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Education about the Peyronies Disease Device currently being used

to straighten a bent penis!

Peyronies Disease, now treatable with a peyronies disease device,

also known as induratio penis plastica or chronic inflammation of the
tunica albuginea (thick sheath tissue which capsulates the corpora
cavernosa), is a connective tissue disorder which involves the growth of
fibrous plaque within a peniss soft tissue. This plaque, or forming of scar
tissue, generally forms onside the length of the penis in the corpora
cavernosa region. This plaque is underneath the skin so does not appear
as visible, and depending on just how severe the condition is, this plaque
can often cause the penis to bend with an abnormal curvature anywhere
from a minor to major degree, thus making sexual intercourse difficult to
perform and can on occasion also tend to be quite painful.
Peyronies Disease What is Peyronies Disease?
This is a question that many men who have experienced some penis
problems often ask.
Are you feeling pain in penis or having painful erections? Have you
noticed a penis curvature (bent penis or curved penis) or a penis
shrinkage? Have you recently had a penis injury? Can you feel a lump
inside your penis?
If youve answered yes to any of the above questions, then its quite
natural for you to be trying to find out what is Peyronies disease as you
might have it and just didnt know the scientific or technical name for it.
The term Peyronies disease (PD) can seem somewhat misleading, as it
is, it sounds as if it were something you can catch sexually, but it can be
stated with assurance that this is not a sexually transmitted disease
(STD), as you cannot catch it, nor can you pass it on to anyone else by
sexual, physical, nor any other activity or method of contact.
The term Disease is simply defined as any abnormal conditions that affect
your body in some way other than how your body naturally performs. In
short, a disease is a medical condition associated with specific symptoms
and signs, which in this case applies to the Peyronies disease.
Peyronies Disease Definition
Though there is no fully apparent definition to answer what is Peyronies
disease and few of the definitions located are described in simple

English. Despite this, here is our absolute best attempt to explain the
condition in laymans terms.
The exact cause of peyronies disease is not fully known or understood,
nor why some men develop it while others do not.
Peyronies is considered to be caused by some kind of trauma or injury to
the penis, in which the trauma can result in various penis problems,
including significant damage to the penile tissues. Whenever your body
tissue is damaged, the body activates a healing process. Simply put, it can
be also be labeled as a wound healing disorder. For some reasons
unknown, the tissues in the penis under this pretense do not heal as they
should which leaves a scar inside.
When you have this disorder, the healing process overcompensates and
your body works harder than it should to correct itself, which in turn
causes an excess of scar tissue to form within the layer (tunica albuginea)
that surrounds the spongy erectile tissue (corpus cavernosum). This
causes too much collagen to build up and form fibrous plaque (hard lump)
in the penis.
The illustrations below provide a much more detailed view of where and
how the plaque forms in the penis, while these peyronies penis photos
show what real penises with this disease look like.
What causes Peyronies Disease?
It is uncertain what exactly can be the cause of a curve in the penis. A
fairly large quantity of researchers tend to believe that this plaque
associated with resulting in a curved penis can sometimes develop shortly
after a major trauma such as a major hitting or bending that causes
localized bleeding on the inside of the penis. This injury and/or trauma to
the body may not even show any signs so can be completely
unnoticeable. Other cases, which develop over time, may even be
genetically linked or inherited (passed on from parents to children through
genes). This type of disorder could be caused by a combination of both
factors, genes and trauma together.Peyronies Disease Diagram
Alongside this, several medications list peyronie as a possible side effect
of taking the medicine. Of course, the chance of developing a curve in the
penis from any of these drugs will be extremely low and there isnt any
real proof that a bent dick is related to taking these drugs but the
possibility remains nonetheless.
Who gets Peyronies Disease?
According to the National Institute of Health, there was one particular

study which concluded that it can occur in about 1% of men. Although this
disease generally occurs in middle-aged men, men of any age can still
suffer from it. In some cases, men who are related tend to develop the
disease, suggesting that it may possibly even be linked genetically.
What are the Symptoms of Peyronie Disease?
In severe cases, the hardened plaque (which is benign, or noncancerous)
also limits the tissues flexibility, thus causing pain and also forcing the
penis to bend or curve during erections. For most of these cases, it is
common that the pain diminishes over time, but the bend in the penis
generally will continue to remain as a problem. On occasion, milder forms
of this disease will resolve itself on its own spontaneously and may even
do so without causing any significant pain or permanent bending. Curved
dicks are pretty much deemed permanent, as the penis generally will only
resolve on its own between 5%-19% of the time. The symptoms can begin
showing gradually over time at a really slow pace, or they can appear very
swiftly and as fast as overnight. Unless the penis is stimulated and fully
erect, the problem may not show any signs of existing at all if the penis is
still flaccid aka soft aka limp.
How can Peyronies Disease be Diagnosed?
The first step of diagnosing whether or not you have this issue will usually
be confirmed by your doctor questioning you about any circumstances,
such as injury, that may have possibly occurred prior to your symptoms
appearing. More likely than not, the doctor can feel the hardened tissue
caused by the disease during an exam, although sometimes your penis
may need to be stimulated first as it could be necessary to do the exam
with the penis erect to see the full extent of the problem. In some cases
where the doctors exam does not confirm Peyronies disease, or in cases
where the condition develops at a very rapid rate, your doctor may
perform a biopsy. A biopsy is a specific form of surgery which involves
removing the tissue from the affected area to be examined in a lab.
Can Peyronies Disease be Treated? Is there a cure for Peyronies
Certainly there is a cure. There are only a few real answers to how to
straighten your dick, but since some peoples condition improve without
treatment, doctors often suggest waiting several years before taking any
extreme measures in trying to correct it. Mild cases of the condition rarely
require treatment. Also, the pain associated with the disease occurs only
with an erection and is usually mild. If intercourse is satisfactory then no
treatment may be needed. Personally, we dont really believe you should
have to wait several years to find out that you need correction in which will
take even more months or years. Its much simpler to just use a Peyronies
Disease Correction Device.

