January 2016 Jib Sheet

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Port Clinton Yacht Club

Jib Sheet

2016 C O M M O D O R E

From The Commodore

I hope everyone had a great
Christmas holiday season. It
is a time to reflect on the past
and look forward to the New
Year. The New Year brings
many exciting things for Port
Clinton Yacht Club members.
Last year we voted to build a
new pool and even though it
is only January we are looking
forward to Spring when we
can take the first plunge. As
you can see I am looking forward to by-passing the winter
and getting right into the summer season. I hope all of you
that are flying south for the
winter can enjoy the sun and
fun while we hold down the
club and prepare for the
warmer season.
Thanks to all who attended
the Christmas Open House
and Change of Watch ceremony. It is always great to see
the many people that support
the club and particularly the
tradition of ushering in the
new flag and board. I would
like to thank many Past Commodores who have supported
me on my journey through
the board and flag. I wouldnt
be in this position without
their help. Im certain I will
need their advice and guidance throughout the year.
Also, I wouldnt be where I
am today without my wife
Candy, who guides me every
day with her wisdom and caring personality. I thank her

for her sacrifice for my time

spent away from family. If
youre reading this, you can
bet that she has helped me by
proofing the content and
I am looking forward to working with fellow flag officers
VC David Obergefell and RC
Bob Mosser and the rest of
the board for the 2016 year.
For the New Year we welcome
our new Treasure Jim Recker.
If you see him at the club
more frequently it is because
he is spending time reviewing
and approving invoices.
Good luck Jim and thank you
for your willingness to serve.
When you see PC Mike Nitz,
thank him for his many years
as the treasurer. Also, Mike
has agreed to mentor the new
treasure for the coming year.
This position is very important to our club and we are
fortunate to have members
with these talents.
Now on to more about events
in 2016. Starting off, please
keep January 9th reserved for
the Recognition Dinner. This
event will recognize those who
have helped make this club
the Best Yacht Club on the
Great Lakes. Several major
awards are given at this event.
The Shark Trophy is awarded
to the Skipper of the Year.
The Oliver True Memorial
Trophy will be awarded to the
person who has given out-

standing service to the club,

and the George Schade Memorial award will be given to
the Jr. Sailor of the Year.
Those that attend will be
served a wonderful sit down
dinner prepared by Jim and
Beverly Syrowski and crew.
Reservations are required and
can be made at the bar. This
event is followed by several
Friday Night Snacks and the
Winter Brunch on January
One of the more important
activities this time of year is
organizing next years social
calendar. I can attest that it is
a tremendous amount of work
to try and accommodate everyones wishes into over 75
events. If you havent already
done so it is so important that
you complete and return your
Social Committee questionnaire that accompanied your
dues invoice. Dave and Kathy
Mehl are the chairs of the
Social Committee with members Andy and Missy Schlotterer and Todd and Ann
Puckett. Your suggestions and
comments about social events
are always welcome.
I am looking forward to seeing
you at the club in the coming
year. Just remember that,
and have fun.


From the Rear

I hope everyone has
a wonderful Christmas and A Happy
New Year to all. Didn't realize how fast
December was going
to go by. All of a sudden it is Change of
Watch then I get a
reminder from
Tammy that my first
Rear Commodore
report is due.

Ottawa County Emergency Management

Preparedness Calendar 2016 3rd place photo
contest winner Susie Rasmussen

First I would like to

thank all of those
who supported my
nomination and election as Rear Commodore. I am very humbled by the fact that I
was asked to serve.
Thank you to all who
have supported me
in the past and those
who have offered
their help going forward.
Just a few things going on right now as
colder weather is
upon us. Pool Contractor has finished
their fall work ahead
of schedule. Project
is in hibernation
mode until spring.
Eric will be doing
some electrical and
mechanical work inside the pool house
this winter. New
cushions have been

installed on the
lounge chairs thanks
to Cindy and Dave
Obergefell. Garage
has been cleaned up.
Anyone interested in
painting? Talk to
I will be meeting with
Chuck and Eric after
the 1st. to develop a
list and schedule for
the year. Don't be
afraid to share your
ideas with one of us.
I think we have a
page or so already.
Looking forward to
another year of fun at
the Club, hope to see
you there soon. What
a great place to be,
life is good!!
Your Rear Commodore, Bob

Fleet Captain of Power

The ILYA meeting ion Perrysburg, Ohio, was well attended in December, 2015 by members of the boating
community form Cleveland to Detroit. The club hosted a hospitality suite, supported by many of our club
members, and welcomed many visitors. The meetings on Saturday ILYA and Junior Power were likewise well attended and informative. The theme continues to be involvement at early ages, with an increasing focus on safety and skill building. Everyone who attended these events had a great time, and all
are welcome next year!
We are reviving the Party Bus Wine Cruise-Out for February, 2016, so watch for details via email! Further
developments will also be published, as the schedule unfolds. Members are welcome
to correspond via email as well. With a full club, marina, and excellent water levels, we
are looking forward to a great year! As a reminder, check your vessel registrations,
safety gear, navigation aids, and be ready for a safe and enjoyable year!
Steve Hales
Page 2

