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The Record-Review






DECEMBER 23, 2015
VOLUME 53, NO. 51

will lapse
in 2016
The village of Marathon City
will allow its extra-territorial
zoning (ETZ) of four adjacent
townships to lapse after Jan.
1, 2016, and will pursue joint
planning discussions with local town officials without the
aid of the ETZ law.
said the village
passed ETZ in
September 2013
to structure
planning discussions with
the towns of
Rib Falls, Cassel, Stettin and
Marathon, but
it never lead to
any meaningful dialogue.
It did nothing but create
animosity, he said.
Extra-territorial zoning is
normally used by a village or
a city as it enters into discussions with town officials over
development, land use and infrastructure issues. The law
gives the villages and cities
power to temporarily freeze
zoning in adjacent townships
up to one and one-half miles
outside its border during this
negotiations period.
Kurtz said the village board
of Marathon City only meant
to use ETZ to foster planning
discussions, never to freeze
zoning. Township officials,
however, accused the village
of threatening them with a
zoning freeze.
This was never meant as a
hammer, Kurtz said. There
was never an intention by the
village to freeze zoning, contrary to what was said. ETZ

See ZONING/ page 5

Health costs high

Central Wisconsin insurances rates are among highest
Health insurance policies
sold in central Wisconsin are
among the most costly in the
state, according to a new report issued on Monday.
Citizen Action of Wisconsin
reported that health insurance policies written for people in Wausau, Stevens Point

and Marshfield were approximately 27 percent more expensive than policies written for
Madison residents, who enjoy
the states cheapest health insurance.
Citizen Action said Milwaukee has the states highest overall health insurance

costs with a combination of

single annual premiums and
deductibles for large group,
small group and individual
insurance consumers averaging $9,456. Racine sits in second place at $9,453. Wausau
($9,219), Stevens Point ($9,193)
and Marshfield ($9,128) cap-

ture the next three rankings.

The comparable average Madison cost of premiums and deductibles in the three groups
comes to $7,234, almost $2,000
less than central Wisconsin insurance costs.
Citizen Action said health
insurance purchased by in-


Abby bust
leads to
search in

Angels we have heard on high

Students at St. Marys Catholic Church, Marathon, portray angels at the nativity in a presentation of
Glory to the Newborn King!in the school gymnasium on Monday night to a standing room only crowd.
See page 10 for more concert coverage.

A routine traffic stop in Abbotsford Sunday night led to the

seizure of nearly 100 grams of
cocaine and a follow-up search
warrant at an
apartment in
uncovered 1.8
grams of methamphetamine
on Monday.
Rogers, 23, of
been charged
Anthony with 12 different offenses, inRogers
cluding felony
possession of cocaine, amphetat mine, marijuana and paraphernalia used to make meth.
He also faces five counts of
felony bail jumping and misdemeanor charges of resisting or
obstructing an officer, operating
a motor vehicle with a revoked
license and possession of drug
Rogers is being held in the

See DRUG ARREST/ page 5

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Page 2

December 23, 2015


Health care reform needed

h, Christmas. It is the season for family get-togethers, big

feasts, presents under a decorated pine tree and, of course,
property tax bills.
For the average homeowner here in Marathon County, this gift
from the local town, village or city clerk is something like a $2,500
bill on a house worth $130,000.
Our trusted legislators in Madison, of course, try to bring some
holiday cheer to this otherwise unwelcome charge.
A scan of a property tax bill reveals several presents from the
state legislature that are meant to take the edge off of real estate
taxes. There is the school levy credit, for instance, that is worth
around $230. A first dollar credit is good for about $70. A lottery
credit nicks the property tax bill for around $120. The total of typical credits is worth $420.
As good citizens, possibly we should be thankful for these bits
of relief wrapped up in the tax bill. After all, it took politicians
in Madison no less than three decades of hand-to-hand combat to
deliver this amount of property tax savings.
On second thought, however, people living in Marathon County
might welcome this property tax help with a shrug, if even that.
Why? Thats because December not only is time for the holidays
and property tax bills. It is also the season to renew health insurance.
Citizen Action of Wisconsin reported on Monday that health insurance payers in the Wausau, Marshfield and Stevens Point markets are paying exorbitantly higher health insurance rates than
what other citizens around the state pay, notably in Madison, the
lowest cost region.
How much more? In its analysis, Citizen Action said that on average, factoring in the costs of large group, small group and individual health insurance, people in central Wisconsin are paying 27
percent more than people in Madison.
Lets put this cost difference in real dollar terms that can be easily understood. Here, in Marathon County, a man and wife, both
non-smokers at age 55, can buy the cheapest silver-level health insurance plan with a $13,700 annual deductible for $1,184 a month.
The same couple can buy a similar cheapest silver plan in Dane
County for merely $789 a month. The difference amounts to a staggering $4,740 a year.
Heres the point. While the politics of Wisconsin for decades have
been dedicated to reducing property taxes, the extra health insurance we, here in central Wisconsin, pay is greater than the entire
average property tax bill somebody here might pay. The difference
between health insurance costs in Marathon County and Madison
is equal to typical property taxes on a house worth $235,000.
This is only to say that politics in Wisconsin are utterly out of
Politicians of both parties love to deliver tax relief gifts to the
average, hardworking citizen, but, in the end, this help amounts
only to chump change when compared with the major and, now,
legally required expense, of health insurance.
We dont need politicians promising jobs. They cant deliver
them. We dont need tax giveaways. These are just shiny baubles
elected officials like to distract us with. What we need is health
care reform in this state that will bring down the punishingly high
rate of health insurance in central Wisconsin.
There are ways to approach the problem. In Maryland, for instance, the state government negotiates health insurance premiums at one time with all insurance companies. Insurance rates are
the same everywhere in Maryland. Such an approach would create
equality, but not necessarily a better outcome. Madisons low cost
for insurance is, according to some observers, the result of integrated health systems. In these systems, a single company sells insurance, runs clinics and hospitals. Central Wisconsin health providers lack integration. Marshfield Clinic owns Security Health
Plan, true, but not a hospital. Aspirus owns clinics, true, but not
an insurance company. Possibly, state policy should strongly promote health system integration.
Christmas is a time for giving. We say to elected state leaders
thanks for the annual property tax goodies, but it is time for this
state to deal forcefully with the problem of unaffordable health
care here in central Wisconsin. Give us a break.

Licensure bill hurts

teaching profession
On December 17, the Assembly training to become a licensed teacher.
Committee on Education held a public
This is clearly not the same stanhearing on AB 581, a bill which would dard as obtaining a 4-year bachelors
lower qualifications needed to obtain degree in education and undergoa teaching degree. After this years ing months of specified pedagogical
contentious budget, which contained training as is currently required, and
provisions that also lowered teaching should continue to be required, for
qualifications, I was hopeful
educators in our schools.
the damage to the teaching
Should Wisconsin adopt
profession would end there.
this proposal, we would beUnfortunately, this bill furcome the only state in the
ther diminishes teaching by
country that would grant
allowing individuals withteaching licenses to individout proper experience to
uals without a bachelors
teach in Wisconsin middle
and high schools.
Enrollment in teaching
Under the bill, potential
programs at our colleges is
teachers would be able to realready slipping. Shortly
ceive licenses for vocational
following Act 10, the UWor technical subjects. VocaSystem experienced a detional subjects, as defined
cline in enrollment in teachby the bill, would include
er education programs - a
agriculture, child services,
decline of 2.8 percent. While
clothing services, food serthis percentage may seem
vices, housing and equipminimal, it correlates to
ment services, family and
thousands of students, and
consumer education, famtherefore a loss of thousands
ily and consumer services,
of potential teachers in our
occupations, health care-reThis negative trend in en(D-CROSS
lated occupations, business
rollment is due to a continPLAINS)
education and marketing
ued pattern of disrespect toeducation. Technical eduward public educators in our
cation would include technology edu- state over the past five years. When
cation and any technology-related oc- legislators support bills like this - that
cupation. To some this proposal may simply say to the public anyone can
sound reasonable, but there is a stark be a teacher - the profession of teachdifference between understanding a ing is diminished.
subject and being able to effectively
The solution to fill a teaching gap
teach to a classroom of 30 students.
is not allow anyone to teach but to
To make matters worse, under this lift up the profession by hiring bright,
bill standards to obtain a teaching qualified teachers, respecting and
license in any of these subjects are supporting the important work they
drastically lower than ever before. do every day. There are already eleven
The bill imposes an arbitrary point non-traditional pathways to obtainsystem to obtain a teaching license, ing a teaching license in Wisconsin.
whereby if an individual scores at This bill goes too far.
least 100 points, they are eligible for
In further lowering teaching stana license. Having a bachelors degree dards, we are devaluing the profesin any subject matter would automat- sion of teaching and also devaluing
ically give an applicant 100 points.
the education our students deserve.
However, under this point system If we want to move our state forward,
there are much easier ways to obtain we need to uphold the highest stana license. In fact, one would only need dards, and accept nothing but the best
to complete a loosely-defined intern- and brightest for our children.
ship and a few weeks of unspecified




December 23, 2015

our white
Theres a reason White Christmas
is one of the most popular holiday songs
in modern history. Sure, Bing Crosbys
incredibly warm voice makes his definitive version the best-selling single of all
time, according to Wikipedia. But, no
matter who sings the Irving Berlin classic, the image of a snow-laden Christmas comes through as clear as a winters day.
The longing for a white Christmas
is something that
anyone in the
Northern Hemisphere can relate
to, and even those
in the warmer
climates I suspect
get a little jealous
of our frozen precipitation when
the end of December rolls around
each year.
Unfortunately, it
looks like we will
have to settle for a
brown Christmas
this year, maybe
with a few streaks KEVIN OBRIEN
of white if were
lucky. As I write
this column two
days before the Big Day, all I can hear
is the raindrops hitting my window. My
spring jacket is hanging on the coat
rack, and I havent even bothered to dig
my scarf out of the closet yet.
Id say were getting robbed. Snow
and, yes, ice and cold are what winter
is all about here in the Upper Midwest.
Even those of us like my parents who
fly south for the winter, usually stick
around until Christmas is over just to
soak up a few days of snowflakes and ice
scrapers. Otherwise, you have to settle
for staring at a snow globe and making
hot chocolate in the microwave.
Of course, many people who live here
in Wisconsin year-round seem to love
this unseasonably warm weather. My
wife and mother-in-law are two such
people. The longer the winter weather
holds off, the better, in their minds. They
usually add a token phrase about wanting snow on Christmas itself, but they
also seem to want it all cleaned up by
Dec. 26 as if the outdoors were a Hollywood movie set.
For me, the snow, ice and cold are a
package deal. If you want a white Christmas, youre going to have to scrape off
your windshield at some point and wear
multiple layers of heavy clothing from
time to time. If you want to brag about
your football team playing in the Frozen Tundra, you may need to risk hypothermia when a playoff game is hosted
by Green Bay.
Still, this obsession with having snow
on Christmas is ironic, since the birth of
Christ happened in an arid part of the
world that rarely sees the white stuff.
That lowly, uninsulated stable would
have been pretty darn cold if Bethlehem
was here in central Wisconsin.
Christmas is celebrated around the
globe, so adding the white to it is our
part of the worlds version of local color. Pyschologically, snow helps make
Christmas the holiday we know and
love. But, even without it, I think we can
all enjoy some peace on earth and good
will towards men. Merry Christmas!

Page 3

A Christmas poem

by Peter Weinschenk
The Record-Review

ail, good friends, and be ye of good mirth!

Pull that Christmas sweater over your girth,
Put on some reindeer antlers just for some fun,
And some pointy, green elf shoes so you can run
To plug in your Christmas tree, lit by LED,
And fire up a holiday record by Vince Guraldi.
Then, pour a hefty glass of some non-fat eggnog,
Eat a chocolate pretzel and a relish-heavy hot dog.
Turn on a switch and kindle a blaze of rooftop lightness,
Flashing icicles that make a brilliant brightness,
Viewable from Cornucopia to Madisons isthmus.
Then, turn on a re-run of Ernest Saves Christmas
After you hang some mistletoe and, this would be sweet,
Practice your grand plies from The Nutcracker Suite
And, with sugar plum fairies dancing in your head,
Slice up some rum-soaked cranberry fruit bread.
And your John Henry to a hundred Christmas cards affix.
Go shopping for your relatives, both in town and the sticks,
And pile presents under the tree wrapped in loopy red bows,
The socket sets, toys, slippers, underwear and office casual
And, if you, bustling and hustling, are not busy enough
Please join me in a job that really isnt too tough.
Take a breath, get centered, still,
Its time to say to all men and women of good will.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all,
Joyeaux Noel! Feliz Navidad! Lets have a ball!
We wish a cool yule to Charlie Lucas, Natalie Venzke and
Kelly King.
A joyous celebration, our heart does sing,
For Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley.
We hope the coming year doesnt go too badly.
And a fantastic fest we wish to Dave Schuett, Reid Parks and
Jacob Kalono,
Gerrid Franke, Joseph Carey and Eric Giordano,
Mark Stankowski, Katrina Fredrickson and Nate Morse,
Sis Hack, Carlotta Walls LaNier and Kylie Vanderhoof, of
To Zoey Brooks, Jerry Schmitt and the Nutterville Snownuts,
We hope this Christmas you will absolutely go nuts
With plates of sausage, cheese, sanchwiches and gyros
To feed our friends Michaela Geier, Joe Dahlke and John Spiros,
Travis Niewolny, Joyce Lohr, Audrey Wittry and Camden
Buddy Joswiak, Mark Droegemueller and Brett Paul.
To each and all, we wish you an amazing wing-ding.
Go, and enjoy! The 341 Trio, Coleton Bloch and Jimmy Boy
Katie Heiden, Emily Zachary, Melanie Brickner and The Freezers,
The whole Hannemann family, both the young ones and the
We wish you a Christmas, so sumptuous and fine
Olympia Garrigan, Tammy Kirsch and Elijah Kline,
Noah Schmieder, Josh Zimmerman and Tina Rauen,
Tanille Zenner-Hartwig and the entire cast of Youre a Good
Man Charlie Brown.
Hip-hip-hooray! We wish holiday blessings to Carley Lipinski,
Aleena Lepak, the Hilgemann brothers and Glenn Mroczenski,
Brandon Stolz, Denny Bloom, Cindy Nowaki Kearns and Keith
A Merry Christmas to one and all, we say, in summary.

