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Al Hudaybia treaty

When did alhudabiya treat took place?

6 hijra
How it was started.
Phrophet pbuh had a dream.
What was in his dream
Is was that he is permoing umra and getting his head shaved
What was phrophet pbuh camel name?
Who was left incharge of madina ?
Umm maktum ra some mentioned numailah al laithi ra
What day did they start their march ?
Monday dhul qa dha
How many people accomined
1400-1500 and dessert beduins
What was prophet pbuh wife name ?
Umm salma Ra

What weapons did they carry ?

Sheathed sowrd
When did they get into state of ihram & garlanded animals ?
Dhul hulaifah.
What was the purpose of waering al ihram ?
To show they have no intention for war but to perfom umra and
making them safe against enymy attack.
Prophet pbuh dispatched surveyor to hunt arount for new of the
enemy .
What did surveyor inform phrophet pbuh ?
He metioned that road to Makkah is blockd and many tribed are
gathered with kab bin luai to oppose him.
What did companions say to phrophet pbuh ?
They said they would fight no one uness they are being stoped
from perfoming umra.
Who was in charge of taking 200 horses ?
200 horses were dispatched under khalid bin whaled.
When were they planning to attack Muslims ?
Zuhur prayer

Why did khalid bin whaled miss their chance?

Fear prayer rules were they missed their chance

So muslims chaged their path and chose they rockey one.

What did khalid do when he missed their chance ?
He went back to quraish to inform them.
Where did phrophts camel became stubborn.
Thaniyatl murar.
What did phropet say about negotiating with the enemy.
He would agree to anything so it revers allahs sanchuary.
Where did they camp ?
They camped on the furthest part of al hudabia. Next to little
What did phrophet pbuh did when muslims complained of
He took an arrow out of his quiver and placed it in the ditch.
Water immediately ghshed up.
Who lived near the mountain hubsh ( south of Makkah)
Allies of quraish.
What are the names of allies of quraish who lived near
mountain hubsh.
Banu al harith bin abd manat bin kinana.
Banu al mustaliq banu al hayya bin saad bin amr.
Banu al hawn bin khuzaimah.
Who was the messenger between prophet pbuh and qurais

Budail bin warqa al khuza,I

Why did budail bin warqa al khuza,I come to phrophet pbuh ?
To advise prophet pbuh and ask him why he has come.
What did prophet pbuh say to budail.
He has come to only perform umra but ifheis stopedthen he will
fight to the ast man .
Budail went to quraish .
Who did quraish sent to meet prophet pbuh ?
Mikraz bin hafs
What did prophet pbuh say to mikraz bin hafs.
That he is a

treacherous man.

Who came after mikran bin hifs ?

al hulais bin al qamah.

What did he say to quraish ?

He was impressed by their devotion to prophet pbuh and warned quraish
againsted stoping pilgramige and threathned to break his alliance with quraish.

Who wet to negociate after al hulais bin al qamah.?

Urwabin Masud ath thaqafi.
What did he say to phrophet pbuh?

He said o Muhammad , you have srounded yourself with mixed people to destroy
your kith and allah I see you deserted by these people.

What did he do to propet pbuh?

He touched prophet pbuh beard

Who hit his hand ?

Al mughira bin shubah ra.

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