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7 Foods That Make You Look Younger

David ZinczenkoFebruary 19, 2015

(Photo: Shutterstock)
Some of the most beautiful people I know are the most insecure about their looks.
Take my friend Giselle (believe me, not her real name!). Shes one of those women always
invited to events most of us rarely go toaward shows, boutique openings, glamorous parties.
With her long blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes, she could have her pick of men. But she spends
most of her time picking on herself.
I wake up every morning looking older than the day before! she told me recently. She already
does a lot of the right thingsdoesnt smoke, avoids too much sun, gets enough sleep, and takes
time to relax and let go of her stress. But when I asked about her diet, she was surprised. I dont
worry about my weight! she said.
Maybe not, but the right diet can do more than just lead to weight loss. It can turn back the hands
of time, as well. If finding eternal youth youthful is on your to-do list, try adding these Eat This,
Not That!-recommended foods to your daily diet plan.
Beauty Food Fix #1: Shiitake Mushrooms
Grey hair is beautiful when its age-appropriate, but unfair for folks who start to salt-and-pepper
before theyve finished lifes main course. One cause of early greying: a lack of copper. A study
in the journal Biological Trace Elemental Research found premature-graying individuals had
significantly lower copper levels than a control group. Your body requires copper to produce
pigment for your skin and hair, and shiitake mushrooms are one of the best dietary sources. Just a
half cup provides 71 percent of your recommended daily intake of copperand for only 40
calories! Holy shiitake!
Related: Drop Two Sizes: These 4 Teas Melt Belly Fat Fast!
Beauty Food Fix #2: Sweet Potatoes
A study in the Journal Evolution and Human Behaviour showed eating a diet rich in fruits and
vegetables gives a healthier, and more attractive, golden glow than the sun. Researchers found
people who ate more portions of red and orange fruits and vegetables per day had a more sunkissed complexion than those who didnt consume as muchthe result of disease-fighting
compounds called carotenoids that give those plants their colors. And no, you wont look like an
Oompa Loompa. In fact, given the choice between a real suntan and a glow caused by diet, study
participants preferred the carotenoid complexion. Few foods are as rich in the beauty stuff than
sweet potatoes; just half a medium potato with the skin provides 200 percent of your daily
recommended intake.


Beauty Food Fix #3: Cheddar Cheese
Good news, politicians: Cheesy smiles may be good for you. One study in the journal General
Dentistry of people who didnt brush their teeth for 48 hours (dont try that at home),found
snacking on cheddar cheese raised their mouths pH to freshly-brushed levels. (Like cavities,
discoloration is increased when you have an acidic environment in your mouth.) Plus,
compounds in the cheese that adhere to tooth enamel, like a white strip, help to fend off acid.
Speaking of morning rituals, dont miss our science-backed 8 Ways to Lose Weight Before Noon.
Beauty Food Fix #4: Spa Water
Puffy, dark circles under the eyes may indicate you had too much fun the night before, but it can
also indicate another more common, less exciting issue: dehydration. Salty foods, alcohol,
exercise, hot weather and just plain not drinking enough water can create inflammation, which
results in the Rocket Raccoon complexion. Start replenishing your body right away: Cut up some
citrus fruits (rind included) and soak them in a pitcher of ice water. Now drink copiously. The
citrus not only improves flavor, but the rinds contain a powerful anti-inflammatory compound
called de-limonene, which helps the liver flush toxins from the body, according to the World
Health Organization. (Your tired eyes may also be because youre overworked and need this Eat
This, Not That! list of 9 Ways to Lose Weight When Youre Crazy Busy.)
Beauty Food Fix #5: Lean Beef
Weekly manicures can keep your nails in tip-top shape, but so can Sundays top round roast
dinner. Researches say a diet rich in protein, iron and zinc are the key to long, strong, beautiful
nails. And youll get a healthy serving of all three nutrients from a small portion of lean red meat.
A recent study in the Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology that
looked at nail growth over the past 70 years found that dietary protein was the difference
between spurts and lags in nail growth. Its perhaps no wonder, considering nails are made from
proteinkeratin, specifically. Nail it with a small 3-4 ounce portion of top round or sirloin,
which are the leanest cuts of red meat, one to two times a week.
Beauty Food Fix #6: Almond butter
No, you dont rub it into your scalp like Rogaine. But almond butter is one food that contains a
wide variety of nutrientsincluding protein, healthy fats, and certain vitaminsthat have all
been linked to hair health. Its the vitamin E content in the nuts that researchers say is
particularly good for keeping your locks thick and lustrous. One eight-month trial found men

who supplemented daily with vitamin E saw an increase in hair growth by as much as 42 percent.
Just a tablespoon of almonds provides nearly two thirds of your RDA for fat-soluble vitamin E.
And almond butter is just one of the essential 14 Snacks Diet Experts Eat to Lose Weight.
Beauty Food Fix #7: Tomatoes
New research has found that the reason melanoma rates are so low in regions like the
Mediterraneanwhere going topless on the beach is all part of the summertime funhas to do
with the Mediterranean diet. Foods high in antioxidants, particularly deeply colored fruits and
vegetables, can help fight the oxidizing effect of UV rays. One study in the British Journal of
Dermatology found participants who ate five tablespoons of tomato paste (a highly concentrated
form of fresh tomatoes) daily showed 33 percent more protection against sunburn than a control
group. And tomatoes work double duty to boost beauty: While the carotenoids and antioxidants
help the body fight off oxidation that ages skin cells, they also boost pro-collagena molecule
that gives skin its taught, youthful structure. So, who wants extra marinara?
Your next read: 6 Quickest Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
More from Eat This, Not That!
10 Daily Habits That Torch Belly Fat
14 Ways to Wake Up Slimmer
6 Unhealthy Foods That Blast Fat
ALL NEW FOR 2015! Enjoy All Your Favorite FoodsAnd Watch the Pounds Disappear!
Click to buy the new Eat This, Not That! book, the authoritative guide to all your favorite
restaurant and supermarket foods.

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10 Ways To Get Protein Without Eating Meat

Esther CrainFebruary 20, 2015
1 / 10

(4 grams protein per half-cup; 115 calories)

This nutty, chewy seed (yep, it only looks like a grain) has gone from foodie fad to
side dish staple, thanks in part to its awesome protein profile. Quinoa is a complete
protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids your system needs, says
Kohn. Filling and high in fiber, it also offers iron and magnesium. Add quinoa to
vegetarian chili, or serve with fruit, nuts, and a little honey or pure maple syrup as a
hot breakfast treat.
Protein: Its the nutrient your system needs to build and repair every body tissue, a
process thats constantly ongoing. And because it takes longer to digest than
carbohydrates, it fills you up and can help you maintain a healthy weight.
But if you think the stuff's only found in animal products, then youre in for a
nutritional wake-up call. Though meat, dairy, and fish generally have higher
quantities of protein, many plant-based sources contain decent amounts of it as well
and some even offer complete protein, containing all the amino acids your body
needs to function properly.
A diet rich in plant protein is usually lower in fat, and it has more fiber,
antioxidants, and water, which help decrease disease-causing inflammation and
even clear up allergies and skin issues, says Brittany Kohn, RD, a nutritionist in
New York City.
The USDA suggests men aim for 56 grams of protein a day and women go for 46
grams. So whether youre vegetarian or vegan, or just trying to incorporate a few
more meat-free meals into your weekly rotation, check out these delicious options
for protein that are plant-based.


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