How to reach us
103 W. Spruce St.
PO. Box 677, Abbotsford, WI 54405
Phone 715-223-2342
FAX 715-223-3505
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Our staff
Co-publishers Kris OLeary and Kevin Flink
Editor Peter Weinschenk
Reporter Casey Krautkramer
Ad Design Supervisor Karen Gebelein
Ad Design Jody Sheahan
and Emily Schreiner
Subscriptions/Distributions Jane Kroeplin
Customer Service Mary Schuette
IT Coordinator/Cust. Service Martha Ried
Administrative Assistant Gale Schreiber
Advertising Manager Kelly Schmidt
Advertising Consultants Phil Greschner,
Lori Totzke and Joyann Chilson
Accounting Carola Buehler
Pressroom Supervisor Kevin Flink
Press Operators Clint Boettcher,
Sam Hayes and Dallas Wiese

The Record-Review is a locally
owned newspaper published
every Wednesday serving
the communities of Athens, Edgar,
Marathon and Stratford.
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
weekdays. Subscription rates: $36
annually for Wisconsin residents;
$42 annually for residents of Illinois,
Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota; $48
for remainder of the United States.
Moving? Send change of address
to The Record Review, PO Box 677,
Abbotsford, WI 54405.
A one month subscription will be
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Letters to the editor must
be signed and include a telephone
number for verification.
Campaign accusations without
chance of rebuttal will not be published the week before an election.



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Page 4

December 23, 2015


Two questions for Stratford?

School board leaning toward splitting building project on referendum
The Stratford School Board is now
leaning towards splitting proposed
school renovations and building additions into two referendum questions
on the April 5 ballot. Board members
fear a referendum wont pass if the
entire project is lumped together into
one question at a combined price for
The consensus among people attending the Dec. 3 school listening session
was they wanted the full Monty of
building renovations and additions in
one referendum question. Stratford
schools superintendent Scott Winch
began fielding concerns immediately
after the meeting, however, from residents who felt the scope of the referendum project was too big and at too
large of a price for taxpayers.
Winch and the school board met with
referendum building project manager
Miron Construction and Somerville
Architects to design a new strategy,
and school board vice-president Chris
Dickinson opened the Dec. 16 listening
session by reading the following statement from the board.
The board is leaning toward this
solution because it seems
to provide us a good
probability of addressing our critical needs
while maintaining a
reasonable possibility
of addressing our other
priorities, Dickinson
question No. 1 entails heavy
renovation to the curScott
rent schools and the
building addition of
two science rooms and three general
classrooms onto the northwest corner
of the high school for an estimated cost
of $16-$17 million.
Referendum question No. 2 consists
of building an auditorium with no
overhead fly for props and two gyms
onto the north side of the high school
for an estimated cost of an additional
$7-$8 million. The current gym would
either still be used for games or as a
practice gym.
The school districts financial officer,
Brian Brewer of Robert W. Baird & Co.,
developed a chart with a range of cost
to taxpayers if the school district takes
out a 20-year loan at 3.75 percent for the
building and renovation referendum
It would cost the owner of a $100,000
house $82 per year more in school
taxes if only the first question passes
at $14 million, which is the renovation
projects low end if the school district
chooses to purchase the cheaper new
roof top units for supplying heating,
ventilation, air conditioning to the
The highest amount the school district would spend is $24 million if both
referendum questions are passed. If
this occurs the owner of a $100,000
home would pay $186 more each year
in school taxes.
John Southworth, a Stratford resident and retired teacher, researched
that the LuCille Tack Center in Spencer doesnt have an overhead fly due to
liability reasons, because trained personnel would be required to operate

GETTING THE LOWDOWN-Three Stratford School District teachers attend a listening session Dec. 16 to find out the latest about
a proposed high school and elementary school renovation and addition proposal.


Question 2
($7-8.2 million):
New Construction

Question 1 ($14-18 million):

Light Remodeling from Asbestos Abatement
Heavy Remodeling (Locker Rooms, FACE, Ag, Special
Ed - MS/HS) (Kitchen - Elem.)
HVAC Upgrade
Electrical and Plumbing Modifications
2 Science Classrooms
3 General Classrooms

the system.
He also figured it was only a matter of time before the school board
separated the proposed renovations
and building additions into two referendum questions.
A new auditorium is certainly a
need and want to commend all the
people involved in sports versus, you

Auditorium with 550

seats and no fly
2 station gym

might say the auditorium because discussions so far have been very good,
Southworth said. I just want to say
people who are in favor of an auditorium voted for all those sports things
over the years too and we still dont
have an auditorium, and I feel that it
really needs to be looked at closely.
School board president Dan Thomp-

son told Southworth it was up to him

to go out into the community and rally
people together to support the second
referendum question that contains
building an auditorium.
There needs to be more than five
board members talking this up, he
said. There are a lot of people that
think question two is a lot of want, to



December 23, 2015

Page 5

Drug arrest

Stratford referendum

Continued from page 1

Continued from page 4

be honest, and thats why it will depend
on the people here to get out and promote this as to why this is a need and
not a want because it will come with a
hefty price tag.
School board member Jamie Wenzel
urged people attending the meeting to
ask around if there are any affluent
people living in the Stratford area who
would donate money toward building
an auditorium and gyms.
I feel we have a very giving community and I truly believe there are
people out there who would be willing
to donate money toward the building
project, thats why its difficult for us as
a board, along with Miron and Somerville, to come up with an idea, he said.
Im big on educating people but the
problem is Im seeing the same group
of people at all the listening sessions,
and we need to educate those people
not here.
Residents Travis Skroch and Barb
Schoenfuss didnt like the idea of having two separate referendum questions.
I dont like the two part questions
because we need the gym and an auditorium, but if only question one passes
then we still dont have a gym and an
auditorium, Barb Schoenfuss said.
Skroch wondered if the total cost of
questions one and two combined could

be pared down under 20 to 25 percent,

but Miron building referendum project
manager Tim Spindler said its never
good to go cheap on renovations and
building additions.
Numbers are always a hot button
topic but in school referendums that
have passed in the last year, from budgeting to bidding, the industry currently has favorable interest rates but
the trades are losing people and that
demand is escalating the cost of construction, Spindler said.
Resident Craig Warosh said his
Stratford School District taxes have increased by 17.5 percent in the past six
years. Winch said the school districts
mil rate has gone down but the value
of property in the school district continues to increase, resulting in higher
school taxes.
School board clerk Pam Warosh
wants to see what the extra operating
cost would be for the additions of new
classrooms, an auditorium and two extra gyms.
I dont think our janitorial staff is
going to be equipped to deal with all
this additional space, she said.
Steve Schoenfuss wondered whether the auditorium and gym additions
could be separated into separate referendum questions, but Winch said he
didnt feel that was a good idea.

I would prefer to not separate them

because we dont want to split a community, Winch said. I would rather
want one community working together
for one goal.
Winch said he plans to attend the village of Stratford public works meeting
at the end of January to further discuss the possibility of closing the 500
block of Third Avenue between the elementary and high schools, to provide
more green space and parking for the
school district that will be lost if one or
both of the referendum questions pass.
He also said the school district is using money gained back from the village closing Tax Incremental Finance
District No. 1 to attempt to purchase
the Becher family property on North
Street for $100,000 to gain more green
space, whether or not the second referendum passes or not.
Another school referendum listening session will be held from 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 6, in the high school
band room. The school board will
then discuss a building referendum
idea and total cost at its meeting at 6
p.m. Monday, Jan. 11, in the Stratford
Elementary School community room
and will then vote on a resolution at its
meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18, in
the community room.

towns of Stettin and Cassel, but not the

town of Marathon.
Kurtz said he would find it difficult
to have joint village and town meetings with Keith Langenhahn, town of
Marathon chairman, because he and
his wife, Paula, have pending a tripand-fall lawsuit against the village of
Marathon City and American Legion
Post 469 concerning an incident at Fun
Days. A three-day jury trial is scheduled for Aug. 16-19, 2016.
The town of Marathon is still a
challenge, Kurtz said.
Keith Langenhahn said he finds it
odd the village of Marathon City feels
he is difficult to communicate with.
Whenever the village wants to notify us about when they are going to increase contract rates for First Responders or fire service, they know how to
leave a message on my cell phone, he

Langenhahn said he not surprised

the villages unfruitful use of ETZ is
coming to an end.
It basically created a lot of hard feelings, he said. It hurt their businesses
and hurt the community as a whole.
Langenhahn said he sees no connection between his familys lawsuit
against the village and any future discussion between the the town of Marathon and the village of Marathon City.
The chairman said he doesnt let personal business interfere with his duties as a town official.
I took an oath of office to serve the
town of Marathon, he said.
Langenhahn said he thinks his township has done a good job with planning
and zoning over the years.
We do good land use planning here,
he said. Its not a problem.

Continued from page 1
was only meant as a means to a civil
He called the township reaction to
ETZ disappointing and that the village
is moving on.
We are not going to beat our head
against the wall, he said. We dont
have time or money to do unproductive
Kurtz said the village, which is engaged in a re-write of its comprehensive plan, hopes to enlist the help of
North Central Regional Planning to
engage in a planning discussion with
area townships.
Kurtz met with town of Rib Falls officials last week Tuesday to schedule
future planning meetings. Representatives from the town of Cassel and Marathon County Conservation Planning
and Zoning Department were present.
He said he is confident the village
can have similar discussions with the

Health insurance

Marathon County Jail on a $50,000 cash

bond. He was already out on bond awaiting sentencing on previous charges
when he was stopped on Sunday.
According to a report from the ColbyAbbotsford Police Department, Rogers
was pulled over on South Fifth Street
in Abbotsford after an officer noticed he
failed to come to a complete stop at the
stop sign on North Second Street and
West Pine Street. The officer also estimated Rogers car was going 45 miles per
hour in a 25 mph zone.
The officer wrote in his report Rogers
was upset at being pulled over and said
he knew he was going to jail because his
license was revoked and he was violating
his bond.
Prior to the traffic stop, the officer
noted he saw Rogers vehicle parked at a
house with residents who know to use
and distribute controlled substances.
Arrangements were made for a K-9 to
be deployed before the stop, the report
The K-9 alerted on Rogers vehicle, and
the officer opened the hood and found an
object stuffed into a covered compartment. Inside were a couple of ziplock
baggies containing a white powder later
determined to be cocaine.
Rogers denied knowing anything
about the drugs or how they got into his
Anthony told me it appeared to be
cocaine and he isnt into cocaine, the
officers report states. Anthony said he
feels as if he is being framed.
However, Rogers also told the officer
that he is unemployed but could not explain why he had over $1,900 in cash on
him. Rogers was arrested and transported to the Marathon County Jail.
Capt. Greg Bean of the Marathon
County Sheriffs Department said the
departments Special Investigations Unit
executed a search warrant Monday at
Rogers apartment on Alfred Street in
Police seized 1.8 grams of methamphetamine worth about $150 to $200, plus
a small amount of marijuana, a drug
pipe and one round of ammunition, according to Bean.
Rogers was previously arrested in Abbotsford in February of 2014 and charged
with possession of methamphetamine
and possession of a firearm as a felon.
Eighty grams of crystal meth, estimated
to be worth at least $12,000, was seized
from a home on West Sycamore Street
where Rogers and another suspect were

Continued from page 1

dividuals in central Wisconsin was
the most expensive in Wisconsin. Premiums and deductibles in Wausau,
Stevens Point and Marshfield were
$10,918, the group said, compared with
premiums and deductibles of $6,448 in
Madison. The state average of single
individual market premiums and deductibles figures to $8,422.
Large employers also pay relatively
high prices for their workers health
insurance here in central Wisconsin,
Citizen Action said. The single annual
cost of premiums and deductibles in
Wausau is $9,605. That compares with
a Madison cost of $8,010. The state average cost is $9,255.
Small employers, however, get a
break on health insurance. Citizen Action says the small group health insurance cost in premiums and deductibles
for Wausau, Marshfield and Stevens
Point is $7,134, significantly below the

state average of $7,417. The comparable

small group cost in Madison is $7,246.
Spokespeople for the state Office of
the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI)
and an area insurance company, Security Health Plan, said underlying
health care costs were the reason for
what they admitted were sizeable regional differences in insurance premiums across Wisconsin.
OCI representative J.P. Wieske said
Wisconsin has a competitive health insurance market with 25 licensed companies vying for business.
The states competitive health insurance marketplace is proven by its record of consumer rebates, he said. The
federal Affordable Care Act requires
all health insurance companies to pay
out at least 80 percent of all premiums
in claims or give rebates to consumers.
Wisconsin is one of the states with the
lowest percentages of consumer re-

bates, noted Wieske.

