Courier: Onsager Lays Out Successes, Challenges

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Thursday, December 24, 2015 Vol. 134, No. 22 Stoughton, WI

From Our Family To Yours,

We Wish You A Merry Christmas!

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Courier Hub

Stoughton Area School District

Onsager lays
out successes,
Community must
work together,
superintendent says
in year-end address
Kimberly Wethal
Hub Correspondent

Photo by Kimberly Wethal

The light of a cloudy day streams through the front foyer of the old 1892 Stoughton High School building earlier this week.

What to do with 1892?

Officials, citizens seek ways to preserve historic high school

bill livick
Unified Newspaper Group

Community interest in the Stoughton Area School Districts 1892 Central High School is running high.
The school district held two public
listening sessions in November and
organized a tour of the 12,000-squarefoot building this fall. District officials havent proposed what to do
with the historic brick building at 211
N. Forrest St. and say theyre in the
early stages of a community conversation about its future.
Some city officials and community
activists believe the building is structurally sound and needs only cosmetic improvements, while SASD
officials earlier this fall received an
estimate of $4.9 million to bring the
building up to code.
And among those who want the
building renovated and used for a
purpose other than storage, theres
a common sentiment that district
officials would like to get out from
under the building by razing it and
using the space for a parking lot.
They think school officials might
have been looking for an unreasonably high renovation estimate, and
at least one member of the Common
Council and another member of the

File photo

A plaque designating the 1892 Stoughton

High School Building as a local landmark
sits near the main entrance.

citys Landmarks Commission want

to conduct their own feasibility studies.
SASD community relations director Derek Spellman told the Hub the
district is planning to mail out a community survey early in 2016 to find

Courier Hub

out what residents think the district

should do with the building, which is
listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places.
Opinions on what to do with the
stately structure vary widely. The
school board hasnt said much about
it, and school district officials are
reluctant to talk specifics because we
are very, very early in the process,
Spellman said.
Preservationists hope the district is
considering more than leaving the
building as is for a while, or demolishing it the options that Spellman
mentioned in an email to the Hub.
One thing that all parties agree on
is that the school district doesnt have
much money to put toward its historic
high school, so some creativity would
be necessary.

Hopes for preservation

The district hasnt held classes in
the building since 1997, and for 18
years SASD has used it for storage.
In 2001, the school district reluctantly held a referendum on the
building, longtime Landmarks Commission member Alan Hedstrom
recalled. Voters approved $300,000
in new taxes for the building, most of
which was never spent.

Declining enrollment
and looming seven-figure
budget deficits remain
major challenges for the
Stoughton Area School
District, but there is still
plenty of reason for optimism, superintendent Tim
Onsager told the board
during his State of the
School District address
In the boards last meeting of the year, Onsager
focused on the districts
accomplishments over
the past decade and what
actions the board and
administration have taken.
Those accomplishments
include graduation rates
and ACT scores above the
state average, high literacy
proficiency rates for students at all levels and the
innovation and community
engagement that has come
out of the high schools
Fab Lab.
The districts primary

challenges, Onsager
acknowledged, include
a projected $1.9 million
deficit in the 2018-19
academic year, declining
enrollment over the past
several years and a change
in student demographics
that has led to a higher
percentage of minority
students falling below the
poverty line.
Many of the challenges
facing the district are also
issues directly relating to
the community, he said, so
input from multiple sources will be key.
It is not just a school
district issue, Onsager
said. We need to play a
part in that. We cannot
be the only person at the
table, and thats something
were continuing to strive
Reactions and discussion following Onsagers
address from the school
board remained mainly
positive and focused on
clarifying different aspects
of his presentation.
The board also heard
a year-end report on
the progress of the districts talented and gifted
(TAG) program. Coordinators Chris Keenan,

Turn to SASD/Page 3

on the
The SHS wrestling team won its second
straight Badger State invite with four
individual champions

Turn to 1892/Page 5

Citizen of the Year Nominations Sought

Deadline is Dec. 31
Know of someone who made a positive impact
on the Stoughton community this year?
Nominate them by sending an email detailing why that person is worthy of the
award to Dont forget to include your contact info.

The Hub will announce the winner in late January.

Page 7

December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Girls make Lego engine at Cummins

STEM promoted at
schools Fab Lab

On the web

More than 30 girls constructed a QSK95 engine using just

Legos with help from Cummins Emission Solutions and
Cummins Filtration. The event
was part of Stoughtons ongoing efforts to increase interest,
diversity and access in science,
technology, engineering and
mathematics or STEM.
We want to show girls that
engineering is all around them,
Alyssa Arend, a CES chemical
engineer, said in a news release.

To see videos from the Lego build:

One-on-one interaction with

Cummins engineers provides
a great opportunity to discuss
girls interests and what engineering means as a career.
Cummins employees are not
only leading Lego builds, but

as a way to help promote science, technology, engineering and math.

Police report


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they are also engaging with

local students through the
Stoughton Area School Districts Fab Lab.
When the Fab Lab started,
just 3 percent of the programs
participating students were
female. Now its jumped to 20
percent. In the future, Cummins
employees would like to help
increase that number to 50 percent.
The Lego engine travels
around the country, creating
excitement at events on college
campuses, diversity career fairs,
Photo submitted
as well as the Cummins headquarters in Columbus, Ind.
Cummins Inc. employees help SASD Fab Lab students build a model QSK95 engine

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!

The Stoughton Police

Department logged 2,351
incidents in October. Cases
of interest for the month
were; seven intoxicated driver
arrests, two burglaries, 15
thefts, two frauds, six vandalisms, 12 domestic disturbances, 33 disturbances, 21
disorderly conducts, 15 traffic
crashes, 90 EMS assists, six
alarms, 19 juvenile incidents,
sixty 911 calls, two runaways,
two warrant arrests, seven
threats, 56 check welfares,
two intoxicated persons, 20
animal complaints, and officers responded to 43 suspicious activity calls. Officers
also logged 100 assist cases,
27 criminal charges, 26 ordinance violations, and 21 traffic
arrests from 73 traffic stops.
The following are significant
Oct. 2
Officers took a 54-year-old
woman into protective custody and transported her to a
mental health facility following
a domestic disturbance.


Stoughton 873-3334 2125 McCoMb Rd.

following a traffic stop where

the subject was found to be
carrying a concealed weapon
while intoxicated and without
a permit. A second 19-yearold man was arrested on a
Probation Hold. Two other
subjects were also cited
for Underage Drinking and
Officers arrested a 42-yearold man for disorderly conduct and possession of a
schedule II narcotic following
a domestic disturbance.

Oct. 7
Officers arrested an
81-year-old woman for 2nd
degree reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct
while armed after she had
attempted to stab an officer
when they were attempting to
check her welfare. Neither the
suspect nor the officer was Oct. 11
Officers took a 14-year-old
woman into custody for disorOct. 9
derly conduct and resisting an
Officers referred charges officer following a disturbance
of threats to injure or accuse call. A 37-year-old woman
(extortion) to the district was also cited and released
attorney on a 49-year-old for disorderly conduct in the
woman. The incident involved incident.
a reported consensual sexual
encounter and the suspect Oct. 14
then attempted to accuse the
Officers arrested a 34-yearvictim of sexual assault unless old man for disorderly conmoney was exchanged. She is duct following a disturbance
currently being held on a pro- in a local establishment. The
bation violation.
subject had reportedly refused
to leave when asked and startOct. 10
ed throwing things.
Officers arrested a 19-yearold man for endangering Oct. 20
Officers arrested a 45-yearsafety by use of a dangerous
weapon, carrying a concealed old man for 4th degree sexweapon, operating after revo- ual assault after the subject
cation, and underage drinking reported that he grabbed the

buttocks of a woman coworker at a local business.

Oct. 21
Officers arrested a 46-yearold man for theft and bail
jumping following the theft of
a cellphone from a co-worker
at a local business.
Oct. 23
Officers arrested a 26-yearold woman for operating a
vehicle without owners consent following an investigation
into a stolen vehicle. The suspect was known to the victim.
Oct. 25
Officers arrested a 29-yearold man for a felony 4th
offense of OWI and operating
after revocation following a
traffic stop.
Oct. 30
Officers arrested a 25-yearold man for attempting to
elude an officer, 2nd degree
recklessly endangering safety
and a probation violation after
being pulled over for a minor
traffic violation. The suspect
then attempted to elude the
officer and ran his vehicle
into a curb and fled on foot.
The subject was apprehended
a short distance away. Three
juveniles were found in the
vehicle and were not injured.

Holiday deadlines

See us for a great seafood selection for New Years!

JuMbo ShRIMP (PEELEd & dEVEInEd) - RAW And CooKEd

Oct. 6
Officers arrested a 36-yearold man for possession of
child pornography following
an investigation into information received by a detective.

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Courier Hub

December 24, 2015

SASD: New assessment software will help challenge TAG students

Laura Borsecnik and Chris
Wiemer, representing the
elementary, middle and
high school levels, respectively, noted their continued promotion of personalized learning and providing
students with career-building skills.
Were trying to do outside visits, getting kids
involved with stuff thats a
level above high school, in
the workplace and in college, Wiemer said.

