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Sr. No.

This Process Piping Code is a Section of the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers Code for Pressure Piping, ASME B31, an American
National Standard.
(i) For metallic piping not designated by the owner as Category M, High Pressure,
or High Purity Fluid Service (see para. 300.2 and Appendix M), Code requirements
are found in Chapters I through VI (the base Code) and fluid service requirements
are found in
(a) Chapter III for materials
(b) Chapter II, Part 3, for components
(c) Chapter II, Part 4, for joints
(ii) For nonmetallic piping and piping lined with nonmetals, all requirements are
found in Chapter VII.
(iii) For piping in a fluid service designated as Category M, all requirements are
found in Chapter VIII.
(iv) For piping in a fluid service designated as Category D, piping elements
restricted to Category D Fluid Service in Chapters I through VII, as well as
elements suitable for other fluid services, may be used.
(v) For piping designated as High Pressure Fluid Service, all requirements are
found in Chapter IX. These rules apply only when specified by the owner.
(vi) For piping designated as High Purity Fluid Service, all requirements are
found in Chapter X.
(vii) Requirements for Normal Fluid Service in Chapters I through VI are applicable
under severe cyclic conditions unless alternative requirements for severe
cyclic conditions are stated.
(viii) Requirements for Normal Fluid Service in Chapters I through VI are applicable
for Elevated Temperature Fluid Service unless alternative requirements for
Elevated Temperature Fluid Service are invoked.

This Code excludes the following:
(a) piping systems designed for internal gage pressures
at or above zero but less than 105 kPa (15 psi),
provided the fluid handled is nonflammable, nontoxic,
and not damaging to human tissues as defined in 300.2,
and its design temperature is from 29C (20F)

through 186C (366F)

(b) power boilers in accordance with BPV Code2
Section I and boiler external piping which is required
to conform to B31.1
(c) tubes, tube headers, crossovers, and manifolds of
fired heaters, which are internal to the heater enclosure
(d) pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors,
and other fluid handling or processing equipment,
including internal piping and connections for
external piping

Design Temperature
The design temperature of each component in a piping system is the temperature
at which, under the coincident pressure, the greatest thickness or highest
component rating is required
301.3.2 Uninsulated Components
(a) For fluid temperatures below 65C (150F), the
component temperature shall be taken as the fluid temperature
unless solar radiation or other effects result in
a higher temperature.
(b) For fluid temperatures 65C (150F) and above,
unless a lower average wall temperature is determined
by test or heat transfer calculation, the temperature for
uninsulated components shall be no less than the following
(1) valves, pipe, lapped ends, welding fittings, and
other components having wall thickness comparable to
that of the pipe: 95% of the fluid temperature
(2) flanges (except lap joint) including those on fittings
and valves: 90% of the fluid temperature
(3) lap joint flanges: 85% of the fluid temperature
(4) bolting: 80% of the fluid temperature

Bases for Design Stresses

Other Materials. Basic allowable stress values at
temperature for materials other than bolting materials,
cast iron, and malleable iron shall not exceed the lowest
of the following:
(1) the lower of one-third of ST and one-third of
tensile strength at temperature
(2) except as provided in (3) below, the lower of
two-thirds of SY and two-thirds of yield strength at

(3) for austenitic stainless steels and nickel alloys
having similar stressstrain behavior, the lower of twothirds
of SY and 90% of yield strength at temperature
[see (e) below]

(4) 100% of the average stress for a creep rate of

0.01% per 1 000 h
(5) 67% of the average stress for rupture at the end
of 100 000 h
(6) 80% of the minimum stress for rupture at the
end of 100 000 h

Thickness calculation for Straight pipe:

The required thickness of straight sections of pipe
shall be determined
Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure
(a) For t < D/6, the internal pressure design thickness
for straight pipe shall be not less than that calculated
in accordance with either eq. (3a) or eq. (3b):

(b) For t D/6 or for P/SE > 0.385, calculation of

pressure design thickness for straight pipe requires special
consideration of factors such as theory of failure,
effects of fatigue, and thermal stress.

Allowable Displacement Stress Range, SA

When Sh is greater than SL, the difference between

them may be added to the term 0.25Sh in eq. (1a). In
that case, the allowable stress range is calculated by
eq. (1b):

Stress due to Sustained Load

The equation for the stress due to sustained loads,
such as pressure and weight, SL, is provided in eq. (23a).
The equation for the stress due to sustained bending
moments, Sb, is provided in eq. (23b).

