Nov Newsletter 2015 PDF

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Serving in Hong Kong

November 2015


Pastor Kolb~Kristie~Shelby~Mary~Micah~Daniel~Christopher~Matthew~Jesse~Katie

Immanuel Lutheran Church

And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven

and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am
with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus bids us in the great commission to go and make
disciples by teaching and baptizing. I have the honor and
privilege of working closely with The Lutheran Church
Hong Kong Synod striving to do this. Working together, an
English speaking congregation for The Lutheran ChurchHong Kong Synod has been planted. The congregations of the
Hong Kong Synod, like those of the Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod, strive to fulfill Christs command of making
disciples through Word and Sacrament ministry. The sharing of Gods Word of forgiveness and by delivering
this forgiveness in the waters of Holy Baptism and the blessed meal of the Lords Supper. Through this
partnership, we are teaching and sharing the life saving message of Jesus Christ. These are written so that you
may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name John
20:31 (ESV). Offering an English service helps to serve the English speaking people of Hong Kong.
Immanuel Lutheran Church meets in the chapel of Concordia Seminary, Kowloon Tong offering
Sunday School, Bible class, and Divine Service on Sunday mornings and Advent services on Wednesday
afternoon at 4:30. The early Advent service time is so that the students and families of Concordia International
School, which is located at the same location as
Immanuel, will join us. Please keep Immanuel
Lutheran Church in your prayers.
My duties now include to serving the
LC-MS servants of Asia and serving as pastor of
Immanuel Lutheran Church.
The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 ESV

If you would like to learn more about Immanuel

Lutheran Church, please visit:
Immanuel Lutheran Church Hong Kong

Serving in Hong Kong

Prayer Requests
- For more workers in the harvest
- For those missing family during
the holidays
- For continued healing for
Christopher as he recovers from
double pneumonia at home after
spending ten days in the
- Thanksgiving for a successful
kidney stone surgery for Krisite

Year end giving.please

think of us.
Thank you for your partnership in
the Gospel and your gift of giving
which helps us to be here. As
2015 draws to an close please
contemplate making a special
year end offering for our support.
Even though we are deployed we
still continue to need your
support to remain in the field.
Gifts can be sent to the address
below or call 800-433-3954
To support the LCMS through
the work of the Kolbs, you may
send a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran ChurchMissouri
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Make checks payable to The
Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod
or LCMS. Include Kolb-Asia in the
memo line. Gifts can also be given
securely online through the LCMS
website, at .
To be added or removed from this
mailing list, send a message to with the
word ADD or REMOVE in the
subject line, or by mail: C L Way
PO Box 793 Ankeny, IA 50021

November 2015

Supporting Your Missionary

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

A sincere and heartfelt Thank You for all the support you have
graciously given us. Your partnership in sharing the Gospel through
prayers and financial support have enable us to serve in Asia.
As 2015 draws to a close, please consider making a special
offering for our support. Missionaries with The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod now employ the Network Supported Model (NSM).
In years past the LCMS supported missionaries from missions giving
to the Synod. This is no longer the case. (If you would like to know
more about the reasons why, click on the following link http:// the article is down on the left side
of the screen.) So what does the NSM mean? LCMS missionaries
visit with congregations and individuals, sharing what Christ is doing
around the world and offering listeners opportunities to invest their
support in this work. Missionaries now must receive enough support
to sustain them in the field before being deployed overseas. Once
that is achieved the missionary is deployed.
However, a continued healthy network of support is needed
for a missionary to remain in the field. While prayer and volunteer
support are important, they cannot be easily measured. Thus
financial support is used as the measuring rod for determining the
sustainability of the network. A healthy, sustainable network
provides for the missionary so he can focus on the work he was
called to do.
Through ongoing partnerships, ideally, a missionarys support
network will have 90% recurring monthly gifts or annual pledges
and the remaining 10% will be from special gifts. Any and all
financial gifts are deeply appreciated.
Because this is a partnership; this working together to share
the Good News of Jesus Christ, a missionary remains in regular
contact with his network. Thus
allowing them to see how they
are participating in Christs
work abroad.
The amount of financial
support required to keep the
Kolb family in the field
$184,450. Even though this
number sounds great, if it is
broken down into categories
by monthly supporters, it is
much more manageable.
Thank you again for all
of your support of the work of
The LCMS as we together
work to go and make disciples
of all nations, Matthew 28:19.
In Christ, Pastor Kolb

Pastor Kolb with The Rev. Dr. Allan Yung President of The
Lutheran ChurchHong Kong Synod and his wife Lilian

Serving in Hong Kong

Jesse out for a ride

November 2015

Katie and her baby

Watching the wildlife at the Lok Fu Wet Market

Daniel cooking biscuits

Christopher and his favorite nurse

The Kolb and

Ferry Families

Please join us
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Kolb Family
Serving Asia

Serving in Hong Kong

November 2015

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