Wieske said OCI reviews all health
insurance policies to ensure their prices are neither excessive or so inadequate such that a company would be
unable to pay claims as promises in
Marty Anderson, director of consumer marketing for Security Health
Plan, said Madison enjoys lower insurance costs because of the number of
integrated health systems in that city,
including Dean Health Plan, Unity and
Group Health Cooperative.
Integrated health systems have hospitals, health insurance companies
and other providers all in one comprehensive system system.
Anderson said, locally, Marshfield
Clinic is integrated with Security
Health Plan, but it is not connected
with St. Josephs Hospital.
We are integrated here to a point,

he said.
Anderson said the Aspirus system
has a relationship with Arise health
insurance, but they are not part of a
single organization.
The spokesman said the cost of
health insurance in central Wisconsin
is a large problem.
The cost of care is unsustainable,
Anderson said. The cost of care will
increase so people will no longer will
be able to afford it. Some people are already at that point.
Neither Marshfield Clinic nor Aspirus returned telephone calls requesting comment on the Citizen Action
Comment on the report was sought
from local legislators, including Reps.
Bob Kulp (R-Stratford) and John Spiros
(R-Marshfield), as well as Sen. Jerry
Petrowski (R-Marathon). No legislator
returned a telephone call.

Page 6

December 23, 2015



Send Athens news to:
phone: 715-223-2342
fax: 715-223-3505
P.O. Box 677
103 West Spruce Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405
Christmas masses
Christmas Eve Mass will
be held at 4 p.m. Dec. 24 at
St. Anthony Catholic Church
in Athens and 6 p.m. at St.
Thomas Catholic Church in
Mass will be held at 7:30
a.m. Christmas Day at St.
Thomas and at 9 a.m. at St.
There will be a 4 p.m. Mass
New Years Eve at St. Anthony. Masses will be held on
New Years Day at 7:30 a.m. at
St. Thomas and 9 a.m. at St.

Trinitys services
Trinity Lutheran Church in
Athens will hold a church service at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve
and a candlelight worship service at 7 p.m.
Christmas morning worship
will be at 9 a.m. New Years Eve
worship will be at 7 p.m., followed by board games, cards,
chess and other fun activities.

College graduation
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has announced
that Holly Schreiner of Athens graduated during its Dec.
19 ceremony.

Pay it forward
The Athens class of 1975
is encouraging Athens High
School students to pursue a
career after high school.
The class will provide over
$1,000 of financial assistance

Tournament champions
The Athens High School wrestling team took first place at the Wabeno Rebel Invite Dec. 12, marking their
second straight tournmanet title to open the season after the Bluejays also won the John Robert Duals
Dec. 5 at Antigo High School.
for educational courses including, but not limited to,
music, computers, engineering or agriculture.
Partial reimbursement of
20 percent, but not greater
than $200, will be provided
upon verification of completion of an approved course.
The class of 1975 challenges
all other classes to pay it forward.

500 Club
The 500 Club met at the home
of Alvera Henrichs at 1:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, Dec. 16.
Creme de menthe cake and
coffee were served before playing.
Bitsy Ewan took first place,
and Lynne Harder and Sophie

Braun tied for second place.

Henrichs received low score.
The club will next meet at
1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, at
Harders home.

Athens Acres 4-H

The Athens Acres 4-H met
on Dec. 15 at the Athens High
School music room.
The Pledge of Allegiance and
4-H pledge was recited and roll
call was taken with 51 members present.
Members having December
birthdays were Aaron Passehl,
Siarra Hart and Autumn Westfall.
The secretary minutes and
treasury reports were approved as read. Committee reports were given. Cloverbuds

will meet on Sunday, Jan. 10, at

1 p.m. at the Athens Fire Hall
to make treats for the birds and
start plant cuttings for the fair.
Swine project members were
reminded of the MASS meeting on Jan. 3.
Under old business, the club
has all the fees and enrollments
completed. The Athens Circle
of Joy sent a thank you note
for the recent donation of 140
The bandstand decorating
went well and the club is planning new things for next year.
Ten members helped decorate
cookies at Mountain Terrace
Assisted Living in Wausau.
New business includes cookie decorating on Dec. 18 at the
fire hall. The club will be donat-

ing 12 dozen cookies to Trinitys Cookies, Candy and more

Members are asked to pick
up scrapbook pages from Jenny
Lipinski so they can document
their 4-H year for 2015-2016.
The club is interested in
learning to curl so they will
plan a date in February or
March with Mary Nelson.
The forms for the Udder
Plunge and snowshoe race are
out so members are asked to
pick one up and get their registrations done early. The date
this year is Jan. 30 at Erbach
The Athens Area Trail Association is planning a night
walk at Erbach Park on Feb. 20
starting at 7 p.m. This is a fun
family activity and a chance to
check out the trails at night.
The club will be tying blankets on Saturday, Jan. 16, at 10
a.m. at Pat and Michelle Sochas home. The Ha-Ha-Box
winner was Miranda Myszka.
The meeting was adjourned
to the commons for pizza and
nachos. The next meeting is
on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m. at
the Athens High School music

The TLC group (Tender
Loving Care) is offering free
lessons on knitting and crocheting from 1:30-3 p.m. every
Wednesday at the Athens Area
Fire Department hall.
Call D. Strack at 715-257-7376
with questions.

Udder Snowshoe race

The Udder Snowshoe race
will be held Saturday, Jan. 30,
at Erbach Park in Athens.
The event consists of a threemile snowshoe race and hike
through the wooded Erbach

See ATHENS/ page 7

St. Anthonys Catholic
Church: Daily Mass is at 8:15
a.m. Mon.-Thurs. and every first
Friday of the month. Sacrament
of Reconciliation on Saturdays
at 3 p.m. and Mass is at 4 p.m.
Sunday Mass is at 9 a.m. For
more information call 715-2577684.
St. Thomas Catholic
Church, Milan: Sunday Mass
at 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation at 7:30 p.m. Confessions on Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
For more information call 715257-7684.
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Athens: Services on Saturday
at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m.
Bible study at Plisch Apartments
on Mondays at 1 p.m. For more
information call 715-257-7526.

Christ United Church:

Sunday worship services are at
10:30 a.m. Church school on
the second and fourth Saturdays
from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Holy Family Catholic
Saturday, Sacrament of Reconciliation at 6:30 p.m., Mass is
at 7 p.m. Saturday and at 9:30
a.m. Sunday. For more information call Father Thomas Huff at
715-352-3011 or Deacon Leroy
Knauf at 715-298-3196.
Church: Sunday services at
10 a.m. Morning worship at 11
a.m. A congregational hymn
sing at 7:45 p.m. plus a topic
discussion every fourth Sunday
at 8:30 p.m. Midweek services
Wednesdays at 7:45 p.m.

Athens Assembly of God

Church: Sunday services at
9:30 a.m. For more information
call 715-257-7747.
Church, Hamburg: Saturday service the first Saturday
of the month at 6:30 p.m. Sunday service at 8:30 a.m. Sunday
school at 9:30 a.m. Bible class
on Sunday at 4 p.m. For more
information call Pastor Biebert
at 715-675-3751.

Athens Community Fellowship Church: Sunday

services at 10 a.m. Wednesday
prayer service at the home of a
parishioner at 7:45 p.m.
Church (Hamburg) - Worship services Sundays at 8 a.m.
Sunday school classes Sundays
at 8:45 a.m.

Athens Mennonite Church

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1996
Bern resident puts out fire
A town of Bern resident put
out a structure fire last week
but not before it caused $1,000
A heat lamp used to warm a
dog shelter fell over into some
cedar chips and started a fire
at the Bradley and Dorene
Bahler residence, 6428 Iron
Bridge Rd., according to the
Marathon County Sheriffs
The family reported a damaged $300 window and $700 insiding and deck lumber.


December 23, 2015

Page 7


Continued from page 6

Park, and it will be held regardless if
there is snow or not.
Registration is at 8 a.m. the day of
the race, which begins at 10:30 a.m. The
awards ceremony is at noon.
Medals will be given to the top four
finalists in each age group, all children
12 years and younger will receive an
award and top three male and female
finishers overall will receive trophies.
There will be a warming shelter with
free hot soup, beverages available for
purchase, changing rooms and door
prizes. After the awards ceremony,
there will be a childrens treasure hunt.
The polar plunge will begin at 12:30 p.m.
There is a registration fee. Contact
Chris Kepner at 715-257-9178 for more


Story Time
Family Story Time is held at 10 a.m.
Tuesdays at the Athens Branch Library.
It consists of stories and activities for
children newborn to five years old and
their families.

Schwans Cares
Trinity PTL Schwans Cares
Fundraiser continues. Order at
1-888-schwans and enter Trinitys
campaign number, 19117, and place an
Any purchases placed over the next
period of time, Trinity will receive

Senior Apartments For Rent!

Rent is based on 30%
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Ask The Doctor


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D rop O ff & P ick U p D um pster S ervice

Q. What is an immediate denture?
A. An immediate denture is a denture that is made before teeth are removed and is available for use right after a tooth extraction so a patient
does not have to go a prolonged time without teeth. Since an immediate
denture goes over a tooth extraction site right after the procedure, it can
help prevent swelling. You will need several post-operation visits to the
dentist so he or she can check on the progress of the healing.
The dentist may want to adjust the immediate denture. The healing process after substantial tooth extraction can take several months. Because
the shape of the mouth will change after it heals, dentures generally need
to be evaluated every three months. And they may need adjustment so they
continue to fit properly.
Once the healing process is complete, a conventional denture will be
made and inserted. With proper care, a set of dentures can last a long
time. As mentioned above, though, as your mouth changes, your dentures
will need work thats called relining or rebasing, to assure a firm and comfortable fit. Talk with your dentist to learn more about various types and
benefits of dentures.


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Christmas is in full bloom at the

Trinity Lutheran Church parsonage in
Athens, as Pastor Mark Schwalenberg
has coordinated a light and music display which lasts approximately 20 minutes.
People can park their vehicles in front
of the parsonage and turn their radio to
106.9 FM to enjoy the lights and music.

Hyundai Lease Rates As Low As 2.5%, 0 Payments in Advance,

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New kitchen
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Christmas display




Amenities Include:

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The Senior Citizens card group met

Dec. 17 for weekly card playing at the
Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Three games of Sheepshead were
Norbert Lake won the first game and
Pat Frank took second. John Totzke

won the second game and Rosemarie

Bergmann was second. Butch Boris
won the third game and Ceil Frank
placed second.
The Senior Citizens card group will
meet again Thursday, Dec. 31, at 1 p.m.


Based Rent

Senior Citizens


Eckert Law, LLC

The Marathon Housing

Association is accepting
applications for efficiency,
1 & 2 bedroom apartments.
Eligible applicants are
62+ years or disabled.

five percent of sales. The fundraiser

goes until March 2016.
This fundraising effort helps offset funds for activities and other
items that PTL helps pay for. If you
have any questions, call Vicki Halopka at 715-607-0716, or email her at She can also
assist you in placing an order.


New Patients Welcome!



ntry Terrace
of Wisconsin

from our entire team

Care Partners Assisted Living

Peace, Love & Joy

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his
shoulder, and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6-7

Country Terrace of WI
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100 South 4th Ave., Abbotsford, WI 54405
Care Partners Assisted Living
955 E. Allman, Medford 715-748-2114

May you find inspiration in

the miracle of Christmas, and
may peace and joy reside
with you throughout this holy
season and beyond.

Leon B. Woller, Agent Wendy Masephol, Assistant



this holiday

Rural Mutual Insurance, Athens

715-257-1414 or 800-358-4926
216 Alfred Street Athens WI


Wish you

With best wishes for a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year to one and all.





Page 8

December 23, 2015


entries per person. Vulgar or
excessively graphic entries
will not be considered. Call
715-261-7230 for more information.
The Edgar Public Library
Book Club will meet to discuss A Week in the Winter
by Maeve Binchy on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, at 12:30 p.m.
The Edgar Branch Public
Library will hold a Family
Fun Night Gingerbread and
More! on Monday, Jan. 18, 6-7
Children and their families are invited to learn about
the history of gingerbread
from medieval festivals to
the gingerbread husbands
maidens would eat to improve
their chances of marrying a

Send Edgar news to:
phone: 715-223-2342
fax: 715-223-3505
P.O. Box 677
103 West Spruce Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405
Medical equipment
The American Legion Sawyer-Drumm Post in Edgar has
medical equipment available
for public use. The equipment
includes crutches, canes, portable toilets, shower chairs,
wheelchairs and several styles
of walkers. The equipment
may be used by Edgar area residents without charge or time
restriction. Donations of medical equipment are welcome.
For more information, contact Billy or Sylvia Fergot at

Christmas schedule
St. Stephen ELCA has announced Christmas worship.
On Thursday, Dec. 24, there
will be a musical prelude by
members of the congregation
at 6:30 p.m. A candlelight communion service with the Rev.
Jeff Tarras will follow at 7 p.m.
On Friday, Dec. 25, there will
be a communion worship with
Rev. Gail Sowell at 10:30 a.m.

