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Rationalism is the application of:

a) Research solution
b) Logic and arguments
c) Reasoning
d) Previous findings
A set of premise statements that are logically combined to
yield a conclusion:
a) Coding system
b) Variable
c) Argument
d) Hypothesis
Which of the following is not a generally accepted reason
to undertake academic research?
a) To generate new knowledge
b) To confirm a personal opinion or viewpoint
c) To explain a phenomenon
d) To create a new procedure or system
A procedure for measuring and defining a construct:
a) Operational definition
b) Pilot study
c) Randomization
d) Scientific method
Which of the following is not one of the 4 major
approaches to qualitative research.
a) Ethnography
b) Phenomenology
c) Case study
d) Grounded theory
e) Nonexperimental
The purpose of a literature review is to:
a) Help you find out what is already known about this
b) Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.
c) Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context
in which the current study can be located.
d) Find what is already known, identify gaps
demonstrate awareness.
Which of the following is a good research question?
a) Is the "back to the basics" movement good for public
b) How would the current generation of young adults
react if the military draft reinstated?
c) Are teachers underpaid?
d) Does the phonics or the whole-language approach to
reading lead to higher achievement?
Which of the following is not a feature of theoretical
a) Making an inventory of variables
b) Specify the direction of relationship
c) Presenting findings
d) Making an inventory of propositions
Which of the following is a philosophical assumption of
qualitative researchers?
a) Facts and values are distinct from one another.
b) The proper design of research investigations will lead
to accurate conclusions the nature of the world.
c) Values are an integral part of the research process.
d) Facts stand independent of the knower and can be
known in an undistorted

10) What is a relationship between the literature survey and

the theoretical framework?
a) Provides a solid foundation for developing the latter
b) Literature survey helps in the identification of the
relevant variables
c) The theoretical framework explains the theory
underlying these relations
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
11) Statistical methods were devised for use in psychology for
the following reason...
a) By examining probabilities, such methods enable the
scientist to derive more exact conclusions concerning
the research question.
b) By assuming that theoryneutral observations are
possible, using statistical methods of analysis
provides the experimenter with a level of certainty
about their theory.
c) By assuming that theoryneutral observations are NOT
possible, using statistical methods of analysis
provides the experimenter with a level of certainty
about their theory.
d) Qualitative methods are too unreliable.
12) A quasi-experimental design is characterized by
manipulation of the independent variable and:
a) Random assignment of subjects into control and
intervention groups
b) No randomization of groups
c) Random assignment of subjects into the control group
d) Control of extraneous variables
e) All the above
13) Good research questions are
a) Clear, significant, and ethical.
b) Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical.
c) Feasible, clear, significant, and include a hypothesis.
d) Feasible, clear, and ethical.
14) Hypothetical attributes or mechanisms that help explain
and predict behavior in a theory:
a) Statistics
b) Experiments
c) Variables
d) Constructs
15) Research done at one time is called ________________.
a) quasi-experimental
b) replication
c) cross-sectional
d) correlational
16) Which of the following is NOT a legitimate research
problem as stated?
a) What is the relationship between the number of
books children read and their reading scores?
b) Should competitive games be banned from
elementary schools?
c) What does it mean to be a special needs child
"included" in Ms. Amaras fourth grade class?
d) What are the major legal principles applied to
educational cases decided by the Supreme Court?


17) A qualitative research question:
a) Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon
to be explored
b) Is generally an open-ended question
c) both A and B are correct
d) None of the above
18) Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an
a) Methods
b) Introduction
c) Figures
d) References
e) Conclusion
19) Which of the following is not a contrast between
quantitative and qualitative research?
a) Distance vs. proximity of researcher to participants
b) Generalization vs. Contextual understanding
c) Hard, reliable data vs. rich, deep data
d) Interpretivist vs. feminist
20) What is the reason for consulting handbooks,
yearbooks,encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial stages
ofidentifying a research topic?
a) They are readily available.
b) They provide an overview of the issues related to a
c) They are primary sources.
d) They avoid reporting statistical data so one can
interpret the results more easily.
21) Why do qualitative researchers like to give detailed
descriptions of social settings?
a) To provide a contextual understanding of social
b) Because once they have left the field, it is difficult to
remember what happened
c) So that they can compare their observations as a test
of reliability
d) Because they do not believe in going beyond the level
of description
22) Which of the following is the BEST hypothesis?
a) Students taking formative quizzes will perform better
on exams than students not taking these quizzes.
b) Taller students will have higher test scores than
shorter students.
c) Students taught in a cooperative group setting should
do better than students in a traditional class.
d) Students using laptops will do well.
23) Which of the following is not a type of research question?
a) Predicting an outcome
b) Evaluating a phenomenon
c) Developing good practice
d) A working hypothesis
24) Quantitative social researchers rarelyclaim to have
established causality because
a) They are more concerned with publishing the results
of their reliability tests.
b) They do not believe that this is an appropriate goal to
be striving for.
c) They keep forgetting which of the variables they have