Successes and
The district is looking to
change some of the practices theyve been using
in order to come up with
the positive results theyve
been seeing when it comes
to rising graduation rates,
average ACT scores and
students literacy proficiency because of how education continues to evolve.
Weve been getting
pretty good results in
what were doing, but that
doesnt mean we can expect
to get good results by doing
the same thing every time,
Onsager said. The world
is changing, education is
changing. Were looking at
how we can best meet the
needs of our students and
the best educational practices.
Graduation rates have
risen SASD from one of
the lowest-ranking districts
in Dane County a decade
ago (85 percent) to one of
the highest in 2014, at 95
percent, Onsager noted.
He added that more high
school students are taking
the ACT and that literacy
rates are up, with over 75
percent of students at every
level meeting their grades
reading expectations,
Onsager said.
The district is changing to continue improving
student learning experience by encouraging the
use of innovation grants,
interactive learning within
each school and out in the
community and new technology in order to better
connect with tech-savvy
students. The number of
innovation grants awarded
to teachers this year has
doubled from last year,
Onsager said.
Were looking at ways
to engage the students,
Onsager said. We know

that the more students are

engaged, the more theyre
active learners and active
participants in their education.
The district has had to
take the positive results
with the less-than-ideal numbers theyll find
themselves dealing with
in future years, much of
which is out of the districts control.
Much of the projected
budget shortfall comes from
declining enrollment. This
year, 206 students will be
graduating in the spring,
and an expected 167 kindergarten students will
enter next fall.
In fact, the deficit would
have been $1.3 million
higher if not for money
saved through insurance
policy changes in the
The communitys changing demographics contribute to that, Onsager said,
meaning the community
can assist simply by having
more housing stock available.
He estimated that for
every three new doorways built whether thats
a single-family home, a
duplex or an apartment unit
an average of one new
student will be brought to
the district.
He was hopeful one of
the most controversial projects in recent years could
help with that. The WalMart Supercenter-anchored
Kettle Park West development off Hwys. 51 and 138
contains a residential phase,
one thats not often been
discussed during the backand-forth of the past two
Another potential development could be near Fox
Prairie Elementary, along
Milwaukee Street. The area
where two parts of Milwaukee Street are not connected had been ready to be
developed into new housing
before the recession a few
years back, he pointed out.
The demographics predicting the continued
declining enrollment still
remain a sore spot for the
district, as the numbers also
predict the socioeconomic
class of the students as
the district becomes more
Its great that the district is becoming more
diverse, Onsager said,
with just 85 percent of its

tulations Tasha

B & G Foods, Inc., Stoughton, WI, would like

to announce the promotion of Tasha Wiedmer
to 3rd Shift Production Supervisor! Tasha has
been with B & G Foods since November 2012.

ions Trav
B & G Foods, Inc., Stoughton, WI, would like to
announce the promotion of Travis Trumpy to
2nd Shift Production Supervisor! Travis has
been with B & G Foods since October 2009.

Weve been getting pretty good results in

what were doing, but that doesnt mean we
can expect to get good results by doing the
same thing every time.
Tim Onsager, SASD superintendent
students white, compared
with 93 percent a decade
ago, but it does pose challenges when many of those
minority students fall into a
lower socioeconomic class.
Were becoming more
economically disadvantaged where our enrollment
is growing, he said. It
means were going to have
to do things differently.

TAG program
While the way TAG students are being challenged
hasnt changed much in the
ways theyre being pushed
to their full potential, there
will be noticeable differences in the way theyre being

assessed in order to become

a part of the advanced
learning program.
The TAG program will
be using a universal
screener known as the
STAR assessment, middle
school TAG coordinator
Laura Borsecnik said, that
longitudinally compares a
students reading and math
skills over time. The new
assessment software will
in turn allow TAG coordinators to more accurately
gage where a students
skill level is at in order to
get them the challenging
curriculum they need from
their teachers.
That creates a certain

Police focus on
OWIs, seat belts

urgency level conversation

for the child, Borsecnik
In the wake of the Every
Student Succeeds Act,
which replaces the No
Child Left Behind Act and
allows local districts more
control over school ratings
and remedial actions, TAG
will also be adapting to any
new changes the federal
legislation might bring.
The TAG program will
continue to be committed
to providing advanced students certain opportunities
in their curriculum in order
for them to struggle and
adapt, Borsecnik said.
If they do already know
this content and theyre
not being challenged in
the new content, then they
dont have those opportunities to struggle and learn
how to persevere, Borsecnik said. Thats always
been the focus of our job,
but weve brought that to
the forefront.

Motorists should expect

more Stoughton police officers to crack down on drunken driving and encourage seat
belt use through Jan. 3.
Booze and Belts invites
departments to increase vigilance for seatbelt violations
and OWIs.
Program coordinator Sgt.
Pat Frisch said that the city
wont put more units on the
streets, but rather change their
We are striving for voluntary compliance with traffic
laws, a department release
said, But if you make an irresponsible decision, we will
stop you and we wont give
you a warning or a second
The effort is part of a WisDOT campaign, Zero in
Wisconsin to eliminate preventable traffic deaths.
Jacob Bielanski

Show off your kids in

Unified Newspaper Groups 6th Annual

Coming Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This section is full of area children and
grandchildren ages 0 months-7 years.
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To enter, send the form below and a current photo or

visit one of our websites to fill out the form online and
upload your photo by Monday, January 11, 2016.
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If submitting your photo(s) electronically, please be sure the photo resolution is at least 150 DPI.
Photos must be received byMonday, January 11, 2016 to be included. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your photo returned.


Continued from page 1

December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Send it here
If you have news youd like to share with readers of the Stoughton Courier Hub, there are many ways to contact us.
For general questions or inquiries, call our office at 845-9559 or email
Our website accepts story ideas, community items, photos and letters to
the editor, at Several types of items have specific
emails where they can be sent directly.

Advertising inquiries

Business announcements

Community news

Letters to the editor

Upcoming events


Thursday, December 24, 2015 Vol. 134, No. 22

USPS No. 1049-0655

Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices.

Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group,
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.

Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.

General Manager
Lee Borkowski
Catherine Stang
Classifieds/Inside Sales
Nancy Garcia
Laura Young
Carolyn Schultz

Jim Ferolie
Jeremy Jones
Kate Newton
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Anthony Iozzo, Jacob Bielanski,
Scott De Laruelle, Scott Girard

Daniel P. Wiese

Daniel Wiese

Daniel P. Wiese, age 75, of

Stoughton passed away peacefully
on Dec. 18, 2015, at St. Marys
Hospital in Madison surrounded by
Daniel (Dan) Peter Wiese was
born on Feb. 27, 1940, the first son
of Clyde Wiese
and Irene (Dietrich) Wiese Brown,
in Fond du Lac,
Wis. Growing up
in Westfield, Wis.,
Dan enjoyed hunting, playing football (both offense and defense all
four years), hanging out with best
friends (Dean, Harlan, Tommy)
and working in his fathers tavern, Clydes. After graduating high
school in 1958, Dan served his
country in the Army from 1958
1964 working as a clerk with the
Honest John Artillery Company in
Germany. He once had a beer with

Elvis Presley in Germany and also

met Ann Margaret (his secret crush)
as well.
After leaving the Army, Dan
met the love of his life, Elizabeth
Starks, and enjoyed their first date
on March 17, 1963. They married
soon thereafter on Dec. 14, 1963,
at Lake Edge Lutheran Church in
Monona, Wis. In 1966 they welcomed their first son, Timothy, and
in 1969, their son Steven was born.
Dan and Liz moved to Stoughton in
1968 and joined the Stoughton Jaycees shortly thereafter. He was very
active with the local chapter, including participating in local parades
during the summertime with a Sesame Street-themed float. He became
Wisconsin State Jaycees Chairman
helping support the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation (
He worked numerous jobs,
including residential painter, VA
hospital aide, opened his own barber shop, bartender, warehouse
foreman at Wisconsin Cheeseman
and finally as a HR recruiter for
Stoughton Trailers before retiring in
1999. He was an avid sports fan of
the Wisconsin Badgers and a Green
Bay Packer Shareholder.
Dan loved to travel, especially to
Florida and Hawaii. He also enjoyed
mowing the lawn, snow blowing,
playing cards, going to casinos,
NASCAR, fishing and bowling. He
will be deeply missed by his soulmate Elizabeth of 52-plus years;
sons, Timothy Clyde (Donna) of
Eau Claire and Steven Michael
(Deanna) of Stoughton; brotherin-law, Robert (Julie Stohr) Starks,

Celebrating 25 Years in Business!

WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co.
159 W. Main St. 873-5513
Serving Stoughton since 1989.


entrance of Lake Kegonsa.

