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Campbell Working for Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone

Caring within
the community The magazine for where YOU live April 2010

Spanning the culture gap as CPPC meeting promotes...

Coming together
BRINGING together – and pro-
moting understanding between
...and belonging together INSIDE
– the many different cultures of
Campbell Park is high on
CPPC’s agenda.
And with more than 40 diverse
‘mother tongues’ spoken by resi-
dents of the various estates which
make up the Parish, that is a com-
plex task. Calling all dog
owners - Pg 3
It has long been a CPPC strategic
aim to foster a spirit of harmony
and belonging in which that rich
diversity of cultures is valued, and
to find ways for them to work to-
gether and with the social cohe-
sion team to address current issues It is hoped that the foundations have
and to meet their aspirations. been laid for more regular cultural events
Recently, as part of that, the Parish, around food, music, sport and other as- Don’t let your rubbish
through its Community Development & pects of life providing enjoyment and a kill you - Pg 4
Environment committee, was pleased to sense of belonging.
host a meeting of diverse cultures. CPPC Chair Cllr John Goss said: “Pro- Somali ladies’ day
The gathering produced good natured, moting greater understanding, tolerance - Pg 5
and at times very lively, discussion with and friendship between the cultures is
many positive outcomes. vital to making better and more peaceful
Enthusiasm ran high, and among re- lives for everyone living in the Parish.”
marks from those present: ‘sense of be- If you want your culture represented at
longing’, ‘communication’, ‘not merging future meetings, email Janice Walker at
cultures but respecting other cultures’ or
and ‘celebrating our differences’. call her on 01908 608559.
Summer fun days are
produce collaborative and
Fishermead Regeneration participative events to in-
volve more people.
on the way - Pg 5

lenty of good ‘do-able’ would like to see done to

P ideas were produced by
people attending the latest
improve where they live –
what MK Council, CPPC
■ A Neighbourhood Ac-
tion Plan (NAP) steering
group is beginning to pro-
Fishermead Regeneration and residents themselves duce a NAP.
meetings. could do? That needs residents to
Both meetings were held CPPC is working closely be involved, and meets Working all winter
in the depths of the winter with MKC to produce de- monthly on Mondays. through - Pgs 5 & 8
weather, yet there was a tailed plans for that work If you want to help
very good turnout which and, very soon, it is hoped please contact a Fisher-
pleased all concerned. that residents will see mead councillor – their de- Parish
One was in Bossiney Fishermead beginning to tails are on page 2 – or
Place and the other in Mul- be restored to the proud es- Parish Manager/Clerk Bill
lion Place, and residents tate it once was. Dawson on the number meeting
were asked what they ■ InterAction MK is to below. see pg 3

Campbell Park Parish Council – ✆ MK 608559

2 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of...

Everything we do should
E be driven by you
verything Campbell
Park Parish Council
does is paid for by you out
of the precept which is part of your
council tax. CPPC has consulted extensively CPPC has now increased its pre-
CPPC does not receive any money with residents through a parish- cept (by approximately 20 pence a
towards its day to day activities wide appraisal, neighbourhood week for a Band D property) to give
from central government or MK meetings, neighbourhood action it the resources to carry out that
Council. groups, and Home Ground. plan.
So it is important that everything A five-year business plan has A fuller explanation of the rea-
it does is what the elected members been produced – based on that sons for that move has been includ-
understand its council-tax precept feedback – and has also been the ed, in the form of a letter, with the
payers to both want and need. subject of wide-ranging public council tax demand sent to you by
Over the past couple of years consultation. MK Council.

Regeneration can be fun - honest!

Finding out what you want for between the houses. FaceBook, Twitter and Myspace.
where you live, and your quality of And a songwriter will work with Link from www.milton-
life expectations, has a serious pur- local people on a song for
pose. Fishermead – which will be record-
But it doesn’t have to be all heavy ed and played whenever possible.
going. That’s why Fishermead’s To find out more about the
Glow in the Park was held in estate’s regeneration, contact CPPC
November. It brought 200 people Fishermead Cllrs Michelle Dudhill,
onto the streets and enabled CPPC Martin Petchey, Darron Kendrick,
and MK Council to talk to a cross- and Paul Williams – or MKC Cllrs,
section of people about what they Cec Tallack and Isabella Fraser –
wanted for their estate. through the Parish office or MKC’s
Now Inter-Action MK is to lead a regeneration team.
series of creative workshops and If you prefer talking that way,
Flashback to Glow in the Park
events focussing on the spaces MKC’s regeneration team is now on

