage diplomatic, kind word you said,
heaven for many years not to the underworld and listened to as
much of a gift, there is the great God, you can make it?
Kill God reincarnated, warlike by nature, taking into account the
gods died how many lost their fun, Trickster god of laughter:

"good people, let us give you the face.

He: "my son, the hardest.
Ludo, who had disappeared.
Lu said, the ice age "withdrawn", together with Lu Xiaocan,
together with tens of thousands of demons, disappear in the
Tian Zhen speechless.
The Lord really ... ... Casual, dynamic call now, get other
chickens flew a dog to jump, I led a few ruanhua in the end, he
will be back.
At this point, Tian Zhen realized that hundreds of thousands of
armed works, it is acting as Lord cannon fodder at the practice
The wind stops, four-week silence.
Ares took the painting halberd, bow, got down on one knee:
"his incompetence ask his Majesty of mankind.
As God the Lord of this humiliation in front of hundreds of
thousands of armed, thought of gods existence in thought
between each other, how to swallow it down the tone like the
Emperor, sneered: "gods disappeared, not help him, disappear,
well away!
This who, obviously, Tian Zhen looked anxiously toward the
Embassy suite, leading you to heaven avert a disaster, others
did not appreciate it.
Leaning chaohuajun: "his verbal gaffes, guilt.
"The devil withdrew, but see chaohuajun, Hua face is not small.

While speaking, was with a man, but is Peng Wang down, eyes
closed, if the gold paper, chest a bloody hole, extremely
terrible, think it was just too late to Dodge, is the magic power
of God hit.
"Are your cousins give you face. "The Emperor of a glance,
walks away to go.
Ares Wei Lu fears color, chaohuajun, Embassy suite, we smile,
motioned for him to follow.
Tens of thousands of years of dealings with the cousin of his
Majesty, who would not know his temper, willing to cross, but
his heart without fear, if nothing of the kind happened, that
would be bad.
Chaohuajun look down days in a coma, and asked: "can save it?

God favor replied: "this severely, the remaining one.

Tian Zhen had jumped down from the rhino's arms, pacing the
small steps and he sighed. Tens of thousands of great company
into cannon fodder, but Peng Wang was not dead, obviously are
a trickster God of God plume, restrained, it's no wonder that his
Majesty the Emperor of angry.
Found my gaze over to the leadership himself, she quickly
pretended not to see, stepped aside.
"Small Phoenix son......" soft voice finally rings.
Really wanted to cry, leadership, voluntary blood donors must
have a rest period, which was placed several blood in less than
a month, I wanted to be a healthy bird ... ...
She seemed reluctant, Hua squat body, reached out and
stroked her head, softly: "dying day generals is a celestial good
generals, loyal, and native subjects to you......"

Tian Zhen hung his head in silence.

Loyal to him to turn off I do nothing, he was hurt by his Majesty
the Emperor, not I, why not ask his Majesty the Emperor of
blood donation, our body is very important!
Rhino finally said, "she didn't hurt the day before yesterday, I'm
afraid not.
Rarely pure Phoenix blood, chicken King's blood is not
negligible, not free to use Hua helpless, lifted her head:
"Huang, you really don't want to?
Smiling, as spring is shining.
O God! Tian Zhen nose hot fate toward the down day in the
past, it appears that this blood flow today anyway, don't waste
Personally see new meat of the wound, the hospital repeatedly
praise God good.
Good ass, spread, not use za as blood banks for a long time in
the future? Tian Zhen the foreseeable future, the sad lives, one
heart begins to bleed.
"Enough is enough," Hua personally to hold her in my arms,
lovingly praised "good Phoenix, I knew you was so kind, would
Are you forced me to kind of leadership, Tian Zhen rivers.
God look down days, like: "General leaving aside still does not
wake up and down days, but the injury has lost many, no
danger of life.
Chaohuajun said, orders to take down days, and step back to
see the rhino: "brother's skill, it would be a pity in the military,
commanding said little at the end of the day before yesterday a
Royal bodyguard, Wang introduced, brothers, what do you

He saw that the communication notes on secretive? Tian Zhen

surprises and great company around who envy, only a small
armed, the God-King valued, luck is too good.
Shields looked at him blankly, smiled: "Rhinoceros, fortunate,
thank you Hua promoted.
Emperor's car away for a long time, place not knowing when
the other two more cars, carts are four white steed, Pegasus,
chaohuajun ready.
Two people from the car and actually stopped to Tian Zhen:
Tian Zhen gave dizzy, his wings, or hanging out with your
security, leadership pretty, gentle, but it's father, maybe when
he was asked to go to give blood.
"A lot of blood, this King will take care of it. "Hua holding her
Each other, after all, are a feather, the God-King, has no right to
ask, Rhino nodded in silence, get going.
Seeing that there is no break, Tian Zhen immediately obey the
leadership of devotion, fold the wings, made out to chaohuajun
arms drill, genuine leadership can't offend, follow him to eat
Chaohuajun flickering smile looking at her eyes, fingers and
smacks her head heavily.
Heaven solemn down, courtiers are can't silent, a slipped have
fast, series 3rd deliberations magic God next to Shi of back
enemy of policy, all including Ares zainei all shrink with head
loaded turtle, Emperor Majesty of face Ah, on and that ink
sample, also no wonder, magic God increasingly not put God
territories eye, I gas how, you all have to I accompany dress

In the apse, the Emperor sitting desk, amount of kneading.

