Dream Creature

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Dnd 3.5

The plane of dreams now has become a stage for war between good, evil, law and chaos… the
once vastly unknown plane of dreams first filled with a few deities and some epic creatures its
now an entire world with creatures of evil(such as quori) creatures of good (the brave
adventurers and a few other creatures) and the remaining of abominations and other

The lowest and most diverse of them are however the dream elementals and dream creatures:


Dream creature is a template that can be added to any corporeal animal, dragon, fey, giant,
humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant or vermin. A dream creature uses all the
base creatures statistics and abilities except where noted. Do not recalculate HD, base attack
bonus, saves or skill points if type changes.

Size and type: size remains the same. Animals or vermin become magical beast. Creatures with
this the template on the material plane are extraplanar.

Special attacks: a dream creature retains all attacks of the base creature and gains the
following touch attack:

Reverie (Su): while being in contact with such a creature is easy to lose the referents of reality;
creatures touched get a -1 to their will saving throws and a -1 to resist enchantment and
illusion effects . this effect lasts for 1 round after the creature is touched, multiple touches do
not stack but touches from different creatures do. In any case the penalty gained by this ability
cannot be greater than -3 to will saves and -6 to enchantment and illusion effects.

Special qualities: a dream creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature plus the

Endure elements: ignore the first 5 points of acid, cold, fire, electricity and sonic damage per

Damage reduction: 5/magic, its own natural weapons count as magical for DR purposes

Darkvision 60 ft, low light vision

Power resistance: equal to 10 +HD max 25 or the creatures if better.

Lucid dreaming: although not able to use the skill themselves dream creatures can be affected
by this skill (MoP 203); more precisely someone who know about this quality can use the lucid
dreaming skill to alter their outward appearance, size alteration cannot be achieved by this,
but other cosmetic changes can.

Dimension door (sp): a dream creature can dimension door itself (only) as the spell (caster
level 8) never aperaing within a solid object and able to act immediately. it can do so once per

Alignment: any neutral

Abilities: same as base but intelligence is always at least 3

Environment: the dream plane

Challenge rating: +1

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