Burton enjoyed shooting
darts, hunting, fishing, boating,
and playing horseshoes. He was
an avid Packer fan.
Burton is survived by his sister, Louise (Bob) Ladd-Whitson
of New Berlin; other family;
and many good friends. He was
preceded in death by his parents.
Memorial services will be
held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec.
26 at Cress Funeral Home in
Stoughton. Friends may greet
the family from 1 p.m. until the
time of services Saturday.
Burton Ladd
Memorials may be made to
the Wisconsin Humane Society.
Burton N. Ladd, age 61, Please share your memories of
passed away at his home on Burton at CressFuneralService.
Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015.
He was born in Stoughton on
May 9, 1954, the son of Ludwig
Cress Funeral Service
and Rae Ladd. Burton graduat206 W. Prospect Street
ed from Stoughton High School
Stoughton, WI 53589
in 1972. He lived most of his
life on the Yahara River at the

Burton N. Ladd

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.

Gunderson Stoughton Funeral

and Cremation Care
1358 Highway 51 N. @ Jackson

Maureen Jane Martin

Maureen Jane Martin of Madison/Stoughton,
passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015. She
was the daughter of Gene and Mary Jane Martin. Maureen was married to James Martin.
She is survived by her husband, Jim; children, Michael (Margaret) Martin and Meredith
Martin (David Rynes); grandchildren, Melanie, Marnie, Maddie, Mackenzie and Merette;
and siblings, Peggy (Robert) Rakow, Michael
(Leslie) Martin, Mary (Aaron) Turner, Teresa
(Keith) Bulgrin, and Patrick J. Martin.
Maureen was preceded in death by her parents, Gene and Mary Jane. Private services were
held. Thank you for all of your thoughts and
Please share your memories of Maureen at
Cress Funeral Service
206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589

Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


Submit obituaries online:

One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45
Stoughton Courier Hub
Oregon Observer Verona Press

sisters-in-law, Wanda (Starks) Hougan and Lois Wiese; grandchildren,

Danielle and Alex Wiese; nieces,
Nicole Starks (Adam), Julia Kimble, Ellie Hougan; nephews, Ted
(Christine) Wiese, Nathan (Nic)
Starks and Joseph (Ashley) Starks.
He was preceded in death by his
parents; Clyde and Irene; brother,
Donald; stepfather, Charles Brown;
grandchild, Lauren Wiese; father
and mother-in-law, Nelson and
Laura Starks; and brothers-in law,
Ross Starks and John Hougan.
Words cannot express the gratitude for the Medical Intensive Care
(MICU) staff at St. Marys Hospital; including but not limited to: Dr.
Taylor, Dr. Marty, and especially
RNs Denay and Amanda, along
with Pastor Susan and Pastor John.
As we watched you work with Dan,
we were moved by the gentleness,
the concern and the genuine love
you shared with him on a daily
basis. You walked through those
days of his journey with us and for
that we are forever grateful.
Funeral services were held at
Gunderson Stoughton Funeral
Home on Wednesday, Dec. 23
with Chaplain John Berg presiding.
Burial took place at Westfield East
Online condolences may be made



December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

The second floor of the building (above and below) once held
administrative offices. Classes were last taught there in 1997, and
since then it has been used exclusively for storage.

Photos by Kimberly Wethal

The basement of the 1892 high school (left) has peeling paint and
some wet areas but appears to be structurally sound. Above, the
front door still shows damage from last winters pipe leak.

1892: Alders suggest different potential uses, solutions

to come back into the fold

of the community. It needs
to be a community building
again, and we want to help
in any way that we can.

Alternate ideas
City alder Tom Selsor,
who toured the historic high
school and also attended the
districts listening session,
doesnt think district officials
want to demolish the building.

Stoughton United Methodist Church

VFW Badger Post 328, Inc.

200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton

New Years Eve Celebration

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10oz. Prime Rib $16.75 | 10oz. Tenderloin $15.95
All dinners come with baked potato or mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetable,
full salad bar, and a glass of champagne.

New Year

355 E. Main St. Stoughton, WI

(608) 873-6717

Thursday, December 24
Christmas Eve
Hours: 5:00am-2:00pm
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Santas Breakfast
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Hash browns or American fries
Toast and Coffee


From my family to your family,

Happy Holidays!
Ken & Trish


525 Lincoln Avenue (608) 873-3273

Longest Night Service

Dec. 21 5:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve * Worship in Song
Dec. 24 4:00 p.m.


Music by The Dirty Groove Band

starting at 8:00 pm
Call for reservations: 608-873-9042
Like us on Facebook



A study the school district commissioned estimated a $4.9 million rehabilitation cost.

I dont feel in any way

that the district has decided
what to do with it, he said.
I think theyre looking for
alternatives, and (superintendent) Tim Onsager feels the
pressure of the budget and
the shortage theyre going to
have. I think he truly would
like to find a good use for the
building I think everyone
I think they dont see
many alternatives, but I think
there are some, he added.
Selsor, a retired developer, has his own plan in
the works, something that
he said would involve a temporary sale, tax credits and
less than a half-million dollars altogether. He suggested
a developer could perform
some basic fixes and open
one side for historic education and the other for additional administrative offices
for the district.
He disagrees with Majewskis idea for the school district to sell the building to
the city at a nominal price,
such as $1, and have the city
use the building for office or
meeting space. He said that
would create a need for more
parking in an area where
theres already not enough.

Lake Kegonsa

Gift Cards
Great Gifts!

Great waterfront dining, drinks & fun!

Open Christmas Eve at 11 a.m. with the grill closing at 4 p.m.

Closed Christmas Day to celebrate the holiday with family & friends!

We will be open New Years Eve and New

Years Day at 11:00 a.m.
New Years Eve dinner specials
beginning at 5:00 p.m. (Reservations Suggested)


3097 Sunnyside St., Stoughton



A number of years ago

they were threatening to
knock it down, Hedstrom
said. We started a campaign, and they held a referendum that passed by a 2-to1 margin. Thats how it was
saved the first time. A lot of
people whod gone to school
there love that building.
He said the Landmarks
Commission hopes to win
a grant to do a feasibility
study and get it fixed up
In November, city alder
Tom Majewski made a
motion to use money from
the citys contingency fund
to commission a feasibility
study of the building. (He
withdrew the motion at the
same meeting after Mayor
Donna Olson said a better time for it would be in
late December when 2015
spending had ended.)
But Majewski, a professional carpenter and home
remodeler, still thinks the
city ought to conduct its
own study of the building.
He called the school districts estimate astronomically high and predicted the
building could be restored
for about half of the school
districts estimate.
I went to their listening
session, and they kept on
talking about the need for
more parking spaces, he
recalled. So it was pretty
apparent to me what they
want to do. A lot of people
think the school district was
really looking for a way to
remove that building.
The District 3 alder noted that earlier this year the
Common Council passed
a policy to no longer allow
community groups to meet
in city-owned buildings. He
supported the resolution, but
said its caused problems
for the citys nonprofits and
civic groups.
He thinks the historic
school, with some renovation, could provide a solution.
My thought was, what if
the city looked at the building for meeting space, or
possibly a new home for a
couple of the departments
that are living in the basement of City Hall parks
and planning? Also, we
could have city council
chambers in the bigger room

there, he suggested. Eventually the Public Safety

building (where the Common Council meets) should
be a Public Safety building.
While they didnt comment on Majewskis idea,
Landmarks Commission
chair Peggy Veregin and
vice-chair Hedstrom also
think the building could be
renovated for about half of
the nearly $5 million estimate the district received by
using historic renovation tax
Veregin is the State of
Wisconsin coordinator for
the National Register of
Historic Places program and
holds a masters degree in
historic preservation planning. She said the Landmarks Commission toured
the vacant school last summer, and what we saw is
that the building is very
She described it as having
these nice wide corridors
with big open rooms and
high ceilings. Its a space
that could be very easily
adaptable. It has wood beaded board walls and wood
floors and tin ceiling.
Veregin says the building needs a new use and


Continued from page 1

December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Coming up

Community calendar

Christmas dinner

Norwegian caroling

Exercise program

VFW Post 328, the American Legion

and Auxiliaries will host a Christmas
dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday,
Dec. 25 at the VFW Hall on County N
and Veterans Road.
All are welcome for the free meal,
and donations will be accepted. If you
need a ride or a meal delivered in the
Stoughton School District Area, call the
senior center at 873-8585 by Wednesday, Dec. 23.

Visit the Sons of Norway Mandt

Lodge, 317 S. Page St., for Julebukking, or Norwegian-style caroling, at 5
p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30.
Participants will meet at the lodge
and then divide into groups if needed
to carol to the lodges members. Music
will be provided.
Holiday outfits and costumes are welcomed, and warm clothing is encouraged. For information, contact Darlene
Arneson at 873-7209 or

Join instructor Lynn Jacobson for

a six-week exercise class held every
Tuesday and Thursday from Tuesday, Jan. 5 through Thursday, Feb.
11 at 6:15 p.m. at the Stoughton
Hospital Health Center, 125 Church
This StrongWomen Program class
targets middle-aged and older women to help maintain muscle mass,
strength and function as they age.
The class is $35. Register by Monday, Jan. 4 at
under Classes and Events.

