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F5 Networks Agility

iRules 101 Lab Guide

Participant Hands-on Lab Guide

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iRules 101

Table of Contents................................................................................................................ 3
Lab 1 Load Balance by Client Port................................................................................... 5
TASK 1 Create the iRule with F5 iRule Editor.............................................................................5
TASK 2 Create the iRule with F5 Web Configuration Utility (the GUI).........................................8
TASK 3 Add iRule to Virtual Server............................................................................................9
TASK 4 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 10

Lab 2 Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.............................................................................12

TASK 1 Create the iRule........................................................................................................... 12
TASK 2 Add iRule to Virtual Server.......................................................................................... 13
TASK 3 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 14

Lab 3 Using String Tools................................................................................................. 16

TASK 1 Create the iRule for contains....................................................................................16
TASK 2 Add iRule to Virtual Server for contains....................................................................17
TASK 3 Test iRule for contains.............................................................................................. 18
TASK 4 Create the iRule for findstr.......................................................................................19
TASK 5 Add iRule to Virtual Server for findstr.......................................................................20
TASK 6 Test iRule for findstr................................................................................................. 20

Lab 4 HTTP Headers....................................................................................................... 22

TASK 1 Create the iRule........................................................................................................... 22
TASK 2 Add iRule to Virtual Server.......................................................................................... 23
TASK 3 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 24
TASK 4 Modify the iRule........................................................................................................... 25
TASK 5 Test iRule with New Updates.......................................................................................26

Lab 5 Stream Expression............................................................................................... 28

TASK 1 Create the iRule........................................................................................................... 28
TASK 2 Test the Web Page Before Applying the iRule..............................................................30
TASK 3 Add iRule to Virtual Server.......................................................................................... 32
TASK 4 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 32

Lab 6 Using The Virtual Command.................................................................................36

TASK 1 Create the iRule........................................................................................................... 36
TASK 2 Test the Web Page Before Applying the iRule..............................................................37
TASK 3 Add iRule to Virtual Server.......................................................................................... 39
TASK 4 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 40

Lab 7 Maintenance Page................................................................................................ 43

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TASK 1 Create the iRule........................................................................................................... 43

TASK 2 Add iRule to Virtual Server.......................................................................................... 44
TASK 3 Test iRule..................................................................................................................... 45

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iRules 101


This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to check if the client source port is
odd or even. If the client source port is odd then send the client traffic to a pool named odd. If
the client source port is even then send the client traffic to a pool named even.


Identify client source port and make pool decision

Log results

Lab Requirements:

One virtual server

Two server pools with: a pool named odd and a pool named even. The pool odd will
only have pool members with an odd-numbered final octet (e.g.,,
while the pool even will only have pool members with an even-numbered final octet
IPs (e.g. = odd, = even)

Estimated completion time: 15 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule with the F5 iRule Editor

You can create iRules using the F5 iRule Editor (on your jump box desktop) or through the F5
web configuration utility. We will walk through both methods in order to become familiar with
either both options. For future labs, pick your favorite method.
Option #1: F5 iRules Editor
1. Open the F5 iRules Editor on the desktop.

2. Choose File > Connect or hit the Connect icon (it looks like a sprocket) in the upper
left corner.
3. A connection dialogue is presented.
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

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4. Once you are connected you will see the configuration screen below

5. Once connected, cChoose File > New to create a new iRule

6. Supply a name of ir_lab1_client_port, choose the Blank template, and click OK

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7. Add content to the iRule (see below)

In the right hand frame we you will create an iRule. We Your code starts with an event in this
iRule called CLIENT_ACCEPTED. This event fires with every new connection. Now the event
needs to do something when fired. Enter the following text:.
set port_is_odd [expr [TCP::remote_port] & 1]
if { $port_is_odd } {
log local0. "Port [TCP::remote_port] is odd"
pool odd
else {
log local0. "Port [TCP::remote_port] is even"
pool even

One convenient thing about the iRule Editor is the syntax highlighting and line numbers. When
the above iRule is placed into the editor, it will look similar to this next picture.