Chaohuajun entered the House: "I see......"
"No," the Emperor waved a wry smile, "I said no to these empty
forms, cousin was blaming me slip the day before yesterday?
"I dare not.
"Sit down.
Chaohuajun statement to the Chair.
Pen stand silent Emperor staring at half, softly exclaimed: "I just
remember when father taught, see celestial inheritance will
now ruin in my hand, not in a hurry.
He smiled: "I can't talk to those wastes temper, but you know
who else I.
Chaohuajun: "your Majesty has made too strong a trickster God
ill always seal approach again.
"The approach is there, but who knows.
"In addition to anonymous.
"Today you, for that matter. "The Emperor taishou, before
suddenly appearing on a grain of Pearl.
Flame red beads, small finger sized, Guanghua introverted and
Chaohuajun surprised: "this is......"
Emperor: "nameless do not intend to read the secret, knowing
that he is killing God reincarnated, to besiege heaven changes,
was rushed into the Palace to see father, helpless father
bigotry, disclose such secret, unknown should be robbed and
killed on the spot, leave this Dan only had time.
Chaohuajun: "view of whether Rong Chen?

Emperor nod he took: "the father failed to realize the intention,

eons has to, go when it is passed to me, but I struggled for
many years, still nothing, feels like God of birds.
Chaohuajun see the Dan, frowning, smells faces a wry smile
said: "Yes, but not always, doubt and, as a result of his Majesty
of God related to birds?
"I was that love assumed people? "Heaven eyes glance at him,
slowly," God's birds, but nameless died, said the last three
Chaohuajun shook his head: "this word only, represents
nothing, Inner Alchemy practice derived from refinery for many
years, after the first fix for Dan, or natural God Dan, aura,
which is equivalent to simply get a few years practice, also
have human form, however the Dan Dan is dead, half-free Reiki,
as waste.
"I know," Emperor of calm, "then, is their heart.
"His Majesty's wise.
See him being sent back to Dan, the Emperor stop: "Dan and
you take it.
Chaohuajun: "these important objects, Nelson probably wrong
The Emperor of an eyebrow, stood and walked a few steps:
"today I suddenly thought, perhaps unknown to say those three
words meant, when birds come from God and solve the
Chaohuajun followed up: "his Majesty the mentally difficult,
Chen asked incompetence.
The Emperor: "cousin it is them?
Hearing these words, chaohuajun no longer refuse, Dan income
sleeves, smiled: "I still have things to bingming Sire, sire of

sorrow or solutions.
Heaven eyes lit up: ".
Body dancing tianyin Huang
There after the monarch and two people in the House
deliberations confidential event, here in the garden, sitting on
the stone table in the Sun, before it was full of food, warm
sunshine, trees were blown by the wind, the maids come and
go, occasionally stopping to tease her.
Was when bird played, really nothing bowed Peck, I need to
rest, I need to supplement!
A shadow overhead down.
See the man, Tian Zhen wings, nodding greetings.
Rhino is still a look of rain or shine, to the table and sat down
on a stone bench, took her wing tip asks: "Phoenix family
practice are renowned for their solid food, the book was wrong?

Tian Zhen lazily nose brushed right in the book, but I am a fake
Rhino released her wings: "the past few days also raise plenty
of spirit, and does not intend to practice?
Spiritual practice? Tian Zhen installed did not hear him.
"Lazy Phoenix," notes on smiles, "I hear Phoenix built humanoid
woman, beauty, you're not hurting color primaries, can take the
adult, and the ash plume, nobody dared to look down on you.
Beauty? Tian Zhen look twisted face their gray hair, a little
yearning, this person really belly black, know me because this
hair is influenced by a lot of ridicule, so using sex to lure, but
then again, I've never been a peerless beauty, do you want to

"Tomorrow, you're going to chaohuajun Mo Temple, pinnate, no

words to say it with me?
Tian Zhen already know this, the past few days, suddenly,
respectively, is still a little reluctant, but since he has to remain
in heaven is available, it is not difficult to meet, therefore not
very sad Tian Zhen, wings clap his hands.
Notes on touching her nose: "I'm looking forward to you taking
a human form that day, not being lazy.
Sorry sorry, Tian Zhen Fluffs hair, in order to meet the people's
visual effect, we can consider it.
Shields said: "only now, I do not know to wait for hundreds of
More than hundreds of years? Tian Zhen to eat, then
"Lazy it anyway," notes on sudden Yang Chun-mei, "if I ... ...
Certainly to find the bullet in the world for you, it makes you
Confident face, as he did not like him, Tian Zhen three points,
seven suspected.
At that moment, one official as: "your Majesty in the rear,
ordered God to guard the past.
"Take care, Phoenix. "Lips smile faint, shields took her back,
and stood up.
Uh-oh, when his Majesty Emperor of condescension, with
"please"? Tian Zhen dumbfounded sent him far away, long
before God, when you misheard, bow their heads slowly pecked
the fruit.
A moment, a hand to take fruit.
Slender hands, sharp nails flashing in the Sun.

