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The Spirit of Prophecy!!!

My Report/Letters
1st Trident Nuclear Threat Hebrew Date: 16th Iyyar (5)77(5)
2nd Representation
3rd The Art Of War
Hebrew Date: 29th Sivan (5)77(5)
4th One World
Hebrew Date: 20th Tamuz (5)77(5)
Hebrew Date: 12th Elul (5)77(5)
5th Letter
Hebrew Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5)
th th
5 /6 Letter
Hebrew Date: 10th Tishrei (5)77(6)
7 Letter
Hebrew Date: 15th Tishrei (5)77(6)
Hebrew Date: 17th Tishrei (5)77(6)
8th The Prophecy Part 1
Hebrew Date: 2nd Cheshvan (5)77(6)
9 The Prophecy Part II Hebrew Date: 5th Cheshvan (5)77(6)
10th The Prophecy Part III Hebrew Date: 12th Cheshvan (5)77(6)
11th He had a name written Hebrew Date: 5th Kislev (5)77(6)
12th The Masked Prophecies Hebrews Date: 13th Kislev (5)77(6)
13th The Spirit of Prophecy Hebrews Date: 13th TEVET (5)77(6)

Christian Date: 5/5/15

Christian Date: 16/6/15
Christian Date: 7/7/15
Christian Date: 27/08/15
Christian Date: 30/08/15
Christian Date: 23/09/15
Christian Date: 28/09/15
Christian Date: 30/09/15
Christian Date: 15/10/15
Christian Date: 18/10/15
Christian Date: 25/10/15
Christian Date: 17/11/15
Christian Date: 25/11/15
Christian Date: 25/12/15

A lot of Christians believe Christ fulfilled the prophecies in the New Testament. If they actually
read the Bible instead of listening to clueless preachers they'd see The Servant fulfils the prophecies
with the help of God. If they done their own research instead of listening to what other people told
them, they'd see the New Testament was written after Jesus died. If the New Testament was written
after Christ died, by factual definition of the word prophecy: A prediction that will happen in the
future... Christ did not come down and fulfil the prophecies in the New Testament. Fulfilling a
prophecy is fulfilling a prediction and if the New Testament was written afterwards by definition it
is not fulfilling prophecies. Saying Christ fulfilled the New Testament prophecies on the 1st coming
is equivalent to watching a football match, then going to the bookies, writing your bet and trying to
place a bet after you know the final score lol Anyone who has more than 2 enlightened braincells
and the capability to read the Bible should know Christ's actions created the prophecy and The
Servant is the one who fulfils them. I am The Servant and with the help of God, I have fulfilled
more prophecies than anyone in the history of man. Revelation 19V10 At this I fell at his feet to
worship him. But he said to me, Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your
brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is The Spirit of
Prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus. Isaiah 42V1 Behold, My Servant, Whom I uphold; My
Chosen One in whom My BEING Delights. I have put My RUACH Upon Him; He Will Bring
Forth Justice to the Nations. 2 He Will Not Cry Out or Raise His Voice, Nor Make His Voice
Heard In The Street. The Bible says He Will Not Cry Out or Raise His Voice, Nor Make His
Voice Heard In The Street. My reports have all been written and I did preach in the streets. With
the recent invention of the internet (in terms of human history) that prophecy has been fulfilled.
Anyone who has read the Bible should know that Christ preached in the streets. Therefore, Christ
didn't fulfil that prophecy on the 1st coming. In fact, Christ did the opposite. The Bible says For it
is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus. With the help of God I have fulfilled the
Biblical prophecies and countless other prophecies. Without Christ's actions I wouldn't have been
able to fulfil the prophecies. Just because I say I am the one who fulfilled the prophecies, don't think
I am saying that I am better than Christ... I am not saying that I am better than Christ... I am The
ABOUT; WHAT I HAVE PLANNED, THAT I WILL DO. Isaiah 46V11 is by definition
prophecy. Christ was born in the East. That Biblical prophecy states FROM THE EAST I
PURPOSE. Basic logic tells you that the man who fulfils the prophecies is not from the East. If
the one doing the summoning states he is in the East and he is summoning a man from a far off
land... that tells you that the person being summoned is not from the East... that is obvious!!! It
doesn't get any clearly than that... yet a lot of people continue to assume the one who fulfils the
prophecies is going to come from the East lol I was born in the most Western part of Europe,
LAND, A MAN TO FULFIL MY PURPOSE. Isaiah 43V5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. (Prophecies Complete).
7 years before I released my 1st report I tattooed the date I'd release it on my arm. It was encoded in
my name Will and in the shape of a Trident. To complete that prophecy I had to infiltrate the UK's
Trident programme and gain a patrol on the exact nuclear weapons submarine (HMS Victorious),
the patrol needed to start after I finished TTF training, end in time for me to release my report, I
had to earn fast-track promotion to obtain 1st access before the countless others waiting for a patrol,
the report had to be released on 5/5/15, but I had to make sure that all those who received it,
released it on 17/5/15 so that it would fulfil the 12 day prophecy and the numbers would match the
3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo that I got 7 years before 157, I had tell people with the names
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul... that I'd become a nuclear weapons engineer before anyone in
Royal Navy knew that I'd be assigned to that specific branch Etc Etc Etc. Tattooing it my arm 7
years before doing it = prophesying / predicting. Those objectives would've been impossible for a
man without God. It doesn't matter if you're James Bond... James Bond can't obtain above Top
Secret information before anyone else in the world knows. I did and I tattooed the symbol and date
on my arm. I told my friends Matthew, Mark, John and Paul before I went on the pre joining course
and I told the Luke fellow on the Pre Joining course that I was going to be assigned to the V boats
as an Engineering Technician on the strategic weapons system. That was before anyone in my Royal
Navy training squad or the Royal Navy or the Government, knew I'd be assigned to the SWS branch
on V Boats. The people in my squad didn't know which boats they'd be assigned to, until Late in
the training. There's multiple boats and different types; people were assigned to A boats and V
boats. The V boats are the ones with the nuclear weapons. Also, people were assigned to TWS and
SWS. I knew I'd be assigned to the V boats, as SWS, the exact sub branch, the exact V boat, the
time the patrol would end... Etc Etc Etc. Prophecy required the boat to be named Her Majesty's
Ship Victorious. Psalm 45V2 You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed
with grace, since God has blessed you forever. 3 Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one;
clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. 4 In your majesty ride forth Victoriously in the cause
of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. I infiltrated and
rode forth in Her Majesty's Ship Victorious; which is one of the of 4 nuclear weapons submarines.
Only one nuclear-armed submarine goes on a patrol at a time. The patrols last about 3 months. The
Her Majesty's Ship Victorious boat, was the one that had the patrol which started after I finished
TTF training and its patrol ended in time for me to release my 1st report. It was the exact boat that I
needed to infiltrate to fulfil that prophecy. I used my right hand to write the Trident report and
release it on the exact date that was encoded in my Will/Trident tattoo 7 years before I released it.
(Prophecy Complete) The UK's nuclear-armed submarine are often called The Trident programme.
People think I served the Navy; in the true reality, they served God and I. AB McNeilly
was an Engineering Technician Submariner who had been on patrol with HMS Victorious, one of
the four nuclear-armed submarines based at the Faslane naval base on the Clyde.

In your Majesty ride forth Victoriously (Prophecy Complete)

Note: In my reports I explain earthly things... facts that can be proven. People can't win an
argument against facts. They can try, but they'll just make themselves look like an ignorant idiot. I
don't bring blind faith and belief in theories to the table... I bring proven facts and knowledge. Facts
that are backed up with an extraordinary amount of evidence and living witnesses... making them by
definition True FACTS!!! It is not a belief that I fulfilled those prophecies... it is a fact.. backed up
with an extraordinary amount of evidence and living witnesses. You shouldn't believe it, you should
know it!!! I don't like people that believe in things too easily or base their whole perception of
reality on blind faith. Those people ignore proven knowledge and logic so they can continue to
follow their own beliefs. Their beliefs are rarely based on their own research. They are based on
what others have told them to believe. We have all been wrong at some point in our lives. To learn,
you must admit you were wrong and take in new proven information. You'll never learn anything if
you act like you know everything and ignore new information that proves your beliefs/theories are
wrong. You must ask yourself: How much research did I actually do to prove my initial idea of
reality? The answer to that question for most people is none. They believe in what they were told to
believe by those around them. It is not a coincidence that Muslim countries breed Muslims,
Christian countries breed Christians, Hindus breed Hindus, Jews breed Jews... The majority are
indoctrinated into their beliefs. Give them a fact that contradicts their fine tuned perception of
reality, and they'll just ignore it or alter the information so it fits into the mental cave they have
crawled into. They want to believe that they guessed it right the 1st time. When you read this report
try to read it with an open mind. Come out of the cave and read it in the light. Think about how I
done that. Use science to calculate the odds of what I have done. Think about the laws of
probability, the Butterfly Effect and later on you will need to consider the laws of physics. We have
defied all of those laws, but I would still prefer it if people use real science. I want you to do your
own research and think about it logically because The Truth is on my side.
Doing all that seems impossible, but that is exactly what I did. With the help of God, I have done a
lot more than that. Tattooing it on my arm 7 years before and telling people with specific name,
what was going to happen before it did, makes it prophecy. Keep in mind that no-one in the Royal
Navy or British Government knew the exact patrol dates 7 years before. No-one on the submarines
patrol knew the exact start and end dates 7 weeks before. No-one on the patrol knew the exact
patrol end date until it was sent in a message to the submarine, towards the end of the patrol (that's
how nuclear-armed submarines patrols work). Their patrol dates are above Top Secret. Yet I had to
the exact date of my 1st report written on my arm 7 years before and I infiltrated the exact
submarine and its patrol ended just in time for me to write and release my Trident report DATE
PERFECT!!! Against the exact submarine. Keep in mind that there's thousands of people trying to
join the Navy and there's countless people waiting to go on a patrol. Only one nuclear weapons
submarine goes out on patrol at a time and there's numerous other submarines that I could've been
assigned.. such as the A boats. I had to make sure that I got a patrol on HMS Victorious, and it's
patrol needed to start after my training at TTF and end in time for me to release the 1st report. Try to
calculate the odds of me achieving that!!! I even had to make sure I obtained the specific sub
branch (Strategic weapons System Navigation). No-one in the Royal Navy knew the specific sub
branches we'd be assigned to until the end of training at the Trident Training Facility (TTF), but I
had to be assigned to the Navigation sub branch to fulfil a prophecy that was made in a prophetic
animation. The animation started getting made almost a decade before I released the report. Which
means it was prophecy and I fulfilled that prophecy. Pause it on the exact second and you see my
name and rank in the animation, AB Will. We even predicted the amount of days I'd spend at prison
bases before being moved to a military base. That prophecy is in the Bible. Every move they'd make
was predicted and every move I made was perfectly calculated and timed to fulfil prophecies with
an extraordinary amount of detail. A level of detail that will undoubtedly blow your mind. You
might think the Royal Navy consciously worked with me but they never. None of them knew who I
was/am. If you've read my other reports you'd see we can take control of anyone. Some of the other
people we took control of are dead. I say some... it's in the thousands. Thousands have been killed
this year because they ignored the warnings I put in my reports and video. I said when they'd be
judged and gave them the exact number that matched the design of their deaths... before they died.
It's all in writing, date stamped and numerous people read my reports before those events happened.
They were killed with the numbers I talked about, on the exact day, in the exact location... The
numbers fitted perfectly for my next Letters and fulfilled the prophecies of the previous ones. I
knew the exact day Russia would attack ISIS. I don't work for the Royal Navy, I don't work for the
Russians, I don't work for all those media dudes, I don't work for those two chicks and the police
we took control of for another prophecy, I don't work for those dead people who failed to listen to
the warnings Etc Etc Etc. I am The Servant... I serve God. I worked alone to fulfil those prophecies
with God.
The submarine itself is a recent invention.. in terms of mankind's full history. I had to be born at the
exact time to ensure I got a patrol on a submarine... to fulfil the Ancient Egyptian prophecy of
Amun Ra riding a boat in the Underworld = A submarine. The Ancient Hindu prophecy of Shiva.
The Hindu's also worship a Trinity. One of the Hindu Trinity is Shiva. Shiva is a white man with
ginger hair and a Trident... I have fulfilled that Ancient Prophecy... I am a white man, with Ginger
hair and Trident. Shiva = 7 in Hebrew and my Will/Trident tattoo contains 7 7s and one mirrored 7.
I got it 7 years before I released the Trident report and became known as The Trident Whistleblower in 2015... the year that contains the 70th Biblical Jubilee and the 70th anniversary of the 1st
detonation of a Nuclear Weapon. The 1st detonation of a nuclear weapon was conducted by the
American's in 1945... it was named the Trinity project. A Trident is an ancient symbol for the
Trinity and the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo exactly match the 3 numbers in the Biblical
verse that explains the Trinity ... 157. The word Tri = 3. 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1John5:7 =
The three numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 157.
Releasing the report and having it take 12 days was also prophecy. That prophecy was contained in
the I Pet Goat II animation. That animation started getting made in 2006 and was released in 2012...
years before I released my 1st Letter. It's famous world wide and most people assume it is prophetic.
It is prophetic. With the help of God, I have fulfilled its prophecies with nanosecond precision and
an extraordinary amount of detail.
I Pet Goat II

There's 12 blank faces around the girl (Alice). The 12 blank faces represent it taking 12 days to get
the report out. To fulfil that one meant taking control of all the media... mainstream, Wikileaks,
alternative media, free lance journalists... I fulfilled the 12 days prophecy... All Glory belongs to
IAM!!! My release date for the 1st letter was 5/5/15 Hebrew year 5775 and all those media dudes
released it on 17/5/15 Hebrew year 5775. All those numbers match the 3 numbers in my
Will/Trident tattoo 157. I am the Servant... Worship God not ME... all Glory belong to IAM!!!
I released all of Letters Date perfect. There's countless witnesses and evidence to prove those
reports were released on those Dates. You can find the release dates online yourself. For the 1st one,
I attached a picture of me with 5/5/15 written in blood red on a piece of paper. I sent that picture
along with the 1st report to countless journalists, wikileaks, free-lance journalists Etc, Etc Etc...