Free meal program

A free community meal will be
offered from 4-6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec.
27 at First Lutheran Church, 310 E.
Washington St.
The meal will be served at 4:30 p.m.
and is open to the public. The menu
includes hot dishes, salads, desserts and
a beverage. No carry-out meals will be
available. The entry to the church is at
the canopied doors on the north side
of building with parking next to it. No
parking will be allowed under the canopy.
The free meal program is provided
monthly by Stoughton area churches.
This months meal is sponsored by
West Koshkonong Lutheran Church.
If anyone requires transportation, call
873-9456 by noon Sunday and leave
a message. Rides are provided free
of charge within the Stoughton Area
School District.

Bahai Faith

Old Time Fiddlers

Join the Old Time Fiddlers as they
fiddle in the new year at noon on Thursday, Dec. 31 at the senior center.
Lunch will be provided, and reservations are required by noon on Wednesday, Dec. 30. For information, call 8738585.

Celebrate the music and life of

Elvis at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5 at the
senior center.
Join Elvis impersonator Alan
Graveen as he performs his Strictly
Elvis Show. Reservations for lunch,
which will be served before the
Yahara River Hootenanny
show, will be accepted until noon on
A free hootenanny will be held at Monday, Jan. 4.
For information, call 873-8585.
the Yahara River Grocery Co-op, 229
Main St., from 10 a.m. to noon on SatLunch and Learn
urday, Jan. 2.
This is an acoustic song-sharing sesGet answers to license and drivsion open to all musicians and singers. ing-related questions from Janis
Song books are provided, and partici- Wegner, a representative from the
pants are encouraged to bring their own Department of Motor Vehicles, durfavorite songs. This group meets the ing Lunch and Learn at noon on
first Saturday morning of the month Wednesday, Jan. 6 at the senior cenfrom January until November.
For information, call 877-0947.
For information, call 873-8585.
Covenant Lutheran Church

For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911

or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 Stoughton study classes.

Bible Baptist Church

1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship
Sunday: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Christ Lutheran Church

515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050
Sunday: 10 a.m.

2095 Hwy. W, Utica

873-7077 423-3033
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton
873-9353 e-mail:
Thursday, Dec. 25: 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Christmas Worship/Communion/Candle Lighting (4
p.m. Childrens service)
Sunday, Dec. 27: 9 a.m. Worship (No Sunday
School or Family Express Service)

Christ the King Community Church

401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship

Christian Assembly Church

1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106

Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. worship

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

Ezra Church

First Lutheran Church

310 E. Washington, Stoughton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship

Fulton Church

9209 Fulton St., Edgerton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m. Worship;
9 a.m. coffee hour; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;
12-3 p.m. Varsity (teens); 3-5 p.m. AWANA

Good Shepherd By The Lake

Lutheran Church

825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton

877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary

1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton

Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour for all ages: 9:15 a.m.

Cooksville Lutheran Church

LakeView Church

11927 W. Church St., Evansville

Interim Pastor Karla Brekke
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School

A Life
Celebration Ceen

221 Kings Lynn Rd.

Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888



Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter

Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
Sara Paton, Administrative Assistant
Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant

2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton

Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m. worship

Seventh Day Baptist

Church of Albion

616 Albion Rd., Edgerton

Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath

Stoughton Baptist Church

Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship;
6 p.m. - Evening Service

St. Ann Catholic Church

323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton

873-6448 873-7633
Dec. 24: 4 and 9 p.m. (3:30 p.m. angel choir, 8:30
p.m. adult choir)
Dec. 25: 10 a.m. (9:30 a.m. ensemble music)
Dec. 31: 6 p.m.
Jan. 1: 9 a.m.

United Methodist of Stoughton

525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton
Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
10 a.m. - Full Worship
Dec. 24: 4 p.m. Worship in Song

West Koshkonong Lutheran Church

1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship

Western Koshkonong
Lutheran Church

2633 Church St., Cottage Grove

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

Can You Change Your World?


1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton

Elvis tribute

Many of us long for a better world, one with more kindness and
civility, a world where everyone is treated with the dignity and respect
befitting persons made in the image of God. And wouldnt we all like
for the earth to be treated better, not treating it as a big garbage dump
but rather as our precious, holy and beautiful home? Youthful idealism
rushes out into the world intent on changing it for the better, but it is
often met with cynicism or even apathy and resignation over the prospects of making the world a better place. It is indeed hard to change
others, and no one can clean up the whole planet. But we can all start
with ourselves and our own little corner of the world. Maybe we cant
change the world, but we can change ourselves. And in changing ourselves, dont we in effect do our small part for changing the world?
Reflect on what needs changing in your own life before you set out
trying to improve others. Ask yourself whether there is some part of
you that needs to change but which you stubbornly refuse to give up.
Sometimes the greatest victory is the one which we win when we conquer our own vices.
Christopher Simon, Metro News Service
Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one
who takes a city.
Proverbs 16:32 NIV

Thursday, December 24

Chamber closed at noon

Library closed

Friday, December 25

11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Christmas dinner, VFW Hall on

County N and Veterans Road, 873-8585 (call by Dec.
23 for meal delivery)
Christmas Day - City offices, chamber, library closed

Sunday, December 27

4-6 p.m., Free community meal, First Lutheran Church,

310 E. Washington St.

Wednesday, December 30

5 p.m., Julebukking (Norwegian-style caroling), Sons

of Norway Mandt Lodge, 317 S. Page St., 873-7209 or

Thursday, December 31

New Years Eve

Library closed
12 p.m., Lunch and entertainment with the Old Time
Fiddlers, senior center, 873-8585
Library closed

Friday, January 1
Saturday, January 2

10 a.m. to noon, Yahara River Grocery Co-op

Hootenanny, 229 Main St., 877-0947

Monday, January 4

5-6:30 p.m., Gathering Table free community meal,

senior center, 206-1178
7 p.m., Town of Dunkirk Board meeting, Town Hall,
654 Cty. Road N

Tuesday, January 5

1 p.m., Strictly Elvis Show with impersonator Alan

Graveen, senior center, 873-8585
6 p.m., Community Affairs and Council Policy
Committee meeting, Hall of Fame room (lower level), city
6:15 p.m., StrongWomen exercise program (every
Tuesday and Thursday through Feb. 11), $35,
Stoughton Hospital Health Center, 125 Church St., register at

Wednesday, January 6

Noon, Lunch and Learn with DMV representative Janis

Wegner, senior center, 873-8585
12:30-3:30 p.m., Memory screening (by appointment),
senior center, 873-8585
6:30 p.m., The Foundation Book Discussion of The
Goblin Emperor with author Katherine Addison, library,

Thursday, January 7

1-5 p.m., Personal Essentials Pantry, 343 E. Main


Support groups
Diabetic Support Group
Low Vision Support Group
6 p.m., second Monday,
1-2:30 p.m., third ThursStoughton Hospital, 628- day, senior center, 873-8585
Parkinson Group
Dementia Caregivers
1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Support Group
Wednesday, senior center,
2 p.m., second Thursday, 873-8585 (not Nov./Dec.)
senior center, 873-8585
Multiple Sclerosis Group
10-11:30 a.m., second
Tuesday, senior center, 873Support Group
5:30 p.m., third Wednes- 8585
Older Adult Alcoholics
day, Stoughton Hospital,
2 p.m., Tuesdays, senior
Grief Support Groups
center, 246-7606 ext. 1182
3 p.m., third Tuesday,
senior center, 873-8585

Place your ad
here weekly!
Call 873-6671
to advertise on the
Courier Hub
Church Page.

Submit your community calendar

and coming up items online:

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

845-9559 x226

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
Fax: 845-9550


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Courier Hub
For more sports coverage, visit:


Boys basketball

Vikings drop
first Badger
South game
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Junior Kaleb Louis gets a takedown against River Valleys Caleb Radtke in the 120-pound finals match Saturday at the Badger State Invitational at the Alliant Energy
Exhibition Hall. Louis won with a 16-6 major decision. The Vikings won the meet with 304 points, the second straight Badger State title.

Vikings slam top competition

Stoughton wins 43rd
annual Badger State
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

To put into perspective how long

the Badger State Invitational has been
around for the Stoughton High School
wrestling program, one has to look no
farther than junior Kaleb Louis.

More photos from the 2015 Badger State

Louis, who won the 120-pound title
at Saturdays 43rd installment of the
annual tournament, remembered a
story from about 30 years ago when
his father wrestled in his first varsity
That tournament was the Badger
State invite.
This is by far one of the harder
tournaments we go to, but it has been

around a long time, Louis said. It

felt amazing coming back to this tournament and be able to win it.
Louis joined senior Collin Kraus
(145 pounds), junior Garrett Model
(138 pounds) and junior Brandon
Klein (113 pounds) as champions
Saturday helping the Vikings win
their second straight Badger State title
with 304 points, ahead of Wisconsin Lutheran (238) and River Valley
And with more than 50-ranked
wrestlers, this years tournament
joined previous years as being one of

the bigger gauges to where wrestlers

are at with just over two months left
in the season.
Some weight classes, there might
be tougher kids here than they will see
at the state tournament because there
are kids from out of state and kids
from other divisions. So this is a huge
gauge to see where we are at, and this
time of year is the perfect time to be
tested, find out where our faults are
and make those adjustments for the
end of the year, co-head coach Dan

Turn to Wrestling/Page 9

It just wasnt the Stoughton

High School boys basketball
teams night Tuesday at Madison Edgewood.
After winning the past seven contests against the Crusaders, it was Edgewood that
came out firing, jumping out
to a 26-point lead at halftime
as the Vikings ultimately fell
Junior Troy Slaby led the
Vikings with 14 points.
Three players reached
double digits for Edgewood
Alex Arians (18), Sam Noyce
(17) and Mandela Deang
Stoughton drops to 3-3
overall (3-1 Badger South),
while Edgewood moves to
6-1 (3-0).
Stoughton travels to the
University of Wisconsin Green Bay Dec. 28-29 to
take on Seymour at 7:05 p.m.
Monday and West De Pere
at 12:05 p.m. Tuesday. Both
games are at the Kress Center.
The Vikings also host nonconference Elkhorn at 3 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 2.

