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Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey on how hard junior
employees have to work.
The results were alarming: over half of 18-25-year-old respondents are working more
than 60 hours a week and a significant number are working more than 90. A dangerous
cocktail of drugs and loneliness is fueling the long hours culture:

2. Free to read: Global economy is improving but world 'not out of the woods yet'
says IMF:
The International Monetary Fund upgraded its 2014 global growth expectation by 0.1
percentage point to 3.7 per cent. This is an improvement on the 3.0 per cent rate last year
but there are still many risks, including the possibility of deflation in advanced economies
and sudden flights of capital in the weaker emerging markets.

3. Free to read: Why are companies still hoarding cash?

Corporations are sitting on a $2.8tn cash pile, most of that held by a relatively small
number of companies, including Apple, Microsoft and Google. Even though the global
economy is recovering and confidence is returning to the market, this mountain of money
is not being spent. Why?
Commentit's a husband and wife theory. husband is the company, wife is the
shareholder. if company gives money to shareholder, it would be left with less money and
whenever it needs money, it needs permission from the wife...
Comment.Liquidity provides flexibility in a recessed or depressed economy. In 2008
credit was frozen by banks thus forcing companies to create their own internal lines of
credit via large cash reserves. The loser is the job market, in the past, employers would
spend on R&D and expansion of their work force.
Commentso? They made money, created jobs and did well by their share holders, if the
taxes in western welfare states weren't so high (or just didn't exist) the would be able to
invest and create more jobs, why should the government get the money they make?
CommentThere are many ways to discuss the situation. First, those companies who
have larger cash reserves can generate a lot of cash in their original business. They do not
need to make a big change. Second, there are no new wealth creation process in the
mature economies. Few people get higher payrolls, a lot of people even have lower
payrolls. Those companies think too much investment may be a waste of money and so is
the act to buyback their own shares. The wealth redistribution process is needed when
most people can not afford new technology. The society must have something wrong. It
seems to be a vicious circle here. A good cycle should be people have increased payrolls
and they love to try new technology or new service, and the companies which provides
the tech or the service gets more money from customer and invest more. But we still see
the effect of 2008 crisis. People still have less money in their pockets. It leads to the
situation that old business model has no need to change and those cash cows can still
make decent profit in the same way. Unless the tax code change is done and people can
get subsidy from other wealth redistributed way, it is hard to see great new investment
because the demand may not that much as we think. A new investment should be brought
from the consumption. But the wealth inequality still trouble people these days.

4. With a string of recent acquisitions, Google seems to be planning to become as big in

hardware as it is in software. Its latest purchase is Nest Labs, a maker of sophisticated
thermostats and smoke detectors: on January 13th Google said it would pay $3.2 billion
in cash for the firm


6. The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It
is for you to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important, and nothing that
works faster than for you to cast off your own limitations than for you to begin
dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you can become, have,
and do.
More than 90% of your success will be determined by your reference group. Your
reference group is defined as the people with whom you habitually identify and pass the
You are like a chameleon in that you take on the attitudes, behaviors, values, and beliefs
of the people with whom you associate most of the time. If you want to be a successful
person in business, if you want to become one of the famous entrepreneurs, associate
with positive people. Associate with people who are optimistic and happy and who have
goals and who are moving forward in their lives. At the same time, get away from
negative, critical, complaining people. If you want to fly with the eagles, you cannot
scratch with the turkeys.
Whenever you meet new people, ask them to tell you about their businesses and, tell you
what you would need to know to send clients or customers to them. Then, as soon as
possible, see if you can send some business their way. Be a go-giver rather than a gogetter. Always look for ways to put in before you start thinking of ways to take out.
The very best way to network and build your relationships is to constantly look for ways
to help other people achieve their own goals. This is the best secret for learning how to
make money without expecting something in return.

What are the core competencies or key skills that you will need to lead your field in
the future?
7. Boss and Leader

8. Get Inspired......... Hats Off To This Lady

She started her career 31 years ago as an entrepreneur, selling eateries from a mobile cart
on the Marina beach amidst all odds -- battling a failed marriage, coping with her
husband, a multiple addict, and taking care of two kids. Today, she has overcome the
hurdles and owns a chain of restaurants. She married against the will of her parents.
Unfortunately, the marriage failed but her parents never forgave her and she was on her
own along with 2 children. " I knew I should either succumb to the burden or fight; I
decided to fight my lonely battle." she said. She started selling pickles, squashes and jams
she made at home.
Eventually she started her own cart on Marine Drive, Mumbai. On the first she just sold
one cup of coffee, making 50 paise the first day. But she never lost hope and earned as
high as 25,000 rs a day. One day the Slum Clearance Board gave her an offer to run the
canteen at their office with a proper kitchen. The chairman met her during her morning
walk. It was a huge success. Thereafter, she never looked back.
She suffered the second shock of her life in 2004 when she lost her daughter and son-inlaw in a road accident. The ambulance refused to carry their dead bodies. Finally,
somebody carried all the dead bodies in the boot of a car. She couldn't bear the scene and
broke down. That is when she decided to keep an ambulance on that very spot to help
people whether the victims are alive or dead. It is in memory of her daughter.
Today Patricia along with her son runs the chain of restaurant 'Sandeepha' in her
daughter's memory and around 200 people work under her. She was awarded 'Ficci
entrepreneur of the year' in 2010.

9. Reputation and Business !!!

One day during his visit to London, King Jai Singh was walking in casual dress in Bond
Street. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went inside to inquire about the Price and
Features etc of their cars.
Considering him a just another Poor Indian citizen, showroom salesmen insulted him and
almost showed him the way out of the showroom. After this insult, King Jai Singh came
back to his Hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that King of Alwar
city is interested in purchasing their few Cars.
After few hours King reached the Rolls Royce showroom again but with his full
astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. Until he reached the showroom there
was already red carpet on the floor and all the salesmen were bent with respect. The King
purchased all the six cars that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount
with delivery costs.
After reaching India, King ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce
cars for cleaning and transporting citys waste. Worlds number one Rolls Royce cars
were being used for transportation of Citys waste, the news spread all over the world
rapidly and the reputation of Rolls Royce Company was in drains.
Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce,
people used to laugh saying, which one? The same that is used in India for carrying the
waste of the City?
Due to such reputation damages, sales of Rolls Royce dropped rapidly and revenue of
company owners started falling down. Then they sent a Telegram to the king in India for
apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this

but they also offered Six new cars to king free of cost.
When King Jai Singh observed that Rolls Royce has learnt a lesson and they are sorry for
their mistakes, king stopped using those cars for carrying wastes.

11 World's smallest McDonald's (Japan)

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