You can find that picture if you Google my name William McNeilly or Trident Whistle-blower or
Trident... I released my 1st report / Trident report on 5/5/15 Hebrew Year 5775 and it took 12 days
before anybody else released it to the public on 17/5/15 Hebrew Year 5775. To complete that
prophecy I had to release the report on 5/5/15 and make sure no-one released it until 17/5/15.
Completing that prophecy requires taking control of all the media outlets! All their processing times
had to be perfectly calculated so they would all release the report on 17/5/15 and not a day before.
That probably sounds impossible, but with the help of God I not only did that... I did it with a level
of detail that no human can explain and I did it in a way that fulfilled prophecies and matched the
exact numbers and code numbers that I tattooed on my arm 7 years before I released it. People ask
Why would you do that? Fulfilling prophecies in this way proves that it doesn't matter who you are
or what your political view is... this is not a world that is ruled by humans. Those at the Top of the
pyramid control the mainstream, but we control everything and everyone. The mainstream and
those who are against the mainstream. It doesn't matter where you are on the pyramid or what your
political opinion is. Only slaves serve the pyramid. You pass the bricks to those above you, but they
are not the ones who rule the world. Even the Pharaohs were Servants.
Wikileaks Trident report release Date 17/5/15

The report has been featured on Wikileaks 1st page for months. Notice the date of my screenshot is
30/11/15 and it's still featured on their 1st page. Also, notice the date they released it 2015-05-17 =

Anti nuclear submarine activist Rob Edwards Trident report release Date 17/5/15. I messaged
him with my JohnHunt147 email address. The number 147 is a number that I have used since I was
a kid locking up my bicycle. You'll see the significance of that number later in this report.

Dailymail Trident report release Date 17/5/15

The Independent Trident report release Date 17/5/15

It took 12 days for them all to process it and release it. Other people released it on 17/5/15 but not
one media dude released it a day before 17/5/15. 12 day prophecy... (Prophecy Complete). Try and
figure out how that was possible. Try to calculate the odds of me achieving that without God's help.
As you can see below, JohnHunt147 wasn't the only email I used to send it. However, you also see I
used the name John in that e-mail account, and the email contains the number 1457. There's proof
there, in other emails, on FaceBook, in the picture I attached with me holding the 5/5/15 etc etc that
the 1st report was released before 17/5/15 and wasn't released by anyone else until 17/5/15. You see,
the rich control parts of the media but we control everything and everyone. It doesn't matter if
you're the richest man in the world or the poorest man in the world... this is not a man's world.

As you can see, no-one except me, released it before 17/5/15. All their processing times were
perfectly calculated. Controlling all of the media... mainstream, alternative, freelance journalists,
whistle-blowers etc etc. The numbers in the dates 5/5/15 Hebrew year 5775 and 17/5/15 Hebrew
year 5775 match the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... which I got 7 years before I released the
report on 5/5/15 5775. That objective would've been impossible for James Bond lol But I
completed it perfectly. Most people can't even recognise the amount of power that is needed to do
that. They convince themselves it was just an amazing coincidence. Get yourselves a dictionary
because the factual definition says it isn't a coincidence! It wasn't a coincidence because it was all
planned/designed and it happened exactly how it was supposed to happen. I put John 147 and 1457
in my emails for a reason, I got my tattoo for a reason, I released the report on that date for a reason,
I infiltrated that specific submarine for a reason Etc Etc Etc. That reason is Prophecy. I am The
Servant and I fulfil prophecies to prove this is God's world... ALL GLORY BELONGS TO IAM!!!

I have fulfilled more prophecies than any man in history. I am IAM's servant. There isn't a
calculator big enough to calculate the odds of IAM's achievements and my achievements with IAM.
The tattoo is my name Will and it is designed in the shape of a Trident. The name of the nuclear
weapons programme that I infiltrated was called the Trident programme. I got that tattoo 7 years
before I released the Trident report. My Will/Trident tattoo is designed with The No.1... seven 7s...
1 mirrored 7... 5 code Letters for the number 5 = five 5s... 5x5 = 25. 25 is the age I was when I
released the Trident report on 5/5/15 = Hebrew Year 5775. 5/5/15 5+5+15 = 25 given you the age
I was when I became The Trident Whistle-blower There's 25 points on 5 5 pointed stars
There's three numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... they are 1, code 5s and 7s...
157!!! 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost: and these three are one. 1John5:7 talks about the Trinity ... 157. The exact date I'd release
the Trident report is clearly encoded in my Will/Trident tattoo. The Date other people released it,
gives you the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 17/5/15 Hebrew year 5775... The numbers in my
Will/Trident tattoo = 157. The email address I used contained 147 and one of the other ones
contained 1457. 147 is the plan. 1+3=4+3+7+3=10. 333 is the hidden number in the plan. Tri = 3.
Trident, Triangle, Trinity. We start counting at 1 so 1 = The beginning and 10 = Completion. After
10 you start with the 1s again. That is a mathematical law. 0.9 + 0.1 = 1.0 + 0.1 = 1.1. In my reports
I explain earthly things... facts that can be proven; people can't win an argument against facts. I
don't bring blind faith and belief in theories to the table... I bring proven facts; that are backed up
with evidence and witnessed by countless people. I repeat so people can gain knowledge and
understand the facts. This is not a like news report. It is designed like a textbook that is trying to
teach. Trident, Triangle, Trinity. I burnt a Triangle on my right arm with iron, 15 years before I
released my Trident report. I got my Trident tattoo 7 years before I released my Trident report with
the three numbers that explain The Trinity...157... 15 years 7 years.

You can see the 2 Us cover both sides of the 2 7s in the W ... That gives you U77U which = The
Hebrew year 5775. My first 5 Letters and video were released in Hebrew year 5775. With the tattoo
facing up right, the U on the right is touching the 1. Add the 1 to that 5 and it becomes a 6. All my
other reports were released in Hebrew year 5776. There's 5 code letters for the number 5 in my
Will/Trident tattoo. There's 2 code 5s in the W 5/5 (Us are interchangeable with Vs in Latin and V =
5 in Roman Numerals) and 3 code 5s making up the ill 555... the Es (E = 5th Letter of the Alphabet
and a Trident symbol. The 5th Ancient Hebrew picture letter, also translates to the letter E ) =
5/5/555. Use 2 crosses (2nd coming)... 5/5/555 = 5/5/15 = The exact date I released my first Letter
5/5/15 Hebrew Year 5775. The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo are 1, 5 and 7... 157!!!.

As you can see, number 5 is combined with the number 1... EA. The numbers in numerical order
for E and A = 15. I became the Trident whistle-blower in the 15th year of the 3rd Millennium 2015.
3x5 =15 5+5+5=15 The date I released The Trident report 5/5/15. The Trident system is a nuclear
weapons system... look at the meaning of the number 7 = Weapon. The 7th Letter in Hebrew is
called Zayin. Search the 7th Hebrew letter Zayin online, and you'll see that it is the shape of Trident.
The 3 spikes at the top make it a conventional Trident. I released the report in Hebrew year 5775. If
you take the meaning of those numbers 5 = Look reveal 7 = Weapon and the letter is shaped like a
Trident... Therefore, the date 5775 means reveal the Trident weapon. That is exactly what I did in
the Hebrew year 5775... I became the Trident Whistle-blower by revealing the safety issues with the
UK's false Trident nuclear beast system. It's not just the UK we need to focus on. Imagine how
nations like Pakistan are maintaining their nuclear weapons. They are a risk to humanity and the
environment. The terror threat grows everyday. We need world unity to end the threat. Hebrew year
5775 prophecy... (Prophecy Complete). The year 5775 was planned and it is clearly encoded in
my Will/Trident tattoo. E is linked to A given the numbers 1, 5. The 7 th Hebrew Letter is shaped
like a Trident and means weapon. The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157.


PSI Trident symbol Man with arm up = 5

157... The numbers and their ancient meanings tell you exactly what happened. I earned Fast-track
promotion to Leader in the Trident nuclear weapons programme, but then I seen the major safety
issues and revealed them to the public. 1 = Fast-track to Leader 5 = Reveal the safety issues
7 = Trident Weapon and the letter for Zayin is drawn as a Trident... 157. The person who made that
Zayin picture put the arm of the Lord verse in his picture. The Bible Isaiah 53V1 Who hath
believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? That is a verse that fits
perfectly. Who has believed my report and who has seen my arm???
Zayin is shaped like a Trident and it's the 7th Hebrew letter... My Will/Trident tattoo contains 7 7s
and on mirrored 7. It is designed to look like a Trident and I got it 7 years before I became the
Trident Whistle-blower. I completed The Trident prophecies in the year that contains the 70th
Biblical Jubilee. Every 7th Biblical year is a Shemitah. I got my tattoo on Shemitah year and
completed the prophecies on the next Shemitah year. PERFECT 777s.
The Ancient Indians also worshipped a Trinity. One of the Hindu Trinity is called Shiva. Shiva is
normally portrayed as a white man with Ginger hair and a Trident... just like me. Even the Statue of
Shiva is a white man with Ginger hair and a Trident. Look at the Indians and ask yourselves why
would the Indians portray Shiva as a white man with Ginger hair? All the languages convert
perfectly... There's 7 7s and one mirrored 7 in my Will/Trident tattoo... Shiva in Hebrew =
which is the number seven 7 in English. Shiva = 7. Rearrange the letters for Shiva 7 and
you get a close match to my nickname Willy. W resembles the Hebrew letter . is an Ancient
Trident symbol and the first letter of my Trident tattoo is designed in the shape of because my
name in the Bible is Yahusha Rearrange those Hebrew letters and you get an exact match
for my nickname in this life WiLLy . The Y shaped letter is an Eye in ancient Hebrew pictograph.
The Eye is unseen and therefore not in my tattoo. The Eye is often called The 3rd Eye. Tri = 3. A
Trident = An Ancient Trinity symbol.

Shiva Even the Statue is a white man with Ginger hair and a Trident

Yahusha = in Hebrew Letters. Rearrange those letters and you get an exact match for my
nickname is this life Willy... Pronounced - Will Eye (Prophecy Complete)

Yahusha is the only name that perfectly matches my name when rearranged, and Yahusha is the
word that is used the most for the one that people believe will fulfil the prophecies. You no longer
have to call it a belief... it is now Knowledge because with God, I have fulfilled more prophecies
than any man in the history of man... FACT!!! In the Tanak/Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Yahusha
is used the most... 216 times. All you needed to do to find my name was understand the verses that
tell you I won't rise in the East (Isaiah 46V11) Isaiah 43V5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I
will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. realise we use English in
the West then rearrange the Hebrew letters to give you my name in English Proverbs 25V2 It is
the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs
18V15 An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

It was even simpler than that. Read the English version and you'll see the Bible practically gives
you my name. Will + IAM = 7 Letters = The 7th Letter of the Alphabet = G. 1 Corinthians 1V1
Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the Will of God, and our brother Sosthenes..
Thessalonians 5V16-19 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for
this is the WILL of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Exodus 3V13 Moses
said to God, Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me
to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them? 14 God said to Moses,
I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.
God's Will + IAM = My name WillIAM. Another... (Prophecy Complete) Trinity = 7 Letters and
Trident = 7 Letters. The 7th Letter of the Alphabet = G. The masons use the letter G to represent
God. I am not a mason, but I can see that they are spiritually enlightened and intelligent people.

The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo = 157. I released my Trident Report on 5/5/15 Hebrew
year 5775 it took 12 days to get out... Wikileaks and other news dudes released it on 17/5/15...
Hebrew year 5775. I released my One World report on 7/7/15 Hebrew year 5775... My 11th Letter
described my Will/Trident tattoo in detail and was released on 17/11/15... look at the release dates
of my Letters 5/5/15 5775 17/5/15 5775 7/7/15 5775 17/11/15 and my 5th letter was released
on Hebrew Date 15th Elul (5)77(5)... All those numbers perfectly match The 3 numbers in my
Will/Trident tattoo...157... Tri = 3 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Revelation 19V10 At this I fell at
his feet to worship him. But he said to me, Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with
your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of
prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus. 11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a
white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His
eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no
one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the
Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in
fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down
the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the
wrath of God Almighty. 16 And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF
KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. No-one knew the meaning in the tattoo, besides God and I
(Prophecies Complete) Isaiah 53V1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the
LORD revealed? My name is Will... my Will Tattoo contains the Prophecy...157... 1John5:7
Explains the Word of God and the Trinity!!! His name is the Word of God (Prophecy Complete)
In the 12 days it took me to get the report out, I was spitting out blood; I still am. My hood is
dripped in blood. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood. (Prophecy Complete)

The Name on it is Christian. Christ is The King of Kings, And Lord of Lords!!! And on His robe
and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
(Prophecy Complete)

Revelation 19V12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name
written on him that no one knows but he himself. Eyes like blazing fire (Prophecy Complete)

I am The dude in the boat.

Pause it on the exact second and you'll see the I Pet Goat II video prophesied me infiltrating a
submarine... (Prophecy Complete) It is prophecy because that animation started getting made in
2006 and was released before I signed my contract in the military.



The I Pet Goat II animation is famous worldwide. It has won a of lot awards and many study it
because it is prophetic. Other people reporting on it... Google Map Search: I
Pet Goat II and CERN Appears My thoughts are now answered CERN and I Pet Goat II are
connected What is Going to Happen on September 23rd Type 09-23-2015
into Google Maps and See What Comes Up. It is weird enough that Hollywood is making moves
dropping hints about Sep 23rd. But Now Google is giving us the LOCATION? And telling us what
it is that will happen? If you type in Keys to the bottomless pit in Google Maps, it takes you to
CERN.. in Geneva Switzerland. If you type 09-23-2015 it also takes you there.
The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The
star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. Revelation 9:1. When you type Apollyon into
Google Maps you are taken to CERN. Apollyon is known as the destroyer. Furthermore, what
does September 23 have to do with CERN? Why would a date bring you to a location of a scientific
research facility? Why this date? I, Pet Goat II, is a film bursting with ancient
and prophetic symbolism. citizen of Gotham Prophetic and Subliminal Messaging in
"I, Pet Goat II" by Heliofant I'm not yet done decoding that rich
prophetic scenario from I, pet goat II Millions of people believe the world famous animation, I
Pet Goat II is prophetic. Considering it was linked to CERN and CERN was built on Apollo's
temple. So is it coincidence that the LHC was located in the very place
where a temple/town dedicated to the king of the bottomless pit or is it by design? What I found
kind of startled me. I found that the town that the LHC complex is situated-Saint Genis Pouilly-was
in Roman times called Apolliacum, the town and a temple being dedicated to Apollyon. Earlier today, Sharon Gilbert asked me to type IPETGOATII into
google maps in order to observe the result. The result was CERN. I also tried it with Google Earth
and my top two results were CERN and the Dome of the Rock! So why are these addresses
associated with the film?
23/09/15 is the date I released my 6th report and those who declared themselves my enemy were
killed the next morning... with the exact numbers I gave them.. I'll discuss that later in this report.
Notice the exact time his eyes open and his mouth stops gasping for air... 05:55. Every millisecond
in that animation is designed. The creator got his visions and instructions from a Higher Power... in
the same way the writers of the Bible got theirs. Opening eyes and gasping for air, represents my
awakening... 05:55 mins... 5+5+5 = 15... The date I released my Trident Letter = 5/5/15. The
submarine is in the animation and the animation was released before I infiltrated the Royal Navy. 4
pac in the animation and a 4 pack in real life... Perfect riding 4th symbol lol (Prophecy Complete)
5:54 Mouth still open gasping for air. When I awake after a long and deep trip into the other
worlds, I sometimes return and find my body isn't breathing. I have to gasp until it starts

5:55 Stops gasping, mouth closes and focused look in the eyes = fully awoken. If you watch the
animation you'll see he gives a nod at 5:55. 5+5+5=15. The Date I became The Trident

There's another nod in the video and it is from the kid. If you search Trident Whistle-blower online,
you'll see an image of me with a light in my left eye.

