Pedestrian Speed-Flow Model On Escalators and Staircases in Singapore MRT Stations

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Pedestrian speed-flow model on escalators and staircases in Singapore MRT stations

Zhou Xiang1, Foong Kok Wai2, Chin Hoong Chor3

Excessive pedestrian flow in the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations can cause severe congestions. The
study of pedestrian behaviour, especially on the speed-flow relationship of pedestrians, becomes
crucial in planning and design of the MRT stations in order to avoid overcrowding and congestion.
This paper aims to establish a speed-flow model for pedestrians on escalators as well as staircases, so
as to serve as references for future MRT station designs or even for the planning for shopping malls,
etc. Video recordings were carried out in Somerset MRT Station, Singapore to collect the relevant data.
The parameters in the travel time function are then determined. The result is also compared with a
similar experiment carried out in Hong Kong. It is found out that the observed capacity for escalator
and staircase in Singapore MRT Stations is comparable with the Hong Kong MTR stations, though the
parameters are significantly smaller.
The study of pedestrian movements within Singapore Mass Rapid Transit stations, especially during
the peak hours is particularly important, as there are large passenger flows, short train intervals and
limited capacity for pedestrian facilities. However, major reconstruction is always expensive.
Therefore, it is necessary to design the MRT stations properly to obtain maximum realisation of the
The present paper deals with the speed-flow rate relationship of pedestrians in the vertical direction,
i.e. on escalators and staircases. A similar experiment has been done in Hong Kong in the Mass Transit
Railway stations there. Relating to the Hong Kong characteristics, the survey conducted in Hong Kong
may not completely fit into the context of Singapore. Nevertheless, as both Singapore and Hong Kong
are metropolitan cities with high population density, the Hong Kong model can be served as a useful
reference in this paper.
It is worthwhile pointing out that with the data collected, it is also possible to find out a probability of
route choice against travel time function, and such simulation model could be incorporated into the
future construction and upgrading of MRT stations in Singapore.
In this paper, an outline of the data collection method and analysis is first presented, followed by a
discussion of the significance of the parameters, comparing those from a similar study in Hong Kong.
Finally, a conclusion is drawn and evaluation of the accuracy as well as the precision of the model is
also included.

SRP student, Hwa Chong Junior College

Postgraduate, National University of Singapore

Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore

Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection
A survey was conducted in Somerset MRT station on May 27th, between 3:45p.m to 4:30p.m, to
investigate the pedestrian-flow relationship on the escalator and staircase. The aim was to collect
pedestrian travel times, flows, capacities and physical dimensions of the vertical facilities, i.e. the
length of escalator and the staircase. Since the congestion at the approach to the escalator and staircase
contribute significantly to the delay in travel time, the length of the escalator and staircase was
measured to include the walkways leading to them. Due to physical constraints, only the data on
escalator section (upwards) and staircase section (downwards) have been collected. It is noted that all
pedestrians is walking downwards in the staircase, because the upward escalator is beside the staircase.
No pedestrian upward flow in the staircase is observed in this survey. A survey plan for data collection
at Somerset MRT station is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Obtaining the relevant data on spot requires much money and labour input. Due to limited resources,
the data were collected using video recording equipment. The videos were then converted to WMA
format of viewing using Microsoft Windows Media Player. Data analysis was subsequently carried out
to extract required data. This method has an advantage over the manual one as particular events can be
repeated and data can be reviewed.
Video cameras are set at the entrances and exits of the vertical pedestrian facilities. Since the staircase
and escalator in Somerset MRT station were located side by side, i.e. the entrance of the escalator is
the exit of the staircase and vice versa, only two cameras are required to carry out the survey. The
camera located near the entrance recorded the travel time of a chosen pedestrian entering the escalator
or staircase, and the other camera located near the exit recorded the time of the same pedestrian exiting
the escalator or staircase. It was considered that the timings are related to a common time, which
provided basis for subsequent processing and analysis of data. Therefore, the two cameras are
synchronised before the survey was carried out.
In order to find the capacity flow rate of the pedestrians on staircase and escalator in Somerset MRT
station, a further survey was done on June 27, from 4:45p.m to 6:00p.m using a mini computer called
Hunter. As each pedestrian alight from the escalator or exit from the staircase, a key is pressed down
and a data point stored into the Hunter, in a DAT format file. Further analysis of the file gives the
capacity flow rate of pedestrians on the escalator and staircase.
Data analysis
Data extraction was carried out manually by playing the video recordings on a computer screen.
Different methods are used to find out the pedestrian flow per unit time for the escalator and staircase.
For the staircase (downwards) section, the 45-minute video was divided into 30 seconds intervals. The
number of pedestrians using the staircase was then counted manually. For the escalator section
(upwards) section, the time for each interval is measured as the time for all the passengers alighted
from the each MRT arrival trains to aboard the escalator. A main database for pedestrian flow rate was
established after this step had been done.
Pedestrian travel time data was also collected manually in a similar way. Random samples of
pedestrians in the 30-second intervals of MRT train arrivals were selected, and the travel time of each
pedestrian in the samples was calculated by considering their entry and exit times. These pedestrian
samples are then matched with the main database to obtain the flow rate at that moment.
To determine the capacity flow rate of the pedestrians, the data collected from the Hunter are then
analysed by dividing the data into 30-second intervals, and the pedestrian flow rate is measured
accordingly. The capacity flow rate was assumed to take the value of the maximum flow rate obtained.
Meanwhile, another instant flow rate approximation was used. Time taken between two consecutive
pedestrian entering the staircase or escalator is measured, and the instant flow rate is the reciprocal of
the time. However, both methods give identical results.
All data extracted were inputted and processed using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, to
facilitate the calibration of the travel time function at the next stage of the study.