Which practiced nine Yin white bone claw sister! Tian Zhen
shocked Dr EAM wing sweeps plates the plates fall to the
Purple girl Kingston, hand fruit, attitude is dignified and
elegant, eyes full of hate: "the bad ugly Phoenix, he is
somehow still in the side.
Regret stop she peeped led shower has really forged beams,
Tian Zhen silently falls back before her bow to admit, I was not
bad, I led you bubble.
Back pain, but was in the losing fruit and it bumped.
"Fuck me," constant Tsukihime kicked her impatiently,
muttered, "so ugly, the fire did not die.
This woman is too toxic, like a bird so caring! Tian Zhen wrath
upon me, and thinking strategies in the distance came the
maids greeting voice.
Familiar figure coming slowly.
Robes and veiled, is worth painting Ascot, Phnom Penh, with
wide sleeves, and long eyelashes to provoke a little sunshine,
are dyed a pale gold, chicken mild, hidden emotions inside but
no one read.
Pride quickly became a gentle, constant Tsukihime sorting
clothes, Hung MOU ceremony: "the Embassy suite.
"Constant Moon Goddess? "The Embassy Suite looking at the
mess on the ground in front of images intended to ask.
Constant Tsukihime glanced Tian Zhen seems apologetic: "just
to see it here, is very like and feed it to eat two fruits, but it was
beginning to get to express, think not to its taste.
Tian Zhen heard repeatedly sneered.

Great, is disrespect to our guests ' is wrong.

Chaohuajun was to blame: "Huang is a faux pas, not an
Make amends? Tian Zhen looked at him for a long time, really
slapped the flapping slowly, shook her neck, step by step
walking up and down in front of constant Tsukihime.
Constant months Ji Lian free dived to close it, Valentine: "it does
not know what Hua not to blame ... ... Ah! Ah!
Say half, she suddenly jumped up screaming.
Tian Zhen pecked at an extremely fast rate down her hand,
while her hand comes as bashing up her hair.
Constant month Mahal anger, fingers cold flashes, was about to
approach, they heard the cry beside the Embassy Suite "small
Phoenix", and immediately react, quickly took the hand,
repeatedly dodged backwards.
Chaohuajun dismissed: "shall not be rude!
I make you nice! Do you love birds, have the ability to do Ah!
Tian Zhen trick in full swing, fast heart, refused to listen to, I'm
now bird, I was rude, how do you put me, the sinister woman,
really near us-led, I lead a better life in the future, will allow you
to make a good impression today!
Her body shape is flexible and has a master in constant
Tsukihime afraid to hurt her, get hair is messy, what attitude
and what style to disappear without a trace, shape quite
"Nonsense! "Hua sleeves will sweep it down," not with the
Goddess Atonement!
In front of his face, constant Tsukihime turning away.
Tian Zhen dropped to the ground roll, feel wronged, scrambled
up a raised neck walking toward the Park. I was wrong, lead you

take lessons, big deal we go out single mix!

Chaohuajun angry and funny, children of birds in front of the
Phoenix King, who dares to be so rude! Just a little in front of
the Phoenix didn't listen to orders, anger to go?
His deep voice shouted "stop.
Stern is more terrible the meek, Tian Zhen feet soft, started a
guilty conscience.
Tian Zhen obediently stand.
"To come back.
Really out, constant Tsukihime may soon be solved, which dares
to go, he went on, quickly take advantage of walking up and
down in front of him.
Chaohuajun bent down and picked up her, nothing is said,
came into the room and sat down on the Chair.
Tian Zhen eyes closed pretending to be asleep.
Chaohuajun finally smiled: "she mess with you?
Our leadership is wise! Tian Zhen immediately open your eyes,
nod more than.
Chaohuajun picked up her wings: "offends her, want to go out
alone and let her see, birds are a little less of God Phoenix?
So we didn't dare go, Tian Zhen crooked neck.
"Rude to this King, found guilty of when driving out birds," Hua
she threw on the floor, "said first-time offenders, to come to
confess a crime here, the King would forgive you.
Tian Zhen bow immediately convinced.