2016 Commodore

PCYC Junior Sail Program By Jayson JJ Miller

Hi, my name is
Jayson Miller, but everyone
calls me JJ. I am a member of the PCYC Jr. Race
Team and Jr. Instructor in
the Learn to Sail Opti Program. I have been a member of the PCYC Jr. Race
Team for the past 6 years.
For the first 4 years I lived
with my Grandparents in
Florida making Port Clinton our home during the
summer. Two years ago we
moved to our current
home on Catawba and
hope to move into Port
Clinton next year. During
that time I have sailed Optis, Lasers and now Thistles.
I still remember
the first time I sailed an
Opti in our backyard in
Florida which was Lake
Shepard. My Grandfather
received an old Club Opti
from one of his sailing
friends in Ft. Lauderdale. I
remember coming home
after school and running
out to go sailing; you just
couldnt stop me. Eventu-

ally I got too big for Optis

and got my first Laser,
learning to sail it on Lake
started racing it in Florida
and Ohio. Moving to Ohio
was very different. Instead
of traveling to Regattas
most weekends we traveled
to one day regattas giving
us a lot more family time
on Sea Turtle our family
sail boat.
This year I took a
big leap and put together a
Thistle Team. It all started
at the Vermillion Regatta. I
jumped into a 420 with
Ben Sprenger and Will
Taylor and had them take
me to my Laser which was
on the other side of the
River. On the way we joked
saying look the 3 of us
together is like we are a
thistle. Then at Jr. Bay
Week Will showed me a
Thistle for sale; neither of
us knew that was the boat
that would become SEA
I remember coming into this summer feel-

ing like I had a blindfold

on; after all I just started a
Thistle Race Team and
none of us knew anything
about Thistles. I still have
people to thank for that
like the parents for putting
the boat together and getting us to regattas, the
older Thistle sailors for
helping us tune the boat
and last but not least my
crew for making a great
team effort in every event
we went to. We ended up
losing the tie for first at Jr.
Bay Week and ended up
second. Not bad for our
first year out! While we
only took second at Jr. Bay
Week we won the traveler
series taking first overall
and bringing home a really
nice trophy that will be
kept at PCYC for the next
year. We became the first
PCYC Thistle to do so. I
also had a good year in the
Laser Class winning the
best junior at District 18
Laser Grand Prix and being
mentioned in the Laser
Sailor Magazine.

While our Thistle

Team had a great year so did
the rest of our Race Team. We
had 3 Lasers 2 420`s and our
Thistle. Emma Eckert and
Ethan Taylor took 14th while
Alex Springer and Jasper
Nickel taking 38th. Michael
Leone took 14th in the Laser
Class with Lucas Kyle in 27th
and Noah Ross took 43rd. I
enjoyed seeing the team grow
as a whole. This was the first
year Emma and I worked as Jr.
Sail Instructors. It was a lot of
fun working with the young
Opti Sailors and seeing them
attend their first regatta. We
are all looking forward to next
By the time this appears in the
newsletter I will be in South
Florida preparing to sail my
Laser in the Orange Bowl Regatta between Christmas and
The New Year.

Fleet Captain of Sail

Holiday Greetings to all
PCYC Members. We are
in Florida for the Holidays enjoying some sunshine and sailing a bit.
The Winter I-LYA Meeting was a huge success. A
lot happened including a
Room on Friday Night. A
number of members and
guests attended and we all
Jib Sheet

had a great night.

We met with some of our
Race Team Members and
our new Sail Team Director Linda Sprenger in Key
Colony and discussed the
sailing season. It was nice
to see the kids together.
February 19, 2016 is the
Sail Team Spaghetti Dinner followed by the Safety

At Sea Seminar on Saturday February 20.

We wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and Happy
New Year. We will see
you at the Recognition
Dinner January 9, 2016.
We hope you enjoy this
months Sail Team Article.
Jim Miller, FCoS

Winter Meeting of sail team at Key

Colony. Left to right Noah Ross,
Alex Sprenger, Ben Sprenger, Julia
Altenberger (visiting from Germany) and "JJ" Miller

Page 3

January 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri







15. FNS


$6... 6 PM






Made-to-Order Omelets,
Pancakes, Scrambled
Eggs, Ham, Fried Potatoes,
Fresh Fruit, Pastries, Juice,
Milk, Coffee, Bloody Mary's
and Screwdrivers
11:00am to 1:00pm $7.00
$3.50 Children under 10





Board Meeting


Tuesday Dance Classes begin Jan.12th

Board Meeting

Colonial Club


Membership Meeting



Pulled Pork Sliders
Plus $5.pp 6PM

Sloppy Joes, chips, Jello,

Relishes and Dessert
$4.00 pp 6:PM


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