A son, Easton Scott, was
born Dec. 4, 2015, to Joshua
and Danyelle Eberhardt, Edgar, at the Aspirus Wausau
Hospital. The infant weighed
eight pounds, 15 ounces and
measured 21 inches.
A son, Carter Kris, was
born Dec. 8, 2015, to Kris and
Beth Borchardt, Weston, at the
Wausau Aspirus Hospital. The
infant weighed eight pounds,
two ounces and and measured
19.8 inches at birth.
The grandparents are David
and Bonnie Piesik, Bancroft,
and James and Maureen Borchardt, Edgar.

Concerts planned
The Edgar Fine Arts Association has announced a schedule of concerts in 2016.
Brad Emanuel, the winner
of the 2013 Hodag Festival best
performer award, will play
country music in a familyfriendly concert 1 p.m. Sunday,
Jan. 10, at the Edgar Public
School auditorium. You can
get advanced tickets at Berg
John Greiners Little Big

Punt, Pass and Kick

Family Fun night

Edgar Elementary school sponsored a holiday cookie decoration night last Thursday. Students and their
parents toured various stations to decorate cookies and cakes with frosting, sparkles and marshmallows. All children left with a plate of decorated cookies.
Band will play at the Edgar
High School jazz band spaghetti dinner at 5 p.m. on Saturday,
Feb. 13. The music begins at
6:30 p.m.
Country music band The
Blend will perform Saturday,
April 2, 6 p.m.
Thursday concerts in Oak
Street Park, Edgar, will run
from July 28 through Aug. 18.
Performers will be announced.

Hope Lutheran
Hope Lutheran Church,
town of Frankfort, has scheduled Christmas activities.
There will be a Christmas Eve

cantata Wednesday, Dec. 24, 5

p.m. Christmas Day worship
service will be held Thursday,
Dec. 25, at 9:30 a.m.

Snowmobile safety
A snowmobile safety course
will be taught Monday through
Wednesday, Dec. 28-30, 4:30-8
p.m., at the Edgar fire station.
Registration forms can be
picked up at the Edgar village
hall, St. Johns School office or
at the Edgar Middle School office.
For more information, contact Deb, 715-574-9100.

Public library
The Marathon County Public Library will hold a second
annual Love in Six words contest. The contest involves encapsulating what love means
to you in only six words.
Entries will be accepted between Jan. 13, 2016, and Feb.
10, 2016. The winners will be
announced on Valentines
Day. The top five entries will
be shared in library displays
and social media, Drop off paper entries at any Marathon
County public library location or email entries to love@ The limit is three

Church, ELCA (W1000 CTH
N) - Pastor Gail Sowell. Sunday
worship at 9 a.m. with Sunday
school at 9:15 a.m. Communion
the first and fourth Sunday of
each month. www.stjohnelcaed 715-352-2524
St. Stephen Evangelical
Lutheran Church (Edgar)
- Interim Pastor Gail Sowell. Worship with communion Sunday
at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at
9:30 a.m. Womens Bible study
the second Tuesday of each
month at 1 p.m. 715-352-2491.
Church (High Steeple) -

Rev. Jeffery Lambrecht. Sunday

worship at 10:15 a.m. Sunday
school at 9 a.m. Wednesday
worship/Bible study at 7:30 p.m.
St. John the Baptist
Catholic Church (Edgar)
- Father Thomas Huff, 715-3523011. Daily mass at 8:15 a.m.;
Saturday at 4 p.m.; Sunday at
8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Confessions
held Saturdays 3 to 3:30 p.m.;
anytime by appointment.
Peace Lutheran Church,
LCMC/LEPC (F1843 Huckleberry Rd., Frankfort) Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m. with
Sunday School during worship.
Communion will be the second

Sunday of the month.

Bethlehem Lutheran
Church (Milan) - Sunday
worship at 8:15 a.m. Sunday
school at 9:15 a.m. Worship/Bible study is Wednesdays at 1:30
Hope Lutheran Church,
LCMC (F4356 STH 97)
- Pastor David Lathrop.
Worship service Sunday at
9:30 a.m. Youth and adult
Sunday school from 8:45
to 9:30 a.m. Communion
on the first, third and
fifth Sundays of each
month. Bible study is

the first Tuesday of the month at

1 p.m.
The Mill Church (Edgar)Sunday worship 10 a.m. at Edgar High School auditorium,

St. Stephen Lutheran Church

Two students from Edgar advanced to the 2015 Green Bay

Packers NFL Punt, Pass and
Kick team championship on
Dec. 13. Isabella Kaiser and
Austin Miller competed at the
Don Hutson Center and then
were part of the pre-game entertainment for the Packers
vs. Cowboys game. Isabella
placed fourth and Austin
placed third. Both attend St.
Johns Catholic School.

Christmas dinner
The Korner Kitchen, town of
Wien, will host a free Christmas dinner Friday, Dec. 25, 11
a.m. to 1 p.m. All are welcome.
Donations will be collected
for the Edgar/Marathon Circle of Joy food pantry.

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1996
Foresters Meeting
Ave Maria Court 741 of the
National Catholic Society of
Foresters met December 16
at the home of Eunice Tess at
1:30 p.m.
Vice president Tess called
the meeting to order. Members responded with prayer
petitions. The treasurer gave
a report of monies spent and


December 23, 2015

Page 9

a regional contest to be held at
Wausau Newman High School
on Sunday, Jan. 31.

Send Marathon news to:
phone: 715-223-2342
fax: 715-223-3505
P.O. Box 677
103 West Spruce Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405

Swim lessons
The Marathon Area Swim
Association (MASA) will hold
eight-week swim lessons from
Jan. 4 to Feb. 27, 2016.
Members can register by
phone or online. Nonmembers
can stop by the swim center at
401 4th Street to register and
pay the fee or pay on-line by
accessing the link at
Preschool classes for children six months to five years
and progressive classes for
children over six years old are
available Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Adult lessons are also available as six-week sessions.

A son, Connor James, was

born to Dan and Theresa Borchardt, Kronenwetter, on Dec.
7, 2015, at the Aspirus Wausau
The infant weighed 10
pounds, nine ounces and measured 22 inches at birth.

Veteran bowler


Sis Hack, 87,
Marathon, recently bowled
a 227 high game
and 509 series
been bowling
for 65 years.

Basketball tourney
A girls and boys varsity and
junior varsity basketball tournament will be held Tuesday
and Wednesday, Dec. 30 and 31,
at Marathon High School.

Public library
The Marathon Book Club
will meet Monday, Jan. 1, 2016,
5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. to discuss A
Man Called Ove by Fredrik
Children of all ages and
their families are invited to
a LEGO Club meeting at the
marathon branch library
on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016,
from 3:30-4:30 p.m.

St. Johns/Zion
St. Johns and Zion Lutheran Churches, town of Rib falls,
have announced upcoming
worship services.
Christmas Eve worship service will be at St. Johns on
Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. Christmas
Day song service will be held
at Zion on Dec. 25 at 10 a.m.
Final regular Sunday worship
service for 2015 will be at Zion
on Dec. 27 at 10 a.m.

St. Matthews
St. Matthews Church, Marathon, has announced upcoming activities.
There will be a Christmas
Eve candlelight worship on
Thursday, Dec. 24, at 7:30 p.m.
On Christmas Day, Dec. 25,
there will be worship at 9:30

Nativity scene
The birth of Jesus was depicted as the finale for this years St. Marys Christmas program at St. Marys
School, Marathon. Katrina Fredrickson played Mary, while Aaron Schumacher was Joseph and Lainey
Putnam, the daughter of Paul and Karla Putnam, was the Baby Jesus. The Putnams have a lengthy history of children who have been part of the St. Marys nativity scene at in the annual Christmas program.
Their oldest daughter, Lauren, now in college, played Mary. Mitchell, a high school student, played Joseph. Their other children, Mason, Lena, Lindsay and Max, have all portrayed the infant Christ.
Worship with holy communion on Sunday, Dec. 27, will
be at 9:30 a.m.
Bible instruction class will
meet Wednesday, Dec. 30, at
6:30 p.m. New Years Eve wor-

ship with holy communion

will be Thursday, Dec. 31, at 4

Free throw contest

The Knights of Columbus

will host a free throw basketball contest Sunday, Jan 10, 1

p.m. in the St. Marys School
gymnasium. The contest is
open to all boys and girls ages
9 to 14. Winners will advance to

Church - Worship service on
Sunday at 10 a.m. 154 East 19th
Street, Marathon, 715-443-3139.
St. Peters Lutheran
Church, Little Chicago:
Pastor Phillip Bogen. Worship
8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday school
9:30-10:30 p.m. 715-845-3530,
Sacred Heart Church,
Cassel - Saturday worship at
8 p.m. Sunday worship at 8:30
a.m. Weekday Mass Friday at 8
a.m. Confessions are one-half
hour before Masses or by appointment. 3372 CTH S, Marathon, 715-443-3675.
St. Matthews Lutheran,
Marathon - Pastor Jon Hadler.

Sunday worship at 8 a.m. and

10:15 a.m. 715-443-2028.
St. Patricks Catholic
Church, Halder - Weekday Masses Tuesday at 7 p.m.,
Thursday at 8 a.m. Saturday worship at 6 p.m. Sunday worship
at 10 a.m. Halder Drive, Halder,
Church (Marathon campus) - Worship service, 10:30
a.m. 800 River Rd., Marathon,
715-842-5683. Pastor Brian
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Stettin
- Pastor Phil Bogen, 715-8453530. Church services are Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Sunday school

A New Years Eve Retreat
will be held at St. Anthonys
Spirituality Center, Marathon, from Thursday, Dec. 31,
to 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 1, 2016.
Father Al Burkhardt of St.
Annes Parish, Wausau, will
discuss a spiritual bucket
list for 2016.


at 9 a.m. www.trinitystettin.
St. Marys Catholic
Church, Marathon Saturday worship at 4 p.m.
Sunday worship at 8 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. Weekday
Masses at 8 a.m. except
on days of funerals. 712
Market Street, Marathon,
Zion/St. Johns
- Sunday worship at 10
a.m. Nov. 8 at Zion. Sunday school will meet at
10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1996

St. Marys Catholic Church

St. Marys Court

St. Marys Court 850 of
Marathon held its annual
Christmas party for 27 members and spouses at Seuberts
Village Inn on Dec. 7.
A dinner was served and
prizes were given to Clara
Stahel, Daniel Hoffman, Lydia Hornung, Shelly Hoffman,
Jackie Lemanski and Herman Hornung. Special guest
62-year member Lucy Rajek
won Fraternalist of the Year.

Page 10

December 23, 2015

The Record-Review






Stratford freshman Macey
Kilty has ascended onto the high
school wrestling scene by going
undefeated this season for the
Tigers, who are ranked No. 1 in
Division 3 and are in the top 50
teams in the country.
Kilty is currently ranked seventh among all freshman in Wisconsin in the 106-weight class
and she is No. 2 in Division 3, according to Wisconsin Wrestling
She was undefeated in folkstyle wrestling last year, and
she has been a key component to
Stratfords success this season.
Stratford beat Division 1 10th
ranked Stevens Point Area High
School, 50-18, at home Tuesday
night. This comes on the heels of
a 64-9 victory against Nekoosa at
home last Friday.
Tigers coach Joe Schwabe said
Kiltys personality has rubbed
off on her teammates.
She is having a great year
and her big smile before every
match kind of gets us all going,
he said. She is very intense and
focused. She has some extremely
high goals, not just for this year,
but in the future she is hoping to
make the United States National
team and represent the U.S. in
the Olympics.
We are excited for her season
as she continues to progress and
train hard being pushed by her
teammates and herself. It is very
neat to see what this young lady
can do and time will tell if she is
the first-ever Wisconsin female
state champion.
During Stratfords huge match
win against SPASH, Kilty pinned
Xavier Klein in one minute and
30 seconds.
Other winners for Stratford
included Jake Drexler winning
a 3-0 decision against Brady
Koontz at 113 pounds, Jeremy
Schoenherr with a 16-0 techni-

KILTY KEEPS WINNING-Stratford freshman Macey Kilty is undefeated this season

with a 12-0 record wrestling at 106 pounds. She is shown above wrestling senior
Brooke Thurber of Nekoosa last Friday. Kilty won with an 11-4 decision.