"Earlier tonight for dinner, rest, tomorrow leave Mo Temple

The next morning, Hua Tian Zhen left by the fire chicken
heaven, several days in guanfengtian Emperor gave out
80,000, actually did not come, Tian Zhen also expressed their
understanding, he is now in command is available, which can
as freely as before.
War is resolved, Hua was not urgent, intentionally Tian Zhen
tour experience, there are only around sensitive companion
bird than ever had so much fun.
Wide, chicken back, like a ship, sit on a Embassy Suite gives,
slender fingers stick thin blade, is carving a piece of bamboo, it
is passing qiongshan picked.
Hopping about Tian Zhen, I do not know what he will do.
Chaohuajun smiles, shakes her bamboo: "this is wonderful, you
Blinking action with a few minutes of teasing, far removed from
his eloquent image, Tian Zhen was surprised a moment, quickly
looking down, quiet.
Sword thing takes shape, but nice bamboo Shaw.
White wide sleeves were tilted by the wind, and Hua slowly will
deliver the flute to his lips.
Xiao Sheng Qing Feng ming, fantastic through the clouds, with
a singular charm, Tian Zhen spirit feel an earthquake, is sound
in mind fans, the soul seemed to be pulling and body become
light up her wings and flew up into the air, circle dance.
Sound being peace, just like Lord of the wind, the Fire Phoenix
also stopped, crane its neck and melody.
Beautiful Phoenix, there was faint smile.

This is where, what ... ...

Qu Bi, dances, sound clouds echo the line of Judah, Tian Zhen
Luo tempered chicken backs, did not react, feel a sense of loss.
Chaohuajun flute away: "native built humanoid Phoenix, feather
on the desert temple to worship the King, Phoenix, Phoenix
dance, Wang makes you dance a song today, shall we?
Danced to leadership? Tian Zhen was the word-cleaving to God,
Chaohuajun: "I enjoyed it, Xiao Huang was willing to dance a
Tian Zhen will soon head out from the wings, tearfully shook his
head, his mouth shut and will play, jumped immediately
dragged him by the sleeve pulled.
Chaohuajun laugh: "shy? The Phoenix natives sing and dance,
and there is nothing to be afraid of...... "
At that moment, something flashed in the distance.
Post! Post missing! Tian Zhen quickly loose mouth, tweet
motioned at him.
Without batting an eye, smile does not change, but looks bleak,
and Hua Xiao from his lips move slowly, no.
Shortage in front, Tian Zhen came soon, shut up.
"The last time," Hua reached out to hold her in my arms,
looking at front fog whispered, "will you for the last time, if
found, and also ... ... Bale.
Tian Zhen said nothing.
Under cover of darkness, insects and birds are absent, the vast

wild silence.
And compared to when they were last seen, Po Shan looks
unchanged, majestically standing in the wind, black is a bit
cold, a bit fuzzy.
"This mountain was the ancient Lord Shiva Kamiyama, Moon
Reiki nourishment was later abandoned by God, because of
resentment born of many demon devil, extremely dangerous,
but the above still has many rare Elixir, she is angry with me,
and ran up the Hill to find medicine......"
Chaohuajun Tian Zhen in the fire under the chicken wings,
asked softly: "don't run, you remember?
For 20 years to no avail, had plainly out-played, this is the last
of the attachment? Tian Zhen bad block, and cannot be
prevented, only nodded.
Aware, Embassy Suite look sideways.
Three white ground, into three official, people, home is more
than 50 years old, face, and hair white-white beard, hand whisk
white Buddhist block nine Bagua pattern, were flying in the
wind, a kind of portray the feeling, like Lao in these paintings.
"Could it Embassy suite?
"Nine Harvard too?
Recognize each other, toward the Embassy suite and old
furniture away.
Chaohuajun see the other two, smiled: "Yu Chen Shaogong.
The dark-haired, dark purple handyman busy smiled: "Sen and
is under instructions of the Queen's life work, passing through
here, I met Chao hua, it happened that.
He paused, and temptation: "Hua Po Shan, Murphy or for......"
Chaohuajun did not answer: "return of the heaven, passing

through here.
Nine too Alex shook his head.
Yu Chen Shaogong smells he is unwilling to continue this topic,
so smile at all a few words, said, "I, Imperial life in the body, to
stay left, you don't mind towards China.
Chaohuajun nodded: "Please give my regards to Emperor, his
Majesty the emperor Fu boundless, and after a while the Queen
will also sent envoys to fairyland.
The three men also flattering the Emperor, then leave.
Nine Alex too is a former veteran, celestial in prestigious, Yu
Chen Shaogong is today's cousin Wu Xian Guan he month
mother, Guan Heyue Wu sent him to ride with Alex too, is afraid
too Palace took the opportunity to look for the old Prince of
guanhe slightly, celestial chaos now, and everyone is looking
forward to the old Prince's return, it's no wonder Guan Heyue so
Chaohuajun smiled, turned into the lights disappeared.
These people are from the celestial? Tian Zhen according to
previously heard the emperor with his talk, has largely clarified
the current situation, interest in gradually, the celestial gods
were looking for guanhe slightly, and where has he gone?
Late at night, Pearl Dim.
Wind the night cold hit, fire chicken wings are very loose, Tian
Zhen and small, hidden feathers below cover up, was very
Po Mountain so dangerous, I do not know chaohuajun there is
no danger ... ...
Let him love not forgotten 20 years, the Dragon is dead, and
also the content.