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8. Choose File > Save to write the config to the F5



TASK 2 Create the iRule with F5 Web Configuration Utility (the

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
utility. For future labs, pick your favorite method. If you created the iRule already in Task 1
within the F5 iRule Editor, then skip to Task 3.
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

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2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab1_client_port
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
We start with an event in this iRule called CLIENT_ACCEPTED. This event fires with every new
connection. Now the event needs to do something when fired. Enter the following text.
set port_is_odd [expr [TCP::remote_port] & 1]
if { $port_is_odd } {
log local0. "Port [TCP::remote_port] is odd"
pool odd
else {
log local0. "Port [TCP::remote_port] is even"
pool even

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 3 Add iRule to Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers


Select the virtual server named lab1_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab1_client_port and add it to the Enabled
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7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 4 Test the iRule

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We You will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site as well asand by reviewing the /var/log/ltm log
files. LetsFirst, prep thestart a following tail of /var/log/ltm file that you may see log
messages generated by the newly added iRule:
1. SSH into the unit by launching Putty
from you jumpbox desktop (a saved session
called f5 BIGIP already exists)
a. Host Name (or IP address) =
b. Username = root
c. Password = default

2. Run the following command:

tail -f /var/log/ltm

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3. Open a web browser and go to

4. Examine the output of the web page as well as the ltm logs


If making repeated requests from the same browser, does the page change?
Close the browser and try again. Does anything change?
Does the log message change or stay the same?
Does the pool member IP end with an odd or even 4 th octet?
o Odd example = Pool member address/port:
o Even example = Pool member address/port:

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This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.


Create an iRule to redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Log the results

Lab Requirements:

Two virtual servers: one listening on port 80 and one listening on port 443

Estimated completion time: 10 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab2_https_redirect
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
In the definition screen lets, create an iRule. First, you will define an event to fire the iRule.
We will uUse the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do something when
firedtriggered. We wantYou want the BIG-IP to redirect all http traffic to https (keeping the
same hostname and URI) when accessing a specific virtual server. For example, if a user
accesses, the we want tousers browser should be redirected them to
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. Enter the following textThe following code accomplishes this task, and
is provided as a guide in case you need additional assistance:.
#redirect all traffic to HTTPS preserving hostname and URI
if { [TCP::local_port] == 80 } {
#log the redirect action and show the URL being redirected
log local0. "Redirecting to https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri]"
#use the "getfield" command to extract the hostname and strip any trailing port number
HTTP::respond 301 Location https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri]

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 2 Add the iRule to the Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers

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Select the virtual server named lab2_vs_80

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab2_https_redirect and add it to the
Enabled section

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 3 Test the iRule

This task will involves generating some traffic to test the iRule. We You will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site as well as reviewing the /var/log/ltm log files.
Lets First, prep start a following tail of the /var/log/ltm file first:.
1. SSH into the unit by launching Putty
(a saved session already exists)
a. Host Name (or IP address) =
b. Username = root
c. Password = default

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2. Run the following command:

tail -f /var/log/ltm

3. Open a web browser and go to

4. Examine the output of the web page and notice its redirected to HTTPS

5. Click a couple random links and examine the output of the ltm logs

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iRules 101

Congratulations! You just wrote and tested an iRule that redirects all http traffic to https

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iRules 101


This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to examine the URI with string tools
contains and findstr , and then send the HTTP Request traffic to a specific pool based
on the search results.


Search the HTTP URI for specific text and send to different poolsDirect the Request
message to a pool member based on the HTTP URI string

Lab Requirements:

One virtual server

Two server pools, each with a single pool member: http_pool1 =,
http_pool2 =

Estimated completion time: 15 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule for contains

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

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2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab3_search_contains
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
the Create an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do
something when fired. We want to In the body of the event, you will add code that searches
the URI for the string login, and if it contains that string then we want to send traffic, it will
direct the HTTP Request message to http_pool1. Otherwise, we want to send trafficit will
direct the HTTP Request message to http_pool2.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. Enter the following text The following code accomplishes this task,
and is provided as a guide in case you need additional assistance:.
#use the "contains" command to search the URI for the string "login"
#if URI contains "login" then use pool 1, otherwise use pool 2

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if {[HTTP::uri] contains "login"} {
pool http_pool1
} else {
pool http_pool2

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 2 Add the iRule to Virtual Server for contains

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers


Select the virtual server named lab3_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab3_search_contains and add it to the
Enabled section

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 3 Test the iRule for contains

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. YouWe will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site with different text in the URI.
1. Open a web browser and go to
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2. Examine the output of the web page. Which pool was used?

3. Modify the URI by appending login like this

4. Examine the output of the web page. Which pool was used?


When navigating to URIs without login, which server was hit?

When navigating to URIs with login, was a different server hit?

TASK 4 Create the iRule for findstr

1. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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2. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

3. Supply a name of ir_lab3_search_findstr
4. Add content to the iRule (see below)
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
theCreate an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do
something when fired. We want toThe code for this event should search for the string me in
the following URI: /?user=me. If that string is present, we want tothe code should send
trafficdirect the HTTP Request message to http_pool1. Otherwise, we want to send trafficit
should direct the HTTP Request message to http_pool2.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide
in case you need additional assistance:Enter the following text.