Selfish salt thieves undid safety work Mitchener said: "Salt from
these bins should only be
used in the public areas
Salt bins are put on local use in icy weather. ensure that all local salt
where they are sited.
streets so that their con- But this winter the self- bins were fully stocked,
“Householders wanting
tents can be used to ish behaviour of a few – and requested that MK
to do their own paths and
make steps, slopes and stealing the rocksalt for Council install six extra
drives should buy their
the like safe for public their own paths and ones, which it did.
own salt from DIY stores."
driveways – endangered Three were at the top of
the safety of many. steps leading to over-
Graffiti Busters bridges from Fishermead
Call MK Council help-line In one especially sad OFFICES
incident one person was to the city centre, one at
01908 252570 to report Anyone wishing to write
graffiti in YOUR neigh- spotted making off with a either end of the V8 foot-
bridge, and one alongside to the Parish Council
bourhood. wheelbarrow full.
canal bridge 84. should send their letters
Or go to www.milton- That's neither funny and nor the theft They were very useful to Campbell Park Parish
access a simple online almost certainly meant in helping maintain safe- Council at:
report form via the street- the immediate area went ty during the winter but, 1 Pencarrow Place,
care page. Reports will ungritted – putting every- theft of salt apart, there Fishermead, Milton
be placed on a register one, particularly the eld- were a few other issues. Keynes, MK6 2AS
and dealt with. erly and disabled, at In some cases vandals Tel: MK 608559
Offensive and or racist increased risk of nasty tipped bins over, wasting Fax: MK 694248
graffiti will be removed on falls and broken bones. their contents.
the first Friday following email:admin@campbell-
Last autumn CPPC Back to the salt thieves,
the report.
went to great lengths to CPPC parish warden Mitch
...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 3

Some dog owners’ behaviour

is simply disgusting Dog bin locations
hank you all those sited around the park. So far CPPC has installed 21
T responsible dog owners
who clear up after their
The day before that started, con- dog bins around the Parish as
tractors had cleared the worst affect- it tries to keep up with local
animals…and the irresponsible ones ed areas and removed some 10 Kilos needs.
should watch out! of dog waste from the Green and The aim is to get all dog
Police and MK Council are set to surrounding woodland. owners to clean up after their
prosecute anybody found not clean- So it was with justified disgust pets and to use the bins for
ing up after their dog. that Parish staff recorded – just
their animals’ bagged-up
Sanctions available range from £50 seven days later – having found 267
fixed-penalty fines up to a court fresh deposits of canine faeces
appearance, with larger fines and which had not been removed by dog Such has been the extended
costs – and or a prison sentence for owners. publicity on the subject that
repeat offenders. Even marking individual deposits there can be few who gen-
That dog-fouling – with its poten- with bright yellow paint, to make uinely do not know that dog
tial to spread serious diseases – has dog-owners aware of what was going mess can carry some very
become the subject of a sustained on, had failed to deter a mindless nasty diseases, or who don’t
crackdown should hardly be a sur- minority from continuing to make realise that no-one else wants
prise. matters worse as the week went on. to get it all over their shoes
During February CPPC and That is why – with warmer weath- and or clothes while using
Milton Keynes Safer Communities er certain to mean more people, local pavements and open
spent a week trying to encourage including lots of children, taking spaces.
dog owners using Oldbrook Green their leisure on the green – the cam-
Dog bins have been
to clean up after their animals, paign to clamp down on dirty dog
installed at:
and to use the three dog-bins owners has moved up a gear.
Oldbrook: The Green (3
bins), Boycott Ave playpark
and The Oval.
DON’T MISS OUT site) at Springfield Community Centre –
is called by CPPC (as required by law) Fishermead: Kernow
It is your meeting and your opportunity its main purpose is for you to raise any Crescent playpark, Polruan
to tell parish councillors, face to face, concerns which you have. Place playpark, Penryn
what you think and want. The meeting is expected to last around Avenue, Pencarrow Place
Although the public Parish Meeting two hours and, the more formal business playpark, Tolcarne Avenue
– due to be start at 6pm on a date in apart, will have a cultural focus, probably playpark and Falmouth
May to be announced (see CPPC web- involving music and food. Place.
Springfield: Stamford
Avenue playpark, Falcon
Discovering places in Milton Keynes Avenue playpark, Walbrook
Make a date for the Spring bank hol- in local libraries. Avenue (canal bridge 83) and
iday (May 1st - 3rd) for three days of If you want to know more email Beverly Place (bridge 85).
outdoor events – perhaps finding or Woolstone: carpark near
places you didn’t previously know call 01908 253884. bridge 84, Newport Road
existed. allotments, Woolstone cricket
Below: canal at New Bradwell
That is when numerous local green and Pattison Lane
organisations will be work- playpark.
ing with MK Council’s her-
Willen: The Well, the local
itage unit to help people
explore new places and centre and the entrance to
experiences in the city’s Portland Place playing fields.
parks, rivers, canals, lakes,
open spaces, redways and
cycle trails.
Activities will range
from visiting country
parks to guided walks and
bird and wildlife spotting.
Look out for details in
the local press and leaflets
4 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of... ...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 5