Female wrestler has helped
Stratford garner No. 1 ranking
cal fall win against Emmy Engel at 126,
Jordan Becker pinning Tanner Kluck
in 50 seconds at 138, Sam Wenzel pinning Dylan Trigg in 43 seconds at 145,
Mason Kauffman winning a 17-2 technical fall against Logan Reed at 152,
David Marquardt winning a 8-0 major

decision against David Lummis at 160,

Kam Bornbach pinning Brandon in
one minute and 12 seconds at 220, and
Tyson Kauffman winning a 3-0 decision against Jacob Erdmann at 285.
Noah Knetter received a forfeit win at

Schwabe was pleased with his

match win against SPASH.
SPASH has some great kids,
he said. We knew that going in
and that is why we scheduled each
other. Both sets of kids wrestled
tough. I was very pleased with
how our kids competed to the end
of each period as they continued
to try and score points. We didnt
back off the entire match and went
for pins.
Perhaps the highlight win of
the night was Jake Drexler defeating Brady Koontz in the last match
of the evening. It was a tough hardfought battle and Jake wrestled
very smart. I am proud of him and
the entire team.
Stratford had no trouble beating a combined team of wrestlers
from Nekoosa, Wisconsin Rapids
Assumption and Port Edwards last
Winning Tiger wrestlers were
Kilty with an 11-4 decision against
Brooke Thurber at 106 pounds,
Jake Drexler with a technical fall
win against Brant Hall in 3:26 at
113, A.J. Schoenfuss with a technical fall win against Tyler Bender
in 32 seconds at 120 and Jeremy
Schoenfuss with a technical fall
win against Craig Elsen in 1:15 at
Other individual champions for
Stratford included Derek Marten
with a 7-2 decision win against Jordan Sarver at 132 pounds, Becker
with a technical fall win against
Aden Elsen in 4:54 at 138, Mason
Kaufman with a 13-4 major decision win against Trevor Smith at
152, Bornbach with a technical fall
win against Cliff Hayes at 195 and
Jon Aguirre with a technical fall
win against Ryan Kuntz in 1:06.
Dylan Schoenherr received a forfeit win at 170 pounds, Kyle Geibel a
forfeit win at 182 and Tyson Kauffman a forfeit win at heavyweight.

Wildcats sweep home duals

GAINING THE ADVANTAGEEdgar freshman Will Raatz wrestles Hunter Anderson of Phillips.

Edgars wrestling team won

its home dual
meet with Phillips and Chequamegon in impressive fashion on Parents
Night last Thursday.
The Wildcats opened the
dual meet with a 42-36 intense
match win against Phillips.
Freshman Ty Gudens 6-5
decision win against Branden
Bruneau at 126 pounds gained
three team points for Edgar to
win the match.
Other winners for Edgar included Colton Heil with a pin

against Adam Mitchell in four

minutes and 20 seconds at 138,
Brock Handrick won an 18-3
technical fall against Alex
Briske at 152, Will Raatz a 13-4
major decision win against
Hunter Anderson and Alex
Lemanski with a pin against
Marty Peterson in 1:59 at 182.
Edgar beat Chequamegon,
45-28, in the nightcap.
Handrick pinned Trent
Curry in 1:32 at 145, Raatz
won a 1-0 decision against
Nick Pinzl at 170, Lemanski
pinned Sawyer Anderson in
1:29 at 182 and Reece Heidma
nn pinned Robby Renker in

1:49 at 220.
Edgar coach Kevin Koch
was happy with how well
his team wrestled to win the
home duals.
It was great to see so many
people in the stands supporting our boys, Koch said.
We were aggressive so we
were able to win those tough
matches that pulled us ahead.
We are improving each day
and working hard to get even

Marathon 1-1 in duals

The Red Raiders
Chequamegon, 42-27,


then fell to Phillips, 42-30.

Joe Sedivy, Dave Klinger
and Fernando Zavaleta secured pins against Chequamegon. Joe Sedivy and Hunter Reed gained pins in the
loss to Phillips.

Bluejays are winners

Athens beat Chequamegon,
66-10, Dec. 15.
Tyson Sommer, Kevin Albrecht, Klay Ellenbecker,
Austin Engel, Nate Morse,
Tannor Frahm, Marshall
Westfall and Dakota Venzke
all secured pins for Athens.


December 23, 2015

Page 11


Marathon boys basketball team
helps young boy with cancer
Sports can be used as a powerful a basketball blanket, and the money
tool to bring a community together donations given collected during the
to support a young boy battling can- first half. The winner of the 50/50
raffle also gave his portion of the
Bigger than the Marathon varsity money back to the family.
boys basketball teams 72-23 home
What the boys basketball team
win against Northland Lutheran did for us was really neat, Gerald
last Friday was how the Marathon Strasser said after halftime. It is
community reached out to support hard to bring a smile to someone
12-year-old Connor Strasser who, in who is dealing with cancer, but they
early November, was diagnosed with were able to give Connor something
Stage 3 Non-Hodgto smile about.
kins Lymphoma.
Connor was dealMarathon coach
ing with a sinus inAdam
fection in October
said his players
like a lot of children
wanted to help out
do, but various medithe Strasser famcations he received
ily any way they
during a three-week
could, so they all
span didnt get rid of
purchased Strasser
the virus. The gland
Strong t-shirts and
in his neck had bedecided to have a
come swollen after
50/50 raffle during
one week, but his
Fridays game to
parents thought it
raise money toward
was simply caused by
helping the famthe sinus infection.
ily with its medical
After three weeks
bills. There were
had passed, an ear,
also donation bucknose and throat docets for Conner by
tor checked Connor
where the game
over and didnt like
tickets and conceswhat he saw. Connor
sions were sold.
A WIN FOR CONNOR-Senior was immediately adUnfortunately
mitted into the hosRyan Gassner helped the Red
Connor is going
pital, and a biopsy
through this battle Raiders beat the Wildcats.
determined that he
right now and my
had cancer but docteam captains came up to me and tors didnt know to what extent.
said the Strasser Strong t-shirt sales
Doctors then conducted CT and
were going on at Marathon Area El- PET scans and discovered Connor
ementary School and at the MVA, had cancer spots in his lymph nodes
and they were like what can we do in his neck and chest. Connor has
to help? Jacobson said.
been taking chemotherapy treatThe teams senior captains Ryan ments since he was diagnosed, and
Gassner, Xavier Lechleitner and he went to the doctor for another
Preston Wirkus presented Connor round of chemo treatments on Monand his parents Gerald and Sheryl day. Last week was his first full week
Strasser with a basketball signed by back at MVA since he was diagnosed
all members of the team during a with cancer.
halftime ceremony on Youth Night
Gerald Strasser said his son would
last Friday. They also gave the family need to keep receiving chemo treat-

STRASSER STRONG-Marathon 12-year-old Connor Strasser pumps his fist to

the crowd during halftime of the Red Raiders home win last Friday against Northland Lutheran. Strasser is battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.
ments until March or April until the
cancer is gone from his body.
His doctors said if everything
goes right Connor could be cured of
his cancer, but since his immune system is suppressed right now, they are
worried that may contact another illness like pneumonia that could set
him back, he said.
The community support effort begins
Gerald Strasser recalled how he
attended a service at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Edgar the Sunday
after Connor was diagnosed with
cancer. He was having a difficult
time dealing with it, so he confided
in church member Jeff Reiche, who
is the principal at MAES and MVA.
Gerald asked Reiche to announce to
the schools that Connor had been diagnosed with cancer.
Reiche held an all-school assembly that Monday and announced to
Connors classmates and teachers
hed been diagnosed with cancer.
That night teachers began designing
Strasser Strong t-shirts that sported

this message on the back: There is a

can in cancer because we can beat it!
They began selling the t-shirts
at school to raise money to donate
to the Strasser family toward their
medical costs.
I was just blown away by what the
teachers did for us, Gerald Strasser
said. Connor is a fighter and I just
cant believe how much the Marathon community has come together
to support our family.
Gerald Strasser is also thankful to
the owners of Rock Oil Co. in Stratford, his employer for the past 21
years, for allowing him to take time
off of work whenever needed to take
Connor to the PEDS department at
Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield for
his chemotherapy treatments.
We are just praying right now
Connor doesnt contact another illness, Gerald Strasser said. Thats
all we can do right now is pray because its in Gods hands. We only
can do so much so its all up to the
big guy upstairs. Some people dont
want it said but its the truth.

Monday, December 28
Stratford - Girls basketball
against Crandon at Lakeland tournament, 6 p.m.

Tuesday, December 29
Athens - Girls basketball against
Eau Claire Regis in Marathon holiday tournament, 2 p.m.; wrestling
at Bi-State Classic in LaCrosse, 9:30
Edgar - Girls basketball vs. Colby,

5:45 p.m.; boys basketball vs. Colby, 7:30 p.m.; wrestling at Northern
Exposure tournament in Merrill, 8:30
Marathon - Girls basketball
against Elk Mound in home holiday
tournament, 6 p.m.; boys basketball
against Tomahawk in home holiday
tournament, 6 p.m.
Stratford - Girls basketball at
Lakeland tournament, TBD; boys
basketball at Abbotsford, 7:15 p.m.;
wrestling at Bi-State Classic in LaCrosse, 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday, December 30
Athens - Girls basketball at Marathon holiday tournament, 3:45 p.m.
Edgar - Wrestling at Northern Exposure in Merrill, 8:30 a.m.
Marathon - Girls basketball in
championship game of home holiday tournament, 7:45 p.m.; boys
basketball in championship game of
home holiday tournament, 6 p.m.
Stratford - Wrestling at Bi-State
Classic in LaCrosse, 9:30 a.m.

Page 12

December 23, 2015

The Record-Review


Bluejay boys basketball stings Hornets

Raider, Wildcat
girls win a pair
Five Athens boys
scored in double figures to help the Bluejays beat Colby, 65-57,
on the road Monday
Guard Justin Kelly led all Athens
scorers with 16 points, followed by
Jameson Brooks and Sawyer Thurs
with 12 points apiece. Lane Nicholds and Paul Mroczenski each added 11 points.
Athens is now off until it plays at
Port Edwards Jan. 4.

Tiger boys edge Royals

Derrick Schmidt poured in a
game-high 27 points as Stratford
downed Wisconsin Rapids Assumption, 61-57, at home Monday.
Ethan Nagel added 13 points for
the Tigers.

Wildcat boys earn a win

Tyler Engel scored 20 points to
help Edgar down Chequamegon, 5228, on the road last Friday.

Edgar girls win a pair

The Wildcats cruised to an 85-14
Marawood North Conference win
against Chequamegon last Thursday.
Edgar senior Tianna Borchardt
led all scorers with 27 points
against the Indians. Dana Heidma


North Girls Basketball
Rib Lake

4-0, 6-3 overall

2-0, 4-3 overall
2-2, 3-4 overall
1-1, 2-3 overall
1-2, 1-6 overall
1-2, 2-6 overall
0-4, 1-5 overall

North Boys Basketball

Rib Lake

2-0, 5-2 overall

2-0, 4-2 overall
3-1, 4-2 overall
2-2, 3-5 overall
1-1, 2-3 overall
0-3, 1-5 overall
0-3, 1-5 overall

South Girls Basketball

N. Lutheran

4-0, 7-1 overall

4-1, 6-2 overall
3-1, 6-1 overall
2-2, 6-2 overall
1-4, 2-4 overall
0-3, 1-6 overall
0-3, 3-6 overall

South Boys Basketball

N. Lutheran

3-0, 5-1 overall

3-1, 5-1 overall
2-1, 5-3 overall
2-2, 6-3 overall
1-2, 3-4 overall
0-2, 2-3 overall
0-3, 1-4 overall


Stratford Star League
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Victory Apparel 82, A & B 75
Kafka Forestry 83, Smazals 76
Success Reality 89, US Bancorp 63
Wicks Auto Body 82, Nutz Deep II 71
Arbys 74, Resource Recovery 69
Davis Auto 111, BSI Stainless 73


Kyle Davis
Davis Auto
L. Messerschmidt
Davis Auto
Chris Hannula
Dan Dargenio
Success Realty
Derek Wojick
Jordan Schlinsog
Victory Apparel
Andy Bliven


nn led the team with nine steals.

The Wildcats used the momentum
gained to then beat conference foe
Phillips, 64-37, Tuesday night.
Borchardt again was the games
top scorer with 23 points. Macey
Wirkus added 15 points and six
steals for the victors.

Athens girls drop contest

The Athens basketball team
dropped a nonconference game to
Northland Pines, 91-62, in Eagle
River Monday.
Kenadi Diedrich and Gabi Janke led the Bluejays with 16 points
apiece in the loss.

Tiger girls come up short Marathon boys, girls win

Stratford hung with Wisconsin Rapids Assumption, which is

ranked high in Division 4, until the
end of its 69-60 defeat to the Royals.
The Tigers did shoot 59 percent
from the field as a team.
paced Stratford with 15 points,
while Sammy Griesbach and Macie
Frueh added 13 points apiece.

Morgan Rachu achieved a doubledouble with 11 points and 10 rebounds to help the Red Raider girls
easily beat Northland Lutheran, 4628, at home last Thursday.
The Marathon girls then defeated
Newman Catholic, 72-48, Monday in
Wausau, while the Red Raider boys
nipped the Cardinals, 66-63, on the
road Tuesday.