Stoughton 52,
Fort Atkinson 44
Stoughton hosted Fort
Atkinson Friday and
remained undefeated in the
Badger South Conference
with a 52-44 win.
The game was tied at halftime, but the Vikings did
enough down the stretch to
outscore Fort Atkinson 29-21
in the second and pick up the
Sophomore Brady Schipper finished with 18 points,
while Slaby added 14. Senior
Adam Krumholz chipped in

Boys swimming

Depth propels Stoughton past rival Madison Edgewood

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Despite only winning three

events Thursday, the Stoughton
boys swimming team was able
to knockoff Madison Edgewood
87-77, thanks to the teams depth.
What won us the meet were our
second, third and fourth-place finishes that outscored their 12-man
team, Vikings head coach Katie
Talmadge said. Our deep bench,
despite having four guys out for
illness, got us the win this evening.
Senior Gabe Ross won the 100yard backstroke in 1 minute, 10.97
seconds, and fellow senior Sam
Hynek claimed the 100 free in
Seniors Tristin Heisig, Aaron
Meyer and Hynek and sophomore
Chase capped Stoughtons list of
victories, taking the 200 free relay
in 1:38.57.
Milliam, back from the flu,
came within five hundredths of a

second of breaking the 2-minute

mark in the 200-yard freestyle
(2:00.05). He finished second.
We look forward to what hes
capable of now that hes back
in the pool training again, Talmadge said.
Also back in the pool was Trevor Pope whos been recovering
from ACL surgery since the season started.
Trevors been so determined
and so dedicated in practice, its
going to be so much fun watching all that hard work pay off in
meets, Talmadge said.
Stoughton finished the meet
with 34 best swims, including
Heisig, who PRd in the 50 free,
taking second with a time of
Our training is starting to get
hard for the guys, and theyre feeling it in meets, Talmadge said.
Were trying to focus on our bigger goal ... the conference meet.
I predict, with positive attitudes,
healthy guys and a great taper,

well make top two.

In order to get there, though,
Talmadge said the Vikings
need improved practice habits,
improved test sets in practice and
continuously achieving best times
in meets.
Thats what will help grow us
into a Badger Conference contender, she said.
Elijah Krumholtz won swimmer
of the meet for his mental toughness, tackling the 500 for his first
high school meet.
Stoughtons JV team scored 33
points, while Edgewood didnt
have anyone compete on junior
The Vikings are now off until
their Jan. 5 when the face conference dual rival and top-ranked
Division 2 powerhouse Monona
Grove. Were hoping to pick up
the pace in practice and really see
what these guys are made of now
that theyre in shape, Talmadge
said. Its going to be a fun season.

Photo by Joe Koshollek

Stoughton senior Gabe Ross wins the 100-yard breaststroke with a time of 1 minute, 10.97 seconds against Madison Edgewood on Thursday in Stoughton

Courier Hub

December 24, 2015

Girls hockey

Offense struggles in pair of losses

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Lady Vikings crush

Monroe after week off
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Junior Kaitryn Olson battles senior Anna Schieldt for a loose puck in front of the net Friday evening
against the Metro Lynx inside Madison Ice Arena. The Icebergs lost the Badger Conference game 10-0.

Trailing, 5-0 through the

first two periods, the Icebergs allowed five more
goals in the third period.
Kacie Suchanek recordBlack River Falls 10,
ed a hat trick and added an
assist for Black River Falls.
Icebergs 0
The Icebergs followed up Teammate Khloe Spors addFridays loss, falling by the ed two goals and an assist.
It was the fourth time this
same 10-0 score at home
season the Icebergs were
against Black River Falls.

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unable to score a goal.

Nisius stopped 48 of 58
shots on goal in the loss.
Semra Sipahioglu stopped
nine shots for the shutout.
Every team we play is
different and isnt an even
measure of what or how
they are doing, Helmich
said. The Lynx dressed 22
players from a 40-plus roster, while Black River Falls
was a shorter bench, they
are well coached and highly
The start time for the
games were less than 20
hours apart, which was a
scheduling mix-up.

Fox Cities 14, Icebergs 0

The seventh-ranked Fox
Cities Stars scored six,
first period goals Tuesday
inside the Tri-County Ice
Arena en route to a 14-0

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non-conference victory
against the Icebergs.
Morgan Treml scored a
pair of first-period goals,
while Liz Steinmetz, Abby
Cardew, Kendra Littrell and
Marin Kelly each added a
first period scores.
Ally Fox and Lauryn Hull
each chipped in with second
period goals.
Treml and Hull capped
hat tricks in the third period,
while Fox, Steinmetz and
Cardew tacked on their second goals of the evening.
Nisius turned away 35 of
49 goals in the loss for the
Icebergs (0-10-0). Hannah
Buchman had 16 saves for
the Stars (8-1-0).
The Icebergs travel to Sun
Prairie Ice Arena on Thursday, Jan. 7, for a 7 p.m.
game against the Cap City
Cougars (4-5-0).

Call 873-8486



The Metro Lynx girls

hockey story scored three
goals in the first and third
periods and put up four
more in the second against
the Icebergs on Friday
inside Madison Ice Arena,
posting a 10-0 Badger Conference blowout.
Metro Lynx junior leading
scorer Julia Dragoo recorded her first hat trick of the
season, running her total to
six goals on the season.
Maddie McClimon of the
Lynx add a pair of goals,
while Lizzy Conybear had a
goal and two assists.
Ella Hall, Ally Conybear,
Isabella Peterson and Taylor
Lyons each scored a goal for
the Icebergs, while defenseman Anna Schieldt had four
assists in the blowout.
Sophomore Sydney McKersie posted 12 saves for
her second shutout of the
season. Iceberg goaltender
McKenzie Nisius stopped
49 of 59 shots on goal in the

Girls basketball

The Stoughton High

School girls basketball
team dominated the visiting Monroe Cheesemakers in the first half Thursday en route to a 72-52
The Vikings outscored
the Cheesemakers 42-26
and never lost momentum
and finished with three
double-digit scorers.
Senior Hannah Hobson picked up 20 points
and five rebounds, while
senior Carrie Aide and
junior Marissa Robson
each scored 10 points.
Junior Payton Kahl added nine points and three
steals, and junior Kendra
Halverson finished with
seven points and seven
rebounds. Seniors Maren

Gryttenholm and Jenna

Gardner each chipped in
six points.
Junior Sydney Johnson
added five rebounds. The
Vikings finished with 31
total boards.
The Vikings travel to
the Janesville Optomist
Holiday tournament Dec.
29-30 at Craig High
School. They then host
Madison Edgewood at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan.

Richland Center (n/a)
Stoughton traveled to
non-conference Richland Center on Tuesday
but results were unavailable by the Courier Hubs
Tuesday night deadline.
Look for results in next
weeks paper.

Boys hockey

Vikes fall to sectional rivals

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Stoughton boys hockey

dropped a pair of big sectional rival games against
the Waukesha and Janesville co-ops last week.

Waukesha 7,
Stoughton 1
The Vikings allowed
three goals in each of the
first two periods Thursday evening and never
recovered, falling 7-1
against the Waukesha coop inside Naga-Waukee
Park Ice Arena.
Trenton Tucker and Ian
Malcolmson each scored
two goals and assisted on
two more for the Wings.
Jacob Berry added a goal
and an assist in the blowout.
Down 4-0, Stoughton
senior Max Quale scored
the Vikings lone goal on
the power play early in
the second period.
Stoughton freshman
Carson Roisum turned
away 19 shots on goal
in the loss, while Adam

Spano stopped 12 of 13
shots for Waukesha.