Yes it IS true - rubbish on

your lawn COULD kill you!
Seeing the woods for the trees
ooded areas of user-friendly, safer and nicer place for broad-leafed (deciduous) trees as
By CPPC warden Mitch Mitchener W Oldbrook Green are
getting a much needed
local people to enjoy being in. opposed to conifers.
Removing some older and diseased Some areas will need further thin-
Leaving rubbish and old furniture on where fires are started beneath win- face-lift, courtesy of or damaged trees has been slowly ning before younger, healthier replace-
your front lawn may seem like the dows, flames can enter and spread Campbell Park Parish Council. changing the tree-line there over the ment trees are planted.
easy option. throughout the property with poten- And the aim is to produce a more past few years, and in January 19 The woodland path meandering
But it could cost you your tially fatal consequences. conifers were removed around the trees has been reinstated
there is a real chance that it could For the safety of all, CPPC is con- from around the Hutton and will eventually provide summer
attract arsonists. tacting residents with rubbish and Avenue entrance. shade for walkers.
Thanks to mindless morons target- furniture in their front gardens. Growing in three CPPC has the land from the Parks
ing such rubbish we have had many Risk of fire apart, rubbish left out- clumps, they had been
Trust on a long lease. "This is not
cases of fire damage to homes – and side attracts disease carrying rats and blocking the light to some
intended to be a quick fix and our pro-
other vermin which, neighbouring properties
gramme will take up to 10 years to
a given chance, will and gave that access point
Horrific, terrifying...and lethal! fully implement," said CPPC environ-
soon make their a dark and foreboding
This fire-service picture shows ment officer John Mclinton.
homes in it. look.
just what could happen INSIDE CPPC, having taken Removing and replacing two such
We advise those
your home if a fire started OUT- advice from both the local damaged trees cost £2,500.
residents that MK
SIDE should find its way in Council takes away parks and the national So sad: (right) vandals stripping the
such items for woodlands trusts, will be bark off of this fine, semi-mature, tree
replanting with native means it would have quickly died and
FREE, collecting
trees and shrubbery and become a danger to passers-by, so it
any you would nor-
putting the emphasis on had to come down (left).
mally take with you
when moving home.
For more information email: recy- or go to or call
Summer fun days are coming
01908 252570. Yes! The ever-popular
■ ■ ■ Summer fun days series
Sadly 2010 seems to have started much the – staged by CPPC with
the help of local groups
same as 2009 finished, with fly tipping, abandoned
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH WATCH and volunteers – are set
The Milton Keynes Neighbourhood Watch shopping trolleys and dog fouling having to be high to return during the
MK Neighbourhood Watch Association is
Association is about helping to reduce crime, helping
about helping
to reduce reduce, for
the opportunity opportunity for and
crime and helping to
on our list for attention. long summer holidays.
of the fear of
It crime throughout Milton Keynes
fear crime. is also about building
and surrounding areas. It is also about building
com- By the end of February we had dealt with 26 flytip- Whether it’s another
munity spirit
community through
spirit bringing
by bringing peoplepeople closer
closer together pings, numerous dumped trolleys and many other ‘barbecue summer’ or
together through
with common goalswatch
watch schemes.
issues involving anti-social behaviour. something better...we’ll
the BENEFITS of joining
of joining
• The Parish has been working alongside MKC's see you there for the
•Signs/stickers to deter criminals
• enforcement team, and where we can trace culprits fun and games!
•Reduced cost of Smartwater
•Possible reduced insurance costs they receive enforcement notices leading to fines.

