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The of an advanced high strength steel, DP1000. The strain maps were obtained
using DIC and the boundary conditions of the experiment is to be applied to a Finite
Element Model. The software used for the FE model is ANSYS. The experimental
results is to be compared with the Finite Element Model to get a better
understanding of the behavior of the specimen. Write a bit more about DIC.
Finite element Method is considered as one of the most convenient method to
computationally solve and analyze complex real world scenarios for various
branches of engineering. The success of FEM is based largely on the basic finite
element procedures used: the formulation of the problem in variational form, the
finite element discretization of this formulation and the effective solution of the
resulting finite element equations. These basic steps are the same whichever
problem is considered and together with the use of the digital computer present a
quite natural approach to engineering analysis.
Advanced High Strength Steel is being developed for use in the automotive industry.
The benefits of the material are considered far better than the use of composites.
With a Yield Strength of about 700 to 900 MPa, it is considered as one of the most
durable material in terms of safety. Other benefits include its lightweight structure
and studies have shown by using AHSS the weight of a vehicle can be reduced by
almost 35%. When compared to composites, which are also light in weight, AHSS
has the upper hand as it is completely recyclable.
The study of a 1.5mm thick Advanced High Strength Steel, DP1000 has been carried
out using Finite Element Analysis. The set up involves the disc being fixed in space
and indented by a punch causing a deformation. This is being modelled as a static
structural problem owing to the fact that deformation is independent of time. The
stresses occurring in the disc are observed through DIC, and are analyzed using
Finite Element Analysis. The report will include the modelling of the setup, the mesh
discretization, theory & material properties and a discussion of the results.
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis.
A nonlinear analysis is when the specimen is being tested beyond the yield point.
The material is in the plastic region and does not obey Hookes law anymore. In a
nonlinear analysis the material generally experiences large deformation. Nonlinearity can be observed due to three reasons, they are:
1. Material: Some materials have the ability to deform repeatedly without a
force acting on it. One of the factors of material nonlinearity is temperature.
Material non linearity can be seen in materials like plastics or rubber. These
materials when deformed experience a change in shape and size and are
unable to attain their original structure.
2. Geometric: Geometric non linearity occurs when stress cannot be expressed
as a linear function of strain. This type of nonlinearity is associated with large
deformations in solids due to large rotations, large strains or large curvatures

in the structure. Structures whose stiffness is dependent on the displacement

which they may undergo are termed geometrically nonlinear. Geometric
nonlinearity accounts for phenomena such as the stiffening of a loaded
clamped plate, and buckling or 'snap-through' behavior in slender structures
or components. Without taking these geometric effects into account, a
computer simulation may fail to predict the real structural behavior.
3. Contact: When 2 or more bodies come in contact with each other, the
stiffness of the bodies can change rapidly. All contact problems are
considered nonlinear and cannot be solved using direct solvers. There are 5
contact types that can be specified in ANSYS. They are:
1. Bonded
2. No Separation
3. Frictionless
4. Frictional
5. Rough.
Ansys workbench modeler automatically detects contact in the geometry,
however they can be specified manually as well. The punch-stretching test is
considered as a nonlinear contact analysis and the deformation of the blank
occurs in the plastic region.

Material Properties.
The material used for the blank was DP1000 structural steel. It is considered to be
anThe density of the element is 8780 kg/m^3. The engineering stress strain curve
of the blank was obtained through the experiment. While modelling a contact
problem in ANSYS, the true stress strain relationship is considered more accurate.
For this reason all the engineering data was converted to through data using the

true =ln ( 1+ eng . )


eng .

is the engineering strain.

true = eng (1+ eng . )

The Youngs Modulus of Elasticity was obtained by plotting the elastic region of the
true stress-strain curve as shown in Figure. X and was found to be 129805 MPa.

True Stress vs Strain (Elastic Region)

f(x) = 129804.87x - 3.69
R = 1


True Stress [MPa]



True Strain

.2% Rule to find the Yield Stress


Stress [MPa]







The initial schematics of the rig included a circular blank of 90mm being fixed in
space by blank holders. The thickness of the disc is 1.5mm. However, the diameter
of the blank to was reduced to 50mm while modelling it in ANSYS. The assumption
being that the displacement and strains experienced by the disc, while in contact
with the punch would be experienced only at the center. The ends being fixed would
face no deformation whatsoever. Only the tip of the punch was constructed in

ANSYS, as it is assumed to be a rigid body. Modelling the punch as a whole would

increase the number of unwanted elements while meshing and would increase the
computational time as well.
What type of mesh was used?
Mesh settings (curvature, aggressive mechanical)
Why was curvature turned on, and what is the effect if it is turned off.
Picture of the mesh.
Why do I think the mesh is effective and all the meshing done before getting the
final mesh?
Contact mechanism.
The type of contact for the punch and the disc in this experiment is frictional and
the frictional coefficient is assumed to be .15. Augmented lagrange was selected as
the formulation for the experiment as it gives the least penetration and the most
accurate result.
Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions used for this experiment were
1. Displacement of the bottom surface of the punch by 12mm vertically upward
in the z direction keeping the x and y displacements fixed or zero millimeters
in other words.
2. The second boundary condition was to make sure that the punch travels only
in the z direction and this was done by setting the x and y displacements to
3. The last constraint was to fix the ends of the disc. Instead of constraining the
edge as a fixed support, zero displacement was given so that the body
doesnt act in a rigid manner.
Analysis settings.
Large deformation was turned on as it is a nonlinear analysis and a contact
problem. The stiffness matrix keeps changing in each iteration. When large
deformation is turned off the matrix remains constant throughout the solution thus
giving inaccurate results. Turning on large deformation ensures that the stiffness
matrix is updated in every iteration. The minimum and maximum substeps was
defined as -------------- to get convergence.

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