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(A compilation of the various methods of shielding as told by the members of the

EnergieWerk Group) - Compiled by Sandeep 8/2006

I use mirrors. I picture mirrors surounding me all pointing out. So if anything is

coming my way it is reflected back. This method has always worked for me.

I would like to respond to the question on shielding.My premise of shielding here

is as a form of protection from anything negative.
One of the first formal training I attended was the Mind Science Course way back
in early 1990 which is actually based on the Silva Mind Control. The technique I
learned then which I practise till today is protecting oneself or another with
"Universal White light".
When I feel, I or a member of my family needs extra protection I shower the
person with universal white light and then put myself or the person in a bubble of
white light.
Late last year I learned about Switchwords ( just single words that invoke certain
intentions)and now I use white light with the Switchword "GUARD" for
shielding. This white light shielding has helped my daughter deal with some very
difficult people with much ease.
I also now regularly protect my house with plenty of pure Reiki energy, filling my
whole house with the energy. But I also recite some verses from the Quran
together with this.
In short I strongly believe that if you can invite this universal white light and
surround anything in a bubble of this light, it really offers protection.
Begum (Ms)

One is the golden ball of light wherein I imagine myself surrounded in this
brilliant sphere, which is transparent and is of a golden hue. I see myself being in
this sphere all through the day. I affirm that this shield protects me from all
negative influences and that any psychic attack on me, bounces of this shield and
goes back to the sender as positive reiki energy with love and light, thereby
transmuting any influence of negative karma.

The other is the common reiki CKR shield which I put all around me and
visualize it as glowing in silver or white light. This helps me, I've felt, maybe
because I do more of reiki practise.
Another technique that I sometimes use is the white beam of light, which flows
into me from the sky above and as it goes down through each chakra, it
cleanses it and radiates outward; then goes to the next one and so on. After
it reaches the root chakra, it goes down the legs and out the foot chakras and
down to the centre of the earth, taking with it all the negativity that i might
have picked up. The light from the heart chakra goes down the hands and out the
palm chakras thereby completely immersing me in this divine white light :)

I have only practiced shielding when I send energy daily with my

mother, it seems for me relatives/family can attach themselves easily
so if I have a reiki ball of white light of protection I can send it her
without her aliments attaching to me.
love, light & harmony

You can command the Psychic shield to stay strong for 3 days, then after 3 days,
you can do it again :-)
Wearing a Black tourmaline is great idea, but you also have to wash it every
week, because it can absorb negative energies, and you may get contaminated
with it.
There's one another way to protect yourself...."lighting up a sandalwood
incense" putting it on the floor and let the smoke smudge you." You pray first
and intent it to protect you the whole day.
just me, Paulo

This is one of the techniques I use for protection. I invite the light and then put
myself or the person who needs protection in a bubble of light and release that
bubble with complete belief there is protection. One possible explanation for this
working for you only for short durations is that either fear or doubt starts coming
in. Your mind may be focusing on the "darker energies". You may get better
results if you shift your focus to the white light bubble...see the layers of the white
bubble glowing with protective and secure environment.
As for a pendant, it is believe good quality jade also offers protection from
negative energies.

Just my thoughts
For Our Best and Highest Good Always

White light-Always use this light to shield with, it repels a lot of negativity
however it will not stop a full fledged attack.
Various color lights- the same as above.
The Lower Banishing Pentagram is very effective for shielding if worked the way
The Golden Dawn has presented it.
A call to higher self will net shielding as well, since higher self knows what/who
you are dealing with, higher self can actually program a shield for your.
Out in Nature and need a shield? Turn your body into tree bark, nothing likes
rubbing against hard nubby bark except for deer!
All time favorite that I used to love doing was the Star Trek "Shields Up Scotty!"
I still use that today to bring my shields instantly up.
Live Long and Prosper,

Here is story about angelic protection

I read a story not long ago about a woman who was walking and asked that
angels come and protect her. There had been a bad person in the neighborhood.
Later, when that person was caught, he was asked why he had not hurt that
woman, and he said "I didn't like the look of that big bald guy with the tattoos
and earring who was walking with her."
So, yes, when we ask for protection, it is always given!

