See The Boal Be The Boal

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Actor Training Skills for the EFL classrooms.

Julian Armoa
ANGLO ENGLISH, Asuncion, Paraguay.

Biodata: Julian Armoa is a E.F.L teacher and works at ANGLO ENGLISH in

Asuncion, Paraguay. He holds a B.A. in English Language from the I.S.L.
(Instituto Superior de Lenguas) from National Univeristy of Asuncion. He
has been teaching English for 10 years in private and public schools in
Asuncion as well as institutes and universities. Presently he is working as
a Literature II teacher at the Instituto Superior de Educacion (I.S.E.)
and a Theatre teacher for Kids at the Culture Department from a local
NGO. He studied Performing Arts (Theatre/Dance) at I.S.B.A. (Instituto
Superior de Bellas Artes). He is an eager practitioner of Asthanga Yoga
and Tai Chi.

Abstract: This proposal aims at introducing physicality in the EFL

classroom. This hands-on workshop will focus on physical theatre
techniques (actor training skills) such as breathing (pranayama) ,
proxemics activites (the use of space and direction), weight exercises,
coordination and equilibrium, kinesics as well as intonation, elocution
(phonetics/public speaking exercises) and relaxation techniques. This
presentation intends to give EFL teachers interesting and funny
activities taken from the theatrical milieu to spice up their EFL classes.


Warm up
Why physicality in the EFL classroom? Discussion.
1. Breathing Activities (Yoga Pranayama. Diaphragmatic breathing)
2. Surya Namaskar (Salutation to the Sun)
2. Knowing my space (movement activities)
3. Physicality in the EFL classroom

Different activities taken from the theatrical milieu to be applied in the

EFL classrooms. These exercises are taken from Augusto Boals Games
for Actors and Non Actors, Barbara Maria Bernhards
Sprechbungen: Eine Sammlung fr Theatergruppen and my
own experience teaching theatre to kids.
5. Intonation, Elocution, Oral Skill Exercises
(Using different texts published by LABCIs bookshops)

4. Close up
Savasana (Relaxation techniques taken from Hatha Yoga)
Feedback from attendees.

Breathing (Pranayama, Diaphragmatic breathing)

Space / Direction (Autonomous Movement)
Weight Exercises
Coordination and Movement in Space
Actor Training Vocal /Movement Exercises applied to the EFL
Intonation / Elocution / Oral Skills (Exercises)
1. My sadness is your happiness

Lips Reading

dos Tiempo: 10 - 15 minutos

Participantes: todo el grupo Objetivo: vocalizacin

Hay una serie de tarjetas con palabras frente a un grupo de estudiantes.
Un/a participante saca una de las tarjetas y se coloca a una distancia de

no ms de 1 metro y medio del grupo. La persona en cuestin comienza a

articular la palabra con los labios y la lengua de la manera ms lenta posible;
es decir, en cmara lenta,
evitando cualquier tipo de sonido. Barbara Maria Bernhard en Sprechbungen Eine Sammlung fr Theatergruppen
Sprechbungen: Eine Sammlung fr Theatergruppen / Barbara Maria

TV Sets **
Nivel: todos Tiempo: 15 minutos
Participantes: todo el grupo, mitad televisores, mitad pblico espectador
Objetivos: vocalizacin / pronunciacin. Barbara Maria Bernhard en
Sprechbungen - Eine Sammlung fr Theatergruppen Bernhard en
Sprechbungen - Eine Sammlung fr Theatergruppen

Affinities (Closed eyes, Open eyes) Phonetic Running

Nivel: todos Tiempo: 10 minutos
Participantes: toda la clase dividida en grupos de 5 personas
Objetivos: vocalizar y discernir fonemas que presentan dificultades
Los miembros del grupo se dispersan por la sala y cierran los ojos.
La profe anuncia que las personas a quienes ella toque en el hombro debern
pensar una palabra

Circle of names of Belo Horizonte: Circle with rhythmic gestures and

their names. Introducing ourselves by creating rhythmic sounds three
times and name, followed by the members of the circle.

How many As in a single A? Emotions and intonations (elocution

exercises) with vowels. In A,E, o, I circle and different states of mind!!
Repetition in circles.

Two by three by Bradford: 1, 2, 3, sound, 2, 3, sound, sound, 3,

sound, sound, sound (Phonemes playing)

Foto Danesa (Augusto Boal)

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