New Features 9.2 Payroll and TL RECONNECT 2013 Emtec Inc

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New Features 9.

2 Payroll for
North America and T&L
Emtec, Inc.; Laura Tramutolo
July 23-25, 2013

APRIL 7-11, 2014

Sands Expo and Convention
Las Vegas, Nevada
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New Features 9.2 Payroll for North
New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Payroll for North


New Features 9.2 Payroll for North America


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

P_92_1. Paycheck Modeler (ePay)

Reduces Payroll and Helpdesk workload.

Risks of using Online Check have been eliminated

Empowers the employee to manage their own inquiries

and print the results if desired

Usage terms and conditions are customer-configurable,

and displays a message that this is an estimate, not an
actual paycheck calculation

No longer need to update production tables (employee

level taxes, compensation or additional pay)

Control which pay groups have access to Paycheck

Modeler, when it can be used, and which earnings and
deductions can be included

Through self-service, employees can explore their own whatif situations and simulate their own paychecks without
updating production tables and without calling the payroll
department or help desk.

Employees must accept usage terms and conditions

Printed version will not contain sensitive data (name,

SSN, or EmplID) and will contain a watermark so it cnnot
be mistaken for a live check

New Features 9.2 Payroll for North America

New Features 9.2 Payroll for North America

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_1. Real-time Application of Rules

Ability to run rules:

On timesheet by clicking Apply Rules button

Automatically run when timesheet is submitted

Not allow rules to be run from timesheet

The real-time application of rules from the timesheet

immediately updates the employee's timesheet results,
which increases the timely completion of the payable
time calculation

Easier troubleshooting for administrators, previously

queries had to be written to reconcile this data.

Immediately updates the employee's timesheet results

with payable time

Users can easily make corrections and resubmit the

timesheet to obtain updated payable time for payroll

Applies rules to all time entries beginning with Earliest

Change Date through the last date on timesheet
(Dependent on settings)

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_2. Timesheet Lockdown Feature

Enables administrators to control whether users can edit

or only view time entries on a timesheet.

Prevent users from modifying timesheets while payroll is


Administrators can lock and unlock the timesheet during

critical periods

Administrators can control this feature by pay group

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_3. Expanded Time Reporting Template settings

Enables administrators to suppress the display of fields

on timesheets in order to allow the use of the application
default settings.

Administrators can specify whether approvers perform

approval actions from a summary view, the detailed view
or either.

And administrators can control the View By selection on

the Timesheet to a specific view of Day, Week, or
Calendar Period or to determine what sections users can
see on the Timesheet.

In addition to Required, Not Used or Optional;

administrators now have the option to allow entry for an
element or hide an element from displaying on the

Can force the approver to view all details before

performing any action

Through the new Timesheet Controls section,

administrators can configure and restrict how the
timesheet is viewed by users

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_3a. Additional Enhancements

Administrators can designate restriction and access for

time entry on employees and managers timesheets

New attributes to TRC Program control usage

Administrators can control who is allowed to modify an

employees reported time

System can be configured to notify employees when

someone other than themselves makes a change to their
time entry.

Time Attestation

Ability to define legal statements for official sign off and

validation of time entries

Mouse-over pop up on job description

Timesheet Summary page improved for easier view and


Provides ability to view additional information such as

workgroup and task group without navigating away from
current page

Last and First names are now in separate columns for

easier sorting and more efficient review

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_4. Time and Labor Alerts Framework

Provides building blocks to automate business policies.

Alerts enable you to monitor frequent sick time, work,

and overtime against a configured threshold and other
business policies that impact your workforce productivity

Administrators and managers are able to configure Alert

Rules that monitor transaction data for a single group or
groups of employees.

Alerts are sent to specific individuals who can review

and act on them via the new T&L Work Center

Helps organizations to control their labor costs.

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_5. Time and Labor WorkCenter

Directs user to specific tasks needing completion

easier navigation

Access to cross-module pages to run reports, processes

and queries from a single location

Using Pivot Grids, users can view transactional data

such employees timesheets by status and attendance

Enables administrators and managers to create and

send one-time or recurring announcements and/or
emails to a list of recipients

Combines transactions, analytics, workflow, alerts, and

reports into a configurable framework that can be
tailored to each role-based user.
The workcenter increases users' productivity by
streamlining and simplifying their work and providing
access to all their needed information in one place.

Integrates with new Notification Framework

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_6. AWE for Overtime Requests

PeopleSoft Time and Labor Overtime Request process

uses the powerful Approval Workflow Engine (AWE)
technology, which can automatically trigger workflow

Through Self-service, Employees can enter overtime

requests for a future date and receive notification of
approval or denial.

Using Manager Self Service, administrators and

managers can view the requests, check the amount of
overtime worked to date, approve or deny the request,
and enter comments.

Ability to delegate authority for T&L transactions

HCM Delegation Framework

New Features 9.2 Time and Labor


Employee and Administrator Enhancements

T_92_7. New XML/BI Reports

Reported Time Audit

Displays all Adds, Updates and Deletes from employees

reported time

Leave and Compensatory Time

Monthly view of all Leave/Comp time reported, taken

and their balances

Users can print from within the employee and manager

timesheet pages

Print Timesheet


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