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Oral Anatomy

**Upper limb:

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Superficial and deep palmar arches and branches of superficial palmar arch.
Blood supply of the thumb.
Mention the branches of lateral cord, and medial cord of brachial plexus.
What are the rotator cuff muscles? Give their nerve supply.
What is the nerve that turn around surgical neck of humerus? Which muscles does it
Give the action of deltoid and mention the deformity caused by its injury.
Mention the nerve that passes in the spiral groove and the deformity of its injury.
Carpal tunnel: structures passes superficial to it. And deep to it.
What is the deformity that caused by median nerve injury?
Give the root value of Radial nerve.
Movements of shoulder joint.
What I the deformity caused by ulnar nerve injury?
What are the muscular branches of ulnar nerve in the forearm?
Mention the branches of: median, ulnar, and musclo-cutaneous nerves
Mention the nerves that related to humerus.
Enumerate the muscles of anterior compartment of arm and their nerve supply.
Root value of musclo-cutaneous nerve.
Muscular branches of axillary nerve. Mention the effect of its paralysis.
Injury of brachial plexus.
Axillary lymph drainage : (site afferents efferent)
Enumerate: branches of radial nerve.
Action of pectoralis minor.
Mention muscles of protraction and abduction.
Enumerate: muscles of the front of the forearm. And mention their nerve supply.
Enumerate the branches of brachial artery.
Enumerate the branches of radial artery in the palm.
Anterior interosseous nerve supplies what?
Mention the nerve that supplies the medial half of flexor digitorum profundus.
What are the boundaries of axilla?
What are the structures that penetrating clavi-pectoral fascia?
Origin of teres minor - serratus anterior - brachioradialis -adductor pollicislongus.
Give the nerve supply of interossei.
Anastomosis around scapula (arteries that share in its tmportance
Action of: Brachialis trapezius.
Enumerate the adductors of the thumb and their nerve supply.
Biceps brachii brachioradialis : give the attachments, nerve supply, and action of each
What are the branches of posterior cord of brachial plexus?

Why does biceps supinate the flexed forearm and doesn't supinate the extended
Enumerate the branches of first part of axillary artery.
Cubital fossa: boundaries and contents.


Formation of the base of the heart and its level.

Posterior relation of base of the heart.
What are structures separate the base of the heart from vertebral column?
Define: mediastinum.
What are the contents of superior mediastinum? Mention the branches of arch of aorta.
What do you know about mediastinal syndrome?
What are the branches of ascending aorta? How they begin? End?
Azygos vein: beginning ending tributaries.
Talk about venous drainage of the heart.
Talk about blood supply of the heart.
Mention the differences between right and left lung.
Surface anatomy of the lung.
Mention the branches of descending aorta.
What opens in left atrium?
Enumerate the branches of internal mammary artery.
Origin of anterior intercostal arteries.
Talk about apex of the heart
What is the surface anatomy of pulmonary valve?
Mention the structures on the right side of arch of aorta.
Blood supply of the lung
What do you know about moderator band?
How many walls in right ventricle?
How many segments of right, and left lungs?
What do you know about lymphatic of the thorax?
Mention the root value of phrenic. What does it supply?
Give the origin of left bronchial artery.
What is the hilum?

**Lower limb:

Give the root value of femoral nerve and mention its branches. What is the deformity
caused by its injury?
Origin of quadriceps femoris.

Mention the structures that pass through greater sciatic foramen.

Sciatic nerve (root value branches effect of injury).
Saphenous nerve is sensory or motor nerve? Give its cutaneous supply
Give the cutaneous supply of: lateral side of the leg-dorsum of the foot-plantar surface
of the foot.
Mention the Type and movements of Knee joint.
Mention the muscles that allow dorsiflexion and their nerve supply. What is the
deformity of its injury?
Mention the muscles that allow eversion of the foot.
Eversion and inversion act on which joint?
Popliteal fossa: Boundaries and contents.
Arches of the foot.
Femoral triangle: boundaries and contents.
What are the contents of femoral sheath?
Course of femoral hernia.
Talk about locking of the knee.
Give the attachments and nerve supply of peronei muscles.
Movements of ankle joint.
Mention the ligaments of hip joint.
What are the muscles that extend the thigh? Mention their nerve supply.
Ankle joint: type and movements.
Surface anatomy of femoral artery.
Give the insertion of ischial part of adductor magnus.
Enumerate: muscles that extend the knee.
Origin of medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
What are the ligaments of hip joint?
Muscles of locking and unlocking of the knee.
Action of soleus and gastrocnemius.
Enumerate: branches of femoral artery.
Function of menisci and the more liable to be teared and why?
Function of anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and their attachements.
Intracapsular ligaments of knee joint.
Mention the strongest ligament in hip joint , and ankle joint
Give the nerve supply of: quadratus femoris adductors poplitius pronei muscles.
What are the advantage and disadvantage of femoral canal?
Nerve to rhomboidus: root value muscles supplied by it accompanied artery.
What are the arteries that share in anastomosis around knee?
Hamstring muscles : attachments nerve supply action
Sciatic nerve supplies the whole leg except?
Guy rope muscles: attachments nerve supply action.

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