#use the findstr command to search the URI for the string "me"
#if URI contains "me" 5 characters after "user=" then use pool 1, otherwise use pool 2
if {[findstr [HTTP::uri] "user=" 5] equals "me"} {
pool http_pool1
} else {
pool http_pool2

5. When done, hit Finished

TASK 5 Add the iRule to the Virtual Server for findstr

1. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers

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Select the virtual server named lab3_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab3_search_findstr and add it to the
Enabled section
6. Also remember to remove the previously added iRule ir_lab3_search_contains

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 6 Test the iRule for findstr

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. You We will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site with different text in the URI.
1. Open a web browser and go to
2. Examine the output of the web page. Which pool was used?

3. Modify the URI like this

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4. Examine the output of the web page. Which pool was used? Why?


When navigating to URIs with user=me, which server was hit?

When navigating to URIs with user=you, was a different server hit?

Congratulations! You just wrote and tested two iRules that search the URI for various strings
and sends traffic based on the results.

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This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to read and modify HTTP headers on
the HTTP requests and the HTTP responses.


Parse Read and modify HTTP headers, read and modify

Log the results

Lab Requirements:

One virtual server

Estimated completion time: 10 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab4_http_headers
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
Create an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST event. The code for this event should log
each of the HTTP Request headers. You will need to use a loop in order to accomplish this.
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do something when fired. When a
client comes into the LTM, lets logs all the HTTP headers. We'll need to create a loop to get
each HTTP header and log the value.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide
in case you need additional assistance:Enter the following text.
foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 2 Add the iRule to the Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers

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Select the virtual server named lab4_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab4_http_headers and add it to the
Enabled section

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 3 Test the iRule

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We You will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site as well asand by reviewing the /var/log/ltm log
files. Lets prep the /var/log/ltm file first. Start a following tail of /var/log/ltm:
1. SSH into the unit by launching Putty
(a saved session already exists)
a. Host Name (or IP address) =
b. Username = root
c. Password = default

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2. Run the following command:

tail -f /var/log/ltm

3. Open a web browser and go to

4. Examine the output of the ltm logs. It should look similar to the following:

TASK 4 Modify the iRule

1. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

2. When the page loads, edit the iRule you just created ir_lab4_http_headers
3. Add additional content to the iRule (see below)
Edit the iRule so that it also fires on the HTTP_RESPONSE event. The code for this event
should log each of the HTTP Response headers.

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In the definition screen lets add a new event to view the server response. We will use the
HTTP_RESPONSE event. Next, the event needs to do something when fired. Similar to the
previous HTTP_REQUEST event that logs all the client request headers, we now want to do the
same thing for server response headers. We'll need to create a loop to get each HTTP header
and log the value.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. Modify the existing iRule and add the new HTTP_RESPONSE event
code. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide in case you need
additional assistance:
foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"
HTTP::header insert X-Customize "F5 Networks"
foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"

4. When done, hit Finished

TASK 5 Test iRule with New Updates

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We You will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site as well as reviewing the /var/log/ltm log files.
1. Go back to the SSH console and run the following command (if the tail is already
running, hit the Enter key a few times to set the newly logged lines apart from previous
logged lines):
tail -f /var/log/ltm

2. Open a web browser and go to

3. Examine the output of the ltm logs. It should look similar to the following:

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What is the difference between this version of the iRule and the previous version?
Can you tell which headers are from the request and which ones are from the response?
Where did the X-Customize header come from?

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iRules 101


This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to find and replace text within HTML
content using a stream:: expression.


Modify the server response to dynamically update HTML content

Log the results

Lab Requirements:

One virtual server

Estimated completion time: 10 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab5_stream
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
Create an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST event and the HTTP_RESPONSE event. The
code for this event should disable the stream profile when processing HTTP Request
messages, and also instruct the server to not use compression on the HTTP Response. This is
necessary so that the code can perform stream substitutions on the HTTP Response message.
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
the HTTP_REQUEST event. The event HTTP_REQUEST will be used to disable the stream
profile on all inbound requests and to turn off HTTP compression requests from clients so that
the iRule can find and replace data.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide
in case you need additional assistance:Enter the following text.
# Disable the stream filter for all requests
# Disable response encoding by removing any requests for it.
HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"