The equation for the stress due to sustained torsional

moment, St, is

The equation for the stress due to sustained longitudinal

force, Sa, is

FLUID SERVICE:fluid service: a general term concerning the application

of a piping system, considering the combination of fluid
properties, operating conditions, and other factors that
establish the basis for design of the piping system. See
Appendix M.
(a) Category D Fluid Service: a fluid service in which
all of the following apply:
(1) the fluid handled is nonflammable, nontoxic,
and not damaging to human tissues as defined in
para. 300.2
(2) the design gage pressure does not exceed
1 035 kPa (150 psi)
(3) the design temperature is not greater than 186C
(4) the fluid temperature caused by anything other
than atmospheric conditions is not less than 29C

(b) Category M Fluid Service: a fluid service in which

the potential for personnel exposure is judged to be
significant and in which a single exposure to a very
small quantity of a toxic fluid, caused by leakage, can
produce serious irreversible harm to persons on breathing
or bodily contact, even when prompt restorative
measures are taken.
(c) Elevated Temperature Fluid Service: a fluid service
in which the piping metal temperature is sustained
equal to or greater than Tcr as defined in Table 302.3.5,
General Note (b).
(d) High Pressure Fluid Service: a fluid service for
which the owner specifies the use of Chapter IX for
piping design and construction; see also para. K300.
(e) High Purity Fluid Service: a fluid service that
requires alternative methods of fabrication, inspection,
examination, and testing not covered elsewhere in the
Code, with the intent to produce a controlled level of
cleanness. The term thus applies to piping systems
defined for other purposes as high purity, ultra high
purity, hygienic, or aseptic.
(f) Normal Fluid Service: a fluid service pertaining to
most piping covered by this Code, i.e., not subject to
the rules for Category D, Category M, Elevated
Temperature, High Pressure, or High Purity Fluid

gh Pressure,

are applicable

are applicable

EN 13480
This European Standard EN 13480 for Metallic industrial piping consists of
seven interdependant and non dissociable Parts which are:
- Part 1: General;
- Part 2: Materials;
- Part 3: Design and calculation;
- Part 4: Fabrication and installation;
- Part 5: Inspection and testing;
- Part 6: Additional requirements for buriedd piping;
CEN/TR 13480-7, Guidance on the use of confirmity assessment procedures
This European Standard specifies the requirements for industrial piping systems
and support, including safety systems, made of metallic materials (but initially
restricted to steel) with a view to ensure safe operation.
This European Standard is applicable to metallic piping above ground, ducted or
buried, irrespective of pressure.


Calculation temperature
The calculation temperature, tc, shall be the maximum temperature likely to be reached at the mid-thickne
piping, under normal operating conditions, at the calculation pressure pc. The calculation temperature sha
determined as indicated below. Any heat transfer calculation shall be performed on the assumption that th
heat loss due to wind.

a) For externally uninsulated and internally unlined piping components, the calculation temperature s
follows :
1) For fluid temperatures below 40 C, the calculation temperature for the component shall be taken as the
fluid temperature;
2) For fluid temperatures of 40 C and above, unless a lower average wall temperature is determined by te
or heat transfer calculation, the calculation temperature for uninsulated components shall be not less than
the following values, but not less than 40C:
i) 95 % of the fluid temperature for valves, pipes, ends, welding fittings, and other components having
wall thickness comparable to that of the pipe;
ii) 90 % of the fluid temperature for flanges (except lap joint flanges) including those on fittings and
iii) 85 % of the fluid temperature for lap joint flanges;
iv) 80 % of the fluid temperature for bolting.

Steels other than austenitic steels Design conditions
The design stress shall be in accordance with the following:



= minimum specified value of upper yield strength at calculation temperature "

when this temperature is greater than the room temperature

= design stress


= minimum specified value of 0,2 % proof strength at calculation temperature

when this temperature is greater than the room temperature
= minimum specified value of tensile strength at room temperature

Austenitic steels Design conditions
The design stress shall be in accordance with the following:
for A > 35 %


= elongation at rupture


= minimum specified value of 1,0 % proof strength at calculation temperature

when this temperature is greater than the room temperature

Rm t

= minimum specified value of tensile strength at calculation temperature

when this temperature is greater than the room temperature

Time-dependent nominal design stress

Steels Design conditions
The design stress in the creep range f CR to be used for design under static loading shall be:

SFCR is a safety factor which depends on the time and shall be in accordance with Table 5.3.2-1.