View from the

cheap seats

The RecordReview

A weekly perspective
on sports
A few people have asked me over
the last two weeks when I would
write an article on Stratford freshman wrestler Macey Kilty competing in a predominantly male sport.
I hee hawed about the idea of writing an article on her just because
shes a female wrestler. I decided this
week I would indeed write an article
on Macey, but not simply because she
is a female wrestler. The fact is that
she is darn good, and one of many
wrestlers whove helped Stratfords
team to a No. 1 ranking in Division
3 this season.
I decided Macey deserved an article based solely on how she is making an imprint on varsity high school
wrestling because she remains undefeated at 12-0.
The Tigers have plenty of young
talent besides just Kilty. For example,
Derek Marten and Dylan Schoenherr
are some other good incoming freshman. Sophomores Jake Drexler, A.J.
Schoenfuss, Jeremy Schoenherr and
Jordan Becker are also very good
wrestlers who deserve attention.
Stratford will be gaining most
of the media attention this season
based on their No. 1 ranking, but
lets not forget about Edgar who is
also traditionally good at wrestling.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

The Wildcats also have a ton of

talented young wrestlers including
freshmen Jakob Lipinski, Ty Guden,
Michael Opela, Brock Handrick, Dakota Strasser, Tyler Skrzypcak, Will
Raatz and Ryan McKibben.
Edgars team will be a force to be
reckoned with down the road because of its talented sophomore class
that consists of Martin Sahattchiev,
Colton Heil, Dylan Woller, Cade Littleton, Bryce Imhoff, Austin Dvorak,
Kade Schraufnagel and Reece Heidmann.
The Athens wrestling team continues to win matches this season, and
the Bluejays will look to continue
their success at the Bi-State Classic
next week in LaCrosse. Stratford,
meanwhile, will look to beat out all
teams in all divisions at the Bi-State
Classic for the second consecutive
Edgars wrestling team has a much
shorter drive up to Merrill for the
Northern Exposure wrestling tournament, where its younger wrestlers
will look to gain more experience.
It was cool witnessing the Marathon community band together to
support Connor Strasser, who is battling cancer, during last Fridays varsity boys basketball game.

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December 23, 2015

Page 13

Edgar project has $63,000 surplus

An Act 32 funded project at Edgar
The administrator said Edgar Public
Public School has come in $63,000 under Schools now qualifies for Energy Star
budget, administrator Dr. Cari Guden certification due to the Act 32 improvetold school board members last week ments.
Board members questioned how the
Guden said the unspent money could new security cameras work.
be used for further improvements or, if
Its much improvednight and day,
the board chooses, to
said Edgar High School
pay down debt.
and Middle School princiThe Act 32 project
pal Jordan Sinz.
paid for roof repairs,
He said the system,
new exterior windows,
which is motion activatclocks, a high school
ed, can record and store
security entrance and
weeks, if not months, of
security cameras.
activity. He said the picBoard member Bill
ture quality is better and
the camera system softEdgar school board
whether the surplus
ware is easy to use. The
in fourth/fifth
could pay to re-skin
principal said he can obgrade
the districts courtyard
serve school activity in real
I am not saying we should do this but
In other school board business:
we did talk about that as a possibility,
School administrators told the
he said.
board that a new bullying policy is
Board members last spring listed re- working out.
placing the school greenhouse as a posThe reporting piece has worked
sible project in the Act 32 project, but it well, said administrator Guden.
was eventually discarded as a low priorPrincipal Sinz said he now has more
communication with parents about all
Guden said she would need to check if kinds of discipline issues, both bullying
the board could legally use the surplus but also just student conflcits.
cash for a greenhouse project. Bond
Those conversations have incounsel at Baird and Co., Milwaukee, creased, he said.
has told her the board can use the sur Board members accepted the resplus dollars for any projects that qualify ignation of school custodian Jim Heidfor Act 32 funding, she said.
Guden said ICS, the consulting firm
The board approved hiring assisthat oversaw the Act 32 project, will re- tant varsity baseball and softball coachport to the district energy savings from es. Administrator Guden argued for the
the project over the next 15 years.
extra coaches. She said having one var-

We wish you a
Merry Christmas and a
happy holiday season
filled with
harmony and joy.
We appreciate your
business and look forward
to working with you again.

sity coach was not ideal. Sometimes the

varsity and junior varsity teams do not
play at the same location, Guden said,
and it is better to have base running
coaches at both first and third bases.
Cost for the extra coaching positions
is $3,600.
Board members approved first
readings of several policies. Board
member Corey Mueller said he opposed
out-of-district residents paying $100 to
use school bus transportation for their
open enrollment students. Administrator Guden said she would research the
issue for future discussion prior to a
second reading.
Board members toured the fourth
and fifth grade classrooms that have
been transformed into personal learning communities. Forty-six students
in the grades are organized into nine
tribes where students learn Core
Curriculum standards at their own
pace with the use of Chromebooks that
use Google Classroom.
Teachers told the school board that
both parents and grandparents support
the new learning environment.
The teachers said the students are engaged in their school work because they
have voice and choice in how they
learn the school standards. Students,
they said, are expected to collaborate
and learn subject matter as a group.
Principal Lisa Witt told school board
members that teachers are able to
spend more time with struggling students while they allow high flyer students to move quickly through school

We are really giving our top kids

what they need, she said.
The teachers said educators from Rib
Lake will visit the fourth and fifth grade
classrooms in the near future.

on their way
New garbage and recycling containers from Harters Fox Valley Disposal
will be delivered to Marathon City residents over the next two weeks, according to administrator Andy Kurtz. The
containers will first be used Jan. 4, 2016.
The old containers from Advanced
Disposal will be picked up by the company the first week of January. The containers can be located by the curb.
Kurtz said residents have a choice of
the new 95 gallon or 65 gallon garbage
and recycling containers. Residents
who do not receive the correct size containers are urged to contact the village
office at 715-443-2221.
The administrator noted that Harters will not pick up waste oil on the
curbside. Residents with waste oil are
recommended to bring the oil to the village of Marathon City garage in appropriate containers.
He said residents are free to keep
their old recycling bin. It may be recycled, if desired.





6752 State Highway 107 North
Marathon, WI 54448


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103 W. Spruce St.,



Page 14

December 23, 2015


Paid volunteerism plan tabled

January vote
is scheduled
A proposal to give bonus pay to
teachers and other staff for volunteering proved so controversial on Monday
that the Athens Board of Education,
while scheduled to vote on the issue,
tabled it, instead.
Two people voiced their displeasure
to the school board during the regular
board meetings about the school district wanting to compensate teachers
and staff based on their amount of
community service hours worked.
No board member made a motion to
approve the proposal and it was tabled
until a future board meeting.
The school boards personnel, finance and transportation committee
now plans to meet at a date not yet determined in early January to further
discuss the matter, before the school
boards regular monthly board meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18.
Last year the school district gave its
teachers and staff equal amounts of
bonus pay from money left over in the
budget. Athens schools superintendent
Tim Micke said the school district estimates how much money is needed
each year for various areas of operation, and some years the district comes
in under the amount budgeted. He said
board members decided to take it to
the next level with certain criteria
teachers and staff need to meet with
volunteer work in the community to
earn bonus pay.
We need to remember this is bonus
pay and it doesnt affect a persons contract or anything they are contracted
to do, Micke said. This is a performance bonus because a person can
choose not to do any volunteer work in
the community and their contract will
be upheld.
Athens school board president Patrick Kornack said the school district
needed to find a place to spend the
money left over from the estimated
yearly budget.
School finance, as everyone is
aware, is ugly and ideally it would be
great if the school district could just
keep that leftover budgeted money, but
keeping it does affect the amount of
state aid we receive for the next year,
he said.

is charged
A 56-year-old Arpin woman faces
criminal charges following a Dec. 20
incident where she allegedly broke
open a locked front door at the town
of Cleveland home of her husband
to retrieve a red rug. The couple is in
the midst of divorce proceedings.
The Marathon County Sheriffs Department arrested the woman and, after handcuffing her, transported her
to jail.
According to an incident report, the
woman used her hip to break through
the front door, causing an estimated
$1,500 in damage.
Charges against the woman include
criminal damage to property, violating a restraining order and bail jumping.

DO THE RIGHT THING-School board Jon Wagner on Monday said it was appropriate to return budget surpluses to teachers as a way of boosting morale.
Todd Barkow, Athens schools maintenance supervisor, was upset that it
was brought up in a recent personnel
and finance committee meeting that
some district residents are having an
issue with teachers and staff earning
bonus pay for volunteering in the community.
I think we should start by giving
teachers and staff bonus pay on their
performance at work because thats
the way it has been in my previous
work settings, he said during public
discussion. I am all for helping out
the community but how do you judge
if one person works four hours and another person puts in two days worth of
work? This program is too vague and
too premature yet to actually be making a decision on it.
Athens resident James Weideman is
a former student teacher in the Athens School District who was perplexed
over the district considering awarding
teachers and staff bonus pay or their

community involvement.
If a teacher is volunteering thats
great but will it turn into the point
where you are getting paid for it so go
out and volunteer? he said. I want
my sons educators focusing on the
classroom they are in. If they have
time to go out and do other things,
great, but I would rather take the
money you guys have for this bonus
program and pay our teachers. One of
the surveys the school district sent out
to residents had a question on how the
district can retain teachers, and one of
things would be to make the pay scale
equivalent to other school districts. So
I think we just stick that extra budget
money into the teacher pay scale.
Barkow was also concerned about
the school district being able to retain
its good teachers.
Some of those teachers live in other
towns yet we are telling them if they
want to get bonus pay then they need to
do something for this town, he said. I

thought the idea was to keep these good

teachers here regardless of where they
live, so please, I hope you dont make a
decision now so you can do more further research and look into implementing a different pay scale.
School board vice-president Jon
Wagner said the board felt it was only
right to give teachers and staff money
left over from the budget.
We knew morale is down across
the state in public education, and as
a board, we were looking for a way to
thank our staff and maybe build morale by giving a little of what we had
back to our staff instead of keeping it
in our fund balance and then end up
losing it, he said. Its a work in progress and there may be years coming up
where we dont have that money. Its
here for now but it could be gone given
the way the state budget is and the uphill battle we are fighting. Hopefully
we can continue to do it but there is no
Weideman wondered if there would
be extra cost involved in the school district awarding bonus pay to teachers
and staff based on their amount of volunteer work in the community?
Who is going to monitor the volunteering? he said. Are we going to pay
Tim (Micke) extra money to monitor
how much volunteer work teachers are
doing? Its not just the volunteering
but now we have an additional administration fee because now Bev (Braun)
needs to cut a check for someone volunteering. So I would just rather see the
bonus pay streamlined into the teacher
pay scale.
Weideman also wondered whether
some of the left over money from the
budget could be used to better compensate the school districts sports coaches.
Cant we roll over bonus pay to the
next year and increase pay for coaching positions which are basically volunteer positions if you break it down
hourly? he asked.
Micke said the school board approved pay raises for coaches two years
ago, and the school district does award
coaches bonus pay if their teams advance past the first round of the playoffs. Micke further said he is currently
reviewing the athletic coaches and extracurricular adviser pay, and he may
have a recommendation for the school
board on changes to the amount of pay
they receive this spring.

Three local supervisory races reported

There will be at least three local contested county board supervisory races
on April 5, 2016, according to Marathon
County Clerk Nan Kottke.
In District 34, incumbent Gary Beastrom, Athens, faces a challenge from
David Pankow, Wausau. Jacob Langenhahn, town of Marathon, incumbent

for District 35, will be challenged by

William Litzer, town of Emmet. In District 27, there will be a race between
Thomas Seubert, town of Day, and Russell Weichelt, town of McMillan.
Eight supervisors on the 38-member county board have so far filed certificates of non-candidacy and will

not run for re-election. They are Kenneth Day, Wausau, Russell Michalski,
Wausau, Gary Wyman, Elderon, Matthew Hildebrandt. Kronenwetter, Mort
McBain, Weston, Barbara Ermeling,
Weston, Charles Soukup, Kronenwetter, and Richard Duerr, town of McMillan.


The Athens Village Board conducted this business at Mondays regular
The village will begin accepting
contract bids in January for the reconstruction of Duenow and Schlegel
streets located southeast of A & L Oil
Co. as part of the villages five-year
streets improvement plan.
Village trustee Matt Witucki is in
the process of contacting Eric Melvin

of Melvin Co. in Abbotsford regarding damage to the berms at the Athens

shooting range from the recent heavy
The village board accepted the
resignation of village part-time office
worker Tennille Hartmann effective
Jan. 1. The village board approved
hiring Ruth Weiler as occasional parttime office help and Lillian Feiner as a

The village board approved a

three-month temporary work agreement with Kazuki Takamura through
the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation program for 10 hours of janitorial
work each week in the village hall and
Athens Community Hall.
The Athens Village Board agreed
to hire Kyle King as a part-time police
officer pending a background check.


December 23, 2015

Page 15

Athens Christmas concert

MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND-Patty Riske, Athens middle

and high school band director, leads the middle schoolers in playing holiday tunes during Sundays concert.

HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR-Members of the Athens High School choir, under the direction of Donley Niskanen, sing
popular Christmas tunes Sunday in the high school gym.

MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR-The Athens Middle School

choir sings Christmas songs Sunday.




Notice is hereby given that the following application for a
license to deal in intoxicating beverages has been filed with the
town board, town of Hamburg, Marathon County, for the period of
December 8, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
Name: Bletsoe Cheese, Inc.
Type of license: Class B Combination Liquor License
Address: 8281 Third Lane, Marathon, WI 54448
Dawn R. Czech

the following energy efficiency measures or purchase energy efficiency products and identified the following cost recovery performance
indicators to measure energy savings and/or operational savings
for each including the timeline for cost recovery: project name roofing replacement, total project cost (inc. soft costs)* $712,352,
payback (years) 43.97, utility cost savings ** $1,200, nonutility cost savings*** $15,000, one-time savings $0; project
name - window replacement, total project cost (inc. soft costs)*
$227,692, payback (years) 41.40, utility cost savings** $3,500,
non-utility cost savings*** $2,000, one-time savings $0; project name - exterior door and secure system upgrades, total
project cost (inc. soft costs)* $511,041, payback (years) 25.17,
utility cost savings** $300, non-utility cost savings*** $20,000,
one-time savings $0; Totals, total project cost (inc. soft costs)*
$1,451,084, payback (years) 34.55, utility cost savings** $5,000,
non-utility cost savings*** $37,000, one-time savings $0.
*Total project cost includes all project related costs, including
savings analysis, project management, design, etc. **Estimated annual utility savings based on current cost of appropriate unit of consumption (kW, kWh, therm, kGal, etc.). ***Non-utility cost savings
based on estimated avoided maintenance and repair costs due to
completing project.
The board shall annually perform an evaluation of the performance indicators and shall report to the electorate as an addendum
in the required published budget summary document per s. 65.90,
Wis. Stats., and in the school districts newsletter or in the published
minutes of the school board meeting. The board shall use this evaluation to determine the amount of energy (utility) cost savings, as a
result of the project, that shall be applied to retire the debt.
Gary Lewis
Edgar School Board Vice-President
Dated: October 29, 2015


OCTOBER 29, 2015
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by Gary Lewis at 6:00 p.m.
Roll call recorded as follows: Bill Dittman, Tess Kaiser, Gary
Lewis, Corey Mueller, one administrator and no guests were
present. Absent: Rick Haanstad.
Motion by Mueller, Kaiser second, to approve Resolution for
Revenue Limit Exemptions for Energy Efficiencies. Carried. Details
of resolution attached.
Motion to adjourn by Mueller, Dittman second. Carried. 6:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
William B. Dittman, Clerk


Be it resolved that the School District of Edgar is exercising its
taxing authority under s.121.91(4)(o), Wis. Stats., to exceed the
revenue limit on a non-recurring basis by an amount the district will
spend on new energy efficiency measures and energy efficiency
products for the 2015-2016 school year and 15 years of debt for the
term of the bond.
The amount to be expended is: school year 2015-2016, amount
- $70,005.49; school year 2016-2017, amount - $131,637.50;
school year 2017-2018, amount - $129,087.50; school year
2018-2019, amount - $131,462.50; school year 2019-2020, amount
- $128,762.50; school year 2020-2021, amount - $130,512.50;
school year 2021-2022, amount - $126,712.50; school year
2022-2023, amount - $127,812.50; school year, 2023-2024, amount
- $128,712.50; school year 2024-2025, amount - $129,962.50;
school year 2025-2026, amount - $131,587.50; school year
2026-2027, amount - $128,137.50; school year 2027-2028, amount $129,612.50; school year 2028-2029, amount - $130,859.38; school
year 2029-2030, amount - $126,953.13.
After review of the recommendations report per 66.0133(2)
(b) the district has determined that the $1,451,084 it would spend
on energy efficiency projects recommended in the report is not
likely to exceed the amount to be saved in utility costs of $5,000
annually and non-utility costs of $37,000 annually over the
remaining 50 years useful life of the facility to which the measures
The board has entered into a 1 year Performance Contract under
s. 66.0133, Stats., with CTS Group, Inc., for a project to implement






The Plan Commission of the village of Marathon City will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, in
the council room of the Marathon Municipal Center, 311 Walnut
Street, Marathon, WI 54448 to consider a zoning amendment
request by Marathon School District for change in classification
of 3 properties now owned by the school district. The hearing is
being conducted pursuant with Title 13 of the Village Code of
Andrew R. Kurtz
Clerk, Administrator


NOVEMBER 18, 2015
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was called to order by Rick Haanstad at 6:00 p.m.
Roll call recorded as follows: Bill Dittman, Rick Haanstad, Tess
Kaiser, Gary Lewis, Corey Mueller, three administrators and four
guests were present.
Schenck CPAs presented the annual audit report.
Motion by Mueller, Lewis second, to approve agenda, financial
statement, checks #82556-82852 plus automatic withdrawals for
total of $980,621.73 and minutes from October 27, 2015, regular
session board meeting and November 4, 2015, special board
meeting. Carried.
Motion by Dittman, Mueller second, to approve FMLA request by
Dennis Webb. Carried.
Motion by Mueller, Kaiser second, to approve first reading of
Board Policies 0000-2000 series. Carried.
Board reviewed drafts for Board Policies 3000, 4000 and 6000
Motion to adjourn by Dittman, Mueller second. Carried. 8:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
William B. Dittman, Clerk

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the electors of the village of

Edgar, in the County of Marathon, State of Wisconsin, that a
village caucus for said village will be held in the board room of
the Edgar Village Hall, 224 South Third Avenue, in said village
on Monday, January 11, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the
meeting is to nominate candidates for the following positions: 3
trustees. They will be elected at the April 5, 2016, election for a
two-year term.
Louella Luedtke


Page 16

December 23, 2015

The Record-Review

will be held at 7:30 p.m. Dec.
24. Christmas Day worship
will be at 10:30 a.m. and there
will be a New Years Eve worship at 8 p.m. followed by fellowship.

Send Stratford news to:
phone: 715-223-2342
fax: 715-223-3505
P.O. Box 677
103 West Spruce Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405

Deer hides collected

The Stratford Lions Club
collected 176 deer hides for
All proceeds from the sale
of deer hides were given to
the Wisconsin Lions Camp
in Rosholt, which provides a
quality summer week camping experience for children
with disabilities free of

Listening session
Stratford School District
will have another school
building referendum listening session from 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 6, in the high
school band room.
The school board will then
discuss a building referendum item and cost at 6 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 11, in the community room inside Stratford
Elementary School.
The board will vote on a
building and cost resolution
for the April 5 election during a special board meeting at
6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18, in the
community room.

A & B collects food

Tiger Paws
Stratford Middle Schools
Tiger Paws programs focus
if to promote positive behavior, good citizenship and academic success.
It is up to the classroom
teacher to decide how best to
issue Tiger Paws to their students. They will be rewarded
by doing a good deed, improving their grade, creating
an outstanding assignment
or any behavior deemed appropriate by the classroom
The following middle school
students have been rewarded
Tiger Paws for the first quarter of school: Aaron Nichols, Abby Oertel, Alex Weis,
Andrea Schallock, Angellia
Verdone, Ashley ONeil, Aurora Leonhard, Ayden Hauke,
Branden Sischo, Breanna
Ackley, Caden Bruesewitz
and Courtney Williams.
Also named Tiger Paws
were Dane Poppy, Darin Heeg,
Dawson Weisenberger, Delaney Dennee, Devin Ulrich,

St. Joseph Christmas concert

Students at St. Joseph Catholic School in Stratford sing and perform during Sundays Meet Me at the
Manger Christmas concert held in St. Joseph Church. The school band also played Christmas tunes.
Diego Carrion, Dillon Kirsch,
Elexis Buchanan, Elizabeth
Jennings, Emily Hughes, Erica Papini, Fueller Gustafson,
Gordon Rundle, Halle Fecker,
Jack Zimmerman, James
Heeg, Jamie Folz, Jessamae
Rice, Jessica Wellner and Joe
Others students named
Tiger Paws are Jordan VanSchyndel, Justin Radke, Kam
Kobe Stoyke, Laura Robus,
Leslie Rojas, Lexi Folz, Logan
Gliniecki, Luke Gaulke, Maddy Pavloski, Mandy Benz, Mason Pavolski, Michael Mootz,
Nick Asplund, Nikki Infelise,
Noah Barrett, Riley Bauman,
Riley Bento, Sabrina Sullivano, Shawna Moen, Teddy Redman, Tristan Sullivano and

Tristan Wirkus.

Pastor welcomed
Church in rural Stratford
welcomed Pastor Philip Wilde and family during an installation service and dinner
held Nov. 29.
Pastor Wilde grew up in
Minnesota, Wisconsin and
South Dakota. He graduated
from Wisconsin Lutheran
Seminary in Mequon.
He has served congregations in Watertown, Saline,
Mich., Edmonton, Canada;
Englewood, Fla.; Wrightstown and and Bristol.
Pastor Phillip and Elizabeth Wilde were married in
1988, and she is a graduate
of Martin Luther College

in New Ulm, Minn. She has

taught at various schools.
Paster Phillip and Elizabeth have four children.
Their son, Paul, is a senior at Wisconsin Lutheran
Seminary in Megquon and a
member of the United States
Army National Guard.
Their daughter, Christine,
studied nursing at Wisconsin
Lutheran College in Milwaukee. Their son, Michael, is a
sophomore at Martin Luther
College in New Ulm, Minn.;
and their, daughter, Lydia
is a senior at Luther Prep
School in Watertown.
Services at Emmanuel Lutheran WELS are at 8 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. and Sunday
school is at 9:10 a.m. A childrens Christmas service

Church: Sunday worship service is at 10:15 a.m. Sunday
School is at 9 a.m. for all ages.
Located off STH 97 on south
side of Stratford.
Church of Christ: Sunday
worship at 8:30 a.m. Sunday
school at 8:30 a.m. Communion is offered to all the first
Sunday of each month. Ebenezer is one block north of
STH 153 on CTH M.
Church (WELS), March
Rapids: Sunday services are

at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday

school at 9:10 a.m. Located
on CTH P. Online at www.
Catholic Church, Rozellville:
Masses are Saturday at 7:30
p.m. and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Located on CTH C.
St. Josephs Catholic
Church: Masses are Saturday at 4 p.m. and Sunday at
8:30 a.m. Confession is Saturday from 11 to 11:30 a.m.
and 3:15 to 3:50 p.m. Sunday
school at 8:30 a.m. service.
Located at 440 Larch Street.

Mill Church, Stratford:

Sunday services are at 8:30 and
10:30 a.m. Located on Third
Ave., Stratford.

Zion Lutheran Church:

Sunday services at 8 and
10:15 a.m. Located at 700
North Second Avenue.

A & B Process Systems

items this year during its
fifth annual helping competition food drive, which was 81
percent of their goal.
Included in those items
was over $1,300 cash that was
collected in the final week of
the drive and will be used for
meat gift cards.
A & B Process Systems
donated 48 $25 Festival gift
cards. For every 50 items donated, A & B donated $5 toward Festival gift cards.
The competition ran for
five weeks, from Nov. 2
through Dec. 4, with each
week having a different focus
for the types of items collected.
The corporate office and
Plant 1 upstairs office won
the traveling trophy this
year. Second place went to
Plant 1 manufacturing and
downstairs office, third place
to Plant 3 manufacturing and
offices and fourth place to
Plant 4 manufacturing and
design, panel shop, documentation and central receiving.
Through everyones generosity, A & B was able to contribute food items to 25 facilities that were collecting food,
personal items, personal
items, toys and pet supplies.

Thursday, Dec. 25, 1969
Wrestler of the Week
Dennis Weis is the Stratford
Tigers wrestler of the week
after he won the Loyal Invitational championship last
Saturday and has a season record already of nine wins and
no defeats.