We will fFollow this block with an HTTP_RESPONSE blockevent handler, which will do all the
important stream manipulation.
Find Example #1:
<TITLE>Welcome to Lorax Bank</TITLE>
Replace With:
<TITLE>Welcome to Agility Bank</TITLE>
Find Example #2:
<td width=70%><p><font face=Arial><br>Welcome to Lorax Bank!<br><br>
Replace With:
<td width=70%><p><font face=Arial><br>Welcome to Agility Bank!
# Check if response is text (don't find & replace in other MIME types)
if {[HTTP::header value "Content-Type"] starts_with "text"}{

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log local0. "Replacing references from Lorax to Agility"

STREAM::expression {@Lorax@Agility@}

Note: The STREAM::expression syntax is defined as:

The [<replace>] option is variable and can be left empty to find and remove the value. The first
character is the delimiter and may be any one of the following characters: .*/-:_?=@& (period,
asterisk, forward slash, dash, colon, underscore, question mark, equals, at sign, ampersand) but
the @ character is most often used.
Other working examples:
6. BONUS STEP (optional) -- To diagnose/validate successful stream expression matches, add
the following third event to the iRule.
log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: Matched [STREAM::match]"

7. When done, hit Finished

**The full iRule will look like this**
# Disable the stream filter for all requests
# Disable response encoding by removing any requests for it.
HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"
# Check if response is text (don't find & replace in other MIME types)
if {[HTTP::header value "Content-Type"] starts_with "text"}{
log local0. "Replacing references from Lorax to Agility"
STREAM::expression {@Lorax@Agility@}
log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: Matched [STREAM::match]"

TASK 2 Test the Web Page Before Applying the iRule

Before adding the iRule to a virtual server, lets test the original web page first.
1. Open a web browser and go to
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2. Review the page and notice all the Lorax references on the page.
3. Right click in the web page and View Page Source (or View Source depending on

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4. Close the web browser

TASK 3 Add the iRule to the Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers


Select the virtual server named lab5_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab5_stream and add it to the Enabled

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 4 Test the iRule

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We You will verify functionality
by opening a web browser to the test site as well asand by reviewing the /var/log/ltm log
files. Lets prep theStart a following tail of /var/log/ltm file first.:
1. SSH into the unit by launching Putty
(a saved session already exists)
d. Host Name (or IP address) =
e. Username = root
f. Password = default

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2. Run the following command:

tail -f /var/log/ltm

3. Open a web browser and go to

4. Examine the output of the web page as well as the ltm logs

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5. Review the page and notice all the Lorax references on the page have changed to
6. Right click in the web page and View Page Source (or View Source depending on

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Did all references of Lorax get replaced with Agility? If not, why?
What if Lorax had a lowercase L like lorax? What iRule change is needed?

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iRules 101


This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule with the virtual command to reroute traffic from one virtual server to another.


Identify specific URIs and direct traffic to another virtual server

Log the results

Lab Requirements:

Two virtual servers with each VS containing a different server pool member

Estimated completion time: 10 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab6_v2v
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
Create an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST. The code for this event should check the
request URI, and if it matches /welcome.php, it should proxy the Request to the lab6_v2v
virtual server. The code should also generate a log message to validate that the code is
working as expected.
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do something when fired. When a
request comes into the virtual server, lets test to see if the requested URI matches
/welcome.php. If there is a match, well send the request to the lab6_v2v virtual server.
We will create a simple if then else logical branch within our HTTP_REQUEST block and call
the virtual command only for one URI match. To validate it is working, well also add a log
message so we know the iRule triggered as expected.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide
in case you need additional assistance:Enter the following text.
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/welcome.php" } {
log local0. "internally routing from [virtual name] to lab6_vs_v2v"
virtual lab6_vs_v2v

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 2 Test the Web Page Before Applying the iRule

Before adding the iRule to a virtual server, lets test the web pages first.
1. Open a web browser and go to

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2. Review the page and notice the all references are for Node #1 and its pool member IP
3. Review the source code. Right click on the page and select View Page Source (or View

Read through the source code and find any href, and youll see image links similar to the
<img src=images/TopBar.png >
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The full link would look likeThe user-agent normally expands this to This URL does not contain /welcome.php.
This is important to keep in mind once weyou apply the iRule to a virtual server. This will help
demonstrate that some content on the page will match the iRule and other content will not. As
a result, various content on the page will load with different servers.
4. Now lets tTest the v2v virtual server
5. Open a web browser and go to

6. Review the page and notice all references are for Node #2 and its pool member IP of
7. Close the web browser
We You have now verified that has a dedicated server Node #1, and has a dedicated server Node #2. There currently is no mixing of server nodes
providing content.