They tend to use cross-sectional designs, which

produce only correlations.
The purpose of a literature review in a qualitative research
report is to:
a) Contextualize your research
b) Show how much you have read
c) Critique the methodological flaws of existing research
and show how you will overcome them
d) Show how your study will relate to quantitative
The facts that should be collected tomeasure a variable,
depend upon the
a) Conceptual understanding
b) Dictionary meaning
c) Operational definition
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
Bias is not a meaningful conceptnwhen critiquing
qualitative researcher because:
a) Qualitative research is objective
b) Qualitative research recognises bias as an inevitable
component of research
c) Qualitative research is the poor cousin of quantitative
d) Qualitative research is unscientific
Which of the following is a research method that allows a
researcher to get information about a large number of
subjects relatively inexpensively and easily?
a) Naturalistic observation
b) Case study
c) Field experiment
d) Survey
Qualitative research is primarily concerned with?
a) Generating rich data
b) Large numbers of participants
c) Generating broad data
d) Seeking relationships between variables
What does it mean if two variables have a positive
a) As one variable increases, so does the other
b) As one variable increases, the other decreases
c) The correlation between the two variables is 0
d) The correlation between the two variables is greater
than 1.0
Naturalism has been defined as:
a) Viewing natural and social objects as belonging to the
same realm
b) Being true to the nature of the phenomenon under
c) Minimising the intrusion of artificial methods of data
collection into the field
d) Both A and C
e) All of the above
Quantitative research is based upon:
a) Interpretivism, objectivity and induction
b) Interpretivism, reduction and induction
c) Subjectivity, deduction and control
d) Objectivity, deduction and logical positivism











To read critically means:

a) Taking an opposing point of view to the ideas and
opinions expressed
b) Skimming through the material because most of it is
just padding
c) Evaluating what you read in terms of your own
research questions
d) Being negative about something before you read it
A paradigm can best be described as:
a) Experiential knowledge
b) A way of looking at the world
c) A deductive thought process
d) Middle range theory
If you conducted a study in which you wanted to
determine why help is not given to people who obviously
need it, with which of the following objectives would you
have conducted the study?
a) Description
b) Explanation
c) Prediction
d) Control
A limitation of using the method of empiricism is
a) People can be fooled so that they misperceive the
world around them.
b) People see things accurately but misinterpret their
c) The method of empiricism can be time consuming and
even dangerous.
d) The other three choices are all limitations.
Which of the following key concepts are associated with
qualitative research?
a) Reflexivity, objectivity and subjectivity
b) Reflexivity, subjectivity and generating meaning and
c) Subjectivity, reliability and generating meaning and
d) Objectivity, reliability and validity
Inductive reasoning:
a) Moves from the general to the specific
b) Moves from the specific to the general
c) Draws conclusions from testing theory
d) Draws conclusions from general observations
How might qualitative research facilitate quantitative
a) By providing hypotheses that can later be tested
b) By helping with the design of survey questions
c) By informing the schedule of a structured interview
d) All of the above.
What is the basis of the Scientific Method?
a) To test hypotheses in conditions which are conducive
to its success?
b) To formulate a research problem and disprove the
c) To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis
in carefully controlled conditions that challenge the
d) To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they
should be abandoned completely.
Concerning the use of multiple methodologies, which of
the following statements is false?