I became The Trident Whistle-blower on 5/5/15. At exactly 5:15 mins in the animation the kid| nods
his head... with a light in his Left EYE. During the 12 days it took to get the report out, I thought I
should send a photo to let my family and friends know that I was alright... give a nod. A light orb
landed perfectly on my Left eye. I took the selfie/photo when I was in an old fashioned hotel in
Germany. It is real light orb and it landed perfectly on my left eye to fulfil another prophecy
(Prophecy Complete). You can have an expert test the photo and they'll tell you it is not
Photoshopped... it's also not a ghost lol The lamp over my right shoulder, reflected of the mirror and
caused an orb in my phones camera.

That scene ends at 5:17. 5/17/15 Hebrew Year 5775 is the exact date I released that photo on
Facebook. All those numbers exactly match the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo that I got 7
years before it happened. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you I've had that tattoo for
years. Check my military joining records and you'll see I had that tattoo before I infiltrated the UK's
Trident programme.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day Released in 1991. 2 years after my Birth year 1989. Arnold was
born in 1947 = 147 Plan. The Light in The Left Eye. What is Going to Happen on September 23rd Type 09-23-2015 into Google
Maps and See What Comes Up. It is weird enough that Hollywood is making moves dropping
hints about Sep 23rd. But Now Google is giving us the LOCATION? And telling us what it is that
will happen? If you type in Keys to the bottomless pit in Google Maps, it takes you to CERN..
in Geneva Switzerland. If you type 09-23-2015 it also takes you there.
Everyone wanted to know what was going to happen on 23/09/15. The hype for 23/09/15 was
equivalent to the hype for 2012. I told everyone 23/09/15 is my day of Judgement. I got thrown out
of the Royal Navy just in time to release my other reports Date Perfect!!! I UNMASKED on
27/08/15 = The 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. Given you a direct link between my
UNMASKED video and the date of my 6th letter that I released on 23/09/15... Judgement Day was
2 days after I arrived in UTC 2. Terminator 2 Judgement day... (Prophecy Complete)

Tri = 3. 3 days after my UNMASKED video, I released my 5th Letter that explain it, on Hebrew
Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5). My UNMASKED video contained the I Pet Goat II animation In my 5th
Letter I said Next month is The Month and The Judgement Day. Judgement Day / Day of
Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th of Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15 I released the Trident programme
report on (5)/(5)/(15) and I UNMASKED on the 27/08/15 = 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15 =
Another reference to My Day of Judgement and more evidence of my connection with the creator /
IAM. I told everyone that I'd judge them on the 23/09/15. I gave them a chance to repent but
people always ignore my advice.

That scene ends at exactly 5:17... 5/17/5 Hebrew Year 5775 is when I released my photo and other
people released my Trident report.

End of the scene with the kid 5:17 mins.

Start of the Death scene at 5:17 mins.

Revelation 9V1 -The 5th angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to
the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. Revelation 20V1 And I saw an
angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great
chain. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a
thousand years 3He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from
deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free
for a short time. Revelation 1V12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And
when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a
son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.
1V18 - I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold
the keys of Death and Hades. Revelation 22V8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these
things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had
been showing them to me. 9 But he said to me, Dont do that! I am a fellow servant with you and
with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God! Worship
God, not me! (PROPHECY COMPLETE) If you look at my hood you'll see the Serpent and
beast are in chains. I obtained my Key to Death and Hades when I flew East into UTC 2.

The unlocking part is shaped like a Trident, it has a lightening bolt, a cross, 2 rings for second birth,
the date on it is 1983. The word on my Trident Key is ENERGIE... That's energy deliberately spelt
with 3 capital Es. There's 3 capital Es in my Will/Trident tattoo. 3E = 3x5 = 15. Also.....
5+5+5 = 15. The Date I released the My Trident Letter = 5/5/15... 5+5+15= 25 = The age I was
when I became the Trident Whistle-blower. 5/5/15 is the perfect date to symbolise 555. Remember
V=5. Revelation 9V1 Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen
to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. Revelation 9V1 = 9 + V +1 =15.
Revelation 20V1 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and
holding in his hand a great chain. Revelation 1V18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now
look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
(Prophecy Complete)
The Death scene that starts at 5:17, shows Death making a dead Muslim kid spin around in a circle
7 times. The entire super moon is first visible at 5:23. My 5th report was the first to describe the
animation. In my 5th report I said my next report will be released on the 23rd . PSI is the 23rd
letter of the Greek Alphabet and its symbol is a Trident . W is the 23rd Letter of the English
Alphabet. My Will tattoo is designed in the shape of a Trident. 5+23 = 28. On the 28/09/15 I
released my 7th letter. I released my One World report (4th Letter) on 7/7/15 Hebrew Year 5775... a
date that consists of the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157. In my one world report on
7/7/15 5775 I said The movie playing in that cinema was revenge of the 7th letter. I said that in
my 4th letter. 4X7 = 28 = The date I released my 7th Letter. The title was One World.. it was my 4th
Letter.. in it I said revenge of the 7th letter... 147 Plan. My 7th Letter described the stampede at
Mecca, 4 days after it happened on the 24/09/15... My 6th Letter was released the night before the
initial death toll was reported as 700. PSI is a Trident symbol . The Greek Letter PSI has the
numerical value of 700. At sea level Psi is around 14.7... 147 Plan. 147 was the number I used in
my email address to become The Trident Whistle-blower

28/09/15 was the date of the 4th and final extremely rare Tetrad Blood Super Moon. I watched The
Blood-moon Super moon from across The Black Sea. I was in the exact location I need to for solar
eclipse and Blood-moons.

That scene's camera angle changes at 5:24. The stampede happened on the 24th. On Hebrew Date:
15th Elul (5)77(5) Christian Date: 30/08/15 I said in my 5th Letter 23/09/15 is my day of
Judgement. I released my 6th report at night on 23/09/15 and the next morning the Stampede
happened on the 24/09/15. That scene changes at 5:28... on the 28/09/15 I released my 7th letter
describing the Stampede at Mecca. Remember that animation was made years before the stampede
at Mecca and I released my reports telling them I'd judge them on how much they'd repent months
before it happened. My 5th and 6th letters were released before it happened. My 6th was released the
night before. With God, I fulfil the prophecies and they are fulfilled with an extraordinary amount
of detail... a level of detail that no human could achieve or began to understand how it was
achievable.... that proves I am The One who fulfils the prophecies and I am The Servant. I hold
everyone that I have the Key to Death and Hades and I am the judge. They didn't listen. Pay
attention to the details. When I dated my 6th letter on 23/09/15, I called it 5th/6th Report/Letter:
Judgement Day / Day of Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15.

There's even a clue to the release date of the Updated 7th Letter. My 5th Letter was released on 15th
Elul (5)77(5) 30/08/15. As you can see, in my 6th letter I dated my 5th as 15th Elul (5)77(5)
30/09/15. The Hebrew date was correct but the Christian date was a month ahead 30/09/15.
30/09/15 was the release date of my Updated 7th Letter. I said The next report The 7th
Report/Letter. I said that and gave an obvious clue to the date I'd release it. There's 6 stone pillars
in the scene with dead Muslim spinning in a circle 7 times. 5 at the top and the 6th is down below. I
dated my 6th Letter as 5/6 letter and in that report I also said 5 and 6 coming together and standing
side by side defending 7 The Heavens. The Saviour and The Destroyer. The number 6 is
represented by a peg My 5th and 6th Letters described the I Pet Goat II animation in more detail
than the anyone. The animator created it from his visions and he tries to decipher the meaning in the
animation and his visions. He doesn't know what it all means. I don't even need to try... I watch and
know what it means because I am the guy in the boat. He received his visions from a higher power...
like the people who wrote the Bible.
Quote from my 6th letter released on 23/09/15 5 and 6 coming together and standing side by side
The number 6 is represented by a peg
My 6 Letter was released the night before the Stampede.

I warned you about it before it happened but no-one listened to my warnings. My 5th Letter was
released almost a month before it happened Hebrew Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5) Christian Date:
30/08/15 In it I clearly said Next month is The Month and The Judgement Day. Judgement Day /
Day of Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th of Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15 I released the Trident
programme report on (5)/(5)/(15) and I UNMASKED on the 27/08/15 = 239th day of the year 2015
= 23/09/15 = Another reference to My Day of Judgement and more evidence of my connection with
the creator / IAM. I told everyone that I'd judge them on the 23/09/15 and I told them I work with
IAM, but they didn't believe me. Now people believe me. One person said I am controlling the
Universe with my mind... NO!!! I am not controlling the Universe with my mind... I am The
Servant... ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!! I have been fulfilling prophecies since the second I
was born... I was born with the exact name I needed, in the exact location, exact time-zone, exact
hair colour, at exact the second Etc Etc Etc... I was born at 5PM Aka 17 hundred... the 3 numbers
in my Will/Trident tattoo = 157. Was I controlling the Universe when I was a baby? Lol I fulfilled
prophecies that were made thousands of years before I was born. The master deceiver convinces
people that they can shape the Universe with their mind lol They believe if enough humans get
together they can change the world with the power of thought.. if they believe hard enough lol You
can't!!! God created this Universe!!! God's word is fulfilled with an extraordinary amount of detail...
date perfect!!! I didn't need people to believe I could fulfil the prophecies... No-one would've
believed I could have done this. Even after I did it they know I did but they still can't believe I am
who I am. I fulfilled them because God knew I could and would... it doesn't matter if people can't
believe in facts. Facts will always be facts and ignorant people who follow beliefs over facts and
true knowledge are just plain stupid. All Glory belongs to God!!! Humans don't control this world.
My 6th letter warned you. The warning was extremely detailed. No-one listened so the next morning
it happened with the exact numbers I talked about.
Isaiah 46V10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to
come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the East I summon
a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I Will
bring about; what I have planned, that I Will do. I flew East like a bird of prey to release my 6th
and 7th Letters!!! In terms of mankind's full history commercial airplanes are a recent invention.
Flying like a bird of prey is only achievable with an airplane and it was invented in a time when it
was needed for me to fulfil that prophecy (Prophecy Complete). I flew East, like a bird of prey
into UTC 2 and raised my arm. In the 1st paragraph of my 6th Letter released at night on 23/09/15 I
said Don't doubt my ability to judge U!!! It says published by: William Lewis... that's one of my
names. You can view that document on my Scribd account. Some of reports are available on my FB.

I released my 6th Letter at night on 23/09/15. I said People still judge ME and MY reports without
even reading them. U Failed The Test... I told U... Don't doubt my ability to Judge U!!! YOU ARE
ABOUT TO SEE WHAT A REAL TRIDENT CAN DO!!! In the morning on 24/09/15 the
stampede at Mecca happened... with the exact numbers to match the numerical value of PSI 700.
PSI is a Trident symbol . My 6th Letter contained 55 pages and was titled 555 New Eden...
5/5/5+5+5 = 5/5/15 = The Date I became The Trident Whistle-Blower!!! U Failed The Test... I
told U... Don't doubt my ability to Judge U That's 3 capital Us. Us are interchangeable with Vs in
Latin and V = 5 in Roman numerals. 3Us = 555 = 5+5+5 = 15 = 5/5/15 = The Date I became The
Trident Whistle-Blower!!! My 6th Letter was released on The 23rd ... The 23rd Letter of the Greek
Alphabet is PSI and the PSI symbol is a Trident . The numerical value of PSI is 700. On
the 23rd I raised my Will/Trident tattoo... which contains 7 7s and one mirrored 7. 23/09/15 was in
the 7th Hebrew month Tishrei. Straight after I released my 6th Letter there was a beautiful and
Explosive Lightening storm where I was. I made my judgement and in less than 24 hours, those
who declared themselves my enemy were struck down... their deaths perfectly matched the design
for my 7th Letter and the value of the Trident symbol Psi 700. Their deaths fulfilled the
prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detail... which confirms my ability to fulfil prophecies
and judge... All Glory belongs to God!!! Worship God not Me!!! CNN Reported on 24/9/15 A
stampede during one of the rituals of the Hajj the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca - - has
killed more than 700 people and injured nearly 900 others in Saudi Arabia.
700 people in the initial death toll, PSI .

Numerous news headlines, from numerous news sources had 700 in their headline...
More than 700 killed in Saudi Hajj stampede More than 700 pilgrims die in crush in
worst haj disaster for 25 years Over 700 dead
That happened the morning
after I released my 6th Letter. The initial death toll was 700 and Psi has the numerical value of
700. Psi = 23rd letter 900 injured 9+0+0= 9 it happened in 2015.. there you have it.. 23/9/15...
The date I released my 6th Letter and the exact numbers I warned you about... before it happened!!! Saudis Face Angry Criticism After Hajj Stampede Kills Over 700 You can search those
headlines online and verify it yourself. The Numerical value of PSI 700. I said don't doubt my
ability to judge you. I said the night before YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT A REAL
TRIDENT CAN DO!!! The next day the bodies were stacked up and almost all the news dudes had
the number 700 in their headline. The Death toll has since risen into the thousands. It is now the
Deadliest EVEnt in the history of the Mecca pilgrimage.