•Get to know about local crimes
Get to know your
than your average water!
I urge anyone witnessing flytipping to contact the
Parish on 608559.
■ ■ ■
Stunning Somali ladies’ day
People who
less use this to mark their
● Traditional songs, foods and the Trinity centre, and put on a
property are five times less likely to We are making progress in the 'trolley war'.
become burglary victims. It has an Trolleywise collects Sainsburys and Marks & swirling, colourful dances. A Somali splendid dance show complete with
embedded chemical fingerprint Spencers, while Serco takes all brands and charges Ladies day held on Fishermead capti- songs which brought everyone to COUNCIL MEETINGS
linking owners to their goods.
INTERESTED in joining? supermarkets for their return. vated its audience. their feet.
Interested in joining? Somali steering group Chair Ismail
Please come along and see how the
Waitrose's electronic trolley theft prevention meas- Many of those watching, including
Write to Helen Sharratt, Wolverton
the city's Mayor and Mayoress, were Farrah later said how proud he had Parish Council conducts its business.
Police Station, Stratford Road, ures appear to be having some success and, following
Wolverton MK12 5LX, or call 01908 discussions with CPPC, that store is perfecting its so enthused that they joined in the been of the ladies, and that it had Meetings of the council are held on the
324626 or email helen.sharratt system. If you spot a dumped trolley please call: dancing with gusto. been a good opportunity to show third Tuesday of each month, starting
Trolleywise (Symonds Hydroclean on 01633 892362, The event was organised by Farrah their culture and traditions.
He is looking forward to working
7.30pm, at the Oldbrook Centre,
NEW!! MKC on 01908 252570 or CPPC. Mohamed, Sabah Noor and Amina
visit our site for safety tips, news, Abdi – who are set to mastermind with other groups to build a better Oldbrook Boulevard, Oldbrook. Visitors
offers and much, much more. ■ ■ ■
more events in local communities, future and understanding locally, are welcome to come and see what
Now spring is coming, we are again working with
engaging with others to encourage and can be reached on 0796 1936904. goes on.
Why not
not join
join us
us and
and help
eye out
out up
MKC to fix the many potholes and pavement damage
Why street! confidence and inclusion. The event was funded by the
Participation and
and membership
membership is
are free which occurred during the freeze. If you are con- The next meetings are on
Participation FREE cerned about any particular problem please call An enthusiastic group prepared Prevent Board, a joint partnership
Working together to make MK a better, safer, place to live April 20, May 18 and June 15
Working together to make Milton Keynes a better and safer place to live
CPPC for inclusion on our 'to do' list. traditional Somali food, decorated between MK Council and local police.
6 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of...

Are you making your own choices...

o you let life happen to which can guide you through sim- Pascaline or Jon on 07500 791230
D you...or push it the way you
want to go?
ple steps to making the changes
you want – offering ongoing prac-
or 07500 791221, or drop in for a
chat and tea or coffee at CPPC's
Promoting healthy lifestyles, tical and motivational support. offices at 1 Pencarrow Place,
and supporting people in making It can offer support on such top- Fishermead.
changes to the way they live are ics as: healthy eating, getting The service also works in the
key roles of the NHS lifestyle active, stopping smoking, alcohol community and in local schools,
guide service. awareness and sexual health – with Pebbles, Surestart and at
If you are thinking about chang- and can point you to other servic- other local events and activities.
ing your life, it is there to help es and general health informa- Find out more by visiting
you, offering a free and confiden- tion. –
tial adult (16 and over) service To find out more contact don’t delay...start today!