Is about chaohuajun away, Tian Zhen didn't always sleep well,

always is half awaken State, at midnight, a strange sound
suddenly came from ear, startled she opened her eyes.
Through the gaps between the feathers, she was seen parked
in front of a pair of black boots.
Chaohuajun boots are white.
What people? Tian Zhen alert ears.
"China Grand celestial God-King, Emperor of the most heavily,
to draw on us a lot of good, he, your Majesty, why must he, it is
strange ... ..." that people like puzzle, a long time laughing.
Sound familiar, it really does not take much effort to think of it,
it's not just that jade Chen Shaogong, too!
He says what does this mean? To kill a chaohuajun?!
This, surely, not overheard the secret, if it is found that, with
predictable results, Tian Zhen and shocked and afraid and hid
behind the chicken-wing atmosphere is not out until the pair of
black boots disappear, has not shown himself so cunning.
Long time, no longer around.
Tian Zhen secretly took pecked the fire chicken, but the Fire
Phoenix sleep heavy, did not respond, she quietly stuck,
confirmed Yu Chen Shaogong away, then jumps out from under
the chicken wings, because they do not know what do each
other, and she fumbled around and did not find anything
To plot against hua, what is the most effective? Tian Zhen as
possible for myself, my gaze over to the Fire Phoenix.
As expected, the Fire Phoenix really slept, seems to be passive
hands and feet.
Tian Zhen on wings to fly to Phoenix fire back, carefully,

Phoenix's eyesight is excellent, it really makes her unusual a

unique little feathers.
Feather-tip as sharp as a needle, Feng Jin Yu, mingled with fire,
slight differences in color, if not see, almost indistinguishable to
the naked eye.
Too many TV's credit, have accumulated much experience in
plot against Tian Zhen, knew may be toxic, if it hurts, the result
will be very dangerous, so she carefully brush the feathers
around, roots with beaks, and pulled it down.
"Little Crow was bad! "Gloomy voice.
He's back! Tian Zhen eat, subconscious Dr EAM wings
screamed, that feather is falling from his mouth, confusion
between Tian Zhen suddenly felt pain in right wing, followed by
another, then the whole body becomes stiff, Feng rolled down
the back.
Right wing feather-tip needle, toxicity in the blood.
Miyamoto has raised less yuchen, rushed out and down.
This HIV is strong, is not enough to injury Phoenix King lives,
towards Embassy Suite poisoning Hou, will will immediately
shipped work, he, in next is is to took start, this to accident,
Emperor certainly suspected not to celestial, only didn't
expected thousand is million is also is is leak has, Fire Phoenix
wings Xia also hid with only small of, all are was she see in has
eye in.
"Bad things end up dead, a Crow, saves me a hand. "Yu Chen
Shaogong sneer.
Just call, I do not know chaohuajun you hear? Tian Zhen
secretly worried.
Toxic plume drifting up from the ground, flying into their own
jade Chen Shaogong's sleeve, Yu Chen Shaogong not silly, now
has an accident, little Crow's death in the air disappear,
Embassy suite has long been a savvy caution, may be taken,

under is never let him see the celestial hand, or food away the
little Crow's body, quickly left the better.
This thought is comprehensive, unfortunately, too late to
Sudden intense pressure, with many pitfalls, surrounded from
all sides, people of breath.
Heavy night, Matt Pearl, people like a dark bottomless caves.
Loneliness, fear, breed gradually ... ...
Indeed, there is a premonition of death.
A sudden, Yu Chen Taigong was unjustly began to be worried,
as was there, his legs became heavy, can't move half a step,
not only was he, this climate of terror, Tian Zhen also perceive
even next to the ground.
"Behind the plot.
Deep, slightly nasal voice out of nowhere came in long echoes
between heaven and Earth, reveals a different authority, there
is anger.
This is ... ... Is ... ... Tian Zhen body hairs to stand immediately.
Blink, two cubits outside with a tall dark figure, Phnom Penh
black wide cuff, gold frontlet headdress, long black hair were
scattered in the wind from blowing under the high bridge of the
nose, flawless face half mask, it was kind of perfect darkness.
Yu Chen Shaogong is obviously aware of his identity, voice
immediately changed, horrified, "you ... ..."
"Mean, you shouldn't be possible.
A cold eye, eyes narrowed, wide sleeves, raising greater power
strikes, Yu Chen Shaogong too late to react, the body has
collapsed like Sanders.