The Death toll kept rising and is now in the thousands. I told you this is the time for peace and if
you ignore the plan we'll kill you and have your deaths match the design. I warned you... then it
happened in less than 24 hours of my final warning and with the exact numbers I warned you about
(Prophecy Complete). Do you still doubt my ability to judge you??? Only unenlightened,
uninformed, ignorant idiots would think that all of that could happen coincidentally after I said
YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT A REAL TRIDENT CAN DO!!! It is the time for peace. I
don't want anyone to die... Ezekiel 18V32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares
the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live! I can only tell you to repent a certain number of times
before God strikes you down for your ignorance. Noah tried his best to alert the people to the flood.
Noah tried to stop the flood from happening... everyone ignored him like they ignore me. Matthew
24V37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. No-one took
the steps Noah told them to take... no-one took the steps I told them to take. That's Matthew 24...
The stampede happened on the 24th exactly as predicted (PROPHECY COMPLETED).
People never listen to my warnings... even though my predictions are 100% Accurate, I have
fulfilled more prophecies than any man in history, with countless witnesses and an extraordinary
amount of hard evidence... what is wrong with you people??? I am bringing facts and knowledge to
the table and most people ignore the facts so they can follow their beliefs and theories. That's what
Goats do. I am The Servant... ignoring my achievements, is ignoring God's prophecy. Do you still
think this is all a coincidence? No-one can even begin to calculate the odds of me fulfilling all these
prophecies in this way... they know I have but they can't even began to understand how. I am The
Servant ... All Glory belongs to God!!! I told you.. With God, I fulfil the prophecies with an
extraordinary amount of detail. Look at the detail in the design!!! I am not even going into all the
details of what we have achieved because people can barely understand some of the facts that are on
the surface. My Will/Trident tattoo contains 5 code letters for the number 5. I was 25 when I
released my Trident Letter 5/5/15... 5+5+15 = 25 points on 5 5 pointed stars
seven 7s a No. 1 and a mirrored 7. Updated Post on 25/09/15 Mecca stampede:
At least 717 killed and hundreds injured in crush during hajj. At least 863 people have been hurt in a
stampede in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage in the deadliest incident in 25 years which the
health minister blamed on unruly pilgrims. The pilgrimage is one of the 'Five Pillars of Islam,'
which every adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their life if they can afford it and are
physically able. It lasts for five days. Kaaba building, can hold more than 1.5 million people.
Pilgrims must walk seven times around the Kaaba, the cube-shaped building at the centre of the
Grand Mosque, pray at nearby Mount Arafat and ritually stone the devil by hurling pebbles at three
Quote from my 6th Letter released on 23/09/15: 25/09/15 Pure 555 symbolism I said that 2 days
before the Telegraph released their report. They tell you the news and with God I tell you the
future... then it becomes the news. It was all perfectly designed. Worst event in 25 years... I was 25
when I released my Trident report on 5/5/15. 5 Pillars of Islam + Lasts 5 days + can hold 1.5
million people = 5/5/15 The date I became the Trident Whistle-blower. They throw stones at 3 stone
pillars = A Trident symbol. 1.5 million people. Pilgrims must walk seven times around the Kaaba
Houses 1.5 million and they walk 7 times around Kaaba = The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident
tattoo... 157. The prophecies are fulfilled with an extraordinary amount of detail and 100%
accuracy. Death appeared at 5:17 and made the dead Muslim kid spin in a circle 7 times; they walk
around Kabba 7 times. That scene starts at 5:17 in the animation = the 3 numbers in my Will
tattoo... 157. Count how many times the dead Muslim spins around in the animation. It starts with
the back of his head. The 1st full circle is after he rotates and you see the back of his head again. He
goes around in a circle 7 times before the scene changes... that was clear prophecy for the Islamic
ritual at Mecca... the kid is dead = prophecy for the stampede. I released the I Pet Goat animation in
my UNMASKED video on 27/08/15. 27/08/15 = The 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. That
gives the direct link between my UMASKED video and my 6th Letter on 23/09/15.
(Prophecy Complete)
In my 6th report released the night before the stampede I said The Spice Girls put their heads into
boxes = the cube / the cave / peoples minds being trapped in their own little box. The Muslims
dance around a cube at Mecca. I told people it's time to evolve from the cube. They didn't listen to
my advice. Updated Post on 25/09/15

My 5th Letter was released on Hebrew Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5) The Hebrew date for my 5th Letter
consists of the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 157. My 5th Letter explained the I Pet Goat II
animation. The I Pet Goat II animation clearly shows you Death and clearly symbolises the
stampede at Mecca. People ignored my letters and video. I made deliberate typos and errors to see if
people would pay attention to the content and decipher the meaning, but they never. I insulted
people in my letters to see if they'd examine the content or just get mad... they just got mad and
ignored the content. They failed the test and their ignorance resulted in the events happening and
lives being lost. Getting mad and ignoring the truth because of your anger is a beast emotion. I told
you in those letters... you need to evolve from your beast emotions... evoL_T_ _ N. Just because I
insulted you, doesn't mean you should ignore the content of what I tell you. You must try to
understand everything and everyone... even if they are your enemy... especially if they are your
enemy. If you listened to my advice and examined the content those lives could've been saved. Pay
attention the detail. I gave extremely detailed warnings. My 6th Letter that was released on 23/09/15
was 55 Pages Long and titled 555 New Eden. 5/5/5+5+5 = 5/5/15 = The date I became the Trident
Whistle-blower. The email address I used to release my Trident report contained 147. Add up all the
letters in my 6th letter and the full size of the document = 147 KB.
55555 55555

Psalm 147 V1 Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For
it is pleasant and praise is becoming. 2The LORD builds up Jerusalem; He
gathers the outcasts of Israel. 3 He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their
wounds. 4 He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them 5
Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.
PROPHECIES COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prophecies Complete + 50 ! (Font size 15) = Same length as Psalm 5 Font size 15
Psalm147V5 Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite

The formula/explanation also = the same length in 10.5 font. The whole numbers in 10.5 font are
1 and 5 = 15 = 5+5+5. 50! Psalm 5 size 15 = 5/5/15 The date I became The Trident WhistleBlower. 5+5+15 = 25 The age I was when I became The Trident Whistle-Blower. Psalm 147V5
147 is the number I used in my email when I became The Trident Whistle-Blower. Psalm 147V5
Basic Algebra V5 = 5 x 5 There's 5 code Letters for the number 5 in my Will/Trident tattoo.
V5 = 5 x 5 = 25 another age reference Psalm 147V5 147 + V + 5 = 157 = The 3
numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157. I saved my 6th Letter with the name Gary Joe. The
numbers of those letters have a hidden meaning. Pay attention to the details. With God's help I fulfil

the prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detail. I released the report in the 7th Hebrew month,
Gary Joe is 7 letters, the 1st letter is G which = 7 The 7th Letter. There's 7 7s and one mirrored 7 in
my Will/Trident tattoo. G -7 A -1 R -18 Y- 25 J - 10 O - 15 E-5. Tri = 3. Add the 1st 3 numbers.
7 + 1 + 18 = 26... The age I was when I released my 6th Letter. The next letter give you the age I
was when I became The Trident Whistle-blower. The next letter is Y = 25... I was 25 when I became
The Trident Whistle-blower. J-10 O-15... 10 +15 = 25. E = A Trident symbol and The number 5.
Add the last 4 letters together... 25 + 10 + 15 + 5 = 55... I became The Trident Whistle-blower on
5/5/15. Gary Joe was the Perfect Alias lol
Besides me, which man do you know can do that??? People were impressed when I earned Fasttrack promotion as an Engineering Technician on the nuclear weapons... that was easy; anyone can
do that, but who do you know that can fulfil prophecies and write reports that detailed, make
prophecies that are extremely detailed and fulfil them with 100% accuracy??? Which man besides
me can do that???
I am God's Servant!!!

55 Pages. Named 555 New Eden. 5+5+5+5+5 = 25 = The Age I was when I became The Trident
Whistle-blower. 5/5/555= 5/5/5+5+5 = 5/5/15 = The Date I became The Trident Whistle-blower.
Look at the number of paragraphs in my 5/6 Letter... 157!! The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo
= 157!!! 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the
Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Tri = 3...Take the first 3 whole numbers from my 6th letter ...
Hebrew Date: 10th Tishrei 5776... The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157. It takes a 5 figure
number of words to create a report that perfectly matches The Prophecy. That was my 6th letter and I
often say, Take The One and change the 6... 7. The Perfect number of words needed for that report
would be 45116. The exact number of words... 45116. Take The One and change The 6... 45116
becomes 4517... The number I used in one of my emails to become The Trident Whistle-blower....
1457. The number 1457 has a Biblical meaning and plays a role in The Prophecies. Psalm 147V5
Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite. The numbers 147 and 157
together make 1457. You can download my reports, check the release dates, read them and check
the statistics yourselves. The numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo are 157. I was 25 when I became
The Trident Whistle-blower. The total number of letters in my 5/6th report is 243808. 2+4+3+8+0+8
= 25 The age I was when I became The Trident Whistle-blower. There's 25 points on 5 5 pointed
stars Which man do you know could do that? Could Muhammed work alone and
fulfil Biblical prophecies with that level of detail? No. That is the power of The Creator!!!

I am The Servant!!!
555 New Eden

Number of Pages = 55 and Named 555 New Eden = 5/5/555 =5/5/15

Number of Paragraphs = 157 = The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 157.
45116. Take the One and change The 6 45116 = 4517 = 1457 = The number I used in one of
my Emails to become The Trident Whistle-Blower.
ODT File size 147KB = The number I put in my email to become The Trident WhistleBlower on 5/5/15 5775... 147.
Number of Letters = 243808 = 2+4+3+8+0+8 = 25 = The Age I was when I became The
Trident Whistle-Blower.
Released on The 23rd. PSI Is the 23rd Letter of The Greek Alphabet and a Trident
symbol .
Released in Hotel Room 2322. The 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is a Trident and the 22nd
Ancient Hebrew pictograph is a cross 2322 = .
It was my 6th Letter. Distance between the date I became The Trident Whistle-Blower and
my 6th Letter. 5/5/15 and 23/09/15 = 141 days. 1+4+1 = 6. Take A One and add it to the 6...
1+ 4 +1 = 6 Becomes 147.
Released the exact distance I needed to be from Mecca.
Released the night before the Stampede at Mecca
The numerical value of a PSI is 700. The initial Death Toll at Mecca in the morning was
report as 700.
The stampede was accurately portrayed in my UNMASKED video that I released on
27/08/15. 27/08/15 = The 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. That gives the direct link
between my UMASKED video and my 6th Letter on 23/09/15.

Psalm 45V2 You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since
God has blessed you forever. 3 Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one; clothe yourself with
splendor and majesty. 4 In your Majesty ride forth Victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and
justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. 5 Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of
the King's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet.
My warning to the Muslims was extremely detailed and clear... but they ignored my warnings. I
released my One World report on 7/7/15 Hebrew year 5775. A date that consists of the three
numbers in my Will/Trident... 157. I released that report months before those events happened. That
report is on my Facebook; you can check the dates yourselves. Numerous people have witnessed the
release dates, I have screenshots and it's all time stamped. They were also warned in the Bible.