You can use the white light from god or the earth or the positive energy. Some
pull the white light of god down to shield, some pull it up from the earth and
some pull it from physical things and the air.
You can use this method it is my favorite.
Visualize yourself standing in the yard visualize gods white light coming down
as a cool/warm soothing rain full of positive energy as the rain covers your body
visualize the water on you as a shield from god covering you and protecting you
from harmful negative energy.

Here is another one I like

You are outside and visualize the white light of god coming down with the sun
light as this sun from god beats down on a big pile of leaves. You go over and roll
in the pile of leaves like a kid and cover yourself with the protecting warmth of
the sun on the leaves. Visualize your body covered with a warm sunny glowing
protective cover from god.
Remember to thank god for all his help.
Best wishes to all Becki (natureblessed)


We all have access to all of the gods, angels, and teachers. You have assistance
to do whatever you need, to do. And they're ready to assist you.
If, however, you feel you are held back by negative entities or negative energies,
look again. This time look inside. You'll probably find it's your own negative
emotions that hold you back. As soon as you remember who you really are (light,
love, joy, and happiness) the negative energies loose their power in the light.
Remember, focus on what you want.
If you are doing Noho (Bringing spirit down inside the physical body) with an
entity of the light, you will quickly find that it will not use "should." It will
never tell you what to do. It won't judge you. Higher level guidance does not
judge. Expect to find only love there. You will find that a higher level being
will discuss, lecture, etc. -- but not judge. Beings of the light will be all love.
Just remember who you are! Remember you're a being of light. Send the
negative energies light and love. Love will always triumph as it is the most
powerful, and it cuts through the negativity.
To protect oneself from unwanted energies, you have to remember one
It is important to know, for the purpose of understanding how things work, is that
the World is as you think it is. Reality is relative to the observer. Truly the basis
of all shamanic practice is that your world is a reflection of your beliefs. In the
Middle Ages people believed the world was flat and before that they thought the
Sun moved around the Earth. These were the beliefs of those times.
Even today, we believe and we're confident about many things, but we know
only what we perceive through our 5 senses. The world is what we think. As
we change out perception (therefore our beliefs) our universe changes as well.

If you believe that you're broke, hopeless and a poor helpless victim, this is going
to be your world. Michael Talbot, the author of The Holographic Universe
showed us how "spontaneous remission" could occur by holding in mind the
right belief therefore transforming illness to health. Think for a moment of how
many important changes YOU made throughout your life by becoming aware of
different choices.
While the world is what you think it is, the shaman goes a step deeper. You
are projecting the play called "your life" through your decisions, beliefs and
choices day by day. Everything in your awareness is a reflection of you and
your beliefs. Therefore what you perceive to be "the truth" is only your
experience through your own filters of what we call "life".
Since perception is projection, any unwanted energies are simply unresolved
material at the unconscious level Alan P. Lewis (Lewis, 1983), the "Golden
Kahuna, "says that " it is wrong and negative to hold onto the extreme fears.
When you and your subconscious are agreed that it is time to remove and release
them, wipe (them] clean..."
With Light and Love

For precise directions to utilize the Lower Banishing Pentagram please click
below This one takes some practice in order to be memorized yet well worth the
I am a firm believer in protection 24/7. I do not consider it fear based. If you
were to pop out of you head and take a good look at your body you would
probably see cords and who knows what else attached to it. We commonly pick
up "hitchhikers" as we move through various realms and during our day as we are
in the public view. When engaged in the magical realms protection is always a
must. Same as moving through the higher realms. The astral zone is a great place
to pick up hitchhikers, they all love it there. Think of it like Starbucks, everyone
hangs out up there. Move up higher and avoid the traffic. While we are working
to increase our vibration we are allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to others and
their emotions and negativity because the fear based messages say we don't need
protection, drop it all, therefore protection is necessary once again. Why?
Protection is taught first hand to the novice when he/she is entering the magical
field, it is the for-front and the ball bearings of the work involved.
As humans we will always need protection until the time comes when negative
entities and negativity is totally eradicated.
If anyone tells you to drop your protection you better be well armed and ready to

do battle.
As for dark entities in the higher realms, this is a misconception. Dark entities
stay in the lower realms.
To be totally honest, Reiki is not a protection device, it is a healing method.
Savhbh ni Daimhin /|\
Druid/Clergy, Reiki Master, Certified Herbalist, Channeler, Author, American
Tribal Dancer & Drummer
Version 1 posted in the files on 8/13/2006

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