Community Bible Church

The Record-Review

December 23, 2015

Page 17

An Outdoorsmans
By: Mark Walters

Badger Hunting Club

Hello friends,
I spent the last day of southern Wisconsins duck hunting season on Madisons Lake Waubesa with Bryce
Kies and Aron Sthilsky. Bryce and Aron are sophomores who attend the UW-Madison majoring in geology
and business and are the co-presidents of the Badger Hunting Club.
Badger Hunting Club is an organization
(they are on Facebook) that was formed in
2006 and is a way for UW-Madison hunters
to get to know each other as well as introduce other students to hunting.
Sunday, December 6th
High 44, low 34
I met Bryce and Aron at Lake Farm County
Park. It was dark and we would be traveling
by canoe and kayak, and hunting until dark.
My golden retriever, Fire, would be rounding
out our crew.
First thoughts I had, these guys were driving an old Ford pickup and paddling instead
of being pushed by a motor, very cool.
I was at the landing a bit before my comAdam Stamm, Caynen Klessing and Matt Davis
rades, so I spoke with other hunters. The com(members of the Badger Hunting Club) after a
mon word was not many ducks around, but
successful waterfowl hunt!
quite a few geese.
We paddled maybe a half mile and set out three dozen diver decoys, a dozen mallard and a few geese,
then became comfortable on shore where we hid our watercraft and waited for night to become day. At this
time both Bryce and I realized our chest waders leak.
This year the members of this club will hunt deer
with a bow, turkey in the spring, did a lot of duck hunts,
which seems to be their main energy, and each semester
they hold a trapshoot at the Waunakee Gun Club which
is social, as much as a shooting event.
This fall a young lady shot a gun at this event for the
first time and hit 11 out of 50 clay pigeons.
This past duck season Matt Davis, who is the former
president of Badger Hunting Club and about to graduate with a degree in wildlife ecology, introduced UWMadison students from Denmark and Germany to duck
hunting as well.
So our hunt is rather unique in its own way. One,
it is quite foggy and that fog would last until early afternoon. Two, on a day when most fishermen should
be on the ice or the ice should be getting thicker so
men, women and children could be on the ice, we were
watching several boats and I think their occupants were
catching fish. I told these guys that Wisconsins climate
Aron Sthilsky, Fire, and Bryce Kies hunting
ducks on Lake Waubesa!
seems like that of Tennessee and I do not think I am
too far off.
To be honest there were not a lot of ducks and very
few geese. The first two hours we had some random
shooting and a couple of ducks live to see another day.
One time Aron Sthilsky, who is from Plymouth (a very
cool town), went for a walk out of boredom.
Our best action of the day happened at a time when
four mallards flew over, and I sailed one that landed a
long way from shore. Bryce and I paddled out to it and
had a good laugh when Bryce went to put a final volley
of steel shot into what was a four curl greenhead and
missed it by a long shot.
Bryce is from Necedah, and another member of
Badger Hunting Club is Nate Moll, who has been traveling in the same pack as me since he was born. Nate
is from Niagara and is going to be the president of UWMadisons chapter of Ducks Unlimited next year.
These guys text me and we share experiences at various hunting and fishing camps in a years time. What
is really cool to see is they are hardcore outdoorsmen
that are giving back to the outdoor world while basi- Fire and Bryce Kies with a beautiful mallard
harvested on a foggy day on Lake Waubesa!
cally living in a capital city that does not have a strong
emphasis on hunting.
We pulled the decoys when the legal hunting hours ended on the last day of the season. I challenge
interested people to checkout this club and help our hunting heritage to stay strong. Sunset

Thanksgiving food donations

Alexis Folz, a member of the Rozellville Rockets 4-H Club, is shown delivering a
Thanksgiving food bag to Laura Niehaus. Club members packaged approximately
60 bags of food at its Nov. 9 meeting and then delivered them to village of Stratford
residents lliving in the Donald Sykes Villas, and the Melvin Guenther and Caroline
Rock apartments, as well as to elderly residents in Rozellville.


Chief Korey Schillinger

for 29 years of service and commitment
to the Stratford community.





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December 23, 2015





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Check out the classised pages in

The Record-Review

December 23, 2015





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BRAND NEW jazzy select GT

electric wheelchair, never used,
original $3,500, will sell for
$1,450, 715-427-5237 or 715427-5770.
DINETTE SET, 2 extension leaves
and 4 chairs, $50. 715-255-9053.
FOR SALE. Feeder pigs, 25-35
lbs. Holstein feeder steers, 550700 lbs., fed whole corn and
pellets mix and some hay. 715581-6403.
HEALTHCARE when you need it,
for just $54 per visit including basic labs. Aspirus FastCare Clinic
in Abbotsford offers walk-in care
for common aliments such as allergies, ear aches, sore throats,
flu or cold symptoms, urinary
tract infections and more. Aspirus FastCare Clinic is open MonFri, 8am-8pm; Sat, 9am-5pm;
Sun/Holidays, 9am-1pm.
Located in the East Town Mall, 1011
East Spruce St., Abbotsford.
WANT TO Cloth diaper? Dont
know where to start? Try Trustyz.
Call 715-229-2225 for catalog,
10% sale this month, 15% on
package deals.

FOR RENT - Marathon, 4 bedroom ranch home, natural gas

heat, new furnace, near schools,
attached garage, also detached
garage. No pets. Located 2 miles
from Marathon. Available 1-1-16.
Please call 715-443-2347 or 715581-1929.

WANTED: GUNS - new and
used. Turn them into ca$h or
trade for a new one! Shay Creek
in Medford, 715-748-2855.

Page 19


Terrace in Colby. 2 bedroom,
1 bath for $550 for 11/1/15. Includes lot rent. Utilities not included. Cats considered, sorry
no dogs. Vacant lots for $225.
Colby, WI. 715-340-2116.
Roland Kanneberg Villa, 200-201
N. Eighth Street in Abbotsford,
to accommodate agricultural
processing workers, 2 & 3 bedrooms, rent starts at $455. Owner
paid heat, water, sewer & trash
removal. Certain restrictions apply. For more information please
contact Impact Seven, Inc. at
855-316-8967 or 715-357-0011.

STONE SETTER. All types masonry, brick, block and stone,
stone walls, basement, barns.

males and 1 female, all vaccinations to date, great grouse dogs.
Dan, 715-257-1461.

waitress and cook. Apply in person, Abby Cafe, Abbotsford.






Interested applicants can

apply in person at Pine Ridge
Assisted Living in Colby or visit to
print an application.

HELP WANTED. Part/full time

farm help. Milking, cleaning,
some calf work and feeding.
Owen. Call 715-613-3510.
MEYER MANUFACTURING Corporation is accepting applications for laser and press brake
area leader, prior leadership
experience or machine operation and technology experience
desired, pay based on qualifications. Also accepting applications for a qualified laser operator, press brake operator, CNC
machinist and welders - start at
up to $16.75/hr. and general labor and assemblers - $14/hr. All
positions include excellent benefits - paid vacation, 6% match
401K, (4) 10 hr./day work week,
tuition reimbursement, health
insurance and profit sharing. Apply online at or in
person at Meyer Mfg. Corp, 574
West Center Ave., Dorchester,

1110 N. Division Street, Colby, WI 54421


TRUCK DRIVER Wanted for grain

hopper division, home weekends. Saturday morning mechanic. Looking for drivers, also
home daily route. 715-571-9623.

We are looking for a

Cheese Packaging Plant Manager


Responsibilities for this position will include ensuring

food safety, work load balance, scheduling, training, basic
troubleshooting and performance feedback while following
and holding company employees accountable to company
policies and standard operating procedures.
The ideal candidate will need to possess the following
Must be a self starter.
Strong written and verbal communication skills.
Ability to troubleshoot, problem solve, and
correct problems.
Excellent people skills.
Knowledge of food safety.
Packaging experience.
Demonstrated leadership experience.
to or apply in person at North
Hendren Co-op Dairy, Willard, Wis. 715-267-6617.



Maintenance Mechanics:
Class C or Above
Applications will be taken until Jan. 5, 2016
Apply in person between the hours of 7:30
a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at 306 Park St., Spencer, WI.
Or e-mail rsum to:


Clark County Rehabilitation and Living Center, located
just outside of Owen on County Road X, is seeking Certified
Nursing Assistants to join our unique organization.
We have openings on all three shifts and will be taking
applications for both full and part-time positions.
CCRLC is a long-term care facility with specialty in
alzheimers, dementia, rehabilitation, behavioral and
custodial care.
Previous experience in long-term care desired, but we will
provide training to motivated applicants. Drug screening,
caregiver background check, and current WI certification
required for all selected candidates.
CCRLC offers an excellent salary and benefit package.
Application available at:
For further information, contact
Karen Simington, DON, at 715-229-2172, extension 217.


Ideal candidates will have knowledge and hands-on experience
in the following areas: Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulics,
Pneumatics, Plumbing, Refrigeration, and General Repair.
The ideal candidate must be able to pursue job assignments
completely, thoroughly, with safe, efcient plant operations.
Must be able to pass forklift training test and safely operate. Must
have knowledge of OSHA safety procedures normally acquired
during on-the-job training. Must furnish own hand tools.
Mandatory that applicant be available for work assignment to any
of three (3) shifts within a 24-hour production operation. Final
shift assignment will be determined upon hire. Must be available
for voluntary and scheduled overtime as well as extended hours
and weekend work as assigned.
Land OLakes offers medical, dental and vision insurance,
short-term disability benets, and shift differential. Successful
candidates will need to complete a mandated drug screen, preemployment physical assessment and background check.

Land OLakes, Inc.

306 Park St., Spencer, WI 54479


Land OLakes, Inc., a cheese-processing plant in central
Wisconsin, has the following employment opportunities:

Wausau Window and Wall Systems, an industry leader in engineered window and curtainwall systems, is seeking to add production associates in both facilities! We have openings on
2nd shift in Wausau and openings on 2nd and
3rd shift in Stratford!
Wausau Window and Wall Systems offers a
great starting wage of $14.75/hour plus a $0.40/
hour shift differential. We also offer a competitive benefit package including medical, dental,
prescription and vision coverage, vacation, personal time, 10 paid holidays/year, 401(k) and
stock purchase plans, life and disability plans,
incentive plan and tuition reimbursement.
To apply, visit us at
and click on the Careers link. Wausau Window
and Wall Systems is a division of Apogee Enterprises, Inc. and we are an Equal Employment
Opportunity Employer Women/Minorities/
Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
are encouraged to apply.


W4266 CTH X, Owen, WI 54460-8932

Clark County is an ADA/CRC/EEO Employer.

Land OLakes, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity and Afrmative

Action Employer. We enforce a policy of maintaining a drug-free
workplace, including pre-employment substance abuse testing.


Page 20

December 23, 2015



Joyce Schemenauer

Russell Schneider

Joyce Agnes Schemenauer, age 75, of Athens, died

on Dec. 17, 2015, at her home surrounded by her family.
She was born Sept. 23, 1940, the daughter of Sophia (Boris) and Pat (Frank) Zettler. She grew up on
a farm, one of six children, and graduated from Athens High School. On Aug. 5, 1961, she married Raymond Schemenauer at St. Johns Catholic Church in
Joyce was always there for her family. After graduating from high school, she was employed at Employers Mutual Insurance in Wausau. For many years she
designed and sewed aprons for Abby Caf in Abbotsford. After her children
were grown, she was employed at Hurd Millwork in Medford. She enjoyed
cooking, sewing, gardening and watching things grow, whether it was her
family or plants. She loved traveling, snowmobiling and spending time
with the Hodag gang.
Joyce was always there for her family, never missing an opportunity to
share in their lives, whether it was going to school events or making sure a
birthday cake was baked and decorated for birthday parties. Her grandchildren held a very special and dear spot in her heart, and she never missed
a chance to spend time with all of them. She will be so missed by all of her
She is survived by her husband, Raymond; daughter, Marion (Whitey)
Wehrman; sons, Kevin (Linda), Kurt, Keith (Sandy) and Ken (Michelle)
Schemenauer; and grandchildren, Chelsea (Kevin) and Shaun Wehrman,
Jordyn, Collin, Carson and Savannah Schemenauer. In addition she is survived by her sister, Irene Switlick; and brothers, Rusty (Laverne) and Glenn
(Kathleen) Zettler.
Joyce was preceded in death by her parents; sister, Janet Komarek; and
brother, Duane Zettler.
A memorial Mass was held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015, at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Milan. Father George Graham presided. Family and
friends were welcomed from 2 p.m. until the time of the service on Tuesday
at St. Thomas. The Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Abbotsford assisted the family with the arrangements.
The family would like to thank Dr. Rezazadeh and all the caring staff at
Aspirus Cancer Center and Hospice Services.
Family and friends may express condolences online at www.
Paid obituary 51-177003

Greetings, Friends!

220 Alfred St., Athens



Athens Country Cafe

The Record-Review
103 W. Spruce St., Abbotsford

Paid obituary 51-177026


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Russell Edward Schneider, 50, of Auburndale lost

his battle with cancer as he passed away on Dec. 15,
2015, at the Three Oaks Living Center in Marshfield.
He was born on Jan. 27, 1965, to Leo and Beverly
(Linden) Schneider in Marshfield. He graduated
from Auburndale High School in 1983. He also earned
his associate degree in accounting from MSTC in
Wisconsin Rapids. Russ was employed by Figis Inc.,
Marshfield, as a data entry processor.
Russ is survived by his parents, Beverly (Kurt,
Jr.) Umnus, Edgar, and Leo Schneider, Auburndale. He is also survived
by his sisters, Laura (Al) Pongratz, Milladore, Lois Schneider, Neenah,
Joyce Schneider, Auburndale, Jean (Travis) Peterson, Auburndale, and
Sara Schneider, Neenah; and one brother, Paul Schneider, Marshfield. In
addition, he is survived by his nieces, Christina Pongratz, Downey, Calif.,
TayLyn Dupee, Neenah, Izzabella Schneider, Marshfield; and one nephew,
Curtis Pongratz, Fort Wayne, Ind. Russ is further survived by aunts and
uncles; and numerous cousins.
The Mass of Christian burial was held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 18, at
St. Michaels Catholic Church in Hewitt with Fr. Jesse Burish presiding.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
In lieu of flowers a memorial will be determined at a later time.
Condolences may be sent online to

Wednesday, January 6th

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