There are no drawbacks to using multiple

methodologies. They can only enhance our insight
into the research question.
b) It is important to develop one method of testing
hypotheses. The use of too many methodologies
indicates a weakness in the research and should be
c) Multiple methodologies are useful as they may
indicate weaknesses in the theory.
d) Using multiple methodologies is time-consuming and
costly. There is no guarantee that the results will
support the research question.
In order for a research study to be repeatable, the
researcher must _____________.
a) describe all characteristics of the sample
b) keep the theory undisclosed
c) reveal the theoretical bias
d) describe the characteristics of the population
Of all the steps in the research process, the one that
typically takes the most time is
a) Formulating the problem.
b) Data collection.
c) Developing a hypothesis.
d) Selecting a research method.
e) Evaluation of the results
Empiricism is a vital element in scientific studies. What
does empiricism refer to?
a) Acquiring knowledge through experience
b) A persons personal opinions about phenomena in the
c) Tenacious determination to hold onto ones current
d) Accepting information because it comes from an
The step-by-step process by which the research project is
conducted and completed is known as:
a) The research process.
b) The process of describing research.
c) The process of developing research ideas.
d) The process of gathering data for a research project.
Which of the following is NOT a general feature that
characterizes most qualitative research?
a) Inflexible design.
b) Naturalistic inquiry.
c) Holistic perspective.
d) Personal contact and insight.
The literature review that the researcher writes becomes
a) Conceptual framework for the research project.
b) Theoretical framework for the research project.
c) Methodological framework for the research project.
d) Analytical framework for the research project.
Which of the following could be considered a limitation of
qualitative research?
a) Because it is typically conducted in an artificial
laboratorysetting the findings may not apply to the
real world
b) Results from qualitative research are overly objective
not allowing for interpretation of individual
participants perspectives











It is not particularly useful for generating theoretical

d) Different researchers may provide different
interpretations of the same data
Data collection methods are:
a) The means by which literature is sourced for a
research project.
b) The means by which data is analysed for a research
c) The means by which data is gathered for a research
d) The means by which the researcher develops a
theoretical framework.
Qualitative research can be described in the following
a) It is objective, involves multiple methods, and focuses
on people in subcultures
b) It is opinionated, involves two specific methods, and
focuses on cultures, not people
c) It is emotional, involves historical methods, and
focuses on people with odd cultural practices
d) It is interpretive, involves multiple methods, and
focuses on people in their natural environment
Data is:
a) Literature gathered for a research project.
b) Information or evidence gathered for a research
c) Always difficult to source for a research project.
d) Always complex whenused in a research project.
In mixed methods research, qualitative methods are
generally designed to address issues of __________?
a) Interpretation
b) Frequency of occurrence
c) Causes and effects
d) All of the above
The conceptual framework for the research project:
a) Contains all of the key concepts of the research
b) Contains the theoretical framework for the research
c) Contains the aim and objectives of the research.
d) Contains a description of the context for the research.
Multiple research methods are used in order to:
a) learn as much as possible about the setting
b) learn more about the participants in the study
c) learn about the contexts of behavior
d) all of the above
The statement 'To identify the relationship between the
time the patient spends on the operating table and the
development of pressure ulcers' is best described as a
a) Objective
b) Aim
c) Question
d) Hypothesis
Which of the following are considered the principles of
research design?
a) sample, selection, methods to gather data, and data
analysis techniques
b) systematic, objective, repeatable, and observable








c) positivistic and qualitative inquiry

d) random, stratified, matched, and volunteer
An operational definition specifies:
a) The data analysis techniques to be used in the study
b) The levels of measurement to be used in the study
c) How a variable or concept will be defined and
measured in the study
d) How the outcome of the research objectives for the
study will be measured.
Compared to the physical sciences, like biology, chemistry
or physics, research methods in the social sciences or
economics are;
a) Easier because nobody really cares if social scientists
get it right or not.
b) More difficult because social concepts are more
difficult to measure definitively.
c) Easier because social scientists are allowed more
leeway in their methodology.
d) About the same level of difficulty.
'There is no difference in the incidence of phlebitis around
intravenous cannulae changed every 72 hours and those
changed at 96 hours' is an example of a:
a) Null hypothesis
b) Directional hypothesis
c) Non-directional hypothesis
d) Simple hypothesis d.
e) Two-tailed hypothesis
____________ is a reason for using mixed methods that
involves gaining a fuller understanding of a research
problem and clarifying a given research result.
a) Development
b) Dissemination
c) Expansion
d) Complementarity
Research questions in qualitative studies typically begin
with which of the following words?
a) Why
b) How
c) What
d) All of the above
The researcher needs to clearly identify the aim of the
study; the question to be answered; the population of
interest; information to be collected, and feasibility in
order to decide on the research:
a) Design and method
b) Purpose and assumptions
c) Design and assumptions
d) Purpose and data analysis.
Which of the following statement is true?
a) Interpretive research proposes a hierarchical division
between the researcher, who is a privileged knower,
and the researched, who is the object from which data
are drawn.
b) Qualitative researchers typically work with much
larger samples than quantitative researchers.
c) Analytic generalizability is the aim of both qualitative
and quantitative research.
d) Qualitative research is holistic.
e) None of the above.











