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i ::::: ulnil'ersity
- ,\ Baldwin-Wallace College
--.-.,--:-t^^ra Caf @
:,- -- :--'ropy and
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partnered with the Rotoract
Club to host Fall Festival,
--: :''.3eds were split
ihan $950. which featured activities
for local children. They also Jlr
J"i ,..*w
::.,,::r speech and hearing collected canned good
'' -"*
""gi. -
.- : ::'. Chi 0mega's donations for homeless
. " ,l jPff lPYiilf$s

': , |-i fundtohelpthe shelters. On Founders Day,

' -: - :' that fraternity the chapter hosted Professor

* @
i-- : :'e occurred at their
j: .:' house during the
Charles Williams, who is
WI# t-"
:- hearing-impaired and r.t€Tq'€
L *i e,+tc.#i;#
=.. lf recruitment.
teaches American Sign '
The Beta Kappa Chopter (lowa State University)
Language at Baldwin-
Wallace, and who spoke
about the challenges those
- ,=t:-iiiiii#
with hearing loss face.
: r',, ersity of Tennessee/
r.' : rr ille
-',=: i3,000 for local tlnltrur't ffiti;:
-:: onal philanthropies
'-: University of Connecticut
.- .^:ir fal event, Delta held a "Musical Chairs

-. ' Ia,,'Cassic.The Challenge" for their fall

--,.'..' a so decorated for philanthropy. Their theme
.-. - , days at Knoxville was "Bringing out the
l.- .''or the Deaf. little kid in all of us!" and
the event raised more
than $800 for The Painted
-: Turtle camp.
:l"lrrn University The Camma Beta Chapter (University of Connecticut)
- , i-: r :heir first annual
- - L;gy DayZ. The event il;lmru;r []*it* il*rurrt* ii:*i* irt;l;ilt* Hi {*;l*:ru,n l{h,r
-' ,.: S3,000 for speech Pennsylvania State University Carroll College New Mexico State University Northern lllinois University
:-: -.arng, the Lee County hosted a jean sale, raising co-sponsored an event called hosted their Creek Cup won the Woment Tugs 200/
---:.e Society, and the more than $3,000 for their Trick-or-Donate, inviting Soccer Tournament and to raise money for breast
::::-3 lnstitute for the new local philanthropy, other student organizations held a Halloween event to cancer treatment for women
- =" :-d Blind. The Hearing Loss Associa- to go trick-or-treating on support Jardin de los Ninos, who cannot afford it.
tion of America - Central Halloween for food items for a childcare facility for

Pennsylvania Chapter. the Waukesha Food Pantry homeless children.

_, ,.
,...= The chapter also participated and for donations to UNICEF. {* & 1'* i'+ := } 1,;; :-: : i:
\.:c'a5kd Wesleyan
in The Penn State Dance Eastern Michigan University
-' , ersity Marathon, helping to raise {-i,:ri:m* Fi celebrated Homecoming
,: ::',,:d Founders Day more than $64,000 to help il*iruti* Knpp* Western Michigan with an open house and
,, .- , 'rrmal dinner and
pediatric cancer patients. Kent State University University breakfast on the morning
--- -:: hvo of their held their sixth annual
- planned a new event this of the game, They also
. -*.. rvith the Order year called "A DZ Thanksgiv- Haunted Forest Halloween attended the game with
-- .-. lrden Rose for ing," at which members event to support speech members of Tau Kappa
-', =:-' cf membership. invited their families to and hearing as well as the Epsilon and to support
-: --; lvil celebrate the chapter house for a Make-A-Wish Foundation. two of Camma Sigmat
---." ii' anniversary Thanksgiving meal prior The chapter also volunteered members elected to
- .-: '\,', U campus to Thanksgiving break. at the annual Michigan Homecoming Court.
-:' ' :-21, 2008,
COPS run to support local

law enforcement. Double lssue 2007 19

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