I released my One World report (4th report) on my Facebook page 7/7/15 Hebrew year 5775. I
attached a video to it and I called that video 555 The New Eden. 555 New Eden is the title of my 6th
Letter; which was released on 23/09/15. In my one world report I said 1+3=4+3=7+3= 10.
Number one represents the beginning. Number ten is completion. You can also divide the 14 so that
it becomes the famous 777. You see all the warnings were there but no-one listened to them.
14 777... 147 Plan. 23/09/15 +7+7+7 Days brings you to 14/10/15... 14/10/15 was the Islamic
New Year 1437. The Islamic New Year was on the 14th and if you added +7+7+7 to the day I told
you I was going to judge you....23/09/15... you got the Islamic New Year. My warning to the
Muslims was extremely detailed. The Mecca crane collapsed happened on The anniversary of
9/11... in the same month as the Stampede... 2015 was not a good year to visit Mecca. Count from
the 11th September (Date of the crane collapse) till the 24th of September... 11 (1) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14
(4) 15 (5) 16 (6) 17 (7) 18 (8) 19 (9) 20 (10) 21 (11) 22 (12) 23 (13) 24 (14)
14 days AKA 2 weeks between those 2 events. A week is 7 days. 14 = 7 +7... 147 Plan.
23/09/15 +7+7+7 Days brings you to 14/10/15... 14/10/15 was the Islamic New Year 1437.
That's essentially 2 weeks between the Mecca crane collapse and 3 between 23/09/15 and 14/10/15
was the Islamic New Year 1437. 2 and 3. PSI Is the 23rd Letter of The Greek Alphabet and a
Trident symbol . I released my 555 New Eden Letter on The 23rd. The Prophecies were fulfilled
with absolute PERFECTION!!! My UNMASKED video clearly and accurately symbolised the
Mecca crane and The Stampede a month before it happened... on 27/08/15. 27/08/15 = The 239th
day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. That gives the direct link between my UMASKED video and my
6th Letter on 23/09/15. I can keep going into more details.
Tell me, which man besides me has done anything like that??? No man has fulfilled the amount of
prophecies I have... with that amount of detail. That is not even close to all the Facts and prophecies
that I have fulfilled with God's help. People don't believe I have fulfilled the prophecies... they
KNOW I have Fulfilled The Prophecies!!! You need to understand that I couldn't have done all
that without God. A Muslim said I sound like a conspiracy theorist. That is the complete opposite of
a conspiracy theory. Since you only seem to use one book... I'll show you what another book says.
The book is called a Dictionary. It tells you the meanings of words. Conspiracy Theory: a belief
that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event. What I did
was the complete opposite of a conspiracy and these are all proven FACTS!!! I didn't work with
other humans, I am not part of any organisation, I told them how, where and when they would get
killed... in writing and a video that was released to the public as a warning before the events. The
purpose of the warning was to save the people. After the event happened exactly how I said it
would, I explained what happened. That is The Complete Opposite of a Conspiracy Theory so tell
me how does that sound like a conspiracy theory, when it is clearly the complete opposite? Ohh
that's right... you only use one book lol Some people's heads are extremely inverted... their heads
are sooo inverted, they are coming out their asses and talking crap. I am bringing proven FACTS
and knowledge to the table and they bring blind faith and ignorance. Saying that is a conspiracy
theory is equivalent to saying white looks like black. These are all proven FACTS that are backed
up with an extraordinary amount of hard FACTUAL EVIDENCE, an extraordinary amount of
living witnesses and I am telling you what I have done = The Complete opposite of a Theory .
Believing in Muhammad is believing in the theory that he was a Prophet. Muhammad was guided
and his actions were essential to the plan.. in terms of the design. That is called The Butterfly Effect.
Darwin was also guided and his actions were also essential to the design. People need to think
before they speak and make themselves look like an idiot. You people need to start reading more
than one book. I am well aware that people try to discredit others by calling them a conspiracy
theorist. It's not a conspiracy if I am telling you what I have done and talking about proven FACTS
that are backed up with an extraordinary amount of evidence and witnesses. You need to consider
who it is you think you're talking to before you say something that ignorant and insulting. I am The
Messiah, The Judge, The One who Fulfils The Prophecies. When you ignore God's warnings and
achievements my judgement is kill them and make their deaths fulfil prophecies with perfect
design. Searches on Google are stored. Check my search history and you'll see that at one point I
searched someone's name, followed by Dead. Not long after that a cartoon was made with the
person being killed... not long after the cartoon was released... he was killed in the exact same way
the cartoon depicted his Death. Think before you insult me or God.
Those people are dead because of stupid, ignorant people like him. He seen numbers and failed to
realise God shows signs with numbers. God fulfils prophecies with specific numbers to confirm
Divine Design. Giving you the exact date and the exact number of people that will be killed, proves
Divine Design. Men predict. For me, it is not predicting... it is knowing, creating and fulfilling
Prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detail. The numbers show the high level of detail and
confirm Divine Design. Why do you think a lot of rich people are Jewish and Christian, while a lot
of poor people are non-believers and Muslims? Jews and Christians understand numbers and
understand God works with signs and numbers. There's a book in The Bible called Numbers.
There's people who follow God's signs and numbers to make a fortune on the stock market. In The
Bible, God tells people to count in numerical cycles and prophecies are fulfilled when the time is
right. That idiot seen numbers and thought to himself Duuhhhh conspiracy theorists use numbers
Duhhh. Yes they do, but what I did was the exact opposite of a Conspiracy Theory. Scientists use
numbers, weather men use numbers, maths teachers use numbers... does that mean they are
conspiracy theorists? lol Grow some braincells, get yourself a dictionary and understand that those
people died because of your failure to understand the clear, detailed and 100% accurate warnings.
He failed to listen to the warnings and ignored God so he could follow the teachings of a mere man.
They can't even understand that FACTS are FACTS because these FACTS aren't written in their one
and only book. Most of them believe they only need one book. How can you see God's signs and
wonders if you've got a book blocking your vision? This world is a beautiful Master Piece and
people ignore God's creation and Prophecies. Don't be ignorant. Acts 17V30 God overlooked
people's ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere
to repent of their sins and turn to him. 31 because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the
world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men
by raising Him from the dead. I am The Judge... I told you I'd judge you on 23/09/15 and the next
morning your bodies were stacked exactly where, when and how I said. With the exact numerical
value of the weapon I said... A Trident PSI is 700. He will judge the world in righteousness
through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof (Prophecy Complete) Thousands
of people have died this year because they ignored my warnings. My warnings come from God.
When you ignore them... you ignore God. Pay attention to the details and don't ignore The
Numbers. Ephesians 4V18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of
God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 1 Peter 2V15 It
is God's Will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish
accusations against you. 1Peter 2V15 25 The age I was when I became The Trident WhistleBlower. 15 = 5+5+5 = 15. Those are mathematical FACTS... (Prophecy Complete). Facts are
worth a lot more than ignorant beliefs. I am not telling you to not ignore me... I am telling you, don't
ignore God and God's warnings. I have turned down TV interviews, Radio interviews, Newspaper
interviews... Etc. I don't want people to worship me. I am The Servant. Isaiah 42V1 Behold, My
Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon
Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. 2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make
His voice heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will
not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will not be disheartened or crushed Until
He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law. 5 Thus
says God the LORD, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread out the earth
and its offspring, Who gives breath to the people on it And spirit to those who walk in it, 6 I am the
LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you,
And I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, As a light to the nations, 7 To open blind eyes,
To bring out prisoners from the dungeon And those who dwell in darkness from the prison. All of
my reports have been in writing. Thanks to the recent invention of the internet, (in terms of
Mankind's full History) my word can travel across Earth and my voice doesn't need to be heard in
the streets. He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street.
(Prophecy Complete) Internet signals travel through the clouds. Mark 13V26 At that time people
will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Daniel 7V13 In my vision
at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.
He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. Matthew 24V30 Then will
appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when
they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. My 1st
report / Trident Report made international news and was reported on in every nation...
(Prophecies Complete)
No-one is born a Muslim... you become one through indoctrination and ignorance of The Lord and
FACTS. You can and should leave the dark and come into The Light. I am not saying everyone who
calls themselves a Christian is not ignorant. There's a lot of ignorant people who call themselves
Christians and have no idea what the Bible says and means. There's ignorant people from all
religions. There are good people that are Muslims and if they said to me I have seen that you are
The Servant of God, can you help me find the Light? I would enlighten them and protect them
with my own life. I admire Muslims devotion to God and I want to help them. I put my life on the
line to warn them about those events. They ignored my warnings and that's why they got killed.
Islam might seem like the right path but it is not... Proverbs 16V25 There is a way that appears to
be right, but in the end it leads to death. (Prophecy Complete) It is their ignorance of God's signs,
prophecies and teachings that gets them Killed. If your teacher tells you to look left and right before
crossing the road and you close your eyes and walk in front of a bus... whose fault is that? Christ
told you to worship God and pay attention to his signs... you ignore God's signs and get killed...
whose fault is that? If you don't walk across the road with your eyes closed... why do you walk in
God's creation with your mind closed? I study all religions and all of God's creation. I understand
Islam was an essential part of the Design. Don't idolise a man, while ignoring God's Light. I am The
Messiah and it is not my job to conquer the world with one man's ideology... it is my destiny to
fulfil The Prophecies, enlighten people and connect people from all religions with true knowledge
in God's creation. If you are willing to learn, I am willing to teach. If you are willing to Love Thy
Neighbour and follow Christ's teachings... Christ is willing to Love and Save you. John 1V1 In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the
beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came
into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The
Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. 1 John 5:7 For there are
three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are
one. The three numbers in my Will tattoo... 157. 1 Timothy 2V3 For this is good and acceptable
in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the
knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus. Jesus... not Muhammad. Revelation 19V10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him.
But he said to me, Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters
who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears
testimony to Jesus. Islam was created for a reason and was essential to the plan. Amos 3V4 Will a
lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken
nothing? Amos 3V8 The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who
can but prophesy? I was born in the constellation LEO... coming like a Lion Prophecies...
(Prophecies Complete) I put my life on the line to warn those Muslims and in return they insulted
me and ignored God's achievements. I tried my best to enlighten them but they ignored God's
Prophecy and hard FACTS. They killed themselves. I warned them... Ezekiel 18V32 For I take no
pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live! Ezekiel 33V9
Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he
shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!
(1st Letter 5/5/15 5775 17/5/15 5775) (4th Letter 7/7/15 5775) (5th letter Hebrew Date 15th
Elul 5775) (7th Letter released on the 15th of the 7th month Tishrei) and my 11 paged 11th letter
released on 17/11/15 was called Will 157 - He has a name written on him that no-one knows
but he himself. All those numbers are made of the 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo... 157...
I released my One World report on 7/7/15 5775. I called for the creation of a New Eden in 20(15)
Revelation (21:5) - He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new! Then he
said, Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation 21:5 was an obvious
clue pointing to 2015. Tri = 3. I became the Trident whistle-blower in the 15th year of the 3rd
Millennium 2015. I released my reports in 2015 The Year that contains The 70th Biblical Jubilee!!!
1 1367 BC


681 BC


6 BC


692 AD

57 1378 AD

2 1318 BC


632 BC


55 AD


741 AD

58 1427 AD

3 1269 BC


583 BC


104 AD


790 AD

59 1476 AD

4 1220 BC


534 BC


153 AD


839 AD

60 1525 AD

5 1171 BC


485 BC


202 AD


888 AD

61 1574 AD

6 1122 BC


436 BC


251 AD


937 AD

62 1623 AD

7 1073 BC


387 BC


300 AD


986 AD

63 1672 AD

8 1024 BC


338 BC


349 AD

50 1035 AD

64 1721 AD

975 BC


289 BC


398 AD

51 1084 AD

65 1770 AD


926 BC


240 BC


447 AD

52 1133 AD

66 1819 AD

11 877 BC


191 BC


496 AD

53 1182 AD

67 1868 AD


828 BC


142 BC


545 AD

54 1231 AD

68 1917 AD


779 BC


93 BC


594 AD

55 1280 AD

69 1966 AD


730 BC


44 BC


643 AD

56 1329 AD

70 2015 AD

The Bible: Leviticus (25) The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, 2 Speak to the Israelites and
say to them: When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath
to the Lord. 3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their
crops. 4 But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do
not sow your fields or prune your vineyards 5 Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes
of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest. A Shemitah is every 7th Biblical year.
1 Jubilee = 7 sevens + The Jubilee year = 50 years. 1416 is the year the Israelites entered Canaan
and the clock started ticking... 147 Plan. 1416... Take The One and change the six, you get 147, The
number for IAM's plan. First Jubilee = 1367 Take The One from the six and give it to the 3, you get
1457 one of my favourite numbers. One of the numbers I used to release the 1st report. 147 is the
plan... 1+3=4+3=7+3=10 1 is the beginning and 10 is completion. That is a mathematical law.
You start counting at 1 and after 10 you start back at 1. 0.9 + 0.1 = 1.0 + 0.1 = 1.1. 1457 represents
my part in the plan. Divide the total number of Jubilees by (5) 70/5=14 The numbers which make
up 1457. No human taught me those numbers... 1457 is the four numbers I used to lock my bike up
when I was a kid. If I needed 3 numbers I used 147 and if I needed 4 I used 1457. I've been acting
dumb my whole life. Anyone who went to primary school with me, will probably remember I acted
like I couldn't talk properly for months. The teacher called my mum in and my mum told her there's
nothing wrong with my speech lol God alters my mind. God and I blocked out sections of my brain.
I can block out memories and they are brought back when the time is right. You're dealing with a
level of intelligence that is far beyond any human. I am IAM's Servant. I could tell the time before
anyone taught me it. Ask anyone who seen me as a baby and they'll tell you I rolled as a baby
instead of crawling. Rolling is a lot faster and more energy efficient. Every single letter in my
reports are calculated... even the ones you think are errors. In my One World report I said You can
also divide the 14 so that it becomes the famous 777. Most people would think that makes no
sense... it was code. I told people to read the reports slowly and to PAY ATTENTION TO THE
DETAILS!!! No human can accurately predict and write like that, but like I said my mind doesn't
operate like a normal humans. I wrote that report while having a drink on holiday. Even though I
achieved all that... hook me up to a lie detector and I'll fail the 1st questions because with God I have
altered my mind so I can't even remember my own name. Try it if you want. I know and do exactly
what I need to know and do... exactly when I need to know and do it. That's how God and I fulfil
prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detail and nanosecond precision. That means you can't
extract information from me because I won't know it and I can only tell you what you need to know.
Don't compare me to James Bond or Jason Bourne... they fulfil stories written by men. I fulfil The
Word of God that is written in The Bible. I am talking about real FACTS in the REAL WORLD!!!
The Hebrew letter Shin is the 21st letter of the Kabbalistic Alphabet 777=21 The numerical
value of Shin is 300. The 35th Jubilee was in 300 AD. 35 = 3x5 = 5+5+5 = 15. The tip of my
Trident is shaped like a W... for my name Will. Shin, Double-U and PSI all have three tips like
Trident and share a similar shape. If someone wrote their Double-Us as or with a slightly
smaller stem... I doubt most people would notice.

When you put the 70 Jubilees into 5 columns you can see that the 70th Jubilee (2015) is in the 14th
row and the 35th Jubilee is in the 7th row... 14th +7th 147 Plan. 1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love
one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
The 147 Plan is to make people understand the need to Love Thy Neighbour evoL_T_ _N. The
consequences of people not understanding the need to Love Thy Neighbour is all out nuclear war...
another World War. Which is the reason I infiltrated a nuclear weapons programme, called the
Trident programme. Proverbs 1V7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools
despise wisdom and instruction. V= 5 Proverbs 1V7 = 157. Matthew 7V7 Ask and it will be
given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Every single letter
in the Bible is exactly where it's supposed to be. Every verse was numbered, how it was supposed to
be numbered. I worked alone with God to fulfil all those prophecies Date Perfect!!! I am also more
than grateful to the Angels and those who served/serve God. This world is almost full of evil people
but if there's 1 million good people... it's worth trying to create a better world for them. I have
deciphered the Bible and explained the numbers in ways no other preacher has... I have fulfilled
more prophecies than all of the prophets and Saints. The first detonation of a nuclear weapon was
conducted by the United States Army on 16th of July, 1945. The name for the operation The Trinity
Project. The Biblical verse that describes the Trinity is 1 John 5:7... The 3 numbers in my
Will/Trident tattoo = 157. 1945 + 70 years brings you to 2015... The exact year I fulfilled the
prophecies with 7 7s and one mirrored 7 tattooed on my arm in the shape of my name Will and a
Trident... I got my tattoo 7 years before infiltrating the UK's Trident nuclear weapons programme
and releasing the Trident Report on 5/5/15 5775... The date that I encoded in my Will/Trident
tattoo. Will + IAM... The name WillIam is 7 Letters long. I released my Trident report in the
Christian year that contains the 70th Biblical Jubilee. The years 2014-2015 contained the 55th
Tetrad. The previous Tetrad blood-moon didn't fall on all Jewish feast days; it was in 2010. From
2010 to 2015 is a 5 year gap till the 55 Tetrad... Perfect 555 reference. 555 = 5+5+5 =15. 10 +15 =
25. That was only the 9th time in over 2000 years were a Tetrad had all four Blood Moons occurring
on Jewish feast days. I released my One World report on 7/7/15 5775 AKA July 7th. July 7th 2015
+ 9 days = July 16th 2015 The 70th anniversary of the 1945 Trinity Project / the first detonation
of a nuclear missile.
Add the number 9 to the 147 Plan = The year 1947. 1947 The Dead sea scrolls were discovered
(The Bible) 1947 July 7th 1947 Was the date of the Roswell UFO incident. The CIA was created in
1947. In 1947 A war started in Israel. That war gave control of Israel back to the Jews. 1947
contained Independence day for Pakistan. 1947 contained Independence day for India. 1947 The
World Bank became operational. 1947 The cold war started. 1947 The first AK 47 was produced.....
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I Will fear no evil: for thou art with me!!!
The number 9 is not coincidental... The 147 Plan 1+3=4+3=7+3=10... 333 is hidden in the 147 Plan.
Tri = 3... 3+3+3 = 9. Triangle on my Right arm, Trident on my Left and The Trinity guiding ME
333. All of my reports were released DATE PERFECT!!! Every move I make is calculated and
designed to fulfil prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detail... All Glory belongs to IAM!!!
I told my friends I'd become a nuclear weapons engineer before anyone in my squad was certain
they'd be assigned to the Strategic Weapon System (SWS) department. The staff in the Royal Navy
didn't know where they'd be assigned until late in the training. They were getting selected to A
Boats (attack boats) and V boats (nuclear-armed boats). I knew before I even went on the pre
joining course... before I signed my contract I was telling my friends that I was going to become an
Engineering Technician on the nuclear weapons programme / Trident programme. The names of the
friends I told were Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul... 1 Corinthians 1V1 Paul, called to be an
apostle of Christ Jesus by the Will of God, and our brother Sosthenes.. (Prophecy Complete)
Thessalonians 5V16 Rejoice always 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the WILL of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat
prophecies with contempt Exodus 3V13 Moses said to God, Suppose I go to the Israelites and
say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?'
Then what shall I tell them?" 14 God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to
say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you. God's Will + IAM = My name WillIAM
(Prophecies Complete)