Janesville 8,
Stoughton 1
The Vikings hosted the
sectional rival Janesville
co-op on Saturday, falling
No details were available from coach Kris
Rosholt as the Courier
Hub went to press on
Stoughton travels to
Poppy Waterman Arena
in Wisconsin Dells at
noon on Saturday to face
Oshkosh in the first round
of the Monks Cheeseburger holiday tournament.
They follow that up
Sunday at noon against
Beloit Memorial and
Reedsburg at 3 p.m.
Oshkosh is 4-4-0 on the
season, Beloit Memorial
is 2-5-0 and Reedsburg is
DeForest, Reedsburg/
Wisconsin Dells/Mauston, Beloit Memorial and
Greendale round out the

Ask The Stoughton

Q. Is it really important for me to keep up my activity level over the winter?

A. As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, you may be tempted to hibernate on the


couch. But we all risk losing strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance as a result of a more
sedentary stretch of months. In many cases exercise is THE MOST EFFECTIVE treatment
for a variety of chronic conditions including arthritis, heart and lung disease, diabetes, balance
problems, or difficulty walking. Its ok if you arent an outdoor winter enthusiast. There are still
a lot of other alternatives to maintaining your exercise and activity levels while indoors! Try
keeping it social - and help out a friend, neighbor, or family member stay active. Motivation in
numbers! Hit the mall or big box store and walk prior to shopping - carts act as a convenient
walking aid. Contact your local senior center or community education department for all sorts
of resources and classes that are going on. Many local high schools will allow hallway walking
before and after school. Get up and move in your own house - stand while watching the news,
sports, or holiday programs and perform your own made up exercise routine. Turn on the music
and dance. Keep that body moving EACH AND EVERY DAY!!

900 Ridge Street

Stoughton, WI 53589



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1520 Vernon Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

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Would you like to advertise on this page? Call Catherine Stang at (608) 873-6671


Stoughton hoSpital


December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Wrestling: Vikings knock off Monona Grove/McFarland and Lodi in duals

Continued from page 7
Spilde said. We have great coaches
on staff that are helping us along,
and it is really going to make a difference in the next month.
So for the Vikings, the Badger
State invite not only turned out well
in terms of individual performances
but also turned out well for the team
as a whole. Besides the four champions, Stoughton also had secondplace (junior Tristan Jenny, 126)
third-place (sophomore Tyler Dow,
152) fourth-place (freshman Hunter
Lewis, 106) fifth-place (sophomore
Aodan Marshall, 220) seventh-place
(freshman Cade Spilde, 132) and
eighth-place (senior Erik Haried,
heavyweight) finishes.
And of those 10 place-matches,
five were against wrestlers from
teams behind the Vikings in the
team standings.
Louis won a 16-6 major decision
over River Valley sophomore Caleb
Radtke a Division 2 honorable
mention in his finals match with
four takedowns and a three-point
near fall in the final two periods.
Model won a 9-1 major decision
over Mineral Point senior Brandon
Forseth ranked fourth in Division
3 in his title bout with four takedowns.
(Louis and Model) are two of
the leaders in the room and work
hard every day. Having those guys
get titles is huge, too, Dan Spilde
said. Not taking anything away
from the other guys that got titles,
but Brandon and Collin have had a
fair amount of success. But having
those other two guys win was pretty
pleasing. Klein pinned Wisconsin
Lutheran senior Tyler Roecker
ranked first in Division 2 in 2 minutes, 59 seconds in his finals match,
while Kraus held off Wisconsin
Lutheran junior Brian Corbins in a
9-2 decision.
Kraus match became a little chippy, with both wrestlers, coaches and
teammates cheering on, but Kraus
said he was able to control his emotions.
It was pretty physical at the
start, so the coaches always tell me
to stay calm because sometimes I
get a little rambunctious and I slam
people, Kraus said. In the third
period when I got a little worked
up, I stayed pretty cool compared
to where I usually am. The coaches
and myself were pretty happy about
Cade Spilde was the other placewinner who wrestled an opponent
from a team chasing Stoughton Saturday. He edged River Valley junior
Nate Jennings, who is ranked No. 6
in Division 2 4-2 to claim seventh.
All the guys, that is all they think
about during the week is just the
matches ahead. It is the best feeling in the world when you know
you have a hard match but are able
to pull through, not just for yourself
but for the team, Louis said.
The other place match wins
included third-place victory for Dow
over Eden Prairies (Minn.) Ben
Matsui by pinfall in 4:27 a fifthplace victory by Marshall in a 7-2
decision over Eden Prairies (Minn.)
Mohammed Elhassan.
Jenny lost his finals match to
Two Rivers senior Paul Bianchi
ranked No. 1 in Division 2 by
pinfall in 1:45, while Lewis lost his
third-place match in a 7-0 decision
to West Salem-Bangor freshman
Dalton Schams. Haried was pinned
by Waunakee sophomore Alan
Olkowski in 2:27 in his seventhplace match.
I really thought it was a balanced
attack, and having that many guys
in the finals was obviously the icebreaker for us. I think that is what
gave some separation between us,
Dan Spilde said.
But having those guys wrestle
for fifth and seventh those points
are very valuable. You cant win
tournaments like this with a handful
of guys. It was a team effort.

Photos by Anthony Iozzo

Members of the 2015 Stoughton High School wrestling team, volunteers and coaches watch competition Saturday at the 43rd annual Badger State Invitational at the
Alliant Energy Center. Stoughton won the meet with 304 points.

Junior Garrett Model goes for a pin against Wisconsin Lutherans Tristan Wright
in the 138-pound semifinals Saturday. Model won that match with a pin in 5 minutes, 40 seconds, and he went on to win first place with a 9-1 major decision over
Mineral Points Brandon Forseth.

Sophomore Aodan Marshall grapples with Eden Prairies (Minn.) Mohammed

Elhassan in the 220-pound fifth-place match. Marshall won 7-2.

Three out of four for Kraus

Senior Collin Kraus (145 pounds) made his fourth finals
appearance at the Badger State Invitational on Saturday,
winning his third title.
As a freshman, Kraus wanted to win all four years, but he
settled for second in 2012.
There is not a lot of people who have done that here. It is
not like the state tournament, but it still means a lot and shows
all of our teammates that is possible and you can just come
out here and dominate, Kraus said.
Kraus looks to make his fourth state tournament in February.
But even with all that success, it
was easy for coach Spilde to choose
what he thought was the most
impressive finish of the night. That
belonged to Marshall in the fifthplace match.
Marshall and Elhassan were tied
2-2 in the third period, but it was
Marshall who made a big move
not only putting Elhassan on his
back for a takedown but also pinning a shoulder down to score a
three-point near fall with time winding down.
We need a couple of more guys
to step up, and having Cade and Erik
get those seventh-place matches
and then having Aodan in that fifthplace were big, Dan Spilde said.
But just watching him win that
fifth-place match, I think he is starting to turn the corner so that is one I
was really pleased with.
Stoughton travels to the MidStates Dec. 29-30 at the University

of Wisconsin - Whitewater.
That tournament will be another
gauge for the Vikings as they continue their quest for having individual and team-state success later in
February and March.
But the first step was the Badger
State invite, and Stoughton passed
that test Saturday.
Last week, we wrestled
Kaukauna, so that team-wise puts
us in a spot where we can tell at the
end of the season about how we are
going to do. And being here at an
individual tournament, we can focus
on what we need to do individually
to get better to beat Kaukauna in the
finals, Kraus said. So this was
really big and gives us team motivation because we are out here winning this and just dominating all the
other schools. That means a lot.

Stoughton 70, MG/McFarland 7

The Vikings hosted Monona

Junior Brandon Klein wins his 113-pound finals match with a pin over Wisconsin
Lutherans Tyler Roecker in 2 minutes, 59 seconds.

Grove/McFarland Friday for a

Badger South Conference dual and
won 70-7.
Lewis (106), Freeman Detweiler
(113), Klein (120), Jenny (132),
Cade Spilde (138), Kraus (152),
Dow (160), Jacob Groleau (195)
and Haried (heavyweight) all won
by pin. Model (145) added a major
decision, and Louis (126) and Marshall (220) both won by forfeit.

Soehle in 1:07, while Groleau (195)

pinned Gabe Mabin in 4:44.
Marshall (220) also picked up a
Model (145) won by technical
fall in a 21-3 victory over Cole
Endres, and Louis (126) won a
19-7 major decision over Branden
Kraus (152) and Dow (160) also
won major decisions. Kraus defeated Tristan McDonald 16-5, and
Stoughton 41, Lodi 22
Dow defeated Jacob Heyroth 17-3.
Stoughton traveled to Lodi on
Jenny (132) added a 5-0 deciTuesday for a non-conference dual sion over Jacob Busser, and Cade
and won 41-22.
Spilde (138) won 4-2 over Hunter
Klein (120) pinned Austin Grams.


