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HR Practices in UCO bank


Submitted by -

Jasprit Saini

Shubhadeep Singha
Alisha Mohapatra
Tanmayananda Sahu
Prachi Nanda

BIMTECH Bhubaneswar

HR Practices in UCO bank

This is a broad study of the various HR Practices in UCO Bank. It looks into the
practice of Recruitment, Training and Development, Performance Appraisals,
Compensation policies and Industrial Relation practices of the bank.
Keywords: Recruitment,
Training and Development,
Performance Appraisals,
Industrial Relations

HR Practices in UCO bank


Source of recruitment: Recruitment is done through several processes. UCO bank
has outsourced its recruitments to IBPS [Institute of Banking Personnel Selection].
IBPS conducts different aptitude tests for different posts throughout the year.
Students with minimum cut offs are selected for further processes and given the
calls for interview. According to the requirements of UCO Bank, students are
selected for interview process.

Recruitment procedure: Recruitment only comprises of tests and interviews. [No

Promotion policies: Internal Promotions are done only for the upper most
Ratio of the candidates: As per companys requirements.
Attrition rate for the company: Maximum 5%.
Induction program details: Induction program is given for 15 days before joining
the Bank.

HR Practices in UCO bank

Training & development:

How is it done? : Training is done through dedicated training centres.
Whether there is training centre? : Training is done by seven training colleges
around India.

Central Staff College, [Kolkata]

Regional Training Centre, [Ahmedabad]

Regional Training Centre, [Bhubaneswar]

Regional Training Centre, [Bhopal]

Regional Training Centre, [Chandigarh]

Regional Training Centre, [Chennai]

Regional Training Centre, [Jaipur]

Training & development policies for new & existing employees: Training &
development is important and is being imparted for all stages of employees career.
What are the contents? (Technical, managerial or both): Both
How they identify training needs? : Feedback from the employees and their
Does the company measure training effectiveness? : Yes.
Evaluation of training & development (criteria) and how its utilized: Test,
feedback sheet on effectiveness of a program.

HR Practices in UCO bank

Presence of career development programs: Yes, but exclusively for promotion.

SC/ST/OBC employees are imparted training.

Benefits given by company (health, insurance etc.): LIC, Medi-claim insurance,
paid holidays etc.
Compensation strategy (paying at market rate / above / below): Paid at market
Issues related to compensation: Compensation package is decided at industry
level after negotiation between union and management.
How jobs are graded? (Levels & groups): Levels
Basis of increments, incentives. (Time, target, OCB): Timely increments,
voluntary benefits are given.

Performance appraisal:
At what interval it is done? : Annually
Who is the appraiser? : The Controller
Do they give feedbacks or not? How that feedback is used further? : Yes,
employees can see their appraisal report
Training for PMS is given or not? : The performance of all employees is
monitored by the Branch Manager and if required additional training is given.

HR Practices in UCO bank

Workforce diversity:
Diverse or not? (On various bases like demography): Very diverse.
Demographically, depending upon the social and educational background.
Policy regarding sexual harassment. (Whether there is committee for that or
not?) : Yes, Committee is there for policies regarding sexual harassments.

Industrial Relations:
Types of IR issues they have: Service conditions are well defined. Any violation
at any level is taken up at appropriate level between the managements and unions.
Does a harmonious relation exist? : Normally yes.
Quality council: Quality circle at all level exists.
Employee participation programs if any: Employees are encouraged.
Dispute handling mechanisms: Industrial meetings are held periodically.
Maternity benefit: Maternity leaves are allowed.
Minimum wages: Government regulations and rules are followed.
Company response to safety and health issues: Any accident while on duty is
taken care of fully.
Safety measures in company: N/A

HR Practices in UCO bank

Pattnaik, Netrananda (HRM Head). Circle Office, Bhubaneswar. UCO Bank.

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