PSI = A Trident symbol At sea level PSI is around 14.7... 147 Plan. I released the report
against the Royal Navies false Trident nuclear beast system. That nuclear beast rises from the sea. It
is the beast that is mentioned in the book of Revelations. Revelation 17V12 The ten horns you
saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority
as kings along with the beast 10 horns / 10 Kings means = 10 leaders of nuclear armed nations.
Nuclear armed nations literally rule the world with their nuclear beast. They have a lot more
authority when it comes to global decision making. There's currently 9 recognised nuclear armed
nations. Iran is close to becoming the 10th horn. Iran wants to destroy Israel when it gets its nuclear
beast. The 1st nuclear detonation was called The Trinity project. Nuclear armed nations think they
can play God with their beast. The Trident nuclear weapons programme is false Trident beast
system. With God, I am showing you the power of a real Trident... The power of The Real Trinity!!!
We know the names of all those who defend their beast. They want to be Goats and act like they
have the power to save and destroy. We do the hanging around here. It is not a good idea to defend
your nuclear beasts. Come together, make peace and dispose of them. You have witnessed the
destructive power of the Left Arm... it should be your life long ambition to get on the path of
righteousness. This is one life time... think about your life after this one.
You see, you might think you find a mistake... but in the true reality there are no mistakes.
Everything is designed... even the errors. In the True reality, there are no errors. Everything is
designed to absolute PERFECTION!!! Unenlightened people think there's mistakes because they
see a repeat or believe they see and errror lol People laugh and we fulfil prophecies with beyond
nanosecond precision, date perfect and in amount of detail no human could even attempt to explain.
A master chess players moves seem like foolish errors to an amateur, but even his eerrors are
perfectly calculated. Matthew 22V29 Jesus replied, You are in error because you do not know the
Scriptures or the power of God. (Prophecy Complete) When I gave the Royal Navy my 2nd letter
(Representation) one of the guys pointed out a few errors... I told him, they won't believe it, if I
don't make mistakes. Remember me saying??? I hope you're still reading my letters :) lol The same
applies for my other Letters. In the true reality there are no mistakes. The prophecies have been
prophesied and completed date perfect, and with extraordinary amount of detail. When I said You
can also divide the 14 so that it becomes the famous 777. People thought I was a crazy fool, but if
they sat down and worked it out, they would've became enlightened. Some people thought my 1st
report was foolish... I was 25 when I released my 1st Letter on 5/5/15... 1 Corinthians 1V25 For the
foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human
strength. (Prophecy Complete) 1Corinthians 1V25 1 =1st report. 1V = 15 = 5+5+5 Date of my 1st
report. 25 = The age I was when I released it. None of them can work out how I infiltrated the exact
submarine I needed to or how I could've had the date tattooed on my arm before anyone in the
world knew... CHECKMATE!!! They are like little kids who don't know how to play chess but
think they can call a Grand Master Chess player foolish and laugh at his moves. Keep on laughing if
you want lol Let me know when you figure out how I done that lol You should know that 101 = 5
in Binary... lol is a small version of 101... small enough for the unenlightened to understand.
My One World report was released on 7/7/15 5775... in it I said The date 07/07/15 is code for 147.
7+7 is 14 I warned you months before those events happened. I also said in my One World report
The movie playing in that cinema was revenge of the 7th letter. 7 days after I arrived in UTC 2...
the same time-zone as Israel, I released my 7th letter. My 7th letter was my first one to describe the
Stampede and the Mecca crane collapse after they happened. I released my 7th Letter on the date of
the Tetrad Blood Super moon; which is also in the animation... (Prophecies Complete)

Look at the time at the bottom 1,477 Days... 147 Plan. Look at the time at the top 1,461... Turn it
into a 3 digit number... Take The One and change the 6... 1461 becomes 147. My 4th Letter said
The movie playing in that cinema was revenge of the 7th letter. 4 x 7 = 28... I released my 7th
Letter on the 28th. 28/09/15 was the 15th day of the 7th Hebrew month Tishrei = The 3 numbers in
my Will/Trident tattoo... 157. My 6th letter was released on 23/09/15 10th Tishrei (5)77(6) which
was Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement / Judgement Day. My 7th Letter was released on Hebrew
Date: 15th Tishrei (5)77(6) Christian Date: 28/09/15 which was Sukkot. Sukkot is celebrated 5
days after Yom Kippur on the 15th of Tishrei (7th Hebrew month). Sukkot is a major Jewish festival
held in Autumn (beginning on the 15th day of the 7th month Tishri) to commemorate the sheltering
of the Israelites. It mentioned in The Bible Leviticus 23V33 Again the LORD spoke to Moses,
saying, 34 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the fifteenth of this month is the Feast of
Booths for seven days to the LORD. The Lord spoke and designed with 15 and 7. The 3 numbers
in my Will tattoo 157.
The pilgrimage is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam + Lasts 5 days + can hold 1.5 million people = 5/5/15
The go around Kaaba 7 times. In I Pet Goat II there's 5 pillars at the top, where the dead Muslim
circles around 7 times. Remember that video was released years before the stampede happened and
I released it in my UMASKED video on 27/09/15 = 239th day of 2015 = 23/09/15.


The Bible Prophecies: Lamentations 1V12 Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around
and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me, that the LORD brought on me
in the day of his fierce anger? 13 From on high he sent fire, sent it down into my bones. He spread
a net for my feet and turned me back. He made me desolate, faint all the day long. 14 The yoke
of my transgressions is bound; By His hand they are knit together. They have come upon my neck;
He has made my strength fail. The Lord has given me into the hands Of those against whom I am
not able to stand. 15 The Lord has rejected all my strong men In my midst; He has called an
appointed time against me To crush my young men; The Lord has trodden as in a wine press
The virgin daughter of Judah. (Prophecy Complete) Matthew 13V41 The Son of Man will
send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who
do evil. Leviticus 26V30 I Will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile
your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I Will abhor you. (Prophecy Complete)
Mecca Stampede After Wrath

The 24/09/15 stampede was initially reported as the deadliest event in 25 years. More
than 700 pilgrims die in crush in worst haj disaster for 25 years The incident that happened 25
years before that, happened on 2/7/1990. The death toll was 1426. 2 July: A
huge stampede occurs in a tunnel at Mina after a failure in its ventilation system kills 1,426
pilgrims, mainly from Asia. That was before I turned one and one before 1427 was the Death Toll
1426. Some reports say the Death Toll was 1427. The Death Toll at the 24/09/15 event is now in the
thousands... It is The Deadliest Event in Mecca's History. A new tally shows last
month's crush and stampede at the Saudi hajj was the deadliest event to ever strike the annual
pilgrimage. It happened exactly when I said it would. Ignoring the signs I give you, is ignoring the
signs God gives you. Do not continue to ignore my warnings. You're currently on the path to an
event that will kill millions. If you continue to walk along this path the event is a certainty. I have
predicted it with detail.. it is only a matter of time. Muslims gave me the impression that they don't
fear God or respect The Bible. Proverbs 1V7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction. V= 5 Proverbs 1V7 = 157. Any man that doesn't fear God
more than Death is an unenlightened idiot. Death can kill you once... God can take you to places
where you get killed over and over and over again... Trust me... I know. You needed to be taught a
lesson. You can turn around and take the path I told you to take. Turn around and take the path I
told you. If you take the path I told you to take... all your nations will progress rapidly and mankind
can evolve to the next level. I advice you to turn around and take the path to Enlightenment... The
Path to IAM!!! You can continue along the path to the Abyss or you can take The Path to IAM!!!
Exodus 23V24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You
must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces. (Prophecy Complete)
Mecca Crane Collapse, After Wrath

Deuteronomy 7V5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their
sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. (Prophecy Complete)
2 Chronicles 14V3 He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones
and cut down the Asherah poles. (Prophecy Complete)
PSLAM 89V21 With whom My hand will be established; My arm also will strengthen him 22 The
enemy will not deceive him, Nor the son of wickedness afflict him. 23 But I shall crush his
adversaries before him, And strike those who hate him. (Prophecy Complete)
Job 6V9 that God would be willing to crush me, to let loose his hand and cut off my life!
Job 40V6 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm: 7 Brace yourself like a man; I will
question you, and you shall answer me. 8 Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me
to justify yourself? 9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his?
Well, do you want to discredit my justice??? Would you condemn me to justify yourselves???
Do you have any idea who I am???

Why would you ignore the knowledge God gives you and listen to the Prophet Muhammad's
dreams??? I have fulfilled more prophecies than all of the Prophets and Saints combined. I have
fulfilled more Biblical prophecies in one second than Muhammad did in his entire life... FACT!!! I
don't tell people to believe in my dreams... I talk about the facts that are proven in this world. As
you can see, I said you are about to see what a real Trident can do and the prophecy was fulfilled in
less than 24 hours... with the exact numbers. Could Muhammad do that??? No. How many
prophecies did Muhammad fulfil??? He told everyone about his dreams and they believed him. I
gave you knowledge in the real world and you ignored me!!! I am The Servant of God... do not
ignore my words or God's words and signs. 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in
heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Psi is the 23rd letter
in the Greek Alphabet... Jeremiah 23V23 Am I a God who is near, declares the LORD, And not
a God far off? 24 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the
LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD 25 I have heard what the prophets
have said who prophesy falsely in My name, saying, 'I had a dream, I had a dream!' 26 How
long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit
of their own heart; 27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. 28 The
prophet who has a dream may relate his dream, but let him who has My word speak My word in
truth. What does straw have in common with grain? declares the LORD. 29 Is not my word like
as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? 30 Therefore
behold, I am against the prophets, declares the LORD, who steal My words from each other. 31
Behold, I am against the prophets, declares the LORD, who use their tongues and declare, 'The
Lord declares.' 32 Behold, I am against those who have prophesied false dreams, declares the
LORD, and related them and led My people astray by their falsehoods and reckless boasting; yet I
did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish this people the slightest benefit, declares
the LORD Muhammad fulfilled zero Biblical prophecies... yet people accept him as the final
prophet. They think the quran is a better version of the Bible. You can see that I am IAM's servant...
I am your Messiah because I have the power to enlighten and take people of the path of destruction.
We have to create peace and if you stand in the way of peace... you will be destroyed.
Job 40V6 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm: 7 Brace yourself like a man; I will
question you, and you shall answer me. 8 Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me
to justify yourself? 9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his? 10
Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty. 11 Unleash
the fury of your wrath, look at all who are proud and bring them low, 12 look at all who are proud
and humble them, crush the wicked where they stand. (Prophecy Complete)
Job 40V9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his? Do you have an
arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his? There's a Lightening Bolt in my Key. Straight
after I released my 6th Letter in Bulgaria UTC 2, there was a Thunder and Lightening storm. It was a
beautiful storm. I released my 6th Letter on the 23rd day of the the 9th month ... The 23rd Letter in the
Greek Alphabet = PSI. The symbol for PSI is a Trident . I've got hard evidence and countless
witnesses to prove everything I am saying. I don't bring beliefs to the table... I bring FACTS!!!
My 55 paged 6th Letter. 555 New Eden, Released 23/09/15 10th Tishrei (5)77(6).

Weather History 23/09/15 Bulgaria - Thunderstorm

Revelation 1V18 - I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
The Key To Death. Notice The Lightening Bolt.

I released the 23/09/15 Report at night in that location. Check the weather history online and you
will see that a Thunder and lightening storm began at night, in the location.

That Key is just a symbol... we don't need a Key. As you can see, the Thunderstorm happened at
night, where I was and it happened after I released my report. The people who read it on my
Facebook and Scribd can confirm it was posted at night, it's dated on my Scribd and Facebook
keeps records of all posts. You can also check the weather history online yourselves. The evidence
and truth is overwhelmingly on my side. Remember UTC 2 is 2 hours ahead of the UK time-zone.
Matthew 8V27 The men were amazed, and said, What kind of a man is this, that even the
winds and the sea obey Him? I don't just sit on my ass like Nostradamus looking at the stars and
predicting vaguely in the hope an event similarly matches my predictions... I tell you with an
extraordinary amount of detail and it all happens Date Perfect with numbers that exactly match the
predictions and fulfil thousands of year old prophecies. I am The Servant, Worship God not ME!!!
All Glory Belongs to IAM!!!

