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Lauren Hartung Katie Mulligan

Advertising President
division has greatly en-
Lauren Hartung, presr- member of Pi Sigma Ep
hanced her communica-
dent of the Public Rela- silon as well as Kappa Alerandra Barkulis
tion and people skills. in Advertising Vice President
tions division of MBE, is AIpha Theta. Lauren
addition to enabling her
a marketing major from
to manage her time well. Scott Picklo
Canton, Ohio. Lauren Financial Solutions President
Lauren encourages every-
will be in Laguna
body to set goals for them-
Niguel, CA this summer, Alanna l,oukas
selves and go for them. Financial Solutions Vice President
working as a Banana
Boat sales representa- "Every student here at ,Iohnnv Baron
tive for Playtex. She will Miami has something to Human Resorr"ces Co-President
be in charge often large
offer to a company, all you
accounts including Wal- have to do is make it Kellev Klahm
Mart, Rite Aid, and Human Resouices Co-Presrdent
known to employers," she
other stores in the sur- said. "Fill up your re- Meghan RuppeI
rounding areas. She will sume, talk Lo as many H uman Resources Vice President
be responsible for their said her experience as companies as possible,
merchandising, summer editor-in-chief, vice and sell them on what Lindsev Romes
promotions, and product president, and presidenl Entrepreneurial Marketing President
you have to offer!"
sales. Lauren is also a of MBE's public relations
Katie Du-xbury
Entrepreneurial Marketing Vice Presi-

Paul Ruflin

Kimberly Marshall
International President
Paul Ruflin is a junior in internship did with MBE,"
the financial division. He because of Paui said. Chaz Nichols
is from Gates Mills, Ohio the numerous I nternational \'ice President
and is majoring in Fi- projects he He advises fellow
nance here at Miami. has worked students to keep a Jeff Prichett
Logistics President
This summer, Paul will on within his positive attitude jcpritchettL@ gmarl. co m
be interning with Protiv- division. while searching
Dan Gruber
iti, an independent risk- for an internship. Lo grstics Co-Vice President
consulting firm. Paul is "Since I had
never had an "Take every op- Christine Moore
also a member of the
internship portunity that is Market Research President
Miarni Finance Associa-
before I be- presented to you
tion, plays intramural Liz Ersenhardt
lieve that no matter what
hockey, and volunteers Market Research Vice President
they based a because any expo- eisenhea@muohio.edi
as a tutor at Kramer
lot on what I sure to possible
Elementary School. Paul Lauren Hartung
told them about what I job opportunities is good Public Relations President
believes that MBE
helped him acquire his
Lauren Cooper
Public Relations Vice President

Cory DeKing

Amanda Link
MBE's market re- Retail President
Cory DeKing, ing, project man- search division, is also a
a freshman Sydney l,estrud
agement and exe- member of Alpha Chi Retail Vice President
frnance major cution, and supply Omega and Big Brothers,
from Aurora, chain analytics for Big Sisters. Her participa- Sara Mieiv
IlI, will be food industries. tion in MBE provided rele- Service Marketing?resident
interning at Cory will be work- vant experience and knowl-
HA\T Global ing as a client ser- edge that aided her in her Ashlee Williman
Service Marketing Vice President
Solutions, a vices intern, and long intewiew process.
private com- will help handle Cory, who was offered the Dr. Speh
pany whose McDonald's pack- internship by a family MBE Advisor
expertise in- aging and other friend, advises students to
cludes leader- promotions. Cory, make as many networking
ship in sourc- a member of connections as they can.

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