A hypothesis must be:

a) Proven correct
b) Testable
c) Disapproved
d) Experimental
Scientists usually make several assumptions in order to
have confidence in the scientific research process. Which
of the following is not one of these assumptions?
a) There is an underlying reality in nature including
what we see, hear, feel, touch, and taste.
b) It is possible to discover the regularities in nature.
c) There is uniformity or regularity in nature.
d) The study of the origin, structure, and extent of reality
requires trustworthiness.
What is the most basic skill required of any researcher?
a) The ability to calculate statistics.
b) The ability to understand major philosophical issues
and ideas.
c) The ability to generateideas for research projects.
d) The ability to source data.
When research is done to test hypotheses and theories
about how and why phenomena operate as they do, then
the primary purpose of such research is:
a) Descriptive
b) Predictive
c) Explanatory
d) Exploratory
When can a research project besaid to be researchable?
a) When the researcher decides to carry it out.
b) When the researcher supervisor approves the
research idea.
c) When ethical approval for the project has been
d) When there is sufficient money resources and access
to data.
Science refers to.
a) A system for producing knowledge
b) The knowledge produced by a system
c) A process of understanding reality
d) Both A & B
e) None of the above
Which of the following best describes quantitative
a) The collection of verbal data
b) An attempt to confirm the researchers hypothesis
c) Research that attempts to generate a new theory
d) A research paradigm based on pragmatic view of
Theories help scientists to:
a) Explain large bodies of data
b) Prove hypotheses
c) Determine truth from lies
d) Propose new ideas about how the world works
In , the goal of the researcher is to
test concepts and patterns known from theory using new
empirical data.
a) Descriptive statistics
b) Inductive reasoning
c) Deductive reasoning
d) Inferential statistics

10) Which of the following best describes qualitative research?

a) The collection of verbal data
b) An attempt to confirm the researchers hypothesis
c) Research that attempts to generate a new theory
d) A research paradigm based on pragmatic view of
11) Every research project should begin with:
a) A statement of the research.
b) A decision about the data gathering methods to be
c) A decision about the research methodology to be
d) An understanding of the overall conclusion that will
be drawn.
12) Qualitative researchers usually base their work on the
assumption that
a) Facts and feelings can be separated and that the
world is made up of facts be discovered.
b) The world is made up of multiple realities, socially
constructed by different views of the same situation.
c) facts and feelings can be separated, and the world is
made up of multiple interpretations.
d) The world is fixed and its rules are static and can only
be simulated.
13) The stated objectives of the research project are:
a) Aspirations the researcher has for the research
b) A complete list of all of the things the researcher
hopes to accomplish with the research.
c) The steps the researcher takes in order to accomplish
the aim of the research.
d) The standards the research supervisor sets down for
the research project.
14) Which of the following questions meets the criteria of a
well-formulated research question?
a) Would long periods of isolation alter a child's
emotional development?
b) Should marijuana be legalized?
c) Will the use of peer critiques improve college
students' compositions?
d) What are political leaders like after they leave office?
15) The theoretical framework is:
a) The framework that succinctly presents all of the key
concepts in the research project.
b) The framework the researcher builds from the
literature (theory) s/he reviews for the research
c) The search for literature that the researcher carries
d) Another name for the analytical framework.
16) Which of the following best describes the development
process for a research question?
a) A broad question is made more specific as terms are
more clearly defined
b) A broad question is made more specific in order to be
more significant
c) A specific question is broadened as terms are more
clearly defined
d) A specific question is broadened in order to be more


17) Plagiarism is:
a) The study of research and research methodologies.
b) The scholarship required in the research project.
c) The term for the relationship between the research
and the research supervisor.
d) The use and/or presentation of somebody elses work
or ideas as your own.
18) Which is not a criticism of quantitative research made by
qualitative researchers?
a) Is not creative.
b) Oversimplifies.
c) Treats people as objects.
d) Cant see the forest for the trees.
19) Every research project should make a contribution:
a) To the researchers development.
b) Financially
c) To knowledge.
d) In terms of methodology.
20) A good qualitative problem statement:
a) Defines the independent and dependent variables
b) Conveys a sense of emerging design
c) Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested
d) Specifies the relationship between variables that the
researcher expects to find.
21) Seeking answers by using the reference materials in a
college library is an example of using the
a) Method of empiricism.
b) Rational method.
c) Method of authority.
d) Scientific method.
22) The last step in the research process is
a) Actually collecting the data.
b) Using statistical techniques to evaluate the results.
c) Preparing a research report to make the results
d) Generating new questions or new hypothesis to
restart the research cycle.
23) In carrying out the research, the researcher should engage
properly and thoroughly with:
a) The media.
b) The literature on the topic.
c) Their peer researchers.
d) Art and science.
24) Conclusions from qualitative research are
a) Less certain than from quantitative research.
b) Of little practical use.
c) Seldom defensible.
d) Of descriptive value only.
25) The first question a researcher asks themselves when they
start a research project is:
a) Why do I have to do this?
b) Who can I get to help me with this?
c) What am I going to do?
d) When am I going to be finished with this?
26) Which of the following is not a criticism of qualitative
a) The studies are difficult to replicate
b) There is a lack of transparency
c) The approach is too rigid and inflexible
d) The accounts are too subjective and impressionistic.

