MDRW 5042010

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Methods in

Social Network Analysis
and Visualising Data
Week 5 - Week beginning 29th March
DIGC102 Blogroll  Jennifer Norrie  Nicole Kavanagh
 Annie Madelaine Moon-Arkell  Jess Farley  Oliver Rietbergen
 Ashleigh Lord  Jess Millman  Olivia Natoli
 Ashleigh Stipcevic  Jess Skipper  Owen Godfrey
 Ashley Young  Jessica Grubb  Paige Milton
 Brianna Iturra  John Wynne  Peter Burns
 Brielle Finney  Kate Nicholson-Russell  Rebecca-Sue Davies
 Celia Rotella  Katrina Beverly Howell  Rhys Edwards
 Chris Feggans  Kimberly Kay  Richard Bradley
 Christopher Afflick  Kristin Maina  Robert Stanford
 Daniel Weissel  Lachlan Brady  Robert Tola
 David Carter  Laura Sommer  Romi Fellows
 Dean Gallagher  Lauren Bleasdale  Rosemary Hulak
 Gabrielle Brown  Leroy Soeterboek  Samuel Black
 Gene Brownley  Man Pui Kwan  Samuel Findlay
 Georgia Lang  Matthew Batey  Samuel Tooke
 Glenn Hanrahan  Michael Keene  Sarah Aldous
 Hadiman Ansell  Naomi Rheinberger  Stewart Patterson
 Hobin Kim  Natassja Spinoza  Vanessa Fleet
 Jacqueline King  Nathan Marc Day  Vincent Chetcuti
 Jami-Lee Green  Nicole Abdilla
Pierre Lévy (1956-2010)
“Consumption has become a collective
process...” Jenkins, 2006:4.

Jenkins, Henry 2006, Convergence Culture,

New York University, New York.

Levy, Pierre 1997, Collective Intelligence,

Mankind’s Emerging World in Cyberspace,
Pursues Books, Cambridge, Mass.
by woodleywonderworks
by gruntzooki
by Michael Heilemann
by Marc_Smith
Lee Rainie, John Horrigan, Barry
Wellman, Jeffrey Boase 2006, The
Strength of Internet Ties, The
Pew Internet and American Life
[available: http://www.pewinter
06/PIP_Internet_ties.pdf.pdf ] Jan
28, 2010.
by Porter Novelli Global
by protozoo
by culturevis
by culturevis
Richard Rogers,
‘The End of the
Virtual’ Digital
Methods, Faculty
of Humanities,
Inaugural Lecture ,
May 8, 2009.
Vossiuspers UvA.
Professor of New
Media and Digital
Culture at the
University of
by ottonassar
Validation Graphs are a
method for visualizing a
website's structure.
by blprnt_van
by blprnt_van
Blog Topics
How might you record, interpret, analyse and
visually communicate the various
connections, flows of information, or
significance of various relationships across
all your social networks (online and off) to
produce a visual biography of your digital
First Blog Reports are due
in Week 6, Friday April 16
 Nominate your strongest blog posts and add a
short justification for their inclusion.
 Also nominate the best post and the most
useful comments from your peers.
 Explain your nominations including short
citations but not large block quotes. (250
words) (10% Total)
Assessment Criteria

Substance /10
Engagement /10
Originality /10
Online Affordance /10
Presentation /10
Punctual /10
Total % out of 100:

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