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IIIrd year 5th Semister

Case Study on
Taking a Closer Look
Entering and
Submitted by:
Pradeep Thakur


Submitted to:
Prof. Seema Saini

October 03, 2015
1) The Boundaries of Analysis
Ans: Three partners i.e. Fox, Smyth and Thomas is a mid-size law firm located in
Middleboro. The firm has been struggling with competitive challenges in their
community in the last 2 years as 3 other firms have been gaining in their client bases
and billings. In fact client base has dropped from 452 clients to 420 since January 2002.
Also 2 key lawyers recently left the firm saying that they were dissatisfied with the
Executive Committee's on workload and salary distribution as well as recruitment
practices. Interconflicts between two groups. Changing in working conditions, New
Assess the performance of the 21 lawyers and 8 paralegals as to conduct interviews
because it is critical that everyone perform well during these tough times. To assess
staff morale and to uncover reasons for any dissatisfaction at the firm.
Recommended Action Plan: - Diagnosis, Data Analysis process, feedback process
and Action Plans process. Provide change strategies including education/training,
political influence, structural interventions and confrontation of resistance. There should
be open door policy. So that Employees can share their views and ideas.
2) Objectives of the Project
Ans: Objective of the Project is to analyze the feedbacks received from client and
based on the analysis suggesting solutions and providing recommendations in order to
improve the employees satisfaction level. Basically Engaged employees feel a strong
emotional bond to the organization that employs them. Clarifying the Organizational
issue, presenting the problem and symptoms. Flexibility in responding to changes
without the control of the project manager, perhaps requiring major shifts in project
goals and management style.
3) The kind of Information to Seek
Ans: The information about Executive Committee policies, vision & mission and culture
of the Organization, salary distribution as well as recruitment process. Primary data of
current organization, all employees details who are working in the organization and

market study about competitors in the market. Policies and salary structure of the
Competitors in the market. All clients basic information available from current
organization. Feedback from existing clients.

4) Your Role in the Project

Ans: Role in the Project to analysis problem faced by the organization and give proper
solution / remedies to resolved it. Due to primary data collection able to get idea about
the problem faced by the employees who are working in the Organization. Involvement
of the Manager and group members meeting to discuss what issues to work on and how
they will jointly meet the goals they set.
5) The Product you will Deliver
Goals of Proposed Effort

Descriptive clear and concise goals to be
Recommended Action Plan
Description of 1) diagnosis 2)data
analysis process 3) feedback process
and 4) action planning process.
Specification of Responsibilities What will various leaders including the
OD practitioner be held accountable for
Strategy for Achieving the Provide change strategies, including
Desired State
education/training, political influence,
structural interventions and confrontation
of resistance
Fees, terms and conditions
Outline fees and expenses associated
with the project
6) Support and Involvement needed form the client
Ans: Meet with study team members to verify objectives and methods and refine them
in order to incorporate sponsor concerns. Initial interviews with senior executives to
understand broad strategic context of Organization. Finalize detailed interview
questions for different stakeholders. Validate questions and sampling approach with
study team. Meeting with study team and extended stakeholder group to review and
discuss implications of findings.
7) Time Schedule

Ans: Steve Smyth the partner in charge of business development ask that to complete
assessment in 60 days because competition is heating up and he fears the loss of any
more staff. First step is data collection and analysis the data. Next step is feedback
process and then action planning process which will take some time.

8) Confidentiality
Ans: The establishment of the study a team, a statement about data, clients
confidentiality. The Practitioner will point confidential sources of information and at times
may even withhold data. Defining what is relevant and useful involves consideration of
privacy and ethics as well as judgment about whether the group is ready for the
information or if the information would make the client overly defensive.
9) Feedback to you Later
Ans: The project would be governed by a study team who would work to frame project
objectives, receive the feedback and assist in data interpretation and help to transfer the
learning's back to the organization. Feedback helps to involve new ideas, technology
which will help Organization. Due to feedback only, training and development, employee
engagement activity done for employees in the organization to get workforce engaged.
The feedback step in which members are given the information gathered by the OD
practitioner helps them to determine strengths and weaknesses of the Organization or
the department. Members discuss the feedback and explore with the OD practitioner
whether they want to work on identified problems. A close inter-relationship exists
among data gathering, feedback and diagnosis, because the consultant summarizes the
basis data from the client members and presents the data to them for validation and
further diagnosis.
10) Problems /Opportunities you face with this client.
Ans: Problems/Opportunities are as under: 1) Not more personal interactions with Stakeholders, improper data from client.
2) Lack of coordination within team members and stakeholders
3) Maintaining the energy and enthusiasm of employees thought the change
4) Ensuring that the organization adapts to change and does not backslide into old
ways of working.
5) Prioritizing organizational projects and resources.
6) Managing the cultural shift that is needed to create

7) Understanding the science of quality and implementing it as an art.

8) Provides opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than mere
resources in the productive process.
9) Gives people in organisation the chance to influence how they relate to work, the
organization and the work environment.
Tries to create an environment in which exciting and challenging work can
be found.

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