Sand scattered with the wind in the body, Tian Zhen creeps,
ashes, ashes!
Moment, a tall figure standing in front of.
Lord road ... ... Road ... ... Lucifer adult! Tian Zhen sweetheart
shuddered and stared at the beautiful majestic strip of water
hyacinth and began to pray, he he he is not in the habit of
Lord low in my eyes she was, a long time say: "gray bird.
Tian Zhen tears immediately.
Even if I don't like the Phoenix, you can also call the
Crow's ... ...
Body Temple practice
Lord above, feet, a gray bird.
"Toxic gray bird, six States today, but I can save you.
Hear "saving" words, Tian Zhen tears. Well, gray bird, gray bird,
the description is appropriate, Trickster god power is invincible,
contempt of our little bird is understandable.
Lord "en", and: "loyalty to self-sacrifice, courage.
Commendable commendable! Tian Zhen expectations.
How do? Decisions do not need too much time under the Lord:
"I will save you time.
Says do it, Palm air since the end of the sleeve set off, beautiful
right hand looms, under Tian Zhen joy, can stay.
This is ... ... Plans to use Palm forced HIV?
Realize that was wrong, Tian Zhen began to worry.
This is the ancient God-killer reincarnated, blink of an eye you

can create thousands of cannon fodder, such awesome power if

poorly controlled, we'll probably change with Yu Chen Shaogong
ashes ... ...
Idea, and pain.
"Wow " men cry, Tian Zhen fly two feet tall, fell to the ground,
nose ear mouth bleeding.
Palm winds, sleeves fall, Trickster god hand: "HIV has been
forced out.
Black blood blood shed, for a long time, and organs were
crushed as, unbearably painful, and have more difficulty
breathing, Tian Zhen lay on the floor dying, don't even have the
strength to cry, only a little consciousness in the brain.
HIV is forced out, I gotta go.
Minimum strength of creating serious consequences, Lord does
not think something is amiss: "little gray bird died in my hands,
it is better to poison you to death.
Tian Zhen honored vomiting blood, almost on the spot the
Should expect to kill God not good at saving lives, such as
treatment failure, rather than poisoning, can live at least for a
A golden silent falling into human form, and originally Hua in
the mountains, hear the sound just Fengming, so hurry, things
really went wrong.
See, Embassy Suite quickly picked up in the past Tian Zhen, a
check, heart is cold, she is at the moment the five internal
organs all crack just because Phoenix lost has a healing effect,
which has not expired, but even so, is on the line, there is no
chance of survival.
"What does this mean, cousin?

Lord does not excuse letter: "and the race against the
consequences of it.
Chaohuajun how not to lose your cool, the cousin, who he really
wanted to kill, would never have a serious situation: "birds of
God cannot be defected from heaven.
"Read in past my friendship, I tolerate the birds for many years
God," Lord eyes chilly, sleeves, "but because you repeatedly to
intervene in war, I God will no longer hold in the future.
Chaohuajun sighed and said, "the cousin, being born of God, I
can and should be guarding heaven is, why insist on fighting? If
the return, your Majesty must reuse, are successful in the
future, to be honored forever.
"Intrigue, struggle for power, I am born to kill God, how can we
protect these days," magic shenlue Chin, "I alone, that is able
to create one day.
Chaohuajun shook his head.
Demon God: "it is said that birds will have lost my God man.
Chaohuajun a wry smile: "that was the unknown lies.
"King of birds chicken, even though repair 100,000 years, you
may not be able to struggle between the three, who can defeat
me! "Heavy laughter reveals a very arrogant," I'm looking
forward to, confirmed Al-unknown prophecy.
Strong winds rolled up, brushed with black sleeves, Trickster
god disappeared.
Fire Phoenix had woke up next, for everything that has
happened was odd, somehow looking at the masters.
Chaohuajun sighed, noting that black blood on the floor, rough
guess what happened: "poison?

Tian Zhen did not even have nodded effort, the immediate
scene faded.
Who would have a no fix for the Phoenix, the plot is clearly
washed themselves, presumably accidentally to it, Embassy
Suite eye blinking and raised a little objects dust rises from the
ground, fly to his pocket.
That is a fairy print.
Chaohuajun accidental brows, a long time and looked dying
Tian Zhen, look in the Phoenix complex.
The HIV drug-free solution, even if he also want to exercise at
least one or two hours, a slight delay, it cannot be saved,
thanks to Phoenix's body of HIV being forced out in Palm of left,
or really returned to the soul-free operation.
Unfortunately, the reincarnation of Lord is born to kill God, such
powers, how unusual body can withstand, du Qing, in addition,
five Zang-organs are broken, or doomed to die.
Is, after all, the Phoenix people, these days, Hua also delighted
her spiritual, emotional, watched her die, can not bear, if simply
died, but the Lieutenant died not die, make him more hesitant.
To save, not no way.
Chicken King blood, dead.
Phoenix King is so important, however, is the King of birds gas
condensate, and birds are probably doomed, began a drop tens
of thousands of years, ancient God-King ascended the throne,
succeeded this King Air, people practice the Quartet, also take
traction, Wang qi is weak, feather family practice will be
Life and death, the ancient God had instructed, even on an
exceptional basis, will not be to save a little Phoenix.
Chaohuajun sadly, quite helpless.