27) When planning to do qualitative research, it is better to:

a) Approach the topic with an open mind
b) Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it
c) Be familiar with the literature on the topic
d) Forget about theory because this is a very practical
28) In deciding on what methodology and methods to use in
the research, it is important to remember that these
decisions must be:
a) Discussed and explained in detail in the opening
paragraph of the report of the research.
b) Justified.
c) Made in line with the traditional research methods
used in business research.
d) Made in collaboration with a team of advisors.
29) Why is it argued that qualitative research may not really
be "naturalistic"?
a) Because participant observation has to be overt and
so causes reactivity effects
b) Because methods such as interviews and focus groups
constitute artificial social settings
c) Because quantitative methods such as structured
observation tend to take place in more naturalistic
d) Because it is concerned with the social world rather
than the natural world
30) All research conducted or carried out within an academic
setting is:
a) Highly theoretical.
b) Either theoretical or applied research.
c) Embedded in theory.
d) Applied research.
31) How is it argued that qualitative research can have
"empiricist overtones"?
a) Semi-structured interview schedules are used to
quantify behaviour
b) There is an emphasis on direct observation of people
and social settings
c) Qualitative researchers prefer to conduct statistical
analyses of their data
d) It typically involves testing a clearly defined
32) In research, something which does not vary is called.
a) Dependent variable
b) Data set
c) Constant
d) Unit of analysis
33) Theory, in relation to research, is:
a) Relevant only in some research projects.
b) Any idea the researcherdevelops in relation to their
research project.
c) The explanation the researcher develops for their
research project.
d) To be found in literature. Literature is research that
has already been carried out and completed and



The size of dispersion of scores about some central value

in a distribution:
a) Reliability
b) Variability
c) Validity
d) Replication
2) Which is a key feature of qualitative research?
a) Seeking consensus
b) Accommodating and exploring difference
c) Valuing detachment
d) Large numbers of participants
3) Qualitative research is characterised by:
a) Belief in multiple perspectives; objectivity and
directed intervention a.
b) Belief in multiple perspectives; subjectivity and
naturalistic settings b.
c) Belief in a single perspective; objectivity and
controlled settings c.
d) Belief in a single perspective; subjectivity and
directed intervention
4) How might qualitative research help with the analysis of
quantitative data?
a) By identifying a sample of respondents for a follow-up
b) By providing hard, statistical data about them
c) By making the research more value-laden and
d) By helping to explain the relationship between two
5) Quantitative research uses:
a) Reductionist reasoning
b) Holistic reasoning
c) Deductive reasoning
d) Inductive reasoning.
6) Whereas quantitative research tends to bring out a static
picture of social life, qualitative research depicts it as
a) Symmetrical
b) Statistical
c) Processual
d) Proverbial
7) The literature reviewed must be:
a) Reasonably easy to source.
b) Readily available.
c) Relevant to the research project.
d) Required reading for the programme of study.
8) A general plan for implementing a research strategy:
a) Theory
b) Research design
c) Empirical method
d) Hypothesis
9) A variable that influences the nature of the relationship
between two or more other variables. Its effect is revealed
as an interaction.
a) Independent variable
b) Moderator variable
c) Dependent Variable
d) Controlling variable
10) Which of the following statements best describes why
some people choose to do qualitative research:
a) Because its more objective than quantitative research