If the design lifetime is not specified, the mean creep rupture strength at 200 000 h shall be used.
In cases where the 200 000 h values are not specified in the material standards, the mean creep rupture s
at 150 000 h or 100 000 h shall be used.
In cases where design lifetimes shorter than 100 000 h are specified, one of the following methods shall be
a) If a lifetime monitoring system is not provided, the safety factor SFCR shall be equal to 1,5 and shall be a

to the mean creep rupture strength at the relevant lifetime of at least 10 000 h;
b) If a lifetime monitoring system is provided, a safety factor of SFCR = 1,25 may be specified with regard t

mean creep rupture strength at the relevant lifetime of at least 10 000 h.

In no case, shall the 1 % creep strain limit (mean value) at 100 000 h be exceeded.

The minimum required wall thickness for a straight pipe without allowances and tolerances, e, shall be calc
as follows:

The allowable stress range


shall be given by:


Ec is the value of the modulus of elasticity at the minimum metal temperature (t=c) consisten
under consideration;
Eh is the value of the modulus of elasticity at the maximum metal temperature (t=h) consiste

under consideration;
fc is the basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature consistent with the loading un
U is the stress range reduction factor (see NOTE 1) taken from Table 12.1.3-1

NOTE 1 - U applies essentially to non-corroded piping. Corrosion can sharply decrease cyclic lifetime. The
resistant materials should be considered where a large number of major stress cycle are anticipated.

Stress due to sustained loads

The sum of primary stresses 1, due to calculation pressure, pc, and the resultant moment, MA, from wei
other sustained mechanical loads shall satisfy the following equation:

For the purpose of classification of pressure equipment in hazard categories, fluids (gas or liquid) are divid

1) Group 1 comprises dangerous fluids (under Council Directive 67/548/EEC (27 June 1967), Article 2 (2)
explosive ;
extremely flammable; highly flammable;
flammable (where the maximum allowable temperature is above flashpoint); very toxic;
toxic; oxidizing.
2) Group 2 comprises all other fluids not referred to in Group 1.

In combination with the internal volume (V) and/or the maximum allowable pressure (PS) of the vessel this
4 specific cases:
a) Fluids in Group 1; Industrial piping for gases, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure,
vapours and also liquids whose vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature is greater th
normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar),within the following limits: DN > 25;

b) Fluids in Group 2; Industrial piping, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure, vapours and als

vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temp. is greater than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric p
within the following limits: DN > 32 and PS x DN > 1000 bar;

c) Fluids in Group 1; Industrial piping for liquids having a vapour pressure at the maximum allowable tem
0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar),within the following limits: DN > 25 and PS x

d) Fluids in Group 2; Industrial piping for liquids having a vapour pressure at the maximum allowable tem
0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar), within the following limits: PS > 10 bar and
PS x DN > 5 000 bar.

Industrial piping are classified in hazard categories I to Ill according to one of the relevant cases a) to d) an
diameter and maximum allowable pressure. The classification has been defined in the Figures A.1 to A.4.


o be reached at the mid-thickness of the

The calculation temperature shall be
ormed on the assumption that there is no

ts, the calculation temperature shall be as

component shall be taken as the

temperature is determined by test

mponents shall be not less than

d other components having

ding those on fittings and

ngth at calculation temperature " t "

om temperature

ength at calculation temperature " t "

om temperature
at room temperature

ength at calculation temperature " t "

om temperature

at calculation temperature

om temperature

ic loading shall be:

nce with Table 5.3.2-1.

00 000 h shall be used.

dards, the mean creep rupture strength

of the following methods shall be used :

all be equal to 1,5 and shall be applied

5 may be specified with regard to the

be exceeded.

s and tolerances, e, shall be calculated

metal temperature (t=c) consistent with the loading

metal temperature (t=h) consistent with the loading

re consistent with the loading under consideration

om Table 12.1.3-1

rply decrease cyclic lifetime. Therefore, corrosion

tress cycle are anticipated.

resultant moment, MA, from weight and

es, fluids (gas or liquid) are divided into two groups:

EC (27 June 1967), Article 2 (2)), i.e. fluids defined as:

bove flashpoint); very toxic;

pressure (PS) of the vessel this leads to

dissolved under pressure,

owable temperature is greater than 0,5 bar above

under pressure, vapours and also liquids whose

bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar),

re at the maximum allowable temp. of not more than

ollowing limits: DN > 25 and PS x DN > 2 000 bar;

re at the maximum allowable temp. of not more than

ollowing limits: PS > 10 bar and DN > 200 and

of the relevant cases a) to d) and their nominal

efined in the Figures A.1 to A.4.

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