Jesus Loves Malawi December 2015 Update

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Jesus Loves Malawi Update

December, 2015

Dear Friends,
As you may remember, our last newsletter was sent from a
conference we were asked to attend in Europe. The
conference was very valuable, and afterward we enjoyed
some wonderful family vacation time. Then Dean returned
to Malawi while Steffi and the children continued school at
Steffi's parents, where they were once again impressed with
how easy life is when you have continuous water and nonstop electricity. Steffi was especially delighted to rediscover
how quickly a load of laundry can be done when you have
both a washer and a dryer, and the power stays on. Elianna
also made many new discoveries, such as shop doors
opening and closing by themselves, driving through a
tunnel, going to a playground for the first time, and seeing
her own breath. The older children worked hard to catch up
on the schoolwork they had missed especially Christopher,
who had to make up six weeks of school he had missed due
to internet and power problems, followed by travel. We're
very thankful he is such a diligent student.
Meanwhile, Dean was working in Malawi. Awhile back we
were able to buy a small, used generator, which we bought for
First time at the pool.
showing videos in the village. But now, with greatly increased
power interruptions, Dean managed to find a way to get it hooked up to the house so we can at
least keep lights and computers going. We wish it were powerful enough to run more, but at
least we won't be in the dark anymore.
December also marked our 19th anniversary. It was the first time we were apart. But, while
absence makes the heart grow fonder, our emails to each other were not love letters, but mostly
about planting dates, plant density, and germination rates because rainy season has arrived.
Praise the Lord! Rain is so precious and important to survival in Malawi that even our kids, who
were in the dreary winter rain of Holland, cheered when they heard the news that the rain had
come to Malawi. Rain also marks the end of an oppressively hot, dry, and dusty season. It led us
to reflect on our differing emotional responses to rain in different parts of the world. Please pray
for regular rainfall and a good harvest for Malawi.
We're all together, now. As of yesterday Dean joined the family for Christmas in Holland.
Steffi's brother and his family, missionaries in Argentina, recently arrived, as well, and we're
looking forward to spending the holidays together with Steffis whole family for the first time in
20 years.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

Thankful for rain, and a new
growing season.
For being reunited as a family.
That God works all things together
for good, and that we were given this
opportunity to be with Stephanie's
family for Christmas at little extra cost.

for evenly spaced rains, and for

little damage from the torrents that fall,
often accompanied by strong wind.
Many Malawians had a poor harvest last year,
and hunger season is particularly stark this year.
For God's truth to prevail in Malawi against
the many competing voices many of them
from wolves in sheep's clothing.
For health, strength, and protection.
For continued guidance in our ministry.

The Great Wall of Lima (Beans).

One of several new trellises in our
ever expanding garden.

We want to wish you all a very wonderful, merry, and Christ filled Christmas wherever you are,
whether it is raining or snowing, or even sunny. May Emmanuel fill your hearts with His
presence, peace, and joy, and may you find new ways of sharing His love with others around you
in the New Year.
In His Love,
Dean, Steffi, Christopher, Jonathan, Sarah, and Elianna

Merry Christmas!
and a Happy New Year!

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