That's a picture of my ticket to Bulgaria. I flew East into UTC 2 like a bird of prey on the 21st of
1 Thessalonians 5V3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. The 21st of September
is when I flew East to fulfil The Prophecies. The 21st of September was the International Day of
Peace. All nations came together to talk about Peace and security on the exact day I came upon
them. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21
September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of
peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Tri = 3. 3 days after I arrived on 21/09/15
24/09/15... sudden destruction came upon them... 1 Thessalonians 5V3 For when they shall say,
Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child;
and they shall not escape. (Prophecy Completed) You see, every major move I make is in The
Bible. Every major move I make, fulfils prophecies with an extraordinary amount of detial. The 3
numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo are 157... Exodus 15:7 And in greatness of Your excellence
You overthrow those who rise up against You; You send forth Your burning anger, and it consumes
them as chaff. (Prophecy Completed) You see, God and I have fulfilled more prophecies than all
of prophets. 2 Peter 1V21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets,
though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 14V1
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. Revelation
19V10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, Don't do that! I am a fellow
servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship
God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus. I am The Servant... All Glory
belongs to God!!! Matthew 16V20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the
Messiah. 21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem
and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and
that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. 22 Peter took him aside and began to
rebuke him. Never, Lord! he said. This shall never happen to you! 23 Jesus turned and said to
Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the
concerns of God, but merely human concerns. 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, Whoever
wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For
whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man
give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his
angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28 Truly I say to you, there
are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man
HADES!!! Revelation 11V15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices
in heaven, which said: The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his
Messiah, and he Will reign for ever and ever. Verse 15 7th Angel... The 3 numbers in my Will
tattoo = 157. You might think anyone could just buy a ticket and fly East... You're correct. Of course
I didn't just buy a ticket... acquiring the ticket was also predicted and prophecy fulfilling.
1 Thessalonians 5V3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. With the help of God, I
fulfilled that prophecy with an extraordinary amount of detail... that proves I am the one God used
to fulfil that prophecy.
Revelation 22V19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if
anyone adds to them, God Will add to him the plagues which are written in this book God
and I also completed that prophecy with precise design and an extreme amount of detail. No-one
believed me when I told them who I was/am... not even my friends or family. They laughed and
thought I was crazy when I said everything is Designed. People assume they know the real world...
most people live in their little caves. They can't even understand how I done all this. My brother and
friend got an idea into their head... it would be a good idea to go on a holiday. They asked me to go
with them. I said no so that we could set an example and fulfil another prophecy. The date they got
into their minds was 21/09/15 and The location was Bulgaria. The 21st letter in the Hebrew Alphabet
is Shin . There's 7 7s and one mirrored 7 in my Will/Trident tattoo... Use two crosses and 21 =
777 On the 15/09/15 my mate agreed to sell me his ticket for 150 less... He was no longer fit to
fly because he caught a deadly disease. I don't care about the money... that's nice 555 symbolism. 5
5 5 = 15. 5/5/15 = The date I became the Trident Whistle-blower. I even gave him an extra 20...
The ticket price = 20 300 for The NEW Universal Agenda / 2030 Agenda. The United Nations
announced The 2030 Agenda on 25/09/15. There's the link between the UN's International day of
peace, the Peace and safety prophecy, ticket price Etc Etc Etc. You see, Every prophecy was/is
completed with an extraordinary amount of detail. He caught a deadly disease and was no longer fit
to fly so he was forced to sell me his ticket... Revelation 22V19 I testify to everyone who hears
the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God Will add to him the
plagues which are written in this book (Prophecy Complete)

When I tell you, we can design your future and everything is designed... you better shut up and
listen lol My brothers friend has recovered from the disease but he lost money and his holiday. Even
the Hotel he thought he selected was part of the design. Everything they thought they selected was
exactly what the design needed. Do you think those thoughts are your thoughts? Everyone thinks
they know the real world. The truth is, you are the ones living in a fantasy world of beliefs. I work
with facts... most people believe in daft theories and assumptions. Look at The FACTS !!!

101 = 5 in Binary (Computer Language) There's 5 code letters for the number 5 in my
Will/Trident tattoo. I released my Trident Letter on 5/5/15. 5 +5 +15 = 25 = The Age I was when I
released my Trident Letter. There's 5 5s in the Date 5/5/15 5775. There's 25 points on 5 5 pointed
stars Etc Etc Etc
Revelation 9V1 Then the 5th angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the
earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him.
I Pet Goat II 101

I Pet Goat II has The 101 in the famous Matrix illuminated green. That's visible in the animation on
01:11mins. 0111 in Binary (Computer Language) is 7. 101 = 5 0111 = 7 The 3 numbers in my
Trident / WILL tattoo 157 . Neo's door number in The Matrix was 101. 101 and 0111 combined
together 101 0111 = W in binary (Computer Language) W is the tip of my Will/Trident tattoo. W is
the 23rd Letter of the English Alphabet and the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is PSI / A
Trident symbol. 101 0111 = W. 101 = 5 0111 = 7 The 3 numbers in my Trident / WILL tattoo 157 .
All the languages convert with perfection... even computer language.

1 Timothy 2V5 For there is One God, and One mediator also between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus, Note: 1 Timothy 2V5. One God and One mediator between God and men. 1 2V 5 =
1 God 2V = 2x5 = 10 + the other 5 = 15 = 5 55 or you can say 2V = 55 then 2V 5 = 555
Therefore 1 2V 5 = 1 God 1 Mediator between God and mankind... The One with the number 555. I
released the Trident report on 5/5/15 when I was 25. The points on 5 5 pointed stars = 25

2 Peter 1V19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will
do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the
morning star rises in your hearts. John 10V7 So Jesus said to them again, Truly, truly, I say to
you, I am the door of the sheep John 10V7 remember V = 5. Therefore the whole numbers in
10V7 = 157 = The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo. 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

John 10V6 This figure of speech Jesus spoke to them, but they did not understand what those
things were which He had been saying to them. 7 So Jesus said to them again, Truly, truly, I say to
you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep
did not hear them. 9 I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in
and out and find pasture. Ignorance of my achievements is ignorance of God's achievements.
Ignoring what God has done and ignoring what I have done, is ignoring the light and the door.
Sooner or later the door will shut. Those who ignore God will be left in the dark. Hosea 4V6 my
people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject
you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
Proverbs 10V21 The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense. Ephesians
4V18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the
ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. Revelation 3V20 Here I am! I stand at
the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that
person, and they with me.

The Matrix
The Matrix intro when they are discussing Neo being The One.
WB = The same letters for Whistle-Blower. A Shepherd Whistles to herd his sheep.

Vs = 5s. There's 6 5s ... My 5/6 Letter was released on 23/09/15

At the very start of The Matrix, people discuss Neo being The One and Numbers start appearing at
The Top. (3 5 Appears at the Top. 3 5s = 55 5 = 15 = 5/5/15 The Date I became The Trident
Whistle-Blower. My 5th Letter was the 1st Letter to describe the I Pet Goat animation. It was a 35
paged report for 555. 2015 is normal pronounced 20 15. 20+15 = 35.

It Zooms in further and a 2) appears... 2)

5. I was 25 when I became The Trident WhistleBlower.

Zooms in further and another 5 appears. I wonder what the next number could be lol

Zooms in further and the 3rd 5 appears 555... 5+5+5 = 15. 1st Letter 5/5/15. 555 New Eden was the
title I gave to the video that I attached to my One World Letter, 555 New Eden was the title of my
5/6 Letter Etc Etc Etc!!! The next perfect numbers would be a 6 and a zero between the 5 and 6 to
symbolise going through the rabbit hole... 506. 5 and 6 being the whole numbers. What would the
odds be???

A 0 and 6 appear after 555. My 6th Letter was titled 555 New Eden and dated the 5/6 Letter. It
Zooms in through the zero in 5 0 6. My 5th Letter was the 1st Letter to describe the animation. It
was a 35 page report for 555 symbolism. The next Letter was the 5-6 Letter, which described the
animation in more detail. It was a 55 page Letter released in UTC 2.. again for 555 symbolism. The
35 page letter came first; then the 5/6 letter came... just like the Matrix intro. 5th Letter Date:
Hebrew 15th Elul (5)77(5) Christian Sunday 30/08/15. 5th-6th Letter: Judgement Day / Day of
Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15. What's the odds? lol remember lol is
small version of 101 and 101 = 5 lol

Then it zooms through the Zero... between the 5 and 6. Through the rabbit hole...

A lot of people think the Matrix is prophetic... Matrix Prophecies... (Prophecies Complete)
Computer language is also designed. This dimension is designed to fulfil God's Word. I Pet Goat II
The girl is Alice, from Alice and Wonderland. The white rabbit in the background makes it clear
that it is an Alice in Wonderland reference. The 12 heads represent the 12 days it took me to get the
report out.

The Matrix

Revelation 1V17 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand
on me, saying, Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and
now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Alicia Keys - It's on again!!!
And everybody know the story of David and Goliath
But this is bigger than triumph
This is for the warrior, this is for you and I
This is for euphoria, give me a piece of mind
God is recording this! Won't you look in the sky?
Tell him that you got the behavior of your neighbor
Even when stability's never in your favor
Fly with the turbulence, only last a minute
Land on your dreams, and recognize you live it
Walk through the valley and peaks, with bare feet
Run through the flames, that's more passion for me
I passed testimony just so the world can see
Battle wounds on me, you watching me lick 'em clean
I know, I know, my pride, my goals, my highs
My lows, I know, I know, it's mind control
I know, I could prosper, no imposter

The hotel my brother and friend selected was The IBEROSTAR hotel. The IBEROSTAR hotel is
covered in 5 pointed stars... on the Boucher's, the windows, floors, uniform, all inclusive wrist band,
the doors, all of their books... Their symbol is a single 5 pointed star . The first visible book in
the hotel room had 26 stars on it because I was 26 when I released the letters in that location on
23/09/15 10th Tishrei 5776 now 26. The year 2015 contains the two Hebrew years (5)77(5) and
(5)77(6)... It also contains my two ages, which end with the same numbers 25 and 26. The coming
together of 5 and 6 represents unity between 5 and 6... The Saviour and The Destroyer. When I
released The Trident programme report on 5/5/15 - Hebrew year (5)77(5), I was 25 = The 5 points
on the 5 pointed stars PERFECT 555!!! The hotel facing the Iberostar hotel (The
one they chose) is called Neptun. Which is Neptune with the E missing. E is shaped like Trident and
it is the 5th letter of the Alphabet. The Neptun hotel symbol is a huge TRIDENT with 4 5 pointed
stars above the tips. 4X5 = 20 3 tips and 5 pointed stars = 3x5 = 15 = The exact year they decided
to go there on holiday... 2015. The odds are too astronomical for your calculator... He agreed to sell
me his ticket on 15/09/15 555 9=333 555 . I flew East on the 21st. is the 21st Letter in
the Hebrew Alphabet and The Ancient pictograph symbol is also a Trident Tip.

21 = 7 +7 + 7. 7 days after I arrived in Bulgaria UTC 2, I released my 7th Letter; which was 7 pages
long. My Will/Trident tattoo contains 7 7s and one mirrored 7. 2 days after my 7th letter I released
my 14 paged Updated 7th Letter. 147... The number I used to in my e-mail to release the 1st
report/Trident report. Don't insult IAM... what happened to my brothers friend shows how someone
can just get sick, when and how IAM wants. The guy was admitted to hospital. The hospital told
him not to fly. There's witnesses and hospital records to prove that happened. The Pharaoh took
too long to believe Moses. If he was wise, he would've worked with Moses. Revelation 22V19 I
testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them,
God Will add to him the plagues which are written in this book IAM has shown the ability to
make people sick.. IAM has also shown that Thy Art with me.

Even the room I was in was designed. I didn't have a thrown to sit on, but I had toilet. Turn the
light on, sit on the toilet and look above your head... look into the light then shut your eyes. You
will see the stereotypical Sun that most kids draw. The Prophecies are fulfilled with absolute

The stampede at Mecca happened 2 days after I arrived in UTC 2.Thessalonians 5V3 For when
they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a
woman with child; and they shall not escape. The Prophecy states upon... I was at the Black
Sea... the Black sea is directly above Mecca on the map. (Prophecy Complete) Dictionary
definition of upon Prep 1. up and on; upward so as to get or be on. 2. in an elevated position: a
flag upon the roof.
Google Map Driving routes. The location I released my 6th Letter to Mecca.

A 40H drive... 4000+ KM and A 45H drive...4,400+KM riding 4th. Psalm 45V4 In your majesty
ride forth Victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve
awesome deeds. Her Majesty's Ship Victorious was the name of the Trident submarine I
infiltrated. Psalm 45V4 riding forth between the two 4s is 5V. V = 5 in Roman numerals. Basic
Algebra 5V = 5X5 = 25 = The age I was when I became The Trident Whistle-blower on 5/5/15... by
releasing a report against Her Majesty's Ship Victorious. 5+5+15 = 25 The report I released before
the Mecca Stampede was 55 pages long and titled 555 New Eden. 5 Vs = 55555. 5/5/555 =
5/5/5+5+5 = 5/5/15 = The Date I became the Trident Whistleblower. If you downloaded my 6th
report that I released on 23/09/15... you'd see all the letters add up to give you a document size of
147KB. 147 was the number in the e-mail I used to become the Trident Whistle-blower Etc Etc
Etc!!! Which man do you know can do that, while having a cool drink on holiday??? People think
they know me, but my own family and close friends aren't even 100% sure what my 2nd name is lol
No human knows the real me. I am The Servant... ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!
The V for Vendetta Anonymous Prophecies.
Anonymous are famous for using The V mask. Being Anonymous means no-one knows your name.
No-one knew the meaning in my tattoo until after I fulfilled the prophecies and the time was right
to tell people. I work alone because I have never met a person I could trust with prophecy. I went on
the holiday with my brother. He tells me to stop writing the Letters. He thinks about my safety in
this world... I think about my safety in the next. I'd rather die fighting for a better and fulfilling
prophecies... than stand against God. Most people don't understand that. Most people only think
about the things in this world. I threw away a good paying career, put my life on the line, spent my
life savings... to fulfil prophecies. Most people wouldn't do that. I did it and I loved/love doing it. I
trusted God and God trusted me to fulfil the prophecies. I have fulfilled more prophecies than any
man in history... FACT!!! Revelation 19V12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are
many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. Also, no-one is
100% sure what my name is... In my early teens I changed it from McNeilly to Lewis. In school I
became known as Lewis. My school certificates, my Facebook, pay slips from my job before the
Navy and even one of my bank cards were/are in the name Lewis. I joined the Navy with my
previous name. Now no-one is 100% sure what my name is. My close friends and family can't say
they are 100% sure... some think it's McNeilly, some think Lewis and some think it is Kingston lol
My uncle asked recently was I Lewis or McNeilly. The confusion for them arises from not knowing
if it was ever changed to Lewis... my brother goes by the name Lewis... some think it was
changed... some think it wasn't... Anonymous prophecy... (Prophecy Complete). Remember,
Anonymous use the V mask and V=5.
My brothers friend didn't get sick until September and he agreed to sell me his ticket on 15/09/15.
My bro and his mate didn't know I was going to buy his ticket until September. If they read my
reports, watched my video and examined their meanings, they would've discovered that it was
planned wayyy before he got sick and agreed to sell me the ticket. In my One World report released
on 7/7/15... Hebrew year 5775 I said This is your revolution.. I said that months before he sold
me his ticket. My One World report was posted on my Facebook page on 7/7/15... After releasing
my 6th report on 23/09/15, I had a few drinks at the bar, then went out to a club in Sunny Beach
Bulgaria. That club is called Revolution... 23/09/15 was the date of their closing party for 2015. I
said This is your revolution.. I said that in my report that was released on 7/7/15... months
before he sold me his ticket. John 14V29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it
does happen you will believe. John 13V19 From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass,
so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am He. Look at the date there or check it online
yourself, 23/09/15 was their closing party for 2015.