December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Hub seeks nominations for Citizen of the Year




The City of Stoughton Planning

Commission will hold a Public Hearing
on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:00
oclock p.m., or as soon after as the matter may be heard, at the Public Safety
Building, Second Floor, 321 S. Fourth
Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to
consider a request by Ashley and Tim
Hopfensperger to amend the City of
Stoughton Municipal Code of Ordinances. The proposed ordinance amendments are to sections 78-206(1)(a) 2 and
78-206(1)(a) 3, of the City of Stoughton
Zoning Ordinance, Dane County, Wisconsin.
The amendment is proposed to allow all newly constructed duplexes be
installed with two separate water shut
off valves off one lateral within the terrace for each individual unit while splitting the sewer lateral within the terrace
to provide a separate sewer to each
individual unit. Additionally, converting
a duplex to a twin home would require
separate water and sewer laterals. The
proposed amendment may be viewed
at the Department of Planning & Development, City Hall, 381 E. Main Street,
Stoughton, WI. 53589.
For questions regarding this notice
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning
Administrator at 608-646-0421.
Michael Stacey
Zoning Administrator
Published: December 24 and 31, 2015

The City of Stoughton Planning

Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 11, 2016 at
6:00 oclock p.m., or as soon after as
the matter may be heard, at the Public
Safety Building, Second Floor, 321 S.
Fourth Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin,
53589, to consider an amendment to
the City of Stoughton Municipal Code
of Ordinances. The proposed ordinance
amendments are to sections 78-206(8)
(c), 78-105(2)(g), 78-105(2)(h) and Appendix C, of the City of Stoughton Zoning
Ordinance, Dane County, Wisconsin.
The amendment is proposed to allow accessory structures in excess of
900 square feet in area within the MR-10
and MR-24 Multi-Family Residential Districts as a conditional use. Additionally,
the amendment would allow 10 dwelling
units per acre for the MR-10 district as
a conditional use and 24 dwelling units
per acre for the MR-24 district as a conditional use. The proposed amendment
may be viewed at the Department of
Planning & Development, City Hall, 381
E. Main Street, Stoughton, WI. 53589.
For questions regarding this notice
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning
Administrator at 608-646-0421.
Michael Stacey
Zoning Administrator
Published: December 24 and 31, 2015

140 Lost & Found

402 Help Wanted, General

MISSING CAT. Thin, young orange/

buff-colored tabby with cream/white
on nose, paws, and ringlets on tail.
Lost 11/4 in Stoughton area. Reward!
Please call 608-422-3734. Thank you!

143 Notices
SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Benefits.
Unable to work? Denied benefits? We
can help. Win or pay nothing. Contact Bill
Gordon & Associates at 800-960-0307 to
start your application today! (wcan)
WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications
review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous
people are ready to take your money!
TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to
file a complaint regarding an ad, please
contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128 (wcan)

163 Training Schools

in just 10 Saturdays!
Fan us on Facebook! Next class begins
1/2/16. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton. WI
approved. (wcan)

340 Autos
DONATE YOUR Car, Truck or Boat
to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-Day
Vacation. Tax Deductible.
Free Towing. All paperwork taken care
of! 800-856-5491 (wcan)

342 Boats & Accessories

BOAT & Pontoon Blowout - (new/used)
Over 400 to choose from @ the guaranteed best lowest price. American Marine
& Motorsports www.americanmarina.
com, 866-955-2628 (wcan)

355 Recreational Vehicles

ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE Headquarters.
Huge blow-out pricing. Youth ATV's
starting @ $699 plus FSD. Over 100
Honda/CF Moto at liquidation $$ 866955-2628

360 Trailers
For boat, ATV, sled or pontoons. 2 or
4 Place/Open or Enclosed. American
Marine, Shawano
866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.
com (wcan)
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

Applications available at
Sugar & Spice Eatery.
317 Nora St. Stoughton.
EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER WANTED. Apply at Sunrise Family Restaurant
1052 W. Main, Stoughton.
has immediate openings for:
Driver (P/T) $10/hour
Front Desk Associates:
$9-$10/hour (F/T and P/T).
Driver: $10/hour
Experience preferred,
but willing to train
the right people.
Paid training, vacation, and uniform.
Free room nights.
Apply in person at
131 Horizon Dr., Verona

434 Health Care, Human

Services & Child Care
Seeking caregivers to provide care
to seniors in their homes. Need valid
DL and dependable vehicle. FT & PT
positions available. Flexible scheduling.
Sign-on bonus.
Call 608-442-1898
FOUR WINDS Manor is expanding
and looking to fill current and future
openings, including:
which includes every other weekend.
various shifts.
We offer excellent benefits w/ FULLTIME positions, incl. health/dental/
paid time off/flex spending/ 401k. If you
share our committment to a positive
attitude and respect for residents and
colleagues, please consider joining us.
Applications available at:
or 303 S. Jefferson St. in Verona
OREGON MANOR, a 45-bed skilled
nursing facility just 8 miles from Madison has an opening for a FT cook. This
position is 10:30 am to 7pm, 32 hours a
week including every other weekend with
rotating holidays. We offer a competitive benefit package. Experience is not
required. You may apply on-line at www. or stop by 354 N. Main
St, Oregon for an application. EOE

436 Office
Administration & Clerical
part-time office help. Mondays off. Tuesday-Thursday, 1-5pm, Friday, 8am-4pm.
Knowledge of Word, Excel and QuickBooks helpful.



The Common Council of the City

of Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin,
will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday,
January 12, 2016 at 7:00 oclock p.m., or
as soon hereafter as the matter may be
heard, in the Council Chambers, Public
Safety Building, 2nd Floor, 321 South
Fourth Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, to
consider special assessments for installation of sanitary sewer, storm sewer,
water and street improvements on Hults
Road and Jackson Street, within the City
of Stoughton and levying of special assessments to pay for same. The special
assessments relate to the following parcels:
Parcel No. 281/0510-014-8150-2
Parcel No. 281/0510-014-8412-2
Parcel No. 281/0510-014-8436-2
Parcel No. 281/0510-014-8451-2
Parcel No. 281-0510-014-8473-2
A complete engineers report may
be viewed at Stoughton City Hall, Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Please Note: If you have any questions regarding this notice and/or special assessments, please contact Director of Planning & Development Rodney
Scheel at 873-6619
Lana Kropf, City Clerk
Published: December 24, 2015

The deadline to nominate someone as

the Stoughton Courier Hubs 2015 Citizen of the Year is fast approaching, as
the Hub is accepting nominations through
Dec. 31.
The annual award recognizes someone whose presence in Stoughton made
a noticeable and positive impact on the
quality of life in the community during
the calendar year. The newspaper will
announce the winner in late January.
Past winners have included Sonny
Swangstu and Kendall McBroom for their
work on remodeling the new Stoughton
Youth Center Building, Kathy Thode for
launching Small Animal Advocates, Mary
Onsager for her involvement in multiple volunteer activities and last years
honoree, Linda Kunz, for her work as a
treasured music educator, organizer and

If you know someone who fits the bill,
there are several ways to let us know.
The easiest way is by filling out the form on our website, at Click Submit an
Item on the left side panel and follow the
link to Citizen of the Year.
If youd prefer, you can drop us a line at
the Stoughton Courier Hub, 135 W. Main
St., Stoughton, WI 53589, or stop by our
office (in Kegonsa Plaza) with the information. And you can always email us at
The nominations should include your
thoughts about why your nominee is
worthy of consideration for their efforts
throughout 2015 as well as your contact


Please send resume to:

c/o The Verona Press
PO Box 930427
Verona, WI 53593

437 Customer Service & Retail

Madison Distribution
Center needs to fill
Permanent positions
in several different departments.
Rapid advancement opportunities. No
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To secure an interview,
call 608-228-6788
9am-6pm, Mon-Sat.

440 Hotel, Food & Beverage

Dishwashers (age: 16+)
Servers (age: 18+)
Delivery Driver (age: 18+ with
own car/valid DL/proof of insurance).
Evening & weekend/part-time hrs. Come
in and fill out
an application today!

451 Janitorial & Maintenance

Housekeeping/Laundry Site Supervisor for long term Healthcare Facility in
Stoughton, $13/hr. Please call 262-6857113 to schedule an immediate interview. *Health Insurance, PTO, Dental
and Vision.

452 General
Mon-Fri 4 hours/night. Visit our website: or call our
office: 608-831-8850

548 Home Improvement

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554 Landscaping, Lawn,

Tree & Garden Work

RECOVER PAINTING currently offering

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THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

572 Snow Removal

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560 Professional Services

586 TV, VCR &

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A PLACE for Mom. The nation's largest

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Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is currently

looking for a Cook. This benefit position is 36 hours
per week including alternating weekends and holidays.
Weekday shifts are 7:45 am-3:15 pm and weekends
are 7:30 am-4:00 pm. The job includes preparing and
delivering meals, along with kitchen clean-up. Must be
able to lift, push and pull at least 50 pounds. Previous
knowledge and experience with kitchen safety and
sanitation is preferred but willing to train the right person.
Successful candidate will be required to complete and
pass a Serv-Safe course.
Interested candidates should submit application to:

400 N. Morris St.

Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-5651, Ext. 308
Fax (608) 873-0696

FARM & Construction Toys for kids of all

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646 Fireplaces,
Furnaces/Wood, Fuel


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dry oak, cherry, maple
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Hardwood. Volume discount. Will
deliver. 608-609-1181

648 Food & Drink

EMERGENCIES CAN strike at any time.
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650 Furniture
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666 Medical & Health Supplies

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experience. Full Benefits, Employee Owned Company 855409-3630 (CNOW)
CDL DRIVERS NEEDED, 2yrs Experience, $2,500 SignOn, Average $60,000+/year Company, $170,000+/year O/O,
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THEY SAY people dont read those little
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GOT AN older car, boat or RV?
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688 Sporting Goods

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705 Rentals
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.
Large 2-BR apts available now.
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dead end st. One upper, one lower.
Remodeled bath, kitchen, dishwasher,
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blinds, oak floors, storage, coin laundry. Heat, water/sewer included. $775/
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of two-flat, near downtown, River Bluff
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or 608-225-9033.