It had no practice who sacrificed their lives, and now as a

member of the King, but to help.
A drop of blood, not only for the loss of a King Air, and
Millennium fix, really got the drop of blood, she can get out of
thin air Millennium practice only once within a grain of Dan,
they can shape ... ...
Chaohuajun suddenly large earthquakes, and looked at arms
Leng Leng Tian Zhen.
Wake up, Tian Zhen finds himself turned into a Phoenix!
Of course, still a gray Phoenix.
Alternatively, the big bad bird is more appropriate.
Pakistan more than three feet long from start to finish! If you
have a full tail feathers, I'm afraid she is on the larger size of
the Fire Phoenix next 1 time! Tian Zhen with cold sweats,
plumage root stood, such a growth rate is unacceptable, too
scary, it feels like a pig dream wake up, he found himself
suddenly turned into an elephant.
Like last night was seriously injured ... ...
Tian Zhen now chaohuajun, leader of save me?
Chaohuajun is still gently smiling, touched her head says:
"don't be afraid, Phoenix will soon become man.
Charged with Millennium fix only once within a grain of Dan.
Pick up life, very grateful that Tian Zhen, also grew up on their
inexplicable wonder, feels that the body is full of energy and
spirit good.
However, these changes directly affect her well-being, the
small gray Phoenix is ugly, still as cute and let the man hug,
such tough shape now, and in any case they cannot top the

word cute, big bird, it is estimated that no man can hold

around, if any, that scene must have been spectacular, and
also very scary.
Chaohuajun a look BA mountain, whispered: "come on.
Traces still didn't find the couple, he is ready to give up? Tian
Zhen sighs, suddenly caught fire Phoenix to see their eyes
something strange, angry, aggressive.
Tian Zhen soon learnt, patting it on the head with their wings.
Big brother, although I get bigger, but you can rest assured that
we will not be robbed of your job.
Good, go back and find a way to lose weight, in case when
leadership I look strong, riding ... ...
Find Kinky. swing thoughts, Tian Zhen lightly cough twice, Dr
EAM wing forward-bashing, a fan, a full flying 8,000 miles.
Stars in towering clouds along on a ladder, platform is a white
marble floors and railings, no ornate decoration, simple, clean,
not like the rest pavilions of the Palace.
God hand, watching the front railing, looking not identified, isn't
far behind stood a line of waiters and two silver armor guards.
"Your Majesty. "Soft sound just right.
"Queen. "The Emperor turned around.
Diva smiles came up: "his Majesty the Minister qie chafanbusi
in recent days, worried workers for fear of things over, so they
prepare the Ganoderma lucidum dew, who come looking for his
Majesty not asked about official known until coming here, his
Majesty seems to be enthralled, his concubine did not dare
disturb, not let them.
Emperor face gentle some: "Port-au-Prince's emissary to

celestial, I am concerned that.

Diva was excited: "mission is not playing, his Majesty too
painful for him.
The Emperor said: "this relationship is great, shouldn't have let
him go.
Days later: "this is his Majesty give him opportunities to
meritorious, even had an accident, Guan Heyue dare not move
him, near misses, and relieved of his Majesty.
Heaven eyes fretting: "had failed, the Prince may become a
hostage, you're not afraid?
Days after a moment of silence, barely smiled: "the Minister qie
only this one child, how can one not afraid, but Yao Fei with the
side only the second Prince and blue Princess sister three
emperors, if the right ... ... His eye are harem masters, how can
you send them to take risks, said bias.
The Emperor sighed: "I mean, who can blame you.
Days later shook his head: "as Port-au-Prince, you ought to
make an effort in heaven, if the Regiment, the Minister qie Ning
this free, but this time he volunteered, intimidating said to my
father, your Majesty need not worry.
The Emperor moved slightly, and hold her in my arms: "If the
harem and everyone like you is reasonable, I also don't have to
worry about.
Day obediently leaned against his chest, her lips a little faint
smile, a long time and quickly straightened up, take a step
back, look at the waiters, red faced anger: "his Majesty is, harm
the Minister qie commit a breach of etiquette.
Noodles loves see her, not as eloquent a dignified elegance and
delicacy, the emperor was, laughs in a low voice: "Feather
songs so often that year, ever ashamed?
He called her first name, days later turned away.

The Emperor laughed, pulling her: "Queen's not angered, I

would also like to try your dew of Ganoderma lucidum.
Diva was whispered, "how good pulling, sire ... ..."
God smiled and was about to speak, one of the maids walked
on stage for the ceremony: "the Dutch Princess one last meal of
his Majesty.
Diva hand brushed his hand: "his Majesty or the past.
"Ganoderma lucidum sauce is ready, I go now, not live up to
your mind," Emperor ordered that maids to retreat, "I today
went to Queen's, so she doesn't have to wait.
"Dutch princess sisters, your Majesty so wrong......"
"I and his Queen to dine, and what is wrong.
"NI Princess sister pregnant, your Majesty, how to see.
The Emperor raised his eyebrows: "you're driving me away?
"The Minister qie can't," Queen of smile, "the Minister qie, there
are actually two things.
Emperor motioned for her to say.
"Yesterday's contribution to the tributes of all nationalities,
incidentally, sent 17 beauties, the Minister qie had been left, I
do not know your Majesty intend?
Sitting in this position, some calculations have to get used to, is
also a form of monarch and tacit understanding, the Emperor
laughed laughed: "recently, I am not busy, you first settle either
Diva nodded: "matter is not small, the Minister qie recently
perceived weak God King of birds a lot.
The emperor was shocked.

