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Divisional Updates

This semester the Adver- wines, gourmet coffees and lines as well as promo-
Sarah Hutchens tising Division will be chocolates. The division tions. They are excited to
Chief Executive Officer working with a new client will be working with the be working with Main
located Uptown called owner to create a new look Street Gourmet this se-
Dan O'Connell Main Street Gourmet. for the store and increase mester with the help of
Chief Operating Officer Main Street Gourmet of- Oxford's overall awareness their new members-
fers a variety of beers, of the shop through tag-
Will Tobin
Chief Financial Officer
Ashley Yarusi
Human Resources
Executive Assistant This semester the Human pect of the Human Re- In addition, the whole divi-
Resources division will sources division: Camp sion will be involved in
Chris Rechner divide its members into MBE, Senior Banquet, and brainstorming for a new
Alumni Relations Offrcer recruitment campaign for three committees. Each Recruitment. The commit-
committee will individu- tees will begin planning next fall's semester.
JeffKumik ally focus on a specific as- these events for next fall.

Public Relations
This semester, the Public as well as distributing this semester they hope to
Relations division is full of chocolates attached to in- implement plans of hang-
innovative ideas for its formational handouts to ing additional flyers as
new client, CVS. To in- students in the Shriver well as designing a CVS
crease awareness on cam- Center. They are in the finals week care-package.
pus of CVS'new location in process of frnalizing plans
Stewart Square, the PR Lo hand out free lissue
division started by design- packets at King Library
CAMP MBE ing Valentine's Day flyers and hand sanitizer and
TBA to hang up across campus pens at Spring Ice. Later
Dennis Nally, US
Chairman and Sen-
ior Partner of Price-
Market Research
This semester the Market conducting focus groups ami students. The divrsron
waterhouseCoopers Research division is look- and distributing surveys. also intends to continue its
4 p.m.March22 ing forward to working They will then analyze the work for Soho, a new bou-
TBA with its new client, Three data to provide quality tique in Oxford as of fall
Trees Irish Pub, located in feedback for management. 2006. They began the
Robert Johnson, Oxford's Holiday Inn. The Their objective is to pro- groundwork necessary to
CEO of Dubai Aero- division plans to collect mote their client's business perform research for Soho
space Enterprise qualitative and quantita- and to make Three Trees a and look forward to con-
4 p.m.April 2 tive data for the venue by more familiar name to Mi- tinuing the project.
Hall Auditorium
Service Marketing l
This semester the Service "Business Basics" boxes for
Marketing division plans v
the incoming pre-business
to take part in and work students. These care- RELAY
with Relay for Life as our FOR LIFE
packages include useful
main service project. We information and helpful
will also continue to work items for freshman stu-
on dispersing information dents.
and putting together the

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