It is important to remember that no peyronies treatment can guarantee full

recovery or significant improvements. Some treatments work well for
some patients while not so much for others. There are too many factors in
which can depict the results, such as: how severe your penis problems
are, your age, commitment to the chosen treatment, etc. etc.
The first step in normalizing your body back to normal is, however to see
your doctor (if you have not done so already), and to get a formal
diagnosis for your penis problems, i.e. to confirm whether or not you even
have PD to begin with, and not just Congenital Curvature or any other
medical condition. Your doctor will most likely be the most experienced
person to advise you about the different peyronies treatment options
available to you. We recommend preparing yourself before visiting your
Doctor, as good preparation will help you to ask the right questions and to
better understand the answers and explanations you get.

What Treatments are Available?

Possible treatments for P.D. include surgery, therapy, and now even a
completely natural stretching device. The FDA has approved the first drug
for treating Peyronies disease, Xiaflex. It is believed to work by breaking
down the scar tissue that causes the curvature. Some men even take part
in as many as four of these treatments, each of which is two injections of
the drug directly into the problem area. Theres also surgery to straighten
the penis, but side effects may occur which include pain, bruising, and
even swelling.
The two most common surgeries used to treat Peyronies disease are:
Removal of the plaque followed by placement of a tissue patch.
Removal or altering the tissue from the side of the penis opposite the
plaque, which counters the diseases bending effect.
Unfortunately, the surgeries do not guarantee normal penis function. The
first method can involve partial loss of erectile function, especially rigidity.
The second method, known as the Nesbit procedure, causes a shortening
of the erect penis.
Another type of surgery for Peyronies disease is penile prosthesis
implantation. This treatment is reserved for men who have both Peyronies
disease and significant erectile dysfunction (inability to obtain or maintain

an erection suitable for intercourse).

Most types of surgery produce positive results. But because complications
can occur, and because many of the complications associated with PD
(for example, shortening of the penis) cannot be corrected, most doctors
prefer to perform surgery only on the small number of men with curvature
so severe that it prevents sexual intercourse.
Vitamin Therapy
Some studies have shown that vitamin E improves the condtion. Similar
studies have been done on para-aminobenzoate, a substance related to
B-complex vitamins, but the results have been inconclusive. Both of these
substances theoretically decrease or inhibit the scar tissue (plaque)
Other Options
Other approaches to treating the disease that have yet to be confirmed as
effective include the injection of chemical agents directly into the plaque or
radiation therapy. However, because radiation therapy can only relieve
pain associated directly in association with PD and that the pain frequently
disappears without treatment, it is seldom performed.
Since the severity of the condition varies from person to person, talk to
your doctor about what treatment strategy is right for you.
Pain Management
In the majority of men with penile pain occurs due to the condition, the
discomfort usually does not last very long and will generally resolve on its
own as the penile injury heals and matures over time. Sadly, this selfcorrecting healing process may often take anywhere from 6 to 18 months.
In certain instances, the calcium channel blockers Calan or Isoptin may be
effective in decreasing the pain related, when injected directly into the
penile scar or plaque.
Non-surgical Straightening

The Peyronies Disease Device is a type of sleeve that you wear

which is designed to put tension on your penis while pulling it straight at a
gradual pace that you control. People everywhere swear by it and it is an
amazing revolution helping thousands of people regain their sexual
confidence and reduce erectile dysfunction. You can order one from here
if you wish for the correction of straightening your bent penis.peyronies
disease device
What Is the Outlook for Peyronies Disease?

Though PD could simply be a self-limiting condition. Overall, the pain

usually subsides over time, the plaque formation ceases, and the
erections deformity begins to stabilize. Most men with PD are still
completely capable of having sexual intercourse and sharing mutual
enjoyment with their spouse or partner.
Straighten your curve with this cure for Peyronies and make your dick
bigger at the same time!
For more information, see: Peyronies Disease (Wikipedia entry)

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