"Everyone says the birds can defeat God Lord, now King of loss
of gas, is likely to affect the people there," Queen of worry,
"cousin will be a great things over there?
The Emperor said: "you are born birds.
Days later hanging: "this is the big deal, the Minister qie can't
arbitrarily make.
To hear her say, heaven is satisfied, at this time, one official
walked on stage and presented letters, said Hua was the
throne, emperor took the open a few eyes, complexion is
gradually improving, he shook the stationery, whisper fairy
spell, removed within reach confident, after confirmation, more
Diva surprise: "sire such joy, there is cousin such a good thing?

"It sent just in time, only to be the Prince's safe return," the
Emperor laughed, turning the parties printed with her,
whispered, "celestial master, I was worried about no excuses to
send troops, which sent a.
Days don't look will be printed next to the official, said "these
events the Minister qie doesn't know, only know that his
Majesty to linger, Ganoderma lucidum with not drinking.
"The Queen's mind, I am not to be missed," the Emperor of
good mood, took her hand away, croon, "cousin have always
been cautious, its own reason, but the King Air loss, I can't see
tomorrow then sent feather Mo Temple for a walk to see if he
still dare to hide.
"His Majesty to be sent, the Minister qie had a candidate.
Famous feather Mo Temple, it is a vague, non-stick, not days,
Palace, clouds and fog, the entire Temple suspended in mid-air.

Palace, large House, rather than heaven, impressive enough,

quiet and elegant, lush flowers and trees in the back garden,
with large trees, and bamboo, Wu Pian Ying Sun, rain drops and
the Indus at dusk, and bamboo swaying in the wind, sometimes
broken shadow screen of gold to the moon.
Along the main hall is a marble floor, usually toward the
Embassy suite in the apse-do.
Like a little Football Hall, really hard just to turn what is not, for
a dinner of Phoenix, Embassy suite of clemency, her own meals
Of course, Tian Zhen now is not on the table, she squatted
silently in the corner, looking at the ground in front of food,
there is a deep sense of shame.
Chaohuajun comfort: "internal alchemy, it could be changed
into human form.
Tian Zhen was head down, was filled with decadent human
Leading promotions, and Millennium practice Inner Alchemy is a
very simple matter, but somehow, she didn't really take a full
two months, really live up to the high expectations led, only
proud of is that, all Phoenix feather Mo Temple are afraid to
bully her, she has turned over a wing fan.
"Small Phoenix son don't lose heart," Hua touched her head,
smiling, "I'm looking forward to you taking a human form, you
certainly can.
Tian Zhen sad tears.
Chaohuajun take the piece of meat cheese cake, feeding up to
her mouth: "don't worry, take your time.
Look at that handsome face, his face gray wool, Tian Zhen
shook his head and walked out of the temple.

"Rustling", too hard, Wu leaves the ground, sweeping the teeth

of children and was about to fire up the order, but the King of
this ugly Phoenix live, so are not hesitating to say.
Millennium fix without internal controls, could result in such a
consequence, Tian Zhen jump off the trees down along the wall
two laps, finally decided to go back to the temple to find
chaohuajun, then listen to it twice cultivation methods.
Quiet in the Hall, Embassy suite is not.
It can't get a day! Can't get it! Tian Zhen rolling on the ground,
human desire has never been strong, God, give me a grain of
"Flipped" something fall.
It is a box, and somehow fell off the case, lid in the collision
with the ground is in the process of opening, a grain of rolled
out of the fire red Pearl.
Xia bling, Hall is fairly bright.
Shine is similar to a light bulb glowing Pearl, right? Tian Zhen
stem neck with confirmation, stand up stand up, shake and
went over to Pearl in its mouth, ready to put back in the box.
On this moment, Pearl began to move!
Seems to have a life, a small Pearl of unchecked down her
throat to drill, and before she knew it, already roll into the
Tian Zhen shock.
Yes, of its own motion, could this be a monkey, that sort of
Haven't had time to respond, bones began to ache all over.
Things can't really eat, not is the Trickster god of death, don't

end up eating dead, Tian Zhen realized that no, they turned
and ran, going out for help.
Standing at the door, in the chicken looks complicated.
The body of Angel Wings
Shrinking behavior body skeletons, twisted, accompanied by
pain, eye seems to have a problem, everything is becoming
more and more of the temple, Shu ' an, Chair, vase ... ...
And the truth is, Tian Zhen narrowed.

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