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"Outst*nd!*g l**eGer"s a$;p*aE t* the ,l . Bake until done . . . and share!

h e a rts of t h e i r f r: *,".,:*rs.*r: *t ttr"a*i r r:'t a:d g.u'

!I { In orderfor today's leaders in Delta Zeta to make a difference in today's
A* I nyr::*u I college chapter and in tomorrow's world, they must incorporate Delta
Zeta values into their leadership skills now. Only in this way can they
inspire members, ensure chapter success, exemplify leadership on their
i Mi, ingredients well. campuses, give to their communities, and make a difference for
tomorrow's world. The Norma Minch Andrisek Leadership Conference
The De:a Zeta collegiate leaders who attended the conference were gave them the tools and knowledge to implement these values into
challerced io take what they learned and put it into the mix of their their everyday Iives while strengthening their leadership style.
ind[,ic'a chapters. The closing session,"Taking lt Home," discussed
wa),s :l ;iiegrate the new knowledge acquired into existing chapter By taking these innovative approaches to cultivating and inspiring
oper-a:io's as rvell as how to start new chapter programs and generate leaders, Delta Zeta Sorority is ensuring that today's sorority leader is
exciterent for them. the catalyst to transform chapters from average to truly great. This is
the leader who will make a difference in Delta Zeta. This is the leader
who will make a difference in the world.

Some of Our Famous Delta Zeta Leaders

Shelley Levine Berkley I@ '70 (University Senator Jane Gray Nelson IY '70 (Univer-
of Nevadai Las Vegas); (D-NV) is currently sity of Texas/Arlington); (R-TX) was made
in her fifth term as a Member of the U.5. Covernor for a Day in 2004 in the state
House of Representatives. She works of Texas and has served as President Pro
to increase access to affordable, high- Tempore of the Texas Senate. She actively
quality health care for America's families; lobbies for domestic violence laws and
encourages the development of alterna- successfully put a cap on non-economic
tive energy sources; and to provide the damages for medical malpractice in her
resources needed to meet the needs home state. She has also reinstituted
of U.S. veterans and military families. physical education in Texas schools.
She was Delta Zeta's 199,l Woman of
the Year. Susan Patterson Perry-Lindle EQ '68,
(University of Wisconsin/Eau Claire)
Jean Haley Harper Y '74, (University of (Retired) Colonel, Military lntelligence
North Dakota) was one of the first Corp., U.S. Army, was the first female
women airline captains for United Airlines, officer assigned to a combat brigade of an
She is a contributor to Chicken Soup for infantry division in Europe.
the Women's Sou/ and a public speaker
and was the 1998 Woman of the Year. fean Baughman Templeton f>'68,
(Eastern Michigan University), is CEO
Edith Head* M '60, attended the Univer- and Chairman of the Board of Wesfam
sity of California/Berkeley and was the first Restaurants, lnc., a franchise of Burger King
female head of a movie studio costume Corporation in Alabama. Her company is
design department, a winner of eight well known for community service and
Academy Awards for costume design social responsibility and received Burger
including The Sting with Paul Newman King's Marketing Award for Excellence in
and Robert Redford, and was also named 1996 and the North Alabama Chapter of
one of ten outstanding Creeks during the Society of Financial Service Profession-
lhe 1976 Bicentennial. Edith Head was als' Ethics in Business Award. Jean was
Delta Zeta's Woman of the Year in 1968. Delta Zeta's 2005 Woman of the Year and
serves as a Delta Zeta Foundation Trustee.
Crown Princess Martha of Norway* )",
*lndicates Flame Eternal,
became an initiated alumna member
of Delta Zela in 1939 after visiting
North Dakota University and becoming
interested in the role the sorority played
in the lives of college women. During
World War ll, she led the Delta Zeta's l"History of Women at Miami", 1996 Presentation by Dr. Phillip
Foreign Friendships service program to Shriver, President Emeritus, Miami University.
aid her country's children.
'?Article ll, Section 1., Constitution of the Delta Zeta Sorority.

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