The data analysis procedure for calibrating the travel time function is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Survey Video Tape

Converted to WMA Format

Entry time and Exit time of a

Chosen Pedestrian

Main Database Containing the Times for each

pedestrian Passing a Chosen Line of the
Pedestrian Block


Data extracted by Hunter

Speed Flow Relationship

Capacity Flow Rate

Convert to Linear Function

Travel time function

Fig. 2. Flow Chart for Data Analysis Procedures

Travel Time Function

The model adopted from approximating and estimating travel time is based on the Bureau of Public
Roads (BPR, 1964) function, which has been widely used for the prediction of travel times on road
networks. Cheung and Lam (1988) also uses the same function in a similar survey for pedestrian flow
in Hong Kong. The time travel function by pedestrian block type is given as

t (v ) = t 0 + B


where t(v) = travel time (s) at flow v; t0 = free flow travel time (s); v =pedestrian flow
(passenger/m/min); C = capacity of pedestrian block (passenger/m/min); and B, n = parameters to be

In the survey, the function is reduced to a linear function to estimate the parameters B and n:

ln(t ( v ) t 0 ) = ln B + n ln v n ln C
A plot of travel time against flow rate was prepared.


The results and the travel time functions by pedestrian blocks on escalator and staircase are displayed
in Table 1. Fig. 3, 4 are plots of ln(t (v ) t 0 ) against ln v , for average values of t(v) a. Average
values for t(v) and v are used in the plots to reduce any random errors given rise from the random
nature of human pedestrian behaviours.
Table 1.

speed (m/s)


flow rate











No. Of

t0 (s)








Fig. 3. Plot of ln(t(v) to)

against ln(v), staircase section

Fig. 4. Plot of ln(t(v) to)

against ln(v), escalator section

y = 0. 1763x + 1. 6805
R = 0. 4636

2. 5

y = 1. 1291x - 3. 3492
R = 0. 8725

1. 8
1. 6
1. 4

1. 2

1. 5

0. 8

0. 6
0. 4

0. 5

0. 2


Due to the small sample size, the precision and accuracy of the parameters and the model are
compromised. This is reflected in the R2 value of 0.8725 and 0.4636 respectively for escalator and
staircase. However, if given more time, more advanced equipment and some help from advanced
computer programming, this model can be significantly improved. The whole analysis was done
almost manually. This also contributes to the unsatisfactory big uncertainty associated in the model.
Compared to a similar survey done by Cheung and Lam (1998), the parameters differ. In this model,
the value of parameter B (7.82 for escalator and 11.62 for staircase) is much greater than the Hong

Kong result (0.2458 for escalator and 0.6333 for staircase). The n value for the escalator section is
comparable to that in Hong Kong, but the n value for the staircase section is significantly smaller than
the 1.03 in Hong Kong. It is also found out that the average travelling speed on escalators in Singapore
is faster than that in Hong Kong, while the walking speed in staircase is similar.
The similar value for n for escalator section can be explained by the fact that travelling speed on
escalator is largely dependent on the speed of escalator. Since all escalators are operated at similar
speed, the difference in n is small. However, the small value for n for staircase section in Singapore
implies that congestion seldom occur in staircase, possibly because the design for the staircase is
optimal, or only a small percentage of the pedestrians uses the staircase.
Since the escalator and staircase in the survey are not the only route choices for the pedestrian to reach
the platform, the results obtained may have some associated errors.
Though associated with relatively large random error, the survey results and the model build can still
be a reference for future studies on pedestrian flow. Giving more time, better planning and more
advanced equipment, a more accurate model on pedestrian flow in the vertical direction can be
The writer wishes to thank Associate Professor Chin Hoong Chor and Mr. Foong Kok Wai of National
University of Singapore for their guidance and support, as well as SMRT its support and cooperation
during the survey.

Bureau of Public Roads (BPR). 1964. Traffic assignment manual, Urban Planning Division, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
Cheung, C.Y. and W.H.K. Lam. 1998. Pedestrian Route Choices Between Escalator and Stairway in
MTR Stations. Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol 124, No. 3. p277-285.

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