720 Apartments
55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available
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53589 608-877-9388

730 Condos &

Townhouses For Rent

865 Mobile Homes

& Lots For Sale


In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
Conference rooms available
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628


10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
Credit Cards Accepted
CALL (608)444-2900
Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Lighted with access 24/7
Bank Cards Accepted
Off North Hwy 51 on
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904

975 Livestock

6803 SUNSET Dr., Lot 3. Rural Wooded

desireable lot within 1 mile of town.
8+ acres. No deed restrictions. Verona
schools. MLS# 1758398. $267,500. Mary
Ruth Marks, (608) 513-7490. Bunbury &

PURE BRED Red Angus Bulls, open and

bred heifers for sale. Pick your bulls now
for summer delivery. Shamrock Nook
Red Angus 608-558-5342

970 Horses


The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 8736671 or 835-6677.

FOR SALE: Purebred Polled Hereford

bred heifers, due to calve mid-February.
Bred to top AI sires. Also open heifers,
steers 600-700 lbs., 3 white face open
cross-bred heifers and 2 cross-bred cows
bred to Hereford bull. Mud Creek Farms,


16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI


Monday FOR THE Stoughton Courier


Convenient location behind
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25

and these attachments. Concrete breaker,
posthole auger, landscape rake, concrete
bucket, pallet forks, trencher, rock hound,
broom, teleboom, stump grinder.
By the day, week, or month.
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Join the leading team in residential,

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Knowledge of plumbing is helpful
Will train the right person
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Clean driving record (CDL is a plus!)

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Positions Available


10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for
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Come & go as you please.

Call to apply today!


Were seeking hard-working seasonal employees

to work as landscapers on the Horticulture
Team. Youll work with skilled horticulturists in a
beautiful environment, with a diverse collection
of trees, flowers, and edible plants.

6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
in Oregon
Call 608-206-2347

Duties range from watering, weeding, and

mulching to mowing, planting, and everything in
between. This is a first shift, seasonal position.
Landscaping and equipment experience is
preferred but not required.


10x10 - 10x15
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
Credit Cards Accepted
1128 Union Road
Oregon, WI
Located on the corner of
Union Road & Lincoln Road

To be considered, please inquire

online at

Community Director

We are seeking an experienced and professional director who will

be responsible for the general leadership, sales, and marketing for
the apartments and studios in Stoughton, while supporting and overseeing the rest of the management team and day to day operations.
The focus of this position will be:
Develop and maintain community referral resources
Ensure services & cares are held at the highest quality
Committed to the community

THEY SAY people dont read those little

ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

Qualified applicants should have:

BA or BS Degree
Experience working with senior population
Passion and commitment for working with the elderly
Send resum and cover letter no later than January 8, 2016 to:
Fax: 608-819-0666, Email, or mail to:
Milestone Management Services
Attn: Julie Heil, Chief Operating Officer
1574 West Broadway Suite 200
Madison, WI 53713


Dedicated Fleet, Top Pay, New Assigned Equipment, Monthly Bonuses
CDL-A, 6 mos. OTR exp. reqd EEOE/AAP



The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 8736671 or 835-6677.

990 Farm: Service

& Merchandise

Family owned since 1948.

Work schedule will be approximately 15 to 25

hours per week, including some weekends.
Please send cover letter and resume to:
100 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
or email to:

740 Houses For Rent


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.


Part-Time Pharmacy Technician

Wanted at McGlynn Pharmacy


ranch w/ finished basement. 3-bdr, 2.5
bath, 1800 sq ft. 2-car garage, $1200/mo.
FOR RENT: Vacation home.
1-1/2 hours from Madison.
Lake frontage. Great ice fishing, skiing
and snowmobiling.
See us on Facebook:
The Pines at Lake Arbutus.

Courier Hub


SAFE STEP Walk-in tub. Alert for

Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal.
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Wide door. Anti-slip floors. American
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December 24, 2015


Grow With Us

We are currently accepting applications for

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is recruiting for the following positions:

Full-Time Nights
at these 2 locations

Registered Nurse

St. Clare Friedensheim

Glarner Lodge


We offer competitive starting salary and differentials!
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Disability, and Life Insurance, Retirement Plan,
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Join our team of professionals & experience the

pleasures of working on a retirement campus serving
our senior citizens. Our facility is nonprofit, church
affiliated, with a dedication to serve our residents.

Join our team of professionals & experience the

pleasures of working on a retirement campus serving
our senior citizens. Our facility is nonprofit, Church
affiliated, with a dedication to serve our residents and
Visit our website to apply!

The New Glarus Home, Inc

600 2nd Avenue, New Glarus, WI 53574

(608) 527-2126
Equal Opportunity Employer


Visit our website to apply!

The New Glarus Home, Inc

600 2nd Avenue, New Glarus, WI 53574

(608) 527-2126
Equal Opportunity Employer


Benefits Include: Competitive Wages; Shift and

Weekend; Differentials; Incentive Pay; Health, Dental,
Vision, Disability and Life Insurance; Retirement Plan;
Vacation, Paid Sick Days and Holiday Pay.

Make Milestone Moments Throughout the Seasons!



CNAs, RNs & LPNs

Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is a skilled care

facility located in Stoughton, WI. We offer rehabilitative and
restorative care to meet each individuals need for long-term
or short-term residency. Respite Services, Hospice Care, and
a 27-bed Alzheimers care unit are also offered as supportive
alternatives to residents and families with special needs.
Skaalen has the following openings:
CNAs 24 h
our benefit eligible pm shift along with the
Weekender program (work 2 shifts per weekend, 3 weekends
per month, and every other holiday)
RNs & LPNs part time benefit eligible on all shifts along with
the Weekender program (work 2 weekend shifts per month
and 2 holidays per year).
Skaalen offers a full benefit package for positions of 20 hours
per week or more that includes medical and dental insurance,
7 paid holidays and personal holidays, sick time, vacation
time, 403b pension plan, and company-paid life insurance
along with short-term disability. Skaalen also offers voluntary
benefits that include Flex Spending and supplemental policies
through AFLAC, vision, additional life insurance for you and
your family and long-term disability. Other things available to
our staff include an onsite fitness center, company-sponsored
recognition dinners, a scholarship program and more.
The successful candidate will possess a current license or
certification and be in good standing on the Wisconsin State
Registry. Come join us and submit a resume/application to:

Nancy Martin
Director of Human Resources
Skaalen Nursing
& Rehabilitation Center
400 N. Morris St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-5651, Ext. 308
Fax (608) 873-0696

Equal Opportunity Employer

Smoke Free/Tobacco Free Campus


December 24, 2015

Courier Hub

Memorial progressing despite soggy soil

Veterans park
fundraising tops $300K
Bud Erickson and his colleagues with the Stoughton
Area Veterans Memorial Park
committee have heard the
question quite often recently,
"When are you going to start
moving dirt at the park?"
The answer is when it dries
With more than $300,000
raised already, construction
crews are ready to go, Erickson
wrote in a release last week,
but because of heavy rainfall
in recent weeks, excavating has
been delayed.

While Mother Nature hasnt

been particularly helpful, local
groups, businesses and people have been generous giving to the project, he said. The
Wahlin foundation has made
a pledge of $50,000 to pay for
the archway, all 11 flag poles
have been sold ($2,500 each),
as well as 16 benches ($3,000
apiece), 12 educational pillars
($5,200 each) and 300 pavers.
Rick Kumlien of the committee is working with Stoughton
High School history teacher
Joe Manarski and students on
inscriptions for the educational
Erickson added that cash
donations continue to come

How to help
Send contributions to:
Veterans Memorial Park
PO Box 16
Stoughton, WI 53589
Info: Call Roger Nitzsche at
873-3433 or Randy Robertson
at 764-5881.

in, with total sales, donations

and pledges around $302,000,
including a $16,000 donation
from the city, approved this
month by the Common Council.

Still the project is not yet

halfway to organizers fundraising goal of $800,000.
We still have a long way to
go," project chairman Duane
Broughton noted.
As part of the project, Roger
Kleven and Basil Sadler, cochairmen of the name collecting committee, have identified
the names of more than 4,600
Stoughton area veterans dating
back to the Civil War, including 150 killed in action. Those
names will all be included on
the memorial, which is sited
at the corner of County Hwy.
B and Country Club Road in
Pleasant Springs.

Its your paper, too

We gather the news. We go to the
events. We edit the words. But we
cant be everywhere or know everything.
The Courier Hub depends on submissions from readers to keep a balanced community perspective. This
includes photos, letters, story ideas,
tips, guest columns, events and
If you know of something other
readers might be interested in, let us
E-mail stoughtoneditor@wcinet.
com or call 845-9559 and ask for editor Jim Ferolie.
For sports, e-mail sportseditor@ or ask for sports editor Jeremy Jones.


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