b) Because its easier than quantitative research

c) Because they find statistics really difficult
d) Because they are interesting in language and meaning
The best way to become familiar with using research
methodologies and methods:
a) Is to ask for help using them.
b) Is to ask your classmates to explain to you how they
are using them.
c) Is to get some expert help whenever you have to use
d) Is to practice using them by developing ideas for
research projects in your research diary.
The writing of documents that track any ideas that occur
to the researcher when reading notes, interviews, and
other data is called __________.
a) Reflexive recording
b) Data tracking
c) Memoing
d) Embellishing
e) Justaposing
8. A good way to "debug" a study is to run a:
a) Placebo group.
b) Pilot study
c) Review of literature
d) Web search.
The qualitative research strategy places a value on:
a) Using numbers, measurements and statistical
b) Generating theories through inductive research about
social meanings
c) Conducting research that is of a very high quality
d) All of the above
Sources of researchable problems can include:
a) Researchers own experiences as educators
b) Practical issues that require solutions
c) Theory and past research
d) A and C
e) All of the above.
Which of the following describes correctly the phases of
qualitative research?
a) Identify and state the research problem, planning,
data collection, data analysis, writing the results.
b) Planning, begin the data collection, revise focus of
study as needed, continue data collection, revise focus
of study as needed, complete data collection, data
analysis, writing.
c) Identifying the research hypothesis, data collection,
data analysis, conclusions, writing.
d) Planning, identifying the problem, data collection,
Research may differ along a series of dimensions. Which of
the following may be applied to this statement?
a) The type of data collected.
b) The data-collection technique.
c) The level of manipulation used to elicit data
d) All of the above
e) Only A and C are correct


18) When participants with similar characteristics are
included in the sample for a quantitative study this is
known as:
a) Randomization
b) Bias
c) Causality
d) Homogeneity
e) Generalizability
19) Which is not one of common mistakes in choosing a
research topic?
a) Topic too up-to-date.
b) Staying with your first topic.
c) Topic too broad.
d) Topic is feasible.
20) Research strengthens our
a) Capacity to live
b) Desire for truth and knowledge
c) Desire for community living
d) Capacity to understand things
21) Which of the following is not a function of clearly
identified research questions?
a) They guide your literature search.
b) They keep you focused throughout the data collection
c) They make the scope of your research as wide as
d) They are linked together to help you construct a
coherent argument.
22) The qualitative inquiry approach to the study of human
behavior emphasizes ___________.
a) objective and systematic inquiry
b) random sample selection
c) research hypotheses to guide data collection
d) meanings, motives, and beliefs that underlie a
persons experiences
23) Research that is done to examine the findings of someone
else using the "same variables but different people" is
which of the following?
a) Exploration
b) Hypothesis
c) Replication
d) Empiricism
24) What is meant by mixed methods?
a) A research design which combines research methods
from qualitative approaches within a single research
b) A research design which combines research methods
from qualitative and quantitative approaches within a
single research study
c) A research design which combines research methods
from quantitative approaches within a single research
d) All of the above
25) A scale of measurement on which the categories have
different names and are organized sequentially:
a) Ordinal scale
b) Ratio scale
c) Nominal scale
d) Measurement scale

26) Which of the following is not a generally accepted reason

to undertake academic research?
a) To generate new knowledge
b) To confirm a personal opinion or viewpoint
c) To explain a phenomenon
d) To create a new procedure or system
27) A procedure for measuring and defining a construct:
a) Operational definition
b) Pilot study
c) Randomization
d) Scientific method
28) Qualitative research is primarily concerned with?
a) Generating rich data
b) Large numbers of participants
c) Generating broad data
d) Seeking relationships between variables
29) What does it mean if two variables have a positive
a) As one variable increases, so does the other
b) As one variable increases, the other decreases
c) The correlation between the two variables is 0
d) The correlation between the two variables is greater
than 1.0
30) Inductive reasoning:
a) Moves from the general to the specific
b) Moves from the specific to the general
c) Draws conclusions from testing theory
d) Draws conclusions from general observations
31) How might qualitative research facilitate quantitative
a) By providing hypotheses that can later be tested
b) By helping with the design of survey questions
c) By informing the schedule of a structured interview
d) All of the above.
32) Compared to the physical sciences, like biology, chemistry
or physics, research methods in the social sciences or
economics are;
a) Easier because nobody really cares if social scientists
get it right or not.
b) More difficult because social concepts are more
difficult to measure definitively.
c) Easier because social scientists are allowed more
leeway in their methodology.
a) About the same level of difficulty.
33) Science refers to.
a) A system for producing knowledge
b) The knowledge produced by a system
c) A process of understanding reality
d) Both A & B
e) None of the above
34) Conclusions from qualitative research are
a) Less certain than from quantitative research.
b) Of little practical use.
c) Seldom defensible.
d) Of descriptive value only.

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