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MBE Mission Stotement

MBE Partners with United Way for Homecoming

It is the purpose of Miomi Eusihess
Charity Event By Sara Khatib
to act os o sulllement

with specific community interests, to the business educotion received in

MBE's PR division worked with
United Way this past weekend and advocate for positive Public the c/ossroom ond to Provide mem'
during Miami's Homecoming. policy changes.
bers with honds on exPerience in
All of the members of the PR
division participated in a "game In addition to helping the organi- the various flelds of business. We
day" charity event to raise zationraise money during Home-
money for the organization. The coming, the PR division will be strive to sotisfy the needs af our cli-
division's table featured United partnering with Oxford's local ents by ochieving professiono! excel-
Way banners, balloons, and local United Way this whole semester.
United Way information for According to the organization's lence. The objective of Miomi Busi-
those who are interested in learn- philosophy statement, Oxford's ness Enterprises is to moke mem-
ing more. To chapter focuses
publicize MBE's on results and bers employoble through porticipo-
partnership with achieves them
tion in projects implemented by divi-
United Way, sili- through ele-
con "IJW" brace- ments such as sions eoch semester.
lets were given caring, ap-
away, as well as proachability,
t-shirts, candy, innovation, and
and posters. trust. Over the For further informatton on
past year, the United Way and their pur-
Across the coun- United Way of pose, log on to United
try, the non- Oxford was able Way's national website at:
profit United to donate more http /iwww.unitedway. org/

Ways strive to E
make communi-
ties better places
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local residents.

For information regarding

by partnering with local schools, The organization has increased local initiatives in Oxford
govemment agencies, busi- their goal to $200,000 this year. or opporlunities to volun-
nesses, organized labor, and teer, refer to the national
neighborhood associations. The PR division's partnership website and type "45056"
with United Way during a large in the zip code box for con-
The United Way analyzes each event like Homecoming hopefully nection to Oxford's local
diverse community and strives to increased awareness on campus, site. United Way of Oxford
make positive changes in an in- led to increased donations and can also be contacted di-
dividualized way. Communities student interest, and allowed the rectly at 513-523-0991 .
nationwide most commonly part- division to promote current initia-
ner with United Way to help tives for Oxford's chapter. The
children succeed, to increase division also utilized Homecom-
family strength and support, to ing for this partnership because it
promote self sufficiency, and to was an opportunity to reach Mi-
build safe neighborhoods. To ami alumni, professors, and Ox-
achieve positive and lasting re- ford residents in addition to stu-
sults, local United Ways build dents.
on community strengths, help

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