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Information Brochure 2014-2015

International Students

Dear students,
This document gives you the information to prepare
your stay in the Netherlands.
It will give you information on the following subjects:
1. Passport
2. Student VISA
3. Health Insurance

Sources and interesting websites:


Information brochure International Students

Driestar Christian University

1. Passport
Please check the expiry date on your passport. Some
countries now insist that your passport be valid for at least
six months after the start of your visit, so check the expiry
date carefully.
Passport valid for at least 3 months after the last day of the
intended visit required by all except (a) 1. nationals of EU
countries, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Norway,
San Marino and Switzerland holding a valid national ID card.
(b) holders of Certificate of Identity issued by the
Government of Cyprus to nationals of Cyprus. (c) holders of
a Hong Kong Certificate of Identity.
If your passport expires within 3 months of your date of
arrival you will be turned away at immigration, if not before
at your departure airport.
Dont take a chance, get your passport renewed before
travel, regardless of where youre going.

Information brochure International Students

Driestar Christian University

2. Short stay visa

Depending on your nationality, you might need an
entry visa for the Netherlands. For stays of up to 90
days, this entry visa is called a short stay visa or
For a stay of up to three months, you might need a short
stay visa (Visum Kort Verblijf), depending on your
nationality. If you will be staying for longer than three
months, you might need a provisional residence permit
(Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf, or MVV). These
requirements do not apply to citizens of the EU/EEA and
Switzerland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
Japan, Vatican City, Monaco or South Korea.
Check our student visa wizard to find out if you need a
Schengen visa.
More information:
To apply for a short stay visa (aka Schengen visa) these
documents are required: (if you need a visa, please
check this at the Nuffic website)
Valid passport.
Invitation letter of Driestar Educatief as the purpose
of traveling is study at Driestar.
Proof of financial means.
Proof of sufficient health care insurance (see below).
Proof that you will go back to your home country
after 90 days. This can be done through a statement
of your organization that you are an
employee/student of < organization> and its for
your organization that you are attending this
International Class (N2MI61) in The Netherlands.

Information brochure International Students

Driestar Christian University

Student Visa Wizard D

Students from: Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Brunei,
Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Israel, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico,
Montenegro, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, San
Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Here you can read which procedures apply to you.
Staying less than 90 days
You do not need an entry visa for the Netherlands. All you
need is a valid passport. You are free to travel through all
Schengen countries.

Registering with the university

You need to register at your host institution (university or
university of applied sciences) when you arrive, not only for
getting your class schedules, but also to comply with
immigration procedures.
Depending on the length of your stay, the host institution
will want to see proof that you have reported to the Aliens
Police or the municipality.

Information brochure International Students

Driestar Christian University

2. Health insurance
Every person living in the Netherlands is obliged by
law to have insurance for medical expenses. Which
type of healthcare insurance you need depends on
your personal situation.
! You need to make sure that you are properly insured
during your stay!
! Please do the check on the following website!
Students with EU/EEA or Swiss nationality
If you have a European Health Insurance Card, the
insurance from your home country will cover your expenses
in the Netherlands and you will be able to use your home
insurance policy(only for study purposes).
Students with non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationality
You need to take out a new or special insurance policy for
your stay in the Netherlands (only for study purposes).
The following two companies offer special insurance for
international students:

When you go to this website you have to select:

1. Where are you from?
2. Where is your destination? The Netherlands.
3. Online application
4. Fill in the form
IPS Primary 3 months
The institution of registration in the Netherlands is
Driestar Educatief
Address in the Netherlands will be:

Burgemeester Jamessingel 2
International Office, 2803 PD Gouda
Information brochure International Students
Driestar Christian University

5. You or your organization/foundation should pay this


AON Students Insurance

! If you wish to arrange your own insurance in your home
country you must make sure your country has a reciprocal
agreement with the Netherlands regarding health insurance.
Make sure you have a Health Card before you leave for the
Netherlands which declares you are insured against medical
costs in the Netherlands. Your health insurance must cover
the Dutch tariffs, as medical costs are (very) high in the

More information?
- For more details about insurance, please refer to the Study
in Holland website of Nuffic.
- Download the factsheet healthcare insurance for
international students in the Netherlands

Information brochure International Students

Driestar Christian University

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