Probable Cause Affidavit

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WARRANT OF ARREST AND DETENTION - Dallas COUNTY, TEXAS. ae [Dathe Coiams Tea nick SES yor De Clateenenr [Ware Nembera Marder BORE Seip | ara nena TnuiAmaantS a1 505 000,00 Thibenane of the Slate af Texas any Shen or liar Peace Ofer fie wate of Texas Greetings ‘You are hereby commanded tke the body of (9 Torres, Anthony, Paz ‘etinafer called the accused, and him safely keep so tat he may be dealt with according ol, and o hold the acused to answer fo the State of Tess for an offense asin the Ls ofthe said State namely: (Murder 9.02 of which 1 Feoay degree offense e is accuse by writen complain, made underoath at hasbeen prevent ome and tuts by his reference incorporated erin forall ggg o Wises my signature this DY ary or Oke. 205° Goues of Dall, Texas ALL BLANKS MUST BE COMPLETED OR INDICATE “UNKNOWN” Wyse Tere [Torna tse: [L_[auseest ee To Aes Sa [Ta Coney ener Home 160] (rH [Black [ eyes: [Bre Reno [265 Bearden Lane Dal Feu 75277 (Gn Bases nas | [a sis Name Aoest Woran ed Lorainso [a Comps | Enrique Gara Mendis ‘aya af Oren: oie wae CAME OHAND TE DA ayer Daslbee -AD.20 IS and excsathe 420 $230 $20 24 dayot AD. 30 15° «by rvesting and detaining ove same and acued ad aiieak by: Sen of Lnitons Date: Name STATE OFTEXAS AFFADAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT | COUNTY OF Dallas BEFORE ME, the undersigned suthony, on this day peronlly appeared the undersigned aiiant wo, afer being duly swomby me, on path Sate: My mame s Derik Chanes H7H30 and am a pace oir ofthe Ciyof Dallas, Dallas County ‘erat the alfa, have good reason an do bee at ono abou the 24 diy of Dsssmber, 20 15, ot came of suspect) Anthony Paz Torres di thon and thre inthe City of Dalla, Daals County, Texss comm the ofense of Murder ‘ilaton of Sion 19.02 of the Tease Penal Code,» 1 degrseflony ‘Alia’ bles based upon the folowing fats an infomation which Ain! civ fm: ‘Afian's personal investigation of thi sllged offense 8 fellow peace office of the Ciy of Dalls, Dallas County, Texas, who personally ponticpate nth investigation of is alleged offense, providing this information to Aan and whese infomation Affi believes to be rele Garcia Mendoza LM, 0221°90 with a fearm. Thi icin occured i the parking lt of Omar's Wheel & Tres located ot 3760 South Buckner Bealevard, Dal, Dal Coan, Tess, (nm December 2, 2015, a approximately 3:2 py, Steet Tomes cme tthe offs lcaton diving 2 Back orto wand 1 the chet andthe eral Condon Sever ther siting wines cine ores fe Dats Police eee nfrmain dt the tpt aid Bayle Hospi his ck Chev Caze with Teva ices lt BP (WD sspsccd ohm. The spect tad susaned guste sound alla Paice epondd th hosp and vcd sam te the stl te sme eal: spe ste speacasiys athe ene cee, The supe esl wearing these cog tht natch the peson os the muviln mAs the ust Was bo esd by cal al tse es sete te presen of Ofte Mein £10576, sting he wast he tie bop geting when he wat vole aval une The supe ted a he he gy pull oat spon an hey tm gu The uct hen into pds camel be hanLg SUDseRUDED AND St DY vaya ing vested at Bayo Hosp emersey 0m, WHEREFORE, Aol eqs that an rs waranbeied for the tore secsed initia atone oe bw ontistne 24 day Tete by acBiowllpe a iveexmaied is ep tnd ane detrmied ht probable ease ess rhe Sanco Steamed sie for the eda ese sia lester cm

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