TASK 3 Add iRule to Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers

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Select the virtual server named lab6_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab6_v2v and add it to the Enabled section

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 4 Test iRule

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We will vVerify functionality by
opening a web browser to the test site as well as and by reviewing the /var/log/ltm log files.
Lets prep the /var/log/ltm file firstStart a following tail of /var/log/ltm.:
7. SSH into the unit by launching Putty
(a saved session already exists)
g. Host Name (or IP address) =
h. Username = root
i. Password = default

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8. Run the following command:

tail -f /var/log/ltm

9. Open a web browser and go to

10.Examine the output of the web page as well as the ltm logs

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What was the before and after difference of the web page once the iRule was applied?
How many server nodes provided content?
Were the images served by Node #1 or Node #2?
What was the pool member IP listed in the textual page content?

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iRules 101


This lab guide will require the student to create an iRule to display a maintenance page to
users when the site is down. This allows you to control the user experience even if the site is


Create a maintenance page and that page serve to the client if the VS attached pool
is down

Lab Requirements:

One virtual server

Estimated completion time: 15 minutes

TASK 1 Create the iRule

As mentioned previously, iRules can be created in the F5 iRule Editor or directly on the F5 web
configuration utility. This task will give the steps to create an iRule on the F5 web configuration
1. Open a web browser and login to the F5 (a favorite is already saved in Chrome and on
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin

2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > iRules

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3. When the page loads, hit Create on the right side

4. Supply a name of ir_lab7_maintenance
5. Add content to the iRule (see below)
Create an iRule that fires on the HTTP_REQUEST. The code for this event must first
determine whether any pool members for the VS attached pool are active. If no members are
active, the BIG-IP should directly respond to the client with an HTTP Response message, and
proxy nothing to the server-side.
In the definition screen lets create an iRule. First define an event to fire the iRule. We will use
the HTTP_REQUEST event. Next, the event needs to do something when fired. The goal is to
provide a maintenance page only if all the pool members are down. This means we first have
to determine if any members are active.
Think about how you would approach this and write down the pseudo code. Now take a shot at
writing the actual iRule. The following code accomplishes this task, and is provided as a guide
in case you need additional assistance:Enter the following text.
if { [active_members lab7_pool] < 1 } {
set stime 10
HTTP::respond 501 content \
"<html><head><title>Sorry Folks</title></head><body><meta http-equiv='REFRESH' \
content=$stime;url=HTTP:://[HTTP::host]></HEAD> \
<p><h2>Sorry folks! We're closed to clean and repair America's favorite family fun site.\
<p><p>Sorry, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!</h2></p></body></html>" "Content-Type" "text/html"

6. When done, hit Finished

TASK 2 Add the iRule to a Virtual Server

1. Open a web browser and login to the F5
a. Hostname =
b. Username = admin
c. Password = admin
2. Choose Local Traffic Manager > Virtual Servers

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Select the virtual server named lab7_vs

Choose the Resources tab
In the iRules section, hit the Manage button to the right to display a list of iRules
Select the newly created iRule named ir_lab7_maintenance and add it to the
Enabled section

7. Hit Finished to complete and the iRule is now attached to the virtual server

TASK 3 Test the iRule

This task will involve generating some traffic to test the iRule. We will v You will verify
functionality by opening a web browser when there is at least one active pool member. The
page should load fine. You will then mark all All pool members will then be marked down,
and . After this, testing the site a second time should causea page request should cause the
maintenance page to render.
1. Open a web browser and go to
2. Examine the output of the web page. There are multiple images, links, and content
served by various pool members

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3. Click on the Welcome link or scroll down to the bottom and click on other random
4. Close the web browser
Up to this point, we know the iRule is successfully checking active pool member count. Lets
see what happens when all the pool members are marked down.
5. Go back to the F5 web browser
6. Go to Local Traffic > Pools > Pool List

7. Select the pool named lab7_pool

8. Choose the Members tab
9. Check the box next to each of the four pool members
10.Select Force Offline
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This will cause the pool members to be marked offline and look similar to the screenshot

Now lets see ifverify that ourthe application behaves differently on the next attempt to open
the web page.
11.Open a web browser and go to

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VLets verify the iRule one more time by activating at least one pool member.
12.Go back to Local Traffic > Pools > Pool List
13.Select the pool named lab7_pool
14.Choose the Members tab
15.Check the box for at least one or all pool members
16.Choose Enable to bring the server(s) online again

After a few seconds, they should go green and the web page will load successfully again!

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Congratulations! You just completed the Maintenance Page lab.


Try marking only some pool members down. What happens?

Edit the iRule so it checks for at least 2 active members?
Edit the iRule again to log the active member count. Does it show in /var/log/ltm?

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