Let’s keep beating the car thieves

It was a bad start to the new year significant part in the dramatic stepped up the campaign and I
for those stealing from cars in and reduction. think there is no doubt that this
around the city centre...and police That campaign involves police has had a real impact. Less people
want to keep working with drivers and partners noting registration are leaving valuable items in their
to keep it that way. numbers of any vehicles left with cars, giving thieves far fewer oppor-
In the two weeks over Christmas, valuable items on display – making tunities to strike.
normally an exceptionally busy them a target for criminals. “If people empty their vehicles
time for such crimes, there were 13 Letters (3,084 in December alone) then they greatly reduce the risk of
reported thefts from vehicles com- are then sent to the vehicle’s regis- having them broken into.”
pared with 89 in the same period tered owners, giving them tips on Richard Solly, Safer MK manager,
during 2007. crime prevention. added: “The Empty Car campaign
Officers believe their on-going Det Chief Insp Justin Fletcher, is a great example of police and
‘Empty Car’ campaign played a said: “This year we have really partners working together to
reduce crime in Milton Keynes.
“The messages are getting
A day in the life of a NPT through to people and the cam-
paign is working.”
By PC Jason Rowe deal with issues affecting the Police also carried out high visibil-
estates we cover. ity patrols across the city, and tar-
What does Campbell Park East
This involves dealing with crime geted known auto crime offenders.
Neighbourhood Policing Team do?
and disorder but includes such But it still needs everyone to stay
Our NPT consists of myself, as
things as gatherings of youths and aware and not leave valuables on
neighbourhood specialist officer,
parking on pavements which, in show in their empty cars!
and two PCSOs, Jon Stephenson
themselves are more of an anti-
and Tom Bouwhuis, and we are led
social problem than serious crimes.
by Inspector Helen Corbett and Sgt
Richard Colsen. But these issues do cause upset
and as such we try to find suitable
My role to the village bobby of
ways to deal with them.
old. I try to patrol the estates, meet-
ing local residents and business- The area has a Neighbourhood
people to provide support and Action Group (NAG) – people from
advice. various agencies and backgrounds
However the days of being able to who meet to progress local issues.
just walk about all day are long Our team is part of that. The
gone and that is where the PCSOs NAG is open for anyone to join and
come in. They don’t do hours of meets monthly.
paperwork, interview suspects, The current NAG priority is the
take statements etc and can patrol issue of vehicles parking on pave-
as our eyes and ears while police ments and verges, and causing
officers are busy elsewhere. obstruction.
Dedicated to the area, they rarely As a result we are issuing warn-
get dragged away and are a visible ings and tickets to try to address
deterrent to those about to commit this matter, whilst the NAG looks
crime or cause problems. at various other ways to tackle the
Our day to day role as I see it is to problem.
...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 7

Make the most of a great offer... Do you fancy

being a star?
And get safe - for FREE Features planned for
future issues of
Homeground will
lay it safe and get a FREE fire safety
P check on your home from the local fire
brigade's experts.
focus on various local
As well as showcas-
Such checks – carried out at no charge –
ing the many facilities
by Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service
and points of interest
can help reduce the risk of a fire or other
emergency in your home and, in the most in different areas, it
extreme cases, save your family’s lives. would be good to
include some resi-
Free smoke alarms can be fitted where
dents, especially those
needed, and the firefighters can also help you
playing active parts in
find out about other useful local services.
their communities, or
Checks take about 30 minutes for most
who have interesting
homes, and householders need to be present.
stories to tell.
Firefighters will fit as many British
If you have a story,
Standard smoke alarms – with sealed batter-
or know someone you
ies which should last 10 years in normal use
think could be fea-
– as they think necessary.
tured, please call
To book a visit email
CPPC on 01908 608559.
or call 01296 744477.
BF&RS community safety manager Terry Get News Direct
Ridgley said: “When fires break out, smoke If you would like infor-
alarms provide a vital early warning sign. At mation about what is
night they are often your ONLY warning.” going on in the Parish
emailed direct to you
Terry’s top tips for staying safe email
■ Fit and maintain a smoke alarm, one Use a mobile, a neighbour’s phone or a
on each level of your home. Test them phone box to call 999.
WEA Day School
weekly. The ideal place is on the ceiling ■ If someone needs rescuing wait out-
in the middle of a room, or in hallways Visit to the Museum of
side for the firefighters. They have the
and landings. equipment and training to do it. Never History of Science in
■ Plan your escape route: ensure every- go back in. Oxford with Willem
Hackmann on
one knows the quickest way out in case ■ Keep internal doors shut to slow the
of fire, and an alternative in case the Saturday May 15,
spread of fire.
usual route is blocked. 10.00am to 5pm.
■ Check on others: visiting relatives or
Fee: £24.50
■ In the event of a fire, get out, stay out, friends? Look out for safety hazards in
and call 999. Don’t delay for valuables. their homes. Offer to help test their The museum is in
Don’t investigate or try to tackle the fire. alarm and plan escape routes together. the Old Ashmolean,
which started over 300
years ago.
CAB needs YOU! Don’t fall for it! Spend the morning
DO YOU there. In the after-
Beware, spring is when door-step con-
Work well in a team? noon, after a picnic
artists are often most active.
Enjoy helping others? lunch, range further
The ‘cold callers’ knock at your door,
Have good communication skills? afield in Oxford with
bluff their way in and then commit distrac-
tion burglaries – with the elderly and vul- Willem to guide you.
Use your skills and develop new ones? nerable the most frequent victims. Call Roy Chapman
Choose how much time you spend If you are in doubt about any caller, on 01908 568921 to find
helping others? always ask to see their identification and out more.
Play a part in improving local and keep them out while you call their com-
national policies? pany or the police to check.
THEN CALL Some useful numbers
British Gas sales 0800 048 0202 National Grid 0845 605 6677
Bruce Manley at MK CAB
Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Anglian Water 08457 919155
on 01908 545187 or BT 0800 800 150 Southern Electric 0800 117 116
email N-power 0845 071 4525 Police non-urgent 08458 505 505
e-on 0800 0510760 MK Council 01908 691 691
ampbell Park Parish Council is a ‘grass roots’
Campbell C
council looking after many day-to-day services
Park affecting people living in Oldbrook, Fishermead,
Parish Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park and Woolstone.
Council The magazine for It normally consists of 20 members – ordinary
Caring within
the community where YOU live people serving their communities – and is non-
party political with members concentrating on
issue of April 2010 grass roots matters which can make such a big
difference to, and improve life for, local people.