4th Letter - 7/7/15... Hebrew year 5775 I said This is your revolution..
5th 15th Elul (5)77(5) 30/08/15 I said Next month is The Month and The Judgement Day.
Judgement Day / Day of Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th of Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15
My 4th and 5th Letters, warned you... The Discos distance from Mecca... 45 hour drive.
Disco Revolution Closing Party 23/09/15

Google search Revolution Sunny Beach Bulgaria and you'll see their club uses the V Mask and a 5
pointed star with wings for their logo. Revelation 9V1 Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a
star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him.
Look at the level of design and detail I fulfilled the Prophecies with... All Glory belongs to God!!!
Worship God not me!!! This level of detail was achievable because I am The Servant!!! I think we
can all agree that I have fulfilled V prophecies lol The odds of all that happening coincidentally are
far beyond astronomical... if I am not God's servant, then I must be some sort of extremely powerful
and intelligent being to achieve that level of design... I'm telling you, I achieved it with God's help.
My 5th Letter was released 3 days after my UNMASKED Video... Tri = 3. In the video I am
wearing a Golden V Mask. I released that video months before my Bro's mate sold me his ticket...
months before I went to Disco Revolution on 23/09/15. This is your revolution..

John 14V29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.
John 13V19 From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you
may believe that I am He. I told people what was going to happen before it did. I told you with an
extraordinary amount of detail and it happened with 100% accuracy. God also told you. No man
without God can fulfil prophecies with that amount of detail. Can you not see that I am The
Messiah??? John 13V19 From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it
does occur, you may believe that I am He. I can't say John 13V19 is complete because no man
knows who I am. You can see my video has less than 50 views... I work alone and no human
believes I am who I am. As you can see the Publish date is 27/08/15... Which is the Hebrew Date:
12th Elul (5)77(5). 27/08/15 = The 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15. That gives the direct link
between my UMASKED video and my 6th Letter on 23/09/15. I designed the video to last 12mins
and 5 seconds... for the 12 Legions of Angels and Me. YouTube seems to reduce 1 second of there
videos when they start streaming. Refresh the video and look at the time... it is a 12:05 mins video.
Matthew 26V53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me
more than twelve legions of angels? My video contains pictures and the I Pet Goat II animation.
The I Pet Goat II animation was released in 2012 = 2+0+1+2 = 5 = V . I wore a V Mask in my
animation on 27/8/15, 3 days later for Trinity reference I released my 35 paged 5th Letter on
Hebrew Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5) 30/08/15, I gave the exact day of Judgement 23/09/15, then I
fulfilled a prophecy that got me a ticket to Bulgaria, then on the exact day of Judgement 23/09/15 I
went to a Club that uses the V mask as its logo... which just happened to be the exact date that club
was closing 23/09/15 Etc Etc Etc... Now that is what you call Divine Design and I'm not even going
into all the details!!! How did I do that??? You can see I did it... there's numerous witnesses, the
evidence is right there and you can check it out online yourself so how did I do all of that?

Pay attention to the details. When I released my Trident report on 5/5/15 5775, I attached a picture
of me standing beside an angel with wings and 5/5/15 written in Blood Red. Tri = 3. 3 days after my
UNMASKED video, I released my 5th Letter that explain it, on Hebrew Date: 15th Elul (5)77(5).
In my 5th Letter I said Next month is The Month and The Judgement Day. Judgement Day / Day
of Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th of Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15 I released the Trident programme
report on (5)/(5)/(15) and I UNMASKED on the 27/08/15 = 239th day of the year 2015 = 23/09/15 =
Another reference to My Day of Judgement and more evidence of my connection with the creator /
IAM. I told everyone that I'd judge them on the 23/09/15. I gave them a chance to repent but
people always ignore my advice.

Google search my name and you'll see that image because I attached to my Trident report. The
morning after the night I spent at the revolution club... 700 people were reported dead... A number
that matches the numerical value of a Trident PSI . I said they'd feel the power of a real Trident
and they did. V for V endetta Prophecies.... (Prophecies Complete)
The first Letter that I released when I got there was 2 days into the holiday... 5th-6th Letter:
Judgement Day / Day of Attonment / Yom Kippur: 10th Tishrei (5)77(6) 23/09/15. The Date
23/09/15 was extremely important and it was an official day. Some people think the numbers are
just numbers. If you think that then don't say you believe in God or say you're an Atheist that
believes in science. Every number matched the design with perfection. I like real scientific thinkers.
A real scientific thinker would see the odds of me achieving all this is impossible without the help
of a higher power. I'd like to see someone try to calculate the odds of everything God and I have
done lol These are all real facts that are backed up with an extraordinary amount of living witnesses
and hard evidence. I don't bring theories and beliefs to the table. If an Atheist debated me with real
science, I'd completely school him/her. People can't even begin to explain how any of this is
possible. I can convert anyone from any belief system because I use real proven FACTS. Anyone
who ignores FACTS is an idiot. Science and The Truth is on my side. God tells people to count in
numerical cycles and there's set days for when things are supposed to happen.
My room number in the Iberostar Hotel began with the number 23 and I released the report on the
23/09/15. 2 days in the hotel... 2nd coming. My room number was 2322. The 23rd letter of the Greek
Alphabet is a Trident and the 22nd Ancient Hebrew pictograph is a cross .

Let's take a look at The Number 23 movie. Remember the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is PSI

9 /23 = September 23rd = The day I released the 5/6 Report. Look at the numbers above the number
23... it says, 51 = 5+1 = 6. My 5th letter told you that the release date of my 6th will be on the

You don't need to be a code breaker to see that 23/09/15 is in The Number 23 movie. A lot of people
noticed it. There's hundreds of videos on YouTube showing the date 23/09/15 in The Number 23
movie. It was literally right in front of your face. W is 23rd Letter of the English Alphabet and the
23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet is PSI . If I asked you which English Letter does the Hebrew
letter Shin and Ancient picture letter look like:

You'd say W because the are the same shape. All the languages convert with perfection. W is
pronounced Double-U. Us are interchangeable with Vs in Latin and V = 5 in Roman Numerals. W
also looks like V V... W. Basic Algebra VV = 55. My 6th report that I released on 23/09/15 was 55
pages long. Times them together VV = 5x5 = 25... The age I was when I became the Trident
Whistle-blower on 5/5/15. I released it in Room No. 2322 The Number 23 prophecies...
(Prophecies Complete)
I travelled East, to the Eastern part of Europe... Directly above Israel... In the time zone UTC 2.
Universal Coordinated Time-zone 2... that is 2 hours from My Birth time-zone UTC 0. I arrived
on the 21st. 21 + 2 +2 = 25. 2 days in I released my 6th Letter and 2 days after that... The United
Nations ended Agenda 21 and announced the New Universal Agenda on 25/09/15. UTC 2 can
stand for U The Christ 2 In Latin V and U are interchangeable. The Romans often carved V
instead of U... meaning UTC2 can = VTC 2 = 5 The Christ 2nd coming = VTCII the number part
being VII = 7 THE CHRIST. It's read from left to right = West to East West and East both begin
with W and E = Two Trident Tips. Isaiah 11V12 He Will raise a banner for the nations and
gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four
quarters of the earth. Isaiah 46V11 FROM THE EAST I SUMMON A BIRD OF PREY;
me to do... I completed the plans date perfect!!! WHAT I HAVE SAID, THAT I WILL BRING
note the design in the text. The first verse contains 11V and says West read it from East to West
and you get the number 7... That refers to my ancestors moving West. The two 1s refer to the two
comings of the one Messiah with the number 5 - 11V . The second verse has VII. VII = the two
comings of number 5 from the one God. It equals the No. 7. VII is read from West to East...
symbolising me flying East on an airplane like like a bird of prey, to fulfil the prophecies. Meaning
I was clearly going to be born in the West... Matthew 24V27 For as the lightning comes from the
East and shines as far as the West, so Will be the coming of the Son of Man. Read and
understand the verses and you'll see that they tell you the Son of Man will come for the West. Born
in the west... use common sense and basic logic... (PROPHECY COMPLETED)
I Pet Goat II. Released in 2012
The Shell, smoke and flames represent The Rise Phoenix!!!


It's truly amazing how blind people are. I released my Trident report against the UK's Trident
programme and everyone thought I was just a Whistle-blower. No-one noticed the Trident tattoo on
my arm with the date encoded in the tattoo lol
What do you people want??? My passport number written in the stars... 2 forms of photo idea. A
DRIVERS LICENCE ON THE MOON??? WAKE UP!!! If you want my passport to match the
design Okay... it matches the design!!! The Last 3 digits in my Passport number is 525. Even my
passport is designed. My Passport was one of the images that I made available. Googling Trident
Whistleblower shows you my passport because I put it in the 1st Letter on 5/5/15 Hebrew Year
(5)77(5) to prove my identity. Now I'm talking about proving my real identity... The Messiah!!!

You can see the bird is flying East. Remember I flew East into UTC 2 on the 21/09/15. That is
where I fulfilled numerous prophecies. I was chosen by God to fulfil the prophecies. God is
watching... The Alpha is watching!!! WAKE UP!!! Serve God with me. Remember I released the
first report on 5/5/15... the date I encoded and Tattooed on my arm. 5 is my number and 25 was my
age when I released the report on 5/5/15... Let's look at the numbers the bird is flying above... what
do you think they'll be... 525??? What would the odds be? THERE ARE NO ODDS!!!

Draw lines straight down from the bird that is flying East and you guessed it 525. I ripped my last
passport, then renewed it in 2015... not long after I got back from a 3 month patrol on the Trident
submarine Victorious. 05/05/15 was 7 days after my Passport issue date... 157. 4th Month to the 5th
month... 45. The bird has 4 lines behind it and 1 line in front... 4 to 5. Just like the UN's 70th
anniversary Logo. What are the odds? No-one thinks about the odds of me achieving what I have.
Everything God and I have done has been DATE PERFECT!!! Which human could achieve that? If
my passport came one day late it wouldn't have been Perfect. It was timed so the issue date would
be 7 days before I became The Trident Whistleblower. The issue date is the 28/04/15 I flew East and
released my 7th letter on the 28/09/15. Perfect 5 month gap. 5 = V . 28/04/15 + 5 Months = 28/09/15
The Date of the 4th and final Super Blood-moon of the extremely rare Tetrad... and the date of my
7th Letter. Look at the issue and expiry dates: 28 APR / AVR 15 - 25 55 5 =15. 25 = My age
when I released the 1st Letter on 5/5/15 Hebrew Year (5)77(5). 25 points on 5 5 pointed stars


I released my One World Report on 7/7/15 5775... The 3 numbers in My Will/Trident tattoo are
157. In my One World report I said guided by God, hence the number 555. Look at where the
first three 5s are in my Passport No. 1st number 5th number 7th The 3 numbers in my Will/Trident
tattoo = 157. The last 5 comes after the 2... 25 = The Age I was when I became The Trident Whistleblower. 555 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 = 5/5/15 The exact date I became the Trident Whistle-blower. +7 days
to the issue date of My passport and you get the exact date I became the Trident Whistle-blower. I
got my Will/Trident 7 years before I released my Trident report. My tattoo contains 7 7s and one
mirrored 7. I became The Trident Whistle-blower by infiltrating and releasing a report against the
UK's strategic nuclear weapons programme Aka the Trident programme... I released it in the year
that contained the 70th anniversary of The Trinity Project (first detonation of a nuke). 4th month to 5th
month... The Trinity project happened in 1945. My Will/Trident tattoo contains the numbers 157...
The 3 numbers in the Biblical verse that explains The Trinity. 1John 5:7 For there are three that
bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. I burnt a
Triangle on my right arm with an iron 15 years before I became the Trident Whistle-blower. I
tattooed a Trident on my left arm 7 years before I became The Trident Whistle-blower. The numbers
in my Will/Trident are 1 code 5s and 7s... 157. Tri = 3. Triangle, Trident, Trinity. In my One World
report I told you 333 is the hidden number in design. 333. 3+3+3 = 9. Add 9 days to the release date
of my One World report... 7/7/15 7 + 9 = 16. 16/7/15 was the 70th anniversary of the Trinity
project (first detonation of a nuke). With God's help, I fulfilled the prophecies with an extraordinary
amount detail. There's still a lot more detail and a lot more prophecies. This report is huge, but it
doesn't cover all the detail and all the prophecies I have fulfilled... with God's help. Ultimately God
fulfilled the prophecies ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD!!!
I released my Trident report against the Royal Navies false Trident nuclear beast system. Navy is
the colour blue. For the UN's 70th Anniversary the world turned Blue. World turns UN blue
on 70th anniversary of United Nations more than 200 iconic monuments, buildings, museums,
bridges and other landmarks in nearly 60 countries around the world will be lit up in UN blue the
official color of the United Nations, as part of a global campaign to commemorate UN Day and the
70th anniversary of the United Nations.

Revelation 21:5 He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new! Then he
said, Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. Revelation (21:5) was an obvious
clue pointing to 2015. I released my One World report in 2015... on a date the matches the 3
numbers in my Will/Trident tattoo 7/7/15 5775... 157.
Isaiah 11V12 He Will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he Will
assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. The UN banners/Logos.
(Prophecy Complete)

United Nations Security Council Logo

Isaiah 46V10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to
come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the East I summon
a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will
bring about; what I have planned, that I will do. Ephesians 1V10 to be put into effect when
the times reach their fulfillment--to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under
UNSC Logo = A bird with arms shaped like Tridents.

Matthew 16V28 Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see
the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom. Daniel 7V13 In my vision at night I looked, and there
before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient
of Days and was led into his presence 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all
nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that
will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. Ephesians 1V10 to be
put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment--to bring unity to all things in heaven and on
earth under Christ. Colossians 1V16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on
earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been
created through him and for him.
(Prophecy Complete)
The United Nations belongs to ME!!! With IAM, I am already in command of the UN. People don't
realise that because I work alone and have no physical contact with other humans regarding my
work. You get the reports and I discuss the reports, but that is it. My current recognised position is
unemployed with zero income. However, my judgements are trusted and design is made. Just look
at the Design in the UN. UN Under the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each Member has
one vote. 15 members. 5+5+5=15. Only God knows the full plan and the Ultimate Judge is The
United Nations Logo

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