Despite all that awful weather the Parish has been...

Working hard through the winter

ife – and endeavours to improve are reported to the police who are
L local quality of life – have gone
on as normal during the past few
issuing fines for the offences.
A new graffiti removal schedule
LOUTISH BEHAVIOUR has been issued for all estates with-
months. in the Parish for 2010/2011. CPPC
On a completely different front,
And there is now an additional barge owners have been reported for has kept on top of the problem so
workload as the snow and ice dumping food and human waste in far and usually, once reported, it is
caused many potholes and consid- the canal between Woolstone and removed very quickly. Any offensive
erable surface damage to pave- Springfield. Some have also been leav- or racist graffiti is removed within
ments, estate and grid roads. ing all types of rubbish on the tow- seven days of being reported.
CPPC has surveyed most of the path, causing hazards for walkers. REDWAY DANGERS
local roads and reported damage to Some, contravening canal-use A small number of cyclists have
MK Council’s highways people for regulations, have been moored – in had near misses with vehicles in
repair. Some have already been areas not designated for long-term Woolstone at the junction of
repaired, but many problems still mooring – for longer than two Pattison Lane and Childs Way,
remain, at the time of writing, to be weeks. where the redway crosses over.
dealt with.
They have been reported to the There are 10 places where the red-
Please report to the Parish any canal authority, British Waterways, way crosses roads in Woolstone and
damage which you think needs which has warned offenders and CPPC has asked MK Council to
attention. moved them on. Please contact the address the problem.
PAVEMENT PARKING Parish if you witness any problems The Parish has suggested that, in
Many residents have reported of this nature. the first instance, the original red-
incidents of parking on pavements, LET THERE BE LIGHT way markings have deteriorated
a problem which is also a concern CPPC has reported numerous over time and need to be repainted,
for the Parish Council. street lighting issues, either lamps along with the yellow bollards.
Wheelchair users, and children in not working or lit during daylight, Many areas throughout the
particular, are in places having to which will be repaired. Please Parish have become dumping
walk in the road to get by. report any lamps which are not grounds for undelivered local news-
Occurrences seen to be happening working properly. papers. Both MK News and the
Citizen regularly collect these when

Refuse, recycling and more... made aware of where they are, so

please tell the Parish if you see any
of such instances.
CPPC staff constantly patrol the
Parish, along with some elected
members, but cannot be every-
where at once – so please keep us
informed of the many issues that
concern you.
And please do not hesitate to con-
Work will soon start on dealing August bank holiday collections tact us should you either witness,
with weeds growing in local will be a day late. or notice, any of the occurrences
streets. Real Nappy fashion Show: April mentioned above.
MK Council contractors had 29 at the Chrysalis Theatre, Willen. You can call 01908 608559 or email
planned a March start but, See how your baby could benefit
because bitter weather has from growing up in real nappies.
slowed plant-growth, treatment Home Ground is published
Community recycling centre on fully recyclable environ-
was delayed until April. opening hours changed from mentally friendly paper and
Bank Holiday refuse/recycling April 1st – sites now open 8am- contains recycled fibre with
the balance harvested from man-
collections: all April, May and 8pm seven days a week.
aged, sustainable resources.

Campbell Park Parish Council – ✆ MK 608559

Home Ground created for Campbell Park Parish Council by Intermedia (ICS Ltd) – 01908 270000. Printed in England

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